Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses

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Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses Digital manufacturing of pneumatically rigidised Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses

Marius Lazauskas ID: 0756472 7th July 2015 Bauke de Vries // Maarten Willems // Tom Veeger Architectural Urban Design and Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology

Concre ete Canva as Canvas Tiny Ho ouses Concrete Tiny Houses Concretee Canvas Tiny Houses ((CCTH) offerrs a Digitallyy Manufactu ured Pneum matically Rigiidised alternnative to current staple of larrge scale diggital manufaacturing: Add ditive Layer Manufacturring and CNC Machiningg. As the name im mplies Concre ete Canvas (CC) is used aas the main construction n material fo or these build dings. The addvantage of textilee is that it is flexible and d the same applies to CC as long as itt is kept dry (after hydraation it hardeens in 24 hours). TThis feature is used to produce CCTH H in Digital M Manufacturin ng facility, fo old them into o dimensionns that fit onto com mmonly avaailable lorry trailers, tran nsport them to the deployment sitee, inflate and harden thhem, and have thee structure up and stan nding in 24 hours. The hope is thaat Digital Manufacturing M g will providde easily customizzable Tiny Ho ouse that can be producced at scale, which can guarantee higgh quality an nd lower pricce due to the labor and time saaving when ccompared w with ordinary construction n methods. 3 types of CCTHs we ere designed d to demonsstrate the co oncept’s flexibility (Type 1 CCTH imp pression is p resent in the imagge to the rigght). Tiny Ho ouses were chosen c as th he design off choice, beccause of the reference sstructural Concretee Canvas cap pabilities pro ovided by Concrete Canvaas Shelters aand downsiziing trend Europe and pa rticularly North America. Furtthermore intterview was made with Spacebox designer d Marrt de Jong to o gain know wledge of mall structuree practicalitiees. Scale mod dels of Type 3 CCTH werre made to sshowcase small spaace design and other sm deploym ment procedu ures as well as Concretee Canvas as aa constructio on material capabilties. Possible depployment site in N NRE Terrein, Eindhoven was selecteed due to itss attractiven ness to youn ng urban pro ofessionals, who are seeking ffor cheap qu uality housingg. Rough cost estimations were do one, which allowed a to compare c thee proposed design d to thee current reeal estate ost estimatio on was 457,,3 €/m3 (Spacebox – 3445 €/m3; market offerings of similar type. The Typee 1 CCTH co 3 3 50 €/m ; Typ pical house –– 250 €/m ). It seems a lot for such a small build ding, but it hhas to be Heijmans ONE is 35 ow volume production and a final cost would droop when taken into consideraation that quoted pricess were for lo were reached d. economiies of scale w

Table of T Table of contents contents s (Report) 1. Intrroduction ................... . .....................................................................................................9


Scenario ......................................................................................................................................................... 20


Demand ......................................................................................................................................................... 21


Concept ......................................................................................................................................................... 22


Research Q Question ......................................................................................................................................... 9


Supp ports ................................................................................................................................................ 22


Structure ......................................................................................................................................................... 9


Transportation ...................................................................................................................................... 22


Mate erials ............................................................................................................................................... 23

2. Lite erature res search ...........................................................................................................10 2.1.

Contemporary construction metho ods ........................................................................................................ 10


Conccrete Canvass price .......................................................................................................................... 23


Prefab bricated hou using ......................................................................................................................... 10


Conccrete Canvass Tiny House Type 1 Cost Estimate ............................................................................ 23


OnͲsitte constructiion ............................................................................................................................ 10


Deploymenet strrands ........................................................................................................................... 23

Digital fabrrication consstruction meethods ................................................................................................... 10


Conccrete Canvass stairs, partitions and slaabs ....................................................................................... 24



Additiive layer manufacturing .............................................................................................................. 10


Shap pes ................................................................................................................................................... 24


CNC m machining ..................................................................................................................................... 11


Seam ms .................................................................................................................................................... 25


Digitally manufactured d rigidised pn neumatic hou using ................................................................................. 11

4.11.10. Dime ensions ............................................................................................................................................ 26


Pneum matic structu ures........................................................................................................................... 11

4.11.11. Grou und plate ......................................................................................................................................... 26


Delive ery and description ...................................................................................................................... 12

4.11.12. Swin nging walls ....................................................................................................................................... 27


Pneum matic structu ure materialss ........................................................................................................... 12

4.11.13. Hinges .................................................................................................................................................... 27


Machinery and tools ............................................................................................................................ 12

4.11.14. Locking mechaniism .............................................................................................................................. 27


Design systems fo or digital man nufacturing .......................................................................................... 13

4.11.15. Interrior and exteerior CC shells .............................................................................................................. 27


Joint d design .......................................................................................................................................... 13

4.11.16. Interrior .................................................................................................................................................. 28


Consttruction site preperation ............................................................................................................ 14

4.11.17. Wall openings ........................................................................................................................................ 28


Rapid onͲsite erecction ......................................................................................................................... 14

4.11.18. End of lifetime ....................................................................................................................................... 29


Conclusions .......................................................................................................................................... 14

4.11.19. Utilitties .................................................................................................................................................. 29

Textile Reinforced Concrete ........................................................................................................................ 14

4.11.20. Adva antages of teextiles .......................................................................................................................... 29



Textile .................................................................................................................................................. 14

4.11.21. Disad dvantages off textiles ..................................................................................................................... 30


Concrrete .............................................................................................................................................. 17



Conclusions .......................................................................................................................................... 18

3. Tin ny Houses ................... . ...................................................................................................18

derations ................................................................................................. 30 Desig gn Constrainns and Consid


Location ......................................................................................................................................................... 30


Types ............................................................................................................................................................. 30


Concrete C Canvas Shelteer (CCS) .................................................................................................................... 18

5. Re eferences ................... .................................... .................................... ............................ 32


Flexotel ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

6. Ac cknowledgements .... .................................... .................................... ............................ 32


Bigelow Ae erospace Exp pandable Spaace Habitat [[21, p. 35] ......................................................................... 19

7. Ap ppendices.................. .................................... .................................... ............................ 33


Heijmans O ONE .............................................................................................................................................. 19


Spacebox ..................... . ................................................................................................................................. 19


Tiny House e program .................................................................................................................................... 20


Interview with Mart dde Jong ........................................................................................................................ 36

4. Concrete Can nvas Tiny H House.........................................................................................20


Table of contents (Drawings)

Eleva on West ............................................................................................................................................66

3.10. Eleva on South ...........................................................................................................................................67 1.



Situation .........................................................................................................................38

3.11. Sec on a-a’ .................................................................................................................................................68


Loca ons .....................................................................................................................................................38

3.12. Sec on b-b’ .................................................................................................................................................69


Loca ons Outer Ring...................................................................................................................................39

3.13. Detail Ground Plate.....................................................................................................................................70


Loca ons Inner Ring ...................................................................................................................................40

3.14. Scale Model ................................................................................................................................................71


Loca ons Rejected .....................................................................................................................................41

3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3 .........................................................................................................................................72


Loca on NRE Terrein...................................................................................................................................42

3.16. Detail D2, D3, A5 .........................................................................................................................................73


NRE Terrein Accessibility .............................................................................................................................43

3.17. Detail B1, B2, B3 .........................................................................................................................................74


NRE Terrein Flows .......................................................................................................................................44

3.18. Detail B4, B5 ...............................................................................................................................................75


NRE Terrein Panorama ................................................................................................................................45

3.19. Detail C1......................................................................................................................................................76


NRE Terrein Plan Overview .........................................................................................................................46

3.20. Detail C2, C3, C4..........................................................................................................................................77

1.10. NRE Terrein with CCTHs Top View...............................................................................................................47

3.21. Detail C5, B6 ...............................................................................................................................................78

1.11. Eleva ons....................................................................................................................................................48

3.22. Detail D4, D6 ...............................................................................................................................................79

1.12. Visualiza ons ..............................................................................................................................................49

3.23. Inner Shell cutout East-West.......................................................................................................................80

1.13. 10

Storage Containers .............................................................................................................................50

3.24. Inner Shell cutout North .............................................................................................................................81

1.14. Bicycle Repair Stand....................................................................................................................................51

3.25. Inner Shell cutout South .............................................................................................................................82

1.15. Europale e Furniture .................................................................................................................................52

3.26. Inner Shell Ground Sheet ............................................................................................................................83

1.16. Bulk Bag Vegeta on ....................................................................................................................................53

3.27. Ground Sheet Fastening..............................................................................................................................84


3.28. Outer Shell cutout East-West ......................................................................................................................85


Overview .....................................................................................................................................................54

3.29. Outer Shell cutout North ............................................................................................................................86


Digital Manufacturing .................................................................................................................................55

3.30. Outer Shell cutout South ............................................................................................................................87


Concepts .....................................................................................................................................................56


Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses .....................................................................................................................57

Type 1 CC Tiny House ...................................................................................................58


Type 2 CC Tiny House ...................................................................................................88 4.1.

Overview .....................................................................................................................................................88


Visualiza ons ..............................................................................................................................................89


Overview .....................................................................................................................................................58


Floorplan level supports .............................................................................................................................90


Visualiza ons ..............................................................................................................................................59


Floorplan level 0 .........................................................................................................................................91


Floorplan level supports .............................................................................................................................60


Floorplan level roof .....................................................................................................................................92


Floorplan level 0 .........................................................................................................................................61


Eleva on North-West .................................................................................................................................93


Floorplan level 1 .........................................................................................................................................62


Eleva on North-East ...................................................................................................................................94


Floorplan level roof .....................................................................................................................................63


Eleva on South-West .................................................................................................................................95


Eleva on East ..............................................................................................................................................64


Eleva on South-East ...................................................................................................................................96


Eleva on North ...........................................................................................................................................65

4.10. Sec on a-a’ .................................................................................................................................................97

4.11. Sec on b-b’ .................................................................................................................................................98

5.19. Inner shell Ground Sheet ..........................................................................................................................130

4.12. Sec on c-c’..................................................................................................................................................99

5.20. Ground Sheet Fastening............................................................................................................................131

4.13. Detail Ground Plate...................................................................................................................................100

5.21. Outer shell cutout North-West .................................................................................................................132

4.14. Details .......................................................................................................................................................101

5.22. Outer shell cutout North-East ...................................................................................................................133

4.15. Inner Shell cutout North-West ..................................................................................................................102

5.23. Outer shell cutout South-West .................................................................................................................134

4.16. Inner Shell cutout North-East South-West................................................................................................103

5.24. Outer shell cutout South-East ...................................................................................................................135

4.17. Inner Shell cutout South-West ..................................................................................................................104


Scale Models ................................................................................................................136

4.18. Inner Shell cutout South-East North-West................................................................................................105


Inflatable CCTH Type 3 ..............................................................................................................................136

4.19. Inner Shell Ground Sheet ..........................................................................................................................106


Concrete Canvas CCTH Type 3 ..................................................................................................................137

4.20. Ground Sheet Fastening............................................................................................................................107


Concrete Canvas Slab ................................................................................................................................138

4.21. Outer Shell cutout North-West .................................................................................................................108


Concrete Canvas cu ng ...........................................................................................................................139

4.22. Outer Shell cutout North-East South-West ...............................................................................................109 4.23. Outer Shell cutout South-West .................................................................................................................110 4.24. Outer Shell cutout South-East North-West ...............................................................................................111 5.

Type 3 CC Tiny House .................................................................................................112 5.1.

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................112


Visualiza ons ............................................................................................................................................113


Floorplan level supports ...........................................................................................................................114


Floorplan level 0 .......................................................................................................................................115


Floorplan level roof ...................................................................................................................................116


Eleva on North-West ...............................................................................................................................117


Eleva on North-East .................................................................................................................................118


Eleva on South-West ...............................................................................................................................119


Eleva on South-East .................................................................................................................................120

5.10. Sec on a-a’ ...............................................................................................................................................121 5.11. Sec on b-b’ ...............................................................................................................................................122 5.12. Detail Ground Plate...................................................................................................................................123 5.13. Details .......................................................................................................................................................124 5.14. Scale Model ..............................................................................................................................................125 5.15. Inner shell cutout North-West ..................................................................................................................126 5.16. Inner shell cutout North-East....................................................................................................................127 5.17. Inner shell cutout South-West ..................................................................................................................128 5.18. Inner shell cutout South-East....................................................................................................................129

1. Introduction The aim of the research is to provide an additional Digital Manufacturing alternative for Built Environment. Besides 3D printing, that is currently being named the next evolutionary step of Architecture, other digital fabrication methods are available that use offͲtheͲshelf solutions: “Beyond the fashion effect, there exists a widespread agreement that fabrication represents the next step in the transformation of architecture under the inŇuence of digital culture.” [1, p. V]. By using these proven approaches together with Pneumatic Structures a construction method that is rapid, customizable and potentially affordable is going to be developed.


Research Question

Due to the archaic nature of current construction, and in some cases design, techniques it is important to investigate what the future can bring to the Construction Industry. Currently there is a lot of talk and research taking place in the area of Additive Layer Manufacturing, but at present this technique does not seem to be suitable for macro scale. Development in other areas of Digital Fabrication shows more promise [2]. The research in the alternative areas forms the core of the problem question: “Can Digital fabrication of Pneumatically formed Rigidised Buildings be the next step1 in the evolution of buildings and construction practices?” Reference scientific material, which investigates the use of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) equipment for machining plywood parts, that snap together to make a building, form the basis of the paper. There is one drawback to the fore mentioned method – it requires manual assembly of the building. To overcome this, plywood is replaced by a membrane. This allows the building to be pneumatically erected with little effort. In combination with knowledge gained from Spacebox case study, this makes up digital fabrication of affordable pneumatically formed Rigidised housing.



The report consists of 4 main parts: x

Literature Research – overview of information regarding pneumatic structures, their materials and fabrication;


Tiny Houses – information on small space features and an interview Mart de Jong, the Spacebox designer;


Concrete Canvas Tiny House – program and overview of Digitally Fabricated Pneumatically formed Rigidised Tiny Houses;


Drawings – Concrete Canvas Tiny House plans, elevations, sections, details and visualizations are presented with detail explanations.


Previous steps being onͲsite construction and prefabrication, which currently dominate construction industry. Rapid Prototyping produce is finding its way into more and more households and sooner or later these techniques will have to be adopted for building construction, as it provide customization possibilities, that do not come at a time or financial penalty.


2 2. Litera ature rese earch The repo ort is going to present the investiggation done in the area of the reseearch question. It will reeflect on subjects that are related to digittal manufactturing of buiildings. The o overview of current construction praactices is hat has beeen achieved so far and d what are the weakn nesses that additive essential, as it willl reveal wh olve. Digital manufacturring techniq ques that arre experimeentally emp loyed to manufaccturing is aiiming to so construcct buildings will follow. As with thee contemporary constru uction there are strengtths and weaaknesses, which arre going to be highlightted. Issues discovered d w both typ with pes of erecttion approacches are goi ng to be tackled by investigaating how R Rigidised Pn neumatic Strructures can n potentiallyy resolve th hem. Finallyy, Textile Reinforcced Concrete es are going to be overviiewed as theey incorporatte desired riigidisation feeatures of Pnneumatic Structurees.

2 2.1.

Con ntemporarry constru uction metthods

ModernͲͲday erection n methods ccan be split into Prefabs and OnͲsite construction n. In situ buiilding is as oold as our civilizatio on; it is surp passed by preefabricated housing. “Paarts of buildiings have beeen made in factories fo r at least 2000 yeaars.” [3, p. 8]]. Both of thee methods have their hisstory and advvantages toggether with d drawbacks.

2 2.1.1. Preffabricated housing Prefabriccated houses are buildin ngs that are m manufactureed indoors, in n industrial ssites, in a sim milar conveyoor driven fashion aas automobiiles. Then these components of a ho ouse, or in so ome cases fu ull houses, arre transporteed to the construcction site forr final assembly. The repetitiveness o of such production ensurres that the building meeets strict quality ccontrol stan ndards and is virtually faultͲfree. Furthermore F e, when eco onomiesͲofͲsscale are ta ken into account,, such houses are less exxpensive than n their onͲsitte built coun nterparts. Wh hen quality/price ratio o f prefabs is evaluaated they get positioned d even furtheer apart from m conventional buildingss. Of course,, there is a ddownside to all off this. The customization n of these buildings b is limited, l thou ugh in the recent r years this issue hhas been tackled w with massͲcu ustomization n [3, p. 146]. The transportation caan lead to prroblems too,, as sometim mes large component dimensio ons are restrricted by thee route that iit has to takee, so it has to o be divided d even more – adding to comp plexity and potential p ad dditional cossts. It is neaatly summarrized by Colin Davies: “The “ strengtth of the prefabriccated house lies in its po opularity, its cheapness aand the indu ustrial base frrom which itt operates. TThese are preciselyy the areas in n which mod dern architeccture is weakkest.” [3, p. 8 8]. By “modeern architectture” Davies refers to tradition nal way of de esigning and d erecting bu uildings – On nͲsite construction. Preffabricated housing is an efficient way of constructing buildings thaat has its weaknesses in ccustomizatio on and logisttics.

2 2.1.2. On-s site constrruction In situ co onstruction iis an archaicc way of building. It datees back to the times of th he first civilizzations and is deeply embedded into cultu ural heritagee of our world d. This explaains why so m much pride iss taken when n erecting a house. It is traditional, old and historic, bu ut highly ineefficient. All tthe building materials haave to arrivee on site. Quuite often they havve to be stocckpiled and ttake up valuaable space. TThe materials are mostlyy raw, meaning that theyy are not ready fo or assembly and have to o be processsed onͲsite.. The constrruction workkers have to o manually aassemble thousand ds of pieces together to make a building. That iss undoubtedly time and labor intensive and leadds to high financial costs. Moreover, each project is, most of the time, uniqu ue, which reesults in a continuous sttream of mistakess. As mentioned in “2.1.1 1 Prefabricatted housing”” paragraph, these faultss can be easiily worked o ut, when houses aare manufacctured in facctories. Thatt is achieved d thanks to quality con ntrol and strreamlined prrocesses,


which ddo not hold any surprisees. However all of the abbove allow a building to be as distincctive as it ca n possibly be. Thee etalon of uniqueness u –– Sagrada Fa amília, refleccts on that particularly p w well. The cathedral is soo complex that it iis going to ta ake Catalanss more than a century too finish. It ev ven employss constructio on methods that were not envvisioned durring the initiial stages off building – additive lay yer manufaccturing [4]. The T exclusiviity of this church makes it too o expensive and time co onsuming to erect manually. By currrent projectio ons the Cathhedral will mpleted in 20 026 [5]. OnͲs ite constructtion was undderstandable e in the timees, when there were no eelectricity, be com mputers and n no optimizattion. Neverth heless in thee XXI century y it is the moost prevailing g building meethod and no com the queestion remain ns what and when will su urpass it.


Dig gital fabric cation con nstruction n methods s

The reccent years ha ave seen a rrapid development of Diigital Fabrica ation that is supposed to o soon gain aadditional momenntum due to expiring pattents [6]. Building at Maccro scale means that thesse new innovations will ttake time, but eveen at the current state thhere is a lot tthat can be aadopted by Architecturee. “Over the decade of thhe aughts, architecctural discou urse has chaarted a new course. In thhe wake of tthe digital efffect on mainstream arcchitectural thinkingg, we find ourselves o in a great age of explorattion. Researcch in digital fabrication has moved from the generall to the specific, while sim multaneously contributinng to emergiing discoursees in areas such as manuufacturing, social i mpact, susttainable pracctices, biolo ogical structuures, etc. Sp pecific workk on building componennt design, coupledd with a perfformanceͲbaased pragmatic rigor abo ut durability y, strength, pperformance, and producction have provideed concrete examples oof designͲthrroughͲproduuction investtigations, annd led to further clarityy that the “state oof the art” is indeed flourrishing within and withouut architectu ure.” [7, p. 4331].

2.2.1. Additive layerr manufactturing methods. It iss a hybrid 3D prinnting incorpo orates certai n aspects from both typpes of contemporary connstruction m At the core itt is still an in situ construuction, but that ha s traces of both onͲsite cconstruction and onͲsite assembly. A es with heavyy usage of can be a lot more fllexible and ppossibly affordable. For eexample, buildings contaaining facade manner. On the other n would com me at a high ffinancial cosst if construccted in a conntemporary m classicaal decoration equire a minnuscule finiccal penalty, in comparisson, as it w hand, ddigital manu ufacturing w would only re would take mplicated orrnaments. Th he problems start when the machinee, that has slightly more time a and materiall to print com n into consid eration. In o order to printt a constructtion the prinnter has to g layerͲbyͲlaayer, is taken to printt the building of material a re not the be twicce the size off the buildingg and it faces additional difficulties. ““As well staccked layers o ge product ssuch as a building.” [2, pp. 300]. This forbids 3D pprinting at most effficient way to build a p hysically larg pted and feassible constru uction methood in the nea arby future. buildingg scale from becoming a widely adop g, as fabricattion in a facttory loses moost of its adv vantages andd does not The disccussion here e is about onnͲsite printing e of rapid prrototyping te echnology finnds it use differ m much from concrete, c steeel or wood prefabricatiion. The use omized item ng the possiibilities of more eeasily in areas, where ssmaller custo ms are required. Obviouusly, explorin ence the couuntless pilot projects andd concepts technollogy and matterial is requuired, so thatt one knows its limits. He cts. ESA is lo unar base errection by uilding large that ex plores 3D prrinting capabbilities for b e scale objec ooking into lu o the Moo n [8]2. 3D using luunar dust ass aggregate ttogether witth magnesiuum based binders to pri nt stations on Amsterdam. It mostly se erves an edu cational purpose to introoduce the printed Canal House is being faabricated in A of Engineers aand Scientistts. We were promised ew technologgy and inspire the next ggeneration o generall public to ne


http:/// 9PWUGkz7o –– Animation of ESA’s 3D pri nted lunar base constructioon.

nuclear p powered auttomobiles3 d during the Nu uclear Energgy hype, but the last timee I checked I was unable to come across any fission po owered appliances at my m disposal. This draws to t the conclusion that the t actual pllateau of 4 uses, is goingg to arrive in a decade’s time. productiivity , for 3D printed hou

2 2.2.2. CNC C machinin ng Lawrencce Sass paper on constru uction of a building usingg CNC machiined 2D plyw wood parts ssets a benchhmark for Digitally Fabricated buildings. The design methodology m y present in the article allows the usage u of ofͲ theͲshelf nologies thatt have been long tested d and had proven themselves: “CNC C manufactuuring has materials and techn binets, stairͲ cases, and ffurniture fro m virtual seen exttensive use in processingg wood products such ass kitchen cab models aand drawings. Of the array of CNC m machines avaiilable to designers (lathees and multiͲͲaxis mills), m mills tend to be thee top choice because of ttheir simpliccity and outcome controll.” [2, p. 300]. To overcome the tech nical and physical challenges embedded into additivee layer manu ufacturing, the hybrid deesign and faabrication m ethod of CNC macchining open ns up many possibilities.. The size of f the buildingg does not d directly correespond to thhe size of the machine. Pieces are cut at human scale, so they can n be assemblled by hand. There is no need for waaiting for or harden, ass soon as thee part is macchined, from m a sheet of plywood, it ccan be straigghtͲaway the mateerial to set o incorporrated into the structuree. CNC milling comes with w its own n drawbackss – it is lab bour intensi ve. Each fabricateed part has to be manuallly joined into the massivve puzzle thaat makes thee Digitally Maanufactured Building. At the eend of the day d this draw wback stays unresolved,, because au utomating onͲsite assem mbly of thouusands of plywood d parts would d require solutions as com mplex as add ditive layer m manufacturin ng ones.

2 2.3.

Digitally man nufactured d rigidised d pneumattic housing

The methodology ussed by Lawreence Sass to design and b build a Digitaally Fabricateed plywood sshelter [2] iss going to pted for Pne eumatic Stru uctures. Digitally Fabricated Pneum matically formed Rigidised Concretee Canvas be adap Structuree research is going to lo ook into types of Pneum matic Structu ures, how th hey are desiggned, what are their properties, what materials are ussed in their cconstruction and how they can be Digitally Manu ufactured.

