Bridge first for people places and partnerships
Winter 2012
Season’s Greeting from all at NCH
Winter 2012 Telephone: (01633) 381111 Minicom: (01633) 211672 Website: Email: Looking Local digi-tv channel: Channel 539 Quickcode 624
ou will notice that some of the articles featured in this edition have a gold star on them. These articles are about a topic or area that has been identified through feedback via your Resident Panels and will update you on changes we have made as a result of that feedback.
Date Description
Board meeting
4.30pm Nexus House
Sheltered 2pm Housing Forum 4pm
Westgate Court Pat Hill Caerleon
West Area Panel
2pm 4pm
Nexus House
Quality Improvement Panel
9.30am Nexus House
Diane Leigh
Jonathan Conway Pat Hill
Winter 2012
January 2013 Date Description
Nexus House
Pat Hill
9.30am Nexus House
Pat Hill
Date Description
Board Meeting
4.30pm Nexus House
Sheltered 2pm Housing Forum 4pm
Nexus House
Pat Hill
West Area Panel
2pm 4pm
Jonathan Conway
Quality Improvement Panel
9.30am Nexus House - 12.30
East Area Panel 2pm 4pm
Quality Improvement Panel
February 2013 Venue
Diane Leigh
Pat Hill
Please note that this information is subject to change, please check our website for updates or contact us for details. To attend a meeting or for more information, please contact the appropriate person on the numbers below:
Sian (01633) 227752
Jonathan (01633) 227754
Diane (01633) 227759 Pat (01633) 227753
Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012
Christmas and New Year office closure P lease note our offices will be closed from 5pm on 21 December 2012 and will re-open on Wednesday 2 January 2013.
During this period, we will be unable to action nonemergency repairs but will continue to provide you with an emergency service, covering: • Total loss of power to your home • Exposed electrical wires • Water leaks • Total loss of heating • Telecare responses • Loss of hot water • Anything that poses a danger to you or visitors to your home In case of an emergency, please contact us on (01633) 381111 / Minicom (01633) 211672. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you compliments of the season and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Winter 2012
Residents’ Festival 2012
he annual Residents’ Festival was held on Saturday 8 September 2012 in John Frost Square. Now in its fourth year, we were joined by our Common Housing Register partners, Charter Housing, Melin Homes, Newport Housing Trust, Newport City Council and Linc Cymru. Residents had a unique opportunity to meet all the partner landlords, community groups and other agencies in one place on a glorious sunny day. The Deputy Mayor of Newport officially opened the event before joining residents in the activities on offer, including information stands, live music, games, competitions and activities for all the family. Over 1,200 residents attended on the day and a good time was had by all. Feedback from those who attended was extremely positive and we would like to thank everyone who took the time to share their views about our services and the issues that matter in their neighbourhoods. Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012
Resident Challenge -
Do you have the X Factor? Are you interested in: • Making sure that you and your neighbours get value for money from your rent and service charges? • Helping us to improve the quality of our services? • Improving the community you live in? • Enhancing your skills through training and personal development? • Working as part of a team? If you answered yes to any of the above, we want to hear from you. We are now recruiting residents to become members of our new and exciting Resident Challenge Panel.
Panel members will take part in a range of activities, including customer surveys, shadowing staff, staff interviews, mystery shopping and neighbourhood inspections. Previous experience is not required and full training will be provided. We will support you throughout your involvement. This is a great opportunity to help improve services, learn new skills and meet interesting people. If you would like to find out more, please contact Sian Nicholas, Community Involvement Manager on (01633) 227752 or come along to Nexus House at 10am on 14 December for a mince pie and a chance to find out more.
