t lpi Pu he gt rin we po Em
Tr an sfo rm ing th eW or ld
Where we are going
Global Evangelism
It Begins With Us!
The Word of God Promises that you can have whatever you say in Faith. – St. Mark 11: 23, 24 If you desire a breakthrough in your finances, make the following word based confessions daily and speak your financial prosperity into existence today! •
In the name of Jesus, I declare that God’s desire for me is to prosper financially.
I possess the power to seize wealth, and lay hold on my covenant right to be free from bondage to debt, lack and insufficiency.
Abundance, prosperity and the good life are mine.
I speak to the mountain of circumstances and command it be removed from my life now!
God is my Source; He is the God of breakthrough.
Therefore, by faith I declare that this is my receiving day and year of financial breakthrough!
I will give God what belongs to Him, His tithe–it’s not mine to begin with.
I will give the Lord an offering, to move His heart towards me.
I will discipline my spending and watch the miracles of God in my finances.
I declare this in Jesus name!
Where we are...
November 1, 2009 N To the Body of Christ T We have arrived at the W 111th month of 2009. The New N Year is right around the corner. As I embrace the office of Presiding Prelate of the UCCC, I am also entering a new epoch with you the House called Tabernacle. As the Headquarters for United we are also endowed with the charge of reaching outside of the walls of TOP (Global Evangelism). We must have and show empathy for and provide resolutions to the needs of our local assembly, as well as our missions work (Touching the World). We must energize our leaders and teachers of the Gospel to again inspire the Word of Jesus Christ (Empowering the Pulpit). We have a great commission and have no time to loose.
MINISTRY DIRECTORY Bishop Eric D. Garnes, Senior Pastor Elder Martin De Silva, Assistant Pastor Overseer to Ministries Dr. Delicia M. B. Garnes, Church Administrator Sis. Denise Absalom, Word of God Drama Ministry Sis. Tracy Agard-Hubert, Marketing Sis. Tasha Barnett, Projection Sis. Deborah Bourne, Director of Finance Elder Joseph Brashaw, Evangelism Sis. Mercedes Brown, St. Lukes Pavilion Deacon Clifton Campbell, Finance Sis. Edna Capers, Usher Ministry Sis. Vielka Chery, Tehillah Dance Ministry Sis. Lorraine Crichlow, Daughters of Zelophehad (Women’s Department) Pastor Jonathan Dale, Music Ministry Deaconess Lesma De Silva, Visitation Ministry Sis. Maria Dehaney, Care Ministry Bro. Les Francis, Media Ministry Major Mark Franklin, Ambassadors for Christ
We will celebrate with the men of TOP this month for the annual Men’s Conference, “Am I my brother’s keeper”. Register your husbands, your sons, your brothers, your friends and family to come out and hear the Word from God for the men in this season. This is also the time of the celebration of the Harvest. Continue to sow your seeds for their fruitfulness in Faith. How do we access the riches of Heaven? Through Faith! Now faith, it is active and in motion. We have momentum and we must believe God for the big things. We must have Faith that the new edifice will be built. We must have Faith that through Evangelism we will grow the church to the 10,000 plus. We must have Faith and believe that the Vision shall be fulfilled.
