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Shaping the Future Campaign
UC Irvine is marshaling the innovative spirit of California’s Orange County to create a better future for us all.
At the University of California, Irvine, we believe the challenges faced by individuals, communities and nations are uniting us under one common vision – to make tomorrow better than today through shared understanding and learning. What will the future hold for you? Our faculty and students see the opportunity for a healthier life, a more peaceful and prosperous world, a restored environment and people throughout the world who are able to reach their potential. Every great change has individuals and organizations that grasp historic shifts and lead the way to the future. UC Irvine has such a vision for the future, a plan that will take us there and the people in place who will make it happen. Join us.
www. UCI Future.com
We all face daunting challenges.
Diseases destroy lives and shatter families.
We’re shaping the future of your health UC Irvine is pioneering surgical care that gets you in and out of the hospital quicker.
We’re healing babies born with lifethreatening diseases. We’re restoring the lives of people suffering from terrible injuries, burns and illnesses.
We’re shaping the future through stem cell research
Above: Ed Monuki and his wife, Lisa Flanagan-Monuki, both professors of pathology, see the potential for curing disease through stem cell technology.
Our discoveries, which improve and save vision, have made Irvine one of America’s leading centers of eye medicine.
And … we’re an international leader in stem cell research that can hold the answer to curing diseases ranging from Alzheimer’s to cancer.
Our environment is reeling and energy shortages threaten.
We’re shaping the future our planet Energy scientists at UC Irvine are perfecting fuel cell technology for buildings and cars, new and cheaper solar power, and greener buildings that look great while saving the environment.
We give planners realistic ways to reduce pollution, and recycle and conserve water in order to protect the world’s climate.
We’re shaping the future through smart energy & a sustainable environment
Above: UC Irvine fuel cell technologies are powering cars and buildings. The result: clean power and a healthier environment.
We’re finding better ways to conserve energy so we don’t need to make more to begin with.
We’re finding the big answers through our unique “AirUCI” project and UCI’s National Fuel Cell Research Center so that planners can reduce pollution, recycle and conserve — ultimately protecting the world’s climate.
Cultures clash, and the world economy is in peril.
We’re America’s global village campus
We’re shaping future leaders Students and faculty at UC Irvine are finding new ways to bring people together and build understanding … while keeping America a strong and influential member of the world community.
We’re finding solutions to problems that generate conflict, using technology and scholarship to bridge cultures, and we’re leading multicultural teams that build business and tackle global issues.
Shannon Curry Westgaard earned her bachelor’s degree at UC Irvine, and she completed an undergraduate research project with fieldwork in Peru. Now, Shannon is working with the Peruvian American Medical Society, a nonprofit medical group that specializes in bringing care to impoverished areas of Peru.
for the new global community We’re America’s “Global Village Campus” that fully prepares future leaders to navigate the complex new multicultural world society.
We don’t want to live in a world where the next big ideas happen far away… We’re making them happen right here.
Students struggle to learn, seniors fight to remember.
We’re advancing the frontiers of learning & the mind
We’re shaping the future of education UC Irvine is studying how people learn at all stages of life. That’s important in the classroom. It’s also important to our parents and grandparents
as they struggle with memory problems. We’re finding better ways to teach and better ways to help people remember life’s most precious memories.
Above: First- through fourth-graders studying ancient Egypt in UCI’s Gifted Students Academy Exploratorium program crowd around a mummy. Enriching the learning experience for young minds is a focus of our research.
We’re achieving breakthroughs in the science of learning by combining math and science, biology, the neurosciences, child development and education.
You’re focused on discovery and learning. So are we as we advance the frontiers of learning and the mind.
Shaping the future of issues that matter to you. We dream big at the University of California, Irvine. Forty years ago, our founders dreamt of building a UC campus in the middle of open ranch land in the hills above the Pacific Ocean — one of the most spectacular spots in the world.
Since then, we’ve helped Southern California become the world’s pacesetter in technology, medicine, sustainable energy, environmental science, the arts and culture.
From the beginning, we’ve always chosen to direct the power of research, scholarship and teaching towards finding real answers to the world’s toughest problems.
