Architecture 101 Learning how to start. Mรกrio Pertile instagram/twitter @mariopertile
Architecture 101 Learning how to start.
What I’ve learned.
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
I learned that
to start any project I need to deďŹ ne proportions. Big could be small, and vice versa depends on the subject. #WeAllShineOn
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
To explain, sometimes, diagrams are better than text. #NothingIsBuilt
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
To replicate existing projects
Is great to learn how to start yours.
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
To put together many techniques to explain just one objective could be more illustrative than just one. And outdoors can surprise ourselves. #YouGetUp
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
Patience is a virtue that rewards. #ThereIsNothing
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
And allow us to see the solutions everywhere. #TVWithoutSignal
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
Everywhere #OurLifeIs
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
When you achieve the goal alone
you get proud. #ThePrimaryFactor
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
But, when you have company,
You can talk about and improve more..
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
Little scale helps a lot do save physical materials and to prevent future ďŹ ghts.
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned.
And after to learn how to start, I can start to make. #IfItHadBeen
Architecture 101 Learning how to start.
What I’ve learned from others.
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned from others.
pic: @han_tro
pic: @mucci.m
Food generates great results.
pic: @emola111
pic: @emola111
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned from others.
The human body can be a very good place to train points of view.
pic: @r4ace
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned from others.
pic: @karenlili101
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned from others.
To mix diffrent color styles. Digital and analog.
pic: @irene.herlej
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. What I’ve learned from others.
pic: @viviane.btk
Architecture 101 Learning how to start. My mental space.
My mental space
After thinking about a place that was mine, Now I start my mental place. I was on a transitional place. Now I’m getting to the point.
After the second part of the proccess, now I achieve to get out of my transitional place and start to think on my real mental space. Things are very better in terms of organization and needs now. Now I know that I need some space, but not too much. Just the ideal to fit my pleasures, my duties and my little life. My mental space is now organized in a way to receive the information and to save just what is needed. Many things are good, but don’t proper fit. Before, I was a ‘information catcher’, and a sentimental objects savior. Now, after to deal with space in many ways, I could saw that less is more and my mental space for now is much more confortable and ready to change. In my personal life I can see changes too, like to deal with the space that is not really yours better, and to make this space yours as long as is yours. On my transitional place, I was thinking about the change. Now I have the direction, proportions and measurements that I need to start my real mental space. My permanent and organized mental space.
Architecture 101 - Part 2 An introduction to space and architecture offered by Abadir Accademy of Design and Fine Arts and Iversity.
Instructors: Stefano Mirti, Anne Sophie Gauvin
Apps used in the images: Pictures: Instagram and Android Gallery effects Sketchs: SketchbookX Collages: Photogrid Geometrical: DrawExpress Cubes: Fancy Craft Presentation: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop & Corel Draw
Booklet by Mรกrio Pertile. April, 2015. Porto Alegre/RS - Brazil