7 minute read

Middle School Discipline Policy

Cell Phone/Handheld Electronic Device Policy

Waldorf Educators deeply value the warmth of human connection and the multi-sensory quality of direct experience in the educational process. Increasingly, small screen technology is proving a significant distraction from actualizing these primary values underlying our educational approach. In order to uphold these essential values, and to ensure an educational space that is a respite from media saturation, please observe the following:

● We are a Hand-held-Device-Free Zone. Students are not allowed to bring these devices to school. This includes all handheld electronic devices such as cell phones, Apple Watch, fitness trackers, mp3 players, game players, e-readers, tablets or other portable electronic devices. ● There is a telephone available in the front office for children who need to make a phone call. ● Adults may use their devices in the administrative offices or in their car. ● We recognize that there are certain situations in which parents have determined that a child must have a cell phone and bring it to school (e.g., students living in two family homes, students in off-campus, after school activities, students who ride bikes to school). In these cases, the following will occur:

o Parent sends a signed letter to the class teacher explaining the need for the phone.

Once the request is received, the student is allowed to bring the phone to school. The student will be required to turn the phone in to the class teacher at the beginning of every school day and it will be returned to the student at the end of the day. o Students may not use hand-held electronic devices anywhere on campus, including before and after school or on field trips or other school activities. o If a student is found with one of these devices, it will be confiscated and turned in to the

Front Office. Should this occur, a parent must pick up the device in the office. o On occasion, 7th and 8th grade faculty may allow students to use electronic media for specific projects upon approval by the faculty and the College of Teachers. Should this occur, parents will be informed directly by 7th or 8th Grade class teachers.

Marin Waldorf School Behavioral Expectations

The hallmark of good relationships between all the members of our school community is the ability to listen to and communicate clearly with each other—with respect, courtesy, and awareness of each one’s responsibilities. All of the students, teachers, faculty and staff at Marin Waldorf School are expected to follow the following four agreements and respect the “Code of Compassion”: ● Be safe ● Be kind ● Be respectful ● Be responsible

The following guidelines apply to class lessons, assemblies, festivals and other school activities.

All students are expected to: ● Be in class on time and ready to work for every lesson, with no need to be excused to use the bathroom or take a drink. Have all materials (books, instruments, handwork materials, etc.), ready for each class period. ● Remain seated during class, unless asked or given permission to leave. ● Avoid eating or drinking without permission during class time. Candy or chewing gum are not allowed. ● Respect others, including their property and working space. It is inappropriate to take another’s belongings without permission and invade another’s space without invitation. ● Speak clearly and politely. ● Refrain from swearing or rudeness. ● Refrain from speaking or calling out during class. ● Pay attention to the lesson at hand. ● Respond to the teacher’s instructions and cooperate with the teacher’s requests. ● Complete class work and assignments on time and to the best of your ability. ● Keep school materials and property in good condition. Students are required to repair or replace anything that they damage. ● Keep the classroom and the school grounds clean and tidy. Reuse, recycle and compost whenever possible. ● Remain within school boundaries during school and never leave the school campus without permission. ● Walk while in the breezeways unless with explicit permission from a supervising teacher. Speak at a reasonable volume when passing other classrooms. ● Use the school library under the direct supervision of a teacher, librarian, or library volunteer on duty. Do not eat food and drink in the library. ● Eat only in an area designated by a teacher. Sit down while eating. ● Leave the following at home: pocket knives, matches, lighters, magnifying glasses, weapons look-alikes, weapons, dangerous objects, candy, chewing gum, sugary drinks, pets or special toys (except by written permission from a teacher), cameras (except by written permission from a teacher for a special project).

Playground Behavioral Expectations

To contribute to an environment of safety, respect and cooperation:

● Consult a supervising teacher immediately if difficulties or injuries occur. ● Include others in games and activities. ● Respect our neighbors, their property, their privacy and their animals. Do not sit on or climb fences. Do not enter or throw objects into a neighbor’s yard. ● Share playground equipment. Return all equipment to its appropriate storage space. Notify a teacher on the playground if a ball is unreachable. Use equipment for its intended use only. Return unicycles to the 6th grade classroom after every use. ● Leave personal equipment at home unless first approved by the Movement teacher. ● Keep bicycles in bike racks. Skateboards and scooters are only allowed on school property during Wheel Week. ● Climb only on play structure. Do not climb on sheds, buildings or basketball poles. ● Do not use jump ropes or balls in the climbing structure area. ● Wear waterproof gear if going outside when it is raining. Only teachers may bring umbrellas on the playground. Students without rain gear will play under cover in the breezeways, where supervising teachers will help determine which activities are appropriate. ● Respect closures of certain areas: for example, the field and climbing structure may be closed due to excessively wet conditions. ● Keep the playground clean. Food is not allowed on the playground. ● Use the garden only when a teacher is present and only for quiet activities. No balls are allowed in the garden. ● Bathrooms are not play areas. Care for and use bathrooms properly so that they remain safe and clean for children of all ages. ● Stay on school property and in view of a teacher at all times during school hours and until picked up to go home.

Middle School Discipline Policy

Marin Waldorf Middle School Students are expected to adhere to and have a working knowledge of the guidelines for school behavior as described in the Marin Waldorf School Behavioral Expectations. It is also expected that they strive to follow the Code of Compassion.

In the Middle School, we strive to practice conflict resolution and restorative discipline to ensure that learning can take place in every lesson and school activity. We agree that good discipline grows out of an orderly and loving environment in which students have positive models for their behavior. Clear expectations and positive reinforcement will limit the situations where correction is necessary.

The goal of this discipline policy is to help middle school students develop self-awareness and take responsibility for their behavior and actions. Additionally the intent is to teach students how to be respectful and maintain appropriate behavior. It is the responsibility of the students in middle school to attend school with the intention to learn and grow according to the curriculum presented by their teachers. Being a member of a class requires each student to contribute to the group learning experience in a constructive, non-disruptive way.

When necessary, consequences for thoughtless or harmful actions and for classroom disruptions must be consistent, impartial, and timely. This communicates to the students that there is a strong commitment to a healthy learning environment for all. Examples of the responses that may be taken when other problem-solving tools have been exhausted include, but are not limited to:

● Verbal warning ● Parents notified via a phone call, email or white Discipline Slip ● Parents notified via a “Notice of Concern”slip ● Referral to the Grades Director or School Director ● Support Circle meeting with parents/teacher/other members ● Probation ● Suspension ● Expulsion

The procedure described below does not rule out any teacher from sending a student home immediately if at any time a student’s behavior continuously disrupts the class, is flagrant and needs timely consequence, or is dangerous to others.

MWS, at the sole discretion of the School Director, reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student whose performance, conduct or attendance is found unsatisfactory. The school may also require behavioral or academic evaluation by an outside professional as a condition of continued re-enrollment.

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