Markathon july

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Did you know the logo of Sony VAIO was nothing but the analog signal and the digital signal put together? Did you notice that the logo of Baskin Robbins has a 31 in it, which highlights its 31 flavors? Logos are the heart-beat of a brand. It is interesting to observe, how every minute detail plays an extremely essential role in it. This is the reason we are here to tell you every story about that extra arrow or that tiny exclamation mark, which was missed most of the times by you. This month’s cover story would take you through the purpose, the designing and the psychology of logo designs. It would take you through a journey where a logo’s role in formulating a brand identity could be completely understood. Also this month, we have real surprise in store for our readers. We would be adding a column to our magazine which would be entirely dedicated to the stories of logos- ‘’Logo-istic ‘’ and we would kick it off with the story of Unilever. July should ideally be the’ lazy ‘month, with the kind of perspiration it brings along for all of us but on the contrary the month happens to be the most happening year in terms of promotional campaigns and discounts being offered. The e-commerce giants have taken this marketing hullaballoo to the next level. This month Snapdeal has also joined the team with players like Flipkart, and has offered big discounts with its mega electronic sales. More good news awaiting for shoppers in the country, entry of new international brands queued up. Karen Millen, the UK based Fashion brand is planning to enter India soon and has great expansion plans. In the Ishtihar column we would see if the innovations in digital media

change, would change the marketing playfield for most of the companies? In the Vartalaap section, we have for you an interaction with Professor Achal Raghavan, Marketing Professor at IIM Bangalore who will be sharing with us his experience on the field of marketing and academics with special reference to how ethics, sensitivity and clarity of goals play a huge role in formulating a brand. We believe you will indeed benefit from the wise words of the marketing guru. Always high on entertainment, this month’s “Fun Corner” will nudge your grey cells as you sit back to solve this month’s quiz. Lastly we would like to thanks all the contributors for Markathon. The overwhelming number of entries that we have received for this month’s edition show how Markathon has developed as a platform to showcase the best minds in the marketing domain. With so many exciting stuffs lined up for you, flip through the pages of the July Edition of Markathon and let us know your comments and feedback by writing to We thank you for the constant support you all have given and hope to continue receiving the same. Happy Reading! Team Markathon

The Markathon Team Editors Cheena Pasrija | Gautam Gopal | Mohammad Fahd | Sumit Bedi | Vinay Jain

Creative Designers Ansul Jindal | Kasturi Guha Thakurta | Sagar Riaz


july 2015

Contents Perspectives Green Marketing: India’s Future Need and Not Want Aakash Joshi & Nihal Dalal | IMT Nagpur Life At Your Fingertips Aprajita Kalyani & Varun Bhandari | NMIMS, Bangalore

Behind the Logos Sagar Riaz | IIM Shillong





Professor Achal Raghavan Strategic and Business Consultant. Adjunct Faculty | IIM A, IIM B, IIM S


Eye 2 Eye

Nestle’s Silence Till Now Over Maggi Controversy: A Thought Upon Strategy or Acceptance of the Blame? Supriya Lal | NITIE Mumbai & Kamal Nagvani | IIM Shillong


Specials 18

Logoistic Sumit Bedi | IIM Shillong


AD-dicted Ansul Jindal & Kasturi Guha Thakurta | IIM Shillong


Fun Corner Sagar Riaz | IIM Shillong


Ishtihaar Gautam Gopal | IIM Shillong


Jab They Failed Vinay Jain | IIM Shillong


Updates Cheena Pasrija | IIM Shillong

Silent Voice

Bollywood celebrities taking a plunge into Hollywood Ankit Kalra | Delhi School of Management



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IIM Shillong

july 2015


Green Marketing India’s Future Need and Not Want By Aakash Joshi & Nihal Dalal IMT Nagpur


hange is the only thing that is constant in this world. Marketing has since ages depended and acted according to the change that takes place in the society and so indirectly it implies that marketing is also a constant; invariable, universal. Marketing as a field never grows from time to time. It never changes in decades or in years. It is a continuous evolution process, which takes place every day, with every new firm or product coming and marketing in a different way and giving the industry a new approach to think upon and a new way of marketing to try. One such aspect of marketing that was in existence from years but finally is gaining the necessary awareness that it should have gained years back is green marketing. Green Marketing is a term coined decades back and even implemented to some extent but not fully in the corporate world. Green Marketing refers to the marketing of the products which are environment friendly and preferable for the consumers. It includes sustainable packaging, changing the way the products are advertised and many more such activities. It is different from the regular marketing in many ways as the product differs in manufacturing, packaging as well as in the quality with respect to the regular product. Go GREEN:-What and Why?



IIM Shillong

july 2015

perspective Global warming is increasing day by day, pollution levels are rising high, non-renewable sources of energy are being used up at a high rate with the ever-increasing population. In addition to these many more factors are getting consumed at a higher rate, which may or may not be renewed in the near or long future. Seeing this, it is becoming nearly impossible to expect a life similar to what we are living presently in future too. It will not be the same if things continue to drain up at this pace and also if the environment will be harmed in such a way. Considering this present scenario as a continuous process, the future does not look bright. It will be worse than this. The only surviving factor for present and a hope for a better future is to go green; that is the only feasible option seen presently to have a better present and save the future of mother earth. Go green is a process of utilizing the means provided by nature in abundance and friendly to environment and producing the products which satisfy our regular needs using them, instead of using the scarce and unhealthy resources for doing the same. It helps in saving the environment from various harmful effects. As a result to make a green friendly environment, the production and usage of green products should be kept as the priority for the nation to protect itself and save its future. Go green is an old concept existing and implemented two decades back, but the results were restricted to a particular segment or sector of industry. People tried, executed and obtained the results but the results were not accepted by the society with great enthusiasm and so the concept of going green got restricted in the womb from where it was supposed to emerge.

