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Elizabeth Elmer National President 2012 - 2014 ADK Mexico

Lynda MartĂ­nez del Campo National Historian 2012 - 2014

Check also: ECO-FUN Fun Eco-activities for Children


Elizabeth Elmer



ALPHA DELTA KAPPA MEXICO International Professional Organization for Outstanding Women Educators National Highlights 2012 – 2014

Working and Learning Toward Common Goals CONTENTS DEDICATION











































Thank you for your smiling face and your dedication to Mexico, learning, and Alpha Delta Kappa. 4








Message from the National President Dear Sisters and Friends, Grab a cup of coffee (or a Margarita or two) and enjoy this overview of the highlights of the 2012-2014 biennium for Alpha Delta Kappa MEXICO. Very special congratulations to all of the members of the new National Board for their willingness to serve our beloved organization of outstanding women educators here in Mexico. Also I send a very big hug and thanks to all of the outgoing National Board for the outstanding job they did during the 2012-2014 biennium! We turned over the reins after a final mentoring board meeting of the new and old boards on May 31st. To my successor, Azalia Buenrostro, and her President-Elect Debby Elliott, my very best wishes as they continue to lead our group upwards and onwards. Thank you to National Historian Lynda Martinez del Campo for helping to prepare our archives. Besides this current report we have put together a digital photo album to go along with our newsletters and CDs. These digital “scrapbooks” are a first for Alpha Delta Kappa and we hope that you enjoy them as much as we did making them for you, as we move into the 21 st century! Also a thank you for all of the chapter level leaders as well and to all of the members, families and friends who helped to make these two years such a success! Thank you for allowing me to serve as your National President. In these last months we have been busy with initiating new members, continuing with altruistic projects, attending chapter and national activities, and electing new chapter officers. We also represented you at our South Central Regional Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma this summer. Please remember all of the friendships, opportunities to serve, and inspiration we receive from Alpha Delta Kappa. Now is the time to stand up and volunteer -and accept when asked - to help our beloved group as leaders for the next biennium. To all of the members of Alpha Delta Kappa MEXICO may you continue to enjoy our wonderful organization as we all grow and serve our communities. Many blessings to you all!


“Con mucho cariño y un fuerte abrazo “

and volunteer -and accept when asked - to help our beloved group as leaders for the next biennium. To all of the members of Alpha Delta Kappa MEXICO may you continue to enjoy our wonderful organization as we all grow and serve our communities. Many blessings to you all! “Con mucho cariño y un fuerte abrazo “

Elizabeth Elmer, National President,2012-2014

Please remember all of the friendships, opportunities to serve, and inspiration we receive from Alpha Delta Kappa.


MESSAGE FROM THE NATIONAL HISTORIAN, 2012-2014 WHAT ALPHA DELTA KAPPA MEANS TO ME ADK provides the perfect balance for me in my busy life. It presents me with the opportunity to participate in serious events that support reputable charities; it provides me with the sorely needed possibility of networking with other professional women, of Mexican, American and many other nationalities, and it has helped me broaden my horizon - learning about topics that I knew nothing about, to things that I didn't even know I was interested in! Our meetings are a welcoming break in my routine which I have come to look forward to. I have made many new lasting personal and professional relationships and friendships thanks to this group. There is nothing else like ADK in Mexico! It has been my pleasure to work with our National President Elizabeth Elmer and all of you over the years. I hope that your membership in Alpha Delta Kappa has been as enriching as it has been for me. We are pleased to present you with the history of our group for the 2012-2014 biennium. Enjoy! LYNDA MARTINEZ DEL CAMPO, NATIONAL HISTORIAN 2012-2014


Founders’ Day Breakfast 2012



Founders’ Day Breakfast 2012

Martha Gonzalez-Stuart with her certificate. Liz with the photo of our founders.


We lit four candles one for each of our founders and a special fifth one for our beloved Anita Aguilar who joined the Omega Chapter. Thank you to Anita Aguilar for her wonderful smile! Yolanda Ravelo does the honors.

Jeannie Andersen with her daughter Kristen Tripp and Elizabeth Elmer

Erin Sander and soon-tobe husband Evan Bouey


A large crowd of over 60 came!

ETA delegation Yolanda Ravelo, Chapter President Debby Elliott, Yvonne Leonard, and Raquel Munitz .Favors were purple ADK Mexico tote bags, cookies from Europe and Gustav Klimt cards.

Our very own Laura Belmar sang a moving song from Wicked “For good”. These are the words I liked best: “I was better for have known you.” We enthusiastically bought the CD she prepared as a fundraiser to help with her husband Alfonso’s medical expenses. With love!


“Congratulations on a most successful Founders' Day! We thoroughly enjoyed it…. The song that Laura (Belmar) sang from "Wicked" was also very moving.” Susan Cuevas

Eloisa Cudney, Our National Altruistic Chair., and below, Debby Elliott and Yvonne Leonard enjoying the breakfast event.


Our Speaker This Year We heard the story of The Lady in Gold, the Klimt portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer that caused a sensation in the art world when it sold for $135 million in 2006.

ANNE MARIE O’CONNOR. We were pleased to have top-notch speakers throughout these two years including “New York Times” best-selling author Anne Marie O’Connor talking about her book The Lady in Gold which told about artist Gustav Klimt’s work by the same title and its restoration to its rightful owner after the war. It was a fascinating and fun presentation with scores of colorful photos. Anne Marie was a delight to work with and helped us to promote this event in the newspapers, panel discussions, and through her contacts. Thank you! This is the promotional flier we distributed for our Founders’ Day event.





This is the flier that we handed out and sent for e-mail promotion.

The Olagaray sisters: Rebeca, Rocio, and Raquel.



We made a complimentary DVD of the conventionthe first time we have ever done this. With each of the breakfasts and conventions this biennium we also had a photographer to capture all of the special moments.

Speakers For the first time ever at one of our breakfasts or conventions we had three main speakers:

Barbara Field “Around the World with Education”

Jael Sanchez “Hands Across the Border: Deaf Education”

Nancy Castillo “My Life as an Ambassador’s Wife.” We termed these “culture capsules.” We also honored the inspiring work by our own Janet Saenz (from the Gamma Chapter) on “Gifted Children and Public and Rural Schools” and Epsilon Member Nancy Gurrola with “The North Carolina- Iberoamerican University Cultural Understanding Program.” We also gave Janet a certificate as a former National President and to Nancy our first Golden Service Award.

National Altruistic Chair Eloisa Cudney 18

From left guests Barbara Franco, sociolinguist Dr. Georgeanne Weller and our Nancy Gurrola.

AT THE SPRING CONVENTION we also honored all of our International members here in Mexico: Nadia Kozlova (Russia), Angela Florio (The Philippines), Cunera Spoor (Holland), Maria Zapata (Ecuador) ,Patty Concha (Peru), and Susan Smith and Erin Sanders (Canada). Of course, we also have American and Mexican members. We celebrate diversity and world understanding every day!

Painting at The JW Marriott


Photos At the top: Guests and view of the beautiful ballroom and exhibits. At the bottom Fran Gamboa receiving The Leadership Scholarship for her trip to the International Convention in Washington, D.C. From left President-Elect Carmen Schultz, Fran, and Treasurer Azalia Buenrostro. Carmen received this scholarship the previous year and gave a moving tribute to Fran Gamboa. AT THE 2013 CONVENTION we had a display and sale of arts and crafts from Honduras, international jewelry, a display of Navajo weaving from weaver and Epsilon member Wilma Elmer, and convention favors of scenic books from Carlos Elmer and others from Arizona and the Southwest US. We also introduced our Navajo rug raffle this day. See the photo of this rug, Wilma Elmer, and the drawing of the winner in the Fundraising section of this scrapbook.


