1 minute read
C. Grades Playground Rules
● Treat all property with respect. Students are required to repair or replace anything that they damage. ● Remain within school boundaries during school and never leave the school campus without permission. ● Walk and speak at a reasonable volume while in the breezeways or passing other classrooms. ● Obtain permission from a teacher to go to the office and/or use the office phone. ● Use the school library under the direct supervision of a teacher, librarian, or library volunteer on duty. No food and drink in the library. ● Eat only in classrooms or, when supervised, in an area designated by a teacher. Sit down while eating.
C. Grades Playground Rules
To contribute to an environment of safety, respect and cooperation, students are expected to:
● Consult a supervising teacher immediately if difficulties or injuries occur during recess. ● Include others in games and activities. ● Respect our neighbors, their property, their privacy and their animals. Do not sit on or climb fences. Do not enter or throw objects into a neighbor’s yard. ● Share playground equipment and return all equipment to its appropriate storage space.
Notify a teacher on the playground if a ball is unreachable. Use equipment for its intended use only. Return unicycles to the 6th grade classroom after every use. ● Leave personal equipment at home unless first approved by the movement teacher. ● Climb on play structures only. Do not climb on sheds, buildings, or basketball poles. ● Do not use jump ropes or balls in the climbing structure area. ● The field, oak groves and climbing structure may be closed due to excessively wet conditions. ● Keep the playground clean. Food is not allowed on the playground. ● Bathrooms are not play areas. Care for and use bathrooms properly so that they remain safe and clean for children of all ages. ● Wear waterproof gear if going outside when it is raining. Only teachers may bring umbrellas on the playground. Students without rain gear will play under cover in the breezeways, where supervising teachers will help determine which activities are appropriate.