Mark and Focus Volume 2, Issue 1

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Vol 2. Issue 1, March 2019


VOL 02/01 MARCH 2018

Building resilient cities and regions Taking the plastic out of wastewater


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Mark and Focus M a r k a nd Fo c u s cover s bo th th e r is k s a n d o p po r tu nities th e wo r l d ’s m ega -tren ds prov ide.

I N T R O DU C T I ON In the 21st Century, the world faces a wide array of mega-trends including climate change and rapid population and economic growth. With resources becoming scarce global economic and social stability is threatened. Mark and Focus covers both the risks and opportunities these mega-trends provide to business, governance, and society.

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Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1







Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

The transformation of a city in the heart of the Ruhrmetropolis B y S eba s tia n S c h l ec ht, Arc h itec t A KN W Pro j ec t m a na g er Gree n Ca pita l o f Euro pe – E s s en 2017

Being Green Capital of Europe 2017, the city of Essen became

production sites can continue to be built upon, and the past thus

a blueprint for the transformation of a city in the heart of the

becomes an important building block for future-oriented devel-

Ruhr region. The times of industrialization with expansive coal

opment and coping with the demands of climate change.

mining and steel production have given face and significance to the region, and the Ruhr area has thus become home to over

The fact that Essen was awarded the Green Capital of Europe in

5 million people. In a landscape, that 200 years ago was home

2017 is due to the skills and character of the people and insti-

to wild horses and farmers, these driving forces have created a

tutions that have emerged in former times. Through industriali-

metropolitan region, which is today the third biggest agglomera-

zation, the people in the Ruhr region have become what today

tion of central Europe. The Zollverein colliery was once the most

is seen as a great potential for the change from grey to green

productive coal mine in the world and Krupp’s steelworks are still

- people who tackle things pragmatically. People from all over

a symbol of German steel processing industry today. But global

Europe were recruited to the Ruhr area to work in mines and

changes in production and goods management have initiated an-

steelworks. The need to supply these millions of workers with

other wave of change in the Ruhr region as well and caused a

clean water and recreational opportunities in green areas also

crisis in the core industries of the region.

enabled the green genes of the city of Essen to develop as the basis for today’s successes on the way to a city worth living in

The foundation of many universities since the 1960s has continu-

and ready for the future. Embedded in regional structures and

ously transformed the region into one of the densest university

in cooperation with regional institutions and neighboring cities,

landscapes in Europe through education and science and has laid

it has been possible, after the decline of large-scale industry, to

the foundation for the transformation of the workers’ region into

master tasks that at first sight seemed insoluble.

a knowledge society. Today, the high-quality know-how of the industry and the experience in dealing with the legacies of the


TR ANSFORMATION OF A C IT Y The Emscherpark and the redevelopment of the Emscher sewer system as one of the largest landscaping construction sites in Europe has become a central pillar of the future for all cities in the region. Over 100 km long and three decades of construction time, the Emscher Cooperative and the Regional Association Regionalverband Ruhr have made it possible to finance and implement this project across the borders of many cities and several administrative districts. In an area that was once the spoil heap and a stinky sewage system of the entire region, a vision has now turned into a regional green belt with high qualities for people, climate and biodiversity. Former mining waste dumps today offer attractive leisure opportunities as landmarks and vantage points and provide the region with a new and fascinating identity. Within the framework of the international building exhibition IBA Emscherpark, architecturally high-quality industrial buildings became living places of culture and bourgeois life, embedded in new green infrastructures. Today’s Zeche Zollverein, built in the 1920s by architect Fritz Schupp and Martin Kremmer, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for Architecture in 2001. Surrounded by a park, designed according to the concepts of the Oberhausen Planning Group, which turned the pioneering plants of the post-industrial standstill into an area of experience and recreation, the site today offers a demonstrably very high diversity of species combined with a high quality of living and a wide range of leisure activities for the people in the north of Essen. The space potential and the meanwhile undoubtedly good reputation of this ensemble today also offers space for new jobs, museums, congresses and the Folkwang University of arts. Large brownfields and polluted soils present a technical and social challenge, but also offer enormous potential for the forwardlooking development of the city. Huge areas can still be newly developed close to the city center and offer opportunities to meet the demands of the future. The fact that these green infrastructures are also an important motor for further investments is clearly shown in the current development. New innovative housing projects are developing thanks to green and blue infrastructures in so far rather second-rate locations. With the Krupp Park, landscape architect Andreas Kipar has created a green infrastructure with a comprehensive rainwater system and a lake as part of the land development of the former steelworks, which once covered an area of 230 hectares. Through efficient soil management and modern design, the Krupp Park combines an attractive topography with a wide range of sports and leisure facilities. As a nucleus, the first construction phase with a size of 12 ha, Krupp Park South, was opened in 2009. A further 23 ha are still in the implementation of the second step. As a trigger for the further development of the Altendorf district, a variety of new projects are being launched. With the Thelengruppe, a trend-setting residential construction project for 1500 residential units on the neighboring property could be developed, which in 2018 has been started. On a total area of 52 hectares, the apartments will be complemented by new employment opportunities and commercial space in a central urban location. With a share of 20%, green and water areas and an advanced water, energy, and mobility approach the project will meet the requirements of a future-oriented urban district. A success story of many years of continuous cooperation between different institutions and the local construction industry is also the project New Ways to Water, and it was also an important contribution to the title of “Green Capital of Europe - Essen 2017�, which the city of Essen was awarded in 2015 after a 3-year application phase by the European Commission. After the decline of the major industries, the region has been able to absorb many challenges, but unemployment is still high and remains an important task. The New Ways to Water concept combines the special needs of the long-term unemployed with the goals of qualification and further training and the necessary conversion of industrial infrastructures. With more than 500 single projects, a green-blue network was built over many years, one by one, connecting the Ruhr in the south and the Emscher in the north of the city via converted former industrial railway lines and maintenance roads of former sewage facilities. Over 370 long-term unemployed were reintegrated into the labor market and many km of high-quality green corridors with walkways and cycle paths are now available to every citizen in the city. These paths also connect important green spaces and parks and offer alternative routes away from car traffic in everyday life and for leisure activities. A creative solution for the benefit of all, which has been a great success even in times of tight municipal budgets, and for the city of Essen this is an important contribution to climate-friendly urban development. In the Ruhr valley, south of the city of Essen, the Ruhrverband is the controlling force that has turned this once dirtiest industrial river in Europe into a clean water again today, wherein the year of the Green Capital, after 46 years of prohibition, the first official bathing spot could be opened. The water quality there can now be guaranteed in accordance with the European Bathing Water Directive from


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

a newly invented stream water warning and control system. Here, too, the power of regional cooperation can be seen in the important function of the Ruhrverband institution. The securing of the water quality of the Ruhr over a length of 209 km and beyond for the associated tributaries is only one field of action of the association. With 60 member-municipalities, it is also responsible for the ecological interests of the area, hydroelectric power plants, leisure, and recreational facilities, and much more. The legacies of the past offer this region opportunities and, out of necessity, exemplary solutions. Solutions to problems that many places in the world are facing in similar situations. But all this must not hide the fact that in the past many profitable strategies have caused damage to the environment, which can now be repaired on the surface only, in order to preserve an environment for the living of over 5 million people - and to prepare it for the future. The damage to the region caused by industry and the abandoned mines, which reach up to 1000 meters underground, will continue to burden this region and must be constantly maintained, guarded and financed. The consequential costs of industrialization will continue to be paid for by many generations. So, it is all the more important for us today to develop sustainable solutions and be prepared for future opportunities. Publications: “Green up your Life – Lebe Dein Grünes Wunder” Documentation on the green capital year 2017 Concept & Editorial: Melanie Kemner, Markus Pließnig, Sebastian Schlecht © Klartext Verlag, Essen 2018 ISBN 978-3-8375-2019-4 Download: Dokumentation_22x27_96dpi.pdf Conference documentation “European Future Formats - results, modes of effect and shared features of European Future Formats based on the Ruhr Metropolis example”: Links: Essen – Green Capital of Europe 2017: Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex: zollverein unesco world heritage site: Essen 51 Project Site: Krupp Park Redevelopment: Homepage Emschergenossenschaft: Homepage Ruhrverband: Homepage Regionalverband Ruhr (RVR) International Building Exhibition Emscher Park: Photo credit: By Tuxyso / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0,





Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Pursuing Better Water Governance and Better Legislation B y Dr. Dio nysia -Th eo do ra Avger in o po ul o u, D i re c to r o f the Eu ro pea n I n s titute o f Law, S c ien ce & Tec h n o l o g y Vi ce C ha ir, Steer ing Com m ittee, G l o ba l Water Pa r tn er s h ip

The European Institute of Law, Science and Technology (EILST)

4. Biosciences and research in genetics;

is a not-for-profit, research organization, established in 2004,

5. Intellectual property and artificial intelligence and

that seeks to improve international, regional and national

6. Social sciences, including psychology and law.

laws and policies by better integration of scientific and technological achievements in laws and promote innovation for

EILST puts a special emphasis on projects and technology

the benefit of humanity. EILST headquarters are in Athens,

transfer to developing countries, while it has a special sec-

Greece by its Statute of incorporation, while it has held of-

tion on Woman, Law and Sciences, and Youth Empowerment

fices in Brussels, Belgium. The Member of the Board of Di-

and Education for all. EILST supports a low carbon economy,

rectors originate from Belgium, Spain, and Greece, while the

a zero-waste society, a smart inclusive sustainable develop-

participants and researchers of the EILST originate from more

ment and a high level of education for all. EILST promotes the

than 20 countries all over the world.

Development Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Over the last decade, EILST keeps building effective platforms for dialogue among legal experts, natural scientists, innova-

EILST offers state-of-the-art advisory services in the afore-

tors, Governments and the business community, while it pro-

mentioned fields of expertise. It provides legal advice, includ-

motes research and innovation in six (6) pillars:

ing intellectual property issues, that relates with innovations

1. Environment, climate change, water, and renewable

and project ideas; it initiates and leads innovative projects


especially in the fields of environment, climate, and energy; it

2. Air and space technologies;

runs platforms for finance for innovative projects, as well as

3. Telecommunications and IoT;

educational seminars.