FOUNDERS’ DAY BREAKFAST 2013 Our Golden Anniversary


WE CELEBRATED OUR GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY! October was not only Alpha Delta Kappa month but it was also the month of the founding of Alpha Delta Kappa MEXICO on October 26, 1963. We celebrated this Golden Anniversary milestone in style at the J. W. Marriott Hotel in Mexico City with gold and more gold everywhere!

Colorful centerpieces of purple and gold adorned the breakfast tables along with festive shiny gold balloons. Thank you to Eloisa Cudney for all the wonderful decorations and special touches! Each breakfast table had a “Make a Wish� golden bank for loose change. (Thank you to Rhona Statland de Lopez for this clever idea.) After this event, these were given to the director of our national Altruistic Project, Father Luis Figueroa, to be presented to the Archbishop of Guerrero to aid with the disaster relief efforts there.


We are happy to report that over $3,000 pesos were collected. This was one of our Alpha Delta Kappa month altruistic projects.

Eloisa Cudney also prepared “Christmas Jars” for our Golden Anniversary Breakfast favors and altruistic project .These were given away to those in need- all 60 of them! In the photo the jar with “gold” chocolate coins is on the left and the bank is on the right. Each attendee was given a “Christmas Jar” as an individual altruistic project for the months leading up to Christmas. Loose change was collected in these jars which were secretly given away. This was inspired by Jason F. Wright’s book that we heard about at the International Convention last summer in Washington, D. C.


To make this 50th celebration extra special Mexico was honored to have Laura Bourgeois, Executive Administrator from our International Headquarters located in Kansas City, Missouri as its guest for several days. She brought greetings and a certificate from our International President June Bellamy. (She even brought her young son Patrick on his first trip outside of the States!) At this breakfast we honored the four women who founded our organization as well as the past national presidents and members from the five decades since Alpha Delta Kappa began in Mexico.

Three of our veteran members: Yvonne Leonard, Harriet Guerrero, and Debby Elliott. See the entire list of “veteran” members Harriet is also a “Sapphire Sister” having been part of Alpha Delta Kappa for 35 years.


Lynda Martinez del Campo “Remarkable Women in Mexican History.”


We agreed that the women cited helped shape Mexico’s history, and that Alpha Delta Kappa is proud of what it has been achieved in Mexico over the past 50 years of service. The traditional candle lighting ceremony was a touching and beautiful reminder of the pillars of our beloved organization: educational excellence, altruism, world understanding, and fellowship. Congratulations were also given to Rocio Salas, the first recipient of The Connie Laurent Scholarship for Professional Development. This new scholarship, named after one of our most beloved past national presidents, was introduced this year by Immediate Past National President Diana Ramirez. “Thank you to ADK for my scholarship. It was a lifesaver!” Rocio Salas


Fran Gamboa, winner of The Leadership Scholarship, then spoke about her experiences attending the International Convention last summer in Washington, D. C. She thanked everyone for this opportunity.

Rocio Salas is on the right and new member Jael Sanchez- former ITE (International Teacher in Education) Scholar - below. Jael won her award from International Alpha Delta Kappa to complete her Master’s Degree in Education for the Deaf in Washington, D.C.


To all of our members and especially to all of our Veteran Members from the 60’s and 70’s! At the breakfast they received diplomas and bouquets of flowers. Phyllis Arriaga Maria Elena Drosihn Debby Elliott Angela Florio Harriet Guerrero Nancy Gurrola Yvonne Leonard Lynda Martinez del Campo Yolanda Ravelo Janet Saenz


From the opening lively marimbas to the joy of presenting the final grand door prize (one of 31 prizes!) of a free night’s stay at the elegant JW Marriott Hotel, a great time was had by one and all! Alpha Delta Kappa is proud of what it has been able to do for Mexico over the past 50 years of service. Respecting and building on our “Roots of Tradition,” we are moving into areas of innovation and “Twenty-First Century Relevance” as we adapt to the times, needs and circumstances of Mexico through exciting activities. Thank you to Alpha Delta Kappa for providing us with a wonderful organization that has helped us to grow and serve personally, professionally and altruistically and has given us “wings to soar!” “The most significant events of this biennium? I loved the breakfasts and conventions most especially the Klimt talk at the University Club (2012), our World Understanding Conference (2013) and our 50th Anniversary Celebration (2013)!” Susan Cuevas




Promotional flier for 2014 Spring Convention

Spring Convention 2014


SPRING CONVENTION 2014 We had a great turnout for our ADK Mexico Spring Convention on March 29th, which was hosted at the University Club on Mexico City’s Reforma Avenue.

INTERNATIONAL International President June Bellamy and International Vice President for our South Central Region Paula O’Neill participated in the ceremonies, installation of officers for the coming biennium and also made guest speaker Sylvia Schmelkes an Honorary Member.


1.Paula O’Neill addressing the Spring Convention with Outgoing National President Elizabeth Elmer and International President June Bellamy on stage at the beautiful University Club. 2. Room overview. 3. Father Luis Figueroa, Rocio Salas, June Bellamy, Elizabeth Elmer, and loyal veteran members ANGELA FLORIO and JANET SAENZ. 4. June Bellamy, Paula O’Neill, Elizabeth Elmer, and Gamma President Martha Gonzalez-Stuart welcome our two newest members: Kelly Bufferina and Licha Monjares. WELCOME!


SYLVIA SCHMELKES Ms. Schmelkes is the president of the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education -- a new, autonomous voice that is empowered to design binding recommendations for the improvement of Mexican education. It’s a long- term project, considering the diversity in the country. Her aim is quality education for all students. “We don’t want to homogenize,” she said. “It was great hearing about the plans for education for the country and also having the convention topic on education again!” Jeannie Andersen

FIRST RECIPIENT OF THE NATIONAL HONORARY MEMBERSHIP FOR ALPHA DELTA KAPPA: MEXICO It is our honor to have SYLVIA SCHMELKES be named for National Honorary Membership to Alpha Delta Kappa, Mexico, with the approval and recognition of International Alpha Delta Kappa.


Elizabeth Elmer and Nancy Gurrola

Sharon Daltuabuit and Elizabeth Elmer Our nominee from Mexico for the International Excellence in Education Award is NANCY GURROLA. We salute Nancy for all that she has done to promote International Understanding throughout her long career in education especially in her work between Mexico and North Carolina. “Thank you again for nominating me for the honor of Excellence in Education—there are really so many members who deserve to be nominated.” Nancy Gurrola One of our newest Silver Sisters SHARON DALTABUIT is seen above. We later honored LYNDA MARTINEZ DEL CAMPO, BEVERLEY BLOUNT, and MARIA ZAPATA for their loyal 25 years of membership and service at the May Epsilon meeting. Our Sapphire Sister (35 years) is HARRIET GUERRO from the ETA Chapter.



Thanks to National Board 2012-2014! Martha Gonzalez-Stuart, Fran Gamboa, Debby Eliott, Susan Cuevas, Azalia Buenrostro, Rhona S. de Lopez, and Eloisa Cudney. Not pictured: Elizabeth Elmer, Carmen Schultz, Lynda Martinez del Campo, Nadia Kozlova, Jeannie Andersen, Nancy Murray and Diana Ramirez.