Winter 2012
Bright ideas to help you manage your tenancy – case study update
n our last edition, we told you about how our Tenancy Support team had helped “Mrs A” from Malpas obtain a substantial backdated payment of Housing Benefit and Council Tax. As a result of the article, the team were contacted by “Mrs B” of Shaftesbury. Mrs B, a pensioner, was in receipt of Attendance Allowance benefit, but non-dependant deductions had been made to her Housing Benefit because of the income earned by an adult son living with her. Our Tenancy Support Officer queried this with the Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit department and as a result of this, the claim was corrected. Mrs B was given a backdated payment of over £4,300 for
Housing Benefit and over £515 for Council Tax. In addition, the Tenancy Support Officer realised that due to a medical condition Mrs B was also eligible for a reduction in her water charges, saving her over £200 per year. We can offer you free and confidential advice and can arrange a home visit or office appointment to help you manage your money. Please contact the Tenancy Support team on Tenancysupport@ or by telephone on (01633) 381111.
Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012
Newport Credit Union A re you interested in opening a savings account or need a loan? Newport Credit Union could help.
Credit Unions are not-for-profit savings and loans clubs owned and run by its members. Kieron Dineen, Manager of Newport Credit Union, told us more about the services on offer:
“The people of Newport have clubbed together to save into a single pot from which any member of the Credit Union can apply for a loan. All savings are guaranteed by the Financial Services Compensation
Winter 2012 Scheme (FSCS). We can offer loans of between £50 and £5k at competitive rates (12.6 - 26.8% APR). “We can also provide savings accounts. If you want to save for Christmas, a holiday, your child’s university fees, or just for a rainy day, we offer a range of services that can meet your needs.” Important information about Newport Credit Union: • They are cheaper than personal credit providers. A £300 loan will cost £7 per week for a year. Total interest payable is £34.93. The same loan with the Provident will cost £10.50 per week with interest totalling £246* – that is a saving of more than £210. • They are local – all money saved and loaned belongs to people who live or work within the city. • They are friendly and approachable, and will always
explain products to you in the simplest of terms. For more information about joining Newport Credit Union and the services available, please telephone (01633) 214913, email or visit them at 5 High Street, Newport city centre. Limited offer for NCH residents open a credit union account and we will deposit £15 into your account. For more information, please contact the Tenancy Support team. Please note, this offer is subject to availability and is valid until 1 February 2013. *Example taken from the loan calculator at http://www. home-credit/loan-calculator/
Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012
arlier this year, we told you how you could pay your rent and other charges to us by Direct Debit. As a result of this, over 230 residents have set up direct debits with our help.
Direct Debit is the easiest and most convenient way to make payments to us. If you have any queries about paying by this method, would like help in setting up direct debit payments, please contact us on (01633) 381111 / Minicom (01633) 211672.
Staying safe in your home – important information about smoke alarms
smoke alarm detects smoke in the early stages of a fire, warning you of the danger and allowing you vital time to escape.
Ensuring you have a working smoke alarm or detector fitted is an important precaution to prevent fire in your home and to protect your family. It is crucial that these are serviced and tested regularly. We test and inspect smoke detectors / alarms as part of our annual safety inspection. Smoke detectors / alarms are either battery operated or connected to the main electrical circuit of your home.
Winter 2012 If the detector / alarm is battery operated, please contact us and we will arrange to replace this for a hardwired version. Remember to test the detector / alarm weekly, never remove the unit from the base. Take special care when carrying out painting near a smoke detector / alarm to ensure you do not paint over the expiry date label attached to the outside of the unit.
If your smoke detector / alarm is faulty, you must report it immediately. You can do this by contacting us on (01633) 381111 or by making a repair request via our website at Did you know that that our Telecare Service offers specialist smoke detectors for those who may require additional assistance? For more information, please contact (01633) 381111 or Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012
Keeping warm this winter I
t is important to protect your home from the cold, so when leaving your home or going to bed at night in extreme weather, it is advisable to: • Leave your room thermostat on the ’frost’ setting if you have one (the small snowflake symbol) if not, set your thermostat to 5 degrees centigrade • Turn your heating programmer on to a constant setting • Turn the thermostatic radiator valves to a low setting (number 1 or 2 on the dial)
“Avoid problems with your boiler by leaving it on a low setting to prevent it freezing”. If you experience problems with your boiler during very cold weather, it may be caused by a frozen condense pipe. Leaving your heating on a low setting will help to avoid this happening during freezing temperatures. Contact us on (01633) 381111 / Minicom (01633) 211672 if you experience problems with your heating system.
