All About Web Hosting And Its Fabulous Roles
Web hosts are the companies which will help you in making your own website. In web hosting service, web hosts provide space to their user which is used on the internet. This space is used to make website and it is accessible to the World Wide Web. Web hosts even provide internet connectivity and technical assistance to their users and help them in making a website. The size of the space varies with type of website. Business websites require large space and personal or advertisement based websites requires less space. Personal websites usually require single page which is also called web page. FTP or File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files, data and other documents to the website. The processing required for uploading these files and data is very minimal. Many web hosts do not charge anything for uploading. Personal websites can be made with knowledge of very few application platforms whereas if you want to make complex or business website then you must have good hand in application platforms like PHP, Java, and Ruby on Rails etc. The cost required to make personal website is very less so no issues if you hire up any 1 Dollar Hosting Services. There are many types of web hosting that are provided web hosts. You can choose the best service that suits you. Following are the services provided by web hosts: ďƒ˜ Free web hosting: This service is provided by many web hosts. This service is provided for the advertised purpose of the web hosting company. Web hosts
provides you free space on the internet. You can make personal and advertisement based website using this service. The offers that are provided in this
$1 Hosting: This service is also known as cheap hosting service. Users are provided with space to make a website in 1 dollar. The services provided in 1 dollar hosting are more than free web hosting. You will be assisted by technicians of the company and this service is also provided by the company for the promotion purpose only. Shared Web Hosting: In this hosting service many websites are shared on a single server. The number of websites on a single server may range from hundred to thousand. Free web hosting is a type of shared web hosting. Your website can shut down anytime and it may take time while accessing. It is because the traffic on the server is too large making it slow. Reseller Web Hosting: Once you buy space on the internet to make your website, you can further sell it. The size will vary depending upon the type of website. They can change the domain name of the website and other features. Dedicated Hosting Service: In this service, the individual who owns the website becomes a web host. The hosting company provides him full control of his website. He can upload his files and data whenever he wants. Managed hosting service, collocation web hosting service is other hosting services that are provided by web hosts. To gather more knowledge about hosting service visit now at-