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Garcia Media
To date, more than 500 organizations worldwide have trusted the Garcia Media team with helping communicate their message more effectively. The firm’s successes with The Wall Street Journal, The Miami Herald, Die Zeit and small community papers, have given it an unparalleled reputation in newspaper design, and the same successful philosophy of thinking like the audience has crossed over to magazines, Web sites and corporate communications. Led by Dr. Mario Garcia, the Garcia Media team includes top consultants in the fields of newspaper design, magazine design, Web strategy and design, branding and corporate communications. The firm has offices in Tampa, Buenos Aires and Hamburg.
Solene Cesbron
Wanderley Neves
Carrie Cousins
Donna Bryan
CREO Agency
Martin Ferro-Thomsen
David Samuel
Ruth Salaverría
Nathan Zhang
keri s
Tor Kristensen
marius Sabau
Rick Guzman
Victor Gonzalez
Robert Macli
Michael hudgson
Bbcversus Bogdan
Lars Pryds
Elena Coman
Dahlan Dahi
SNDS Magazine
Filemón Alonso-Miranda
Alejandra Torres
David Roa
gaston guaglianone
sergio carravetta
K areto
Carlos Andrés Moscoso
Arizona State University
Regina Ip
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
jp sipilä
Renato Valderramas
Chris C
Ana Scott
Gloria G.
Barry O'Shea
nacho belda
radiq radieh
Vanessa Aires Gomes
Sheylita Reynoso
Anto Carnic
Mohammad Ibrahim Memon
lola ortega