The ‘Renaturing Cities – Interdisciplinary Summer School’ is being organised by the Horizon 2020 ReNature project and the COST Action Circular City. The summer school focuses on the complex problems present in human-dominated environments including the effects and impacts of urbanization such as rapidly emerging and changing landscapes in the areas of rural-urban interface.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing the summer school, learners should be able to:
1. Determine societal challenges and identify nature-based solutions to address them.
2. Evaluate the benefits of mainstreaming nature-based solutions and describe links between green infrastructure and human health.
3. Assess the impact of ecosystem structure and function for regulating ecosystem services.
4. Recognise how ecosystem service knowledge can be applied in urban planning decision-making.
5. Communicate scientific content in an engaging and impactful way
Contact information:
Dr Mario V Balzan (MCAST, Email: mario.balzan[at]