BRAVO AND ALL BEST WISHES! NATIONAL BOARD ALPHA DELTA KAPPA MEXICO BIENNIUM 2014-2016 President – Azalia Buenrostro President-Elect – Deborah Elliott Past President – Elizabeth Elmer Recording Secretary – Diana Ramirez Treasurer – Sharon Daltabuit Corresponding Secretary – Mercedes de St. Aubin Chaplain – Fran Gamboa Sergeant –at-Arms – Martha Gonzalez-Stuart Membership VP – Patricia Concha Archives Chair –Eloisa Cudney Altruistic Chair – Mary Yonker





It was an honor to present the “thought of the day” at our National Board Meetings as well as at our Founders’ Day Breakfasts and National Spring Conventions. The topics ranged from fellowship, to inclusion and shared leadership. What a pleasure to serve as your National Chaplain during the 2012- 2014 Biennium and to help with the many wonderful activities we were able to have these past two years! With love and blessings!

What I love best about ADK are the personal moments with the people who are so generous to give them to me personal talk, personal time, emotional support, good will, friendship and the social part. During my first years in ADK, my concentration was on improving my English language skills and professional development. Now my interests have changed to value and appreciate even more the social and emotional aspects as well as the fellowship. With love, Nadia Kozlova page 1 of 1








JOINT MEETINGS OF GAMMA AND EPSILON JUNE, 2012 Hostess- Eloisa Cudney Wow! Hostess with the most-est! Marimbas. Champagne. The works! Speaker- Dr. Judith de la Torre from Colegio de Mexico “Indigenous Communities, Textiles and Weaving”

1. Complete with marimbas! 2. From left above Patty Concha, Susan Cuevas, Donna Arias, and our wonderful hostess Eloisa Cudney!


1. Thank you to Lynda for providing us this fascinating speaker who brought loads of textiles, especially her specialty of “huipeles”, for us to see and buy to benefit village members. 2. We used Eloisa’s trampoline to display the textiles and We bought up everything in sight 3. We celebrated the June birthday girls: Eloisa, Arleen Foster, Nadia Kozlova,(Carmen Schultz holding the cake), Martha GonzalezStuart, Susan Cuevas, and Azalia Buenrostro.


DECEMBER, 2012 1. Dancing up a storm for us at our holiday get-together were Joycelyn Osnaya, Nadia Kozlova, and Erin Sander. We had a wonderful turkey feast and also enjoyed Roger Cudney singing holiday tunes. Hostess.- Rocio Salas in her spacious and modern party room. A great holiday party! Thank you Rocio!

JUNE, 2013 Hostess- Lynda Campo.



2. Fun joint meeting at Lynda’s beautiful home. 3. Seen from left Debby Elliott, Fran Gamboa, and Joyce Martinez.


Hostess. Becky Salvador Speaker. Laurie Stahl “Starting the Humanitree School� We also had a promotional champagne breakfast for 25 in San Mateo, Edo. de Mexico, a potential new chapter. Thank you to Becky Salvador for being our hostess and to her and Fran Gamboa for spearheading this event! We also honored Angela Florio as a Veteran Member.


We agreed that the women cited helped shape Mexico’s history, and that Alpha Delta Kappa is proud of what it has been achieved in Mexico over the past 50 years of service. The traditional candle lighting ceremony was a touching and beautiful reminder of the pillars of our beloved organization: educational excellence, altruism, world understanding, and fellowship. Congratulations were also given to Rocio Salas, the first recipient of The Connie Laurent Scholarship for Professional Development. This new scholarship, named after one of our most beloved past national presidents, was introduced this year by Immediate Past National President Diana Ramirez. Thank you to ADK for my scholarship. It was a lifesaver!” Rocio Salas



EPSILON CHAPTER MEETINGS SEPTEMBER, 2012 Hostess- Susan Cuevas Yummy chilis en nogada! Speaker- Sylvia Prado “Sustainable Development”

NOVEMBER, 2012 Hostess- Sharon Daltabuit In her wonderfully spacious home plus a great buffet! Speaker: Dr. Vanessa Murray (daughter of our very own Nancy!) and PhD from Oxford University! Title “Biological Aspects of Autism”



MARCH, 2013

Hostess – Fran Gamboa A great time and a great do-ityourself sandwich and salad bar. We met at The Capital City Baptist Church Thanks to the church and Mrs. Sasser. Speaker – Mary Yonker “Where Mexico Stands in Education Worldwide”

Hostess – Maria Zapata Speaker – Isela Consuegro Coordinator of Escuela Lomas Altas

MAY, 2013 Hostess – Nancy Gurrola Speaker – Rhona S. de Lopez “Revisiting Behind the Blackboard” Insightful look at past and present trends in education. … And what classy hospitality, like always!

FEBRUARY, 2013 A Valentine’s Day treat complete with the initiation of four new members and the reinstatement of our hostess Jackie Gay!

A great day! Speaker on “Saving the Loggerhead Turtles of the Sea of Cortes”


SEPTEMBER, 2013 Hostess - Eloisa Cudney Speaker on “Fact and Fiction in Mexican History” A wonderful carrot cake topped by a “Sister Doll”

What a day! With torrential rainfall, traffic jams right and left and teacher’s marches!

JANUARY, 2014 Hostesses- Patty Concha and Milda Valades We met at the Sierra Nevada on Reforma Speaker- Paty Palm “The Nime School” An altruistic project by the Sierra Nevada Honored Veteran Member Phyllis Arriaga

Phyllis Arriaga and Elizabeth Elmer


FEBRUARY, 2014 Hostess – Nadia Kozlova Speaker- Dr. Caroline Linse Author and world traveler. Jetted in from current home in Dublin, Ireland!! “The parent-school connection” A report of her worldwide research for The British Council.

MAY, 2014 Hostess – Jackie Gay Speaker – Barbara Field “My Recent Trip to Morocco” We also honored three of our Silver Sisters: Maria Zapata, Beverley Blount (visiting from El Paso, Texas) and Maria Zapata (luckily in the country!). We had already honored Sharon Daltabuit previously at the Spring Convention.

“My favorite memories from these past two years were of the wonderful and interesting meetings with so many lifetime friends and for the opportunity to make new friendships, too. What could be better than friendship?” Eloisa Cudney 51

ETA CHAPTER MEETINGS SPRING, 2012 Hostess – Dorothy Pratts Speaker – Elizabeth Elmer “Who We Are and Where Are We Going”

Front row: Yolanda Ravelo and Elena Droshin. Back row: Debby Elliott, Jeannie Andersen, Raquel Munitz, Yvonne Leonard, guest Elizabeth Elmer, and hostess Dorothy Pratts. Elizabeth Elmer’s visit reenergized the group and motivated some “soul searching” as to identity and goals.

SUMMER AND FALL, 2012 Jeannie Andersen got “First Husband” Rudy Tripp, a professional in this area, to work with Eta on strategic planning.

AUGUST, 2012 The agenda for the coming year was planned and there was a discussion about creating an e-cookbook out of their successful 2006 one and in seeking more members.

“I am honored to be a part of ADK after being away so long and I am happy to have been given the opportunity to serve and will do so in the best way possible and in the best interest of my sisters and ADK in general. Moving ahead with our plans for giving ETA and ADK continuity and growth is very exciting.” Debby Elliott 52

DECEMBER, 2012 Hostess – Harriet Guerrero Speaker was Dr. Mary Lynn Patton The Tepoztlan Women’s Group and Weekend Retreat “Jane Fonda’s The Third Act of Life.”