Winter 2012
Taking action in your neighbourhood N eighbourhood Action Plans (NAPs) were launched earlier this year for Old Barn (St Julian’s) and Broadmead and Moorland Park. The timeline for delivery of the NAPs is 12 months and they aim to tackle issues highlighted in neighbourhood surveys completed with the help of local residents.
All residents in these areas have now received the plans, which are split into four main sections:
Environment Community Safety Community Engagement Localised Management
Each section contains a number of issues and solutions that will be implemented in each neighbourhood by the end of the plan delivery timeline.
Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012 If you live in these areas, you can attend monthly meetings to review the actions taking place and raise any issues or queries. We meet in Old Barn on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm on the Teen Challenge bus in the lay-by near the bungalows and in Broadmead and Moorland Park on the last Friday of the month at 11am in Newport East Community Centre. Since the launch of the plans, both neighbourhoods have benefited from an increased caretaker service. This has resulted in visible improvements, mainly through the reduction of litter and the improvements in the appearance of the neighbourhoods. A number of community safety issues have been tackled. Residents in Broadmead and Moorland identified off-road bikes as a problem.
Graffiti has been removed in Old Barn
An off-road bike has been seized in Broadmead and Moorland
Above: Fire Safety at Broadmead and Moorland Right: Vintage tea party at Old Barn
Winter 2012 Through partnership working and increased reporting by residents, five bikes have been seized in the area since July. In Old Barn, CCTV cameras have been installed and this has resulted in police action being taken. In August, events attended by residents took place in both neighbourhoods and were very successful. Broadmead and Moorland residents received advice from Newport City Council, Wastesavers, South Wales Fire Service and the Dogs Trust and brought their pets along to take part in a dog talent show. A BBQ was provided by Newport East Community Centre and activities were available for all the family. The Old Barn event, which was held in a yurt-style tent, was well attended and included a vintage tea party, whittling and making robots from recyclable products.
in both neighbourhoods since the launch of the NAP, thanks to the commitment of the project team and partners, and this will continue to make these neighbourhoods better places in the future. If you have any questions regarding the NAPs, please contact Lisa Ash for Old Barn on (01633) 227764 / lisa.ash@ or Alison Godwin for Broadmead and Moorland on (01633) 227750 / alison.godwin@
Dog show competition at Broadmead and Moorland
There have been improvements Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012
Community Fund - helping shape your community
ver the last two years, our Community Fund has helped individuals and groups to provide projects that benefit their communities and allow people to get involved. Grants of up to £1,000 are available to help with the running or set up costs of a project, and are aimed at supporting communities to develop at their own pace. One of this year’s successful recipients of the Fund is the MADDD4Kids advanced dance class. The group applied for funding to provide an additional street dance class for the children of Pill. This class helped to build on existing skills, allowing more access to tutors and enabling them to learn at their own pace. As a result of the increase in classes, more children have
become involved. Members of both dance classes have participated in local events, providing entertainment and creating a sense of community spirit. They were also successful in our ‘Pill’s got talent’ event earlier this year, with both classes winning prizes! If you are interested in organising a project for your community and you need a helping hand, or for more information on the Community Fund, contact Jonathan Conway, Community Involvement Officer, on (01633) 227754 or jonathan.