In that case many questions arise. Why will a consumer buy a green product, when he is already happy with his present one? Why will a consumer opt for something which may be costlier to him than his regular product? Why will a consumer opt for a product which might appear less pleasing then the presently available ones? Why can’t it be a green washing scenario i.e. selling products with name of “going green” to the consumers wherein the products are not environment friendly and cheat the consumer with the nongreen products and earn more profit? It can be. Each of the above mentioned questions are true, and to answer such questions and many other conceptions as well as misconceptions regarding the green product, it needs a different type of marketing especially related to this segment. Marketing which doesn’t sell the products by making them available at cheap prices neither does it sells the products on their beautiful packaging or any such tactics and for that

reason Green Marketing needs to be considered. When we need to sell a product which can last for some months or years to a consumer we can sell it via many means fair or unfair but when we need to sell an idea to a consumer which needs to last long for decades and decades to come and which is better for the environment too which indirectly is better for each and every one on the planet, some thinking and some detailing is required along with totally fair means. Green marketing focuses on relating the product to the consumer and its environment in which he or she is living. It creates an idea to the consumer that by purchasing a product for its cost, the consumer is not only getting the value of the material used but also getting a protected and safe environment for the future which is the additional benefit the product is giving. Moreover, even if the product’s cost is an important consideration its cost can be compared with Green Marketing: Why and How? Issues and Solutions the harmful cost to the environment which when converted Green products are different from the regular ones, in to a purely monetary value would surely be greater than terms of manufacturing, packaging as well as cost. But the additional nominal cost of the green product. their usage is the same as the rest of the products. Green products need to be marketed in a way different Green Products Green products thus produced considering the environment factor are very different in many ways. They are pure in terms of quality and so in many cases even costlier than the present available products. Green products also may not appear as charming as the artificial ones. For example an idol of Lord Ganesh prepared from Plaster of Paris appears to be more charming than that prepared from mud. But considering the final place where they are decomposed i.e. river, an idol made from mud doesn’t harms the river as an idol prepared from Plaster of Paris does. This and many more are the reasons why the green products are considered, and as a result they should be marketed too, so that the environmental concern can be supported by the masses.



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from the regular products and to a different segment of consumers who can buy such product or who are responsible enough to go green. Green marketing is all that is needed to make them aware. Creating a brand and making the product available for the consumer at low price is not the main priority here. The main priority is to make the consumer aware of the product in detail. As a result such marketing needs to be: • Transparent in making the consumer known the contents of which the product is comprised of • Its impact on the health of the consumer should be brought to notice • Its long lasting features should be brought to attention and its effect on the environment should be shown to the society, which should indirectly relate to them and should be shown as their benefit. • Importance to the consumer should be given and their inputs and views should be taken care of • Consumer should be made more aware and responsible for their environment and should consider the environment as his or her own and should feel privileged for helping in its betterment • Promoting the Corporate Social Responsibility Act, and thereby making more and more companies to act in this direction • Association of various NGO’s and public figures to act in this way and urge the masses to do the same

For whom to market green Products?

Every product has a segment of consumers for it; same is with the green products. Its main segment is divided into 3 parts: 1. Deep Green 2. Lazy green 3. Non-green Deep Green



IIM Shillong

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perspective These consumers are totally driven by the betterment of the environment and in the given scenario where they have to make choice between a price benefit v/s green product and regular product v/s green product, they opt for the latter. To market product for these consumers, the association of the product in making the environment a better place is required. Lighter Green These consumers are conscious about their environment but also about the price they have to pay for it. In choosing between the green product and the price they analyse the difference between them on same scale. To market products for these consumers, the price of the product needs to be justified along with the returns the product can deliver back and also how can the environment be made better altogether. Non Green These consumers are not driven by the environment benefits and only about the quality and price of the product. To market the products to them, the superiority of the product needs to be considered than any care for planet. Main issues in Green Marketing 1. The costing of these products is many a times higher as compared to the normal products because of the usage of the natural substances in them, which restricts a segment of consumers to rethink their choice of purchase 2. The outcome of the product may be far better than its normal product but many a times the outer look of the product appears less pleasing comparatively which diverts the choice of a particular segment 3. There also exists a crowd of people, who wish to buy green products and also to deliver their support in the betterment for the environment but on the day of purchase, they go ahead with their regular product



Feasible Solutions and Future of Green Marketing

To go green is the future, and to make it a success the issues need to be tackled before moving ahead. The operations and manufacturing processes need to implement and try to reduce the costs without deviating from the quality so they can can compete with the regular products on the prices front. This also includes working on the appearance of the product. To the crowd of consumers who wishes to go for green product but end up buying the same, efforts should be made to clear their misconceptions and their viewpoints should be asked, considered and accordingly solutions should be brought forth for a win-win situation for both the seller and buyer. Slowly and steadily the awareness is slowly creeping into the lives of people about green products and green marketing has a special contribution in making this happen. They are realizing the importance of it and supporting it either half-heartedly or whole heartedly. In such a scenario green marketing is a must in the future as to make more and more people aware about it and for that the responsibility to enhance that awareness comes on the shoulders of marketing. Green marketing needs to make attempts for the lighter green segment as well as the non-green segment of people to raise their thoughts and imagination to think about the value addition a green product can give with respect to the environment. The present needs to understand the future and for that Green Marketing is tasked with the responsibility of making this task happen.

IIM Shillong

july 2015


Life At Your Fingertips By Aprajita Kalyani & Varun Bhandari NMIMS, Bangalore


here is only one boss – the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else” - Sam Walton, Founder Walmart

Convenience is the King!

What Sam Walton said long back, holds true and relevant than ever before in today’s world of web, for the king (customer) is armed with every possible information about his huge kingdom and the only way you get to see him is by making yourself seen. At the same time, it is important to note that just by being out there doing nothing worthy enough to catch his attention will fetch you no benefit. Hence, it is imperative that this question be asked - What is it that customers look for? Is it addressal of a need or want, is it about quality or is it a unique offering which the customers desire from the product? Customers have evolved in their thought process, taste, preference and buying behavior. So, one definitely cannot expect the economy to support easy wins or the marketer to ‘sell products’ as they did a few years back. To give it a second thought, all these are expected out of a brand which expects customer appreciation. But



a brand which desires loyalty in response must offer “Convenience.” As the authors of the book The Effortless Experience rightly state, “Customers want ease. Getting back to their busy lives quickly matters more than anything.” Smart marketers understand this and are making full use of the “Internet of things” to reach on top in the age of the “Internet of customers.” For an increasingly large number of Indians mobiles are the daily first touch point to the internet. Mobile phones today seem to be the great technology equalizer. Everyone has it today. Be it a CEO, a daily wager, a grandfather or a teenage daughter. In fact for an ecommerce company to keep tempo with the market trends, mobile phones have become an important conduit. M-commerce is the next big thing. Number of users of mobile devices have been growing faster than web traffic. Today’s customer is a tap away from booking