B E T T ER WATER GOVERNANC E A ND BE T T ER LEGIS LAT IO N EILST has also issued a peer-reviewed e-journal, the European Journal of Law, Science & Technology (Eur. J. Law, Science & Tech.). Historical Background The initial idea of founding the EILST was inspired the work of Justice Stephen G. Breyer, a major scholar and Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, who is among the authors that have developed important scholarship on regulating environmental issues, among others, along the lines of Plato’s philosophy, based on scientific knowledge. Moreover, he was the founder of the Institute of Law, Science and Technology, a consulting and research organization based in the United States, which aimed to further integrate existing scientific knowledge into policy and law-making processes in areas where existing technologies and scientific knowledge were able to provide more effective solutions to contemporary issues than traditional decision-making processes. The work of the Institute of Law, Science and Technology combined with the inspirational lessons offered by Prof. Lisa Heinzerling, Georgetown University Law Center, about international environmental law and climate change, motivated us to establish the EILST. At the same time similar discussions where happening inside the European Commission, such as the Directorate – General for Legal Services, on how they could better link research with law and other expert groups within or outside the Commission, while, up to that point, there was no such mechanism to link innovative technological advances with the legislation process of the European Commission at that time. On that occasion, EILST was first established in Brussels and then Athens in 2004 being among the very first European institutions to address, in depth, the issue of knowledge management, covering, beyond the environmental aspect, a multitude of other issues. Main Fields of Activities of EILST Space Technologies The EILST seeks both to support activities regarding space law and technologies and to promote several initiatives in the field, such as “Space education for all”, which includes a series of lectures and education activities by our team addressing people of all ages and educational levels. Other fields that the institute has dealt with space technologies include national defense and military telecommunications and agriculture. In relation to the environmental aspect of EILST’s activities, those include promotion of earth observation and monitoring of our natural resources, as well as for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and especially for the prevention, preparedness, and reconstruction in cases of natural disasters, under the Institute’s initiative “Gaia Protection”. Financing of new technologies and start-ups in space sector is one of the latest additions in our activities regarding space. We provide consulting and networking with both public and private sources of finance. Environment – Energy – Water – Environmental Disasters The main field of EILST’s actions is the environmental dimension with the purpose to assist in adapting to climate change and transition towards a green economy and a sustainable way of living through the promotion of technological innovations and breakthroughs. Under this mandate, ELST undertakes a wide range of projects and initiatives, like in the field of sustainable agriculture, where it promotes projects on technological innovation, e.g. (a) the use of drones for identification of maturity of crops, (b) the use of technical indicators for the measurement of humidity in order to minimize the use of water in agriculture. Indicatively, in the waste management aspect, EILST assisted the Municipality of Ancient Olympia, Greece, to successfully join an EU Project on Innovative Waste Management and LIFE+ EU Project, along with the Island of Naxos in 2015. The institute’s actions in supporting the adaptation process to climate change are closely related to the response and preparedness against environmental disasters. For instance, the EILST played a research and coordination role after the mega-fires in Greece in 2007, assisted other NGOs after the earthquake in Haiti, while its delegation visited Haifa after the fire in 2010. Even recently, following the unspeakable tragedy that occurred in Mandra, in Western Attica, Greece, in 2017, the EILST filed a memorandum in regards to the recent floods in the area and the way forward in the prevention, protection, preparedness, and recovery from floods both from a governmental and technical point of view.


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

In regards to the marine biodiversity protection, EILST has supported the establishment of MPAs (marine protected areas) in the Mediterranean Sea. EILST has worked along with Mr. Pierre Yves Cousteau, Founder of Cousteau Divers, by organizing a public presentation of his work and project in cooperation with Prof. Simopoulos, Prof. of Astrophysics, and the Planetarium in Athens, Greece. EILST has also worked with Mr. Eric Salas, a National Geographic Oceanographer and a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, in order to translate and present a film produced by National Geographic featuring Mr. Salas about the protection of marine environment in the Greek public. In relations to the water protection and management, EILST has played a vital role in the legal qualification of ship repair waste as ship-generated waste by issuing an advisory note. This legal qualification raised the need to harmonize national legislation and supported that ship repair waste fall under the regulatory framework of Protocol V of the MARPOL 73/78. In addition, the institute participated in many Davos related events, where its experts had the chance to raise awareness and demand a significant increase for funding water infrastructure. Working as a platform for dialogue among legal experts, natural scientists, innovators, Governments and the business community, the EILST has promoted several technological innovations and advances that satisfy the three pillars of the sustainable development and help the transition towards it, as is the case for environmentally-friendly technologies, such as the technologies to carbon capture and re-use enabling the monetization of local gas sources and the utilization of waste carbon faced with the increased levels of CO2. Projects EILST comprises of a large series of initiatives and projects and is being supported by a variety of researches, consultants and thought leaders. Most of the previous and current projects that we develop or promote could be placed under the roadmap of sustainable development. The EILST has, for instance, supported, among other, the Cyclades Preservation Fund, which aim is to help preserve the exceptional beauty and natural value and to promote and support sustainable initiatives on Cyclades, Greece, by developing a Scoping Report. The report covered each of the issues of concern that the Cyclades Preservation Fund chooses to distribute grants to marine conservation, landscape protection, cultural preservation (including local food), waste management, clean water, and renewable energy etc. In the report, the Institute highlighted the need for a single, comprehensive and integrated water management policy, acknowledging the particular hydrogeological and meteorological conditions prevailing in the Cyclades and aiming to tackle the problem of water scarcity in these islands. In addition, Even in the field of humanitarian aid, EILST has assisted a French NGO Autopia to provide educational and hygiene services in a refugee camp in Mirsini, Municipality of Andravida-Kyllini, Prefecture of Ilia, Greece. Autopia provided environmental education and developed environmental mini-projects within the camp, such as recycling and water management. The European Institute is currently running the project “Capture, storage and reuse of CO2” with the ultimate purpose being the identification of the shortcomings of the legislative framework in regards to the waste management of the CO2. The legal analysis will result in a series of based on the critical analysis of various case studies. EILST has, also, worked closely with the Circle of the Mediterranean Parliamentarians on Sustainable Development for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea, including issues of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), sustainable agriculture, and the restoration/depletion of beaches after coastal erosion has occurred. Cyclades islands and Western Peloponnese were in the center of this effort. Awards and Distinctions EILST is offering – on a non-regular and exceptional basis – a honorary award to personalities for their contribution to the benefit of mankind. The most recent awards have been presented to: • Prof. Nicolas Chronis, Prof. of Ann-Arbor, Michigan USA, for his research in the development of effective disease monitoring and prevention mechanisms in Africa; • Hon. Nectarios Polychroniou, Consul of Botswana to Greece, for his contribution to the reconstruction after the wildfires in Western Greece in 2007 that destroyed the majority of the forest capital of the area; • Ms. Marianna Vardinogianni, President of the Elpida Institute against Children Cancer and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.


BE T T ER WATE R GOVE RN ANC E A ND BE T T ER LEGIS LAT IO N E-Journal The European Journal of Law, Science & Technology was established back in 2015 in order to publish both the work done by the researchers of EILST and also submissions by other scholars. During the first two years, the Journal was published in hard copy, while in 2016 we decided to convert it in an electronic version, in order the journal to be easier to access from around the world. We accept submissions for publication all year round in all sectors of activity of the EILST. The e-mail address for submitting articles is: Internships We run a program of internships for students and recent graduates over the last ten years. The Internship Program hosted students from both Europe and the USA, while it is open for candidates from all countries. Since 2018, EILST has commenced an internship program along with Georgetown University Law Center. We have already hosted our first intern and we are in the process of selecting the second one. The e-mail address for submitting your resume for an internship is: The way ahead There is an imperative, observed need to endorse the field of sustainable finance within the course of the following years. Having stated that, over the last two years, we have developed a new sector in EILST: sustainable finance, focusing on climate, green and responsible finance. We strongly believe that innovation in technology and law has to be supported financially in order to be implemented. We have already concluded the drafting of a guide for the financing opportunities that a Region could have available by the European Commission. The guide is available upon request. The next publication that is now under development focuses on whether there is a fiduciary duty / legal obligation to protect the environment and climate finance through finance, following the global tendency of even more and more investments to be oriented in climate-related projects around the world, in both developed and developing countries, such as in renewable energy sources (RES), energy efficiency buildings, ships and smart cities and energy savings. Dr. Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou, Vice-Chair, Steering Committee, Global Water Partnership (GWP) Politician, f. Member of the Hellenic Parliament and Chair of the Environment Committee of the Hellenic Parliament, Chair of the Mediterranean Parliamentarians on Sustainable Development, Director of the European Institute of Law, Science & Technology, Attorney at Law, specialized in International Environment, Energy, Water and Climate Change Law and Finance. Photo credit:


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1



Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Wasser 3.0 – “Innovation made in Germany” – How can we remove microplastics efficiently from our waters?

B y D r. K atr in S c hu hen, Pro j ec t Lea der R & D at Wa s s er 3.0

Since 2015, the team Wasser 3.0 around initiator Dr. Katrin

household washing process. During washing, the mechanical

Schuhen has been researching a new approach to the remov-

stress on the laundry releases fibers and particles that enter

al of unwanted plastic particles, so-called microplastic, from

the wastewater. Once in the sewage treatment plant, the

the (waste) water. In the project Wasser 3.0 - PE-X the re-

wastewater is standardized in three stages. Many substances

searchers and developers are now facing the implementation

can be removed here. For organic-chemical compounds (drugs

of the technology in a pilot plant.

and their degradation products) or microplastic, removal in this cleaning process takes place only partially or not at all.