Your Father in God, Bishop Eric D. Garnes, D.Min. Senior Pastor
Sis. Nicole Grant-Adams, TOP Development Corporation Sis. Lisa Howerton, Heaven’s Little Angels & C.L.I.U. Steppers Sis. Natasha Hyde, Champion Children of Christ Min. Olivia LaShombae, Jethro Ministry Sis. Angela Lewis, Baby Dedications & Memorials Deacon Michael Norris, Administrative Assistant Sis. Patricia Price, Bishop’s Cabinet Sis. Carolyn Rayside, Audio Department Sis. Victoria Roberts, Publications Sis. Janelle Rollocks-Flinch, Youth Dancers (VIRTUE) Sis. Cheryl Springer, Christian Education Deacon Errol Sutherland, Maintenance and Interim Director of Temple Security Deaconess Velda Sutherland, Discipleship (Follow-Up Ministry) Bro. Lennon Turner, Men’s Fellowship CONTACTING TOP CATHEDRAL 1274 Utica Ave., Brooklyn, NY (Bet. Ave. D and Foster Ave.) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30089, Brooklyn, NY 11203-0089 Telephone: (718) 451-2143 Fax: (718) 451-5524 E-mail: administration@topcathedral.org Website: www.topcathedral.org
© 2009 Tabernacle of Praise
Make your worship experience magnetic and come with expectancy to hear and receive from God. Be forever blessed and stand on your Faith. We are exalted!
Sis. Judy Frazer, E.D. Garnes Ministry Deaconess Lucrecia Gayle, Missions Ministry
4 – 13
Summer With the Prophets Part II
Stay CONNECTED, submissions for Tabernacle of Praise Cathedral’s magazine are welcomed. Send your submissions to
publications@topcathedral.org Publications Ministry reserves the right to be selective. OCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 2
Page 14
This is my Bible I am what it says I am, I can do what it says I can do I am a believer not a doubter, I walk by faith and not by sight So today I commit to do ALL that my Bible says for me to do In Jesus name Amen
Ésta es mi Biblia Soy lo que dice que soy, Puedo hacer lo que dice que puedo hacer, Soy un creyente, no un escéptico, Ando por la fe y no por vista Así que hoy cometo para hacer TODO que mi biblia dice para mí hacer En el nombre de Jesús Amen OCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 3
TA BER NACLE OF PR A ISE CATHEDR A L’S Word of G od Dra ma M inist r y
The Covering “ “For He will ill order d his hi angels l to protect you wherever h you go.” (Psalm l 91:11) 1)
• Friday, December 4, 8:00PM – $25 • Saturday, December 5, 2:00PM – $20 • Saturday, December 5, 7:00PM – $25 at the TOP
Civic Center, 1098 Utica Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11203
To purchase tickets or for further information
www.TOPcathedral.org · (718) 451-2143
OF TABERNACLE OF PRAISE CATHEDRAL “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables; that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie; though it tarry, wait for it”
Habakkuk 2:2-3
Where 2 or 3 Are Gathered
P R AY E R C O N C L AV E Saturday, November 21st • 8:00am - 12:00 noon "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20 NIV
Servant/Leaders as we gather to pray, direct prayers to the following: a. Guidance for Bishop Garnes toward the new Architect and financiers b. T.O.P. financial campaign with the banks c. T.O.P. meeting all our budget concerns d. Continued growth and consistent worship in our Sunday morning services. Our Father in Jesus’ name we will proclaim and herald the Vision of Tabernacle of Praise. We will uphold our Pastor’s hand like Aaron and Hur who lifted up the hands of Moses when they became weak. We declare that you are creator and Lord of all. The earth is the Lord’s
and the fullness thereof. There is none like you in heaven above, the earth below, or the waters under the earth. We declare that we are a people of strong, firm and concrete belief in our faith in Jesus Christ. We have the abilOCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 5
Circle of Trust (COT) Presents
Tabernacle of Praise Cathedral's Annual Men's Conference 2009
Am I My Brother's Keeper? November 13 - 15, 2009
ity to manifest and fulfill our goals. We will utilize our secular gifts to help benefit the business part of the church. We will stir up the gift that is within us (spiritually) to help express our love for God’s house and God’s people. OCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 6
We are a Bible believing body of people. We believe the power and manifesting of the Holy Ghost as the spirit of the Lord leads. The Holy Spirit has total preeminence over all our affairs. We believe, acknowledge and declare Jesus is Lord of Tabernacle of Praise. We are a dy-