IIM Shillong

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an OLA, paying monthly bills, laundry service or getting fresh hot home-cooked food served in seconds. Studies have revealed that an app user seems to be more committed and engaged than a random mobile web browser considering the fact that it takes higher threshold of inertia to install a mobile application. India’s ecommerce story is taking an interesting shape all together. Customers are going through a fundamental shift, companies who realize this are the ones that will be visible in the consumer’s eye. Technology has changed in the recent past. Digital distribution does not have a long history. From cave walls to Hieroglyphics, to the printing press and transistor radio, to today’s electronic age. Rather innovators’ focus has been on thinking about a specific technical problem, but yes innovations do eventually happen, leading to a significant change in the world. In fact, if we just rewind our memories and go back a little in time, we can observe how drastically marketing has changed. Things which were beyond our reach or imagination are now accessible on our fingertips. The fundamentals of how we shop, travel, pay, read or even live have changed. Let’s dwell more upon this by taking a few segments in consideration and understand how convenience has become the king in today’s era.

name! Gone are the days of the ‘shuddh namak’ ad where the kid gave a lecture to the shopkeeper for not knowing what pure salt is. Today, we get not only what we want but also in the way we want. Hari Menon, one of the reasons why Big Basket is India’s biggest online grocery retailer today, says, “Grocery shopping is a chore, we’re taking out the pain.” It is interesting to note that a similar venture by Hari Menon and his team,, which started way back in 1999 failed then and how. The reason for the success of today is the multi-dimensional lives led by the consumers. Big Basket claims it has over 5,00,000 active customers and that its revenues are growing by 12-16% every month. Local Banya on the other hand already has over 1,00,000 users. Aramshop, Ekstop, Grofers, Localbanya, Zopnow are some of the online grocery apps in the market. According to Technopak, the market for online grocery retail is growing at a steady 25-30% in Indian metros and is driven by urban residents who are in a hurry and prefer convenience to kiranas. Thus, consumers are increasingly taking the online route and are saying yes to adding products in the shopping cart instead of the shopping bag! Although brick and mortar shopping can be fun, shopping online or via a mobile device offers a better overall experience. No long queues and no hopping from shop to shop to buy your favorite brand. All you have to do is tap and buy grocery from your mobile phones.

Grocery shopping – simplified!

Gone are the days when your mom would give you a list of items which you were supposed to buy from the ‘kiranawala’ (shopkeeper), who used to know you by your



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perspective The black and white era of Ambassadors and Impala, which only the richest of the people could afford

The liberation of the 1990s, which brought comfort with speed for the families in India Commutation

Mobile Wallets

Few years ago a new breed of entrepreneurs started building startups that used technologies – to understand what it takes to build a successful venture in the transportation sector. It was felt that there was a Flipkart like opportunity and it would require the same kind of funding. Most of the cab services that raised money from the venture capitalists launched their mobile aps subsequently considering that Smart phone penetration was the biggest factor towards digitization. One of the biggest advantage that all the commutation companies had while going offline was it helped reduce the cost of running a call center to manage their customers considered a very expensive affair. Even from the consumer’s point of view, an application was the easiest and quickest way for bookings. It takes 2-5 minutes today, thanks to the high tech GPS installed, for a cab to reach the pickup point. Year 2012-13 saw major players like Meru Cabs, Taxi For Sure, OLA, Savaari & Uber hitting the Indian market and creating a fascinating story of correlation between the new technology and the distribution systems dominating a customer’s experience with a spur to maximize the usefulness. Ola has been the best example in the commutation/ transport companies that offer the cheapest cabs / the famous 2 min OLA Autos to premium cars in their services. Ola, today is India’s largest taxi booking service and has scaled rapidly to benefit customers using technology in its business model. The company is also expanding into food and grocery segments. Revenues have doubled since it acquired Taxi For Sure in March. Meru is piloting a public carpooling platform as a green initiative in big cities. The first taxi company to venture into a nascent but highly advocated business, Meru, will earn its share by making the passenger and the vehicle meet on real-time basis. Strategically it is a decent move by the company as startups such as Mumbaikar, Zinghopper, BlaBlaCar have already launched carpooling services in India mainly focusing on long distance travel.


The modern lifestyle, convenience and choice of Gen Y, which allows the customers to drive a different car everytime!

Imagine paying through mobile phone to pay for your Uber account. This could not have been possible a couple of years back. Apps like Paytm allows one to pay using a non-coin- based currency. It is in the recent past that the technology to support such systems has been made obtainable. The mobile wallet services today offer a bouquet of services with a premeditation to achieve millions of transactions one day. People have shown acceptance towards the mobile money remittances. The facilities to buy vouchers, gifts, pay bills by recharging the mobile wallet and using it at different merchant gateways and establishments looks like a huge opportunity in future. Companies like MMP Mobi Wallet Payment Systems Ltd (MMPL), a subsidiary of Tata Group Company are already planning to penetrate in the rural market with an intent to reach 900 million users. The mobile wallets are gaining success and are expected to be a game changer in the financial sector and the mobile markets. In the long run if not making physical money, if not superannuated, at least dispensable.


The agenda more or the less has been to cater to the different but existing unmet need of the consumer in the market. If we look at a few startups like taxi for sure (now acquired by OLA), Eatlo, Chefensa, Freecharge or various laundry services that have emerged, the main rationale has been to cater to the consumer demand. Companies have realized the importance of the mobile platform. With more and more users having access, there is a lot more opportunity to tap in the application market space. The last couple of years could be called the service-ondemand app. Apps for services like cabs, beauty treatments, food grocery deliveries, courier/gifts (Food Panda, Uber, Ola, Chefensa, LocalBanya, paytm, and freecharge) took everyone’s phones to a new level.


IIM Shillong

cover story

july 2015

Cover Story


Sagar Riaz

IIM Shillong

“Behind the Logos” MARKETING BUDGET


ogos form a critical component of business marketing. Being the major and sometimes the only graphical representation of a company, it cornerstones a company’s brand. If your logo looks like any other logo- how will the target market/customers remember you or how will the new customers find you? Let us talk about the purpose and design aspects of a logo. Purpose Corporate logos are intended to be the face of the company (Brand). They enable the customers to identify with the core brand of a company. Also they act as a shorthand way of referring to a company in the activities like advertising and marketing. Making First Impressions - When the potential customers need to decide whom to trust, they consider your logo at first hand. Apart from the shapes, color, font, spacing between the letters etc. are few of the design elements that communicates your brand story with your customer in that instant when the first impression is formed. The founder of the ‘The Sodfather Landscaping’, Wayne Stuetz once mentioned in an interview that how the first impression gives them an edge. He believes that their logo is very memorable, and it’s hard to forget once a person has seen it. Design Design of logo should be such that it is comprehensible to potential customers. Logos can be made to convey some information about the company by designing it in a way that gives some sense of meaning about the company or its industry/ domain.