2 2.3.1. Pne eumatic structures Pneumattic structure es radically d differ from ordinary o buiildings. Theyy do not relyy on materials to withs tand the force of gravity, but instead use tensile stresses caused b by interior an nd exterior p pressure diffeerences to oovercome As yet, onlyy the air staabilized struccture has beeen adopted d for buildin ng constructtion. The gravitational pull. “A essence of pneumatically stabilized construction, wheether it be stabilized s byy air or gasees, is a thinn flexible membraane, which iss supported d solely by pressure p diffferentials. These differeences in preessure induc e tensile stresses into the me embrane, an nd enable it to support gravitationa g l wind loadss as a relaxaation of thesse tensile Consequently the pneum matic structu ure is a pure tensile strructure, in which w the membrane m aterial is forces. C utilized w with great sttructural efficciency. An an nalogy of thiis phenomen non is the waater hosepipe. This demoonstrates the pneu umatic principle very sim mply. When eempty it is lim mp and posssesses very little stiffnesss, but once fiilled with 3

http://een.wikipedia.o org/wiki/Nucleear_propulsio on#Cars – The 1950s societyy envisioned aan atomic agee where even mundane appliancees would be powered by nu uclear energy. Most of the iindustry was aalso participatting in the hyp pe, hence thee Ford Nucleon ccar. But historry panned outt what was rational and wh hat was not so o much and we were left with Nuclear Ennergy and Nuclear M Medicine. 4 https:/// – Thee current statee of Digital Maanufacturing aat Macro scalee is at exploraatory phase and d it is not cleaar when and iff it will becom me widely applicable in consstruction.

water itt becomes m more rigid. Thhe water is ccausing a preessure differrential acrosss the walls o of the hosepiipe, which are so ppretensioned d as to resist t bending.” [9 9, pp. 15–16 ]. In geneeral there are e two types oof Pneumaticc Structure –– Air Supportted (Fig. 1. a)) and Air Inflated (Fig. 1. b): by a small airr pressure “An air supported sstructure connsists of a single structuural membrane which is supported b m that thhe internal building voluume is at a pressure sliightly above atmospheriic, usually differenntial. This means betweeen 15 and 25 5 mm of wateer pressure, and consequuentially acccess in and oout of the building is accoomplished across aa pressure differential.” [9, p. 18].

Fig. 1. a) a Air Supporte ed Pneumatic c Structure [9, p. 19]; b) Air Inflated I Pneum matic Structurre [9, p. 17]

“In air inflated construction, aiir is containe ed within a membrane to form inflaated structural element s, such as alls and archhes, which th hemselves reesists the exxternal loadinngs in much the same w way as the columnns, beams wa structu ral elementss of more connventional sttructures” [99, p. 17]. ed in all areaas of life in umatic Structture houses date back too the 70’s, when they weere considere The histtory of Pneu e in certain markets, bu ut the prom ised wide a similaar fashion the 3D print ing is nowadays. It fou nd its place uncture issuee was not adaptattion of the technology t ddid not happen. It was mostly related to the ffact, that pu orget mental ity. There were methodds that allow wed the elim ination of resolve d and could not allow ssetupͲandͲfo w n pneumatic structures is consideredd by many puncturres: “The need for mainttaining an exxcess air preessure within es. Consequeently, rigidising foams, ssuch as poly yurethane, hhave been as a maajor disadva antage of su ch structure pneumatic sttructures to produce riggid forms tha at no longer require a developped, which ccan be introdduced into p continuuous air supp ply for suppoorting purposses. Howeveer, once rigidising elemennt is introducced into the structure, er claim to bbe a true the pri ncipal attrib bute of a pnneumatic, its portabilityy, is forsaken, and it caan no longe pneumaatic structure.” [9, p. 99]]. Moreover the public reejected the sspherical buiilding shapess, as they raiised many ofͲtheͲordinaary. practicaality issues and were tooo much outͲo able to matchh desired arcchitectural sttyle detail The dow wnside to Pn neumatic Strructures housing is that iit won’t be a with the casse of CNC ma achined buil dings the fin nal result woould be an as addittive layer manufacturingg would. As w al style, wh ich is limite ed by the rrequirement of the shaape to be interpreetation of a a particular architectura a similar fashhion as Lawrrence Sass – waterti ght. Using Pneumatic Sttructures in a – to reinterprret existing ttraditional eates a preceedent for infflatable buildding revival. Especially w when taking iinto conside ration the buildingg forms – cre n material m arket. Concrrete Canvas sstructures selfͲrigiidising inflata able materiaals found on the todays cconstruction er of a day. A ves the punctture issue ass it is a selfͲssupporting drated and seet in a matte Also it resolv can be inflated, hyd able structurre, on the other hand, arre a matter o of personal ppreference structu re. The rounded shapes of the inflata and woould have to stand the tesst of time.


2 2.3.2. Deliivery and d description n

Structu re mostly du ual walled m membranes a are used (Figg. 3). These m membranes are used to construct A Air Inflated Pneumaatic Structurres. High air pressures are required for their inflation, whichh makes them rigid, but as all the other PPneumatic Structures, theey susceptible to punctu res.


Fiig. 3. Goodyea ar Airmat duall walled type ffabric used in ML inflatable sshelters [9, p. p 37]

Fig. F 2. Three sstages of trans sformation – frrom Solid Shape to 2D patte erns [1, p. 307 7].

To suit tthe needs off as many ap pplications ass possible th he initial design process is generic. TThe desired 33D shape can be m modelled to o suit the styyle and the requiremen nts of the geeographic lo ocation. It caan represen t certain architecttural styles o or allow the shape to follow the funcction. Functio onal shape ccan be optim mized for a w ide array of aspeccts: maximum daylight p penetration, minimum overheating o hours by th he sun, maxximum interiior floorͲ space, m minimum heaating requireement in thee cold time o of the year and others. A After the initiial 3D mode l is setup it is anaalyzed by th he Design Syystem for sh hape converrsion to Pneeumatic stru ucture. Afterrwards the resulting Pneumattic 3D shell’’s Building P Physics properties are evvaluated. If the energettic and otheer parameterrs of the structuree are within n the expecttations, the Pneumatic 3D model iss unfolded into i 2D contours by th e Design System. This step is essential ass the generaated pattern data is used d by Digital Fabrication machines too cut out contourss from the m material of ch hoice. At thiss stage a scale model pro ototype is bu uilt to troublleshoot the ddesign. If the scalee model does not provide indicationss of defects tthe final dessign drawings can be devveloped. Thee Digitally Fabricateed Pneumatic Structure design stepss mocked up after L. Sasss designed sh helter (Fig. 2)).

meant to be rrelocated, the cavity conntaining air and Z directioon strands If the coonstruction is permanennt and not m his will rigid ise the stru ucture and i t won’t require compreessors for can be filled with polyurethanne foam. Th ete Canvas thhe inner part of the dua l walled mem mbrane is fil led with a maintaiining pressure. In the casse of Concre nvas (Fig. 42 ) contains mix of ccement and aggregate ( Fig. 42). Furthermore onnly the interrior side of CConcrete Can e by water, bbecause the membrane has to be hy ydrated in orrder to set gas holdding layer. T The exterior iis penetrable oncrete Canvvas means th hat the struccture is of the conncrete. The rreplacementt of dual walled membraanes with Co the Air Supported ttype. Furtherrmore the usage of duall wall membranes dates back to the 1950’s, so itt is a time nto self rigidiising materia al. tested cconcept thatt only recenttly evolved in

2.3.4. Ma achinery an nd tools e and erect matically forrmed Rigidissed Concrette Canvas The eqquipment re equired to m manufacture t the Pneum g facility, whhere the shell of the buildding is cut Structu re is split intto two parts . One takes place in a m anufacturing beͲpressurizeed skin is from CConcrete Canvas rolls aand welded together. I n the second part thee readyͲtoͲb transpoorted to the cconstructionn site, inflated and hydratted.

2 2.3.3. Pne eumatic structure matterials There arre many type es of materiaals that can b be used for tthe skin of Pn neumatic Strructures. Mo ost of them aare made from a ttype of fabricc that is imp pregnated with gas holding substancce. For the d design of Pneeumatically Rigidised



nflatable sheltters available in: [9, p. 168]] and a video sshowing its errection More innformation ab bout M.L. Aviaation Co Ltd in airͲdoͲit/querry/inflation proceduure can be fou und here: httpp://Ͳa


2.3.6. Joiint design

Manufactu M ring

Manufaccturing of inflatable Con ncrete Canvaas structuress would be done d ofͲsite. Primarily because b the material has to sttay in a dry environmen nt, otherwisee it will start to harden.. Secondly 3D 3 shell consstruction willl require cutters tto slice 2D co ontours from m Concrete Canvas and th hermal welders to join th he cutͲouts ttogether. Moost of the equipmeent required is already co omputer con ntrolled and would integgrate into Diggital Manufaacturing proccess. The canvas m manufacture er suggests tthe followingg methods for f cutting unset u material: “A ‘snap off’ type diisposable blade can be used fo or cutting CC before it is h hydrated or set. When cu utting unset CC a 15Ͳ20m mm allowancce should ng a powereed discͲcutteer, a selfͲ be left ffrom the cutt edge due tto potential loss of fill. CC can also be cut usin 6 sharpeniing fabric cu utter or hand d saw.” . Thee suggested cutting metthods emplo oy that theree are many w ways the material can be cut, while the w welding aspecct is covered d more in deepth in the ”2 2.3.6 Joint design” sectioon of the report.


Erection E

Firstly th he packed 3D shell has tto be transp ported to the construction site and unloaded. That T would rrequire a lorry forr transportattion and a fo orklift/crane//excavator ffor unloadingg and placin ng the folded d constructioon in the desired erection are ea. Finally infflation devicces in a form m of compreessors or fans would be needed andd a water t concretee canvas. Th his follow similar set off proceduress, which aree required ffor other source tto hydrate the Pneumattic Structure e construction [9, p. 121].

2 2.3.5. Des sign system ms for digittal manufac cturing Softwaree tools werre being loo oked into, that would allow impllementing the t generic Digitally Faabricated Pneumattic Building concept. During the cou urse of studies at the TU U/e’s Built En nvironment departmentt projects that werre done with Rhinoceros 3D and its p plugͲin Grasshopper weree encountereed on severaal occasions. Because of the peersonal expe erience in using Grasshop pper it was d decided to seettle with this software ttool and exa mine it if there arre any refere ence Pneum matic Structure projects done with Grasshopper G r. The initial search resuults were optimistic and lead to a purch hase of Grassshopper plu ugin called Karamba 3D D. “Karamb ba provides accurate analysis of spatial trrusses and fframes, and is easy to use u for nonͲexperts, tailored to the needs of arrchitects, 7 e design phase.” . Besides bein ng fully inteegrated into already fam miliar Graph ical User specificaally, in the early Interfacee of Grassho opper, the w website of Kaaramba 3D included i a gallery g that contained c exxample projeects that were creeated with th his software. One of the examples w was a Pneum matic Structurre generation code [10],, which is going to be the startting point of the code development sstage of the rresearch. The provided ssample conv erts a 2D me plane intto a Pneumaatic 3D shelll wireframe.. It forms th he basis for further desiign system rresearch, wirefram which aiims to transform a virtu ual Tiny Housse sized 3D model into a watertightt shell that can c be unfo lded and prototyp ped in a form m of a scale m model.


Quotation taken from m “Concrete C Canvas™ Ͳ User Guide Ͳ Jointing and Fixing”: 20Canvas%E2% %84%A2%20Ͳ http://bu %20User% %20Guide%20 0Ͳ%20Jointingg%20and%20FFixing.pdf 7 Quote taaken from: htttp://

Fig. 4. Concrete Cannvas jointing methods m


Joint deesign is essential for a Pnneumatic Strructure. Conccrete Canvass cutͲouts haave to be joined togetheer to make the sheell of the stru ucture. Furthhermore the skin has to be airtight ffor a period of 24 hours to allow thee concrete ks fine for si ngle layer to curee. The classiccal way of P neumatic Sttructure canvvas jointing is by sewingg. This work ble walled m membranes like Concretee Canvas, that have to m make an airtight seal do not favor materiaals, but doub this meethod. Anoth her techniqu e employed for joining pplastic films membraness is welding: “Only one m method of at is weldingg. Both sewing and cemeenting reducce the strenggth of the jointingg is suitable for plastic fiilms, and tha an generally be develope ed, and in soome cases, film connsiderably. W With weldingg, 90 percentt of materialss strength ca be producedd.” [9, p. 94]. joints, aas strong as tthe material s itself, can b ade of an aaright polyetthylene mem Concrette canvas in nterior mem mbrane is ma mbrane (Fig. 43), which makes it nvas manufaactures have e released a jointing guid de that com suitablee for therma al welding. CConcrete Can mpares the 9 he strongest and most joining methods (Fiig. 4). Therm mal welding is one of thhem and it comes at thee top with th can be automated, which bbenefits Digital Manufaccturability w impeneetrable joint.. Furthermo re thermal welding aspect oof the materrial.


uide Ͳ Jointingg and Fixing”: Table ttaken from “C Concrete Canvvas™ Ͳ User Gu 0Ͳ u/sites/defau lt/files/products/downloadds/Concrete%20Canvas%E22%84%A2%20 0Fixing.pdf %20Useer%20Guide%2 20Ͳ%20Jointinng%20and%20 9 ZNsNI0ks – Vi deo of thermal jointing maachine joining two sheets off Concrete Canvas.


2 2.3.7. Con nstruction s site preperration The origginal Concre ete Canvas Shelter site preparation is minimaal (Fig. 41).Pneumaticallly formed Rigidised Concretee Canvas Structures site has to be prrepared to h have ready to o connect Uttilities and aan even hardd surface. For a sm mall construcction an eveen level surfaace is sufficient and only additional supports would w be reqquired to raise thee building ab bove the gro ound. This is due to the ffact that thee 3D shell wo ould come w with already installed hard gro ound floor su urface that reequires placeement and su upports to raaise it above ground.

Supportted structures are used as formworrk for rigidissing plastics to be applieed on [9, p. 150]. As witth the Air Supportted formwork case, the PPneumatically formed Riigidised Concrete Canvass Structure h has to stay prressurized until th e material se e–ts. These pproperties alllow Pneumaatically formed Rigidised Concrete Ca anvas Structuures to be erectedd in a matter of days.

2.3.9. Conclusions As withh the case of onͲsite digittal fabricatio on the pneum matic structu ures are ereccted on site. Downside iss that due to the nature of the materiial picked for f the Pneeumatically formed Strructure – Concrete C Ca nvas, the s an inflaatable buildin ngs will havee to be done indoors, w where concrete is proteccted from manufaacturing of such prematture setting. This meanss that Digita al Manufact ure of Pneu umatically foormed Rigidised Concrette Canvas anvas Shelteers. Advantag ges to that aare quality Structu re will have to be centraalized as it iss done with Concrete Ca nd the simpple fact that the structuure can be delivered d onn site and control and lower manufacturring costs an day. In somee fashion this resembles Prefabs, but inflatable bbuilding whe en packed w would take erectedd the same d little sppace and wo ould not causse additiona al logistics is sues. Also Digital D Fabriccation techniiques would allow for easy deesign custom mization requuired by the A Architecturaal style picked by the clieent. On the o other hand thhe Lack of detail aas with CNC d digital manuufacturing causes anotheer set of issue es, but the rreinterpreted d architecturral style in the forrm of Pneum matic Structuure can have its own a ppeal. Finally the drawbbacks that Pneumaticall P ly formed Rigidiseed Concrete Canvas Struccture face arre outweigheed down by tthe solutionss it bring to tthe problem s found in commoon construction and digit al manufacturing methoods.

2 2.3.8. Rap pid on-site e erection


oncrete Tex xtile Reinfforced Co

oduct being sold and de eveloped by United King gdom based Concrete Concrette Canvas (C CC) is a com mmercial pro he research dedicated Canvas Ltd. CC is a ttype of Textiile Reinforced Concrete ((TRC) and it dramaticallyy increased th 2000’s. The ggoal of this p part of the reeport is to lo ook into scieentific TRC toward s TRC since its introducttion in midͲ2 developmentt could be done. The se e areas, wheere further d d elected area of TRC reseearch then researcch and locate would form the Building Physsics Graduattion Project part of the Combinedd (ARCH & BPS) 7X545 – Digital Archite cture gradua ation studio. dio is to devvelop a sing gle person hhousehold Design Concept off 7X545 – D Digital Archittecture gradduation stud Canvas housees. CC plays a vital role iin the design n, so researcch done in med Rigidisedd Concrete C Pneumaatically form ural and Buildding Physics aspects of t he graduatio on. TRC wil l be beneficial to both thhe Architectu Fig. 5. Concrete Canvas C shelte er on-site erection sequence e

10 11

Pneumattic Structure e’s “most im mportant advvantage is wiithout doubtt its portabillity and mob bility; the meembrane material is deployed in the mostt efficient waay possible, tthat is tensio on; it is theree extremely lightweight and is of a dismanttling are convenieent low bullk when packed for haandling and transportation; finally, erection and accomplished swiftlyy and with eaase.” [9, p. 1 137]. The reference projeect of inflatable Concretee Canvas sheelter (Fig. 5) is a P Pneumatically formed Rigidised Concrete Canvas Structure. It requires Air Support,, while the hydrated concretee is setting, which takess 24 hours. That is in co ontrast to rigidisation examples e fou und in “Prinnciples of Pneumattic Architectture [9]”, wh here either rigidising foam is injected d into Air Infflated Structtures [9, p. 999] or Air 10

Image ssequence take en from a Con ncrete Canvass Shelter speciification sheett: http://www w.concretecanͲͲ content/u uploads/2013 3/10/1208ͲCCSSͲCivilͲBrochu ure.pdf 11 1pdvvoVoQ – Video of Conccrete Canvas SShelter deployyment/erectio on.


2.4.1. Tex xtile Textiless play a vita al role in teensile stresss performannce of TRC composites. Concrete on o its own has great o withstand compression n stress, butt underperfo orms in tenssile stress. propertties when it comes to bbeing able to Textile Reinforced Concrete m most of the time perfoorms better in tensile sstress areas,, but the inncrease in e used and tyype of the ch hosen weavinng pattern. mance depen nds on the tyype of textile perform n, glued, or pplaited strucctures, whichh diīer by Textile fabric reinfo orcements caan be in knittted, woven,, nonͲwoven her parameteers such as y yarn densityy, the Įneness and the nnumber of the ma nufacturing process andd several oth he fabric. Thhese characcteristics cann inŇuence the stabilityy and the Įlamennts in the bundle that construct th ultimately aī penetrabilityy of the particulate cemeent matrix. mechannical propertties of the w hole fabric, u īecting the p ent yarns (buundles) reduces the poteential penetrability of thhe cement For exaample, fabricc comprisingg multiĮlame

particless between th he bundle spaaces since th he junction p points of the fabric induce tightening eīects that hold the bundle Į Įlaments Įrm mly in place and preventt them from opening (Fig. 6) Therefo ore, matrix p penetrabilityy into the fabric, esspecially bettween the Įlaments, dep pends heavilly on the natture of the ffabric junctio ons and the resultant tightenin ng eīects, th he structure of the fabricc, the numbeer of Įlamen nts in the bun ndle, and thee productionn process of the co omposite [11 1].


Types T of fa abrics used d in TRC co omposistes s

Paper in nvestigation revealed thaat the follow wing materiaals are amon ng the most commonly used u for RTC C fabrics: AlkaliͲReesistant (AR)) Glass, Aram mid, High Density Polyeethylene (HD DPE), Polypro opylene (PP), Polyethyleene (PE), Polyethyylene terephthalate (PETT), Basalt. Alsso it is imporrtant how the yarns are w woven into ffabrics. The ttightness of the yyarns at ind dividual scalle and fabriic scale playy a vital ro ole in the mechanical m p performance e of TRC composites. The looser the yarn ns are the eaasier it will b be for the co oncrete matrrix to impreggnate it and create a better bo ond. This willl result in en nhanced tenssile and sheaar propertiess of the comp posite.


Types T of w weaving pattterns used d in TRC co omposite fabrics f

Textile w weaving pattterns are im mportant in textiles. t Theey characteriize bonding performancce between concrete and textile yarns/filaaments. Poorr bonding will result in po oor tensile p performance of TRC and vice versa. TTwo main ns were isolated: 2D and 3D. types of textiles weaaving pattern

2 2D 2 Textile12 2D textile is definitivve differencee and shortco oming when compared tto 3D textiless is the inability to contaain within mix matrix. Th he textile has to be imprregnated with a prepared d cement or mortar like concrete itself dryy concrete m slurry. For laboratorry setting th his might be an easier approach a and not matteer much. On n the other hand for ns 3D fabric TRC composites, which contain dryy concrete within w its maatrix, are pr eferable. practicall application They aree easy to handle and, beesides heavyy machinery required for application n, they only require hyd ration to initiate ssetting [12]. Nonetheless 2D fabrics form the baackbone of 3D textiles, so it is impo ortant to un derstand how theyy are made.

Fig. 6. W Warp knitted weft w insertion 2 2D fabric (made from aramiid): (a) genera al view; (b) enllarged view off fabric; (c) ccomponents of tensile force in warp yarn [11]

The weeft insertion warp knittedd fabrics studied in Peleed’s research h were desiggned and pro oduced spec ifically for this woork (Fig. 7). Straight yarrns in the warp w directioon (lengthw wise) were innserted into o stitches (looops) and assembbled together with straigght yarns in the weft diirection (cro osswise). Thee stitches were tightly cconnected with thhe two sets of perpendiicular yarns,, which werre very difficcult to separrate, thereb by producingg a single, strong unit of fabric. All yarns, warp and w weft, were inn a multifilam ment, nontw wisted form. The stitchess in all the fabrics were arranged at a deensity of 2.5 stitches pper cm and were madee from 16.7 tex PP, texx being a per 1000 m oof yarn (1 te ex = 1 g/km).. The weft arn or bundlee weight perr length ratioo, in grams p measurrement of ya p (stitch), givving the fabrric a ‘‘one looop in one lo oop out’’ struucture, so yarns w were inserted d into every second loop that beetween everyy two weft yarns was an a empty looop. This design gave a rrelatively open net struccture that arns in all th e fabrics were composedd from aram mid with 167 ttex fibers. enhancced cement p penetrabilityy. The weft ya Orienteed in the warp direction,, the reinforcing yarns coomprised diffferent raw m materials: HDPE, aramidd, ARͲglass and PP [11].


Parts of the “ 2D Textile” paragraph were directly quoted from Peled at al. [11 1] paper.


Fig. 7. 2D D Textile fabric cs made of AR R-Glass and Carbon C [13]

Fig. 8. 3D Spacer Faabrics [15]

2 3D 3 Textile13 3D textille composess of two 2D sheets of faabric (Fig. 7) that are joined togetheer with yarnss going in z direction (Fig. 9). TThe space fo ormed inͲbettween the tw wo fabric layyers depend on the lengtth of z directtion yarns annd during manufaccture of TRC is filled with h dry concrette matrix. Th he two exteriior sheets off the 3D fabrric can be of different configurations to allo ow the matrix to be imprregnated fro om one side, but impenettrable from tthe other (Fi g. 8, N15 3D spaceer fabrics).


Parts of “ 3D D Textile” parragraph were directly quoteed from Roye and Gries [14 4] paper.


ons in yarn arrchitecture a and/or textilee architecturre, regardlesss of 3D Texttile is a textile that has thhree directio whetheer it is made in a oneͲsteppͲprocess or multipleͲsteepͲprocess. e is defined as threeͲ x Yarn architecture: Arraangement off yarns in thhe level of textile. Yarn architecture n orientationns create the e textile, by aallowing a al, if three orr more systems of yarns or main yarn dimensiona ons that way,, that one co oordination aaxis is at a rightͲangled d system of ccoordinates to fit into thhe orientatio ntations. right angle to each of thhe yarn orien


Textile arch hitecture: Geeometry of the textile. T extile architecture is deffined as 3D, if a volume is formed oof the number of yarn ssystems and d the soͲcreaated yarn and/or embraced by tthe textile, regardless r architecture e.


earͲnetͲshappe textile pro oducts in a ssingle producction processs (e.g., 3D OneͲstepͲprocess: Prodduction of ne ng, 3D braidiing, etc.). warp knittin


MultipleͲste epͲprocess: Production of nearͲnettͲshape textiile products in several production processes ng or weavingg and sewing g, etc.). (e.g., warp knitting and transformin


N NearͲnetͲshaape: Textile architecturee, which has a profile sim milar to the fiinal productss profile. Thiis term is u used mostly in the field o of fiber reinfforced materrials, such ass FRP or textile reinforced d concrete.

