TITLE: Easy To Design And Use Your Own Web Page KW: Cheap Web Hosting, $1 Hosting, Cheapest Web Hosting BODY: Web sites are now easy to design. Any individual can now have his own personal website. Web hosting is a service which is provided by various organizations, so that the individuals and various other companies can make their website accessible via World Wide Web. Web hosts are the companies that provide us with space on the internet. The simplest page that is provided by the web hosts is called the web page. On the web page, various files can be uploaded via File Transport Protocol (FTP). The processing for uploading the data via FTP is minimal. Many ISP’s (INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER) provide customers with Cheap Web Hosting and even free web hosting somewhere. In Cheapest Web Hosting, free web hosting, the service provided in these is only for personal web sites. Business web sites have greater size and accordingly expenses. Personal websites are operated and made on a single page, also called single page web hosting. PHP, Java, Ruby on rails, ColdFusion or ASP.NET are different applications and software’s that are used for complex sites and for a more comprehensive package. There are various schemes and services that are provided by various web host companies to the users. One of the services is $1 Hosting. In $1 hosting, web pages are available, only at a price of 1 dollar. This type of service can be used for making personal sites. The availability of a site can be measured by taking percentage usage of that site in the year in which it was accessible and published. There is a formula for defining the availability of a website. Many large companies had to stick to web all the time to their mails, and various data to other institutes and organizations. Type of Web Hosting: