Great Hosting Options For Web Start-Ups
As a start-up, you are most likely having financial challenges and you are looking for a hosting plan that is cheap and offers you high quality services. If you are a start-up and you are having financial problems, here are some options that you can go with: Shared hosting There are many companies that you can go with in this category. The most popular ones is MyTrueHost... Before you settle on a given company, you should do your research and find the one that is the most cost effective for you. You should note that while shared hosting is cheap, it doesn't support heavy traffic; therefore, if your website grows fast, you will quickly outgrow this plan. Generic virtual machines The machines are cheap and offer great customer support. Popular virtual machines are Rackspace and Linode (ideal for Linux VM hosting). Cloud infrastructure-As-A-Service Here you need to go with Amazon Web services, Windows Azure, and other cloud providers. You should focus on the virtual machines because they allow you to buy raw capacity from them with some OS level abstraction. This option is great if you want to scale out. It's also great for people who want to have complete control over their software.
Cloud platform-As-A-Service There are many choices that you can go with. The most common ones being: Heroku, AppFog, AppEngine, and AppHarbor. In addition to providing hardware capacity and OS, they also provide and maintain software stack. This option is great for people who are ready to give up some control over stack configuration in order to free up maintenance costs and time. Co-located hosting You will be required to buy a server and you will be responsible for the OS. You can opt to put the OS in a datacenter and you will have to pay for the costs of maintaining the hardware and providing electricity, cooling, internet, and space. These are some of the best hosting options that you can go with as a start-up. When making the decision on the best plan to go with, you need to consider a number of factors such as: your stack and OS needs. If you don't have any special needs, it's recommended that you go with shared hosting and then upgrade to more powerful platforms as the traffic to your website increases. Other factors you need to consider are: your budget, preference, development and operational practices. We, MyTrueHost provide information related to 1 Dollar Hosting and $1 Hosting. Visit us to learn more.