As descrribed by Royye and Gries [14] the mo ost suitable 3D Textile fo or TRC is thee so called sspacer fabricc (Fig. 9). Spacer ffabric is a sp pecial type o of 3D textilee, with a 3D yarn architeecture and a a 3D textile architecturee. Spacer fabrics can be made for examplee by weaving processes (w woven spaceer fabrics), byy circular knitting machinnes or by nitted spacer fabric). Fo or use in co oncrete appplications double needle bar warp knitting processees (warp kn p knitted sp pacer fabricss are of majjor importan nce, as straiight multifilaament yarnss can be especiallly, the warp implemeented in the textile to ach hieve good sstability and strength.


Most o f the paperss did not go deep into th he contents of cements or concretees used in TR RC research. From the revieweed papers on nly Han et al.. [15] provid ded detail co mposition of the cementt used in the e TRC tests (FFig. 10,Fig. 11). Othher studies used: thixotrropic mortarr [17]; Portlaand cement, slag, fine saand and superplasticizerr mix [18]; unspeciified cementt matrix [11]]; unspecified concrete[113]. As stated in the texttiles section of the reporrt most of TRC ressearch is de edicated tow wards the te extiles and the omissio on of inform mation regarding the m ixtures of concrette/cements u used in the ttests highligh hts that.

Fig. 10. Mine eralogical and chemical com mpositions of CSA C and anhyydrite (weight %) %

Fig. 11. Mixture propportion of matrrix (kg/m3)

Accordiing to Hewlett [19, p. 6686] bonging performannce of Portland cementt can be inccreased by m microsilica additivees. Improved d packing coontributed by b the very small size of o the particcles of micro silica impproves the tween the osilica concrrete and th he substratee such as contactt surface, and thus th e bond bet fresh micro he aggregatee cement reinforccements, old concrete, fibers and aggregatess. Investigation has shoown that th h. Bonding too fibers is interfacce is altered when microosilica is present and puullͲout tests show improvved strength greatly improved. Fig. 9. Spacer fabric exp perimental setu up of Roye and Gries [14]

The advaanced 3D Te extile tools reequired for ccreating spacer fabric an nd textile ressearch itself was done att Aachen Universitty. This type e of TRC texttile was succcessfully com mmercialized by Brewin aand Crawford [16] and aaccording to Han et al. [15] this t type of TRC has vaarious outstaanding properties such as larger lo oadͲbearing capacity, excellentt ductility, thinner , resistance to corrosio t thickness, lightͲͲweight of components c on and no m magnetic disturbances. Textile e used as reiinforcement can signiĮcaantly improvve tensile strrength of co oncrete. Alsoo the fact that this fabric has in nner space m means that itt can be filled d with dry co oncrete matrix and hydraated on dem mand – as ne with Conccrete Canvass. This is nott possible with 2D fabriccs as the fab bric has to be b impregnaated with it is don hydrated d concrete sllurry – it is m more restrictiive in real wo orld applicattions.

ment to be abble to be vibrated/placedd inside of The agggregates havve to be grouunded to the near particlee size of cem brics the mattrix used is h hydrated beffore textile iss being introoduced, so the 3D spacer matrrix. In the ca se of 2D fab hey would coompromise b bond strengtth between y yarns and ceement. larger aaggregates co ould be usedd, but then th ccements sho ow enhancedd bonding performance Accordiing to Taylo or [20, p. 3554] certain composite c p e between cementt and aggreg gates, when compare with straight cement and aggregate bbonds. This indicates thhat certain ations couldd potentially increase boonding betw ween TRC texxtiles and compossite cement and aggreggate combina cementt/concrete m matrix. 2 2.4.2. Con ncrete The typees of concrette used for TRCs are limitted by the frractions of th he aggregatee, so most of the matrixees used in TRCs aree made up entirely of ceement or a m mix of cemen nt and very ffinely ground ded aggregaates (with adddition of plasticizeers).

Agregates s

Plasticize rs

ease flowing capability Plasticizzers were ussed in the tessting of 2D textile TRC coomposite concrete mixess. They incre good bond bbetween fabrric an concreete [18]. Thiss applies to TTRCs using of the cconcrete, wh hich should gguarantee a g mix is used too impregnate e the spacer 2D fabrrics. In the ca ase of 3D fa bric TRCs dry cement orr concrete m r fabric, so quired. concrette particle sizze is the impportant factor and no pla sticizer is req


2 2.4.3. Con nclusions Analyzed d articles revvealed that a lot has beeen done in the researcch area of teextile usage as reinforceement in TRCs. Bo oth 2D and 3 3D fabrics weere meticulously investiggated in seveeral papers. TThere was a lack of workk done in the area of TRC ceme ents and agggregates. Theere is researcch potential in cement/cconcrete mattrixes of TRC Cs.

3 3. Tiny Houses H “That is the whole meaning m of llife, isn't it? Trying to find a place for f your stufff. That is alll your housee is. Your e for your stu uff. If you did d not have sso much god ddam stuff yo ou would no ot need a hoouse. You house is just a place und all the ttime. That iss all your house is. It is a pile of stu uff with a co over on it.” –– George could just walk arou Carling.14 Tiny Hou uses – Tiny Living. Smaller spaces require clevver solutionss and allow one to reth hink what iss actually needed tto have a haappy life. Fairrly often hap ppiness doess not equate to the accum mulated amo ount of thinggs and as George C Carlin pointe ed out “Your house is jusst a place forr your stuff”. If anything,, it can become a burdenn limiting personal freedom. TThe less “stuff”– the smaaller the hou use. Tiny Hou uses in somee cases are b built by thei r owners necessity. Mortgage M loaan is not a a preferred way of finaancing and a small building meann smaller out of n investmeent, that migght not requ uire a loan altogether. a In other casees it is simply cheaper and a faster too erect a house on a trailer and use it on nͲdemand ass a nature escape or a guest g house. Public interest in thesee houses f crissis, especiallyy in North America A (Fig.. 18). Ever s ince, the started tto rapidly grrow during tthe 2007Ͳ8 financial 15 Tiny movement is ggaining world dwide popularity. hat makes up p a Tiny Housse, and use tthe analysis tto define The intention of this part of the report is to llook into wh matically form med Concrette Canvas Tin ny House. Th he core of th he analysis w will be formedd by case a program for pneum f Tiny Houses and Spaceboxes in parrticular, whicch are Tiny H Houses, but due to theirr abundancee, around study of mpuses, seem ms to be forggotten. Dutch Un niversity Cam

3 3.1.

Con ncrete Can nvas Shelter (CCS)

The shelters designe ed and manu ufactured byy Concrete Canvas develo opers, showcases the po ossibilities off Cement dvantage of the fact thaat textile can n be easily ffolded. It Reinforcced Textiles. The design of the sheltter takes ad utilizes fflanges that iincrease thee structural rigidity of thee structure. SSeparate CC sheet jointss are made eevery 800 mm, thee materials ittself is 1000 to 1100 mm m wide (4.1.3 Materials), but 100 mm is left for joint overlaap. In the middle o of the sheett a structuraal bead/flangge is created d for increassed structural rigidity (In n other worrds every second sseam/joint (ttrue seams//joints have a white sheeet of PVC stiicking out) iss actually a fflange that iincreases the strucctural rigiditty of the CC CS shell (Fig. 12)). The flanges are created by sttitching the textile toge ther and creating a bead. The seams also utilize therm mal welding aand stitchingg to create a watertight seal (Fig. 41)..

Fig. 12 2. Concrete Ca anvas Shelterr (CCS) true seeams/joints (


) andd flanges (



Fle exotel17

Flexoteels are develo oped by Hubbert Von Heijjden. The innnovation liess within the ffolding structure, which allows for ation at diffferent sites where theere is extra need for ttemporary quick aand flexible placing of accommoda pping contaiiner, which is split in hallf to make accomm modation (Fig. 13). Whe n deployed it is the size of 10 ft ship 6,8 m2 each, while the two roooms, which a are accessiblle from the opposite endds of the structure. The rooms are 6 gn as much as twenty unit– 144,4 m2. It is 2,4 m wide, so easily fisst onto a flattbed of a trailer. Due to folding desig gle truck. It weighs 1,3 t/unit, so ddoes not req quire any deeployment hotel roooms can be transporteed on a sing use as a housse as thin wa alls and no coonnection to o utilities inddicate that surfacee preparation ns. It is not s uitable for u mainly suited for summertime – a rigidd less claustrrophobic tennt. it is seaasonal and m

14 – George Carlin n standups aree often very in nsightful. He irronizes mundane, but illog ical human beehavior, which forms a big part of his ob bservational co omedy acts. 15 https:/// ovement – As with Yoga, Veegetarianism, Religion and other humann culture subjects iit is hard to prrecisely definee Tiny House m movement. It provides dim mensions of wh hat can be con nsidered a Tinny House (>100 m2,, which is mayybe tiny for North America – not so much for Europe), but at the en nd it is still mo ore of a lifestyyle.


16 17

vas Shelter (CCCS) image gallery. https: // – CConcrete Canv – Parts of the paragraph are direct quotees from Flexottel website. http:///www.flexote –

with ann outdoor terrace. It is 33,5 m wide (Utilizes the m maximum alllowed vehiccle width on Dutch Roadds without 2 police eescort) has an area of 455 m , which is split betweeen two floors. Two lorriies are required for transsportation of Heim mans ONE as is splits in hhalf vertically y. Due to thee use of steel frame and w wood paneling the consttruction is lightweeight and mo ost of the tim me does not require a fooundation. It is targeted aat individuals who wouldd rent the house ffor allͲinclusive 700€/moonth.

Fig. 13. Deployed d/Unfolded Fle exotel (The fold can be seen n in the middle e of the sidew wall).

3 3.3.

Bigelow Aero ospace Ex xpandable e Space Ha abitat [21, p. 35]

At its mo ost basic it iis a unique h hybrid structture combin ning the packkaging and mass efficien m ncies of an i nflatable structuree with the ad dvantages of a loadͲbearing hard sttructure. Thee inflatable sshell comprisses multiple layers of blanket insulation, p protection from orbital aand meteoritte debris, an n optimized restraint layyer, and a reedundant bladder with a prote ective layer. With almosst two dozen n layers, thee structure’s inflatable sh hell is as un ique and design as the ey get: the o outer layers aare layered to break up p particles of space debris aand micromeeteorites tough a d that may hit the sh hell at speed ds of severaal kilometerss per second, while thee shell provvides insulatiion from temperaatures in space that can range from +121°C in th he Sun to –128°C in the sshade. For this structuree it is not worth m mentioning th he price as itt is in the billlions € range. What is im mportant thiis for space fflights the voolume of cargo is highly imporrtant as the sspacecraft caan carry onlyy that much aat a time, heence inflatable space habbitats can provide a better €/vo olume value.

3 3.4.

ouse is a tem ed plan of thhe land (if Furtherrmore placin ng of a Heijm mans ONE ho mporary exemption from m the destine the groound does no ot have a ressidential dessignation). T his temporary exemptioon applies for five years, and from ary exemptiion application follows a regular 15 this is exxtended to 10 years. TThis tempora Novem ber 1st 201 proceduure (8 weekss) allowing a quick transition to placeement.


Sp pacebox

Heijjmans ON NE18

Accordin ng to the de evelopers Heeijmans ONEE offers high h quality, afffordable, ind dependent housing h for the NotͲ Quite geeneration [22 2] and enab bles temporaary use of idling land in the city. Thee house is equipped e witth all the necessarry facilities: kkitchen, bath hroom, spaciious living ro oom with loftt, separate b bedroom and d a private frront door 18

Fig. 14 4. Heijmans ON NE longitudina al section.

http://w www.heijman mansͲone/ – Paarts of the parragraph are direct quotes ffrom Heijmanss ONE websitee.

5. Spaceboxess in Uithof, Utrrecht, [23] Fig. 15

A greatt example off Tiny Housees stands in Eindhoven U University Campus and many other University CCampuses 5). Spaceboxx is a brainch hild of Mart dde Jong. Spacebox is a ligghtweight around the Netherlands – Spac ebox (Fig. 15 19

structuree: walls – ce eiling and flo oors are maade of the same compo osite materiaal – Polyisoccyanurate (PPIR) foam sandwich hed in betw ween glass ffiber reinforrced Polyestter. This allo ows the structure to achieve high thermal resistancce value – Rcc = 3 [m²ͼK/W W] while retaaining thin w walls, floors aand ceilings ((~10 cm). It iis also sturdyy enough to withsttand 3 Space eboxes stackked on top o of each otherr (One Spaceebox weighs 2 tons). Thee thickness oof walls is 88 mm aand ceiling to ogether with h the floor –– 110 mm. It has an area of 21 m2 an nd incorporattes everythinng that a typical sttudio has: livving room/b bedroom, kitcchenette, an nd shower/W WC (Fig. 16, FFig. 17). Furtthermore thee chosen building materials allow Spacebo oxes to have a design lifee of 50 years plus.

Fig. 17 Generric Spacebox section

During the intervie ew Spaceboxx user feedb back subjectt was touched and dweellers reported issues w with sound argeted towaards sounds that were trraveling thro ough the galvvanized steel frame into Spacebox insulati on. It was ta oduction thiis issue wass resolved inn further production ruuns of the structu re. Due to the nature of Mass Pro buildingg. Overheating of the stuudios was also reportedd, but taking into consideeration that these are ligghtweight structu res it did no ot come as bbig of a surprise. It couuld have bee en resolved w with active shading (passsive user control led shading was availabl e in most de elivered Spacceboxes) or tthrough activve air conditioning, whicch was not implem mented. Othe er than that user feedba ack was possitive as it provided affoordable student housingg of which there w was and still is a lack of. Fiig. 16 Generic c Spacebox pla an

d and asked if an intervview19 could be taken frrom him. Hee agreed and various asspects of Mart waas contacted Spacebo ox, Tiny Housse and Housiing manufacturing were covered. A ssummary of highlights, that have to be taken into conssideration w when workingg on Pneumaatically formeed Rigidised Concrete Tin ny Houses, w was made:


D Dimensions of the housee must allow it to fit insid de of a standard lorry trailer – 4.1.2 TTransportatioon;


TThe choice o of material h has to follow w the functio on. Spaceboxx 2,8 meter interior widtth was the m minimum aallowed for a student room, which could receiive housing allowance (Huurtoeslagg). At the saame time m maximum exxterior width h was limited d by the standard trailer dimension –– 3 meters;


nts: structurre has to be not wider thhan 3,5 m; The loook into Tiny H Houses provvided the following list off requiremen n temporaryy locations, so requirinng the posssibility for rrelocation; Collaps ible for transportation;; Situated in esthetical apppeal to catch attention oof the potential tenants//owners. Designeed for disassembly; Havee a distinct ae

y House 4. Conc crete Can nvas Tiny 4.1.


W When light cconstruction materials are picked, co ost savings aare made in earthwork aand foundatiion areas ((none or verry little required);


TThere is a le egal gap for Tiny Houses mounted on trailers in the Netheerlands. Thiss allows them m to use ccaravan code es instead off building cod des for consttruction;


M Move towards C2C mateerials – less o or no waste ggenerated fro om manufaccturing;


EEconomies o of Scale are im mportant to work out th he faults in th he design and make the p product affoordable.

19 The co omplete interview is avaiilable in the ““7.1 Intervieew with Martt de Jong” paaragraph on page 30.


Tin ny House program


Initiallyy, due to the low producttion volume (lack of Ecoonomies of Scale), the prrice of CCTH won’t be coompetitive geted at H eijmans ON NE type reaal estate sector. The required for priivate ownerrs, so it w will be targ s manufacturinng is always ccostly. Also tthere is the is so called “w “warm up” tooling//machinery ssetup for larrge volume m trooubleshoot and work oout design period, when manufacturing ffacilities are run to opttimize the workflow, w flaws/s hortcomingss. Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses factory would have to acquire heavy dutty Digital oducing easi ly customiza able CCTHs and also ru un for somee time on uipment cappable of pro Manufaacturing equ “troubl eshooting mode”. m Digittal manufactturing has aa benefit off being flex ible, so bessides CCTH the same ure various other larg ge Pneumaatic (Or no ot) Concretee Canvas machin ery can be used to manufactu 24). This all aaccounts for high initial investment costs, whichh could be structu res/objects (4.1.8 Shapees on page 2 handledd future sale es contracts with large construction c n companies. It would fuurther help by securing economic feasibiliity proof for potential invvestors. mpanies (Whhich are alrea ady operatinng on large It mightt sound stran nge how cann a large consstruction/reaal estate com better prices to buyers/tenannts than wha at they alreaady have. scale (B But which iss not alwayss optimal)) offer o o differ, as there are many posssible cost Practicees in other industries (especially transportattion) beg to

optimizaation measures. Megatraain20 is a Brritish compaany that utilizes passengger railways transport bby selling tickets, w which when bought in the train stattion are at aa lot more exxpensive. Th heir model iss to fill offͲpeeak hour train serrvices in advance to minimize losses, as a result purchasing a ticket on tthe spot is a lot more exxpensive. Also beccause of marrketing/imagge reasons a third party company is distributing these ticketts, not the p assenger railways company (P Probably to allow the ones willing to t pay moree feel betterr about them mselves). Luffthansa’s wings is another examplee, where cosst saving measures allow wed introduccing cheaperr services subsidiary Germanw mpany is serving custom mers with more demand ding needs. And the for theirr customers,, while the parent com thriftiestt example is Ryanair, wh hich does no ot have any subsidiaries,, but its costt saving mod del shook thhe airline industry and introdu uced air travel to the maasses. If we ttake Ryanairr example off maximum aairliner utilizzation, so disused shou uld also be m minimized that theiir idle time iss minimized,, and apply itt to land, theen the time tthat land is d for the o owner to be enefit the mo ost from it. In that case the main cu ustomer for CCTH would d be compa nies that want to utilize land, which belon ngs to them, and provide temporary ccost effectivee housing for interested parties. nt plans for yyears in advaance and Large construction companies orr real estate developers prepare site developmen works will sttart (unless tthere is a 20 008 real estaate magnitu de crisis, know wiith high certtainty when the groundw which has potential to disrupt plans for yeears to comee). The timee when the land is idlin ng could be used for residential purposes with minimal investmen nt into infrasstructure, which would b bring incomee as well as ppotential would be buyers/ttenants for ffuture redevveloped site real estate ((similar to caar brand loyyalty, but forr CCTH this w more to do with the area where the buildingg are situated d).

ownerss also varies: from a gu est house – – to a weekeend escape – to a shedd, as long as their correesponding estheticcal and finan ncial demandds are satisfie ed.


De emand

“Is theere a demand for Tiny H Houses?” is an a importantt question to answer. Thhere is alwa ays demand for cheap ut because oone has to change lifesstyles, to se ettle in a Tinny House, things might be more quality housing, bu here are indiications thatt Tiny Housee trend is cro ossing the poond and reaching Europee (Fig. 18, compliccated. But th Fig. 19)). The movem ment startedd in North Am merica, but iis findings its ways into Europe. Which is contraadictory to using in Euroope tends to o be more coompact anyw ways. As meentioned earrlier the Tinyy House is some eextent as hou not onl y about livin ng in a small er space it a also requiress lifestyle cha ange, so thaat is what miight start to appeal to hough the reesults from Google Trennds might not be considdered reliable, they do provide a Europe ans. Even th ata backing [ 24][25][26]. For compar ison reasonss Google Tre nds were alsso used to seee analyze trends tthat have da niche looft real estatte market (Fiig. 20, Fig. 21 1). In Englishh, of course, googling loftt also resultss in search reesults that are sim mply related to the atticc, but the spike in loft in term sea arch in the N Netherlands goes alongg with the 21 market ing campaign of Trudo to rent loftss in StripͲS Loofts.

ore open to new ideas, so the poten ntial tenantss of CCTH wo ould be peoople, who It is no ssurprise thatt youth is mo recently started their careers and are seeking for qualityy living spacee on a budgeet. As their in ncome and nneeds will porary housing for them m is not an issue. Contraacts with mostly ggrow in the future and require upsccaling, temp tenants would be made m for as long as theere are no further f land redevelopm ment plans on o which CC CTHs are standingg. A and Europe;; DDa Fig. F 18. Googlle Trends for the t term Tiny House in USA

NRE Terrein can be taken as an n example lo ocation, whiich was chosen due to its proximityy with TU/e Campus hoven City C Centre (Nighttlife center o of Eindhoven n), Eindhoveen train statiion (Easy (Nearby park/green area), Eindh ng infrastructure – all of o which aree points of interest for the new access for traveling) and conveenient cyclin wn by StrijpͲS loft convversion, Ind dustrial Heriitage sites that are generation. Furtherrmore as it was show redevelo oped from In ndustrial to Residential areas a provid de a vibe, wh hich attractss potentials tenants. t Som me could argue that the same effect could d be achieved d by utilizingg caravans an nd trailers, but the differrence betweeen trailer nd CCTH sitess is selection of attractivee locations fo or the targetted tenant grroup and cusstomization of CCTHs parks an to suite tthe atmosph here of the chosen location As the in nterview with Mart de Jo ong (7.1 Inteerview with Mart de Jong on page 36) revealed, for compannies small Tiny House projectss are often not worth the legislattive and oth her hustle. On O the otheer hand Tinny House ment in Greaat Britain ind dicates that building perrmits, legislative and oth her issues aree easily overrcome by developm private o owners. Hen nce it is posssible that CC CTHs can be attractive fo or private ow wners, who w want to havve one or two CCTTHs setup on n their propeerty. The Eco onomies of SScale also haave to start working to lower the prrices and make CC CTH competiitive with otther offeringgs in the privvate residential real estaate market. CCTH use byy private

ds for the term Tiny House in n Europe; Fig. 19. G Google Trend


https:/// – “Meegatrain servicces are those that are otheerwise not bussy, and ticketss are priced using the yield m management model (“It is aa variable priccing strategy, based on und derstanding, aanticipating annd ng consumer b behavior in orrder to maxim mize revenue o or profits from m a fixed, perishable resourrce (such as aiirline influencin seats or h hotel room reservations or advertising in nventory)”) typical of lowͲcost airlines, w where the lowest fares are ooffered to those who book early o or on less pop pular journeyss” (Quotes takken from Wikiipedia).

s for the term LLoft in USA an nd Europe; Fig. 20. G Google Trends


http:/// – Real Estaate developerr based in Einddhoven.


containn even hard surfaces eu ro palettes244 will be useed for the supports of tthe houses (Fig. ( 22). Theey will be placed on the corn ners of the structures. The surrounnding area will w have ou tdoor furnitture (benchees, tables, de from eurro palettes. The 144 m mm height of o the palettte will be bicycle repair stands, bicycle stands) mad sufficie nt to keep th he structure above puddles.

Fig. 21. Google Tre ends for the terrm Loft in Euro rope; V57RX

4 4.1.