Winter 2012
Your benefits are changing – what you need to know about Welfare Reform
o you claim Housing Benefit? Do you have a spare bedroom in your home? Are you under 62 years of age? If you answered “Yes” to all 3 questions, YOU will be affected by the introduction of the under occupation deduction or ‘Bedroom Tax’, as it is commonly known. At least one in three residents will be affected by this change. If you do not know whether you are going to be affected, you can check with us. From April 2013, you will be allowed one bedroom for each person aged 16+ or a couple living in the household. But regardless of how you use your bedrooms the rules say that: • Children under 16 of the same gender are expected to share. • Children under 10 are expected to share regardless of gender. • Disabled residents or a partner who need a non-resident overnight carer will be allowed an extra room. Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012 You should also know that: • Foster children are not counted as part of a household for benefit purposes • You must be the parent claiming Child Benefit to be able to include a child as a part of your household If you are considered to have more bedrooms than you need, you will: • lose part of your Housing Benefit entitlement: • 14% for one extra bedroom • 25% for two or more extra bedrooms For example: A couple living in a three bedroom property with two children aged one and three are deemed to be under occupying by one bedroom and will lose 14% of their Housing Benefit entitlement. EXAMPLE Weekly rent 14% reduction in Housing Benefit Total Housing Benefit Entitlement
£75.00 £10.50 £64.50
If you are affected by these changes or would like advice or support, please contact the Welfare Reform Support team you can read more about the team over the page.
Winter 2012 Nathan, Simon and Janet
Introducing the Welfare Reform Support team
ur newest staff team has been created to deliver two key areas of work. Firstly, we aim to update and improve the information we hold about our residents through our ’Getting to know you’ surveys. This will help inform and influence the way we work with our residents in future, by improving communication and targeting our services to make them more relevant to your needs. Nathan Parry is our new Data Collection Assistant who will be carrying out this survey work and will shortly be joined by a second Data Collection Assistant.
The team will also be helping to identify households who are adversely affected by the Bedroom Tax. They will offer practical advice and assistance to households who will lose Housing Benefit from April 2013 because they are under occupying their home. That assistance will extend as far as paying for the cost of removals and providing practical help
Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012 and support, where needed, throughout the moving process. In addition, the team will be piloting a new package of support for residents who are moving into a home for the first time. Working with local partners and social enterprises, this aims to provide assistance with basic furniture and fittings for new residents when setting-up their home. This should ensure every new tenancy gets off to the best
possible start. Our Welfare Reform Support Officer is Simon Dawson and Janet Ahluwalia is the Welfare Reform Support Assistant working with residents on these initiatives. You can contact them with any queries about the changes on: (01633) 227804 / Simon.dawson@ (01633) 227785 / Janet.ahluwalia@
Programme update The Investment Programme Update Following your feedback from our last edition, we are pleased to provide detailed information about the progress of our investment works across the city.
Internal Works Kitchen, bathroom, boiler and wiring replacements are currently taking place in Ringland, Alway, Caerleon, Malpas, Bettws, Brynglas, Bryn Bevan, St Julian’s, Shaftsbury,
Winter 2012
Maindee and Beechwood. In the next six months, we will begin internal works in Bassaleg and Rhiwderin. To date, we have completed these internal works in over 5,500 properties.
works are due to finish at the end of March 2013.
Windows The main window replacement programme is due to complete by the end of the year.
Tower Blocks
Future works
Preparation work for external wall cladding and insulation, replacement windows, kitchen, bathroom, heating and electrical upgrades will start later this year in Greenwood (St Julian’s), Hillview (the Gaer) and Milton Court (Ringland).
With the mainstream Investment Programme starting to wind down over the next 12 months, our attention will focus on those homes that require a more detailed investigation to decide the best way forward over the long term. Areas such as Pill, some of our maisonette blocks and our bedsit accommodation will undergo this detailed review to ensure we make the best decisions for the people living in these homes.
External wall insulation External wall insulation to our metal framed homes (known as BISF) are currently taking place in Malpas and Rogerstone. These
Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012
New Investment Programme works The current programme of internal Investment Works will be drawing to a close. Environmental walkabouts have taken place in many of our neighbourhoods and we have been working with residents to draw up the changes they would like to see made in their community. A team of our surveyors are also assessing each area to understand the technical works needed. Once this information has been collated, we will be able to put a programme of works together for each area to be completed during the next four year period. The next phase of Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) works will cover a wide range of projects, including:
• Environmental Works – for example new/replacement fencing and gates, pathways, patios, parking spaces/ hard standings, boundary walls, general hard and soft landscaping to properties and surrounding areas owned or managed by us. • External Works – for example roof repairs and maintenance, fascias, soffits, gutters, porches, rendering, cladding, chimneys. As we did for internal investment works, we will issue an overall programme that will indicate when the works will be carried out in your area. In advance of us starting, we will provide you with a detailed summary of works to be undertaken, along with any works required within your neighbourhood.
