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Mega Trend




Technology Environment

silver tsunami mega cities urbanization immigration empancipation

decentralization globalization

elderly economy female economy social economy local economy online economy crowd funding

digitalization big data connectivity security seamless technology proactive health new materials

Home and Family Living Rick Dutour Geerling Marjolein Kors Brenda Pompe

climate change scarcity sustainability energy sources & storage waste management inspiration from nature responsibility to nature



appreciation of growing/preparing process of food TrendONE

food/groceries/cooking as service Institute for the Future, Ikea, National Intelligence Council

growing food in the city Institute for the Future, Ikea, National Intelligence Council

food groups Institute for the Future, Ikea, National Intelligence Council


changes/diversity of family composition OECD, JWT, Dragon Rouge, the Guardian

“living� buildings regulating their own ecosystem BBC

building material and appliances for sustainability and optimalisation of resource use Veolia Environmental Services, TrendONE, the Guardian

home hacking and fabrication; sophisticated home improvement tools TrendOne, the Guardian

smart homes with seamlessly integrated technology


optimalisation of packaging for preservation of food and degradation of packaging Veolia Environmental Services

nanotechnology for waste management

consumer electronics domotica

OECD, ABN-AMRO, the Guardian, TrendONE

wearable technology

Veolia Environmental Services

JWT, TrendONE, Dragon Rouge, Tegenlicht

package designed for online delivery vs on-shelf

embracing analog

Dragon Rouge

serious games

urban & public spaces


optimized use of limited space

JWT, Dragon Rouge, Tegenlicht, Trendslator

public services & infrastructure struggling with growth & density of population Dragon Rouge

digital downtime TrendONE, Frog Design


wish for clear division in open and personal data Dragon Rouge

natural user interaction JWT, TrendONE

tech savvy elderly Future Trends Book

rethinking happiness, distancing from materialism

teleworking OECD, the Guardian

sharing is the new owning the Guardian, Trend Rede


brands adapt to secure a place in our lives Digital Economics, Dragon Rouge

focus on corporate values Trendslator, TrendONE, Dragon Rouge, Ernst & Young

multi-stakeholder involvement


taking personal responsibility in our communities

Trend Rede

hobby turned job

JWT, Dragon Rouge, Trendslator, the Guardian


perceived distances decrease

less reliance on government, more reliance on private sector to fulfil needs

assisting technology to prevent ailment

Ipsos, the Guardian

JWT, the Guardian

sharing is the new owning


flexible homes for different needs and preferences

freedom of movement globally, digital and physical


ruralfication of cities

JWT, TrendONE, the Guardian



WGSN, TrendONE, Trendslator

collaborative production and consumption

modifying homes to accommodate for living with disabilities

through digitalization and connectivity rurals can enjoy urban life & vice versa, Dragon Rouge, TrendONE, the Guardian, JWT

TrendOne, JWT, Veolia Environmental Services, the Guardian


transport & mobility

assisting technology to aid the sick

JWT, Dragon Rouge

the Guardian, Dragon Rouge, Tegenlicht, TrendONE, Institute for the Future

semi-public spaces, public private partnership

maintaining doctor-patient contact from home

the Guardian, Rijksgebouwendienst

Tegenlicht, Big Think, the Guardian

personalized healthcare TrendONE, Institute for the Future, JWT

peer to peer economy


skill-based micro-jobs Ernst & Young, TrendONE, OECD

new construction techniques IJITEE, the Guardian

General Trends

Perfect Fit SelfActualization

Technology: Service Seamless & Economy Omnipresent

Power in Communities

• support personal empowerment • monitoring health to prevent and cure • redefine happiness • embracing out identity(s) • value-based consumer choice

• wearable • smart home • ambient intelligence • everything connects • natural user interactions

• taking control and responsibility in our lives and communities • multi-stakeholder innovation • government pulls back • public private partnership

• companies adapt to (local) consumer wishes • customization through technology in all areas of life • flexible home

• sharing is the new owning • companies adopt a social function • value of skills


The Good


community-run, distributed socialnetwork software control of who gets what information who to include in your life


buy and sell handmade or vintage items, art, and art supplies from around the world


developing a neighborhood using input of potential inhabitants

tandem tribes (imaginary example)

a platform that connects families for a range of activities cooking, babysitting, a day out, possibly even living arrangements

The Bad

dutch school system one size fits all system opportunities? allow for more in depth development of skills

dutch opening hours

inflexible government dictated opportunities? allow businesses to decide their own closed-days and opening hours

conventional construction companies

do not take the changing/diversity of family composition into account do not take available infrastructure into account opportunities? develop modular homes that are easy to reconfigure cooperate with suppliers of public transportation

dutch government

do not participate in the creation of the participation society opportunities? multi-stakeholder cooperation develop tools to empower communities

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