IIM Shillong

cover story

july 2015

BMW has its roots in the aviation and its logo stays true to it. The blue and the white sectors represent a propeller in motion with the sky peeking through. The three ellipses seen in the Toyota’s logo represents three hearts: The heart of the customer, the heart of the product, and the heart of progress in the field of technology. The Psychology of Logo Designs How influential is Colour on customers? • 93% of Purchasing judgements by the customers are made on Visual Perceptions • 84.7% of consumers cite colour as the main reason to buy a particular product • 80% of the customers think colour increases Brand Recognition What can Colour improve for a brand? • Comprehension of a brand by 73% Choosing the right Font for your Logo? • Learning of a customer about the brand by 55-68% Let us understand this with examples. HSBC uses a classic serif font in uppercase letters What exact traits does each colour signify? portraying itself as Trustworthy and Strong. GAP has made its logo particularly wide to create a distinctive style. So, usually a regular scale is most appropriate but logos like GAP demonstrates how alternative designs can work. Contrary to that, FedEx has minimal spacing between the letter to suggest a tight, and punctual service. What is the role of Shape in a Logo? Basically, our subconscious minds respond in different ways to different logo shapes. Let us see how the inference from one shape differ from another. Circles, Ellipses and Ovals - They are used to convey a positive emotional message. Using a circle in a logo suggests community, friendship, love, relationships and unity whereas rings have an implication of marriage and partnership and thus suggesting stability and endurance. Squares and Triangles - Straight edged logo shapes, generally, suggest stability in more practical terms and can also be used to imply balance. Straight lines and precise logo shapes also imparts strength, professionalism and efficiency. Since the attributes mentioned above are tend to be viewed as masculine, so it’s not a coincidence that shape of a triangle feature more prominently in the



IIM Shillong

cover story logos of the companies whose products have a masculine bias. Vertical and Horizontal Lines - Our subconscious minds associate vertical lines with masculinity, strength and aggression, while horizontal lines with community, tranquility and calm. Brand Identity Logos are considered to be the chief visual component of a company’s overall brand identity. The logo of a brand/ company appears in advertising, business cards, on stationery, and websites. Thus, a well-designed logo can contribute to business success, while a substandard logo can imply amateurishness and can turn off potential customers. But, is your logo performing its primary function – building recognition? When it is placed on your marketing collateral, does it really represent your company’s identity? Let us look on some rules for the brand which can help guide the process of creating and updating the logo. Finding the right fit - Is the logo appropriate for the company and the industry in which the company operates? Some industries follow a theme in terms of logos; if you are not in step with the competitors, you could get left behind. For example, in the brewery and restaurant industries, crest logo is very commonly used whereas in the graphic design industry, it’s becoming more common to see characters as a part of a logo. Avoiding the Special Effects - Usually, though the temptation to add drop shadows, gradients, and other effects is strong but one must try to resist the same. As in the past, logos were displayed only in controlled environments – billboards, companymade banners, letterhead and the like, so it was still possible to incorporate such elements. But today, the logo can end up just anywhere and thus the complex elements can’t be translated well from a printed advertisement to the company’s website. Developing Brand Guidelines - A company needs to ensure that they develop specific guidelines for the


july 2015 use of the logo. It includes the exact colour shades being used in the design, how much space should be kept around the borders of the logo. Also, the company should ensure the strict use of the high quality versions of the logo. This all is done to bring in consistency in the usage which in-turn aids the customer to remember the brand. Ensuring a smooth transition while changing of the logo - If the company is planning a change in the logo, or a roll out of a new one, an event should be made out of it. Generally, press releases and country wide event for the same are great ways to build awareness of the brand change among the employees as well as customers and to make them familiar with the new logo. Sneak-Peak in the Designing Process To tackle the complex challenge of making a meaningful logo, many brands/ companies chose to hire

an outside help. So, let us find out what it is like to create a logo from scratch i.e. what exactly goes into designing a logo? And how do the external designers manage to capture a brand’s or company’s personality into a simple image (logo)? Let us see what are the principles of great logo design? Simplicity - The design needs to be simple and clean enough to be easily recognizable and flexible for making changes. Memorability - It should be quickly recognizable such that people may only have to spend a few moments to recall it when required. Timelessness - The logo should have a lifetime of upto atleast 10-20 years and preferably it should be relevant for the next 50 years. Versatility - It should be flexible enough to be scaled to different sizes without losing the quality. It should also be appropriate to be used across various media and within different context.


IIM Shillong

cover story

july 2015

Appropriateness - It should resonate with the target audience. Example of a great Logo Evernote’s logo is a great example which follows all the principles strictly which have been mentioned above. It comprises of an elephant which is a reference to the saying that, “An elephant never forgets”. Let us take a look at the recent happenings in terms of various companies changing their logos and the reason behind the same. One of the recent changes MARKETING brought in was by Flipkart. BUDGET With the new logo, the company believes that the logo reflects its aggressive focus on its mobile app. The major change in the logo is that the word Flipkart is making way for the letter F which denotes ‘playfulness’ and ‘speed’. Flipkart has evolved itself into a more mobilecentric platform and thus it is making the mobile app an important gateway to India’s largest online marketplace. Another major component that Flipkart has changed is the common shopping cart present in almost every e-commerce logo/ website and has replaced it with a trendy yellow shopping bag which adds a 3D look to the logo. Another remarkable feature is the smile being made by the two dots and the white handle which is hidden. The smile reflects playfulness and joy and would be present to make an instant connect with the younger generation. Another recent example where the company has changed the Brand Identity as well the Company


Logo and the Slogan is an online classified advertising company, Quikr. From the perspective of the design, the ‘Q’ in the Quikr logo has been designed like this to suggest a positive change in the users’ lives. The designer has retained the combination of blue and green colour as was used in the previous logo as the company is recognized for the same. Though the new font is contemporary, yet it is sleek posing a sense of speed which is implicit in the name Quikr. The story doesn’t end here. There is a harsh side of changing the logos as well which has led to a lot of criticism for some of the big brands. Tropicana is known for the image having a straw in the orange. When the company replaced the logo with a glass of orange juice and its name written on the edge of the carton, the customers went outrageous. Infact, the product’s sale went down by 20%. Then, a corrective measure was taken by the company to restore the old logo within a month. Customer found the new packing to be ugly, and actually as quoted by the President of Tropicana, they underestimated the emotional bond of the customers which has deepened over time with the previous logo. When we are discussion about the rebranding through the change of logo, we cannot miss the case of Pepsi which has spent $1.2 Billion on the rebranding, with the logo alone costing $1 million. Pepsi unveiled a new logo design, which had the company’s iconic circular logo rotated anticlockwise and a little bit of readjustment of the tilt of the white stripe. So this rebranding activity was considered to be a waste of time and money.