Plastics are omnipresent in today’s society [1]. Mainly the

The result is that wastewater treatment plants emit between

chemical macromolecules are processed as packaging mate-

10 and 60 grams of microfibers per day into the water. Since

rial, in the automotive industry or in toys. Despite the advan-

animals (including crayfish, fish) cannot distinguish between

tageous properties such as chemical stability, non-existent

food and plastic, these microplastic particles enter the food

water solubility (thus visible as impurity), ductility, flexibility,

chain. In the process, they can eventually reach our table and

density, high strength, low conductivity, longevity and resist-

our bodies (Figure 1) [11-14].

ance to external influences, which make the plastics indispensable for everyday use, they belong to substances that cause

Secondary microplastics are caused by changes in the material

significant damage to the environment [2-10].

properties of plastics through chemical, biological or physical influences (together environmental influences). These influ-

Part of the primary microplastic cargo in the sewage comes

ences cause macro- and mesoplastics to become brittle and

from products of the cosmetics industry such as toothpaste

they can then be broken down by physical or physical-chemi-

or peeling. Another part enters the water through the usual

cal processes. These comminution processes transformed the


WASSER 3.0 plastics into small particles, the secondary microplastics. This form of microplastic also ends up in the water cycle and, sooner or later, also in the wastewater of our wastewater treatment plants.

Figure 1: Microplastics in the environment: Entry path, release into the environment and distribution ways (© Wasser 3.0) Organic chemical compounds such as microplastics or highly viscous oligomers cannot be eliminated within the fourth purification stage of a sewage treatment plant by activated charcoal. These synthetically produced, organic-chemical macromolecules are characterized in that they undergo no or only a very slow chemical reaction/degradation. These are polymers to which a variety of additives (e.g. flame retardants, UV absorbers, plasticizers, etc.) are often added to improve their properties [2, 15]. Due to the fundamentally different physicochemical properties towards dissolved organic-chemical or inorganic-chemical stressors, the use of activated carbon is excluded in the elimination of microplastics compared to the elimination of dissolved trace elements. At present, only very cost-intensive and inefficient wastewater processes such as micro-, nano- and ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis are used for the removal of microplastics [16]. These can so far ensure a slight particle separation, but this is limited. Among other things, micro- and ultrafiltration cannot retain nutrients and trace elements such as sulfates, chlorides, nitrates, pesticides or humic substances. Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis can remove these, but in a “dead-end filtration” they are covered too fast with a layer of other dirt particles and require frequent cleaning and rinsing intervals. By filtration method such. as cloth filter systems in the treatment plant Oldenburg, it is possible to reduce 97% of the total load of microplastic particles (from 1131 to 29 microplastic particles and fibers) and to ensure a retention of plastic particles up to a certain size (depending on the pore diameter) [17]. A disadvantage of this method is that the filters can clog quickly, which is why backwashing is necessary and thus the cleaning process must be interrupted. By mechanical stress of the cloth filter, additional microplastic particles/fibers are generated, which constitute a so-called secondary source. Wasser 3.0 – What is all about? Together with the specialty chemical manufacturers abcr GmbH and Zahnen Technik GmbH, the research and development team of synthetic chemists, environmental scientists, and sewage technicians work on adaptable systems that bind pollutants in a water-induced reaction and, due to the resulting particle growth, make the totality of unwanted particles easily separable [18-20]. The first efficient procedure for the removal of microplastics from wastewater was successfully tested in a pilot test at the WWTP EW Landau 2017. It uses inorganic-organic hybrid silica gels, which, in modified form, can also be used to remove reactive organic stressors, which include drugs, their degradation products or even pesticides [21-23].


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Figure 2: left: SEM image of a polyethylene particle (scale 200 Οm) as it comes from the production plant; right: agglomerate of particles and adhesion growth promoter (scale 1 mm) [24] Using the principle of cloud point technology, a novel separation technique has been developed which, on the one hand, induces particle growth and, through the floating of the particle composites, on the other hand, allows easier separation according to the prior state of the art [25-27]. The concept developed by Herbort and Schuhen is based on a three-step synthesis, which includes localization, agglomeration and the inclusion of microplastic particles, has been continuously simplified in the course of research and revised in terms of resource efficiency and cost-effectiveness [18]. The work is based on the hypothesis that Van der Waal’s short-range interactions and localized hydrophobic interactions between precursor and/or material and the microplastic particles to be bound can induce fixation by the formation of an inclusion bond with particle growth [28, 29]. By adding silicon-based (eco-)toxicologically insignificant monomer units, it is possible to initiate a molecular self-assembly with the hydrophobic stressors in an aggregation process induced by (waste) water. This leads to a phase separation, which agglomerates with a 10,000-fold larger volume (diameter: 2-3 cm) float and then by effective and inexpensive filtration methods (e.g. sand trap, grease), the polymer extract can be separated from the aquatic medium [30].

Figure 3: Insight into the transfer attempt. Even in a 2000 l reactor, the laboratory tests led to the goal; left: Addition of microplastic to the process water, right: After reaction with the agglomeration reagent large, floating particle groups form [31]. (Š Wasser 3.0)


WASSER 3.0 The next steps… Team Wasser 3.0 continues to work under pressure. Now that the microplastic elimination is elaborated and the system technology is developed, the next stages of implementation are on. In 2019 the market transfer will take place. Wasser 3.0 will bring an adaptable purification stage for wastewater treatment plants that works and can be used as a sustainable, efficient and cost-effective process for all dissolved and suspended organic chemical stressors to the markets around the world. Acknowledgment The research projects of Wasser 3.0 ( are carried out by the financial support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy through the provision of ZIM funding (Central Innovation Program for SMEs). The companies abcr GmbH from Karlsruhe and Zahnen Technik GmbH from Arzfeld are direct project-involved industrial partners. The project receives analytical support from SAS Hagmann in Horb am Neckar and Limbach Analytics GmbH from Mannheim. Katrin Schuhen Wasser 3.0 / abcr GmbH, Im Schlehert 10, 76187 Karlsruhe (Partner for specialty chemicals) Wasser 3.0 / Zahnen Technik GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 24, 54687 Arzfeld (Partner for plant construction and engineering) Homepage: Email: (Katrin Schuhen) Tel: 0721 950610 (Head office of abcr GmbH) Tel: 06550 92900 (Head office of Zahnen Technik GmbH) This article was first published in German in Umweltmagazin June 2018. Photo credit: By Peter Charaff -, CC BY-SA 4.0, References [1] Duis, K.; Coors, A.: Microplastics in the aquatic and terrestrial environment: sources (with a specific focus on personal care products), fate and effects, Environ. Sci. Eur, 2016, 28, 2, S. 1240ff. [2] Andrady, A.L.: Microplastics in the marine environment, Mar. Pollut. Bull, 2011, 62, S. 1596 –1605. [3] PlasticsEurope: Plastics - the Facts. An analysis of European latest plastics production, demand and waste data, Association of Plastics Manufacturers, Brussels, Belgium 2013. astics_the_facts_PubOct2013.pdf. [4] PlasticsEurope: Plastics - the Facts. An analysis of European latest plastics production, demand and waste data. Association of Plastics Manufacturers, Brussels, Belgium 2016. [5] PlasticsEurope: Plastics - the Facts. An analysis of European plastics production, demand and waste data. Association of Plastics Manufacturers, Brussels, Belgium 2015. [6] PlasticsEurope: Plastics - the Facts. An analysis of European latest plastics production, demand and waste data. Association of Plastics Manufacturers, Brussels, Belgium 2014. astics_the_facts_PubFeb2015.pdf. [7] PlasticsEurope: Plastics - the Facts. An analysis of European latest plastics production, demand and waste data, Association of Plastics Manufacturers, Brussels, Belgium 2017.


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

[8] Domininghaus, H.; Eyerer, P.: Die Kunststoffe und ihre Eigenschaften, 6th ed., Berlin, Springer, 2005. [9] Synthetische Kunststoffe. Spektrum. [10] Barnes, D.K.; Galgani, F.; Thompson, R.C.; Barlaz, M.: Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci, 2009, 364, S. 1985–1998. [11] Zettler, E.R.; Mincer, T.J.; Amaral-Zettler, L.A.: Life in the “plastisphere”: microbial communities on plastic marine debris, Environ. Sci. Technol, 2013, 47, S. 7137–7146. [12] Harrison, J.P.; Schratzberger, M.; Sapp, M.; Osborn, A.M.: Rapid bacterial colonization of low-density polyethylene microplastics in coastal sediment microcosms, BMC Microbiol, 2014, 14, S. 232ff. [13] Sundt, P., Schulze, P.-E., Syversen, F., Sources of microplastics-pollution to the marine environment. Eingesehen am 06.12.2016. [14] Avio, C.G.; Gorbi, S.; Regoli, F.: Plastics and microplastics in the oceans: From emerging pollutants to emerged threat, Mar. Environ. Res, 2017, 128, S. 2–11. [15] Umweltbundesamt: Grafik: Wie lange braucht der Müll im Meer um abgebaut zu werden?. [16] Rummler, M.; Harmjanßen, K.: Abschlussbericht Möglichkeiten der Elimination prioritärer Stoffe in der Kläranlage Stadtlohn, 2014, S. 1-92. [17] Mintenig, S.; Int-Veen, I.; Löder, M.G.; Primpke, S.; Gerdts, G.: Identification of microplastic in effluents of waste water treatment plants using focal plane array-based micro-Fourier-transform infrared imaging, Water Res, 2017, 108, S. 365–372. [18] Herbort, A.F.; Schuhen, K.: A concept for the removal of microplastics from the marine environment with innovative hostguest relationships, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res, 2017, 24, S. 11061–11065. [19] Herbort, A.F.; Sturm, M.T.; Hiller, C.; Schuhen, K.: Ökologische Chemie von Nano- und Mikroplastik – Ab wann werden Alltagshelfer zum Umweltproblem? GWF Wasser Abwasser, 2017, S. 75 – 83. [20] Herbort, A.F.; Sturm, M.T.; Schuhen, K.: A new approach for the agglomeration and subsequent removal of polyethylene, polypropylene, and mixtures of both from freshwater systems–a case study, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res, 2018, S. 1–9. [21] Herbort, A.F.; Schuhen, K.: Problem erkannt - Mikroplastik in kommunalen Kläranlagen nachhaltig entfernen. http://www. [22] Herbort, A.F.; Schuhen, K.: Zwei Betrachtungswinkel: Kunststoffe – die Alltagshelfer oder Mikroplastik – das Umweltproblem?, Mitteilungen Fachgr. Umweltchem. Ökotoxikol, 23. Jahrg. 2017, 4, S. 111 – 114. [23] Herbort, A.F.; Sturm, M.T.; Ney, B.; Schuhen, K.: Wasser 3.0 – PEX: Wie kann man anthropogene Stressoren (reaktiv und inert) nachhaltig und effizient sowie kostengünstig aus dem (Ab-)Wasser entfernen?, wwt - Wasserwirtsch. Wassertech, 2018, S. 14 – 17. [24] Herbort, A.F.; Sturm, M.T.; Hiller, C.; Schuhen, K.: Nano- und Mikroplastik – Braucht es eine komplizierte Einzelstoffdetektion bei der Gewässeranalytik? Umdenken mit dem Wasser 3.0 – PEI?!, GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift (03/2017), veröffentlicht am 13.03.2017.2017. [25] Melnyk, A.; Namieśnik, J.; Wolska, L.: Theory and recent applications of coacervate-based extraction techniques, TrAC Trends Anal. Chem., 2015, 71, S. 282–292. [26] Samaddar, P.; Sen, K.: Cloud point extraction: A sustainable method of elemental preconcentration and speciation, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 2014, 20, S. 1209–1219. [27] Mukherjee, P.; Padhan, S.K.; Dash, S.; Patel, S.; Mishra, B.K.: Clouding behaviour in surfactant systems, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., 2011, 162, S. 59–79. [28] Liu, L.; Guo, Q.X.: The Driving Forces in the Inclusion Complexation of Cyclodextrins, J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem., 2002, 42, S. 1–14. [29] Abraham, M.H.: Free energies, enthalpies, and entropies of solution of gaseous nonpolar nonelectrolytes in water and nonaqueous solvents. The hydrophobic effect. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1982, 104, S. 2085–2094. [30] Wasser 3.0 - Mikroplastikelimination, [31] DWA Landestagung Baden-Württemberg, Fellbach, 12.10.-13.10.2017, Tagungsbandbeitrag DWA, Fellbach, 2017.


