What You Need To Know About Commercial Web Hosting Companies
Commercial web hosting companies are of two types: free and paid. If you are interested in creating a commercial website, it's wise to pay for your website. This is because you will have full control of your website (including ads). If you don't have money and you want to host your website for free, you can sign up for a number of free web hosters. You should note that while you won't pay anything to host your site, you won't have control over the ads and the revenue generated from the ads will go to the hosting company. What to look for when choosing a hosting company The first thing that you should consider is the price charged. The good thing is that many web hosting companies have prices that range from $4 to $15 per month and you always get a discount when you subscribe for two months or more. The other thing that you need to consider is the disc space. The disc space is the one that determines the number of pages, pictures, text, downloads and other things that can be placed on your website. To be on the safe side you should ensure that the hosting company offers you a large disc storage space. Bandwidth is the other factor that you should consider. If you are wondering what bandwidth is, this is a factor that determines the number of people who can access your website.