IIM Shillong


july 2015

VARTALAAP An Interview with Prof. Achal Raghavan

Prof. Achal Raghavan holds the position of Strategic and Business excellence consultant based at bangalore. He teaches at IIM A and he has also taught in various other IIM’s as visiting faculty. His career spans 40 years of work experience including 8 years as a consultant. He also held board positions for over 11 years in Delphi Automotive, Ingersoll-Rand & Cramlington Precision.​




Strategic and Business Consultant. Adjunct Faculty IIM Shillong


july 2015

“If you don’t provide the additional Markathon: As a marketer, what should you focus on? Continue building your expertise in the current industry you are in or identify a new need and try to come up with a product or service for satisfying that need? And if you want to satisfy new needs when should you do it? You will find this out very easily. When you can see that increasing your market share is becoming more and more difficult, and the sales and the marketing teams come to you requesting you to reduce the price to become more competitive, that is when you ask yourself this question. When people start resorting to Price as the sole weapon for the war with competition, it means that the other three Ps have been exhausted - either due to improper research or lack of knowledge. When you start believing that further growth will only happen with price discounting, then that is when you ask yourself if there is something more to this that I am missing out. For example: we talked about current products or services fulfilling the current needs of the customers. But customers’ needs are constantly evolving. He may be perfectly happy with what they are being given now, but then there are needs that are surfacing now which didn’t even

services someone else will

exist when he bought that product 2 years ago, say a car. So improving this car, or adding new features, is always good, but will that solve your growth problem? Probably not. So when will you launch other services, so that you give a complete solution to your customer? What if your customer needs a part-time, trained driver? Or, a thorough shampoo cleaning of the car interiors because his in-laws are visiting him tomorrow? Or take care of his insurance claim? And so on. If you don’t provide the additional services, someone else will. Products are now increasingly getting enveloped by services which add value. But you have to be the first, to reap the full benefits in terms of growth and profit. Because, pretty soon, these value-added services will also become commoditized. By that time, you should be ready with your next wave of value addition. Markathon: Which approach does the TATA group follow according to you? Because when we talk about ethics the first organization that comes to our mind is TATA in India. From what I can see from the outside, the Group definitely follows the due care approach at a minimum, and is possibly moving towards the social costs approach

“We Never Compromised on Ethics” - Ratan Tata



IIM Shillong


july 2015

al difference, and it cost Toyota tremendous amount Markathon: Do you think Maggi’s reaction to the is- of goodwill in that market at that time. sue of lead content was appropriate? Had you been in the position of the country head of Nestle India, Markathon: So, does the target market actually would you have done things differently? make a difference, had the Maggi issue happened in the USA would the country head there reacted difIn all these discussions one caveat that we should ferently? keep in our mind always is that we don’t have all the information, and it is very difficult to pass judgment No, I don’t think so. I think that each company has sitting outside. In any such analysis, without com- its way of handling things. All the MNCs are hyperplete knowledge of the facts and the situation, it is connected today. So no matter which country you are impossible to come up with a conclusion. All that we in, you are completely wired with the corporate office know is what we read in the media, which is not the 24*7. Had this issue popped up in some other locacomplete story. Having said all this, I believe that there are some well-accepted principles of crisis management. This isn’t the first such crisis in corporate history. One of the things they say is that you need to be seen as responsive. You may be doing all the right things in-house; but there is a continuous need for communicating with your customers that you recognize the issue, and that you are getting to the bottom of it. You need to tell the customer that you tion, I don’t think the country head would have remay need X amount of time to sort the issue out. In acted differently. In terms of action, I would say that the meantime, spell out the steps you are taking. You the need for clear and frequent communication with need to keep the customers updated on the develop- the stakeholders is a universal thing – it doesn’t matments, at a reasonable frequency. ter which country is involved. Coming to Maggi, from what I have seen, I would say the communication has been less than adequate. Markathon: Do you think that the marketing apObviously Maggi couldn’t say everything in pub- proach followed by the Indian marketers is considerlic, because before they say anything they needed ably different from their counterparts in the develto be 100% sure that it is the right thing. But I feel oped countries like the United States? And if there is the volume of information that was made available why is it so? to the public at large could have been much more. When you allow an information vacuum to develop, In terms of pure knowledge, the marketers in India all kinds of speculations rush in to fill the void. That are as knowledgeable as their counterparts in the deis not a good thing. You need to communicate, com- veloped countries. Marketers here have also attended municate, communicate. similar business schools, if not the same, and have This is not the first global company which has got into got the right concepts and they know what the latsuch a situation. You would know about the recent est techniques are. What determines their actions in case in the US, where Toyota was hit with the “sticky the market is a factor of the level of competition they pedal” issue. These were instances of the car accel- face. erating by itself, and getting into accidents. Toyota I have observed that in the developed world, the comwanted time to analyze the issue, figure out what the petition is typically X times fiercer than here. If I were real root cause was, and then come up with a cor- to speak in general, the more developed a market is, rective action plan. This took time. But the American the more the competition will be. That’s why you have public was impatient, and wanted to know what’s to up your act, and use state-of-the-art techniques happening, from the very next day. This was a cultur- and methodologies.



Nestle’s communication to handle the Maggi controversy was less than adequate

IIM Shillong


july 2015

If it is a market which is reasonably not fully developed, or it is developing, then some of the more evolved marketing techniques may not be called for. You may not want to use fancy, sophisticated methodologies if the market is not ready for it. Overall, I think the Indian marketer is in no way less prepared for the future battles, compared to anyone else. Markathon: How to create an aspirational brand without using pricing as one of the tools?? A premi-

um price does not result in an

aspirational brand. The primary factor is the brand personality, the brand promise. Every brand builds its character and personality over the years, reinforcing it year after year in such a way that after a few years, people have a very clear mental picture of what the brand stands for. So we must be very clear about what slot we want to occupy in the customer’s mind, and what destination point we want to reach, in order to make our brand aspirational. Once this brand destination becomes clear, the next part is the strategy that the brand should adopt in order to reach that point. For creating that positioning, price may or may not play a role. Companies should also focus on a different dimension - of combining products and services - and see whether this combination can be branded and positioned at a premium level. For example, can a brand of premium luggage or clothing also give you entry and membership to an exclusive club of successful people that you aspire to join? Markathon: Many times the consumers are not ready for the progressive moves the company takes, like green marketing? So what do you think should be the way forward in such cases?