Con ncept

There is a problem w with sites staying empty ffor extended d periods of ttime, while its being decided what too do with t the theere is a houssing shortagge, which creeates a paraadox – buildiings standingg empty, them. Att the same time when deemand for housing h is there. Among the develop pers there iss a fear of people p accom mmodation iin empty buildingss. It is undoubtedly relaated with the fear of sq quatting. Butt having empty spaces idling does nnot bring many beenefits eitherr. If there is aa demand fo or affordablee housing by the millenniial generatio on, it ought too be met with quaality temporaary housing.. The idling ssites, which are waiting for decisionss to be made about the ir future, are perfeect candidates for such aan intervention. Also thee fear of squatting is dim minished as clear contractts can be made, teemporary ho ousing is plaaced in a teemporary location and the t size of Tiny Housess does not aallow for squatting to expand d. Furthermo ore the milleennials, that would acco ommodate th his housing, have all theeir life in front of them, so their intent is to settle in a location temporary an nd later movve on. After which a new w tenant move into th he Tiny Housse. There wo ould be no hard h feelings, when thee contact wo ould expire aand time would m would in ntroduce more permanent solutions into the area. Also the ggood price/q quality ratio w would be ennsured by mass pro oduction of highly custo omizable Tinyy Houses. Faabrication att a large scale ought to resolve all tthe faults and issuees commonly associated with typicall construction – long erecction times, faults or poo or quality. The stru uctural prece edent for Co oncrete Canvvas usage fo or small stru uctures is provided by “3.1 Concretee Canvas Shelter”. The originaal CCS dimen nsions (5 m b by 9 m) validates structural integrity of a 3,6 m b by 7,1 meter or 7,1 m m CC Tiny Hou use. by 7,1 m The increeasing prevaalence of shaaring econom my services222 allows one to get rid off, as George Carlin referrred to it, “Stuff14”. If there is lless clutter tto fill the hou use with, theen downsizin ng is the obvvious next sttep. Why maake it out of Textilee Reinforced d Concrete th hen? As with h 3D printingg, structural steel, reinforced concrette23, cast iro n, bricks, clay – th here is alwayys room for improvement. Even thou ugh CC is nott suitable forr everything,, small structtures are something that it can n be used for and experimenting allo ows discovering the mateerials limits (Fig. 41).

Fig. 22. Support S plan fo for Type 1 CC Tiny House

4.1.2. Tra ansportatio on ositioned on their sides a and placed s ide by side o on the bed oof a truck’s CC Tiny Housses can be po The nott deployed C 2.5 m width,, 13.65 m trailer, so that the trailer com mplies with the t maximum m vehicle dimension reegulations (2 oyed CC Tinyy House is placed on its sside it is 0.8 m wide and 3 m high. ght25). Whenn a not deplo length aand 4 m heig If a trailler that has iits bed at thee height of 1 meter is useed 6 CC Tiny houses can be fitted into a trailer26. Spaceboox develope er experienc e with transsportation s howed that in the Nethherlands freight that is up to 3,5 does noot require meters wide does not require police escorrt27. Elsewheere in Europe the maxim mum width that t herlands the manufacturer had no isssues transpo orting two Sppaceboxes police eescort is 3 meters. Insidee of the Neth ox is 3 meteers wide and d two of theem on a trailer total in 77,5 meter on a tr ailer without police escoort. Spacebo length.

4 4.1.1. Sup pports The grou und plate is positioned o onto hard surface, as theese are comm mon in parking lots and tthe whole cooncept is to use ab bandoned paarking lots (M More on thatt in 4.2 Locattion on pagee 30). Due to o the fact thaat parking lotts usually 22 87305/testinggͲtheͲsharingͲͲeconomy/ – It all started w with an airbed d and now is ccausing a hugee headachee for taxis around the world d. Mobile tech hnology is chaanging the landscape of ow wning actual iteems; often it iis smarter to get thee item as an o onͲdemand service. Meanin ng there is lesss “stuff” in thee house – posssibility to dow wnsize. 23 –– Max Berg him mself had to sstart removingg scaffolding ssupports from m the reinforced concrete formwork to co onvince the co onstruction wo orkers that the structure is selfͲstanding – so high wass the m towards possibilities of aa new compossite material –– reinforced co oncrete. skepticism



anding for perriods of time, which can bee handled by w wood – woodeen EURͲ For lo cations where e CC Tiny Houuses will be sta evelopments aare going to happen after loonger periodss of time (CC TTiny pallets w would be used d. For locationns where rede porary exempption from the destined plann of the land (10 years)) poolymer Houses w will be standing for full durration of temp URͲpallet will be used. based EU 25 platformͲsemittrailer/ – trailers that are ddesign to http:///schwarzmueͲaxleͲmegaͲslidinngͲtarpaulinͲp ey allow for m carry ovversized equip pment (exactoors, front loaders, cherry picckers) utilize low bed desiggns (<1m). The more flexible ccargo dimensions. 26 http:///Ͳdimenttions – maxim mum standard dimensions oof trailers and lorries used aaround Europeaan roads. 27 Extracct from an email that was reeceived from Spacebox devvelopers: “Generally transpportation by road in Europee up to 3 en 3,50 wide iss allowed without police esscort. We tran nsport 2 units (7,50 meter w wide is accepta able. In the Neetherland eve ut police escoort.” long) onn one truck, w which is also a llowed withou

4 4.1.3. Mate erials differen Concretee Canvas in a few nt thickn nesses a and widtths ( comess Fig. 23). For the CC TTiny Housess CC8 and CC C13 is going to be used. CC8 will be used for thee inner and outer CC shells, su urfaces that do not requ uire abrasion ns resistance (not walkingg surfaces) aand partition n walls. CC133 is going to be useed for the to op surface off all the floorrs and the staairs. The wid dth of the selected canvaases is 1,1 meeter. The manufaccturer recom mmended ovverlap forͲtoͲͲbeͲwelded seams is a minimum m of 100 mm. Th he chosen ooverlap is 150 mm m, so the disstance betweeen the seams for full width sheetts of CC is going g to be 850 mm. Fuull set of Concretee Canvas pro operties is can be found in Fig. 42. ness, CC Thickn Type T [mm m]

CC5 C CC8 C CC13 C

Ro oll Wid dth, [m m]

5 5 8 8 13 3

1 1 1,1 1,1

Dry Batch Batch B Bulk Bulkk ht, Roll R Roll Roll Weigh Roll [kg/m m2] Area, Length, Area, Length h, 2 2 2 [m] [m ] [m m ] [m ] 7 10 10 2 200 200 12 5 4,55 1 125 114 19 – – 80 73

Fig. 23. Concrete C Canv vas physical diimensions

Mechaniical properties of set Con ncrete Canvaas (Fig. 42):


C Compressive e strength – 4 40 MPa;


B Bending failu ure test – 3,4 4 MPa;


B Bending You ung’s modulu us – 180 MPaa;


A Abrasion ressistance (similar or twice that of Ordinary Portlan nd Cement ) –– 0,10 gm/cm m2;


TTensile – varries according to Concrette Canvas thiickness, checck Fig. 24. CC5 CC8 CC13


CC8 – 30,90 0 £/m2 (Baseed on quantitties betweenn 125Ͳ999 m2);


CC13 – 35,5 50 £/m2 (Bassed on quanttities betweeen 640Ͳ1279 m2).

CC5 Co ncrete Canvas Batch Rolll (~10 m2), that was purrchased from m “Altena InffraͲmateriale en” cost 453,,75 € (The price gooes down w with larger quuantities). Th he purchase d CC5 was u used for connstructing CC CTH Type 3 11:10 Scale 228 Model .

4.1.5. Concrete Can nvas Tiny House H Type e 1 Cost Es stimate Construuction costs estimate forr Concrete C Canvas Type 1 Tiny Housse was done,, so that it ccan be comppared with typical construction n. Rule of thhumb is that a typical hoouse costs 250 2 €/m3. Att the end of production Spacebox cost29 w was 345 €/m3. A rough coost estimate for Heijman s ONE30 is 35 50 €/m3. Estimatted price for CCTH Type 11 is 457,3 €/m3 (Fig. 44 FFig. 45). This is does not ttake into con nsideration eeconomies of scalee as construcction materiaals purchased in bulk cann reduce the e costs by upp to 50%. Furrthermore it is hard to estimatte labor costs, which usuually makes u up 50% of coonstructions costs, as maajority of work would be done offͲ site. Wiith automatiion in Concreete Canvas S Shell manufaacturing the labor costs w would mainly include onnsite CCTH deploym ment and po ost erection work. It wo ould mainly bbe related with bathroo w om installatio on, finishing plumbing and lighhting fixturess, cavity cuttting and wind dow/door in stallation an nd furnishingg.

4.1.6. Deploymenett strands

Tensille strength, [[kN/m] Lenggth direction n Width direcction 6,7 3,8 8,6 6,6 19,5 12,8 Fig. 24 4Concrete Can nvas tensile strength

U profiles, plywood, p min neral wool and a insulatio on foam will be used forr CC Tiny Besides Concrete Caanvas Steel U House co onstruction.

4 4.1.4. Con ncrete Canv vas price Concretee Canvas maanufacturer w was contacteed by email to find out the bulk price of the maaterial. The provided referencce values (2015 April GBP P/EUR exchange rate – 1,,3688) are ass follows:


C CC5 – 20,40 £/m2 (Based d on quantitiees between 200 – 999 m m2);

Fig. 25.. Support strands (

es) shape the CCTHs into desired form dduring inflation n; ( – dashed line d sslab.

) – first floor


gallery of Typpe 3 CCTH Scale Model makking. Additiona al images and https: // – O Online image g making is preseent in the Dra awing section of this report, which startss after7 informattion about the CC5 use in SScale Model m Append ices. 29 nterview with Mart de Jong g) it was reveaaled that the ffinal productioon run Duringg the interview w with Mart dde Jong (7.1 In he start of prooduction the cost was lowerr – 16500 € ex xcl. VAT, but i ncreased Spaceboox cost was 20 0000 € exclud ing VAT. At th 3 due to inncreasing matterial costs, w which were petroleum base d – 285 €/m . The volume w was calculated to be – 43,88 m3. 30 3 Unoffficial cost of Heijmans ONE is 60000 €, while its volum e – 171,3 m .


Referencce Pneumatic objects thaat uses supp port strands to shape a d desirable form are ZORB balls (Fig. 2 6). To be able to d deploy parts of the structure that aree not directlyy affected byy pressurizattion – tempo orary strand supports are used d. For examp ple in the Type 1 Tiny Ho ouse the stairs are initiaally supporteed by strandss (Fig. 25), w which are tied to tthe ceiling an nd ground sheet of the structure. W When pressurization ereccts the interrnal shell thee strands pull the stairs and first f floor slaab into placee. After 24h the CC has finished curing and thee support st rings are d. The same e principal iss used to maake a dent in i the centeer of the roo of, for rain water w collecction and removed making P PV panel insttallation posssible. The inner shell’s ceiling is tied to the groun nd plate with h a tempora ry strand supportss to achieve tthe desired sshape (Fig. 2 25).

Stairs –– flanges are formed in X and Y directtion (Fig. 27) . If we take tthe stair’s steep crease as X direction tthe below corrugaated CC shee et is creasedd in Y directio on providingg the structu ure with requuired rigidity y. Also the sside of the stairs thhat face the wall has the canvas direcctly screwedd to the innerr shell.


Fig. 27. CC sttair connectionn to the 1 floo or CC slab deetail

ated CC sheeet inͲbetween two sheet s of CC to create a compposite that Partitioons and slabss – sandwich and corruga or demandinng structural areas an aadditional is usedd for both horizontal h a nd vertical structures ((Fig. 28). Fo he compositee with the crease rotateed 90° to cratte same soluution as in corrugaated CC shee et could be aadded into th the staiirs.

Fig. 26. Z ZORB ball


us ses support sttrands (

) to conform m the inner parrt ( derisible e shape.

)of the inflatable sphere (

) into a st

Fig. 28. 1 flooor CC slab de etail

4 4.1.7. Con ncrete Canv vas stairs, partitions and slabs Stairs, partitions and d slabs takee advantage of the fact that textile can be easily folded to o create creaases and ural performance of the material. In n the mentio oned structu ural components the creeases are enhancee the structu used in ttheir full potential.

4.1.8. Shapes her conceptuual shapes were investigaated: Besidess the chosen CC Tiny Houuse types oth


31 – manufacturers of the ZORB ball showcaasing their pro oduct in an online image ga llery.


other shapess for that ma atter) that ccan be hydra ated and infllated on a Concrete Canvas spherres (or any o need air to hharden, so it means that these shape es in 24h wil l be ready body of water. Concrette does not n gether or suunken by filling them witth water. Ad dvantage beiing that it to be used and can be bundled tog would requ uire less transsportation as initially defflated shapes would be m more compacted.


P PlugͲin for aa stripped do own buildinggs (Fig. 29). A As preventio on for squattting some office buildin gs in the N Netherlands are stripped to the beaar structurall skeleton an nd left in thee weather till final decissions are b being made regarding th he future off the plot off land. Thesee stripped offfice buildinggs can be pl ugged in w with CC livin ng units. In this case littlee would be rrequired to be done with the interio or spaces. Evverything w would be strripped, utilitties prepared d and new u units inflated d and harden ned. In this manner offi ce tower cconversion into a residential unit could be very fast.

Pneumatic shapes littlee heavy machinery requi red, when compared to conventional Concrete Furniture.

Fiig. 30. Folded Concrete Cannvas Stool by Samuel Jennnings.

Fig. 29. 2 An examp ple of stripped down office building b in Eind dhoven; https:/ :// s/jfteS


R Rigidised inflatable CC sllabs/roofs. D During conveersions additional slabs aare added insside of interiior space tthat have high ceiling. In those casses prefabriccated reinfo orced concreete slabs aree not an opttion, but ffolded CC sllabs (Fig. 28 8) can be brrought into the structurre rather easily as can be seen by the preͲ d deployment dimensionss of CCS (Figg. 41). Theirr appearancee would be similar to an a airbed wiith three llayers and the t center layer being sequentiallyy connected to the top or bottom layer creatiing inner sstructure aftter the slab iss inflated.


SSolar Gain optimized sstructures caan take advvantages or the shape possibilitiess allowed bby digital m manufacturing with Concrete Canvass. The shapee can be defiined by the p path the sun n takes acrosss the sky aand the shad dows from su urrounding sstructures.


LLoft extensio on to shippin ng containerrs. Shipping ccontainer wo ould have itss roof hinged d and when ready to d deploy swun ng to one sid de to create an overhang and concrrete canvas sshell would be inflated tto create h high ceiling inside of the container.


C Concrete Caanvas manu ufacturer pu ush into dessigner markket resulted in several designers choosing C Concrete Canvas as matterial of choice for furniture, sculptu ure and inteerior projectss (Fig. 30). H Hence CC and for h has a poten ntial for ou utdoor furnitture, which is weatherrproof, requ uire little maintenance m

4.1.9. Sea ams y welded, a dditionally joined by seelfͲtapping For outter shell, the e seams aree folded ontto each otheer, thermally screws and pulled o outwards. Thhis way the seam bead ccreates an air cavity for moisture ventilation insside of the wall/ro of structure (Fig. 31). eets are placced on top of each otherr with the For inteerior shell th he surfaces hhave to be ssmoother, soo the CC she ned with screew (Fig. 31). 150 mm m overlap, th hermally weldded and join eneath it witth of 90 mm width. This allows co The CC113 used for floors is joinned togetherr with patchees of CC8 be create ssmooth walkking surfacess (Fig. 28).


Fig. 3 32.Ground platte steel frame (

Fig. 31 1. Inner (

) and Outter (

) CCTH Shell corner detail showing s the ty ypes of seams s used by the Shells.

4 4.1.10. Dim mensions The Con ncrete Canvaas structural property reeference is provided p by the Concrette Canvas Sh helters, of w which the largest o one is 9,5 me eter long, 5,6 meter wid de and 2,6 m meter high (Fig. 41). As a result the chosen dimennsions of Type 1 C Concrete Can nvas (CC) Tinyy house: 6,6 meters lenggth, 3,6 meteers width and d 6 meters height are strructurally sound. TThe dimensio ons of a packed type 1 C CC Tiny Housse is: 6 meteers long, 3 m meters wide and 0,7 metters high. The wid dth and lenggth dimensiions were chosen, c due to the Maart de Jong’’s experiencce with Spaaceboxes. Structurees that do n not exceed the maximum m allowed diimensions of a typical lo orry trailer d do not requirre escort that savees transportaation costs aand minimizees construction related trraffic on the roads.

4 4.1.11. Ground plate .


) wiith plywood insserts (

) and swingg wall frames (

) on thhe sides.

Groundd plate frame e, to which thhe inner and d outer CC wiill be mounte ed to, will bee fabricated from steel U UͲprofiles with plyywood sheetts filling the sspaces (Fig. 32). This willl allow for a fast and streeamlined manufacturing process of the sstatic part of the buildingg. The ground d plate does not require customizatioon – it simply supports aall the custom mizable components. Mai nly the custo omizable Conncrete Canva as shell and lless customizable, but manufaactured in the same princcipal as the g ground pate – swinging w walls

4 4.1.12. Swinging walls s

Fig. 33. 3 Swinging w wall, ground pllate, hinge (

) and locked-in l node e(

) detail. d

Swingingg walls will b be manufactured using tthe same tecchnique as th he ground plates. UͲproffile steel fra me filled with plyw wood insertss. The framee will be coveered by CC and insulation n sandwiched in between. When wa lls would be folded, the CC wo ould fill the space betweeen the groun nd plate and folded swingg wall.

yscrapers. Thee working prin ncipal consist oof open tabs ( Fig. 34. Steel snap-in columns used d in Broad Sky 32 ) to form a locked d-in node ( into op pen sockets ( )

) beeing pushed

4.1.15. Inte erior and e exterior CC shells

4 4.1.13. Hing ges Hinges w will allow collapsing of th he manufactured CC Tinyy House by ffolding the w walls into sto orage positioon. When the dweelling is delivvered to thee constructio on site and the t Inner CC C Shell presssurized, the walls will sw wing into place (FFig. 33). The e walls will lockͲin at the designaated areas, in much th he same fashion as thhe Board prefabriccated steel sskyscraper co olumns snap into floor slabs (Fig. 34).

ment is the s equence in w which CC sheells are pressurized. Afteer delivery Importaant aspect of CC Tiny Hoouse deploym ng water su pply to integrated potaable water to consstruction site e the interioor CC shell is hydrated bby connectin by turning offf the water ssupply and coonnecting plumingg. After hydrration is com mplete the inner shell is ppressurized b an air ccompressor to the samee hose. After the interioor shell is infflated the aiir gap separating the intterior and on foam. exteriorr shells is filled with therrmal insulatio

4 4.1.14. Locking mech hanism In a sim milar fashion as in Broad d Sustainablee Building’s designed co olumnͲslab system, s the tabs presennt on the ground p plate will snaap into sockeets present at the very b bottom edgee of the swin nging walls. TThe tabs andd sockets will be b below the hin nge, so when n the walls w will be swungg into place b by the pressurized Inner CCTH Shell tthe walls will lock in place (Figg. 33). Same locking princcipal is used for Broad Su ustainable Bu uildings snap pͲin tabs andd sockets, a snaps into the socckets due to o the weighht of the just in tthe steel higghͲrise casee; the tab selfͲcenters and prefabriccated slab co ontaining thee sockets (Figg. 34).


yscraper/all/#sslideidͲ349751 – Broad Susstainable http:///ͲsustainableͲbuildinngͲinstantͲsky Buildinggs went viral w when a video oof them erecting a 30 storyy hotel in 15 days was publiished online (http://youtu.bbe/HdpfͲ did not materrialize, but the e engineering solutions MQM9vvY). Their prom mise to build tthe tallest building in the w world in 2013 d are noneetheless worth the attentioon.


structu ral rigidity (FFig. 28) in muuch the same fashion as it is done w with coldͲform med steel profiles33. The first floor slab wi ll also consttrain the innner shell, so that it doess not bulge in the middlle of side wa alls. The staiirs will be formedd by creased CC sheets (FFig. 27), whicch one edge will be weld ded (2.3.6 Joiint design) to o the wall suurface and the undderside supported by a coorrugated CC C slab (Fig. 3 7).

Fig. 35 5. Type 1 CC Tiny House prrincipal sketch h longitudinal section s

During th he Concrete Canvas and insulation fo oam setting ttime of 24 hours, the airr pressure insside the inteerior shell is maintaained. After interior shell CC is set th here is no mo ore need for pressurizatio on and the eexterior shelll shape is kept by the hardene ed insulation n foam. The last step is to hydrate the exteriorr shell, but this t does nott require n take place. interior sshell to be pressurizes, so final interior setup can

Fig. 37. CC sstairs connectiion (

) to the Inner CCTH Shell (

) dettail

4.1.17. Wa all opening s ep – setting oof exterior Doors aand windowss will come ppreinstalled iin the swingiing walls. After the final erection ste will be cut ouut. This meth hod of windoow insertion is used in CCC shelters CC shel l additional w window/dooor opening w 10 ( on ppage 14)

Fig. 36.. Type 1 CC Tiny T House priincipal sketch cross-section section

4 4.1.16. Interior Interior partitions, slabs s and sttairs will bee made of Concrete C Caanvas and deployed, d hyydrated and erected togetherr with the in nterior CC sh hell (Fig. 35,, Fig. 36). Th he slabs and d walls will be made byy creasing CC C to give



metal is formeed into structu urally rigid beaams by http:///ͲformedͲstteelͲsections –– Thin sheet m er fooled into U shape beco omes more riggid. Creasing w will allow Conccrete creasingg the metal. In n same way a sheet of pape Canvas tto be formed into supportinng walls and sslabs.

4 4.1.18. End d of lifetime e

Temporrary structurre does not nnecessarily im mply that aftter a certain amount of ttime it becom mes useless. Often it is the casee that the structure is noot firmly atta ached to the ground via a a foundationn and, if need ded, can be rrelocated. The sam me applies to CC Tiny Houses – when w a locattion, where CC Tiny Hoouses are deployed, staarts to be redevelloped the Tiny Houses caan be incorp porated into the overall design. Thei r low weightt and easy coonnection to the uutilities (Watter, Electricitty and Sewag ge) allows thhem to be placed on top of buildingss to make peenthouses. Used ass guest housses in a backk yard. Simply storage shhed is also an n option andd in the worsst case scenaario it can be dem molished. Concrette Canvas Shelter Manuufacturers sttate that theeir products lifetime is ddesigned to be at least 10 years, which ttaken into consideration c n that Concrrete Canvas Tiny Houses are doublee walled and thermally insulated suggestts that their lifespan is al so going to b be at least 100 years35.

4.1.19. Utilities Sewagee, potable water and ele ctricity will h have to be cconnected to o the erectedd CC Tiny Ho ouse. The pluuming will be preinnstalled into o the prefabrricated groun nd plates andd swinging w walls. The pootable water pluming wil l be made of flexibble hoses. Th he amount oof electricity and water uusage won’t be greater tthan in similarly sized Reecreations 36 Vehiclees , so the sttandard connnections dev veloped for t hese vehicles will be useed for the CC Tiny housess. hydration of the interior CC shell. Aftter the required amountt of water The pottable water hoses will b e used for h will be added to the e interior thee same hose es will be connnected to a a pressurizedd air source a and the inneer CC shell e will be pluugged. The inflatedd. During thiss process othher cavities (HeatͲPumpp, Sewage and other) of tthe structure doors aand windows preinstalleed in the swing walls wiill come with h a disposabble plastic film that will act as an airtight t barrier during the initiall inflation.

4.1.20. Advantages o of textiles eployed in a matter of da ays on a connstruction sitte. This savess precious Foldabi lity – TRC ca an be folded and later de times a nd labor making the initiial investment into pricieer prefabrication more ecconomically feasible.


Fig. 38. 3 Engineers of the Royal Netherlands N Army reposition ning a Concrete Canvas Sh helter

As part o of a training exercise, the Engineers of the Royal Netherland ds Army succcessfully repo ositioned a ddeployed Concretee Canvas She elter (CCS25)). Using a liftting crane, su upport straps and steel b beam, the en ngineers werre able to relocate the shelterr without daamaging thee structure. CCS are no ot designed for repositiioning, how wever the possible if reequired. engineerrs have proved that it is p

omizability oon a similar level as othher digital omated cuttiing and jointing can alloow for custo Automaation – auto ensive machiinery to a construction site. Also manufaacturing metthods. It doees not require deploym ment of expe ontrolled ennvironment with speciaalist knowledge presen t in case manufaacturing would take pl ace in a co adjustm ments are req quired. y Concrete CCanvas Shelter deploymeent, a small TRC structuure can be Ease off deploymen nt – as demoonstrated by ng as the dessired structure shape cann be made inflatedd with an off the shelf leaaf blower. Errection can bbe fast as lon pressurrized.



http://wͲcontent//uploads/2013 3/12/IMAG0202.jpg – Afterr successfully deploying a CCCS for evaluatio on proposes Ro oyal Netherlands Army sap ppers relocateed it using com mmon techniq ques and toolss available at hhand. This show ws that when dimensions permit Concrette Canvas stru uctures can bee moved around. Rigid Ground Plate, as proposed for Tiny H Houses, fatherr simplifies rellocation.

anvasͲshelterss/whatͲisͲit/ – – “CCS have a design life of over 10 yearss, whereas http:///www.concre m/concreteͲca ed. CCS are a oone stop solution, saving efffort and cost over the lifettime of tents weear out rapidlyy and must thhen be replace medium m to long term operations.” 36 d tested conneections to watter and electrricity. http:///en.wikipedia – RVs uttilize tried and ds will be usedd for quick CC C Tiny House cconnection These arre common in n designated RRV parking/camping areas. Same method to electrricity grid and water supplyy.


