Architecture 101 Part 1 - Learning how to learn

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Architecture 101 Learning how to learn.

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. Mรกrio Pertile

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned.

I learned that

Is hard to look inside yourself because you never know who will be there. But is the only way to start a conversation. #RelativeSizeOfThings

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned.

I need to set parameters.

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned.

Taking pictures I can

zoom in & zoom out my point of view. Pictures are print screens of natural world

and a excelent start point. #50000YearsAgo

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned.

Lights on. Is better. To know myself and to control my shadows. making of // light test

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned.

The space inside a glass of water. A square that fits the crowd inside my room.

Perspective, lights, shadows. Tools. To do. To doc. To share. #MusicWithoutSound

Good way to start. #TVWithoutSignal

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned.

I felt wet. Sweaty. When I thought about my place.

Now I know. #SomePeopleWalk

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned.

I had not thought

about this place yet. #ThingsWithNoName

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned.

I have a good way to start,

From scratch, To think about my place.

With a community and many shared tools. #PlayItByTrust

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned.


I learned about to see with all senses. About what others can see that I could not and about what I can see that others can’t.

I learned about how to start. #MySunMachine

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned from others.

Everything have more than one side and possibly more than one meaning.

pic: @sirmarkdavid

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned from others.

And lights, combined with textures, can produce magniďŹ cent shadows to give a new meaning to a place.

Or to create one. pic: @declairelegenou

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned from others.

It can even change the perception of digital to analog. pic: @allav00

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned from others.

Light can enter on my place. Or not. Depends of my frame. pic: @guess_ana

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned from others.

To use mental tools. If you domains a tool, you can adapt your mental process to this. pic: @jaurinu

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned from others.

As a line starts as a dot, a place starts from a point.

A start point. And takes shape. pic: @silviapeets

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned from others.

When we mixed up different things we can have

nice results to play with pic: @rebecaporras

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. What I’ve learned from others.

Meaning and value are dependent of context. pic: @viviane.btk

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. My place.

I’m kind of nomad. Walking between adaptations.

Time by time. #RomanceInManyDimensions

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. My place.

For the ďŹ rst time I was thinking about a place

that was mine. I had the tools. Is time to set up my relationship with my place. #YouGottaHave #StealingThingsIs #WhatMakesTheDesert

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. My place.

A square. Walls to protect me from the wind. Doors to make me free. Everything needs to be accessible. #OnesDestination

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. My place.

Now I see, Doors are my key.

I’m in a trasition place.


Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. My place.

Each door is a path. And I need to choose. #YouCantCriticize

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. My place.

I need to choose the best path for my place. #HumanBehaviourFlows

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. My place.

I need a place to take a decision. This transition place. Could be in a limited island. #NoManIs

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. My place.

Or in the inďŹ nity of sideral space. #ThisWorldIs

Architecture 101 Learning how to learn. My place.

Simple. I need walls, doors, a place in the center. A cigarret and a whisky.

Now I have my transition place to choose my path. #End

Architecture 101 My illustrated essay.

My journey from nothingness to place. Is hard for a individual that don't have a real fixed place, changing location against their will, to know by himself what means "place". "Place", in this case, is a temporary space to virtually call ‘‘yours’’. But, unconsciously, never was and never will be. So, you can't make an constant and timelined exercise of enjoy a place with roots, with time, without be aware to, without warning, changes everything. In most of cases, ones need to be like Sniff & Scurry, the rats of Who Moved My Cheese?, from Spencer Jhonson. To think fast but carefully in a way to set up a new place, most dockable as possible, accounting the place pre-established constraints. This way of life is good for a mount of things, but not to daily exercise the act of being in a particular place. This essay is about this intensive journey to set up a real place to call mine, in my mind, and start from scratch because nothingness is the constant now.

As mentioned, is hard to start from scratch, in the middle of a lifetime, counting 60 years lifetime, more or less, without a real experience of a place to call yours. Is hard, because in a little bit more of 30 years, don't had the exercise of being in a secure place that, if everything goes wrong, you can stay calm and safe. Physically speaking, is odd to maintain a organization or mental process that ďŹ ts in your needs in a place you can't make modiďŹ cations, put some drawers or paint the walls.

The difďŹ culties starts in the weakness of references since the very beginning period, when as a child. The person can not ďŹ x references of address, group of friends (like "people of school" and "people of neighborhood") and other references that are fundamental to the personality development and to shape the future thoughts and needs. Everything ends being "on the go". As a result of this weakness, you have a individual that past the most part of his life do not giving the necessary attention to a "place". Without thoughts, just little unconscious insights, start to think about one particular place is a journey by itself.

According Paulo Freire, that defends many thesis about how the life-experience on the individual's education can change the paths of his attention, “No one is born fully-formed: it is through selfexperience in the world that we become what we are.�

A individual without physical or mental references about a place since forever may become a person with several difďŹ culties to set up a place that ďŹ t on his needs, for the simple fact that he never thought about this. This kind of constant behavior and way of thinking turns the person in a part of every place that he is in. In every place this person will try to identify herself with a object, a color, a smell, because the need for a place is unconscious for him, for the reason that he never thought about this. Is hard to start now, because is hard to know how to start.