Winter 2012
‘Getting to know you’
survey update H
ave you completed your ‘Getting to know you’ survey form yet? If you have, thank you. If not, there is still time to complete and return your survey form to us. If you have lost or mislaid your survey form, let us know and we will provide another one for you by contacting us (01633) 381111 / Minicom (01633) 211672. We can also help you to complete the form if you need this. Our team can make a personal appointment to visit and take your details. It will not take too long and the information you give will help us improve the services we provide to best meet residents’ needs, for example, those
Supporting your needs 2. Is there anyone in your household that is a carer? ❏ Yes ❏ No (If yes go to Q3, if no go to Q4) 3. If yes, have you/they received a Carer’s Assessment? ❏ Yes ❏ No 4. Does anyone in your household receive support from any of the following? (Please tick all that apply) Partner, joint You Other occupant householder ❏ ❏ ❏ Formal carer ❏ ❏ ❏ Informal carer (family/friend) ❏ ❏ ❏ Social Worker ❏ ❏ ❏ Support Worker ❏ ❏ ❏ Community Mental Health team ❏ ❏ ❏ Drug/alcohol support ❏ ❏ ❏ Voluntary organisation Other, please specify: 5. Do you feel you have a support need that is currently not being met? ❏ Yes ❏ No If yes, please specify your support need:
6. Who you would like us to contact in case of an emergency? Name
7. Sometimes residents prefer us to discuss issues concerning their tenancy with a third person. If you have a support worker, relative or carer who generally deals with these issues on your behalf, would you prefer us to contact them directly? (If yes we will forward you a consent form.) ❏ Yes ❏ No
Newport City Homes
Getting to Know You 3
residents who require large print are now receiving Bridge Brief in their preferred format.
Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012
‘Newport in Bloom’ T
he final judging of Newport in Bloom’s Gardening Competition took place on Thursday 12th July.
As usual the standard was very high and it was pleasing to note that more gardens had been entered this year. Newport in Bloom would like to thank all who took part and for the enthusiasm and hard work shown in creating beautiful displays that can be enjoyed by all.
Winter 2012
Housing Association
Regulatory Assessment (HARA)
n the last edition we told you that the Welsh Government Regulator had completed its regulatory assessment on the Association. We can now give you more details about the findings.
What is Regulation? All housing associations in Wales are regulated by the Welsh Government. The regulation process sets out the expectations for all housing associations and the role of the regulator is to “test” how well we are doing in achieving against agreed expectations called the ’Delivery Outcomes’. These include: • putting residents at the heart of our work • repairing and maintaining homes efficiently • managing our homes effectively
The main objective of the regulation process is to support us in delivering continually improving services to our residents.
Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012 What the Regulator concluded The Welsh Government concluded that we had made good progress since 2009 with many examples of good service but also identified areas requiring improvement. The Regulator identified the Association’s strengths including: • Strong Board governance and effective leadership • Meeting the needs of people requiring adapted and sheltered accommodation • Comprehensive approach to meeting the long term investment needs of homes • Supporting people with finance and debt management issues • Creating training and employment opportunities for local people • Demonstrating that residents are encouraged to engage and influence the design and
delivery of services • Financially sound and robust business • External painting and gas servicing delivered effectively The Regulator identified some areas for improvement, including: • Consistency of communication and customer care on investment programme work by some contractors • Need to do more to minimise the time homes are empty • The need to develop a comprehensive profile of residents to help shape the delivery of services • Consistent approach in responding to queries received from residents • Develop resident challenge to improve service outcomes • Ensure the day-to-day repairs service meets the needs of residents in an efficient and effective way
Winter 2012 What next? We will work with residents to prioritise and implement actions to further improve services. A full copy of the Welsh Government report can be
found on our website. If you do not have access to the internet but would like a copy of the report, please contact Ffion Green, Communications Officer on (01633) 227771.