The first thing that we need to check before launching a green campaign is to see if there is really any value for the customer in it. Sometimes we ourselves get excited about the whole concept, and forget to analyze clearly what extra value it adds. Once that value is identified and you believe in that value, then you can convey that value to the customer properly. The next thing you need to see is, what is your motivation? If your motivation is, “Let us go green because it’s sexy, because it is fashionable”, then that’s a wrong starting point. If being green adds to your

market share, creates differentiation in the market, and if it gives you a significant cost advantage on the production side, then it is the right motivation. There is a misconception amongst some people that going green only means extra cost, and that it does not add to your bottom-line. But fortunately, this thinking is changing. People have realized that being green is good for the society and for your bottomline too. You need to find some core feature of your product or service which you can improve substantially, using the green factor. This needs to offer a benefit, which could be on the lines of being less polluting or being more energy efficient, or offering the satisfaction of being a more responsible citizen. You need to conceptualize such a benefit from the initial stage, and incorporate it in the product design itself. No product can be made greener once it’s produced. Simultaneously, you should start communicating this green benefit to the customer, using various channels. If your communication is way too technical and complicated, then that is a problem. In other words, you really need to have a green benefit, be able to


IIM Shillong


july 2015

communicate it clearly to the customer, and he or she must be willing to pay for it. Markathon: What would your advice be to the budding marketers? I think the marketers need to be very curious, curious about what is happening outside, what the needs of the customers are. Most of us think that we know all that. That’s how we create a product or a service and roll it out. It may or may not succeed. Therefore the marketer needs to be relentlessly curious about the evolving needs of the customers. You do this by being out in the field. For me, a half-an-hour conversation with a good customer is worth more than 20 pages of a consultant’s report or a sales report - because you are personally experiencing that interaction. Marketing, by definition, requires interfacing with your customer - both current and potential. Marketing is such a field that what was valid yesterday may not be valid today; and what is valid today may not be valid tomorrow. So it is always better to stay in constant touch with the customers.



IIM Shillong


july 2015

Nestle’s Silence Till Now Over Maggi Controversy: A Thought Upon Strategy or Acceptance of the Blame?

Kamal Nagvani IIM Shillong

Supriya Lal Nitie, Mumbai 30th April: Authorities in Lucknow asked Nestle India to recall Maggi 21st May: 4 page PDF with no company logo and a highly technical explanation 5th June: Nestle CEO Paul Bulcke broke the stoic silence by saying “We were engaging with the authorities”. This sequence of events shows the glimpse of the baby steps taken by NESTLE India towards damage control. The delayed response was blamed on the fog of confusion prevailing in India. Company restrained from recalling the product from various states until the issue was escalated by media and of course grapevine. The same “school girl ad” was being aired continuously as if the trouble was minor. There was absolutely, no communication through print media. Some of the authorities even skirted the event by saying that Maggi is made of 2 parts - Maggi + Tastemaker but the MSG tests were done on cooked part. Nestle advertised the nutritional aspects but gave a poor technical argument when it came to accepting the responsibility. 1982, the famous Tylenol crisis which made Johnson & Johnson a hero. Who can forget the pesticide controversy which ultimately led Pepsi and Coke to join hands and issue a statement in press conference? Mondelez India (formerly known as Cadbury) roped in Amitabh Bachchan to rebrand Cadbury Dairy Milk, recent one being Flipkart’s BIG BILLION DAY. Take any crisis; the key lessons remain the same. Be honest, communicate & rebrand. Maggi is a company who enjoys loyalist from all strata, someone sharing “Mein aur Meri Maggi” story or a mother campaigning “Taste bhi Health bhi”. Yet, despite of getting a personalised apology from CEO, these pilgrims got an automated reply. Hence, there was a clear need of accepting the blame, coming up with a quick recall and rebranding rather than becoming a recipe for a perfect disaster.

When the news that ‘Maggi could be banned in UP’ flamed following the state’s food safety department allegedly finding harmful substances in some of its samples. Maggi’s Twitter handle @MaggiIndia did responded to many harsh tweets about the alleged presence of monosodium glutamate (MSG), an artificial flavour enhancer, and lead in some of its samples. Responses like ‘We do not add MSG to MAGGI noodles. Some ingredients may contain naturally-occurring Glutamate, which can be mistaken for MSG.’ And “Maggi Noodles is not banned anywhere, continue enjoying them!!” crowd @MaggiIndia’s timeline. With rising bad publicity, the brand later even drafted a letter filled with legalese to defend its stand and shared it in a pdf format on Twitter. Till then, Nestle’s approach was different from that of its peers. When same happened to Cadbury in 2003 with news of a few instances of worms in Dairy Milk, the company launched a public relations campaign for the trade in two weeks. In less than three months, the company revamped the entire packaging and launched a major advertising campaign featuring actor Amitabh Bachchan to reassure consumers of the safety of the product. Similarly, when reports of high pesticide content in Coca-Cola soft drinks emerged, the company got on board Aamir Khan to improve its image and stake. While all rebranding was taking place, the companies involved smartly kept quiet and spoke only when news had somewhat faded. The Nestle must have learnt from such incidences and also from the fact that their social networking channel had to bear the brunt of the anger. Hence it is quite evident that Nestle’s silence though late but is a well thought strategy.

Topic for the next issue: “Startups: Promote Brand or Product?” Your opinion (view/counterview) is invited. Word limit is 250-300. Last date of sending entries is 10th August 2015. Include your picture (JPEG format) with the entry. Winners will receive a prize money of Rs. 500 each!



IIM Shillong


july 2015

By Sumit Bedi IIM Shillong Unilever was founded in 1930 by the merger of Dutch Margarine producer Margarine Unie and British soap maker Lever Brothers. From that moment on Unilever has gone on to become one of the largest producers and marketers of fast moving consumer goods. It is present in 190 countries and has a turnover of €48.4 billion. Unilever is one of the most respected companies with over 400 brands under its preview all across the globe. To name a few Lux, Surf Excel, Ponds and Axe are leading the way. A lot has been written about Unilever and its brands but never has anyone discussed the amazing logo it has. Well, today is the day. True to its image of great marketing and amazing creativity, Unilever’s current logo is truly mind-boggling. Of course the U for Unilever is not the mindboggling thing but what that U is made up off definitely is. The logo is made up off 25 different symbols all representing different brands of Unilever. Now, 75% of total revenue of Unilever comes from its top 25 brands. These 25 brands are the ones, which are constituted in U. Also the color of the logo is blue, which is a symbol of prosperity, unity, purity, safety and trust. The 25 different symbols and their meaning is as follows:

Swirl: This represents Unilever’s passion for great tastes and flavors. Fish: This represents fresh food, sea and nature’s resources. Clothes: A symbol of fresh laundry, good looks and feeling confident. Bee: It represents the community spirit of Unilever’s people and their commitment to find innovative solutions to reduce environmental footprint. Particles: This refers to science and Unilever’s ongoing commitment to find new innovative ways to improve the lives of its consumers. Packaging: This symbolizes the dedication to consume experience and to find new and innovative packaging that is better for consumer and environment.

