Oportunidad WE DISCOVER OPPORTUNITIES IN ANY LANGUAGE Today, California offers people a real chance for a better future. They come here to live the California Dream. They dream of a better life for their children, and they are working hard to make those dreams a reality. UC Irvine dreams big right along with Californians. Our professors see the potential of expanding global markets. Our alumni have seen our economy grow as we build partnerships throughout the world. Our students understand that powerful things happen when people of different cultures work together. How do we say opportunity? “UC Irvine.”
SHA PIN G THE F U TU R E OF B REAST C ANC ER D I AGNOS I S UC Irvine’s John Butler and Bruce Tromberg are working together to save lives. Butler – chief of the Surgical Oncology Division, and Tromberg – director of the Beckman Laser Institute, have spent the past 15 years developing, improving and testing laser technology for breast cancer detection. Early results have been encouraging, especially for identifying hard-to-see tumors and evaluating patient responses to chemotherapy. At UC Irvine, Butler, Tromberg and lasers are shaping the future of health care.
Even daVinci would be proud.
The Da Vinci速 surgical robot was named for Leonardo da Vinci, who was among the first people to design a robot. Surgical techniques pioneered at UC Irvine Medical Center using the Da Vinci surgical system continue to set the world standard for excellence. Many lives are saved, and good health is the prognosis, thanks to this new, minimally invasive technology and the expertise of our surgeons. Is surgery art, science or technology? Da Vinci understood the power of all three. So does UC Irvine.
In a time of great challenges, great leaders must emerge. UC Irvine commemorates the importance of training tomorrow’s leaders – in education, law, medicine, the humanities, science and the arts. UC Irvine’s impact on history has been great, and its promise is even greater as it inspires the next generation of Nobel winners, superior educators, scholar-athletes and public servants. That’s a new stamp of excellence for all of our students, faculty and alumni. To learn more visit:
Discover the Physical Sciences — 08-09 Breakfast Lecture Series Putting Viruses to Work — with Professor Gregory Weiss Tuesday, November 18, 2008 — 7:30 - 9 a.m. University Club, University of California, Irvine R.S.V.P. by November 13, 2008 to: or 949-824-7252 This event is free and open to the public.
POWER TO THE PEOPLE! UC Irvine is known worldwide for developing advanced transportation and energy technologies. Those innovations benefit the economy, the environment, public health and our quality of life. UC Irvine is engineering a more sustainable energy future by expanding the hydrogen economy, discovering more efficient ways of harnessing the power of the sun and wind, and setting the standard for the next generation of ultra-clean and ultra-efficient central power plants. UC Irvine. Bringing sustainable power to the people. Right on.