Survey for Tenants and Residents (STAR) survey
s detailed in the last edition, we are undertaking a survey of your satisfaction with the services we provide. We have re-scheduled the survey date from the summer, to give our residents the opportunity to complete and return this.
edition of Bridge Brief and on our website. The results will also be used to help us identify opportunities to improve our services and will provide valuable information for our future resident challenge activities.
The survey will ask your views on all services to you including your home, your neighbourhood, repairs and housing management services. We will share the findings of the survey with you in a future Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012
Residents take up the recycling challenge in Old Barn
esidents in Old Barn (St Julian’s) have been working with us and Wastesavers in making the effort to recycle, helping Newport to reduce its waste and hit recycling targets. The city has already met the Welsh Government target of recycling 52% of our waste and Old Barn residents have recycled over 110 tonnes of waste in the last year! While households have been using their kerbside boxes and food waste caddies, residents of flats have been provided with communal recycling bins where they can recycle cans, glass, paper and plastic. Due to the success of these bins, we are working in partnership with Wastesavers
to include recycling bins for cardboard. In addition, a trial of food waste recycling for flats will be run. If successful, this could be provided for all blocks of flats in Old Barn. Each resident would be provided with a small caddy and liners for the kitchen. This would then be emptied into a communal bin, and emptied every week by the Wastesavers team. Mr Hackwood, a resident of Old Barn said: “I always use the recycling bins rather than putting it down the chute. It’s much cleaner and I feel like I am doing my bit”.
Winter 2012
Leaseholder E F
ollowing Leaseholder Panel discussions it has been agreed that the Home Ownership team will hold open surgery sessions before all future Leaseholder Panel meetings.
These sessions will provide leaseholders with an opportunity to discuss any individual matters with officers prior to the meeting. The next opportunity to attend is: Thursday 31st January 2013 at Nexus House • Home Ownership Surgery - 5-6pm • Leaseholder Panel Meeting - 6pm At the last Leaseholder Panel meeting there was a progress report on major works to leasehold properties as well as updates on specific projects, such as Cwrt Pencraig.
The Panel is always looking for new members and if you would like to be involved in discussing issues that affect you as a leaseholder or to receive updates from the Panel please call Louise Anderson on (01633) 227757 or email homeownership@
Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
Winter 2012 Dean
Who’s your Hero? We have received a lot of nominations since our last edition and, as such, will be having monthly winners of the ‘Who’s your hero?’ award. Our winner for September was Dean Thompson, Neighbourhood Officer. Dean was nominated by fellow Neighbourhood Officer, Julie McKim, for his willingness to go the extra mile to help residents and staff alike. There were two winners for October. Trevor Watkins, resident of Duffryn, was nominated by fellow Duffryn resident
Margaret Roberts, for his work supporting the local community. Lee Wainfur, Lettings Assistant, was nominated by Diane Leigh and Ffion Green from the Communications and Governance team for the support and service he gives to residents, often in challenging situations. Well done to all our winners!
If you would like to nominate a resident or staff member of the Association as your hero, please contact Ffion Green, Communications Officer on or (01633) 227771.
WinterBrief 2012 Tell us what you think about Bridge We are always looking for ways to make Bridge Brief an informative and enjoyable read and we are interested in your views about this edition. Simply fill in this questionnaire and return it to us. There is no need to add a stamp. Please respond to the following questions by ticking the appropriate box: Agree
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Bridge Brief is easy to read The size of the writing makes it easy to read There is a good balance between words and pictures If you don’t read Bridge Brief, please tell us why: .................................................................................................................................................................................
How interesting do you find the following sections of Bridge Brief? Very
Meetings and events Investment programme Community Involvement Information about running of Newport City Homes
Current information in the Bridge Brief is…
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Just enough
How can we make Bridge Brief better? .................................................................................................................................................................................
Optional Name: ............................................................................................................................................. Address/email: ............................................................................................................................ Thank you for taking the time to give us your views. Newport City Homes Housing Association Limited
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