The Gospel Of John Chapter 3:22-36
John 3:22 ‘After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea, and there He was spending time with them and baptizing.’ ‘After these things’-The Passover in Jerusalem and His interview with Nicodemus. This is another indication that John is placing these events in chronological order.
‘came into the land of Judea’-Jerusalem was the capital of the province of Judea. Evidently Jesus and His disciples are traveling and working in the sections of Judea which are some distance from Jerusalem.
‘He was spending time with them’-‘There the Lord tarried, perhaps as long as from April to December, since the Passover was held in April, and he referred to “four months until the harvest” in John 4:35.’ (Woods p. 69)
‘and baptizing’Points To Note: 1. From John 4:2 we learn that Jesus wasn’t personally baptizing anyone, rather His disciples were doing the baptizing. 2. The baptism that they were administering was the same type that John and his disciples were, that is, a baptism of repentance and preparation. The baptism of the Great Commission, would only become of force after Jesus had died (Mark 16:16). ‘The baptism instituted and commanded by Jesus at His ascension (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16) was not a carry-over of John’s baptism. John’s baptism was not valid after Pentecost (Acts 2:37-38; 19:1-7).’ (Butler p. 117) 3. ‘we get the impression of an unhurried period during which Jesus and His followers got to know each other better.’ (Morris p. 237) 4. That Jesus and His disciples continued the baptism proclaimed by John shouldn’t surprise us, for at the first Jesus preached the same message that John had been preaching (Matthew 3:2; 4:17). 5. John is also giving us some information not found in the other Gospels, that is, the ministries of John and Jesus did overlap, in fact, in this area John and Jesus in a sense worked side by side 6. The reader should note that the above passages we are studying happened prior to such passages as Mark 1:14 and Matthew 4:17. The following chart is helpful in seeing the differences between John’s baptism and the baptism of the Great Commission: John’s Baptism
Baptism Of The Great Commission