4 4.1.21. Disa advantages s of textiles s Limited rresolution – accuracy of recreating the digital mo odel in actuaal constructio on of desired d shape mighht not be achievab ble in sufficie ent enough d detail. Simplee geometricaal shapes wo ould be easieer to recreatee using TRCs .

It was sshown by Du utch Army EEngineers tha at erect Conncrete Canvas Shelters (CCCS) can be repositionedd. As with CCSs thhe CCTHs can n be relocateed, but repositioning is liimited by cle earances impposed by infrastructure ppresent in cities (V Vehicle width h allowance on Dutch roads was the width constrain for undeeployed CCT THs). Prefera bly CCTHs should be incorpora ated into reddeveloped arrea and repoositioned within the site iitself.

Seams –– can create undesired aaesthetic faççade segregaation, but th he same can be said abo out mortar j oint of a masonryy wall. Hence e this can be considered as a challengge and solved creatively. ions 4 4.1.1. Des sign Constrrains and Considerat C Concretee Canvas comes in a cou uple differen nt thicknessees and widths (Fig. 42). For the CCTTHs CC8 andd CC13 is used. CC C8 is used for the Inner aand Outer CC C Shells, and d partition w walls – surfacces that do n not require aabrasions resistancce. CC13 is u used for the top surface on all the flo oors and stairs. The widtth of the seleected canvasses is 1,1 meter an nd manufactturer recomm mended overlap forͲtoͲb beͲwelded seeams is minim mum 100 mm m. Hence th e chosen overlap iis 150 mm, aand the distaance between seams end ds up being 8 800 mm. Data is aavailable for set Concrette Canvas mechanical peerformance ((Fig. 42), butt no structural calculatioons were done forr the proposed CCTH dessigns. Assum mption was m made that Co oncrete Canvvas Shelter dimensions iss proof of concept that small structures s caan be built using Concreete Canvas. As a result structural calculation c shhould be posed design ns viability. done to test the prop



nvas Tiny Hoouses is NRE E terrain (Figg. 39). It is The choosen location for deployyment of all 3 types of CConcrete Can close too Eindhoven city center aand its future status is p ending. The territory is aavailable tem mporary, wh ich makes it a greaat choice forr developing residential ttemporary hoousing area. Also the surrrounding industrial strucctures are being r epurposed into artist st udios and re estaurants, sso an additio on of Tiny H Houses fits w well with thiss bohemic environnment. The lot was chosen because of its vicinity to o the urban center and p postͲindustriial area, whicch developm ment plans ermore theree is a large p parking lot tthat is standing unused. When area redevelopm ment starts are pennding. Furthe the unitts either havve to be inteegrated into to be built sstructures, m moved to anoother locatio on or demoliished. The worst ooption is dem molition, but because the e Ground Plaate is able to carry the strructural load d of the com plete Tiny House, they can be lifted on topp of new buildings to cre ate Tiny Pen nthouses.

ncrete Canvaas Slabs, Stairs and Interior Partition walls follow the structurre of cardbo ard (Also The structure of Con honeyco omb core paaper/aluminu um/titanium m compositess), where co orrugated sh heet of papeer is sandwiiched inͲ between n two sheets of paper. The coree idea behin nd CCTH is that they ought to be manufactured m d in a centraalized Digital Fabricationn facility. Minimal labor involvvement woulld keep the ccosts down w while maintaining high qu uality. Scale detail/modeel making was don ne manually as digital manufacturingg facilities present within TU/e Builtt Environmeent departmeent were not suiteed to work w with Concretee Canvas. Heence Digital Manufacturiing with Con ncrete Canvas was not tr ialed. On the otheer hand, takin ng into consiideration thaat, Concrete Canvas Shelters are man nufactured aat scale indiccates that Digital Faabrication w with Concretee Canvas is possible. The makking of CCTH Type 1 Slab b scale detaill revealed th hat on conneection spots layers of Co oncrete Canvvas inside of slabs,, stairs and partition waalls have to be thermallly fused to one o anotherr or approprriate fasteneers/rivets used, wh hich apply pressure from m both sidess. Ordinary faasteners useed in the tesst model were not suitedd for the task and d they unde erperformed d by gettingg loose. Of course thee thicker Co oncrete Canvas usage iin actual manufaccturing would also beneffit the structtural propertties of the construction as the modeeling was doone using CC5 allͲrround, while it should have been CC8 8 and CC13. Scale mo odel from Co oncrete Canvas was made for Type 3 CC Tiny House, H to explore the feasibility of pproposed Outer Sh hell joints. The joints and thickness of the Scalee Model shelll did not refflect the scaale as at 1:100 scale it should b be 0,8 mm an nd in the mo odel it is the thickness off CC5 – 5 mm m. Other than that the jo oints workedd and the model w was successfu ully deployed d.

Fig. 39. The chosen empty parking lot in NRE terrrain; maps/DT91b



Fig. 40): Three tyypes of Conccrete Canvass Tiny Houses will be impplemented (F Specificaation sheet o of Concrete C Canvas Indicate that sliciing of Concreete Canvas ssheets should d be done w with a hot knife. Th his allows the e polymer baased textile b bond togetheer and contaain concrete matrix insidee of the canvvas – less concretee matrix is ab ble to escapee.



Type 1 – Tw wo story (300,4 m2), first floor (10,7) bbeing the lofft (ground flooor – 19.7). 6,6 meters leength, 3,6 meters width and 6 metters height.


TType 2 – Sin ngle story (27 7 m2), L shaped floor plaan with one corner cut out from thee square. 6,66 meters llength, 6,6 m meters width h on one sidee and 3,6 meters on the o other, and 3 meters heigght;


TType 3 – Singgle story (36 6 m2) square shaped floor plan. 6,6 m meters length h, 6,6 meterss width and 3 meters h height.

Fig. 40..All types of C Concrete Canv vas Tiny House es arranged in n NRE Terrain n; s/DT91b

More deetail information regarding CCTH typ pes and theirr layouts is p present in th he Drawings section, whiich starts after 7 A Appendices p part of the reeport.


5. References [1] L. Caneparo, Digital Fabrication in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media, 2014. [2] L. Sass, “Synthesis of design production with integrated digital fabrication,” Autom. Constr., vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 298–310, May 2007. [3] C. Davies, The Prefabricated Home. London: Reaktion Books, 2005. [4] “Sagrada Familia: Color Jet Printing (CJP) Helps Architects at Sagrada Familia Follow Gaudi’s Method While Saving Time and Money |” [Online]. Available:Ͳ center/caseͲstudies/sagradaͲfamiliaͲcolorͲjetͲprintingͲcjpͲhelpsͲarchitectsͲsagradaͲfamilia. [Accessed: 06Ͳ DecͲ2014]. [5] “Sagrada Família Ͳ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 06ͲDecͲ2014]. [6] “3D Printing Will Explode in 2014 When Key Patents Expire.” [Online]. Available:ͲprintingͲpatents/. [Accessed: 06ͲDecͲ2014]. [7] K. R. Klinger, “DesignͲThroughͲProduction Formulations,” Nexus Netw. J., vol. 14, pp. 431–440, 2012. [8] “Building a lunar base with 3D printing / Technology / Our Activities / ESA.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14Ͳ MayͲ2014]. [9] R. N. Dent, Principles of Pneumatic Architecture. London: The Architectural Press, 1971. [10] “Pneumatic Shape | KARAMBA3D.” [Online]. Available:Ͳshape/. [Accessed: 06ͲDecͲ2014]. [11] A. Peled, Z. Cohen, Y. Pasder, A. Roye, and T. Gries, “Influences of textile characteristics on the tensile properties of warp knitted cement based composites,” Cem. Concr. Compos., vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 174–183, Mar. 2008. [12] Concrete Canvas Shelters ’09. 2009. [13] J. Hegger and S. Voss, “Investigations on the bearing behaviour and application potential of textile reinforced concrete,” Eng. Struct., vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 2050–2056, Jul. 2008. [14] A. Roye and T. Gries, “3ͲD Textiles for Advanced Cement Based Matrix Reinforcement,” J. Ind. Text., vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 163–173, Oct. 2007. [15] F. Han, H. Chen, K. Jiang, W. Zhang, T. Lv, and Y. Yang, “Influences of geometric patterns of 3D spacer fabric on tensile behavior of concrete canvas,” Constr. Build. Mater., vol. 65, pp. 620–629, Aug. 2014. [16] “Media and Literature | Concrete Canvas.” . [17] R. Contamine, A. Si Larbi, and P. Hamelin, “Contribution to direct tensile testing of textile reinforced concrete (TRC) composites,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A, vol. 528, no. 29–30, pp. 8589–8598, Nov. 2011. [18] I. G. Colombo, A. Magri, G. Zani, M. Colombo, and M. di Prisco, “Erratum to: Textile Reinforced Concrete: experimental investigation on design parameters,” Mater. Struct., vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 1953–1971, Nov. 2013. [19] P. Hewlett, Lea’s Chemistry of Cement and Concrete. ButterworthͲHeinemann, 2003. [20] H. F. W. Taylor, Cement chemistry. London: Thomas Telford, 1997. [21] D. E. Seedhouse, “Expandable Module Technologies,” in Bigelow Aerospace, Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 17–39. [22] R. Settersten and B. E. Ray, Not Quite Adults: Why 20ͲSomethings Are Choosing a Slower Path to Adulthood, and Why It’s Good for Everyone. Random House Publishing Group, 2010. [23] “Student housing, Utrecht University, Utrecht / NL, 2009 | Flickr Ͳ Photo Sharing!” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 06ͲDecͲ2014]. [24] “Google Flu Trends | How.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 08ͲDecͲ2014]. [25] J. Ginsberg, M. H. Mohebbi, R. S. Patel, L. Brammer, M. S. Smolinski, and L. Brilliant, “Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data,” Nature, vol. 457, no. 7232, pp. 1012–1014, Feb. 2009. [26] “Wikipedia May Predict The Next Global Health Crisis.” [Online]. Available:ͲsearchͲepidemicsͲdisease_n_6161202.html. [Accessed: 08ͲDecͲ2014].


6. Acknowledgements “Altena InfraͲmaterialen” for providing a CC5 Concrete Canvas batch roll at no additional transportation costs. Mart de Jong for sharing his experience regarding Spaceboxes and Tiny Houses. Tom Veeger for stepping in to become 3rd graduation supervisory committee member, when Jos Brouwers suddenly decided he can no longer be part of this graduation. Graduation supervisory committee members for being patient with sometimes seemingly slow progress.

7 7. Appen ndices

F Fig. 41. Concrrete Canvas Shelters S speciffication sheet

3 37

Fig. 42. Concrete C Canvas specifications


http://wͲcontent//uploads/2013 3/10/1208ͲCC CSͲCivilͲBrochu ure.pdf



http:///www.concre m/wpͲcontentt/uploads/20113/08/1305ͲCCͲDataͲSheett.pdf


Fig. 43. Con ncrete Canvas s thermal weld ding guide



http://wͲcontent//uploads/2013 3/09/2.4Ͳ1308 8ͲCCͲUserͲGuiideͲThermalͲW Welding.pdf


nvas Tiny Houuse Type 1 Co ost Estimate; P age 2 of 2 Fig. 45. Concrete Can

Fig. 44. Concrete Canv vas Tiny Hous se Type 1 Cos st Estimate; Pa age 1 of 2



Interview with Mart de Jong

Marius: What sparked your interest in Tiny Houses? Was it at the same time, when the Spacebox project started? Mart: The story has developed over the years. First of all, I have two professions: I am a nurse and I have worked in psychiatric hospitals, and originally I am an interior designer. One time I have been working in a hospital and there was a patient, whom had to be taken to an isolation room. At that particular time all the isolations rooms were occupied, so we had to take him to a neighboring psychiatric ward, but there they were occupied as well. In the end he has been transported to Friesland, to the North of Netherlands, because there was one psychiatric hospital left that had vacant isolation rooms. We discussed this situation afterwards and it was clear that it was inhumane to move patients around the country like that. People are already having troubles coping with familiar surroundings and then they are transported “abroad”. The next day he had to be transported again, because if you outplace a patient it is more expensive than to take it yourself. We thought that was wrong and brainstormed that one should be able to place a container in front of the ward and use it as a temporary isolation room. We were making fun of this idea for a while. My collogues suggested, that because I am doing this “architecture thing”, I you could design it. That was the very beginning of a small space, which was 3 by 6 meters. I did my homework; I looked at requirements and all that. The aim was to start a company with 20 of these units, so that one could transport them anywhere in the country and set them up as temporary isolation rooms for patients. But then it turned out you cannot make a company like that – it is not worth it. That summer I read about student housing problems here in the Netherlands. That year in Amsterdam 7000 people were waiting for a room, with average waiting times up to 4 years. Utrecht – 7000 people waiting and waiting time up to 2,5 year. Eindhoven – 2000 people waiting for a room with a waiting time of 2 years. And it went on and on. That was the start of my idea about small temporary solution in a form of a transportable dwelling. I recognized that it was an urgent problem. One should be able to move around living containers to areas of need. Then I started researching for a way to produce them. I ended up in the yacht industry, because I knew they used molds, which were filled with material and solidified into a boat hull overnight. That is how I ended up there. That was the beginning of Spaceboxes. Marius: Have you ever lived in a Spacebox sized apartment? Mart: Yes I lived in a dorm room. It was 3 by 6 meters room. When I was young it was OK. I never thought of that, when I was designing Spacebox. It was just a room with a bed and a small bathroom with a shower. The kitchen was shared with 20 others, like everywhere in the world. Of course Spacebox is a very tiny space. It was my aim to get all the technical aspects sorted out in the first 1,5 meters, so there would be more space for oneself.

Mart: First feedback came from Delft. It was the first project. The project was built in a hurry, because they (TU Delft) forgot 200 students from China. They arrived in August and had to be accommodated. If you are living in China and you can allow yourself to study abroad – you have money. The University promised those students a nice house and what they saw was a cabin. Their first reaction was it is not big enough to fit my suitcase – it is too small. I can imagine that, because they did not know anything about the Dutch housing market. They are freshmen and they see this box. They should have been prepared. Delft has communicated that better to next generations of international students. They were shown pictures of what they could expect. In Eindhoven (TU Eindhoven) I also heard, that people find them small and it is obviously the case. Few times we proposed that Universities bought 3 extra Spaceboxes and combined them into a Common Room. The 3 extra boxes would cost 3*20000 = 60000 € extra and Universities were not willing to invest into them – that is a pity. There were these Common Spaces in Delft by the way: Two or Three units of 3 by 6 meters combined. Marius: Were the dimensions of Spaceboxes constrained by the fact that they had to be transported asͲaͲselfͲ containingͲunit from the Factory (Holland Composites) to the construction site? Mart: Yes. Although transport costs, you only pay for transportation once in a lifetime of a Spacebox. If the structure that is being transported is wider than 3 meters, it requires police escort, which is very expensive. Especially if you want to transport 300 units – the price skyrockets. 3 meter width is the constraint. The bed of a truck is 13,8 meter long, so two units of 6.5 meters (long) fit on it. Marius: Were the limitations imposed by transportability the main reason for Spaceboxes to have low ceilings as opposed to Tiny Houses efficient use of lofts? Mart: What we did, is we first looked at the Dutch Building Codes (Bouwbesluit). The requirements state that a student room has to have ceiling height of at least 2,6 meters. That was the height we chose. We tried to keep it as cheap as possible, so we did not add additional materials that would otherwise increase ceiling height. Another condition that is related to floor space specified that there must be one room in the house that is 2,85 meters wide. This way we knew that the thickness of the walls had to fit into 3Ͳ2,85 = 0,15 meters. In yacht (hull) building industry you have all those material that are pretty much unknown in the building industry. Building industry is far behind. I think for emotional reasons people do not want to innovate, because they are too attached to this image of bricks and mortar. We used foams, highly insulated foams, and this way we were able to use really thin walls.

Marius: Would you agree that Spaceboxes suit the Individualist nature of the Dutch?

Marius: What was the longest distance Spacebox had to travel to reach its final destination (In other words what is the furthest location a Spacebox was shipped to)?

Mart: There were studies done on that. It appears that for the first 2 years of university students want to be with each other and for the last 2 years they want to be alone. What I know is that, and I base that on experience that I had in Utrecht, Amersfoort and all those Dutch Student villages of Spaceboxes, they (students) are super glad that they have found a space to live. Otherwise they would have to live with their parents or in a camping or wherever. So they are glad they found a space and especially in Utrecht. If you wake up at 09:00, then at 09:05 you are sitting in your lecture, because it is on the Campus. They like that very much.

Mart: Except for the one that was shipped to Philadelphia, USA, the furthest was Limburg, Southern part of the Netherlands. We tried to get into USA market, in Philadelphia they requested a prototype and we shipped it. But then again (our product was) 3 meters wide and they wanted it to be 3,2 meter wide or so, which was because of the imperial foot and inch units that they delivered the requirements in. And it did not fit into a ship. It had to be transported as deck load, so it was wrapped in plastic foil right when it came out of the factory. Placed on a deck of a ship and 3 weeks later it was unwrapped in a large hall in Philadelphia. If you wrap it right after the

Marius: What was the feedback from International markets or International Students living in Spaceboxes?


production process, the smell of styrene40 is captivated inside. When I came there 3 days later to see, if all went OK, they gave me a gasmask, so that I could enter the hall. I had to explain to them what styrene was... Limburg is the farthest Spaceboxes had to travel here, in the Netherlands. We built 255 Spaceboxes for the Maharishi Yogi41. It is an Academic Institution, but there they teach transcendental meditation. The Beatles went to the Maharishi in India in the 60’s, when they came back they did not make music anymore, they meditated. The Maharishi came to the Netherlands in the 80’s and setup a Maharishi European Research University in Vlodrop, Limburg. Marius: Spaceboxes could be considered to be the first mass produced fiber reinforced plastic houses (at least in the Netherlands) what were the challenges and benefits of using this material instead of more common construction materials? Mart: The biggest challenge, when entering the market with a new material, is to convince all the people, who must put their signature, to allow you to build. They reference brick and mortar, glass and steel, and wood, so when they see a new material, they have a lot of skepticism towards it. They requested test reports, so we had to test them (materials) very thoroughly, especially for fire safety. Also asses if it is sturdy enough and can three levels of Spaceboxes be stacked on top of each other. If there is a storm, is the structure going to tremble? What are the sound transportation properties between units? We had to test it all and we had to do it in small period of time. That was quite a challenge. As I mentioned, in Philadelphia I had to explain a lot about styrene. Styrene is what you smell inside of composite yacht hulls and it is a typical smell of plastic. It is potentially carcinogenic material and one can get cancer from it, but only if one works with it in an environment, that contains high concentrations. I had to convince Americans, because they started to panic, when they notice something out of the ordinary. The benefits include the ability to make pretty wild constructions with plastics, because molds are being used. One could use a mold in a shape of a football or whatever comes into mind, because you fill the mold and the next day you have the product ready. This also makes it possible to easily construct complicated corners, which are otherwise hard to achieve with conventional construction methods. Marius: What is the lifespan of building envelope materials (Exterior surfaces, Wall cavity and Interior surfaces) used Spaceboxes? Mart: The lifespan of the material is a long time, 50 years or so. Marius: How well did Spaceboxes withstand the test of time (How well did the materials age/ weather)? Mart: The Spaceboxes did fine, the only thing that happened was that colors faded. It (exterior surface) was not that ultraviolet (UV) resistant as I have initially thought. That is partially, because of the process we chose. There were two possibilities: x

Spread a layer of polyurethane (PU) paint gel coat, allow it to dry and then apply layers of structural materials;


“Styrene is a colorless oily liquid that evaporates easily and has a sweet smell, although high concentrations confer a less pleasant odor.” Quote taken from: 41 – Transcendental Meditation research institution in Vlodrop, Netherlands.


Pour everything into the mold at once and color the resin with pigment.

We chose the second option. That was less UV resistant than the PU gel coat paint. The reason why we did that was, if you apply the first PU paint layer and let it cure it takes two days to make a product and if you put it all at once it is one day. Colors fade and if you go to Delft for example, those units had bright colors in the beginning. If you look on the top now and at the down side, you see a world of difference. Marius: Besides great vapor barrier and thermal insulation properties, fiberglass reinforced plastic is lighter than other building materials. Was its use an important weight saving measure? Mart: It was an important weights saving measure, but not only for transportation. Sea freight container is 5 tons and a Spacebox is between 2 and 3 tons. Trucks are able to transport sea freight containers; as long as you stay within the weight of sea freight containers you are alright. Where it does make a difference, is that if you stack 3 sea freight containers on top of each other, you have to drive poles into the ground and for Spaceboxes you don’t. Except in Eindhoven, because the units were built next to the Dommel River and they (foundation engineers) were afraid that houses will slide into the river. There they (construction workers) drove some foundation poles into the ground, not much, but few, and in all other locations we just used the sand bed of 60Ͳ 80 cm and then concrete slabs to spread the weight over a larger area. Marius: Are Spaceboxes legally recognized as temporary structures and are their construction permits not as strict as conventional building ones? Mart: No, the requirements are exactly the same. There are two sets of requirements in the Netherlands: x

The first one is Quality of Life in a Space. It defines the size of the floorͲspace, how large your kitchen has to be, what has to be in it and how does water leave the shower;


The second set is about Safety and those rules are the same as for nonͲtemporary buildings, so fire regulations, structural integrity are exactly the same.

Marius: That is interesting because then there is no legal gap that the Americans and British are using. They are usually constructing their tiny houses on trailers and then they can get away with a less strict set of rules. Mart: Yes, that is correct for the Netherlands too. In the Netherlands we have “Caravanbesluit”. It is a set of requirements for caravans; therefore your construction should be on two wheels (it has to have wheels) and must be able to ride. Marius: In that case, if you mounted a Spacebox on a trailer, then it could be considered as a portable structure and “Caravanbesluit” would imply instead of the Building Codes? Mart: Yes, then the requirements would be much, much lighter. There are almost no requirements for thermal insulation, fire safety – almost nothing… But then again, it would not be allowed, in the Netherlands, to stack 2Ͳ3 caravans on top of each other. Marius: For Single person household it could be an interesting alternative? Mart: For a single person – yes. Marius: What is your opinion regarding 3D (additive manufacturing) printing?


