Exercises sky 2

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Past Simple or continuous


1) I usually __________________ to school with my friend. walking walk play 2) Stop __________________ ! You're not listening! talke talking talk 3) What are you __________________ ? did doing do 4) I __________________ my room,mum! Look ! cleans clean am cleaning 5) She's __________________ at the moment. run runed running 6) At the moment,the sun __________________ shine is shining shined 7) I usually __________________ to French class on Mondays. go going goes 8) Do you __________________ to a Private school?? goes go going 9) I'm __________________ right now. swim swimed swimming 10) Where's Lisa __________________ ? go going do

Present simple or continuous (2) Complete the sentences. Every week, I ______________________________ (to play) tennis. She ______________________________ (to play)football now. ______________________________ (he /sing) well ? What ______________________________ (they /do) at 5 o'clock every day? They ______________________________ (to do) this work exceptionally well, look at them ! Now,Jean ______________________________ (to have)a shower at his girlfriend's house. You ______________________________ (to have) a cat in your house in Dublin. She ______________________________ (to love)her parents.

Put the verbs in the brackets in the simple past tense (3) At noon, she ______________________________ (wash) her car. ______________________________ (you / see) Mary last night ? Last Monday Peter ______________________________ (not look) for Chelsea in the shopping center. He ______________________________(watch) the match all the night. I ______________________________(live) in Paris. Did she ______________________________ (live) in England ? Joan ______________________________(look) for Pretty at the fun fair Yesterday, Maggy ______________________________(go) to school Saturday night Mike ______________________________(take) the tube. At ten, Shella ______________________________(write) a letter.

PAST SIMPLE (4) I ______________________________(give) the jacket to Mom. The children ______________________________(have) a snack after school. She ______________________________(read) that book last year in Ms.Nichol's class. The tests ______________________________ (be) easy. Last summer we ______________________________(go) to Japan. We ______________________________(take) his luggage to the airport. They ______________________________(have) a great time at the camp. The party ______________________________(be) at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. I ______________________________(lose) my pen yesterday. My brother ______________________________(find) it in his binder last week. He ______________________________(cry) when his girlfriend left him,but he is OK now. That movie ______________________________(be) funny. Ella and Samantha ______________________________(play) video games.

ANSWERS: (1) 1. walk 2. talking 3. doing 4. am cleaning 5. running 6. is shining 7. go 8. go 9. swimming 10. going ANSWERS: (2) play is playing does he sing do they do are doing is having have loves ANSWERS: (3) washed Did you see didn't look watched lived live looked went took wrote ANSWERS:(4) gave had read were went took had was lost found cried was played



This place is ______________________________ (bad) in the world. It's ______________________________ (boring) film I've watched. It's ______________________________ (dangerous) city I've visited. She's ______________________________ (pretty) girl I've met. It's ______________________________(sad) film of the year. It's ______________________________ (fast) car I've bought. It's ______________________________ (funny) joke I've heard! It's ______________________________ (good) salmon I've eaten. It's ______________________________ (expensive) jacket I've bought. It's ______________________________ (bad) match I've seen.

Superlative and comparative (6) Complete the sentences. 1. My best friend is the ______________________________ (small) in my class. 2. I am ______________________________ (nice) than Lily. 3. English is ______________________________ (easy) than Italian. 4. Are you ______________________________ (tall) girl in your class? 5. This is ______________________________ (important) day of my life. 6. Monday is ______________________________ (bad) day of the week. 7. Steeve is ______________________________ (old) boy in my class. 8. My parents are ______________________________ (cool) than Lisa\'s . 9. Paris is ______________________________ (beautiful) than Barcelone. 10. Brazil is ______________________________ (big) country of South America. 11. Friday is ______________________________ (boring) day in a week. 12. Italy is ______________________________ (beautiful) country in the world. 13. Jessica Alba is ______________________________ (talented) than Lindsay Lohan. 14. The German teacher is ______________________________ (kind) than the English teacher 15. My son is ______________________________ (old) than my daughter. 16. I\'m ______________________________ (good) in my school. 17. Cats are ______________________________ (dangerous) than dogs.

ANSWERS: (6) 1) smallest 2) nicer 3) easier 4) the tallest 5) the most important 6) the worst 7) the oldest 8) cooler 9) more beautiful 10) the biggest 11) the most boring 12) the most beautiful 13) more talented 14) kinder 15) older 16) the best 17) more dangerous

ANSWERS: (5) the worst the most boring the most dangerous the prettiest the saddest the fastest the funniest the best the most expensive the worst

A Special Christmas Present David wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David's father gives him $5.00 a week pocket money and David puts $2.00 a week into his bank account. After three months David takes $20.00 out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favourite pet. He says to himself, "My mother loves jewelry, and the brooch costs only $17.00." He buys the brooch and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother's face. But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees a spider.

1. What does David want to buy his Mother? 2. Who does David get his money from? 3. How much money does David take to the mall? 4. What does David buy his mother? 5. What does David do with the present when he takes it home? 6. Why does David's mother scream? 7. Where does David put the present on Christmas Eve?

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