Today, we renew that vision with you.
California’s Orange County is the All of us have an incredible opportunity to lift the world to a better future if we respond to the huge changes that are underway in our society.
UC Irvine is uniquely qualified to pursue. In addition to its sterling academic reputation, UC Irvine’s location in Orange County places it in one of the most spectacular regions of
We are at a focal point in history, where
America, flanked by the Pacific Ocean,
the promise of a new future comes into
beautiful beaches and rugged mountains.
sharp focus. We are providing leadership within the global community by advancing four areas of strategic expertise that
And that natural beauty has been preserved through a commitment to planning and
Shape of the Future protecting the environment through strong
Our region’s cultural diversity and global
partnerships between the university and
business connections also empowers us as we
surrounding communities.
study and learn with colleagues in Asia and the
UC Irvine is at the heart of one of the most dynamic regions in the world. It is home to
Indian subcontinent, Oceania, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Europe.
many of the best minds in science, business,
What does the future hold for us?
culture and the arts, and medicine.
UC Irvine is showing the way to a positive future that’s within our reach.
Celebrating the completion of the hospital fundraising campaign are, from left, James Mazzo, UC Irvine Foundation chair; Dr. Ralph Clayman, interim dean of the School of Medicine; foundation trustee Thomas Tierney, new hospital campaign co-chair; Chancellor Michael V. Drake, M.D.; foundation trustee Michael Hayde; and Terry Belmont, CEO of UC Irvine Medical Center.
The UC Irvine Foundation is the premier volunteer organization supporting the university.
Foundation members believe that, in order to have a world-class community, you must have a world-class university.
Its 43-member Board of Trustees is composed of leading philanthropists in Southern California who are from all walks of life ... business, medicine, law, science and public service.
A vast array of international and influential corporations have selected Orange County as the location for their corporate headquarters, making Orange County the 25th largest economy in the world and the second-largest county in California. Many of the chief executives of these companies serve on the University of California, Irvine Foundation board as trustees and ambassadors – providing invaluable counsel and global perspective to the university.
The Board of Trustees has joined with our faculty to drive the “Shaping the Future” Campaign, which will provide $1 billion to support the campus’ vision for the future. The members of the Foundation share UC Irvine’s vision to be regarded among America’s top-10 public universities.
SHAPING THE FUTURE OF HEALTH Leading Edge Driver: Stem Cell Convener: Vice Chancellor Sue Bryant Trustee Leader: Tom Tierney
SHAPING FUTURE LEADERS FOR THE NEW GLOBAL COMMUNITY Leading Edge Driver: The Global Village Campus Conveners: Dean Andy Policano and Dean Sharon Salinger Trustee Leader: Paul Merage
SHAPING THE FUTURE OF OUR PLANET THROUGH SMART ENERGY AND SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT Leading Edge Driver: AirUCI and the National Fuel Cell Research Center Convener: Dean John Hemminger Trustee Leader: Doug Freeman
SHAPING THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION THROUGH FRONTIERS OF LEARNING AND THE MIND Leading Edge Driver: Frontiers of Learning and the Mind Convener: Professor Deborah Vandell Trustee Leader: Ted Smith
Photo by Paul Kennedy
It matters to all of us What does your future hold? Overloaded hospitals … Ever increasing energy costs … A declining world economy … And schools that fail to teach … We don’t think so. UC Irvine’s pioneering research is fundamentally advancing medical care, and our global connections are reducing human suffering worldwide.
We are enabling the world to do more with less – more clean energy, more affordable, with less impact on our environment. Our team of world-acclaimed experts is rewriting education and learning based on solid evidence from research into how the mind works. UC Irvine students are gaining success in a global academic community that is finding answers to the world’s toughest problems. Together, we’re shaping a future that benefits us all.
With your help, our university, our community, and our state will remain at the forefront of innovation and positive change.
We are proud to be the university that is shaping the future of issues that matter to you.
University of California, Irvine Shaping the Future University Advancement 4199 Campus Drive, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92697-5601 Donor Relations: 866.YOU.4UCI Information: 949.824.9828 www. UCI Future.com