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

R. Brears

The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus ▶ -Presents a series of case studies that illustrate how cities, states, nations and regions of differing climates, lifestyles and incomelevels have implemented policies to reduce water-energy-food nexus pressures-Discusses the components of the food-water-energy nexus and the pressures it faces from rapid economic growth and climate change-Provides a review of the various fiscal and non-fiscal tools available for reducing the global demand on the water, energy and food sectors

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This book argues that a variety of policies will be required to create synergies between the water-energy-food nexus sectors while reducing trade-offs in the development of a green economy. Despite rising demand for water, energy and food globally, the governance of water-energy-food sectors has generally remained separate with limited attention placed on the interactions that exist between them. Brears provides readers with a series of in-depth case studies of leading cities, states, nations and regions of differing climates, lifestyles and income-levels from around the world that have implemented a variety of policy innovations to reduce water-energy-food nexus pressures and achieve green growth. The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus will be of interest to town and regional planners, resource conservation managers, policymakers, international companies and organisations interested in reducing water-energy-food nexus pressures, environmental NGOs, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students.

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Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

The Circular Water Economy B y R o ber t C. Brea r s

Since the Industrial Revolution, the total amount of waste has

waste. In the context of water resources management, cities

increased exponentially as economic growth has been based

and their respective water utilities are beginning to promote

on a ‘take-make-consume-dispose’ model. This linear model

the reduction of water consumption, reuse of water, and re-

assumes that resources are abundant, available, and cheap

covery of materials from wastewater.

to dispose of. Reducing water consumption However, the linear model faces significant challenges from

Water utilities are using a variety of demand management

a variety of mega-trends including rapid population and eco-

tools to reduce water consumption including pricing of wa-

nomic growth, rapid urbanization, and climate change im-

ter, reducing leakages in the system, metering all customers,

pacting the availability and quality of resources for sustain-

using subsidies and rebates to encourage the installation of

able development. Regarding water, by 2050 global demand

water-efficient technologies and appliances in businesses and

for water will outstrip supply under a business-as-usual sce-

homes, and education and awareness initiatives that educate

nario, while water quality will deteriorate further: already

the public on the need to use water wisely. The overall aim of

80% of the world’s wastewater is released into the environ-

demand management is to modify the attitudes and behavior

ment with no treatment.

of customers towards water during both normal and atypical times.

Transition towards the circular economy Around the world, there is a transition towards the ‘circular

Anglian Water’s Bits and Bobs program

economy’ that focuses on the 3Rs of reducing material con-

Anglian Water services the fastest growing region of the UK

sumption, reusing materials, and recovering materials from

and will face variable weather in the future. As part of Anglian


C I R CULAR WATE R ECONO M Y Water’s drive to reduce water consumption by 20 liters per day, the utility has initiated its Bits and Bobs program that involves free water-saving home visits that include the distribution of free water-saving devices. During the visit, a member of the utility will provide homeowners with water saving advice as well as fit water-saving products where possible. Some of the free items include a dual flush converter that helps reduce the volume of water used with each flush by up to 50%, tap inserts for around the house, and an Eco Pulse shower head that achieves the temperature and powerful flow of traditional shower heads with only 40-60% of the water supply by creating tiny gaps between droplets. Toronto Water’s MyWaterToronto Toronto Water’s MyWaterToronto water meter program lets customers view their water use information online anytime, anywhere, and on any device (laptop, mobile). Customers can view their total and average water use by day, month, or year in an easy-to-read graph or chart format. Extra details including temperature and precipitation can be added to help water users connect water usage with climatic conditions. Recycling water Water reuse involves collecting, treating, and reusing wastewater (recycling). It can also involve the re-use of greywater or rainwater in houses or buildings. Recycled water can be used for non-potable uses e.g. industrial, agriculture etc. If treated appropriately recycled water can be blended with surface or groundwater to increase supplies. This reduces the economic and environmental costs related to establishing new water supplies. Singapore’s NEWater NEWater is a process involving the treating of used water into ultra-clean, high-grade reclaimed water. It provides up to 40% of Singapore’s current water needs. The reclaimed water is mainly used for industrial and air-con cooling purposes and is delivered via a dedicated pipe network. During dry periods, NEWater is added to the Public Utilities Board’s reservoirs to blend with raw water. The blended water is then treated at the waterworks before becoming potable water. By 2060, NEWater is expected to meet up to 55% of the country’s future water demand. City of Guelph’s Residential Greywater Reuse Rebate The City of Guelph, Canada, offers a $1,000 incentive for homeowners to install city- approved greywater systems. The incentive is available on a first-come, first-served basis. It is available for new homes or retrofits. The system collects greywater from household showers and baths and treats the greywater with chlorine. The treated greywater is then used to flush toilets within the home. The installed systems must meet national water quality standards for reclaimed water. Recovering resources from wastewater Traditionally, wastewater is seen as a burden that needs treating and disposing of. However, wastewater is a source of valuable resources including energy and nutrients. The positive impact of recovering resources from wastewater is additional revenue streams for utilities and mitigation of emissions. Hamburg Wasser’s urban biogas Hamburg Wasser’s 10 digester towers produce, under anaerobic conditions, 95,000 cubic meters of digester gas per day. The gas is either converted into electricity for use on-site or is fed as biomethane into the urban gas network. Urban customers can choose the wastewater treatment plant-associated biogas content in their gas supply with two different pricing options available: Alster Shore (the cheap entry-level tariff has at least 1% urban biogas content) or Alster Pearl (the premium gas tariff has at least 5% urban biogas content).


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

DC Water’s Bloom Initiative Bloom is the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority’s (DC Water) brand name for its EPA-certified Exceptional Quality biosolids product. At DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, solid materials are separated from liquid and sent to DC Water’s new state-of-the-art thermal hydrolysis process and anaerobic digesters. From there heat, pressure, and helpful bacteria remove harmful pathogens and reduce odor. The output is Bloom, a biosolid product that can be used in any area, from large farms to backyard gardens and lawns. Currently, Bloom is on sale for $3.50 per cubic meter, providing additional revenue for DC Water to mitigate the impacts of rising tariffs on its customers.

The circular economy decouples economic growth from environmental degradation Conclusions Overall, cities and their respective water utilities can transition towards the circular economy by using demand management strategies to reduce water consumption, including water-saving home visits which include the distribution of water-saving devices and online portals for customers to view their billing information, anytime, anywhere, on any device. Water utilities can ensure every drop of water is utilized by reusing water where appropriate, including reuse of water for industrial processes and reuse of water for activities that don’t require potable water e.g. flushing of toilets. Finally, valuable resources can be recovered from wastewater, including biogas for use on-site or to feed urban natural gas systems and biosolids for agricultural application. Photo credit:



Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

From Satellite to Village, Tur ning Data into Action An am b itio u s U. S . G ove r n m ent intera gen c y co l l a bo ratio n ce l e b rate s 1 3 yea r s o f em p ower in g co m m un ities a c ro s s th e wo r ld. B y Ru ssel l Stic k l o r, U S A ID

Since 2005, an ambitious collaboration between NASA and

ment. “The success of SERVIR is a result of bringing together

USAID has been quietly but steadily building the capacity of

perhaps two of the most different agencies in the federal gov-

scientific organizations, government officials, emergency re-

ernment — NASA and USAID,” says SERVIR Co-founder Dan

sponders, and communities across the developing world to

Irwin. “NASA works in space and uses the unique vantage

better handle environmental challenges and more effectively

point of space to monitor our planet, and USAID works on the

pursue resilient development. Known as SERVIR — which

ground in over 100 countries around the world. By sharing

means “to serve” in several languages — it seeks to deliver

our complementary expertise — and partnering with leading

near-real-time environmental data from Earth-orbiting satel-

technical organizations — we’re connecting space to village,

lites to data-scarce communities and scientists, and translate

creating demand-driven, actionable services using satellite

that data into tools, products, and services that can inform

data to help countries address critical issues such as floods

local decision-making on everything from land use and food

and droughts.”

production to water management and disaster risk reduction. SERVIR’s overarching goal of transferring knowledge from

Democratizing Access to Scientific Data Fuels Greater Self-

U.S. scientists and development experts to their counter-


parts abroad equips partners with the skills and information

SERVIR works hand-in-hand with institutional partners via

needed to handle environmental challenges as they arise,

four regional hubs: SERVIR-West Africa, SERVIR-Eastern and

while empowering local scientists and policymakers — and

Southern Africa, SERVIR-Eastern and Southern Africa, and

the communities they serve — to become more self-reliant.