1. Outside of Harriet’s school. Guest,Yolana Ravelo, Dorothy Pratts, guest, Chapter President Debby Elliott, guest, Jeannie Andersen, Yvonne Leonard. 2. ”Wise Women” lecture. Fantastic turn out for a stimulating talk. OCTOBER, 2012 Memorial for “Omega Member” and dear friend Anita Aguilar.


NOVEMBER, 2012 Hostess – Debby Elliott Thanksgiving Get-Together and Feast

1. ETA members and guests enjoying Debby’s hospitality! DECEMBER, 2012 Hostesses- Casa Chocolate B&B Speakers – Cathy Pepin and Christine Cretchley “Starting a Bed and Breakfast Business”

JANUARY, 2013 Hostess- Harriet Guerrero We met at her language school once again “Cemanahuac” Speaker: Charlie Goff, author, journalist, anthropologist “Education in Mexico”


FEBRUARY, 2013 Hostess – Yvonne Leonard at her school Speaker – Dr. Alicia Caro “NUESTROS PEQUEÑOS HERMANOS”

Speaker Dr. Alicia Caro (white shirt) addressing the group and receiving diploma from Debby Elliott.! APRIL, 2013 Hostess – Harriet Guerrero at her school Speaker – Dr. Susan Smith “The Aztin Charity” Initiaiton of Elizabeth Robinson Lopez and Susan Smith Elizabeth Elmer had the pleasure being present for this special Day! See the photos of them under the Membership section.


JULY, 2013 Hostess – Raquel Munitz Speaker – Elizabeth Elmer “Topics from the International Convention in Washington, D.C.” Initiation too! See photo in the “Membership” section.

SEPTEMBER, 2013 Hostess: Jeannie Andersen Speaker: Dr. Mayra Santoveña Facinating university professor recommended by Dorothy Pratts “How to Identify and Help Children with Special Educational Needs such as Attention Deficiency and Autism”

NOVEMBER, 2013 Hostess: Jeannie Andersen We talked about the autism conference and promoting Susan Smith’s Atzin charity coloring book at ADK conventions.

DECEMBER, 2013 Hostess- Yvonne Leonard End-of-the-Year Potluck Social

JANUARY, 2014 Hostess: Jeannie Andersen Chapter President Debby Elliott was unable to physically attend the meeting, but was present through the aid of Skype from Mexico City. It was our first attempt to use this technology, and, although our technological prowess still needs to honed, we will continue to integrate modern technology into our life!


We talked about how to organize our autism conference and watched a” Ted Talk” by Temple Grandin on her ideas about special learners and her own struggles and achievements with this condition.

MAY, 2014 Hostess – Elizabeth Robinson Lopez Elections and Overview of this Biennium From left Debby Elliott, hostess Elizabeth Robinson Lopez, Raquel Olagaray, guest, Yolanda Ravelo and Yvonne Leonard on the right. Jeannie Andersen took the photo.

JUNE, 2014 Hostess- Yvonne Leonard Thank you for hostessing another culminating social event for us Eta has been revitalized this biennium! Upward and onward! “I have been in ADK ETA for over 40 years, and two years ago we had a membership crisis, but we survived and are dedicated to the values of ADK.” Yolanda Ravelo “I loved the fact that we managed to survive as a group. I am very thankful to Liz for her ongoing support and encouragement.” Yvonne Leonard



GAMMA CHAPTER MEETINGS SEPTEMBER, 2012 Hostesses – Martha Gonzalez-Stuart and Martha Dominguez Speaker – Andrea Bustamante “The Waldorf Method and Schools” Thank you to Diana Ramirez for finding this interesting speaker! JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH, 2013 – We met to discuss ADK business.

SEPTEMBER, 2013 Hostesses – Martha Gonzalez-Stuart and Martha Dominguez Preparing for the Founders’ Day Breakfast and the new year. Visitor National President Elizabeth Elmer

Gamma preparing handmade pumpkins for sale. This is the chapter altruistic project to help support the artist- a young man named Bernardo who suffers from MD. The pumpkins are handmade using dough and look truly realistic. Elizabeth Elmer , Donna Arias, Azalia Buenrostro, Mercedes de St. Aubin, Diana Ramirez, Janet Saenz, Chapter President Martha Gonzalez-Stuart, and Nancy Murray’s head. Martha Dominguez took the photo.


Gamma’s handmade fruit seen here with our Chaplain Nadia Kozlova and Jeannie Andersen. “

JANUARY and FEBRUARY, 2014 We met to discuss ADK business in January at the home of Martha Gonzalez-Stuart and then in February to initiate Kelly Bufferine and Licha Mijares. Our newest Gamma members shared their professional interests and histories at the February meeting which was held at Donna Arias’ home.


Building Bridges: Connections

and Publicity


BUILDING BRIDGES: CONNECTIONS AND PUBLICITY We continued to work closely with Charity Coalition, The American Benevolent Society (ABS), and our National Altruistic Project, Domus Alipio. Ambassador to Mexico Mr. Anthony Wayne.

Photo 1 Pictured above, President Elizabeth Elmer with the ABS President William Biese and The American Ambassador to Mexico Mr. Anthony Wayne.


Photo 2 Barbara Franco, Elizabeth Elmer, and Mrs. Wayne at the Ambassador’s residence.

Thank you to Membership Chair Nancy Murray for her fine job not only in that role but also in her position of Secretary of Charity Coalition. These links with International Alpha Delta Kappa, Domus Alipio and Charity Coalition were vital to our success this biennium! Altruistic Chair Eloisa Cudney also worked closely with Charity Coalition, Domus Alipio, and its director, Father Luis Figueroa, and the various outreach projects for charity on both the National and Chapter levels. Thank you for a fantastic job! Thank you also to Barbara Franco, the Director of The American Benevolent Society, for her support of Alpha Delta Kappa this biennium. We appreciate the invitations to the ABS Community Breakfasts, mentions in their newsletters, donations to our altruistic efforts, and attendance at our events.


Photo 3 Barbara Franco at the Golden Anniversary event.

We also formed “The Friends of ADK Mexico “and included them in our mailings, newsletters, and invitations. Currently, this group totals 130 members.


GETTING TO KNOW YOU Photo 4 Pictured: Prospective Member with Rocio Salas and Fran Gamboa at The American School promoting Alpha Delta Kappa, September, 2013. This was at a huge Google sponsored event held at The American School. Besides a table, Fran and Liz went to the departments.

All chapters had visitors and potential members at each of their meetings. Also: Posters, and bags, and pens, oh my! Fliers, and slide shows, and e-vites, too! Postcards, and “Kappan”, and bookmarks, a few… And colorful Newletters… for me and YOU!


Photo 5 Promotional mini poster

Photo 6 Post card for messages


We have separate scrapbooks for paper products, CDs, DVDs, and promotional products. We also have the news articles in The Kappan, Pioneer Press and other publications.

“Great newsletter! Wonderful photos! I loved that you made Sylvia an honorary member!” Rachel Shankles SCR MEMBERSHIP Chair “Liz (Elizabeth Elmer), thanks for being the motor behind so many amazing events---all received rave reviews, reminding us that Alpha Delta Kappa is really fun! And kudos for keeping us a newsworthy presence in every ADK publication imaginable. What a phenomenal PR job you have done!” Nancy Murray



…welcomed Becky Salvador, Milda Valades, Erin Sander, and Jocelyn Osnaya. (Front row 4 th-7th from left to right.) Also seen from left are Susan Cuevas, Elizabeth Elmer, Terri Bakken, Fran Gamboa, Nadia Kozlova,Beverley Blount, Cunera Spoor de Campos, and Eloisa Cudney. February 14, 2013. Home of Jackie Gay.



