Ed's strike letter

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Colleagues, Today the city saw the importance its transportation system plays in our quality of life. With the upheaval felt by hundreds of thousands of commuters into the city during the BART strike, the SFMTA, the city family, our unions and our partner Bay Area transportation providers needed to step up to aid commuters get to where they needed to be. I would like to express my thanks to every one of you, across all divisions, who pulled together in the course of the last week, working around the clock to mobilize the SFMTA transportation and emergency management system to best aid stranded customers. Though equally affected by the BART work stoppage, our frontline personnel made a commitment to be on hand this morning to serve the critical needs of thousands of displaced travelers. The SFMTA transportation and emergency management team stepped up accordingly, prioritizing service along key routes and along the BART corridor. Our enforcement team is on the street clearing transit only lanes to keep traffic flowing efficiently, our garages are open early and available to accommodate additional drivers and taxis are out in full force. I ask that we continue to do everything we can as an Agency to keep the city moving for the duration of the BART strike. It is our job to expedite travel through our city in the most sustainable way possible. As difficult as it will be, I encourage each of us to continue to plan ahead to find alternate methods of transportation into work as the SFMTA continues its critical role during the BART strike. Both our internet and intranet have resources outlining various transit options. Casual Carpool is available throughout the Bay Area and we encourage everyone to go to http://www.sfmta.com/bartstrike/ or alert.511.org for full details. Thank you again for your important role in helping our customers when they need it most. Ed


Today, the city felt the effects of a transportation crisis. The SFMTA, along with our unions, our city family and our partner Bay Area transportation providers, pulled together to assist hundreds of thousands of displaced commuters as a result of the BART work stoppage. After working around the clock, serving record-breaking crowds during the weekend’s Pride events, I would like to thank each of you, across the divisions, for your continued support in helping prepare and maintain the SFMTA’s transportation and emergency management response during this time of crisis. Frontline SFMTA personnel, equally affected by the BART strike, made a commitment to get to work today during this critical time of need. Transit Fare Inspectors, Muni Ambassadors, Parking Control Officers and over 80 volunteers took to city streets at key transit hubs with flyers and fact sheets to help customers find the quickest way to get to their destinations.

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