Bishop Hezekiah Xzavier Walker is the visionary, founderr and Senior Pastor of the Love Fellowship Tabernacle Churches in n Brooklyn, New York and Bensalem, Pennsylvania. Pastor Walkerr shepherds a growing and multi-cultural flock of members varyingg in age, race and socio-economic backgrounds. Born and raised in Brooklyn in the tumultuous Fort Greene public housing projects, he has risen to build and lead one of the greatest ministries in the Northeast. Love Fellowship Tabernacle was birthed in November 1993, located at 2425 Pacific Street. The cradle of the Tabernacle’s humble beginnings began with only eight members. The church, located in the East New York section of Brooklyn, focused on the young adolescents in the community. As a result, many young people turned from a life of drugs, crime and sin because of his ability to preach, teach and “rightly divide” the Word of God without fear or reservation. The need for souls to be saved was always a priority on the heart of Pastor Walker; so on Easter Sunday 1996 Love Fellowship Tabernacle relocated to 464 Liberty Avenue. What had begun with only eight members had quickly blossomed to over 1,000 members. The vision God gave to Pastor Walker was founded on the three “P’s:” Prayer, Preaching and Praise. As he led the people of God into prayer and praise, he labored diligently in the preaching of the gospel to ensure that people of all ages received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. His ability to motivate, inspire and empower through the Word of God drew people from all walks of life to the Tuesday night prayer and Bible study, now known as the “Prayer Capital of New York City.” Presently, Pastor Walker and the church family are awaiting the construction of their new mega-church facility (The Kingdom Cathedral) to accommodate the overflow of souls. Recognizing the need for God’s power to be manifested throughout the nation, Pastor Walker, in 1998, established the Love Fellowship Tabernacle of Willingboro, New Jersey. Shortly thereafter in November of 2000, the Lord “enlarged our territory” and the church relocated to Bensalem, Pennsylvania. Since then three (3) more churches were established, one in Long Island, NY, Lilburn, GA and Columbia, SC. Love Fellowship Tabernacle the Kingdom Church is now one church in five (5) locations! Pastor Hezekiah Walker was ordained Overseer by the Honorable Bishop Kenneth H. Moales during our 10th Annual Founders Week Celebration. Most recently he was consecrated as Bishop at the 89th Annual Church of our Lord Convocation, by Chief Apostle William Bonner. In the Fall of 2008 Bishop Walker was affi rmed by Bishop Kenneth Moales, the Presiding Prelate of The Pentecostal Churches of Jesus Christ. In his new God-ordained elevation, Bishop Walker has now begun a covenant relationship as a Pastor to Pastors and currently oversees the entire Northeast Jurisdiction. He is the President & Founder of The Covenant Keepers International Fellowship that has churches affi liated in; North Carolina, South Carolina, Bahamas, California, Minnesota, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, New York and Capetown, South Africa. Bishop Walker remains confident in this one fact:“And Because God Is The Greatest Power, We Shall Not Be Defeated!”
namic supernatural people. We declare miracles in our lives and that we will be in good health and prosperous. We shall be the head and not the tail. We shall lend and not borrow.
become Biblically educated. The Word is the focus, prayer is the key, praise is our expression and love is our aim. We seek to help one another to the best of our ability.
We declare for this congregation, we will
Our goals and dreams are a full-time OCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 7
Reverend Steven Mangum is the Senior Pastorr of the House of Judah. Prior to establishing pastorship at The House of Judah, Reverend Mangum served for seven years under Bishop Wilbert S. McKinley of the Elim International Fellowship, Brooklyn New York. He currently serves under the leadership of Bishop T.D. Jakes of the Potters House, Dallas Texas. Recently Reverend Mangum and the House of Judah relocated from Jamaica, NY to West Sayville, NY in June of 2008 where they owners of a historical church dated 1876 and a Pastor’s Parsonage. He is committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all he comes in contact with and desires to win souls to the Lord. Reverend Mangum has a special burden for families and is dedicated to empowering them to rise up and be all that God has destined for their lives. Over a decade ago, God gave Reverend Mangum a vision to build a distinct church. He endeavors to teach excellence, integrity and give the tools of empowerment to impact this generation and future generations to come. Reverend Mangum’s message emphasizes on building men and women, instilling a God-conscience to successfully function as individuals, husbands, wives and parents. Reverend Mangum is married to Lady Scylena and they are the proud parents of David, Christine and Joshua. They reside in Long Island, New York.
ministry that can assist the parishioners, as well as employ members. We seek to “shake up” the community where we worship. We declare that we will make an impact on the young boys and girls of this millennium. Our children shall grow to be lawyers, doctors, teachers, pasOCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 8
tors, evangelists. They shall hold the faith with a pure conscience and declare the gospel of Jesus Christ. We declare drug addiction will not touch our children. Our young men and women shall hold their God given identities. They shall dream, dreams and prophesy. All things of evil
Reverend Dr. Anthony Michael Chandler is a native of Bal-timore, Maryland. He is the son of Thomas Chandler and Queen Jones. Hee was educated in the Baltimore City Public School System, having graduated from the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. He earned the Bachelor off Arts Degree from Virginia Union University in Richmond, Virginia in May of 1995. While at Virginia Union, he also served a two year term as President of the Student Government Association. In the year 2000, he earned the Master of Divinity Degree from Howard University, Washington, D.C. and in 2003, the Doctor of Ministry Degree, focusing on Preaching and Leadership in the Black Church from the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. At the age of 18, Reverend Chandler was licensed and in 1995, ordained by the Great Dalton Baptist Church in Baltimore. In addition, he has served as the Youth Pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Supply, Virginia, the Whitestone Baptist Church in Baltimore and the Dalton Baptist Church also in Baltimore. In March 2000, while a graduate intern at the New Psalmist Baptist Church, Reverend Chandler was elected as the second pastor of the New Bethlehem Baptist Church. In less than seven years, the church grew from less than 50 members to more than 600 members, necessitating the need for an additional morning service. Under his anointed leadership, New Bethlehem expanded its territory to now include a newly-renovated Family Life Center/Administrative Building which opened in December 2006 and in April 2007, the church purchased six vacant lots, which now provides additional parking. In December 2007, the Cedar Street Baptist Church of God located in Richmond, Virginia, after 52 years of being led by their former pastor, accepted God’s will to have Dr. Chandler serve and lead them as their new shepherd. His charismatic, innovative and stellar leadership abilities have led this congregation of 1500+ to pursue a deeper relationship with God while renewing relationships, replacing religiosity with spirituality and leading them in reclaiming their God ordained destiny! With the support of this loving church family, Reverend Chandler is Building ANEW on a Good Foundation. Reverend Chandler’s favorite Scripture is Proverbs 18:16, “a man’s gifts will make room for him.” This is what the Lord has done as God has enlarged Reverend Chandler’s territory. He has preached in the Holy Land (Israel), has traveled to Kenya, Africa and in March 2007, he was afforded the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel Message in Johannesburg and in other areas surrounding that region of South Africa. Reverend Chandler is also a proud and active member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. Reverend Chandler’s greatest joy is being married to his high school sweetheart and “ dream-girl”, Taleshia Lenshell Chandler. “Lady Chandler”, as she is affectionately called, is currently completing her PhD fulfillments in Educational Psychology. Their joy has been made complete sharing as the proud parents of Anthony Michael II, Alysha Michelle and Andrew Maxwel ll. Stay tuned, there is so much more in store!