New members

…welcomed Becky Salvador, Milda Valades, Erin Sander, and Jocelyn Osnaya. (Front row 4th-7th from left to right.) Also seen from left are Susan Cuevas, Elizabeth Elmer, Terri Bakken, Fran Gamboa, Nadia Kozlova,Beverley Blount, Cunera Spoor de Campos, and Eloisa Cudney. February 14, 2013. Home of Jackie Gay.



Welcome to new members.

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We had a net growth of 17%- the highest in all of Alpha Delta Kappa worldwide. Our “newbies” are seen below. Every single chapter installed new members! Way to go Alpha Delta Kappa Mexico! “Thank you to National Membership Chair Nancy Murray and Chapter Presidents Fran Gamboa, Debby Elliott, and Martha Gonzalez-Stuart for their fantastic efforts in recruitment and membership these two years! We were all so happy to see such fantastic growth!” Elizabeth Elmer We are thrilled to report the following new members for our professional organization in Mexico:

…welcomed Becky Salvador, Milda Valades, Erin Sander, and Jocelyn Osnaya. (Front row 4 th-7th from left to right.) Also seen from left are Susan Cuevas, Elizabeth Elmer, Terri Bakken, Fran Gamboa, Nadia Kozlova,Beverley Blount, Cunera Spoor de Campos, and Eloisa Cudney. February 14, 2013. Home of Jackie Gay.


EPSILON CHAPTER Milda Valades –Escuela Sierra Nevada Becky Williams Salvador Innoved Learning Center (formerly of Greengates) …welcomed Becky Salvador, Milda Valades, Erin Sander, and Jocelyn Osnaya. (Front row 4th-7th from left to right.) Also seen from left are Susan Cuevas, Elizabeth Elmer, Terri Bakken, Fran Gamboa, Nadia Kozlova,Beverley Blount, Cunera Spoor de Campos, and Eloisa Cudney. February 14, 2013. Home of Jackie Gay.

Erin Sanders – The Peterson School Jocelyn Osnaya – The Peterson School Jackie Gay – Escuela Lomas Altas (Reinstated) Dr. Joyce Martinez (seen below at the 2014 Spring Convention) will be initiated soon. Joyce was the dean of Endicott College and now gives courses online for them. She was also the Superintendent of The American School in Mexico City and holds a PhD in Education.

Dr. Joyce Martinez


…welcomed Becky Salvador, Milda Valades, Erin Sander, and Jocelyn Osnaya. (Front row 4th-7th from left to right.) Also seen from left are Susan Cuevas, Elizabeth Elmer, Terri Bakken, Fran Gamboa, Nadia Kozlova,Beverley Blount, Cunera Spoor de Campos, and Eloisa Cudney. February 14, 2013. Home of Jackie Gay.




Eta’s new members

“ADK has principles worth perpetuating to present and new members who we should be dedicated to seeking in order to grow, expand, and have a greater impact in our communities and in our world.” Debby Elliott



Eta Chapter Elizabeth Robinson Lopez and Dr. Susan Smith were initiated in April, 2013 at Harriet Guerrero’s school in Cuernavaca. Elizabeth is the National Educational Representative for Scholastic Books and Susan who has a PhD in Education is the Director of the Atzin charity.

Photo 1. ETA members Harriet Guerrero, Jeannie Andersen, Chapter President Debby Elliott, and Yolanda Ravelo welcome new members. National President Elizabeth Elmer traveled from Mexico City to be present for the initiation.


Gamma Chapter

2. ETA welcomed Raquel and Rebeca Olagaray, too. GAMMA Fran Gamboa with Jael Sanchez

Fran Gamboa welcomed new Gamma member Jael Sanchez at the July, 2013 International Convention. Jael, the International Teacher in Education Scholar, has a Masters in Education for Deaf Education from Washington, D.C. Also new to GAMMA were Kelly Bufferine and Licha Monjaras who were “pinned” by International President June Bellamy and International Vice President Paula O’Neill. See their photo earlier in the Spring Convention 2014 section.

…welcomed Becky Salvador, Milda Valades, Erin Sander, and Jocelyn Osnaya. (Front row 4 th-7th from left to right.) Also seen from left are Susan Cuevas, Elizabeth Elmer, Terri Bakken, Fran Gamboa, Nadia Kozlova,Beverley Blount, Cunera Spoor de Campos, and Eloisa Cudney. February 14, 2013. Home of Jackie Gay.


WELCOME June Bellamy, Paula O’Neill, Elizabeth Elmer, and Gamma President Martha Gonzalez-Stuart welcome our two newest members: Kelly Bufferina and Licha Monjares.!

Kelly Bufferine has a Masters in Education and is the English Coordinator for The Peterson Schools. Licha Monjaras also has a Masters in Education and has worked for many years at The Juniper School. In June, 2014, we initiated Barbara Field, Principal of The Peterson School, and also our Spring 2013 Convention and May, 2014 Epsilon Chapter speaker. She is now part of the Gamma Chapter. Welcome Barbara!


HONORARY MEMBER Sylvia Schmelkes (M.A. in Educational Research) was named an Honorary Member at the 2014 Spring Convention and recognized by International Alpha Delta Kappa. She received a framed diploma and flowers from International President June Bellamy and International Vice President Paula O’Neill.

Sylvia Schmelkes (See other photo in Spring Convention 2014 section earlier.)

Sylvia Schmelkes 75


Nancy Murray, National Membership Chair

“ADK MEXICO, small

in number but great in ideas!” Nancy Murray


Other potential members have been identified as well, have been invited to our various events, are included in our “Friends of Alpha Delta Kappa Mexico” and receive our newsletters. We are looking forward to increasing our membership even more!

Welcome to one and all!

in Action


Our most senior member Wilma Elmer, age 94, donated one of her Navajo rugs for a drawing with all funds (over $600 dollars.) going to our Alpha Delta Kappa Treasury. Congratulations to Donna Arias for being the lucky winner!

Wilma Elmer and the Navajo Rug Raffle. Thank you, Wilma!


Fundraisers for our altruistic projects including our National Altruistic Project- Domus Alipio. A special thanks to Charity Coalition. Both years we attended the Charity Coalition’s events: “Extravaganza”, “Go Green”, “Breast Cancer Awareness Breakfast” and “Chef for a Night” fundraisers. Our National Altruistic project of Domus Alipio won an award for best charity in 2014! Awarded on March 29, 2014 at event at Papolote Museum.

Extravaganza 2012 Pictured Nancy and Vanessa Murray, Nadia Kozlova, Jackie Gay, Martha Gonzalez-Stuart, Sharmila Sachdev, Terri Bakken, Elizabeth Elmer and seated Wilma Elmer with Fran Gamboa


Elizabeth and Wilma Elmer before and after the big event. On the right photo above they are joined by Beverley Blout.

2013 Extravaganza Fun. Shown here Eloisa Cudney, Vanessa and Nancy Murray, Azalia Buenrostro, Fran Gamboa, Dr. Joyce Martinez, Martha Gonzalez-Stuart, Lynda Martinez del Campo, Elizabeth Elmer with Wilma Elmer

Nancy Gurrola and Angela Florio at Breast Cancer Awareness Breakfast Fundraiser, Charity Coalition.