Mart: I am excited by the possibilities of molds and producing in molds. Not particularly from plastic, because with plastic you also produce a lot of chemical waste. If you produce in molds, you should do it with in such a way, that you can reuse the leftover materials over and over again. “Design for Disassembly” is the magic word here. Also I am not too fond of plastics. In the beginning of Spaceboxes I just focused on making them work, but over the years you realize that you also produce thousands of tons of residual waste. That is the reason why I am moving towards nonͲchemical composites, they do exists, but they are not well known. There is a material, which is a water based acrylic. It is very hard and it does not combust – it is an exciting material, but it is totally new and unknown. That is the thing that interests me now. Marius: What would you think of an idea to convert a Spacebox into a portable Tiny House (mounting it on a trailer) or would it be too strange considering the fact that most of the Tiny Houses look very traditional? Mart: It has been a dilemma all the time. In the 70’s British developed “Futuro”. It was like a spaceship – a round thing. They tried to introduce it in England by constructing them in woods. It was supposed to be a weekend/holiday escape. You could be in nature in your white, futuristic, dome shaped “Futuro”. But people did not buy it. Why? It was too hip, too strange. It had to resemble a more traditional house, with a slopped roof and etc. That is the case all the time. I think Spacebox was in that way – it served an urgent market, but because it was the first that could react to demand, I decided to go wild with the design. The dome shaped front was for a great part out of design lust. That is what differentiated it from all other container like units. If I have made it from composites, but then rectangular, I would not have sold that many units. It is always a dilemma. I have had the strangest questions throughout time. One of them was: “can you make it out of composite, but then make a mold that makes it look like bricks and mortar or wood…” I was in South Africa and there was a plan to make affordable homes for town slums. There was a large demand for houses, as people were living in sheds constructed from scavenged wood and plastic. I went there and built a prototype home. I covered it with a fiber reinforced acrylic composite and made it look like concrete. People came to look at this house and knocked on the walls. It looked like concrete, so it was alright. But they did not like the sound of it, because it sounded a bit hollow. Beneath this 5 mm of concrete like stucco was foam. When I showed them the cross section, they immediately rejected the whole house, because you ”do not live in a foam house”. It was decided to use faux concrete, because in South Africa there is not enough cement to meet the huge demand. They import cement for all their civil and infrastructure works – thousands of tons. They have to import it; they do not have enough cement. Marius: Were there any revisions that were done to the Spacebox design throughout the ~10 year’s production run? Mart: Tiny things. First projects had sound transport issues between the units. There was a connection somewhere, which transported the sound – we changed that. Tiny changes in the types of foams we used. It was all based on the experience that we gained through the manufacturing process of Spaceboxes. At the same time I have been thinking about new ways of constructing Spacebox like things, but that requires a lot of investment in prototypes and testing. I did not have money for that. If I had to design a Spacebox again, I would not space them apart from each other, because for every unit you now need: fire insulation, heat insulation and the list goes on. If you put them together the thermal insulation between the units can be thinner. Also the amount of plastic material being used can be diminished by putting units together. Only make a wrap of plastic around it – make it wind and water tight. Everything that is inͲbetween can be any material. Marius: Were you involved with the design of Smartcubes?


Mart: (Shakes head). Marius: Smartcubes came after Spaceboxes and neither of them are in production today, what could be the future legacy of these products (at least in the Netherlands)? Mart: Real Tiny Houses like Spacebox was, are only possible in the Netherlands, when there is an urgent problem that has to be solved. When things become Political – Political issues – then all of a sudden there is space and money to develop something that is out of the ordinary. I believe that is also the case abroad. When student housing problems overgrown your head, then there is money to develop small housing. I think in the Netherlands there is a market for modular buildings. There has to be. One day crude oil price will be so high, that it won’t be possible to afford to have all this building related traffic on the road. 30% of all the traffic on the Dutch roads, is building related. I think we are slowly changing, against the will of the people, because they are so attached to this (traditional) kind of building. But slowly we have to redefine building and I think we have to go much more modular, prefabricated and design for disassembly – sustainable. Marius: Actually Spaceboxes were, at least from what I have noticed, so far the most successful modular project, because there were pushes towards modularity in the past (especially in Japan) but they usually ended with a single example and the concept did not work the way it was intended to. HighͲrises that could integrate modular units were built, but the initial structure stayed the same and did not generate any envisioned dynamics. Mart: Well there is a difference in what is considered as prefabrication in the Netherlands and what in USA. If you talk about prefabrication in America, and also in Japan, it is completely made in a factory – from top to bottom, period. They manufacture exactly the same houses, which one would build on a construction site, but they do it in a factory in small modules. If you talk about prefabrication in the Netherlands, you are almost directly talking about mass production, so one unit that can roll out of the factory line every single day. Americans in that sense are more individualistic than the Dutch. When I went to USA, with this (Spacebox) concept they asked: “But can we have and extra balcony or portico or small steps?”. If you go to America, in the airport you can find catalogs, where you can choose your own prefabricated house. You are allowed to choose 6 tiles, 6 ways to divide your windows – with small window frames or not, 6 kitchens, extensions – extra balconies, porticos and stuff. Americans want to set themselves apart from their neighbors, while the Dutch do the opposite. They want to be exactly like their neighbor, because if you do something strange, you are a strange person. That is also the reason why the Dutch want to live in Winex areas. All those long houses with apartments, that have a garden in front and at the back. Marius: Besides university campuses were there any other parties interested in Spaceboxes? Mart: No. In Lelystad we placed 24 units, just for young people. The requirement was for the person to be between 24 and 30. That was the only project that was constructed outside of University Campuses. Marius: Did economies of scale help reduce the cost of Spaceboxes? Mart: Yes. We learned more and more how to optimize the production. We needed less people for manufacturing, so that allowed to lower the price. Marius: What was the price difference between the last manufactured Spaceboxes and the initial production run?”

Mart: Costs went up, because worldwide prices for the raw material increased. Between 2004 and 2009 the world price for crude oil derived products went up. The price of a Spacebox rose from 16500 â‚Ź excluding VAT to 20000 â‚Ź excluding VAT. Materials basically stayed the same; there were tiny changes, but nothing radical. Marius: Is it easier to develop one big project or many small ones? Mart: Single large is a lot easier. Over 200 units (project) is a lot easier. One needs to go and inspect the construction site, do the site preparations. These are a few good reasons to do one big project instead of many tiny ones. We placed 2 units for homeless in Alphen aan den Rijn. We had to do all the preparation work just for 2 units: hire a crane, prepare a sand bed for concrete slab foundations.






Several suitable loca ons around iden fied for Concrete Canvas Tiny

Eindhoven were House deployment.

Loca ons





Locations Outer Ring

Loca ons that were outside of Eindhoven’s ring road were not considered further as they were outside of the reach of all the benefits that the inner ring brings.

Loca ons Outer Ring





Locations Inner Ring

Havenstraat, Philips Lichtstraat, De Kade (Campina), NRE Terrein – Inner ring loca ons were further looked into.

Loca ons Inner Ring





Locations Rejected

From inner Lichtstraat and

ring De

loca ons Havenstraat, Kade (Campina) were

Philips rejected.

The following were the reasons: Havenstraat – no hard surface, no exis ng infrastructure, no crea ve communi es; Philips Lichtstraat – no crea ve communi es; De Kade (Campina) – no crea ve communi es, not clear availability.

De Kade (Campina)

Philips Lichtstraat


Loca on





Location NRE Terrein

NRE Terrein was chosen for CCTH deployment. The reasons for this are as follows: hard surface, plenty of space, available infrastructure, residen al area, crea ve community.

Loca on


NRE Terrein




NRE Terrein Accessibility

Furthermore NRE Terrein proximity to TU Eindhoven Campus, Eindhoven train sta on, Eindhoven city centre and convenient cycling infrastructure provide great accessibility that poten al CCTH tenants will value.

NRE Terrein Accessibility





NRE Terrein Flows

Exact loca on for CCTH placement within NRE Terrein had to be selected and for that reason flows in the site were analysed. The car parking is divided into rectangles by the access routes. Furthermore connec on to crea ve industries within NRE should be in the near vicinity of CCTH for social interac on. Finally to the South-West of the selected plot Fi h NRE restaurant is present and requires space for vehicle access. As a result the North-East por on of the selected rectangle is chosen for CCTH development and they are spread there accordingly.

Vehicle flows

Designer Workshops

Designer Workshops

Designer Workshops Fi h NRE Access

Situa on Plan 1:500





NRE Terrein Panorama

Panoramic images were done from 4 points surrounding the area, where Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses are going to be deployed. Currently the area is used for car parking.

View 1

View 2 View 1 View 2

View 3

View 3

View 4 View 4

Situa on Plan 1:500





NRE Terrein Plan Overview

NRE Terrein was selected as the loca on for Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses deployment. It is located near Eindhoven city centre (51°26’19.9”N 5°29’19.8”E) next to Eindhovensche Kanaal and a busy bicycle path leading to Eindhoven University of Technology Campus. As this is an ex-industrial area, which is pending redevelopment, its intermi ent availability and convenient loca on suits CC Tiny Houses perfectly. To go along with the surrounding industrial heritage 10 feet shipping containers are going to be used as storage units, in coopera on with outdoor Europale e furniture and bulk bag vegeta on.


storage container

Type 1 CC Tiny House

Bicycle Repair Stand

Bulk Bag Vegeta on Type 2 CC Tiny House 10



Europale e Furniture

Europale e Furniture Type 2 CC Tiny House Bicycle Repair Stand


Situa on Plan 1:250

Bulk Bag Vegeta on

Situa on Plan 1:500



1.10. NRE Terrein with CCTHs Top View Rendering of NRE Terrein with deployed Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses and all the suppor ng outdoor elements.

NRE Terrein with deployed CCTHs Top View

Situa on Plan 1:500




1.11. Elevations Eleva ons (Orthographic renderings) of Concrete Canvas Tiny House placement in NRE Terrein present how the built up plot would look like.

Eleva on South-West

W es t

Eleva on North-West





Ele va



Ele va



Ea st

-Ea rth


-W es t





Ele va

Ele va


Eleva on North-East

Situa on Plan 1:500


Eleva on South-East



1.12. Visualizations Panoramic to see

renderings how CCTH

were incorporate


also NRE

done Terrein.

View 1

View 2 View 1 View 2

View 3

View 3

View 4 View 4

Situa on Plan 1:500




1.13. 10 ft Storage Containers Even though Tiny Houses encourage to live smaller, it is always nice to have a separate space to store a bicycle and protect it from the weather, have a laundry or a workshop. Furthermore industrial sites around the world are li ered with Sea Freight Containers, so a CC Tiny House development in an Industrial site would not be complete without them. Containers would be delivered on site together with unfolded CCTHs, but loaded with construc on materials and equipment required for final detailing work.

10 10



View 5


Container Situa on Plan 1:500


View 5



1.14. Bicycle Repair Stand Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses are meant for young professionals and most of the me their mode of transporta on, in the Netherlands, is a bicycle. Furthermore current hipster genera on enjoys bicycle maintenance, hence an outdoor bicycle repair stand made from Europale es is placed for the CC Tiny House dwellers to use.

Bicycle Repair Stand Bicycle Repair Stand

View 6

View 6

Situa on Plan 1:500




1.15. Europalette Furniture In a similar fashion as with Sea Freight Containers, Europale es frequently enjoy a second life in redeveloped industrial sites that are converted to residen al areas. Europale es are readily available and easy to convert into outdoor furniture. Designer workshops found shelter in most of the industrial NRE Terrein buildings and they would be more than happy to convert Europale es into outdoor furniture.

Europale e Furniture

Europale e Furniture

View 7

Europale e Furniture

Situa on Plan 1:500


View 7



1.16. Bulk Bag Vegetation NRE Terrein does not have much vegeta on, so for greenery enhancement repurposed Bulk Bags will be filled with soil, bamboos planted inside of them and Bulk Bag Vegeta on spread around the CC Tiny Houses Development. Due to mild winters bamboos can easily grow in the Netherlands. They are also fast growing, so provide a perfect intermi ent greenery solu on.

Bulk Bag Vegeta on

Bulk Bag Vegeta on

View 8

Bulk Bag Vegeta on View 8

Situa on Plan 1:500






There are two main types of Digital Fabrica on, that are used for construc on of buildings: CNC Machining and Addi ve Layer Manufacturing. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. As a result the third Digital Fabrica on technique is proposed, which involves Pneuma c Structures and uses Concrete Canvas as the material of choice. Taking into considera on exis ng buildings constructed from Concrete Canvas (Concrete Canvas Shelters) its structural capabili es suit the dimensions of Tiny Houses and this is what is going to be presented further in the drawings sec on of the report.

CNC Machining of a Building

Addi ve Layer Manufacturing of a Building





Digital Manufacturing

Digital Manufacturing with Concrete Canvas shares many similari es with CNC Machining. Parts would be cut from Concrete Canvas with hot knifes instead of CNC tool bits. Also instead of transpor ng these individual parts to the construc on site for final assembly the Concrete Canvas Digital Manufacturing approach would join these parts into the end shape already in the manufacturing facility. The end shape would require minimal assembly as deployment process would be done by pressuriza on of the structure and hydra on of the water permeable Concrete Canvas Side. This allows for customizable designs and as a result 3 types of Concrete Canvas Tiny Houses are proposed. They all fold into an ini al footprint of 3 m by 6 meters and when deployed their area ranges from 18 m2 to 40 m2.. Tex le proper es of Concrete Canvas when it is dry allow the finished Tiny House to be packed and shipped to the site for erec on.

Concrete Canvas Shelter


Concrete Canvas Shelter


Ini al Footprint

Type 2

Type 1

Type 3



Type 1 CC Tiny House



Type 1 Concrete Canvas (CC) Tiny House is 7,6 meters long, 3,6 meters wide and 6 meters high and contains two storeys (30,4 m2), first floor (10,7 m2) being the lo . It comes with a solid Ground Plate (“3.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 70) and two Swing Walls with pre-installed ground floor windows and a door on the East and West Facades (“3.28. Outer Shell cutout East-West” on page 85). Upon arrival to the designated deployment site, unloading from the transport vehicle, posi oning on the Supports (“3.3. Floorplan level supports” on page 60) and levelling, the erec on of the Tiny House is ini ated with Inner Shell being hydrated by connec ng its pre-installed flexible potable water pipes to water mains. A er CC is set these water pipes serves the purpose of potable water supply in the kitchen, WC and Shower. Concrete Canvas starts to harden 2h a er hydra on, so the inner shell hydra on takes up to 1h or un l the calculated volume of water is transferred into the Inner Shell. The before men oned pluming is designed and posi oned in the structure in such a manner that the required amount of water is delivered in me and in strategic loca ons for all the shell to be hydrated (plumbing layout, diameter and amount of water/volume required for hydra on is not covered in this report).

foam is controlled by varying the ra os of chemical components. Freshly introduced insula on is designed to flow and expand to inflate the Outer Shell (Insula on foam composi on for the required expansion/flow characteris cs is not covered in this report). According to the designed foam insula on proper es correct amount of single use one way injec on ports are installed at the base of the Ground Plate for foam injec on into the cavity. A er cavity is pressurized by the expanding foam the Outer Shell is hydrated. Inner Shell is kept pressurized for 24h and a er CC cures the Temporary Support Strands are removed from the interior and cavi es for the rest of the windows cut. CC can be easily painted once set using standard exterior masonry paint. As one of the final steps u li es get connected to the Tiny House. They include the before men oned potable water main and sewerage, and electricity. Hea ng is provided by and Air-to-Air Heat pump, hence natural gas supply is not required.

Concrete Canvas Load Support

There are two Type 1 CC Tiny Houses present in the Situa on Plan. For eleva on naming the Type 1 Tiny House, which is circled with a green dashed line is used (“Situa on Plan 1:500” on page 58). The second CC Tiny house is iden cal to the circled one.

Injec on Port

Foam Filled Cavity

The interior par ons as well as 1st floor slab and the staircase deploys together with the Inner Shell and during CC curing me of 24h is temporary held up by deployment strands. To stop the water, that is being filled into the Inner Shell from flowing out through the sewage systems plumbing (WC, shower, kitchen), pipes are plugged from the exterior side un l the required amount of water is injected into the shell. A er the Inner Shell gets fully hydrated, sewage pipes of the Tiny House are connected to pressurised air supply, which will be used to inflate the Inner Shell.

CC Tiny House Type 1

Studied pneuma c structure literature and Concrete Canvas Shelter (CCS) specifica on sheet shows that the pressure inside the Inner Shell has to be slightly greater than the surrounding barometric pressure, which can be provided by many off-the-shelf solu ons, for Inner Shell to start infla ng. During the pressuriza on of the Inner Shell the Swing Walls are erected and locked into posi on (Detail A1 – “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72). A er Inner Shell hydra on and pressuriza on is complete the Outer Shell’s Open Seams are joined (“3.28. Outer Shell cutout East-West” on page 85) and the shell is inflated by injec ng insula on foam into the cavity present in between the Inner and Outer shells (Detail C1 – “3.19. Detail C1” on page 76). The expansion of insula on


CC Structural Rigidity

Situa on Plan 1:500

Painted CC

CCS Infla on Compressor


Type 1 CC Tiny House





Type 1 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level supports

CC Tiny Houses are placed on Europale es, which rest on hard, level surfaces (Car parking lot led surface, prefabricated concrete slabs and etc.). Pale es are posi oned to support the Ground Plate frame (“3.13. Detail Ground Plate� on page 70) on the corners and the middle.

Europale e Outer Shell Contour Inner Shell Contour

Level Supports Generic Type 1 Sec on 1:100 CC Tiny House Type 1

Floorplan Level Supports 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 1 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level 0

Level 0 (Ground floor) contains a living room, kitchen, WC, shower and u li es cabinet under the stairs. During Type 1 CC Tiny House infla on the WC/shower par on, level 1 slab and the staircase get deployed. Furniture, sinks, toilet, shower basin, railings and windows, that are not contained in the Swing Walls, are installed a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing (“6.4. Concrete Canvas cu ng” on page 139). A er curing no addi onal floor, wall and ceiling surface finishing is required, unless the default grey Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable.




Level 0

Generic Type 1 Sec on 1:100 b

CC Tiny House Type 1

Floorplan Level 0 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 1 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level 1

Level 1 (First floor) contains a lo bedroom. During Type 1 CC Tiny House infla on the level 1 slab, which forms the lo floor, gets deployed. Level 1 furniture, windows and railings are installed a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing (“6.4. Concrete Canvas cu ng” on page 139). A er curing no addi onal floor, wall and ceiling surface finishing is required, unless the default grey Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable.

b’ Level 1 a’


Generic Type 1 Sec on 1:100 CC Tiny House Type 1


Floorplan Level 1 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 1 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level roof

The Outer Shell walls and roof are uniform – walls con nue into the roof without any no ceable difference (“3.28. Outer Shell cutout East-West” on page 85). No addi onal ling or surface finishing is required as Concrete Canvas as well as thermally welded seams are waterproof. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

Level Roof


Generic Type 1 Sec on 1:100 CC Tiny House Type 1

Floorplan Level Roof 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 1 CC Tiny House


Elevation East

East Facade contains a Swing Wall, hence it comes with a pre-installed door and a window. The Swing Wall is deployed and locked in place by the infla on of the Inner Shell. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Outer Shell Seam Eleva on East Pre-installed Window Generic Type 1 Floorplan 1:100

Pre-installed Door

CC Tiny House Type 1

Situa on Plan 1:500


Eleva on East 1:50

Cavity Side



Type 1 CC Tiny House


Elevation North

North Facade has its window cavity cut out a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Outer Shell Seam

Eleva on North

Generic Type 1 Floorplan 1:100 CC Tiny House Type 1

Eleva on North 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 1 CC Tiny House


Elevation West

West Facade contains a Swing Wall, hence it comes with one pre-installed window at Level 0 (Ground floor). The Swing Wall is deployed and locked in place by the infla on of the Inner Shell. Level 1 (1st floor) window cavity is cut out a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Eleva on West

Outer Shell Seam

Generic Type 1 Floorplan 1:100

Pre-installed Window

CC Tiny House Type 1

Situa on Plan 1:500


Eleva on West 1:50


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.10. Elevation South Cavity Side


South Facade has its window cavi es cut out a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing. Windows are oset horizontally because Level 0 (Ground floor) window posi oning is set to provide the most insola on and Level 1 (1st floor) window is posi oned to create more space for double person bed placement. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Eleva on South

Outer Shell Seam

Generic Type 1 Floorplan 1:100 CC Tiny House Type 1

Eleva on South 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.11. Section a-a’ More informa on regarding the Sec ons are present in Type 1 CC Tiny House Details part of the drawings star ng with “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72.


Thermal Weld

Cavity Side

S tches Inner Shell Joint 1:5

Inner Shell Seam

Sec on a-a’

Generic Type 1 Floorplan 1:100 Swing Wall

CC Tiny House Type 1

Swing Wall

Ground Plate Situa on Plan 1:500


Sec on a-a’ 1:50


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.12. Section b-b’

Cavity Side

Thermal Weld

S tches Inner Shell Joint 1:5

Inner Shell Seam

Sec on b-b’


More informa on regarding the Sec ons are present in Type 1 CC Tiny House Details part of the drawings star ng with “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72.

Generic Type 1 Floorplan 1:100 CC Tiny House Type 1

Ground Plate Sec on b-b’ 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.13. Detail Ground Plate Ground Plate frame is constructed from U and L steel profiles. The openings of the frame are filled with plywood, which create a smooth surface for thermal insula on to be installed on. More informa on regarding the Ground Plate are present in Detail A1 and C1 cross-sec on of the Ground Plate are present in “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72 and “3.19. Detail C1” on page 76.

Detail Ground Plate frame Sec on 1:50

Detail Ground Plate Sec on

Detail Ground Plate frame Eleva on 1:50

Detail Ground Plate Eleva on Detail Loca on in Floorplan

Detail Ground Plate

Detail Loca on in Sec on


Detail Ground Plate frame Plan 1:50


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.14. Scale Model Half of Type 1 Concrete Canvas Tiny House 1:20 Outer Shell Scale Model was made from paper to see how the cutouts join together. Strip width as well as joint dimensions were all up to scale and demonstrated that Inner Shell cutouts, that were extracted from a 3D model on 3DS Max, could be physically joined. Cutouts were glued together with ordinary PVA paper/wood glue available at Ver go Workshop. More photos of the Scale Model available at:

Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Type 1 CC Tiny House Outer Shell Scale 1:20 Model

Type 1 CC Tiny House 1:20 Scale Model Back View



Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3 Details are shared among all types of CC Tiny Houses. The principle of insula on, fastening, a achments and layers stays the same. What differs is the Ground Plates, Inner and Outer Shells, but the principles stay the same. Detail A1 – Ground Plate and Swing Wall hinge longitudinal sec on detail with the Outer and Inner Shells deployed, Swing Wall locked in place and hinge cavity filled with Insula on Foam.

Insula on Foam 200 mm Insula on 200 mm






sec on


Detail A3 – Swing Wall transi oning to Outer and Inner Shell cavity wall filled with insula on foam longitudinal sec on detail.

Insula on Foam 200 mm

Insula on 32 mm Plywood 18 mm

Hydro-isola on

Insula on 200 mm Hydro-isola on


Plywood 18 mm


Hinge U Profile CC8 Air Gap Bracket

CC13 Plywood 15 mm

U Profile CC8 Air Gap Bracket

Insula on 82 mm

Tab Tab Hole Fastener

Steel U Profile


Steel U Profile Hydro-isola on


CC8 Air Gap Bracket

Hydro-isola on Insula on 32 mm

Europale e

Hydro-isola on Plywood 18 mm Insula on 32 mm

Plywood 25 mm

Hydro-isola on CC8 Insula on 200 mm

Insula on 120 mm A1 Detail Loca on in Sec on


Detail A1 1:10

Detail A2 1:10

Detail A3 1:10


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.16. Detail D2, D3, A5 Details are shared among all types of CC Tiny Houses. The principle of insula on, fastening, a achments and layers stays the same. What differs is the Ground Plates, Inner and Outer Shells, but the principles stay the same. Detail D2 – Ground Plate and Swing Wall hinge plan detail with the Outer and Inner Shells deployed, Swing Wall locked in place and hinge cavity filled with Insula on Foam.

CC8 Air Gap

Detail A5 – Outer and Inner Shell cavity wall filled with insula on foam roof/ceiling longitudinal sec on detail.

Hydro-isola on

Detail wall

Insula on Foam 200 mm U Steel Profile

Hydro-isola on

– Outer and with insula on

Inner foam

Shell plan

cavity detail.