shall be trampled under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. We declare that we are a praising and worshipping church. A people whose praise creates such a stir in the heavenliness, that God lovingly descends to
inhabit the high, high, high praises we offer up. We confess that we are a love practicing church. We love one another beyond the world’s boundaries of race, social status, political and economic status. We are a people of one mind and one body in Christ. OCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 9
Out of the Heart By Sis. Daphne Noriega “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever.” Psalm 107:1 This month as we celebrate Thanksgiving, we also give thanks for the Birthday of our beloved Bishop Eric D. Garnes. Happy Birthday dear Pastor and may the Lord grant you many more years of divine favor. God is indeed good and he has granted unto us another opportunity for celebration. In spite of the need or circumstances, may this Thanksgiving be one of fellowship with family and friends. A time to extend the love of Jesus to a stranger or a neighbor in need or who does not know about the joy of salvation. As we invite family and friends or as we accept invitations to feast on Thanksgiving let us think about the reasons for giving thanks. We thank God for the Bread of Life who is Jesus Christ who sits at the head of our table and the opportunity to introduce someone to him. Be blessed beyond measure this Thanksgiving. We declare and confess that we are a church of strong families. We believe in the institution of marriage established by God. Therefore we rebuke the spirit of divorce in our congregation. We declare no shortage of men in this worship place. We rebuke dysfunctional families and OCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 10
single parent dilemmas in Jesus’ name. Finally, we thank you, for the operation of the five-fold ministry: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers along with a rising number of Christian workers to serve this growing congregation that
Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving Take your mind off the Turkey and pie And give attention to the King on High Thanksgiving is not about “all you can eat” It’s giving thanks for the needs he meets We are thankful for our humble home Where family and friends are all welcome We thank the Lord for food so fine On which with prayer we daily dine We are thankful for the ones you heal While at the bedside loved ones kneel For those you called away to rest We are thankful that they gave their best We are thankful that God made a way For the homeless to survive day by day Some marriages are broken and jobs are lost But we are thankful that Jesus paid the cost Giving thanks for Church and School For grace and mercy on those who rule We are thankful for Leaders in the land Whose destiny is in the Master’s hand As we break our bread and sip our drink Let’s take a moment to sit and think God gave us life so abundantly Be thankful for the gift of eternity will be 10,000 PLUS MEMBERS STRONG. We salute you as King of kings and Lord of lords, Our Jehovah Jireh, our Jehovah Rapha, our El Shaddai. You are Lord!
be fulfilled!
Therefore, let the church shout hallelujah, we have the victory and our vision shall OCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 11
A Psalmist Speaks: Exploring Worship through the eyes of a Levite –Sis. Verania Kenton
Topic: Discipline, Commitment, Sacrifice, Flexibility and Growth... (Part II) It requires discipline to keep your focus on the Lord. Ps. 75:6-7. Be faithful with what He has put in your hand and remember, in the end, it’s not about you…It’s all about Jesus… As part of a worship team, your most glorious moments of worship should be off the platform when you are alone with God. How is this done? Well, you’ve got to know Him. You must know Him before you can worship Him. In order to show thankfulness to God, you must know Him personally. You must know His character. Check out Mark 8:26-29. As a member of the worship or praise team, you must be able to articulate the goodness of God. You must be able to respond to the movement of God with understanding. You must be able to describe God in multiple ways. You must know His name(s). Ex. OCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 12
Adonai: Master or Lord; Hebrew name for God, used 300 times in the Old Testament. Gen. 15:2, Ex4:10, Judges 6:15, 2Sam. 7:1820, Ps. 8, Ps. 114:7, Ps. 135:5, Ps. 141:8, Ps. 109:21-28. Or Jehovah: The name of God. Yahweh is the covenant name of God. It occurs 6,823 times in the Old Testament; verb “to be”, havah, refers to self-existent one, “I am who I am” or “I will be who I will be” as revealed to Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3). See Gen. 2:4, Dan. 9:14, Ps. 117:7, Lev. 19:2, & Hab. 1:12. Search the word/bible for more names. Don’t starve your mind for knowledge of who He is nor the truth, or your mind will find something else with which to fi ll itself. Worship is a lifestyle. You’ve got to live this thing. Worship is birthed out of experience and comes out of your understanding. As a member of this ministry, you must worship out of your personal relationship and expe-