In the other hand, this same person have too many unthought needs that have to come to the top of the iceberg. Many ideas and mental connections that needs to be made that could not be made in the certain time. This unconscious needs are waiting for a little spark will come handy when the exercise of start a place from nothingness become daily in a intensive way.

If you exercise the state of have a place your entire life, you may have difďŹ culties to set up something different that you had. If you have the same references your entire life, maybe you lost many connections that could be made and that would help in the start. The safeness of have the same references for all the life until now can create a state of comfort zone that inhibits the creative process and difďŹ culties the process to absorb a large scale of content in a short period, for the simple reason that without the spirit of adaptation and constant search for any kind of temporary reference creates a safe mental place that don't allow the individual to make ventures in contents, links or references, having a oldschool though that the learn needs to be from outside to inside, and not from the real needs.

In this points and others similar that involves attitude, sense of research, adaptation and community feelings, a person without references since the beginning of her life could have more advantage in to set up something from scratch, in a short period of time, with more malleability to deal with contents in a not-linear deliver. This ability to deal with the proposed scenario and adapt in, could be the vector to absorb the content, adapt the content to the actual reality and starts the sparks insofar as it the thoughts about start a journey from nothingness to a very particular place are exercised.

Sigmund Freud says: ``Thinking in pictures, stands nearer to unconscious processes than does thinking in words, and is unquestionably older than the latter both ontogenetically and phylogenetically.``

A camera, for example, can be a very useful tool for a person without references to start. A simple way to register, document and organize insights, patterns and references that can't be translated with words. Things with no name. A person without roots references tends to easily ďŹ nd a second meaning, or a third, in ordinary things. A person with reference, well, have the reference and tends to be more objective on his thoughts. The challenge here is to use the weakness of a timelined reference of place and what this brings with the past of time as a advantage to the creativity and try to focus on the objective of to, ďŹ rst, discover where you are, and then, to ďŹ nd the path to moving on for where you want to be.

My journey with architecture and the space started almost one year ago in Siracusa, in the Architecture Between the Sea and the Sky Summer Camp. At this moment, architecture, besides concepts inserted in Design1o1 MOOC, was an all new issue to start to think. Needs to define a space to deal with, in another country, culture and language seemed to be hard, but the fact that I don't had this reference of "my particular place", roots and all that involves the place, helped me to find this references in the local culture as mine. This way was easy to absorb the particularities of the place and to find a concept to deal in a new location. I looked to this references as safe points to communicate myself, to start conversations and to know where to start. I looked for this references because in the beginning of the journey, I was not safe, without this. And that experience helped me to start a conversation with myself about my particular place. Now, with Architecture 1o1,I start to put in practice this knowledge, this pursuit for a reason, an objective, in the middle of references. I started from scratch one year ago, just in theory, and now, I am in the practice to find my place.

Taking pictures of no name things was a magnificent experience, once that gave me the ability of no judgment. This thing is that, but could be another thing, If I want to. Without the lifetime place reference, I could shoot my camera for any side, without previous judgment. I learn about lights, shadows and perspective in practice. Learning to sketch taught me how I can use this tool when I am not in a place. Taught me how to be safe without a table and a pen or a computer to start from scratch when I have the need. Making collages showed me how to place ideas, not necessary mines, in a same page and to play with visual thoughts and roughs. Observing the weather, besides the techniques learned, Taught me how to use the weather, until the bad weather, as advantage in my project. Shaping diagrams helped me to organize myself until in a hard content situation. To put ideas in a logical order, ready to execute. Drawing maps helps me to put everything learned in this first part of journey in a visual state and find what place I am now.

Today I'm able to see that my special place, the place that I'm now, and the place that I need to pay attention to have the ability to moving on is a transitional place. With all this knowledge acquired, I'm able to use my weakness of reference place and roots to be more safe when I need to execute something. Everything can be mobile and now I can be too. The doors are my keys. The doors can be opened to most several number of places. All places are good, but with different approaches that need to be analyzed. The ďŹ nal point of this ďŹ rst part of my journey is this transition point. A simple square with doors to be opened and a comfortable place in the middle with a cup of whisky. A place without things to call my attention. A place with a calm, quiet and peaceful moment inside.

. A place that I can be lost for a moment and then find a solution. To take a decision. What door I will open to find my final place? My final place need to be realized inside my actual place. At this moment, is clear that I can't take a decision about my place because the issues proposed at the beginning of the essay, but this weakness of reference place made me to take all kind references, suppress all that don't matter and to put the rest in a transitional place. An emergency HQ that provides the safety to think more clearly about what I need, instead of what I want. Now, I have a safe place to think about the next step of my life. My previously experience tells me to take a break in a provisional place, all set up for this, and to choose carefully what door to open. My journey from nothingness to a place ends with a place to reflection. Is what my previous experience without a particular place plus the knowledge absorbed in this first part to make my place concludes.

Architecture 101 - Part 1 An introduction to space and architecture offered by Abadir Accademy of Design and Fine Arts and Iversity.

Instructors: Stefano Mirti, Anne Sophie Gauvin and Petronela Nita

Apps used in the images: Pictures: Instagram and Android Gallery effects Sketchs: SketchbookX Collages: Photogrid Geometrical: DrawExpress Mosaics: Kaleidoscope Presentation: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop & Corel Draw

Booklet + Illustrated Essay by Mรกrio Pertile. February, 2015. Porto Alegre/RS - Brazil

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