Overview Of Types Of Web Hosting To make an own website that would be accessible via the World Wide Web every individual and organization should be provided with space on a server, and this space on server are provided by internet hosting services like web hosting services.
There are many web hosting options available nowadays: free web hosting, shared hosting (also called virtual hosting), dedicated server (where clients have sole use of entire service), VPS hosting (clients have part of a server that’s partitioned off from other accounts), and the list goes on. All these options serve the same purpose, which is hosting your content so that it can be accessed and viewed by people on the internet. Web hosting is offered on Linux/Unix or Windows server, which gives the industry terms Linux Hosting and Windows Hosting. So identifying a reliable web host can be a daunting task, especially with so many service providers and options. To put website on an internet, there are three essentials: Domain name, Hosting, Content. Hence all websites need a web host. A web hosting plan gives access to a web server, which can store all data with the world. In addition, there are special types of web hosting which are base of application-specific hosting, where the web host service providers provides the customize hosting service as per the specific needs, such as clustered hosting and file hosting services. Apart this other different types of web hosting are: 
Free web hosting service: It is a limited type of web hosting when compared to paid hosting which are sometimes supported by advertisements.
Shared web hosting service: Here domains share a common pool of server resources, such as RAM and CPU where one website is placed on the same server as many other sites.
1 Dollar Hosting: The shared web hosting provides a basic service which is not flexible in terms of software and updates so as to solve this problem clients are allowed to become web hosts themselves. So the web companies often have accounts to provide hosting for clients. Accounts may vary in size (having own virtual and dedicated server to a colocated server).
Cloud Hosting: To have powerful, scalable and reliable hosting there is new type of hosting available which is cloud hosting. Cloud hosting solves many problems related to power disruptions even natural disaster. When a single piece of hardware goes down, other computers in the cloud compensate thus making cloud hosted websites are more reliable than other alternatives.
Clustered hosting: A cluster separate web serving from database hosting capabilities, thus these servers are a perfect solution for high-availability dedicated hosting, having multiple servers hosting the same contents for better resource utilization.
There are many more types of web hosting like: dedicated web hosting, grid hosting, and colocation web hosting service, managed hosting service, virtual dedicated server and much more. There is also paid web hosting like:
$1 Hosting: This hosting type provides high quality web hosting solutions at low prices to all our customers. This type of hosting provide a big save as many web hosting providers charge huge amount of price by giving big space, so 1 dollar hosting is affordable, as this price fit to every budget. If you are looking to purchase