rience with God, and you must be able to allow it to flow into the songs of the Lord during the service. What has he done for you? Do you know Him? What do you call Him? You see, God loves a worshiper. God loves praise and He wants to hear your gratitude. He longs to hear the sincerity in your worship. He takes joy in it. He loves when you praise Him and will continue to bless you. The team must focus and be unified in order to create an atmosphere where His presence can dwell, 2Ch. 5:13. The team has a huge responsibility to the people of God – someone is looking for a miracle. Each member must put aside personal issues and participate as a united force to create the atmosphere for the spirit of the Lord to dwell. It’s more than knowing how to flow and harmonize together. Each team member has to come with the mindset to create one sound; using their gifts and talents unto the glory of God, that He will show up. As a worship leader, you have a great responsibility as a “Levite” to create one sound in worship. When the holy sound is made in the earth, you will see the glory of God show up… Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come … Rev. 4:8. As a worshiper, stay close to God … live in His presence … Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world… Participating on a worship or praise team is a divine privilege; that comes with a great responsibility to show generosity to others in the body of Christ, through all we do. Praise team members: Excellence matters. Increase your dedication to prayer and fasting ever increasing in faith. Lead by example, be supportive in service, love your team, be punctual, study the word, be prepared musically, and be prepared for anything. The more preparation you commit to the rehearsal, the more room you’ll have to step out in the prophetic, to flow with the
unexpected and to release the “moments” in church life that make a service special. To whom much is given…much is required... The life of a worship leader requires much commitment, personal sacrifice, flexibility and growth. We all have areas we must constantly work on. There’s a saying that goes something like this: The error of youth is to believe that intelligence is a substitute for experience, while the error of age is to believe that experience is a substitute for intelligence. Truth, whether younger or older….we should never stop growing and striving for excellence. We must be content with what we have, but never with what we are. Growth can only take place when you confess your lack of it, commit to it, and continue in it! Remain ready for service & flexible…things are ever changing and as a worship leader, you need the ability to flow with the changes as they come….when God moves, we must be ready to move too. Finally: Have a realistic estimation of your gifts and abilities. Are you really called to Levitical service? Is this area of ministry really your gifting? Are you really anointed for this area of ministry? Has God called you to this area of ministry? Remember: One who has this gifting and is truly called to this area of ministry by God, doesn’t have to seek out admittance on a praise team … Your gifts will always make room for you. If God gave it to you, He will open every door necessary so that your gifts will be utilized in the tabernacle, so that souls can be won, healed and transformed; with the ultimate goal, that God and God alone be glorified, worshiped and praised. Be careful what you ask for…. It requires a total lifestyle change, you must be an extravagant worshiper, ready for service, flexible, ever growing, one who prepares & studies, is committed, sacrifices, and constantly strives for excellence…(this is just the beginning…). OCTOBER 2009 CONNECTED 13
Destiny Speaks
Summer With the Prophets Part II
By Sis. Moniquea McClean
I don’t know how long this series is going to be, but I’m going to keep writing as long as God keeps revealing. I won’t tell you that this revelation was for you; I am only revealing how it applied to me. But if the shoe fits, wear it! I want to back track a little and share some of the revelation of chapter 1. Verse 7-11 reads as such 7 Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Consider your ways! 8 Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified,” says the LORD. 9 “You looked for much, but indeed it came to little; and when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why?” says the LORD of hosts. “Because of My house that is in ruins, while every one of you runs to his own house. 10 Therefore the heavens above you withhold the dew, and the earth withholds its fruit. 11 For I called for a drought on the land and the mountains, on the grain and the new wine and the oil, on whatever the ground brings forth, on men and livestock, and on all the labor of your hands.” 7
Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Consider your ways! Consider your ways, Moniquea! Have you any integrity? Are you operating in Christ when the “Church” is not around? Are you operating in Christ on your job, when your bedroom door closes, when your best friend calls you on the phone, when an ex lover decides to call you out of the blue, when you’re on a hot date? Have you any integrity?! Consider your ways, think about it. Enter into deep contemplation about where you are in Me at this very moment.
Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified,” says the LORD. I don’t need you to command this one to move. I need to build your character, so climb it! And when you get to the top you will find that everything you need will be waiting. After you’ve seen the provision, take it and build yourself up! But not so you can toot your own horn, so that I may take pleasure in you and be glorified.
Chapter 1 ends the way we should all respond after a revelation; with obedience. 12 Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the LORD their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet, as the LORD their God had sent him; and the people feared the presence of the LORD. 13 Then Haggai, the LORD’s messenger, spoke the LORD’s message to the people, saying, “I am with you, says the LORD.” 14 So the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the LORD of hosts, their God, 15 on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month, in the second year of King Darius. Because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, once you’ve obtained that wisdom it kicks your faith into high gear. And when your faith kicks in, you can’t help but work! They received the revelation, obeyed, gained wisdom and built the temple! I am sure a thousand things went wrong with the building of that temple. Someone poured too much cement here, someone didn’t measure correctly there but they were assured that no matter what it looked like and no matter the circumstances, the Lord was with them and their instructions were to work! The same when we build our temple. We won’t always get it right. We will act up, act out and sometimes just plain fake it. But our instructions are to work because the Lord is with us! Will we always feel like it? Will it be easy? Will we get discouraged? Most likely! But how can we ever reach the goal and obtain the prize if difficulties cause us to quit? Haggai Chapter 2 encouraged me in the midst of a very tumultuous summer. I know now that I am entering into a different season of my life and I am excited for my growth in Christ. But I wouldn’t be entering my new season if when everything started going wrong, I quit the Lord! People often quote the Lord as saying in Jeremiah 29:11 11For I know
the thoughts that I think toward you”, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. But no one took the time to read the previous chapters of Jeremiah or even the beginning of Chapter 29. The Lord tells the prophet he has good plans for them after they are taken captive from Jerusalem to Babylon!!! Not only are they being held captive but the Lord says 10For thus saith the LORD, “That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.” They had to wait 70 years before those good plans we read about in verse 11 came to pass!! I look forward to going into Chapter 2 but please ask yourself this; where am I in the building of my temple (Spiritual body) and do I lack integrity? Are you still digging a hole to lay the foundation or waiting for your permit to build? Are you about to lay the steeple atop the finished building or are you waiting to hire contractors to build for you? Are you the same person in and out of the physical Church building? No matter what it looks like, your instructions are to be strong and work! To be continued…
2 0 10 W O M E N ’ S C O N F E R E N C E
M A R C H 1 1 -1 4 , 2 0 1 0 GUEST SPEAKERS
Dr. Jamal Bryant Pastor Kimberly Ray Pastor Sharon Dean
Join us for a fi ght
you’ll never forget
Thursday, March th • :pm Thursday
Guest Speaker Pastor Sharon Dean at Tabernacle of Praise (Cathedral) 1274 Utica Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Friday, March th • :pm Guest Speaker Pastor Kimberly Ray at Tabernacle of Praise (Cathedral) Saturday, March th • :am Workshop Guest Speaker Dr. Jamal Bryant at the Crowne Plaza Hotel 104-14 Ditmars Boulevard, East Elmhurst NY 11369
Workshop registration includes continental breakfast, lunch and other surprises Sunday, March th • :am and :am at Tabernacle of Praise (Cathedral)
Registration is NOW open!