Elizabeth Elmer, Beverley Blount, Susan Cuevas, Nancy Murray, Martha Dominguez and Martha Gonzalez-Stuart.

Eloisa and Roger Cudney having a fun time for a good cause! Martha Gonzalez-Stuart also whooping it up! (See her in white hat?)


All for a good cause. Seen here our great delegation: Eloisa and Roger Cudney, Vanessa and Nancy Murray, Azalia Buenrostro, Fran Gamboa (her husband Carlos and daughter Alina also came), Joyce Martinez, Martha Gonzalez-Stuart, Lynda Martinez del Campo (whose husband Luis also attended), Elizabeth and Wilma Elmer. Our most senior member 94-year-old Wilma Elmer is seen the morning after still in a festive mood!


After the fundraiser here’s Wilma Elmer (seated in front) with Enrique and Barbara Franco. All for a good cause.

Yolanda Ravelo, Jeannie Andersen, Fran Gamboa and Wilma Elmer with Atzin quilt.

Beverley Blount, Patty Concha, Rocio Salas, Fran Gamboa, Carmen Schultz, Elizabeth and Wilma Elmer with another village quilt. Fran Gamboa won this one! The other village quilt was won by Barbara Franco.


Both of the quilts made in the village were raffled off as fundraisers for Alpha Delta Kappa Mexico.

Terri Bakken at Bingo Night!

The invitational flier for The Bingo Night fund raiser.

“I am so pleased that we continued with The Bingo Night which I introduced in the last biennium to raise funds for the Leadership Scholarship Fund. It was a great success each year! Thank you to Nancy Murray for lending her beautiful home once again for this event.� Diana Ramirez


Enrique and Barbara Franco with hostess Nancy Murray at Bingo Night

We also had the traditional Teacher’s Day Raffle as a successful fund raiser. DIANA RAMIREZ, IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT



Eloisa Cudney reports: Helping others Elizabeth Elmer with SEP (Secretary of Education) Supervisor Sylvia Franco donating food and school supplies to the children in Guerrero in the name of Alpha Delta Kappa Mexico. Her school along with Laura Belmar’s also donated to this flood relief in the name of Alpha Delta Kappa Mexico.

Helping Guerrero in disaster relief via The Mexican Red Cross

We were pleased to purchase two portable cribs to present to Father Luis Figueroa and our National Altruistic Project of Domus Alipio at our Spring Convention in 2014. Thank you also to Diana Ramirez, Nancy Murray and Susan Cuevas for helping me with the massive hours-long shopping sprees for this cause and to all of the members who helped. See the report Nancy Murray wrote below


“Alpha Delta Kappa Mexico Parleys Partnership into Provisions” In the May, 2012 Kappan ADK Mexico reported on their partnership with Charity Coalition to purchase food, cleaning products, and provide other supplies for the 45 residents of Domus Alipio, the House for Healing, where Father Luis Figueroa is in charge of the care of women and their children who are HIV positive or are suffering from AIDS. Taking advantage of the midsummer lull, Epsilon member Susan Cuevas and Gamma member Nancy Murray did some serious shopping for Domus Alipio---filling 14 large shopping carts to overflowing in the process. Padre Luis sent us his thanks, along with an album of 22 photos of all that merchandise. This is what he said in his eloquent thank-you letter.”

“With great joy and heartfelt thanks, we want you to know that Domus Alipio has received through your generous work and altruistic efforts 1,255 products, including non-perishable foodstuffs and cleaning products. Again, we thank you for all the work you have done on our behalf in partnership with Charity Coalition in supporting institutions like ours, who need not only this support, but your love, understanding, and solidarity for our less advantaged brothers and sisters living in poverty and weakened health. Thanks for your support of those who have so little.” Father Luis Figueroa We also helped a rural village school in Edo. de Mexico, Ixtlahuaca, with a wall around their orchard and a donation of sports equipment. We are especially pleased that member (and Eloisa Cudney’s daughter) Kathy Cudney’s school in New York City helped raise funds for this school in Mexico!

The rural school that Epsilon was able to help.


I visited in September, 2012 and was present at a ceremony with SEP (Secretary of Education) representatives and school officials at the inauguration of the orchard where the children are growing food. We received a certificate of recognition from the Secretary of Education in the name of Alpha Delta Kappa. I was also later able to go to the village in the State of Mexico with Fran Gamboa and Sharon Daltabuit and present $620 dollar’s worth of sports equipment for the school that Gamma and Epsilon helps. Thank you to Epsilon member Kathy Cudney for raising this money at her school in New York City. The Eta chapter has also been hard at work converting its recipe book into an e-book as a fundraiser to help charity.

They also are planning a conference on autism in Spanish as a fundraiser and community service, and they continue to help the village in Guerrero that Susan Smith helps. ETA worked closely with this second charity called Atzin. We were pleased to initiate their director as our new ETA member, Dr. Susan Smith.

Book Cover

Guest at Spring Convention Sylvia Manzano with doll from Atzin charity made in the village of Guerrero.


Also new ETA member Elizabeth Robinson Lopez donated a shipment of Scholastic Books to this village for the children there.She was also kind enough to donate books and bags for our Founders’ Day (2013) and Spring Convention (2014) events. “Isn’t it (ADK membership) all about giving?” When the conversation turned to what to tell others about what they can get out of membership! Elizabeth Robinson Lopez “As a new member… I love how ADK brings together outstanding teachers from yesterday, today and tomorrow who all happen to be incredible people interested Francesca D'Agata, Director and Founder of Charity Coalition, has been an instrumental and invaluable part of ADK's altruistic efforts. Thank you Francesca for all you have done for Alpha Delta Kappa MEXICO and for our National Altruistic Project of Domus Alipio. We never could have done so much to help so many without you! Your slogan of "Help us help them" has never been so true


Donations were also made to Children with Cancer, the Casa Colibri shelter and The Shriners’ Children Hospital Elizabeth and Wilma Elmer at Christmas time with bags for the children at the Shriner’s Hospital.

“What did we accomplish this biennium? Some of the most important to me were: help for Domus Alipio, extension in the community and greater participation in events, and the creation of the Connie Laurent Scholarship.” Susan Cuevas






HONORS AND NEWS THIS BIENNIUM Scholarships and Awards: We applied for and won a slew of recognitions these two years! 째Regional Mini Scholarships to Rocio Salas and Jeannie Andersen.

째First ever Connie Laurent Scholarship to Rocio Salas. Thank you to Immediate Past National President Diana Ramirez for starting this new tradition to help foment academic studies.

Photo 1 Elizabeth Elmer visiting Jeannie Andersen in Cuernavaca 째Excellence in Education Winner for Mexico was Nancy Gurrola whose name goes on to be considered at the Regional Level. Nancy Gurrola was also honored with the brand new

Golden Service Award at the 2013 Spring Convention. See her photo with the Convention section earlier


Photo 2 Rocio Salas and Elizabeth Elmer with the proud scholarship winner! 93

°Eloisa Cudney was awarded The Membership Service Award at the 2013 International Convention. ° Diplomas galore were introduced for past national presidents, speakers, as well as veteran, international and new members. °Leadership Scholarships were given to Carmen Schultz and Fran Gamboa to attend The Regional Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas and The International Convention in Washington, D.C. respectively. See photos of Carmen and Fran at these events and of Fran receiving her scholarship at the Spring Convention 2013 in earlier sections. °First ever Honorary Member for Mexico, Sylvia Schmelkes. °Also at the 2014 Spring Convention our Silver Sister Sharon Daltabuit was honored. (See her photo in the Spring Convention 2014 section earlier.) Recognized at the May Epsilon meeting were also Lynda Martinez del Campo, Beverley Blount and Maria Zapata who also boast 25 years as members of Mexico ADK. See their photo earlier in the chapter meeting section. Our Sapphire Sister (35 years) is Harriet Guerrero.