SERVIR-Mekong. With that geographic reach, SERVIR has

Now entering its 13th year, SERVIR showcases the productive

helped streamline access to scientific data in 45 countries

potential of interagency collaboration within the U.S. Govern-

since the program’s launch. The number of beneficiary coun-


TURNI NG DATA INTO AC TIO N tries is poised to grow in the coming years as demand surges for satellite-based Earth observation data that can inform decision-making, and the new SERVIR Amazonia hub arrives in South America in 2019. Through each regional hub, SERVIR engages a primary institutional partner that helps connect NASA and USAID officials with their local counterparts. These institutional partners, such as the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in the Mekong basin, not only offer connections to national governments and development agencies, but also facilitate knowledge transfer and accelerate capacity building by helping connect local scientists, development officials, policymakers, and emergency response officials. “If we want lasting influence, we have to connect effectively to local institutions,” says Kevin Coffey with USAID’s Global Climate Change Office. How does the program know what type of data is most needed at the local level, and how to effectively translate that data into actionable information? SERVIR’s institutional partners conduct needs assessments in consultation with local stakeholders that identify information gaps. In turn, SERVIR is able to more effectively gather and distribute the data in highest demand, and help integrate this information into technical tools and services that assist communities in making better-informed choices about land use and economic development. “While dealing with the different stakeholders, it is important to understand their needs and capabilities.” “While dealing with the different stakeholders, it is important to understand their needs and capabilities,” says Faith Mitheu, water and disasters thematic lead for SERVIR Eastern and Southern Africa. “This way, it will be easy to bridge the gap between science and policy by developing sound products that can be easily used for decision-making.” When applied correctly, Earth observation data can strengthen national and international systems by enhancing the monitoring, forecasting, and overall awareness of hazards and impacts. It further creates greater self-reliance in countries where SERVIR is active, enabling disaster managers to prepare for and respond to natural disasters, building resilience in the face of the next extended drought, and mitigating against the worst impacts of future floods. Empowering local scientists to serve as translators of scientific data gleaned from NASA satellites is of critical importance to SERVIR’s overall mission. “Making satellite data freely available is a start,” says Eric Anderson, NASA/SERVIR Associate Chief Scientist and disaster theme lead, “but we need people who can make free data useful and relevant to unique decision-makers’ most pressing needs.” “The most important and exciting aspect of SERVIR is working with local partners to co-develop cutting-edge, satellite-based services.” For that reason, “the most important and exciting aspect of SERVIR is working with local partners to co-develop cutting-edge, satellite-based services,” Irwin adds. “In fact, part of our design is that SERVIR hubs and their end users will fully operate and manage the services when they are completed. Moreover, we’re seeing hubs across the network sharing their expertise with other hubs, so SERVIR is a great example of both south-south and north-south exchange.” Getting Ahead of the Next Drought or Flood Improving disaster preparedness and increasing the speed and efficiency of emergency response are critical aspects of SERVIR’s mission. This is particularly true with water-related disasters, which can expose communities to catastrophic flooding, infrastructure damage, prolonged drought, and crop failure, as well as other economic and health impacts. Through its regional hubs, SERVIR funnels satellite-based Earth observation data concerning land use and flood hazard zones to local officials to bolster communities’ disaster preparedness and response in the wake of such disasters.


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

How does it work in practice? One night in late July, a rupture of the Xe Namnoy Xe Pian Dam in Laos sent more than 130 billion gallons of water cascading into downstream communities located along the Xe Pian and Xe Khong rivers in Laos’ Attapeu province, displacing thousands. The SERVIR-Mekong team responded immediately, teaming up with NASA’s Disasters Program, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and the European Space Agency to obtain satellite imagery that penetrated the thick cloud cover above the floodstricken region and provided emergency response teams on the ground with near-real-time information about the movement of floodwaters in the days following the dam break. These efforts not only contributed to a more effective flood response from local authorities, but also helped gauge the socio-economic impacts of the flood, as SERVIR-Mekong’s institutional partners combined satellite data with infrastructure maps, land-use maps, and topographic information to measure the depth of floodwaters in particular areas and fine-tune estimates for flood-related economic damages.

The red rectangle shows the location of a July 2018 dam break in southern Laos’ Attapeu province. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Matt Radcliff Such holistic efforts are “truly novel,” says John Bolten, SERVIR Applied Sciences Team member and Associate Program Manager of water resources for the NASA Applied Sciences Program, who helped lead this past summer’s flood-mapping efforts in the Mekong region.

An aerial view of southern Laos revealing a reservoir on the Xe-Namnoy River, several months before a dam break flooded downstream communities. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Landsat/Matt Radcliff As the SERVIR-Mekong team and its local partners further refine flood hazard mapping tools, they are examining the potential for such tools to assist with emergency response in communities along flood-prone waterways in other regions where SERVIR is active. By combining satellite imagery with socio-economic and land-use data, SERVIR empowers local officials and communities to stay one step ahead of the next flood or drought to reduce injury and loss of life, mitigate infrastructure damage, and


TURNI NG DATA INTO AC TIO N minimize the short-term and long-term impact of water-related emergencies. As water scarcity intensifies in many areas of the world and traditional precipitation patterns grow more erratic, SERVIR’s ability to enhance flood and drought monitoring is an area rich with potential. After all, says Bolten, “You can’t manage what you can’t monitor.” A Global Footprint With local partners increasingly taking the lead in turning Earth observation data into actionable tools and services and working to integrate scientific data into the policymaking process within their respective countries, the future is looking bright. In addition to improving knowledge transfer and continuing its capacity building work, SERVIR’s U.S.-based staff are continuing to lower existing barriers to access Earth observation data — a critical component to sustaining the positive impact of SERVIR for years to come. “It’s a very exciting endeavor for us, to continue promoting our free access to data,” says Bolten. To that end, SERVIR is now looking into how cloud-based information storage services can be used to more seamlessly connect datagathering satellites with data-scarce communities on the ground. To inform its future growth, SERVIR has engaged in rigorous evaluation of its programming in recent years. The product of this self-reflection, SERVIR’s Service Planning Toolkit, released in September 2017, encompasses lessons learned and best practices, and represents “the way we think is the right way to do things,” says USAID’s Coffey. “It was collectively done by USAID and NASA, and both sides are quite proud of it.” Already, the toolkit is being put into action as SERVIR plans the launch of its newest hub — in South America’s Amazon basin — and continues to grow its global footprint. Additional Resources: • SERVIR on • SERVIR Global • SERVIR Global on YouTube • SERVIR Service Planning Toolkit • SERVIR Global: A Retrospective Report: 2014–2018 • USAID Office of Global Climate Change • NASA ________________________________________ This article appears in Global Waters, Vol. 9, Issue 6; for past issues of the magazine, visit Global Waters’ homepage on




Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

What cities can learn from human bodies

B y N a d ine G a l l e, M eta bo l ic Fo un datio n

Recently, I spoke on the Oslo Urban Arena stage to discuss the

At Metabolic, we think there’s a lot our cities can learn from

potential of urban metabolism and the evidence-based inter-

natural systems such as human bodies. And as you might

ventions we’re working on to accelerate circular cities. Here I

have guessed, the concept also inspired our name. Imagine

describe why the concept is at the heart of Metabolic’s work

it this way: if you want to be healthier, perhaps you want to

and how it ultimately inspired our company’s name.

gain muscle or lose weight, what’s the first thing you do? You look at what’s going into your body. Calories in, calories out.

At any one moment, trillions of chemical reactions take place

You can perform a similar diagnostic on cities. We look at cit-

in the human body: a myriad of connections, enzymes, and

ies through a “Metabolic” lens that brings into focus a new

processes that together make up our human metabolism. You

framework through which to model urban flows: urban me-

might recognize this concept from health and fitness click-


bait headlines that promise things like: “10 easy ways to increase your metabolism”, “7 daily habits that can boost your

Early influencers

metabolism to burn fat,” or “the 6 sneakiest ways to kickstart

Like human bodies, cities require resources to function. They

your metabolism and lose weight”. In fact, your metabolism is

import or stock up on what they need, consume the resource,

related to much more than how you process food. It encom-

and then dispose of what is left over in the form of different

passes all of the body’s chemical processes and the elimina-

types of waste. But one widely accepted definition of urban

tion of waste. Now, these processes are providing the inspira-

metabolism does not (yet) exist. Over the course of several

tion for another complex system: the city.

generations, different disciplines and schools of thought have used this term to frame a range of findings.