Ice Cream: It is a symbol of pleasure, Transformation: A symbol of posienjoyment, refreshment and fun. tive change and Unilever’s commitment to find new innovative ways of doing business. Hand: A symbol of sensitivity, care and need. It represents Unilever’s Waves: This symbolizes of cleanlicommitment to help people imness, freshness and vigor. prove their everyday health and hygiene. DNA: The double helix, the genetic Hair: A symbol of beauty, good looks blueprint of life and a symbol of Unilever’s strong heritage. and confidence. Lips: They symbolize Communication, Openness and Transparency. Designed By MARKATHON Sagar Riaz, IIM Shillong


IIM Shillong

silent voice

december july 2015 2013

Last Month’s Results WINNER Ankit KAlra || Delhi School of Management

honorary mention Rangavardhan Reddy|| IMT Ghaziabad

Theme: Bollywood celebrities taking a plunge into Hollywood

Congratulations!!! Vivek receives a cash prize of Rs 1000!

THEME FOR NEXT SILENT VOICE: Future of Mobile Marketing LAST DATE OF SENDING THE PRINT AD: 10th August, 2015 EMAIL ID: Send your entry in JPEG format named as SilentVoice_<Your Name>_<Institute>only.



IIM Shillong

AD-dicted AD-dicted

december july 2013 2015

By Kasturi Guha Thakurta IIM Shillong PRODUCT: Havells Wires PRODUCT: Hyundai Creta

By Ansul Jindal IIM Shillong

POSITIONING: Wires that don’t catch fire



CREATIVE AGENCY: Inhouse production of Hyundai India



YouTube Link:: watch?v=9ypxRGSrS-k

YouTube Link: watch?v=JDk3GQkTyN4

CONCEPT: The official social media agency of Hyundai India made Hyundai Creta teaser video by posting it on YouTube, twitter & Facebook. In the TVC there are two people, a lady and a man. It is a very short video with a duration of 18 seconds that showcases the full stylish skeleton body of Hyundai Creta as seen in sketches and design renderings of interiors and exteriors of the car. The man goes for a long test drive of the car. As we all know that Hyundai is using the fluidic sculpture 2.0 design for Creta, the same has been showed in the TV ad for initial few seconds of the video. At the end the lady in VERDICT: Catch the car tells the man that she also wants to try the car. At Havells Wires, in yet another catchy ad has managed to the end the TVC ends with the display of the car. capture the father daughter emotional bond to show the usability of the Havells wires. Havells, which has been VERDICT: Miss long known for its emotionally and socially appealing ad According to Markathon, the advertisement failed drascampaigns has yet again lived up to its expectation with tically in capturing the consumer’s attention and lacked this ad. The strategy being that a functional benefit such creativity. If the brand plans to capture majority share in as a fire-proof wire when shown through an emotional the market they have to come up with something interangle makes the communication seem more relatable and esting that will convert every prospect customer in the believable. Team Markathon believes that this emotional market to a user of their product. Apart from this the timcampaign will leave a lasting impression on its viewers’ ing of the launch was also not appropriate since Maruti minds. also launched a SUV before the launch of Hyundai. Hence it will cut cross each other. Talking about the advertisement, the technicalities were touched upon more than the features. Since the customer doesn’t know much about the technicalities hence it will be difficult for the customer to link the product to their needs. CONCEPT: The film opens to a cold, winter morning at Dal Lake. A daughter, who has obviously risen early to prepare lunch for her working father rows a boat across the lake to deliver food in a tiffin box. By the time she reaches, the food is almost cold. Fearing that the food will become inedible once it’s cold, she urges her father to eat immediately. But her father bogged down by work, shirks her away and rebukes her. Undeterred the girl continues urging her father, but then she eventually gives up and leaves. But before leaving she uses Havells wires as an apparatus to heat the food, because she is sure that they won’t catch fire.




IIM Shillong

fun corner

july 2015

Sagar Riaz IIM Shillong



IIM Shillong


july 2015

Ishtihaar GAutam Gopal IIM Shillong


Digital Media in India – The way to look forward

igital Media has changed the way brands think about marketing today. It has increasingly blurred the lines between the traditional media and the digital world and has become a must-have, something a brand can’t live without in this day and age. Every time one thinks about a marketing plan someone invariably pops the question. What are we going to do on Social Media? Well, what’s the deal with Digital? And why is it so important? Let’s find out. According to estimates, advertising spends in India are going to grow 12.6 % YOY, of which Digital Advertising spends would account for almost 10%. Well, is this number surprising? Not really. With increasing number of brands going Digital the world of marketing is being churned up for good. Though, let us take a step back and understand what has led to this growth and why are brands banking on Digital Media? There are no straight answers to this question, at best we can only speculate. Two things that make Digital Media tick is the sheer ease of use and its quantifiable nature. With 17% broadband penetration, India does not sound big on Digital. Though, if you dig a little deeper and look at raw numbers, the same 17% it turns out to be a whopping 277 Million, almost thrice the total population of France. This makes the Digital space a very, very promising medium and is already sitting on a significant piece of the advertising pie. Digital Media has shown a steady growth over the years. According to estimates it is expected to grow by 37% in 2015. What exactly is driving this growth? It’s the trio of Video, Mobile and Social. From 6-sec Vine videos to full-


fledged 30-min YouTube TV series’ becoming a norm and a part of pop culture, the video has a huge role to play. So does Mobile and Social. Together, the three have immense potential though, each one of them also poses an enormous challenge in front of marketers. The few who would be able to break through the clutter would be certainly those who strike the right balance in their media mix, express their stories in an increasingly digital world and listen to what their customers have to say. Storytelling becomes crucial, in my opinion and marketers still have a long way to go before they figure this one out. They eventually would and then there would be the next big thing we’d all be racking our brains over. And then the next. And then a few more. ‘Aur Dikhao, Aur Dikhao’ actually seems to be customers’ favourite catchphrase and we as marketers, we better keep up.