Insula on Foam 200 mm Tab

D3 filled


CC8 Air Gap Bracket

Detail A5 1:10 CC8 Air Gap Detail Loca on in Floorplan

Hydro-isola on


Hydro-isola on Plywood 18 mm Insula on 32 mm

Hydro-isola on CC8 Insula on 200 mm

Hydro-isola on Insula on Foam 200 mm CC8 Detail D2 1:10

Detail D3 1:10

Detail Loca on in Sec on



Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.17. Detail B1, B2, B3 Details are shared among all types of CC Tiny Houses. The principle of insula on, fastening, a achments and layers stays the same. What differs is the Ground Plates, Inner and Outer Shells, but the principles stay the same. Detail B1 – Level 1 (1st floor) slab a achment to the Swing Wall longitudinal sec on detail (Detail A2 “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72). Same a achment method is used for walls that do not contain a Swing Wall. The inner structure of the slab takes advantage of flanges created through corruga on, in a similar fashion as corrugated steel, to increase structural integrity. Same principle is used for parathion walls, but corruga ons are aligned to ver cal plane instead of horizontal plane in the slab. Inner CC8 is thermally welded to CC13 top sheet (Floor surface), while the CC8 bo om sheet (Ceiling surface) is mechanically fastened with tex le rivets and sealant to the inner CC8. Small holes are le in the CC8 Bo om sheet to allow the inner CC8 to be hydrated. CC8 bo om sheet holds the corruga ons in place during Inner Shell deployment with the help of tension provided by Deployment Strands.

Automa c hot air roof membrane welding machine Thermal Weld CC13 CC13 Corrugated steel

Detail B2 – same as B1, but without a achment to a wall. Detail B3 – Sheet connec ons and hydra on method same as Detail B1. Level 1 (1st floor) slab transi oning into stairs with stair’s CC8 support sheet corruga ons being perpendicular to level 1 slab inner CC8 sheet corruga ons (Detail B4 “3.18. Detail B4, B5” on page 75). Temporary lightweight framework is sued to shape the stair’s steps.


Thermal Weld Tex le Rivet


Detail B2 1:10

Thermal Weld Thermal Weld CC13



CC13 Framework

Tex le Rivet CC8 B1



Tex le Rivet

Tex le Rivet



Thermal Weld CC8

Detail Loca on in Sec on


Thermal Weld

Detail B1 1:10

CC8 CC8 Detail B3 1:10


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.18. Detail B4, B5 Details are shared among all types of CC Tiny Houses. The principle of insula on, fastening, a achments and layers stays the same. What differs is the Ground Plates, Inner and Outer Shells, but the principles stay the same. Detail B4 – same as B3, but without the slab transi on. Concrete Canvas stair longitudinal sec on detail.


Detail B5 – Concrete Canvas stair cross-sec on and a achment to the wall. Like with the level 1 slab holes are le in the bo om CC sheet for hydra on purposes. The stair is a ached to the wall with Tex le Rivets. Corruga on provides rigidity and as with the level 1 slab the bo om CC8 sheet holds the corruga ons in place during Inner Shell deployment with the help of tension provided by Deployment Strands.

Fastener with plate

Concrete by

Fastener with plate joining 2 sheets of CC8

Canvas Florian

Structural Schmid‘s

Rigidity Concrete

is showcased Canvas Chair.

Florian Schmid CC Chair

Thermal Weld Thermal Weld


Tex le Rivet


CC13 Tex le Rivet



Tex le Rivet


CC8 CC8 Hydro-isola on Insula on Foam 200 mm Detail B4 1:10

Hydro-isola on Air Gap CC8 Detail B5 1:10


Detail Loca on in Sec on



Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.19. Detail C1 Details are shared among all types of CC Tiny Houses. The principle of insula on, fastening, a achments and layers stays the same. What diers is the Ground Plates, Inner and Outer Shells, but the principles stay the same. Detail C1 – Ground Plate and cavity wall corner cross-sec on detail with the Outer and Inner Shells deployed and cavity filled with Insula on Foam.

Insula on Foam 200 mm Hydro-isola on CC8

CC8 Air Gap Hydro-isola on

CC13 Plywood 15 mm Insula on 82 mm

Fastener Steel U Profile Hydro-isola on

Europale e Plywood 25 mm Insula on 120 mm

C1 Detail Loca on in Sec on


Detail C1 1:10


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.20. Detail C2, C3, C4 Details are shared among all types of CC Tiny Houses. The principle of insula on, fastening, a achments and layers stays the same. What differs is the Ground Plates, Inner and Outer Shells, but the principles stay the same.

Corrugated CC8

Detail C2 – Level 1 (1st floor) slab a achment to the cavity wall crosssec on detail. The inner structure of the slab takes advantage of flanges created through corruga on, in a similar fashion as corrugated steel, to increase structural integrity. In the detail the view is perpendicular to the corruga ons. Same principle is used for parathion walls, but corruga ons are aligned to ver cal plane instead of horizontal plane in the slab. Inner CC8 is thermally welded to CC13 top sheet (Floor surface), while the CC8 bo om sheet (Ceiling surface) is mechanically fastened with tex le rivets and sealant to the inner CC8. Small holes are le in the CC8 Bo om sheet to allow the inner CC8 to be hydrated. CC8 bo om sheet holds the corruga ons in place during Inner Shell deployment with the help of tension provided by Deployment Strands.


Detail C3 – same as C2, but without a achment to a wall. Detail page

C4 – same as C1 (“3.19. Detail C1” on 76), but without the cavity wall corner.

Tex le Rivet CC8 CC8

Tex le Rivet Corrugated CC8


Detail C3 1:10

250 mm Plas c Sheet

Tex le Rivet CC8 CC8



Hydro-isola on Vapour Barrier


Hydro-isola on Air Gap CC8

CC8 Hydro-isola on Insula on Foam 200 mm

Insula on 82 mm Insula on 120 mm Plywood 25 mm Detail C2 1:10


C4 Detail C4 1:10

Detail Loca on in Sec on



Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.21. Detail C5, B6 Details are shared among all types of CC Tiny Houses. The principle of insula on, fastening, a achments and layers stays the same. What differs is the Ground Plates, Inner and Outer Shells, but the principles stay the same. Detail C5 – Window moun ng in cavity wall sec on, which is PU foam sandwiched between Inner and Outer CC8 Shells. Detail B6 – Window moun ng in swing wall sec on, which contains a steel inner frame with mineral wool insula on, and Inner and Outer CC8 Shells.


CC8 Air Gap Hydro-isola on Hydro-isola on Pressure Plate Fastener

Glued Wood Plank Insula on Foam 200 mm

Hydro-isola on Pressure Plate Fastener

Window Frame Window Glass Panel

Window Frame Window Glass Panel

Pressure Plate Fastener Glued Wood Plank Windowsill

Detail Loca on in Sec on

Window Window Frame Exterior Windowsill

Detail Loca on in Sec on


Window Window Frame Exterior Windowsill

Pressure Plate Fastener Laminated Timber Windowsill


CC8 Air Gap Hydro-isola on


Insula on 200 mm Hydro-isola on CC8 Plywood 18 mm

Detail C5 1:10

Detail B6 1:10


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.22. Detail D4, D6 Details are shared among all types of CC Tiny Houses. The principle of insula on, fastening, a achments and layers stays the same. What differs is the Ground Plates, Inner and Outer Shells, but the principles stay the same. Detail D4 – Window moun ng in swing wall plan view, which contains a steel inner frame with mineral wool insula on, and Inner and Outer CC8 Shells.

CC8 Insula on 200 mm

Window Window Frame

Glass Panel Windowsill

Pressure Plate Fastener Laminated Timber

Detail D6 – Window moun ng in cavity wall plan view, which is PU foam sandwiched between Inner and Outer CC8 Shells.

Hydro-isola on

Pressure Plate Fastener

Exterior Windowsill

Hydro-isola on Air Gap

Laminated Timber

CC8 Detail D4 1:10

CC8 Insula on Foam 200 mm

Window Window Frame

Glass Panel Windowsill

Pressure Plate Fastener Laminated Timber

Hydro-isola on

Pressure Plate Fastener Laminated Timber

Exterior Windowsill


Hydro-isola on Air Gap


CC8 Detail D6 1:10

Detail Loca on in Floorplan



Type 1 CC Tiny House

Ground Plate Fold

Pre-installed Door

Pre-installed Window

Inner Shell Joint 1:5

Cutout West

Cutout East

S tches Cavity Side

Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.


Type 1 CC Tiny House contains Swing Walls (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“3.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 70). It has pre-installed ground floor (“3.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 61) windows and doors on the East and West facades. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

Thermal Weld

3.23. Inner Shell cutout East-West

Outer Shell Eleva on East 1:100

Eleva on West 1:100

Seam Folding Lines

Seam Folding Lines

Inner Shell Plan 1:100

Pre-installed Window

Ground Plate Fold

Opening Cut Lines CC8 Inner Cutout East-West 1:50



Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.24. Inner Shell cutout North Swing Wall East

Swing Wall West Type 1 CC Tiny House contains Swing Walls (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“3.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 70). It has pre-installed ground floor (“3.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 61) windows and doors on the East and West facades. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

Outer Shell

Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Cutout North

Inner Shell Plan 1:100

Ground Plate Fold

Eleva on North 1:100

Seam Folding Lines


Cavity Side Opening Cut Lines

Thermal Weld

S tches

Ground Plate Fold CC8 Inner Cutout North 1:50

Inner Shell Joint 1:5



Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.25. Inner Shell cutout South Swing Wall West

Swing Wall East

Type 1 CC Tiny House contains Swing Walls (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“3.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 70). It has pre-installed ground floor (“3.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 61) windows and doors on the East and West facades. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate. Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Cutout South

Outer Shell Ground Plate Fold

Ground Plate Fold


Cavity Side

Eleva on South 1:100 Opening Cut Lines

Thermal Weld

S tches Opening Cut Lines Inner Shell Joint 1:5


Inner Shell Plan 1:100

Seam Folding Lines CC8 Inner Cutout South 1:50


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.26. Inner Shell Ground Sheet Inner Shell Ground Sheet is made from CC13 sheets (1100 mm wide and 13 mm thick), which are joined together without Concrete Canvas overlap. An addi onal plas c sheet (250 mm wide) joins Concrete Canvas. It overlaps CC Seam on both edges by 125 mm and is thermally welded to the backside of CC13. This creates an air ght seal and a smooth floor surface.

Plas c Sheet Edges Plas c Sheet Edges CC13


Floor Surface Side

250 mm Plas c Sheet Ground Sheet Joint 1:5

Swing Wall Fold Inner Shell Fold

Outer Shell

Swing Wall Fold


Inner Shell CC13 Cutout Ground Plate Slab 1:50

Ground Plate CC Slab Ground Plate CC Slab Plan 1:100



Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.27. Ground Sheet Fastening Inner Shell (CC8) Concrete Canvas Ground Sheet (“3.26. Inner Shell Ground Sheet” on page 83) is fastened around the perimeter of Ground Plate (“3.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 70) to 15 mm plywood. According to Concrete Canvas manufacturer’s data sheet the Inner Shell together with Ground Sheet are fastened to the Ground Plate every 200 mm, while the screws are posi oned 30 mm from the edge.

Inner Shell Edge

Please Note: D1 Detail does not contain insula on in the cavity to be er illustrate how Inner Shell and Ground Sheet are mounted to the Ground Plate (“3.16. Detail D2, D3, A5” on page 73 contains the same detail with insula on in the cavity). During CC Tiny House deployment the space between Inner and Outer Shells gets filled with thermal insula on foam. For cross-ac on view of D1 detail, which contains insula on foam, check “3.19. Detail C1” on page 76.


Vapour Barrier

Vapour Barrier

Outer Shell CC8

Inner Shell CC8


Detail D1 1:10


Outer Shell

D1 D1

Detail Loca on in Sec on


Inner Shell Detail Loca on in Floorplan


CC13 Ground Sheet Ground Plate CC Slab Plan 1:50


Type 1 CC Tiny House

Roof Plan 1:100

Eleva on East 1:100

Eleva on West 1:100

Type 1 CC Tiny House contains Swing Walls (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“3.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 70). It has pre-installed ground floor (“3.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 61) windows and doors on the East and West facades. Outer shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

CC8 Thermal Weld

Cavity Side S tches

Cutout West

Cutout East

3.28. Outer Shell cutout East-West

Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not ini ally joined, but get joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Seam Folding Lines Open Seam Zone Ground Plate Fold

Open Seam Zone Pre-installed Window

Pre-installed Door

Open Seam Zone

Ground Plate Fold

Open Seam Zone

Pre-installed Window

Seam Folding Lines

Opening Cut Lines CC8 Outer Cutout East-West 1:50 85


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.29. Outer Shell cutout North Type 1 CC Tiny House contains Swing Walls (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“3.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 70). It has pre-installed ground floor (“3.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 61) windows and doors on the East and West facades. Outer shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Swing Wall East

Seam Folding Lines

Swing Wall West

Ground Plate Fold

Eleva on North 1:100

Open Seam Zone

Opening Cut Lines

Ground Plate Fold

Open Seam Zone

Cutout North Roof Plan 1:100


CC8 Outer Cutout North 1:50


Type 1 CC Tiny House

3.30. Outer Shell cutout South Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Open Seam Zone

Open Seam Zone Ground Plate Fold

Opening Cut Lines

Type 1 CC Tiny House contains Swing Walls (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“3.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 70). It has pre-installed ground floor (“3.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 61) windows and doors on the East and West facades. Outer shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate. Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Swing Wall West

Swing Wall East

Ground Plate Fold

Eleva on South 1:100

Cutout South

Opening Cut Lines

Seam Folding Lines CC8 Outer Cutout South 1:50

Roof Plan 1:100



Type 2 CC Tiny House



Type 2 Concrete Canvas (CC) Tiny House is 6,6 meters long, 6,6 meters wide on one side and 3,6 meters wide on the other, 3 meters high and contains one storey (27 m2). It has a “L” shaped floorplan with a folding Ground Plate () and a single Swing Wall with a pre-installed door on the South-West Facade (). Upon arrival to the designated deployment site, unloading from the transport vehicle, posi oning on the Supports (“4.3. Floorplan level supports” on page 90) and levelling, the erec on of the Tiny House is ini ated with Inner Shell being hydrated by connec ng its pre-installed flexible potable water pipes to water mains. A er CC is set these water pipes serves the purpose of potable water supply in the kitchen, WC and Shower. Concrete Canvas starts to harden 2h a er hydra on, so the inner shell hydra on takes up to 1h or un l the calculated volume of water is transferred into the Inner Shell. The before men oned pluming is designed and posi oned in the structure in such a manner that the required amount of water is delivered in me and in strategic loca ons for all the shell to be hydrated (plumbing layout, diameter and amount of water/volume required for hydra on is not covered in this report). The interior par ons deploy together with the Inner Shell and during CC curing me of 24h is temporary held up by deployment strands.

expansion/flow characteris cs is not covered in this report). According to the foam insula on proper es correct amount of single use one way injec on ports are installed at the base of the Ground Plate for foam injec on into the cavity. A er cavity is pressurized by expanding foam the Outer Shell is hydrated. Inner Shell is kept pressurized for 24h and a er CC cures the Temporary Support Strands are removed from the interior and cavi es for the rest of the windows cut. CC can be easily painted once set using standard exterior masonry paint. As one of the final steps u li es get connected to the Tiny House. They include the before men oned potable water main and sewage, and electricity. Hea ng is provided by and Air-to-Air Heat pump, hence gas supply is not required.

Concrete Canvas Load Support

Injec on Port

Foam Filled Cavity

To stop the water, that is being filled into the Inner Shell from flowing out through the sewage systems plumbing (WC, shower, kitchen), pipes are plugged from the exterior side un l the required amount of water is injected into the shell. A er the Inner Shell gets fully hydrated, sewage pipes of the Tiny House are connected to pressurised air supply, which will be used to inflate the Inner Shell. Studied pneuma c structure literature and Concrete Canvas Shelter (CCS) specifica on sheet shows that the pressure inside the Inner Shell has to be slightly greater than the surrounding barometric pressure, which can be provided with many off-the-shelf solu ons, for Inner Shell infla on. During the pressuriza on of the Inner Shell the Swing Wall is erected and locked into posi on (), and Ground Plate deployed. A er Inner Shell hydra on and pressuriza on is complete the Outer Shell’s Open Seams are joined (), Inner Shell’s Ground Sheet () fastened to the Ground Plate and the Outer Shell is inflated by injec ng insula on foam into the cavity present in between the Inner and Outer shells (). The expansion of insula on foam is controlled by varying the ra os of chemical components. Freshly introduced insula on is designed to flow and expand to inflate the Outer Shell (Insula on foam composi on for the required


CC Structural Rigidity

Painted CC

CCS Infla on Compressor


Type 2 CC Tiny House





Type 2 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level supports

CC Tiny Houses are placed on Europale es, which rest on hard, level surfaces (Car parking lot led surface, prefabricated concrete slabs and etc.). Pale es are posi oned to support the Ground Plate frame (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate� on page 100) on the corners and the middle.

Level Supports Generic Type 2 Sec on 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 2

Situa on Plan 1:500


Floorplan Level Supports 1:50


Type 2 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level 0

Level 0 (Ground floor) contains a bedroom, living room, kitchen, WC and shower. During Type 2 CC Tiny House infla on the WC/ shower par on and Swing Ground Plate gets deployed. Furniture, sinks, toilet, shower basin and windows, that are not contained in the Swing Walls, are installed a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing (“6.4. Concrete Canvas cu ng” on page 139). A er curing no addi onal floor, wall and ceiling surface finishing is required, unless the default grey Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable


Level 0 c’

Generic Type 2 Sec on 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 2 a’


b c Floorplan Level 0 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 2 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level roof

The Outer Shell walls and roof are uniform – walls con nue into the roof without any no ceable difference (“4.22. Outer Shell cutout North-East South-West” on page 109). No addi onal ling or surface finishing is required as Concrete Canvas as well as thermally welded seams are waterproof. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

Level Roof



Generic Type 2 Sec on 1:100


CC Tiny House Type 2


Situa on Plan 1:500


Floorplan Level Roof 1:50

Cavity Side



Type 2 CC Tiny House


Elevation North-West

North-East Facade contains a Swing Wall, hence it comes with a preinstalled door. The Swing Wall is deployed and locked in place by the infla on of the Inner Shell. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5 Eleva on North-West

Outer Shell Seam

Pre-installed Door

Generic Type 2 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 2

Eleva on North-West 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 2 CC Tiny House


Elevation North-East

North-East Facade has its window cavity cut out a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing (“6.4. Concrete Canvas cu ng” on page 139). If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Eleva on North-East Outer Shell Seam

Generic Type 2 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 2

Situa on Plan 1:500


Eleva on North-East 1:50


Type 2 CC Tiny House


Elevation South-West

South-West Facade has its window cavi es cut out a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing (“6.4. Concrete Canvas cu ng” on page 139). If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Eleva on South-West

Cavity Side


Outer Shell Seam

Generic Type 2 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 2

Eleva on South-West 1:50 El

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 2 CC Tiny House


Elevation South-East

South-East Facade has its window cavity cut out a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing (“6.4. Concrete Canvas cu ng” on page 139). If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Outer Shell Seam Eleva on South-East Generic Type 2 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 2

Situa on Plan 1:500


Eleva on South-East 1:50


Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.10. Section a-a’ CC8

Cavity Side

More informa on regarding the Sec ons are present in Type 1 CC Tiny House Details part of the drawings star ng with “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72.

Thermal Weld

S tches Inner Shell Joint 1:5

Sec on a-a’ Inner Shell Seam

Generic Type 2 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 2

Swing Ground Plate

Ground Plate

Sec on a-a’ 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.11. Section b-b’ More informa on regarding the Sec ons are present in Type 1 CC Tiny House Details part of the drawings star ng with “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72.


Cavity Side

Thermal Weld

S tches Inner Shell Joint 1:5

Sec on b-b’ Swing Wall

Inner Shell Seam

Generic Type 2 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 2

Situa on Plan 1:500


Ground Plate

Sec on b-b’ 1:50


Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.12. Section c-c’ CC8

Cavity Side

Thermal Weld

S tches

Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld

Inner Shell Joint 1:5

Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Sec on c-c’

Outer Shell Seam

More informa on regarding the Sec ons are present in Type 1 CC Tiny House Details part of the drawings star ng with “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72.

Inner Shell Seam

Generic Type 2 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 2

Swing Ground Plate

Sec on c-c’ 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.13. Detail Ground Plate Ground Plate frame is constructed from U and L steel profiles. The openings of the frame are filled with plywood, which create a smooth surface for thermal insula on to be installed on. CCTH Type 2 Ground Plate is hinged and has one Swing Ground Plate.

Detail Ground Plate frame Sec on 1 1:50

More informa on regarding the Ground Plate are present in Detail A1 and C1 cross-sec on of the Ground Plate are present in “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72 and “3.19. Detail C1” on page 76.

Detail Ground Plate frame Sec on 2 1:50

Detail Ground Plate Sec on 2 Detail Ground Plate Sec on 1 Detail Loca on in Floorplan

Detail Ground Plate Frame

Detail Loca on in Sec on Detail Ground Plate Frame 1:50 100


Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.14. Details D2, C5 Most details, which were developed for Type 1 Concrete Canvas Tiny House, universally apply to all the Types. Only First Floor Slab and Stair details are not used by the other CCTH Types as they are single floor structures.

CC8 Air Gap Hydro-isola on Hydro-isola on Pressure Plate Fastener

Insula on Foam 200 mm

Glued Wood Plank Insula on Foam 200 mm

Please Note: Details present in this page are exactly the same as in “3.16. Detail D2, D3, A5” on page 73 and “4.14. Details D2, C5” on page 101. They were inserted here for reference purposes.

U Steel Profile Window Frame Window Glass Panel D2 Tab CC8 Air Gap Bracket Pressure Plate Fastener Glued Wood Plank Windowsill

Hydro-isola on Plywood 18 mm Insula on 32 mm

Window Window Frame Exterior Windowsill

Hydro-isola on CC8 Insula on 200 mm

Detail Loca on in Floorplan

CC8 Air Gap Hydro-isola on

Detail D2 1:10


Detail C5 1:10

Detail Loca on in Sec on



Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.15. Inner Shell cutout North-West

Cutout North-West

Type 2 CC Tiny House contain a Swing Wall (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 100). It has pre-installed ground floor (“4.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 91) door on the North-West facade. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate. Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Ground Plate Fold Eleva on North-West 1:100

Outer Shell

Inner Shell Plan 1:100

Seam Folding Lines Pre-installed Door


Thermal Weld

Ground Plate Fold Cavity Side

S tches Inner Shell Joint 1:5


CC8 Inner Cutout North-West 1:50

4. Opening Cut Lines Ground Plate Fold

Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.16. Inner Shell cutout North-East South-West Seam Folding Lines Type 2 CC Tiny House contain a Swing Wall (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 100). It has pre-installed ground floor (“4.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 91) door on the North-West facade. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate. Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Cutout North-East

Cutout South-West

Outer Shell

Inner Shell Plan 1:100


Thermal Weld

Opening Cut Lines Cavity Side

S tches

Ground Plate Fold CC8 Inner Cutout North-East South-West 1:50

Inner Shell Joint 1:5



Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.17. Inner Shell cutout South-West Swing Wall North-West

Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Cutout South-West

Type 2 CC Tiny House contain a Swing Wall (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 100). It has pre-installed ground floor (“4.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 91) door on the North-West facade. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

Ground Plate Fold

Eleva on South-West 1:100

Opening Cut Lines


Outer Shell

Inner Shell Plan 1:100

Seam Folding Lines

Thermal Weld

Ground Plate Fold Cavity Side

S tches Inner Shell Joint 1:5


CC8 Inner Cutout South-West 1:50


Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.18. Inner Shell cutout South-East North-West

Seam Folding Lines

Ground Plate Fold

Type 2 CC Tiny House contain a Swing Wall (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 100). It has pre-installed ground floor (“4.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 91) door on the North-West facade. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate. Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Opening Cut Lines

Cutout North-West

Ground Plate Fold Outer Shell

Cutout South-East Inner Shell Plan 1:100


Cavity Side CC8 Inner Cutout South-East North-West 1:50

Thermal Weld

S tches Inner Shell Joint 1:5



Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.19. Inner Shell Ground Sheet Inner Shell Ground Sheet is made from CC13 sheets (1100 mm wide and 13 mm thick), which are joined together without Concrete Canvas overlap. An addi onal plas c sheet (250 mm wide) joins Concrete Canvas. It overlaps CC Seam on both edges by 125 mm and is thermally welded to the backside of CC13. This creates an air ght seal and a smooth floor surface.