“It has been wonderful to form part of ADK for 25 years and to have been able to learn from so many valuable women. ADK is an on-going learning experience for all of its members. Thank you ADK!” Maria Zapata °From International Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri came Executive Administrator, Laura Bourgeios, to Mexico to present a Certificate for Mexico’s Golden Anniversary. See Laura’s photo in the Golden Anniversary Breakfast at the beginning of this digital scrapbook. ° Our National President Elizabeth Elmer was named The Region’s South Central Secretary. ° In non-ADK honors we salute: Rocio Salas for completing her second masters degree this one in Educational Technology from New York State University, SUNY Buffalo.


Martha Dominguez for graduating with honors from Endicott College with also another masters this one in psychology Angela Florio took Juan Diego to Paris, etc.

“It was an honor to represent ADK Mexico in Little Rock. What a great experience to meet such friendly and welcoming women there. They made me feel right at home.” Carmen Schultz








We were pleased to have gone on three wonderful tours to The Baslica de Guadalupe, Francisco Sosa Street in Coyoacan, and the Mayan Exhibit at The National Palace.

PHOTOS: Basilica de Guadalupe on left above. Photo front Nancy Murray, Fran Gamboa, Elizabeth Elmer, guest Cathy Fanning, and guest Jackie. Back row guest Evan Bouey with Erin Sander, Terri Bakken, and our guide Lynda Martinez del Campo



Back row: Lewis and Jenny Wilson, our guide Lynda Martinez del Campo , Fran Gamboa , Erin Sander, Mr. Devenport. Front row: Elizabeth Elmer, Ron Nichols, guest, Elda Hope, Carlos Gamboa, Evan Bouey, Jeanne Devenport, Father Frank Herbert and Jesus Gutierrez.

TOUR OF COYOACAN Friends, family and members joined together for a relaxing Saturday morning stroll along one of the cobblestoned streets of Coyoacan - a quaint, southern neighborhood of Mexico City. We walked along Francisco Sosa Street, visiting several overlooked sites including the City's only Water Color Museum, the National Sound Archives, two cultural centers, Santa Catarina Plaza which gives this neighborhood it's name, and even managed to get a little shopping in, since we stopped at a few upscale food-related stores. We learned about the history of Mexico and all the famous people who lived on this street, including a Nobel Prize winner, a president and a British archaeologist to name a few. We also had the chance to go inside what were several palatial estates.



(She actually used another word here) “We sure did a lot over the past two years!” Lynda Martinez del Campo

TOUR TO THE SPECTACULAR MAYA EXHIBIT IN THE NATIONAL PALACE At the tail end of Easter vacation, on Friday, April 25, 2014, we toured The Mayan Exhibiti before it left for Brazil and France. I explained this wonderful temporary exhibit in tandem with Mayan expert and epigrapher Hugo Garcia Capistran from the National University.






Carmen Schutz and Elizabeth Elmer with Sherryl Longhoffer former South Central Region’s International Vice President and good friend of Mexico!




The 29th International Convention of ADK was held in Washington, D.C., July 4-7, 2013. At the convention, the Mexican contingency sold lovely ADK jewelry, which was specially made in Taxco, Guerrero (a lovely mining town known for its superb silversmith craftsmanship). The income made was earmarked for our Leadership Scholarship Fund. We also sold Mexican arts and crafts in a frenzy of activity! All in all, we came home with over $1,200 dollars for our coffers! Wow! We were also able to give silver and special arts and crafts from Mexico to Past International President Mitzi Holmes, our Past Regional Vice President Carol Kovach, Past International Council of Presidents President Shirley Bruns and our beloved Laura Bourgeois from Headquarters with gratitude for of all of their support this past year!!


Washington, D.C. where Kathy, Eloisa, Liz and Fran joined International Teacher in Education (ITE) winner and new Gamma member Jael Sanchez . Pictured here Elizabeth Elmer and Fran Gamboa with our placard!All dressed up to represent Mexico!Elizabeth Elmer, Eloisa and Kathy Cudney Kathy’s son Yago went too!


We caught up with our beloved friend Melina McGee and recall her visit to Mexico when she was an International Vice President for our region.

Who is that? Eloisa Cudney and Fran Gamboa working hard at our sales table! The Canadian delegation invited us to their dinner reception. On left the lush green summer of Washington outside of our hotel. President of the Council of Presidents Shirley Burns was a wonderful inspiration during this biennium. She is now the International Altruistic Chair and has provided us with great and colorful newsletters. Elizabeth Elmer is in middle and to the right Carol Kovoc our South Central Region’s International Vice President. Seen in Washington, D.C. on the 4th of July!


What can get better than this? 4th of July in Washington, D.C.




“ I feel very honored and proud to have been given the task of presenting several scholarships this biennium. Proof that there is strength in unity. Sisters working together made these scholarships possible.� Azalia Buenrostro




Incoming National President Elizabeth Elmer gave each guest a small doll to represent our “mascot” Sister Doll.


Transitional meeting for mentoring with Eloisa, Cudney, Debby Elliott and Diana Ramirez seen. Thank you to Nancy Murray for her outstanding hospitality once again. It is appreciated!

We were happy to meet for a total of 8 national board meetings including two transitional ones with outgoing and incoming national boards. We also had various committee meetings.


Hard at work! Board Meeting at The Elmers.

Nadia Kozlova, Rhona S. de Lopez and Susan Susan Cuevas.


NadiaKozlova, Jeannie Andersen and Debby Elliott paying rapt attention!

Business Cards


The National Board

2012 – 2014

Thank you for the opportunity to serve! Front row: Wilma Elmer, Diana Ramirez, Elizabeth Elmer, Carmen Schultz. Second row: Martha Gonzalez-Stuart, Rhona Statland de Lopez, Lynda Martinez del Campo, Azalia Buenrostro, Fran Gamboa, Susan Cuevas. Back row: Jeannie Andersen, Eloisa Cudney, Nancy Murray. Not pictured: Nadia Kozlova and Debby Elliott 116

“Rhona (S. de Lopez) used her outstanding writing and speaking skills in producing our minutes in a timely, entertaining, and concise fashion. She also introduced our speakers in an eloquent and thought-provoking manner. Thank you, Rhona for a job well done! It is appreciated!” Elizabeth Elmer


Rhona S. de Lopez’s mini birthday cake. Celebrating at a board meeting.