C I TI ES LEARNIN G FR OM H U MA N BO D IES Perhaps the first person to do so was Karl Marx, who as early as the 19th century was employing this term to describe how humans were extracting materials and altering natural landscapes in unprecedented ways. Marx observed that humans were in the process of colonizing nature and rapidly “metabolizing” its resources. Ernest Burgess followed in 1925 with the concentric zone model, one of the earliest theoretical models to explain urban social structures. He described urban land use in a set of concentric circles expanding from downtown (the beating heart) to the suburbs (the outer appendages). His model assumes a relationship between the socio-economic status (mainly related to income) of households, and their distance from the center of the city. Burgess called this spatial distribution of social groups “the metabolism of a city”. But nobody coined “the metabolism of the city” quite like American sanitation engineer Abel Wolman. In 1965, Wolman, who had already gained international fame for another urban staple (chlorinated drinking water), published his seminal work on urban metabolism. In it, he imagined a city of one million inhabitants and defined its metabolism as all materials and commodities needed to sustain the city’s people at home, work, and play. In the following decade, Wolman inspired several scholars to apply the concept to existing cities across the world, Brussels and Hong Kong being the first. Then, silence – from the 1980s to the early 2000s there were virtually no papers published on urban metabolism. The reason for this can be hotly debated, but I believe that after the concept’s initial allure, academics realized just how difficult it was to get an accurate snapshot of a city’s metabolism. In that time, we were only on the cusp of the dotcom era, unknowingly walking into the information revolution. Data-fueled resurgence In recent years, urban metabolism has been staging a strong comeback. And while the interest – both academic and political – in sustainable cities has grown exponentially, I think the driving factor behind the recent resurgence is the increasing availability of data. Not just data, but good data – particularly in cities that have made this a priority. Post–2005, we began to digitize just about every aspect of city life: transport, energy, water, ecosystem services, civic engagement, sanitation, and air quality. We saw the emergence of the “smart city” - in stark contrast to the not-so-smart ones we’d been living in before. So how does urban metabolism stack up against all the other frameworks we know, such as sustainability scans, and the calculating of ecological footprints? To some extent, looking at urban metabolism offers a way of assessing all of those other outcomes. Chris Kennedy, University of Toronto civil engineering professor and an urban metabolism aficionado, says: “it is part of the strategic toolkit for developing sustainable cities.” He believes the framework allows us to understand cities in a “much more holistic, more comprehensive way.” More than a metaphor In an urban metabolism, flows flow in, and flows flow out. In the middle is something we refer to as “the black box” – otherwise known as the entity, the human body, or the city in which all of these flows and systems interact. As mentioned, the human metabolism hosts huge numbers of these chemical reactions every second. Yet, even though we’ve been building our cities for thousands of years, we’re only just starting to understand the “chemical reactions” taking place within them. We can, however, start to draw some comparisons between our bodies and our cities, such as: • Our lymphatic system, the network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials, and also supplies white blood cells. Not unlike our first responders – think of paramedics offering medical aid in emergencies, or police officers protecting the city from harm. • Our circulatory system, which permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients, oxygen, hormones and blood cells. This works much like a city’s gas and water utilities, supplying the necessities where they are needed most. • Our respiratory system takes in oxygen and expels CO2, a similar – if inverted – process to how urban parks, trees, and gardens provide us with healthy living environments and fresh oxygen to breathe. • Our skeletal system, the framework on which we are all built, works similarly to our zoning plans and the way we construct


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

our buildings and neighborhoods. • Our digestive system, which takes in food, extracts nutrients, and expels the rest as waste– not unlike the recycling and waste departments of our cities, picking up what people leave on the curb, reusing and recycling what they can, and disposing of the rest as waste. I could go on – trillions of chemical reactions are taking place at any one moment, after all – but I think I’ve made my point. Urban metabolism is not only a powerful metaphor for better understanding our urban systems but also the fundamental framework we need for accelerating the transition to sustainable cities. Urban areas need to go on a diet In the last couple of decades, the fields of nutrition, medicine, and public health have increasingly come to a consensus on what’s needed for a healthy body: get at least eight hours of sleep every night and 30 minutes of physical exercise every day, eat a well-rounded diet, and limit your stress as much as possible. Just as the medical community have been able define these parameters for a healthy body, Metabolic was curious to find out if we could do the same for a healthy city. And for us, a healthy city is one that follows the principles of a circular economy. A circular economy, and therefore a circular city, is one that is “regenerative and waste-free by design.” In a circular economy, materials are cycled at high quality, all energy is derived from renewable or otherwise sustainable sources, and natural and human capital are structurally supported rather than degraded through economic activities. Though it may appear that the primary focus of this philosophy is on material recycling and the energy transition, achieving a circular economy requires systemic redesign of our modern industrial system with a great deal of focus on how it relates to both ecological and human capital. And just like in a human body, it is imperative all these systems work together in harmony. Not just for cities At Metabolic, we’ve mapped out and analyzed countless urban metabolisms, like our recent work with cities like Rotterdam and Charlotte. Although it may be called “urban” metabolism, this concept can apply to much more than just cities. Essentially, if you can define a system’s boundaries, you can map its metabolism. Of course, some are easier to define than others. Take islands, for example. In 2017 we had the opportunity to map out the metabolism of Vlieland, the smallest inhabited island of the Dutch Wadden Islands. The energy transition on the island is well underway, and therefore it was time for Vlieland to move beyond energy and emissions and tackle its next challenge: the transition to a circular economy. The boundaries for this baseline assessment were easy to set: the island is surrounded by water and the only thoroughfare for goods (and waste) is through the island’s ferry. This is in stark contrast to most cities, where goods can be transported by bikes, vans, boats, trains, and planes. Just imagine the metabolic chaos once drone delivery takes off! As the world begins to grasp circular economics, we will also need to open up opportunities for the rapid prototyping of new innovations. Similar to a scientist who must perform clinical trials of new pharmaceuticals in closed – and controlled – environments, circular economists must do the same with circular interventions. Festivals, with their fenced-off boundaries and temporary nature, are the perfect closed ecosystems for this type of experimentation. Often, they can serve as a model organism for cities to learn from. In a short amount of time they must provide all of human’s basic needs: sanitation, food, shelter, and waste disposal, just to name a few. Starting small, on a festival scale, could bring about the insights needed to further research, experiment, and improve the most promising of circular interventions. For the last two years, we have measured all the materials coming in and out of world-renowned electronic music festival, DGTL, which welcomes some 30,000 visitors to the NDSM-Docklands in Amsterdam North. The metabolism maps created each year have provided granular evidence to show which of the festival’s sustainability interventions are working so that future inputs can be fine-tuned.


CI TI ES LEARNIN G FR OM H U MA N BO DIES When it comes to sustainability, organizations often don’t know where to start. Urban metabolism can help by being the diagnostic tool to identify where we can have the greatest impact, for the smallest amount of effort. When your body’s metabolism isn’t functioning correctly, you go to the doctor. But if you want to fix the metabolism of your city, event or organization – that’s where we come in. Originally published at on November 20, 2018. To find out more about Metabolic’s work on urban metabolism, take a look at the Metabolism of DGTL 2018, Circular Charlotte, or email me here. Watch my talk at Oslo Urban Arena below: Photo credit:

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Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies Series Ed.: R.C. Brears The Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies series provides readers with an understanding of what the terms resilience and climate resilient societies mean; the best practices and lessons learnt from various governments, in both non-OECD and OECD countries, implementing climate resilience policies (in other words what is ‘desirable’ or ‘undesirable’ when building climate resilient societies); an understanding of what a resilient society potentially looks like; knowledge of when resilience building requires slow transitions or rapid transformations; and knowledge on how governments can create coherent, forward-looking and flexible policy innovations to build climate resilient societies that: support the conservation of ecosystems; promote the sustainable use of natural resources; encourage sustainable practices and management systems; develop resilient and inclusive communities; ensure economic growth; and protect health and livelihoods from climatic extremes.

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Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Planning for Flood and Water Resilient Infrastructure B y N . J. D olm a n M S c B L A, Lea din g pro fes s io n a l at R oya l H a s k o n in gD HV

Infrastructure is a critical driver for economic growth of

mentation of climate adaptation and mitigation measures in

cities. Especially sea and airports are considered engines in

urbanised delta areas.

economic growth and essential hubs for connectivity and trade. Following cities, most of the major infrastructural hubs

The water that poses the current threats is the very same

are situated in densely populated areas, next to rivers, in

water that brings life, food and energy. It’s the imbalance that

deltas and alongside coasts. Many of these urbanized areas

causes shocks and disruption of society. But water also brings

are vulnerable to water extremes which are increased by the

leverage. Water is a connecting challenge in achieving urban

effects of climate change. Because of their potential to take a

resilience – the water issue then becomes a way of looking

lead, major infrastructural hubs could play an exemplary role

at infrastructure and how to make cities climate and future

in solving water challenges of cities and its implementation of

proof. And it is not just about protecting infrastructural and

climate change adaptation and mitigation (Figure 1 opposite

operational assets from flooding. It is also about enabling

page. 2011 Thailand floods – Bangkok Don Mueang Airport

infrastructure to become more sustainable and self-sufficient,

(photo: Royal HaskoningDHV).

improving local climate, water resource and energy management.

Introduction Cities around the world have been developing measures

Case study of the Netherlands

relating to water crises, climate change and urbanisation, but

Large parts of the Netherlands are below sea level, so it is

there has been insufficient progress with implementation.

the most vulnerable country in Europe in terms of the risk of

Major infrastructural hubs, like airports, as well as sea ports

a natural disaster, according to the most recent World Risk

and large industrial areas, play an important role in the imple-

Report (UN, 2017). The assessment of critical infrastructure


R ESI LI ENT IN FR ASTRUC TU R E and its impacts on dependant third party assets in nearby built-up areas is best illustrated by Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Schiphol’s situation is extreme; the airport is situated approximately 4.5 meters below sea level. Therefore, safe, healthy and sustainable water management is vital. In 2010, the ‘Schiphol Water Plan 2015’ (Royal Haskoning, 2010) was presented to the Schiphol’s Executive Board and the local water authority Rijnland. This comprehensive plan set out the ambition and implementation of water management activities to 2015 and beyond to ensure the most sustainable use of water across the whole scope of airport activities. Building upon the Water Plan 2015, more ambitious and sustainable objectives have been explored as part of a programme called ‘Schiphol Water Vision 2030’ (Royal HaskoningDHV, 2015). This study is an adaptation strategy to create a water resilient Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. A framework for water resilient infrastructure As part of the Schiphol Water Vision 2030, a framework for water resilient infrastructure has been developed (Table 1), which is also relevant for major infrastructure hubs around the world. In 2014 the Schiphol Water Vision 2030 was included in the UNFCCC private sector initiative – a database of actions on adaptation (UNFCCC, 2014). Table 1. Constructive key ambitions of Water Resilient Infrastructure inspired by the three pillars of the Water Sensitive Cities framework (Dolman, 2016) Water Resilient Infrastructure – Key ambitions A

Flood protection: Water levels outside levee system.


Dealing with weather extremes: Storm water drainage and groundwater management.


Achieving a good water quality and a healthy eco system: Implementing green-blue measures and ecosystem services.


Climate proof infrastructure planning: Enhancing infrastructure use and passenger convenience.


‘Greening’ infrastructure operations: Sustainable solutions and innovations to improve local climate and energy management.