Plas c Sheet Edges Plas c Sheet Edges CC13


Floor Surface Side

250 mm Plas c Sheet Ground Sheet Joint 1:5 Swing Wall Fold Swing Ground Plate Fold Outer Shell Inner Shell Fold

Inner Shell


Ground Plate CC Slab Ground Plate CC Slab Plan 1:100


CC13 Cutout Ground Plate Slab 1:50


Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.20. Ground Sheet Fastening Inner Shell (CC8) Concrete Canvas Ground Sheet (“4.19. Inner Shell Ground Sheet” on page 106) is fastened around the perimeter of Ground Plate (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 100) to 15 mm plywood. According to Concrete Canvas manufacturer’s data sheet the Inner Shell together with Ground Sheet are fastened to the Ground Plate every 200 mm, while the screws are posi oned 30 mm from the edge.

Inner Shell Edge Cavity

Vapour Barrier

Vapour Barrier

Outer Shell CC8

Inner Shell CC8

Please Note: D1 Detail does not contain insula on in the cavity to be er illustrate how Inner Shell and Ground Sheet are mounted to the Ground Plate (“3.16. Detail D2, D3, A5” on page 73 contains the same detail with insula on in the cavity). During CC Tiny House deployment the space between Inner and Outer Shells gets filled with thermal insula on foam. For cross-ac on view of D1 detail, which contains insula on foam, check “3.19. Detail C1” on page 76.


Detail D1 1:10


Detail Loca on in Sec on Outer Shell

Fasteners D1

No Fasten Zone


IInner Sh Shellll

CC13 Ground Sheet

Ground Plate CC Slab Plan 1:50

Detail Loca on in Floorplan



Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.21. Outer Shell cutout North-West

Cutout North-West

Type 2 CC Tiny House contain a Swing Wall (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 100). It has pre-installed ground floor (“4.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 91) door on the North-West facade. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate. Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Ground Plate Fold Eleva on North-West 1:100

Seam Folding Lines

Open Seam Zone

Cavity Side


Pre-installed Door

Open Seam Zone

S tches

Ground Plate Fold

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5


Roof Plan 1:100

CC8 Outer Cutout North-West 1:50


Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.22. Outer Shell cutout North-East SouthWest

Open Seam Zone

Type 2 CC Tiny House contain a Swing Wall (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 100). It has pre-installed ground floor (“4.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 91) door on the North-West facade. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate. Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Cutout North-East

Cutout South-West

Opening Cut Lines

Seam Folding Lines

Roof Plan 1:100

Open Seam Zone

Cavity Side

S tches

Opening Cut Lines Ground Plate Fold

CC8 CC8 Outer Cutout North-East South-West 1:50

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5



Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.23. Outer Shell cutout South-West Swing Wall North-West

Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Cutout South-West

Type 2 CC Tiny House contain a Swing Wall (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 100). It has pre-installed ground floor (“4.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 91) door on the North-West facade. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

Ground Plate Fold

Eleva on South-West 1:100

Opening Cut Lines

Cavity Side


Seam Folding Lines

S tches

Thermal Weld

Ground Plate Fold Outer Shell Joint 1:5


Roof Plan 1:100

CC8 Outer Cutout South-West 1:50


Type 2 CC Tiny House

4.24. Outer Shell cutout South-East NorthWest Type 2 CC Tiny House contain a Swing Wall (“3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72), which fold onto the Ground Plate (“4.13. Detail Ground Plate” on page 100). It has pre-installed ground floor (“4.4. Floorplan level 0” on page 91) door on the North-West facade. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Seam Folding Lines indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

Ground Plate Fold

Please note: Non-ground floor and non Swing Wall window openings are made in both the Inner and Outer Shells of Type 1 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate to be made openings. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Opening Cut Lines

Cutout North-West

Ground Plate Fold

Seam Folding Lines

Cutout South-East

Cavity Side

CC8 CC8 Outer Cutout South-East North-West 1:50

Roof Plan 1:100

S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5



Type 3 CC Tiny House



Single storey, square shaped floor plan. 6,6 meters length, 6,6 meters width and 3 meters height;for the required expansion/flow is not covered in this report).

in between the Inner and Outer shells (). The expansion of insula on foam is controlled by varying the ra os of chemical components. Freshly introduced insula on is designed to flow and expand to inflate the Outer Shell (Insula on foam composi on for the required expansion/flow characteris cs is not covered in this report).

Type 3 Concrete Canvas (CC) Tiny House is 6,6 meters long, 6,6 meters wide, 3 meters high and contains one storey (36 m2). It has a square shaped floorplan with a Ground Plate (“5.12. Detail Ground Plate” on page 123) folding in half and no pre-installed doors or windows.

According to the foam insula on proper es correct amount of single use one way injec on ports are installed at the base of the Ground Plate for foam injec on into the cavity. A er cavity is pressurized by expanding foam the Outer Shell is hydrated.

Upon arrival to the designated deployment site, unloading from the transport vehicle, posi oning on the Supports (“5.3. Floorplan level supports” on page 114) and levelling, the erec on of the Tiny House is ini ated with Inner Shell being hydrated by connec ng its pre-installed flexible potable water pipes to water mains. A er CC is set these water pipes serves the purpose of potable water supply in the kitchen, WC and Shower. Concrete Canvas starts to harden 2h a er hydra on, so the inner shell hydra on takes up to 1h or un l the calculated volume of water is transferred into the Inner Shell. The before men oned pluming is designed and posi oned in the structure in such a manner that the required amount of water is delivered in me and in strategic loca ons for all the shell to be hydrated (plumbing layout, diameter and amount of water/volume required for hydra on is not covered in this report).

Inner Shell is kept pressurized for 24h and a er CC cures the Temporary Support Strands are removed from the interior and cavi es for the rest of the windows cut. CC can be easily painted once set using standard exterior masonry paint. As one of the final steps u li es get connected to the Tiny House. They include the before men oned potable water main and sewage, and electricity. Hea ng is provided by and Air-to-Air Heat pump, hence gas supply is not required.

Concrete Canvas Load Support

Injec on Port

Foam Filled Cavity

The interior par ons deploy together with the Inner Shell and during CC curing me of 24h is temporary held up by deployment strands. To stop the water, that is being filled into the Inner Shell from flowing out through the sewage systems plumbing (WC, shower, kitchen), pipes are plugged from the exterior side un l the required amount of water is injected into the shell. A er the Inner Shell gets fully hydrated, sewage pipes of the Tiny House are connected to pressurised air supply, which will be used to inflate the Inner Shell.

CC Structural Rigidity Studied pneuma c structure literature and Concrete Canvas Shelter (CCS) specifica on sheet shows that the pressure inside the Inner Shell has to be slightly greater than the surrounding barometric pressure, which can be provided with many off-theshelf solu ons, for Inner Shell infla on. During the pressuriza on of the Inner Shell the Ground Plate deployed and locked into place. A er Inner Shell hydra on and pressuriza on is complete the Outer Shell’s Open Seams are joined (“5.22. Outer shell cutout NorthEast” on page 133 and “5.24. Outer shell cutout South-East” on page 135), Inner Shell’s Ground Sheet (“5.19. Inner shell Ground Sheet” on page 130) fastened to the Ground Plate and the Outer Shell is inflated by injec ng insula on foam into the cavity present


Painted CC

CCS Infla on Compressor


Type 3 CC Tiny House





Type 3 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level supports

CC Tiny Houses are placed on Europale es, which rest on hard, level surfaces (Car parking lot led surface, prefabricated concrete slabs and etc.). Pale es are posi oned to support the Ground Plate frame (“5.12. Detail Ground Plate� on page 123) on the corners and the middle.

Level Supports Generic Type 3 Sec on 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 3 Situa on Plan 1:500


Floorplan Level Supports 1:50


Type 3 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level 0

Level 0 (Ground floor) contains a bedroom, living room, kitchen, WC and shower. During Type 3 CC Tiny House infla on the WC/ shower and bedroom/kitchen par ons and Swing Ground Plate gets deployed. Furniture, sinks, toilet, shower basin and windows, that are not contained in the Swing Walls, are installed a er Concrete Canvas finishes curing (“6.4. Concrete Canvas cu ng” on page 139). A er curing no addi onal floor, wall and ceiling surface finishing is required, unless the default grey Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable


Level 0

Generic Type 3 Sec on 1:100



b CC Tiny House Type 3 Floorplan Level 0 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 3 CC Tiny House


Floorplan level roof

The Outer Shell walls and roof are uniform – walls con nue into the roof without any no ceable difference (“5.23. Outer shell cutout South-West” on page 134). No addi onal ling or surface finishing is required as Concrete Canvas as well as thermally welded seams are waterproof. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.


Level Roof




Generic Type 3 Sec on 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 3 Situa on Plan 1:500


Floorplan Level Roof 1:50

Cavity Side



Type 3 CC Tiny House


Elevation North-West

Type 3 CCTH only contains a Swing Ground Plate and as a result it does not have pre-installed doors/windows. Doors and Windows are installed a er Concrete Canvas is set and cavi es are cut out in both the Inner and Outer shells. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5 Eleva on North-West

Outer Shell Seam

Generic Type 3 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 3 Eleva on North-West 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 3 CC Tiny House


Elevation North-East

Type 3 CCTH only contains a Swing Ground Plate and as a result it does not have pre-installed doors/windows. Doors and Windows are installed a er Concrete Canvas is set and cavi es are cut out in both the Inner and Outer shells. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Eleva on North-East Outer Shell Seam

Generic Type 3 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 3 Situa on Plan 1:500


Eleva on North-East 1:50


Type 3 CC Tiny House


Elevation South-West

Type 3 CCTH only contains a Swing Ground Plate and as a result it does not have pre-installed doors/windows. Doors and Windows are installed a er Concrete Canvas is set and cavi es are cut out in both the Inner and Outer shells. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Eleva on South-West

Cavity Side


Outer Shell Seam Generic Type 3 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 3 Eleva on South-West 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 3 CC Tiny House


Elevation South-East

Type 3 CCTH only contains a Swing Ground Plate and as a result it does not have pre-installed doors/windows. Doors and Windows are installed a er Concrete Canvas is set and cavi es are cut out in both the Inner and Outer shells. If default Concrete Canvas colour is not desirable the exterior can be painted with ordinary masonry paint.

Cavity Side


S tches

Thermal Weld Outer Shell Joint 1:5

Outer Shell Seam Eleva on South-East Generic Type 3 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 3 Situa on Plan 1:500


Eleva on South-East 1:50


Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.10. Section a-a’ CC8

Cavity Side

More informa on regarding the Sec ons are present in Type 1 CC Tiny House Details part of the drawings star ng with “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72.

Thermal Weld

S tches Inner Shell Joint 1:5

Sec on a-a’

Inner Shell Seam

Generic Type 3 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 3 Ground Plate

Swing Ground Plate

Sec on a-a’ 1:50

Situa on Plan 1:500



Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.11. Section b-b’ More informa on regarding the Sec ons are present in Type 1 CC Tiny House Details part of the drawings star ng with “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72.


Cavity Side

Thermal Weld

S tches

Sec on b-b’

Inner Shell Joint 1:5

Inner Shell Seam

Generic Type 3 Floorplan 1:100

CC Tiny House Type 3

Ground Plate Situa on Plan 1:500


Sec on b-b’ 1:50

5. Detail Ground Plate Sec on 2 1:50

Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.12. Detail Ground Plate Ground Plate frame is constructed from U and L steel profiles. The openings of the frame are filled with plywood, which create a smooth surface for thermal insula on to be installed on. CCTH Type 3 Ground Plate is hinged and has one Swing Ground Plate.

Detail Ground Plate Sec on 1 1:50 More informa on regarding the Ground Plate are present in Detail A1 and C1 cross-sec on of the Ground Plate are present in “3.15. Detail A1, A2, A3” on page 72 and “3.19. Detail C1” on page 76.

Detail Ground Plate Sec on 3 1:50

Detail Ground Plate Sec on 3

Detail Ground Plate Sec on 2

Detail Ground Plate Sec on 1 Detail Loca on in Floorplan

Detail Ground Plate Frame

Detail Loca on in Floorplan Detail Ground Plate Frame Plan 1:50 123


Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.13. Details Most details, which were developed for Type 1 Concrete Canvas Tiny House, universally apply to all the Types. Only First Floor Slab and Stair details are not used by the other CCTH Types as they are single floor structures. Please Note: Detail present in this page is exactly the same as in . It was inserted here for reference purposes.

Insula on Foam 200 mm Hydro-isola on CC8

CC8 Air Gap Hydro-isola on

CC13 Plywood 15 mm Insula on 82 mm

Fastener Steel U Profile Hydro-isola on C1

Plywood 25 mm Insula on 120 mm

Detail Loca on in Floorplan


Europale e

Detail C1 1:10


Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.14. Scale Model Type 3 CC Tiny House does not contain Swing Walls. Instead it has a Ground Plate, which folds in half. As such it does not have preinstalled windows and doors, which are otherwise integrated into Swing Walls on other CC Tiny House types. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts, which are connected to Ground Plate CC13. More photos of the Scale Model available at:

Type 3 CC Tiny House Inner Shell Sec on Scale Model

Type 3 CC Tiny House 1:10 Scale Model Inner Shell Sec on

Type 3 CC Tiny House Inner Shell Sec on Scale Model



Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.15. Inner shell cutout North-West Type 3 CC Tiny House does not contain Swing Walls. Instead it has a Ground Plate, which folds in half. As such it does not have preinstalled windows and doors, which are otherwise integrated into Swing Walls on other CC Tiny House types. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts, which are connected to Ground Plate CC13 slab. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas (CC8) is folded onto horizontal CC13 plane, which is fastened to the Ground Plate. Please note: Neither door nor window openings are present in the Concrete Canvas cutouts for Type 3 Concrete Canvas Tiny House. The openings for doors and windows are made in both the inner and outer shells of Type 3 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate where cavi es for doors and windows are going to be made.

Seam Folding Lines Ground Plate Fold

Eleva on North-West 1:100 Cutout North-West

Opening Cut Lines

Outer Shell


Inner Shell Plan 1:100

CC8 Inner Cutout North-West 1:50


Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.16. Inner shell cutout North-East

Opening Cut Lines

Ground Plate Fold

Type 3 CC Tiny House does not contain Swing Walls. Instead it has a Ground Plate, which folds in half. As such it does not have preinstalled windows and doors, which are otherwise integrated into Swing Walls on other CC Tiny House types. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts, which are connected to Ground Plate CC13 slab. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas (CC8) is folded onto horizontal CC13 plane, which is fastened to the Ground Plate.

Opening Cut Lines

Please note: Neither door nor window openings are present in the Concrete Canvas cutouts for Type 3 Concrete Canvas Tiny House. The openings for doors and windows are made in both the inner and outer shells of Type 3 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate where cavi es for doors and windows are going to be made.

Cutout North-East

Eleva on North-East 1:100

Seam Folding Lines

CC8 Inner Cutout North-East 1:50

Outer Shell

Inner Shell Plan 1:100



Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.17. Inner shell cutout South-West Type 3 CC Tiny House does not contain Swing Walls. Instead it has a Ground Plate, which folds in half. As such it does not have preinstalled windows and doors, which are otherwise integrated into Swing Walls on other CC Tiny House types. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts, which are connected to Ground Plate CC13 slab. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas (CC8) is folded onto horizontal CC13 plane, which is fastened to the Ground Plate. Please note: Neither door nor window openings are present in the Concrete Canvas cutouts for Type 3 Concrete Canvas Tiny House. The openings for doors and windows are made in both the inner and outer shells of Type 3 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate where cavi es for doors and windows are going to be made.

Seam Folding Lines

Eleva on South-West 1:100

Cutout South-West

Outer Shell

Opening Cut Lines

Inner Shell Plan 1:100


Ground Plate Fold

CC8 Inner Cutout South-West 1:50


Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.18. Inner shell cutout South-East Type 3 CC Tiny House does not contain Swing Walls. Instead it has a Ground Plate, which folds in half. As such it does not have preinstalled windows and doors, which are otherwise integrated into Swing Walls on other CC Tiny House types. Inner shell is made from CC8 cutouts, which are connected to Ground Plate CC13 slab. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas (CC8) is folded onto horizontal CC13 plane, which is fastened to the Ground Plate.

Seam Folding Lines Ground Plate Fold

Please note: Neither door nor window openings are present in the Concrete Canvas cutouts for Type 3 Concrete Canvas Tiny House. The openings for doors and windows are made in both the inner and outer shells of Type 3 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate where cavi es for doors and windows are going to be made.

Opening Cut Lines Eleva on South-East 1:100 Outer Shell

CC8 Inner Cutout South-East 1:50

Cutout South-East Inner Shell Plan 1:100



Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.19. Inner shell Ground Sheet Inner shell Ground Sheet is made from CC13 sheets (1100 mm wide), which are joined together without Concrete Canvas overlap. An addi onal plas c sheet (250 mm wide) joins Concrete Canvas. It overlaps CC Seam on both sides by 125 mm and is thermally welded to the backside of CC13. This creates an air ght seal and a smooth floor surface.

Inner Shell Fold



250 mm Plas c Sheet edges

Permeable Side

250 mm Plas c Sheet Ground Sheet Joint 1:10 Outer Shell Ground Plate Half Fold

CC13 Inner Shell

Ground Plate CC Slab

Ground Plate CC Slab Plan 1:100


CC13 Cutout Ground Plate Slab 1:50


Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.20. Ground Sheet Fastening Inner Shell Concrete Canvas Ground Sheet is fastened to the Ground Plate Frame around the perimeter of Ground Plate Frame.

Inner Shell Edge Cavity

Vapour Barrier

Outer Shell CC8 Please note: No Fasten Zone indicates where the Inner Shell CC13 Ground Sheet is ini ally not fastened to the Ground Plate Frame. This is due to the Type 3 CC Tiny House deployment procedure and Half Fold hinge placement. CC13 Ground Sheet is fixed to the Ground Plate Frame midway trough the Inner Shell infla on.

Vapour Barrier

Inner Shell CC8


Detail D1 1:10 D1

Fasteners Ground Place CC Slab No Fasten Zone Inner Shell

Detail Loca on in Sec on

Outer Shell


CC13 Ground Sheet

Ground Plate CC Slab Plan 1:50

Detail Loca on in Floorplan



Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.21. Outer shell cutout North-West Type 3 CC Tiny House does not contain Swing Walls - only a Ground Plate, which folds in half. As such it does not have pre-installed windows and doors, which are otherwise integrated into Swing Walls on other CC Tiny House types. Outer shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate. Please note: Neither door nor window openings are present in the Concrete Canvas cutouts for Type 3 Concrete Canvas Tiny House. The openings for doors and windows are made in both the inner and outer shells of Type 3 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate where cavi es for doors and windows are going to be made.

Ground Plate Fold Seam Folding Lines

Eleva on North-West 1:100 Cutout North-West

Opening Cut Lines

Roof Plan 1:100


CC8 Outer Cutout North-West 1:50


Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.22. Outer shell cutout North-East Type 3 CC Tiny House does not contain Swing Walls - only a Ground Plate, which folds in half. As such it does not have pre-installed windows and doors, which are otherwise integrated into Swing Walls on other CC Tiny House types. Outer shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

Open Seam Zone Opening Cut Lines

Ground Plate Fold

Opening Cut Lines

Please note: The openings for doors and windows are made in both the inner and outer shells of Type 3 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate where cavi es for doors and windows are going to be made. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Cutout North-East

Eleva on North-East 1:100

Seam Folding Lines

CC8 Outer Cutout North-East 1:50

Roof Plan 1:100



Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.23. Outer shell cutout South-West Type 3 CC Tiny House does not contain Swing Walls - only a Ground Plate, which folds in half. As such it does not have pre-installed windows and doors, which are otherwise integrated into Swing Walls on other CC Tiny House types. Outer shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

Seam Folding Lines

Please note: Neither door nor window openings are present in the Concrete Canvas cutouts for Type 3 Concrete Canvas Tiny House. The openings for doors and windows are made in both the inner and outer shells of Type 3 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate where cavi es for doors and windows are going to be made.

Cutout South-West

Eleva on South-West 1:100

Opening Cut Lines

Ground Plate Fold Open Seam Zone

Roof Plan 1:100


CC8 Outer Cutout South-West 1:50


Type 3 CC Tiny House

5.24. Outer shell cutout South-East Type 3 CC Tiny House does not contain Swing Walls - only a Ground Plate, which folds in half. As such it does not have pre-installed windows and doors, which are otherwise integrated into Swing Walls on other CC Tiny House types. Outer shell is made from CC8 cutouts. Dashed lines (Seam Folding Lines) indicate where Concrete Canvas is folded to form seams when cutouts are joined together. Ground Plate Fold indicates where Concrete Canvas is folded onto horizontal plane that is fastened to the base of Ground Plate.

Seam Folding Lines

Ground Plate Fold

Please note: The openings for doors and windows are made in both the inner and outer shells of Type 3 CC Tiny House a er the house is deployed and CC is set. Opening Cut Lines indicate where cavi es for doors and windows are going to be made. Open Seam Zone indicates seams that are not joined due to deployment procedure and hinge clearance requirements. Open Seams are joined a er Inner Shell infla on is complete.

Opening Cut Lines

Eleva on South-East 1:100

CC8 Outer Cutout South-East 1:50

Cutout South-East

Roof Plan 1:100



Scale Models


Inflatable CCTH Type 3

Inflatable CCTH Type 3 1:10 Scale Model was made with Inner and Outer shell to demonstrate CCTH deployment procedure. Ini al the Inner Shell gets inflated followed by the Outer Shell. This sequence is also used for the scale model. The transparent plas c film represents the Outer Shell , while the white plas c represents the Inner Shell.

Tes ng fi ng CCTH Type 3 Outer Shell Scale Model

3 sides done of CCTH Type 3 Outer Shell Scale Model

Half assembled CCTH Type 3 Outer Shell Scale Model

Infla ng CCTH Type 3 Outer Shell Scale Model

Video of the Scale Model deployment available at More photos of the Scale Model available at:

Cu ng plas c for CCTH Type 3 Outer Shell Scale Model

Cut plas c for CCTH Type 3 Outer Shell Scale Model

Assembling the CCTH Type 3 Outer Shell Scale Model


Complete inflatable CCTH Type 3 Scale Model with Inner and Outer Shells

Template for CC5 cu ng

First cutout strip of CC5


Scale Model


Concrete Canvas CCTH Type 3

CCTH Type 3 rigid 1:10 Scale Model was made from CC5. It showcases the Concrete Canvas and its playability when it is not set. Also it was used to test the Outer Shell joints of Concrete Canvas sheets. Video of framework

the Scale available

Model at

removal from

More photos of the Scale Model available at:

Le overs of CC5

CC5 cutouts awai ng assembly

Hardened and split CC5 Outer Shell of Type 3 CCTH

Se ng of CC5 Outer Shell of Type 3 CCTH

CC5 Outer Shell of CCTH Type 3 Scale Model

CC5 Outer Shell of Type 3 CCTH completed



Scale Model


Concrete Canvas Slab

Concrete Canvas Slab 1:1 scale detail was made from CC5 to test the proposed joints. In actual drawings slab would require simpler joins, but the test their performance Outer and Inner shell joints were used for making of Concrete Canvas Slab. Video of finished and not yet hydrated detail

strapped available

into at

Inner Shell seam used to join two sheets of CC5

CC Slab being hung in framework

Crea ng the inner structure of the Slab

Inflatable balls used for CC Slab shaping

framework ,but

Working drawings for CC Slab making

Outer Shell seam used to join two sheets of CC5

Batch Roll bag in which CC5 arrived


A stand with Concrete Canvas Slab, CC5 Scale Model of Type 3 CCTH and Inflatable CCTH Type 3 Scale Model


Scale Model


Concrete Canvas cutting

All CCTHs will have part or all of their cavi es for windows and doors cutout from the Tiny House a er Concrete Canvas sets. Angle grinders with Cu ng wheels for cu ng stone or concrete work fine for this purpose. Of course as with any cu ng safety glasses and respirator has to be worn as cu ng generates a lot of fine dust.

CCTH Type 3 Scale Model Cu ng

Diamond cu ng disk generates dust

Cu ng a cavity in set CCS shell

Dremmel with Diamond cu ng disk


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