2 minute read

Green with envy

If you haven’t begun preparing your lawn for the warmer months, now is the time to start. The experts from Kennards Hire have produced 10 handy tips to make sure that your lawn leaves your neighbours green with envy.

1. Do a good scan of your yard and remove any sticks. Rake up any leftover autumn leaves so that your lawn is receiving maximum sunlight and oxygen.

2. Make sure all of your lawn care equipment is in good working order.

3. Aerating your lawn will reduce soil compaction and increase air circulation. A well aerated lawn will become more efficient in absorbing rain and irrigation water, instead of it just running off the surface.

4. Testing your lawn’s pH levels will establish how acidic or alkaline your soil is. This will help you to determine the condition of your soil, and what your soil may require to nourish and sustain a healthy lawn.

5. If your lawn is suffering from any dead patches or is a bit sparse in some areas, this is the perfect time to sow some new seed for spring. Remove dead grass and fill with loose soil, then sow your seed. Make sure you use the same seed as the rest of your lawn.

6. Until spring really starts to kick in, keep your cutting height high and begin evening the length out. Make sure that you don’t cut your lawn more than one third of its height, as this may expose your lawn to disease and the lingering weather extremes of winter.

7. Grass clippings are a form of organic fertiliser and a great way to keep your lawn healthy. By using a mulching mower and returning the grass clippings to your lawn you are essentially retuning 15 percent more nutrients back into your soil.

8. The key to a healthy lawn in summer is a deep root system. To create a deep lawn root system, you need to train the grass roots of the lawn to search deeper for water. This is done by reducing the time between watering, and increasing the duration that you irrigate.

9. There is nothing worse than a patchy lawn that is riddled with weeds. Hire a spray unit and use a Bindii and broad leaf herbicide to apply directly to the weeds.

10. Grass grows fastest in the warmer months, so decreasing your cutting height down to 2.5cm won’t affect it too much. During cooler months, grass grows much slower so it’s a good idea to raise your cutting height a little so as not to damage it.


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