Water Sensitive Cities – Framework pillars


Building flexibility and adaptability in its water sources “Cities as Water Supply Catchments”


Green infrastructure “Cities providing Ecosystem Services”

Building social and institutional capital 3

“A sophisticated city attuned to an Ecologically Sustainable lifestyle”

The Water Resilient Infrastructure framework is inspired by the three pillars of the ‘water sensitive city’ framework (Brown et al, 2008) as well as the ‘multi-layer safety’ approach (Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works & Water Management, 2008) and the ‘living with water’ principles (Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning & the Environment, 1998). The framework is built upon five key ambitions to illustrate the relation between water management and infrastructure planning, which includes flood resilience (while considering climate scenarios), implementing Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) measures and conducting spatial and economic development. The five key dimensions are constructive ambitions that evolve from an engineered water system to more integrated water adaptive and climate resilient actions in infrastructure planning. Many of the water sensitive sea and airport key ambitions and WSUD solutions are relevant for both infrastructure and cities around the world. The result envisaged is that ports and airports will enable adaptation by maximising the potential for sustainability and innovation in both water management and flood resilience, as well as in port/airport planning and governance.


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Pathways for water resilient infrastructure Cities around the world have been developing measures relating to water crises, climate change and urbanization, but there has not been enough progress with implementation. Because of their roles in economic development of countries and their potential to take a lead, major infrastructural hubs are in a position to be ambassadors in making urban areas more water resilient. Water resilient infrastructure is not just about protecting infrastructure from flooding. It is also about enabling infrastructural hubs to become more sustainable and improve local climate and energy management – something which airports are going to have to embrace if they are to survive. One major infrastructural hub which is seizing the opportunity to build water resilience into its design is the New Mexico City International Airport or Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional de Ciudad de México (NAICM). A LEED Platinum v4 project, the New Mexico City International Airport is an exception. As explained by Jose Luis Romo, Planning Director of the New Mexico City International Airport, at the presentation of the final draft design (2016): “We will develop the site so that it can collect and treat water for the local population. The airport will use 70% less water than other similar sized facilities. The airport development plan also involves the creation of new green areas such as a metropolitan forest on a site near the current airport. This is currently used as a waste disposal site and we want to develop it to harvest 10 MW of biogas”. Mexico City is a thriving metropolis of around 24 million people. But it is facing serious problems that threaten infrastructure, water supplies and irreplaceable architecture. Due to rapid urban growth, the area is facing major water challenges including sensitivities to subsidence, soft soil conditions, droughts, earthquakes, flash flooding and problems with water supply and sanitation. Lake Texcoco formerly covered the site of the new airport, making the subsurface conditions very challenging. A layer of volcanic material found in Mexico – Tezontle – will not only provide a light and competent working platform during earthworks and ground improvement works but will also deliver a firm base layer for construction. Lightweight and porous and 2-3 meters thick, this innovative design using Tezontle offers a permeable layer which can provide ground water replenishing in addition to the airport storm water drainage facilities. To limit the drain on water resources, the wastewater will be treated and will supply 80% of the entire site’s non-potable water demand, including: landscaping, indoor flush fixtures, cooling towers and any other site process water (Figure 2). Rainwater harvesting will be provided for the Passenger Terminal to support the sustainable water strategy, through the interception of post treatment discharge to the ConAgua (Mexican water authority) pipeline. Figure 2. NAICM Strategy for the Water Cycle Airport (Foster+Partners, 2015)


R ESI LI ENT IN FR ASTRUC TU R E References BROWN, R, KEATH, N and WONG, T (2008) “Transitioning to water sensitive cities: ensuring resilience through a new hydro social contract”. In: Proc 11th international conference on urban drainage, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. DOLMAN, N (2016) “Creating water sensitive airports in times of climate change”. In: Proc Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2016, Singapore, 10 to 14 July 2016. DUTCH MINISTRY OF HOUSING, SPATIAL PLANNING & THE ENVIRONMENT (1998) “Dutch 4th Water Management Memorandum”, the Netherlands. DUTCH MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, PUBLIC WORKS & WATER MANAGEMENT (2008) “21st-century Flood Protection Programme”, the Netherlands. ROYAL HASKONING (2010) “Schiphol Water Plan 2015”, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, the Netherlands. ROYAL HASKONINGDHV (2015) “Schiphol Water Vision 2030”, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, the Netherlands. UN (2017) World Risk Report 2017, Institute for Environment and Human Security, United Nations University, Bonn, Germany. UNFCCC (2014) Private Sector Initiative (PSI) – Database of actions on adaptation, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Geneva, Switzerland.

Covering both the risks and opportunities mega-trends provide to business, governance, and society


Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies

CALL FOR PROPOSALS SERIES EDITOR Robert C. Brears, Founder of Mitidaptation

ABOUT THE SERIES An exciting new Pivot series from Palgrave providing readers with concise, accessible coverage of how various levels of government have attempted to create climate resilient societies. Each book in the series will be between 25K-50K words and will offer an understanding of what the terms resilience and climate resilient societies mean; best practices and lessons learnt from various governments, in both non-OECD and OECD countries; how climate resilience policies have been implemented; knowledge of when resilience building requires slow transitions or rapid transformations; and knowledge on how governments can create coherent, forward-looking and flexible policy innovations to build more resilient societies.

CONTACT FOR PROPOSALS We welcome proposals from both academics and practitioners working in this highly interdisciplinary field. For further information about the series or if you would like to discuss a proposal please contact: Rachael Ballard, Publisher | Geography, Environment and Sustainability | 49

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Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Building a Stronger European Water Sector B y N a o m i Tim mer, Pro gra m m e M a n a ger Eu ro pea n J un io r Water Pro gra m m e

The European Junior Water Programme aims to build a

To make this transition possible, now and in the future, we

community of young European water management profes-

also need to look at the Human Resources within the water

sionals who share a deep commitment to addressing today’s

sector. The attractiveness of the sector for young people to

and future’s water and climate change issues. The design

start working in the sector, stay there and reach the level of

provides participants in a two- year programme the tools, the

knowledge and skills necessary for the transition. And that in

skills, and the appropriate cocreation and cooperation net-

a time where the ageing of professionals already in the sector

work to find new solutions and share knowledge for the pur-

is becoming a problem for the future.

pose of creating and maintaining a sustainable and safe water management system in Europe.

Attracting one to study in sector does not means that they will enter the sector and it definitely won’t say that someone will

An integrated approach is of vital importance for the future.

stay in the sector. The sector needs to show itself as a energiz-

Water recognizes no boundaries, and neither does climate

ing, ambitious and interesting sector where young talents can

change. While knowledge about water management in

develop themselves further

Europe is fragmented and still separated by geography and culture, the ageing water sector workforce risks the loss of

For these purposes, we want to leverage the commitment,

knowledge and skills. An integrated European approach is of

talent and working environment of junior water management

vital importance to ensure a safe and clean water supply for

professionals, bringing them together in a programme that

all of Europe, with sufficient water for agriculture and cities

will boost their capacity and that of the organizations they

that are resilient to climate change.

work for to take water management in Europe to a whole new level.


A ST R ONGE R EUR OPEAN WAT ER S EC TO R The future of human capital starts with the young professionals, now! The European Junior Water Programme offers young professionals, with two to eight years of working experience, a unique opportunity to learn essential teamwork and collaboration skills, build valuable networks, and share knowledge across European boundaries at an early stage in their careers. The participants to the European Junior Water Programme all work for water management organizations across Europe. They will learn about the complexities of European policy and cooperation, financial possibilities, compliance with European laws, legislation and directives, water footprint and cross-border projects are becoming ever more important even early on in their career. Operating effectively and successfully in this complex environment requires a lot of practical knowledge and a high level of skills. The Water Sector: the place to be for Young professionals with ambition In a globalized world where boundaries seem to fade and neither water nor climate change stop at borders, it is essential that we stand shoulder to shoulder to tackle the challenges. We need to adopt an integrated approach at a European level if we want our future to be sustainable; our water to be clean, safe and available in abundance; and our cities and communities to be future-proof and climate change resilient. The European Junior Water Programme offers therefor also an unique opportunity to harness the talent of your junior professionals and to empower them to bring a wealth of knowledge and networking value to your organization. Their development will benefit the knowledge of organizations, expand the expertise within your organization, and bring new energy as well as fresh new insights to the operations. Investing in junior professionals now will not only help them to acquire the skills to cooperate at a European level but also dramatically improve employer brands. Participating as organization with one (or more) young professionals can, therefore, be a valuable investment in the future growth of your organization. It saves time and resources needed to develop or run a training programme on your own how to cooperate at a European level. Unparalleled in Europe in terms of diversity in participants and organizations, EJWP is an excellent way to expand your knowledge base, create a network with other European participating companies, and generate exposure across all of Europe as an attractive employer. Moreover, it gives the opportunity to have a team of EJWP participants work on a solution for specific challenges your company faces. Innovation was never more ready at hand. Investing in your young talents is investing in a bright new future – for your organization and for Europe as a whole! Through all of Europe Once every three months all participants will come together for a week. In Brussels or locally at the participating organizations. So the group will visit a lot of different places in Europe. Why is this important? Europe is not only Brussel. The knowledge, talent, and innovations are in all corners of Europe. We want to connect that. By really getting to know each other, each organizations, the issues, the innovations and the knowledge of the organizations we want to connect with the European framework. Seeing, experience and listen to each other is key in creating a valuable connection, by understanding. The European Junior Water Programme explained This unique, specially developed water programme is based on three pillars: The first are the Masterclasses. They will be providing the knowledge of European policies, cooperation, and the main water challenges. Content-based masterclasses on the latest innovations and with the latest information. Secondly, cooperation on local European water systems and challenging projects addressing pressing issues through practical assignments. During the visits of each participating organization, we will look into their projects, innovations, and issues. All participants can also bring a case to the group in a project to work on. A fresh look, from a diverse group of young professionals, with different backgrounds in culture, study and kind of organizations their working will create real solutions for real cases. And finally, the professional skills and personal development: In an extensive training programme for the purpose of working together in transnational teams and developing cultural awareness.