It was not all work! One of the side benefits was the delicious eats at our board and chapter meetings

“One of things I liked best about the ADK meetings was that I was able to extend my culinary collection. Got several recipes from ADK sisters after trying their delicious contributions at their lovely homes.”Rhona



FUN TIMES, FRIENDS and FELLOWSHIP Support in good times and bad…


“I thank my Alpha Delta Kappa sisters for their love and support when I lost my husband of almost 40 years at the beginning of this biennium on August 4th, 2012. The visits, cards, calls, and flowers from ADK sisters from all over the world made all the difference in the world.” Elizabeth Elmer A Confession and a Message: “The day before I was to be installed as Mexico's National President in March (2012) I got out my Alpha Delta Kappa pin. However, the next morning it was nowhere to be found. I had been looking high and low for the last five months, fearful that my secret would come out! On the day of my husband's funeral on August 5th (the morning after his passing according to Mexican law) I had gotten out my sewing kit since I had lost weight but wanted to wear a special skirt. What did I find there but my ADK pin! My husband always knew how important ADK was to me and there was a special comfort in this small miracle of finding the pin at that very moment! “ Elizabeth Elmer shared this message in Shirley Brun’s “ Family News” under “Joys!” We all had our share of challenges during these two years and we showed what true sisterhood is all about. Thankfully we also had good fortunes and happy moments we were also able to share.


1. Yocelyn Osnaya, Nadia Kozlova, and Erin Sander dancing at Christmas social. Note the “fruit” in front. 2. International President Mitzi Holmes at the Museum of Anthropology “wearing” the headdress of Moctezuma! 3. Eloisa Cudney and Fran Gamboa in downtown Mexico City on past cultural tour. 4. International Vice President for our region, Carol Kovach with the fortune telling birds. 5. Elizabeth Elmer and Jeannie Andersen at the B&B Casa Chocolate- site of the Eta December meeting. 6. Cunera Spoor, Azalia Buenrostro, half of Rocio Salas’s face and Wilma Elmer. 7. Some of the Eta group at their October meeting. 121

“For me, what has been the absolute best part of being a sister in ADK, Epsilon Chapter, has been just that--having sisters. I've never had any siblings, and coming to ADK is always like a family event for me because I know that there will be a warm, loving welcome each time we get together and that there will be no judgment, just support for each of us. I feel nothing but love for my sisters and am so thankful to Fran Gamboa for introducing me to all of you my first year in Mexico. There has never been a bad moment from the first time I met each of you 7 years ago, and I am so very grateful to have you as my sisters, safely lodged in my heart.� --Terri Bakken



“I have had the opportunity of meeting new people. All of them have been very kind, gentle, and nice.” Raquel Olagaray

“Throughout the years the love and support of the Alpha Delta Kappa sisters has enabled me to succeed! Thank you ADK! With love.” Martha Gonzalez-Stuart

Extravaganza with Lynda and Luis Martinez del Campo, and (seated) Wilma Elmer. See the hats, blinking ring, and great green tie!

Wilma Elmer with twinkly headgear and Fran Gamboa.

Pooped from a busy, but enriching, two years! …. But still celebrating the good times!


Debby Elliott and Elizabeth Elmer celebrate Day of the Dead in Mexico!

What have a liked the best during the last two years? “I have enjoyed listening to several guests in our meetings, on a variety of topics like: ecology, autism, second language learners and the teacher evaluation in Mexico. I enjoy and appreciate the camaraderie among the group, how welcoming we all are to anyone who attends a meeting, I love listening as other members share about their professional experiences or how they are helping people in need. I think it is priceless to have the opportunity of being surrounded by a group of lovely, professional, humane, friendly ladies who offer their heart and soul in everything they do.� Hugs, Patty Concha



 Renewed emphasis on membership growth. We had a net growth of 17%.  Exploration of new chapter in The State of Mexico north of Mexico City.  Attendance at our breakfasts and conventions grew 33%. We used ballrooms for the first time. Potential members, family and friends invited.  The Friends of ADK Mexico created and now totals 130 persons.  Promotional items introduced: posters, postcards, bags, pens, fliers, slide shows, bookmarks, e-vites and expanded and colorful newsletters.  Emphasis on scholarships and contests from International ADK and introduction of new scholarship in Mexico. Continuation of Leadership Scholarship and fundraising for it.  Emphasis on diplomas and recognition of members.  First Honorary Member: -Sylvia Schmelkes  First Excellence in Education Winner: Nancy Gurrola  Emphasis on each meeting having a speaker. Emphasis on programs.  Traditonal breakfast and convention speakers as well as Culture Capsule speakers (3 in one morning).  Raffles: 2 quilts from Atzin and one Navajo rug  Continued alliance with Charity Coalition as a successful source of funds for our national altruistic project.  First digital archives with quotes included  Emphasis on public relations and publications



LOOK TO THE FUTURE: RECOMMENDATIONS  Continue to emphasize membership growth in all chapters. 10 new members per chapter per year is recommended.  Each meeting, event, breakfast and convention should have potential members invited.  Continue to explore feasibility of new chapter in The State of Mexico. Hold meetings there and invite other chapter members too.  Explore the feasibility of members living in other geographic areas of Mexico and elsewhere.  Explore the use of technology like Skype with current and potential members.  Continue to invite potential members, family and guests to our events.  Emphasize the quality of each program and meeting and include speakers at each.  Continue to work closely with The American Benevolent Society, Charity Coalition, Domus Alipio and other like- minded organizations.  Continue to expand The Friends of ADK Mexico group.  Continue the newsletters


Congratulations on a great day—thank you for the recognition, diploma and lovely flowers! Everyone had a wonderful time—I think we have some good prospective new members. We all enjoyed the talk. Now, just take it easy for a few days. Hugs, Nancy Gurrola fd 2012

THANK you for all the work! It was all marvelous! All my love to you and THE Queen! Cunera fd 2012

Thank you very much for a wonderful founders' day breakfast. You had everything organized just perfectly and i think we all enjoyed everything!!!! I don't know how you do so much and keep it all controled and organized so well--------kudos to you!!!! It was a great turnout. Too. I hope we get lots of new members. So------muchas gracias Xoxoxo I really enjoyed reading this newsletter. Your articles and comments are so uplifting and enthusiastic. Un beso Any teacher there in Mexico should be a member of this great group. I know I would want to be if I Donna taught there near you. The beautiful rug your mother wove brought a really nice profit, didn’t it? I have heard that anyone that could make one of those rugs are very gifted in math. The complex patterns, etc. require it. Congratulations on your new members too. I think it is due to your great leadership and plans toward our goals as an organization. I know Diana did a great job also. Shirley bruns summer newsletter july? 2013 The slide show is AWESOME Liz!!! Looks like a great celebration!' Congratulations!! Big Hugs! Cindy Golden anniversary slide show 128

Thank you for sending it to me. I love the presentation of the newsletter with beautiful colors and photos! Paula O’Neill Muchas gracias por el material informativo que nos envias, muy interesante la labor que ha realizado la organización, agradezco que nos mantegas incluidos en tu lista de envio. Alicia Vargas – Casa Colibri Thank you for the newsletter. It was very informative and well written. Wish I could be there for the December celebrations. It sounds like a wonderful time. Happy Holidays, Cindy Kingery Dear Elizabeth, What a wonderful newsletter as always. You have done SCR Membership Consultant so very much this past year. Your altruism efforts are outstanding as well as all of your meetings and time spent together. Congratulations on a job well done. I would be honored to be on your mailing list in the coming year. I look forward to seeing you all in D.C. My love to all, Carol July 2013 Thank you for your work in Alpha Delta Kappa! You are our leaders and “50 years is awesome! What a beautiful invitation-“ Ann Holcomb are inspired and soar high because of (Arkansas imm past pres you! Love, Paula Combining Alpha Delta Kappa purposes with all of our cultures, histories, talents and skills certainly gives us beautiful Wings to Soar! Fraternally, Barbara Barbara Stanfield International Executive Board 129











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