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Student Behavior and Policies
● Keep a list of the sources you use (including the author, title, publisher and copyright date) as you use them and make sure to note which information you got from which source. ● When in doubt about what you need to do to avoid cheating or plagiarism, just ask your teacher.
Attendance and Promptness
All students are expected to act responsibly by getting to their classes on time. Arriving late to class puts everyone at a disadvantage. Students miss out on valuable teaching and learning; they disrupt the learning of others, and they start the day disorganized and behind. Academic performance may suffer over time.
Unless accompanied by a parent’s or a teacher’s note, tardiness at any lesson is recorded. Receiving three unexcused tardies in one month within each class will result in a Guidance Slip (see Guidance Slip sample provided on the last page of this booklet.) When arriving late students must pick up a late slip in the office to be admitted to class. There are no exceptions to this policy.
The majority of students at MWS arrive promptly and have good attendance records. Education Code Section 48260 defines a “truant student” as one who has been absent from school without a valid excuse three days or tardy in excess of 30 minutes on each of three days, or any combination thereof, in a school year. Furthermore, Education Code Sections 48261/448262/48264.5 defines a “habitual truant” as one who has been absent from school without a valid excuse for six days, or tardy in excess of 30 minutes on each of six days, or any combination thereof, in a school year.