Log into www.TOPcathedral.org to REGISTER EARLY & SAVE!!! $100.00 Per Person (Early Bird Rate through 2/14/10) $120.00 Per Person (After 2/14/10) Youth ages 13 - 17 • $75.00 per person
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Can He Support Me? Words from Pastor Jamal Harrison-Bryant: I often warn women who are contemplating marriage to marry someone who can take care of them. When a woman marries, it ought to be to someone who is capable of taking her to the next level. If she comes from poverty, there is no reason for her to get married and still be impoverished. The role of the man is to take her to another place. When she gets married, she ought to dress better, drive better, live better, and eat better, not constantly be in a struggle over where her next meal is coming from. My grandmother used to say, ‘I can do bad all by myself. For a woman desiring a mate, the objective, of course, would be to find a Christian man, who’s settled, has goals, accomplishments and a job. But a goal-oriented and focused man can’t just be approached any kind of way. So the woman who seeks this type of stability must make sure that he stands out above the crowd: 1. Make sure your relationship with the Lord is strong and growing. 2. Make sure that you are presentable. Working from the inside out, your presentation should be representative of both who you are and whom you seek. Appearance is a reflection of how you see yourself. 3. Have the ability to hold an intelligent conversation. 4. And most importantly, allow the Holy Ghost to take control. You don’t need to go after him. He’s going to come after you, because after he sees and
smells you and knows that you’re in his presence, he’s going to want to know who you are! I know there’s somebody reading this who has been chasing after the "man of your dreams," but God says, "Just sit still and allow patience to have her perfect work through Me." Furthermore, it’s never a good idea to be too forward and too aggressive. Attempting to win a man’s affection by jumping into bed with him will only backfire and cause him to lose interest in ever developing a lasting relationship. It causes him to lose respect for you and question your character. However, if he sees that you are dressed with quality, that you smell like you are somebody, that you look like you’re doing fine without him, then that will attract the right attention from him. He’ll have no choice but to give you his attention. Stop looking so needy, climbing into bed, trying in vain to capture a man’s heart. God woke me up in the middle of the night and said, "The same thing that Naomi told Ruth to do is the same thing that I want them to do for me." God is so sick of saints coming to Him trying to get a quickie and never romancing Him for Who he is - going to church screaming, shouting and hollering, but hadn’t been intimate with God all week long! Stop trying to treat God like a sugar daddy and start romancing Him with worship and praise: "I’m yours Lord...everything I’ve got...everything I’m not!" The God we serve, which is the God of love, demands and requires of us foreplay before He gives us what we need. In the book of Ruth, the mother-in-law tells Ruth, "You have to wash." John 15:3 reminds us, now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. When you sit in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you are taking a shower. When you hear the unadulterated Word of God, then the dirt and grime that you’ve accumulated all week long begins to wash off of you. Ask God to "create in you a clean heart and renew a right spirit." Stand in the word. Then wait upon the Lord to renew your strength. Pass this on to those who have found or are seeking Mr. Right. This message is not directed at the receiver, it is directed to women I know that touch other young women that can benefit from this information. We are to be Naomi’s of the world today. Our young women need to be informed of how to catch and keep a man that will respect them. "If he can’t meet you where you are...leave him where he’s at" "Every Saint Has a Past, Every Sinner Has A Future"
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The Word of God Promises that you can have whatever you say in Faith. – St. Mark 11: 23, 24 If you desire a breakthrough in your finances, make the following word based confessions daily and speak your financial prosperity into existence today! •
In the name of Jesus, I declare that God’s desire for me is to prosper financially.
I possess the power to seize wealth, and lay hold on my covenant right to be free from bondage to debt, lack and insufficiency.
Abundance, prosperity and the good life are mine.
I speak to the mountain of circumstances and command it be removed from my life now!
God is my Source; He is the God of breakthrough.
Therefore, by faith I declare that this is my receiving day and year of financial breakthrough!
I will give God what belongs to Him, His tithe–it’s not mine to begin with.
I will give the Lord an offering, to move His heart towards me.
I will discipline my spending and watch the miracles of God in my finances.
I declare this in Jesus name!
Where we are...
Where we are going
To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: (Ecc. 3:11)
"We are in Our Season"