IIM Shillong

jab they failed

july 2015

Jab They Failed Vinay Jain IIM Shillong


Blackberry, a fruit that got rotten before its time

lackberry Messenger commonly known as BBM was something really cool back when I was studying in Mumbai back in 2011. Everyone had a blackberry, BBM groups were the thing of that moment. Then after just a year and a half, most of them didn’t have a blackberry phone anymore. Why did this happen? It sounds really strange because something so popular at one point of time doesn’t even exist after just a year. Let us see what had led to the fall of Blackberry. Blackberry was the product of the Canadian company Research in motion (RIM). In 2009, it was labelled the fastest growing company in the world by Forbes. Some of the features that blackberry phones had that made it a hit are given below: • Qwerty Keypad: it was one of the first smartphone makers who came up with a qwerty keypad which made it easier for people to type • Email: it also had email service which was the reason why it became a hit in the corporates • BBM: this was launched in 2005, every phone was given a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) which could be used to send unlimited texts, images, and videos to any other Blackberry phone across the globe • Encryption: the messages sent on the BBM network were fully protected and couldn’t be intercepted by any entity, sometimes even the government. This gave the corporates a confidence while sharing sensitive data for quick decision making The only catch here was these services needed some extra payment from the user. The person had to subscribe with an internet plan with their network operator to use these services for a monthly fee which was around Rs 400 for a complete package back in 2011 in Mumbai which varied region wise. The following reasons broadly tell you why Blackberry couldn’t continue its success in the smartphone market: New competitors: Once Apple entered the market with many more features than Blackberry it was bound to create a doubt in the minds of the consumers. Also Apple services were free compared to Blackberry where the user had to pay monthly charge to use the service. Operating system issues: Smartphones were originally


defined as mobile devices which could send emails, messaging and could run for long hours. They were designed that way and so was Blackberry but after other competitors entered the market, they started focusing more on the applications part which got the users interested. The corporates still wanted the long running phones with just the basic facilities but the normal user wanted more features like faster internet browser, newer multimedia applications etc. The operating system of Blackberry was not as evolved as android and ios, it was more difficult to make apps on this medium. Organisation structure: Blackberry, unlike most of the organisations, had two CEOs for a very long time, each leading a different set of divisons. This had both advantages and disadvantages. Each handled what was his expertise. The only bad thing being that when major decisions were to be taken both of them needed to be consulted and in an industry like smartphone where things were moving very fast, this kind of made Blackberry a little slow while taking dynamic steps.. Confused strategy: One set of executives believed that Blackberry should go with the smartphone trend of touch screens devices and focus more on that. It was done after the launch of Apple when Blackberry storm and Blackberry torch were launched. Unfortunately, these devices neither had the kind of touch quality nor the apps that their competitors provided because this wasn’t their forte. During the launch of new Blackberry 10 there was a debate as to whether it should be launched with or without a keypad. It was launched without and it failed. If an organization like Blackberry which was at some point the world’s fastest growing company can fail big time then it won’t be a big thing if your organization does too if the strategy is not in sync with the marketing done by the organization. One should make sure that the needs of the market is identified clearly which was clearly not the case in Blackberry’s case as they refused to accept the changing needs of the consumers. Also the direction needs to be clear as to where the organization is going and this can be done only with proper communication amongst the senior executives.


IIM Shillong


december july 2015 2013 By Cheena Pasrija IIM Shillong

Updates Brand Launch Tata to launch Sporty Hatchback Bolt

Sporty Hatchback Bolt from TATA will soon be launched. The top brass of the company have confirmed that they will soon be out with the first commercial of the car under the HorizoNext Umbrella will be launched. Design, drivability and connectivity will be some of the segment defining features. The car will be up for sale across 16 centres across the country and is priced at around 24 lakh.

Airtel in talks to launch branded 4G handset for Rs 4,000 To counter Reliance Jio’s bid to capture the 4G services market with low cost bundled handsets, telecom major Bharti Airtel is planning to launch Airtel branded smartphones for Rs 4,000 by October-November. The company is in discussions with Chinese vendors and even held talks with Taiwan based Foxconn, which has set up its mobile manufacturing plant in India.

Brand Watch Snapdeal to have a mega electronics sale Following the footsteps of Flipkart and Amazon, e-commerce giant Snapdeal announced its mega electronic sale on July 27 and 28 with discounts up to 70 percent. Snap deal confirmed that the customers will get hourly offers across all electronic items, also up to INR18000 off on digital SLR cameras and freebies worth INR 19000. Snap deal is hopeful of increasing its sales manifolds during the sale. Snapdeal, Senior VicePresident, Electronics and Home, Tony Navin said. “Our comprehensive assortment of over seven lakh electronic products, assured brand warranty and next day delivery solutions promise an enhanced customer experience”. Karen Millen to open stores in India soon UK fashion brand Karen Millen will soon hit the Indian markets. The brand will soon set up a dozen retail stores over the next three years in the country as per reports. The brand is looking for a master franchisee for India. Gaurav Marya, the chairman of Franchisee India holdings said that the label will find takers here in the bridge to luxury segment. The brand has stores in over 65 countries throughout the world and is sure to rock the Indian apparel industry as well.



IIM Shillong


december 2013 july 2015

Media Secret videos for Publishers announced by Facebook Facebook has announced secret videos for publishers. Secret videos will give page owners the ability to upload videos which would have been used only through a direct URL and are not searchable in general on Facebook. This will help the publishers to host videos on Facebook, embed them on third party sites or share them with anyone who has a URL, without having to post them anywhere else on Facebook.

Ad Watch Coke and jet blue create joy of sharing coke at NYC transit hub Jet blue and coke have come up with a light hearted advertisement teaming up to bend the general rule of NYC transit hubs that you accept gifts from strangers. It showed rigging up a vending machine to split out two bottles of coke and sharing one with the passer-by. The usual busy flyers of New York take out time to interact with other travellers and share some light moments with each other having coke. It’s an amazing advertisement and transforms consuming coke to experiencing coke which is delightful. Youtube link:

Articles are invited

“Best Article”: Aakash Joshi & Nihal Dalal | IMT Nagpur He receives a cash prize of Rs.1000 & a letter of appreciation We are inviting articles from all the B-schools of India. The articles can be absolutely anything related to the world of marketing but it should be an original work that is not published elsewhere. The articles can be specific to the regular sections of Markathon which includes: •Perspective: Articles related to development of latest trends in marketing arena. •Productolysis: Analysis of a product from the point of view of marketing. •Strategic Analysis: A complete analysis of marketing strategy of any company or an event. Apart from above, out of the box views related to marketing are also welcome. The best entry will receive a letter of appreciation and a cash prize of Rs 1000/-. The format of the file should be MS Word doc/docx. The last date of receiving all entries is 10th August, 2015. Please send your entries marked as <ARTICLE NAME>_<SENDERS’ NAME(S)>_<INSTITUTE> to



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december 2013 july 2015

ACE 4.0 Coming Soon...



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