LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY YOUTH WORK AGENTS A Serious European Game #youthworkagents
Your ultimate goal is to become a competent youth work agent!
The more you play, the better you become
Description: I participated in the training course ‘Developing competencies to respond to changing youth (work) context and extremisation‘ during 3-8 April 2016 in Lithuania. This project offered opportunities for participants from 8 countries: Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Armenia to assure better youth workers education and preparation to work in the changing contexts - political priorities, youth needs and problems, financial frameworks, radicalisation. During this activity I developed my personal and professional competences specifically described in relation to key-competences for lifelong learning. Project was co-funded through EU Erasmus+ programme.
Game Missions Complete missions to unlock special Agent’s status. Missions count individually, however they may need to be completed together with the other agents. In order to complete missions you will need to show your skills and superpowers.
Game Rewards Badges show your learning and achievements. Collect them on your profile and later use on social networks and CV! They will guide you through your learning process and will contribute to the Youthpass Certificate. Every badge have special tasks. Complete tasks - add evidence - unlock badges. You will be invited to add different type of evidence:
A Serious European Game
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Learn the theoretical framework which explains the background for the topic. Discuss topic-related ideas with other participants. Discuss theme-related ideas with other participants. Look up for research data which informs the topic. Explain how this theme is connected to youth work practice.
I was engaged in exploring youth workers education and preparation to work in the changing contexts - political priorities, youth needs and problems, financial frameworks, radicalisation during the training course ‘Developing competencies to respond to changing youth (work) context and extremisation’. I am able to communicate the relevance of the theme of activity to my personal and work related contexts.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Speak shared language when being together with foreigners. Learn at least few phrases in other language(s). When needed, explain to others specific words or phrases in foreign language(s). Try out ways to overcome communication barriers. Reflect foreign language use and learning experiences with peer participants.
I became more confident to communicate in foreign languages as a result of participation in the international youth worker’s mobility project. During the project I showed curiosity and efforts to learn basics of other language(s). I also supported other participants helping them to learn basics in foreign language(s).
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Make sure others understand the communication. Learn at least few professional terms used in other work contexts. When needed, explain to others specific terms used. Try out ways to overcome communication barriers. Reflect the use of professional language experiences with peer participants.
As a results of my involvement in youth work mobility project I became more aware of the use of professional language in (international) youth work context. During the activities I was able to understand and practice professional terms when communicating with others. I also supported other participants helping them to follow the project content and activities.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Present group work results in front of others. Share with others examples from practical experiences. Try new ways and technologies to present ideas. Introduce theory or model to explain something relevant. Reflect presentation skills and experiences with peer participants.
I showed confidence in making presentations in front of peer participants of the youth worker’s mobility project. During the activities I am able to practice my public speaking. I use variety of ways to express myself clearly in international context. When sharing my point of view I was able to support it with theory-grounded arguments and/or evidence from practical experiences.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Critically analyse presented content and materials. Express opinions clearly and constructively. Introduce research findings when appropriate for discussions. Collect references to youth research findings. Reflect professional attitudes of being a youth worker.
I show critical curiosity when introduced to (new) theoretical knowledge and/or evidence from practical experiences. During activities I am able constructively question presented content and analyze its relevance to youth work practice. I am knowledgeable of youth research findings and use them to inform my youth work practice.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Document at least 1 activity of the programme in any digital media format. Communicate at least 3 times about this project on social media. Share project activities online outside of the participants group.
I contributed to the documentation and digital reporting of the international youth workers mobility project.
Contribute with the digital material to the final report of this project.
My tasks included recording selected activities of the programme, preparing media material and communicating outcomes.
Reflect digital experiences with peer participants.
As a results of my involvement in the digital reporting activities I became more aware of the use of digital technology and its impact.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Share digital tools that work with young people. Use online networks to build professional connections with other participants. Learn new online tools useful for youth work.
I improved my digital competences by sharing, learning and collecting on-line tools useful for youth work.
Collect online resources for professional development and use.
Throughout discussions and reflections with other participants I developed critical attitudes towards the use of online tools with young people.
Reflect with peer participants how internet affects youth work.
By using online networks I managed to build professional connections with other participants of international youth workers mobility project.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Document everyday learning experiences in any suitable way. Share learning experiences during debriefings of activities. Monitor and evaluate own learning progress. Try out ways to overcome learning obstacles. Reflect learning experiences with peer participants.
