Photoshop intro quiz

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ADOBE PHOTOSHOP - VMA 105 WB Introductory Quiz (Please read the ADOBE PHOTOSHOP - VMA 105 WB Syllabus/links on the course home page before attempting this quiz) Completing this quiz will earn you an end-of-semester bonus 25% to be added to any assignment (excluding Discussions, Midterm and Final)

1. 2.

The deadline to submit assignments is usually ___Every Sunday at 11:59pm___? Describe how you would submit assignments to the instructor? Save all files for the assignment, then in adobe acrobat I would combine all files into a single PDF. I would then go to and publish my files, copy the link and email it to Mr.Banjo @

3. A student submits an assignment 3 days late. Full credit for the assignment is 100%. Based on the lateness


policy in the Syllabus, what point deductions may be applied to the assignment grade? 81 for 3 days late (100-15) If an emergency will prevent you from completing assignments before the deadline, you should


____________Contact Mr. Banjo ASAP and you may be granted an extension___________________. How is Attendance determined and what percentage of your final grade is Attendance? Attendance for WB


class is determined by participation in the weekly discussion board and is 40% of final grade To receive full credit for your Discussion Board Participation, you are required to ______3 posts each week on 3 different days. First is Wednesday by 1159pm and the other two are any others


after.______________ Why is it important to participate in the Discussion Board? To stimulate conversation amongst the class, clear up any questions that you may have, receive constructive criticism on your workings and just be


more involved which will help with staying focused on the course. What is the breakdown of your Final grade? Based on that breakdown, calculate the final number (%) and letter grade for a student in this class that received the following totals at the end of the semester: 1100

(assignments); 1300 (discussion); 89 (Midterm) and 93 (Final). 97% 9. How would you check your grade for each assignment? Click the Grade link on the left menu in Moodle 10. My activated BHCC email address is_____________mdonatel@bhcc.edu______________________ and the class instructor’s BHCC email is ______________tbanjo@bhcc.mass.edu_________________? If I need to reach the instructor with a quick question or class related issue, I can text him at __________Not on syllabus_____________________?

11. Write a minimum 100 word mission statement which will guide you as you continue the semester. Paste your mission statement on your introductory discussion board. Here are some examples: My mission is to dedicate these next 15 weeks into becoming confident with using Photoshop. I will manage my time wisely and remain as focused as possible to retain and understand all the information that is taught throughout this course. I am pursuing a career in Web Development and although I do not consider myself a graphic designer as much as I am a coder, I feel that obtaining graphic design and Photoshop skills will enhance my skillset. Instead of taking designs that are already made by someone I would like to have some direction on how to come up with some modern designs to build appealing websites. Understanding Photoshop is another piece of the pie in becoming a complete Web Developer!

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