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

The programme is meant for young people who already have a few years of working and training experience and who work in a context that is complex. Complex means that there are no simple answers. That you have to deal with multiple stakeholders, that the outcomes of decisions are unsure and influenced by many different aspects. How do you manage such a situation? How do you make decisions? How do you work together? One specialized trainer is attracted to manage this aspect for two days of each training week. Most of the time it will be the same trainer, so the participants can build a relationship and she can give feedback over time. To a European framework for young water professionals The European Junior Water Programme (EJWP) is designed as a European programme. It was developed in partnership by the Nationaal Watertraineeship ( in The Netherlands, the Wetskills Foundation (www.wetskills. com) and the Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform ( in Brussels, Belgium. The Junior Water Programme is the platform in which these three organizations pool all of their experience and knowledge. It is a platform for international cooperation and for the creation and implementation of development and knowledge programmes in which everyone shares a deep passion for and a lot of experience within the water management sector. The most valuable aspect of our collaboration is that it is so incredibly gratifying to bring people together and unite them for the cause of contributing to the water management sector. EJWP is managed from the office of the Nationaal Watertraineeship in The Hague, The Netherlands. The participating organizations and junior professionals operate all across Europe. Joining the programme, and working together we aim to not only inspire the next generation European Water leaders but with them also the organizations participating, the sector and to create together a water smart society in Europe! For more information about the benefits for your organization, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Building Resilience to Climate Change: Why is cross-disciplinary collaboration necessary when we adapt to climate changes? B y D or t h e S el m er, D ep u t y he a d o f depa r tm ent in Centra l D en m ar k R egio n a nd Proj ec t M a n a ger fo r C2C CC Water knows no boundaries – that is the reason why the

sea levels. Wind as strong wind or storm. And unstable and

challenges must be solved in cross-disciplinary collabora-

shifting weather, offers more precipitation and more windy


weather, especially during winter.

It sounds like a matter of course. Nevertheless, there is no

Technical solutions have been developed to the problems

legislation or authority in Denmark that coordinates across

that the three elements create, both separately, as well as

e.g. municipal boundaries. Central Denmark Region has taken

together. The challenge is to accommodate these solutions to

on the role to facilitate collaboration across boundaries, in

society. It may sound simple, but necessarily it is not.

order to endeavor creating a more holistic and sustainable climate adaptation. The results are so convincing that they

When a city, situated inland, has problems with rising ground-

may serve as inspiration for future legislation within climate

water and flooding in low-lying areas, it is reasonable to drain


the soil and channel the water to the nearest creek. Perhaps, it only forwards the problem to the cities, where the same

A cross-disciplinary initiative prepares society for a changed

stream already and frequently overflows its banks and creates


inundation. Or providing the farmer with further problems,

Seen in isolation, the Danish climate challenge is not even

who has difficulties already, draining his fields sufficiently.

that complicated. We can describe it in three words, water, wind, and weather.

It is precisely the joint issues that are the perspective in Central Denmark Region’s project Coast to Coast Climate Chal-

Water, in the shapes of precipitation, rising groundwater, and

lenge. Finding solutions, which are both responsible climate


B UI LDI NG RE SIL IE NCE TO C LIMAT E C HA NGE solutions, and at the same time secures all the involved stakeholders’ interests, and on top add increased values. Adapting society to the climate changes is certainly not only a question of safeguarding against unstable weather and rising sea level. Coast to Coast Climate Challenge Today, Central Denmark Region manages the project Coast to Coast Climate Challenge, also known as C2C CC, which is cocreated with those who are affected by the water challenges including municipalities, utility companies, professional organizations, companies and also universities, think tanks and knowledge institutions. The project is implemented in a partnership with 31 partners. Add to this 20 supporting participants who participate actively in the project activities. Below the overall project umbrella, 24 sub-projects are implemented. Thus several stakeholders are brought into play. This is also important if we are to develop holistic and sustainable solutions! The overall purpose of the collaboration is to create climate resilient cities in a climate resilient region. This happens by developing a joint strategy for adaptation, providing the best possible and consistent basis for decision to the relevant decisionmakers, by getting the latest and best international knowledge brought into play and also by raising the competence level among authorities, companies, and citizens. The project has obtained approval of 52m DKK from the EU’s LIFE IP programme which is a so-called integrated project. The requirement is specifically integration across administrative borders and legislation. The project has a total budget of approx. 90m DKK, and runs 6 years forward until 31st December 2022.

Figure 1. This matrix illustrates that C2C CC works in the entire water circuit and with three cross-disciplinary themes. The 24 sub-projects cover various parts of the matrix which all in all is covered several times by project activities. In the project, we work on the entire water circuit and with three cross-disciplinary themes, Innovation, Tools, and Governance. The 24 sub-projects are implemented by the partners in broader or smaller sub-projects. 24 sub-projects are woven together by common objectives The core in Coast to Coast Climate Challenge is the 24 autonomous projects within climate adaptation. The projects are spread in Central Denmark Region and in a few municipalities in the North Denmark Region. The projects are entrenched where the challenges are situated, namely in the municipalities and the utilities. Each project is leveled at current issues, from local challenges to more overall and recurring themes. In practice, the projects are woven into one another, and to a great extent work as one big network. We collaborate where knowledge and experiences are shared, and fundamental tasks are solved together. This wide support contributes to underline an important punch line, climate adaptation is not a task that can be implemented by a single operator and also not once and for all. The climate changes and the consequences are evident. However, no one knows the magnitude or the compiled consequences in the longer run. The adaptation must occur continuously, and it makes joint efforts absolutely crucial.


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

The Increased Values are a Contributory Cause of Decision Making Seen in isolation, adapting to a more wet warm and wild weather is expensive. Safeguarding society towards events that statistically happen every 20 years, the event may eventually happen at any time from now on and in 20 year’s time. Such an investment may prove difficult to decide upon as you never know when you will get value for money. Often, more challenges can be addressed simultaneously, creating increased values. Thus, decision making for investments is well underway. In Denmark, there are many fine examples on how increased values have been made in climate adaptation. Very often it is about recreational purposes, more biodiversity and climate adaption that go hand in hand. I C2C CC, the Climate Road is a new kind of climate adaptation with increased values. The Climate Road is one of the 24 subprojects in C2C CC. The Climate Road – a Road with a lot of Increased Values Sustainable draining system, handling of precipitation and geothermal heat – all this is incorporated in 50 meters of Dalbyvej i Hedensted.

Figure 2. The water quickly disappears down the permeable asphalt of the climate road The piece of road looks like any other road. But that impression does not last because the road has other features than leading traffic forth and back. The asphalt is permeable, meaning that water can penetrate into the road and disappear. There are never puddles on the road, leaving no risk for aquaplaning. And this is in spite of the fact that run-off is allowed from the surrounding roads. The piece of road is part of a small network of roads leading surplus surface water to the climate road. Below the road surface, there is a layer of porous materials which can retain the water without the road losing its load-carrying capacity. All in all the 50 meters of road can contain 120,000 liters of water. The scientists behind the project are involved in the further development of the road. The intention is to create a sand filter where bacteria and microorganisms can decompose the various undesirable substances which the run-off from the road contains. In the road, two layers of pipes are laid, in which a cold fluid is pumped around. While the fluid runs, it is heated partly by the rainwater that seeps through the road, and partly by the surrounding soil. In combination with a heat pump, the first trials show that the road can generate the majority of the heat which a nearby kindergarten consumes. A climate solution with increased values is created which in addition generates heat and that in the long term purifies the water both mechanically as well as biologically before it is discharged into the receiving water body. The road came into being in collaboration between Hedensted Municipality and VIA University College - a unique example of interaction between practitioners in the municipalities, and students and researchers from an institution of higher education. Extra increased values of the climate road are that students are involved in the monitoring and further development of the road, providing them with an education of great interest at the moment and practical experience. They become super applicable on the job market.



Figure 3. The composition of the climate road We find rather important increased values of this solution which is met by great interest at home and abroad. Employment and export potentials are to be harvested. Klimatorium, which is another of the 24 sub-projects, has taken on the task to impart the project idea which is now well underway with knowledge transfers occurring to many locations, including New Zealand. Klimatorium – one of two Exhibition Platforms in C2C CC

Figure 4. Klimatotrium – a project visualisation In C2C CC we work innovatively and develop a flood of solutions, and provide a lot of important knowledge that others may benefit from. The aim is to get as much knowledge as possible entrenched by others – thus dissemination is a high priority. For that purpose, we have two exhibition platforms, the AquaGlobe in Skanderborg and the Klimatorium in Lemvig. In addition to dissemination of the innovative solutions, the two beacons also function as exhibition platforms for the cross-disciplinary collaboration between the involved stakeholders – and will continue as a collaborative platform for the involved participants after the termination of the EU supported project. Klimatorium is in the making, and the international climate center will be opened to the public in the summer of 2020. However, already now activities are working to a great extent. Klimatorium is a melting pot for the green transition. People gather here to develop and implement the right solutions. It is a real quadruple helix business model implemented in practice – a model for innovation with a focus on the relationship between academia, industry, authorities, and citizens. As mentioned before, the Klimatorium has contributed making the Climate Road known abroad. Another activity to be mentioned is that every year, they make a Climate Challenge event for one week in collaboration with the international student house at Aarhus University. Here students can get inspiration to engage themselves in the green transition. Several research projects are run at Klimatorium. Besides generating important new knowledge, the research projects also contribute to the implementation in municipalities and utilities.


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 1

Read more • Klimatorium - • AquaGlobe - • Coast to Coast Climate Challenge - Here you can also sign up for our newsletter issued every two weeks. In the newsletter, you will a.o. find invitations for many of our events. • At our StoryMap (link incorporated) you will get an overview of the sub-projects – later, you can book visits (for companies, schools, and citizens) Cross-disciplinary Collaboration is Necessary for Climate Adaptation to Succeed An efficient climate adaptation is a precondition that society still can perform when conditions change. The adaptation must be part of a long row of very different themes like construction, development of cities, future farming, health and leisure activities for citizens, nature conservation, creation of new jobs and new business opportunities. Stakeholder involvement is crucial in order to secure the development and implementation of durable and long-term solutions. We are talking about efforts with a great potential, and the parallel to Denmark’s green transition is adjacent, a societal request for energy efficiencies and cost savings and also a transfer to green, sustainable energy generated for the development of business and society, making us one of the world’s leading nations in this field. Coast to Coast Climate Challenge is a contribution to making public investments in climate adaptation a lever for a comparable development.


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