I took efforts to reflect my learning through the international youth workers mobility project. During reflection and debriefing time I used opportunities to share, monitor and evaluate my learning progress. I used various tools and ways to document my learning and conclude learning results.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Define personal and professional learning goals for this activity. Identify learning opportunities during the activity programme. Organise learning time, resources and necessary support. Support others in need by helping to overcome learning obstacles. Reflect with peer participants plans to use learning after this project.
I took proactive role to achieve my personal and professional learning goals during the international youth work activity. As a results of my proactive attitude I was able to identify learning opportunities and manage my learning. I also supported the others in need helping them to overcome learning obstacles.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Learn about the daily life peer participants from other countries. Participate in the group work activities during the project. Keep up with group agreements and help other. Contribute to the well-being of the group by taking care of others. Reflect your role in the group with peer participants.
I was able to learn about the daily life of other participants of the international youth work mobility project. During the projects I kept with group commitments and contributed to the well-being of the peer participants. As a results of my participation I developed social and intercultural competences to be and act in groups of people with diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Learn about the professional life of peer participants from other countries. At least 1 time facilitate the work or discussion of international group. Learn ways of how to deal with diversity in a constructive way. Find ways to show appreciation of diversity in everyday life situations. Reflect the diversity of youth work with peer participants.
I am able to appreciate and benefit from cultural and professional diversity experienced during international youth work mobility project. As a result of my involvement in project activities I am more aware of diversity in Europe. I also developed my abilities to facilitate diversity in a constructive way. During project I had opportunities to cooperate and communicate with people from diverse backgrounds.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Make suggestions to improve something during this activity. Undertake tasks or responsibilities during this project. At least 1 time do something out of your comfort zone. Try new ways of completing tasks and activities. Reflect with peer participants your experiences of taking initiative.
I took opportunities to make suggestions and undertake responsibilities during the international youth work mobility project. During project activities I tried new ways to complete tasks. At least 1 time I did something out of my comfort zone. During reflection time I became more aware of my abilities to take initiative and risks associated.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Learn new youth work opportunities to manage projects and programmes. Develop professional contacts and partnerships. Lead at least 1 activity with peer participants. Prepare plan how to apply learning experience back home. Reflect youth work values with peer participants.
During this project I learned new youth work opportunities to manage projects and programmes. I planned how to apply this learning in my youth work practice. I took opportunities to lead the activity with peer participants at least once in the programme. I used opportunities to reflect youth work values with peer participants.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Learn about culture of other countries and share your culture. Show willingness to get involved in new forms of cultural expression. Have a taste of foreign cuisine and traditions. Try something new outside of your cultural habits. Reflect cultural awareness with peer participants.
I became aware of cultures of other countries present at international youth workers mobility project. During cultural activities of the project I showed willingness to get involved in new forms of cultural expression. I tasted foreign cuisine and traditions.
Mission card
Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge
Learn about youth culture in other countries of the project. Discuss ideas with peer participants how to involve youth in creative expressions At least 1 time volunteer to visualise group work results Try new different ways and media to express your ideas. Reflect youth worker's role to promote cultural awareness and expression.
I learned about youth culture in other countries presented at international youth workers mobility project. During project activities I had opportunities to discuss ideas of how to involve young people in creative expressions. As a result reflected my role in promoting cultural awareness and expression through youth work activities.
Description: I worked as a facilitator during the training course ‘Developing competencies to respond to changing youth (work) context and extremisation‘ during 3-8 April 2016 in Lithuania. This project offered opportunities for participants from 8 countries: Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Armenia to assure better youth workers education and preparation to work in the changing contexts - political priorities, youth needs and problems, financial frameworks, radicalisation. During this activity my role was to support participants to develop their social and professional competences through actively engaging them into the programme activities. I contributed to the programme activities and project teamwork. Project was co-funded through EU Erasmus+ programme.
Allies Recruit 3 other members of the group to become your allies. Name: ……………………….. Name: ............................... Name: ...............................
They will help you to accomplish missions and be there for you to observe your learning progress They will cooperate with you in overcoming challenges and fighting your enemies
Enemies The Time is your worst enemy in this game. It is always running, you can’t stop it, you can’t turn it back, you can’t borrow it, you can’t give it away. The only way you can win in this game is by using The Time for your advantage. Obviously, The Time has few evil friends which will work against you. To mention few, Laziness, Tiredness, Passivity, Ignorance,...
Game tools
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Mission progress sheet Various media Reflection meetings Badgecraft.eu Other…
The more you play, the better you become!
LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY YOUTH WORK AGENTS Join the game at badgecraft.eu #youthworkagents