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Little changes with big consequences Four simple ways to improve your health
Tests show that sufferers of atherosclerosis were able to reduce their risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke by 47 percent, compared to those who simply followed a healthy diet and exercise program.
2. Replace hazardous laundry detergents
1. Meditation minimises disease
Meditation is a phenomenal way to instantly take control of your health. Studies indicate that a mere 20 minutes of quiet time a day can halve the risk of heart attack or stroke by reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol.
In countries such as India and China, meditation has been used for centuries as a way to lower stress levels and improve concentration.
Scientists have found that transcendental meditation, which promotes deeper relaxation through mantras, is even more beneficial for the mind and body.
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Certain liquid laundry detergents contain cancer-causing chemicals. Research shows that these harmful cleaning aids contain around 25 volatile compounds, which may make people sick.
Fumes from washing machines and dryers release harmful chemicals, such as acetaldehyde, into the atmosphere, which may also find their way into the water supply. Shop for safer, less dangerous detergents which will help your health and the environment too.
3. Juice your own fruits and vegetables for better health
Buying a carton of juice from the store can be hazardous to your health. Just because the label says “100% pure” or “freshly squeezed” does not mean it is true.
In processing orange juice, for example, most manufactures remove all the oxygen molecules from the liquid, which allows the juice to be stored for up to a year. As this process strips the juices of their flavors, juice companies then add fragrance and flavor additives to the product.
Avoid processed, stored products and take the time to juice your own fruits and vegetables as a great kick-start to better health.
4. Reduce beer consumption and drink alcohol in moderation
Heavy beer drinkers risk liver damage and a bigger beer belly.
According to experts who studied the health of more than 500,000 people between the ages of 35 to 70, it was found that those who drank 30g of pure alcohol a day from beer had a massive 75 percent increased risk of developing stomach cancer.
Worse still, heavy beer drinkers with a particular gene variant in the cluster of three genes that metabolize alcohol have an even greater chance of getting stomach cancer, according to the American Association for Cancer Research.
Ideally, all alcohol should be taken with food, such as a glass of wine with a meal, and spirits should be enjoyed in moderation. Article kindly provided courtesy of NaturalNews.com