Proverbs Chapter 11

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Honesty In Business 11:1 Godliness and honestly must even be practiced in the business realm. God doesn’t buy the excuse that “business is business”, or that Christian principles are unworkable and impractical in such a realm. “Apparently cheating in buying and selling is as old as the marketplace itself…Today we have butchers with thumbs on scales or elaborate packaging techniques that deceive; both are as dishonest as differing weights” (Alden p. 91). Compare with Lev. 19:35-36; Amos 8:5; Deut. 25:13-16; Proverbs 20:10,23. “To increase their profits many merchants used two sets of stone weights when weighing merchandise. Lighter stones were placed on the scales when selling (so that a lesser quantity was sold for the stated price), and heavier ones were used when buying (so that more was obtained for the same price)…The reference to ‘the Lord’ puts commercial matters in the spiritual realm” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 928).

Pride And Humility 11:2 “Both false weights and arrogant people claim to be ‘heavier’ than they really are….Sins do not come in isolation but in clusters. Someone who thinks only of self and has no regard for others can easily resort to cheating in business affairs” (Garrett p. 125). Which means that the arrogant man is untrustworthy in every area of his life. “When pride comes”-arrogance is a choice, one isn’t born boastful. “then comes dishonor”-i.e. dishonor. Eventually, every arrogant individual will be humbled, if not in this life, at the judgment. “This word for pride is from a root that suggests boiling up, and is used of the arrogance of those who must have everything their own way, and will not be ‘kicked around’, i.e. Pharaoh (Neh. 9:10); disobedient Israelites (9:16,29), the social rebel (Deut. 17:12,13), and the bogus prophet (18:20)” (Kidner p. 90). Let us not be quick to envy the person who “has it their way”, typically, even in this life, their dinner of crow is waiting them. Humility (Micah 6:8), is the person who understands their place, especially before God. The man who submits to God with a good attitude will find wisdom.


Righteousness Sees A Man Through 11:3-9 “integrity”-Take for example the career of Joseph, his integrity was his guide that guided him to safety. The same is true in the life of Daniel. The honest thing to do is the right thing to do. But how often does the world try to convince us that an honest person can’t get ahead in life, or that the world will chew up and spit out someone who is honest. Integrity is “moral wholeness”, the opposite of deception, this would be the same quality as the moral excellence or virtue mentioned in 2 Peter 1:5. “the falseness of the treacherous will destroy them”-Which means that basically you end up being treated in the manner that you treat others. Dishonest people will find themselves cheated by their own kind. “Mutual trust is a wonderful thing but mutual distrust is awful” (Alden p. 92). We need to have a greater trust in God’s Providential care of this world. For I think some of us believe that there are people who are so clever that they never can be caught. 11:4 The day of wrath may include the death of the wicked. Wealth can’t “buy off” death nor can it delay God’s judgment upon the sinner. Money can’t buy forgiveness, eternal life, avert the wrath of God, neither can it redeem your soul (Mark 8:36,37). Only righteousness can deliver (2 Peter 2:5,7). Keep this verse in mind next time you are tempted of putting a career before God. Righteousness can prolong life, in addition, it delivers one from spiritual and eternal death. 11:5 “will smooth his way”-While being godly has it’s trials, God argues that there are actually more hardships, obstacles and hindrances on the pathway chosen by the sinner. Jesus would agree (Matthew 11:28-30). “The righteous enjoy security and serenity through life” (Gaebelein p. 960). Compare with 1 Peter 3:10-11. Things just seem to work out for the Christian (Romans 8:28), even when life is rough (Philippians 1:12). But, the sins and deception of the wicked will catch up to him. He will find himself caught in his own web of deception (2 Tim. 3:13). 11:6 Such a greedy person is often taken in the plot they laid for others. “Greed” here can also be translated, “lust”. The deceiver, ends up deceiving himself, the person peddling sin or temptation, ends up addicted to what they are peddling to others. There isn’t any way that sin can be made “safe”, and one can’t deal in sin at arm’s length. 11:7 “his expectation will perish”-Death ends all hope for the sinner. “there is nothing good beyond death for the wicked. Death dashes his earthly hopes to the ground, and eternity holds nothing good for him” (Hunt p. 127). No second chances! Even the hopes of the rich and famous will also perish.


11:8 As in the book of Esther, the trouble which wicked Haman planned for Mordecai came on Haman instead (Esther chapters 3-7). “Here is an expression of confidence in God’s justice in bringing recompense into the world. The antithesis shows the consequences of actions with an unusual twist—the ‘trouble’ the righteous escape falls on the wicked” (Gaebelein p. 960). 11:9 “destroys his neighbor”-the destroying speech under consideration might be slander, or, it could be subversive, speech designed to undermine godly values. “The best defence is knowledge, at first hand, so that you by-pass his distortions” (Kidner p. 91). The righteous person isn’t deceived or destroyed because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Only the Scriptures can enable you to avoid ways which are false (Psalm 119:97-105). “Perhaps this means he escapes the injury of slander either because he knows it is not true or because he knows to stay away from profane people” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 928).

A People’s Happiness 11:10-11 “However drab the world makes out virtue to be, it appreciates the boon of it in public life (14:34; 28:12)” (Kidner p. 91). What goes well with the righteous, can include success in business and family life. But there are actually people who say, “There are too many churches in this community”. “Generally wicked people don’t like people like themselves; they can’t trust each other. Thus even though many wicked people may live in a city, generally they prefer to be with the righteous people” (Alden p. 93). “When the wicked perish, there is glad shouting”-people are glad when people who lie, slander, deceive, steal and murder—die, because the city is safer. To this day, people still rejoice when a inmate on death row is executed. Christian, it may seem like you are ignored, but many of your neighbors and coworkers are glad that you live and work next to them. 11:11 Not to mention their deeds, the deceitful, lying, slanderous, false, cruel, inflammatory words of the wicked can actually undermine the economy, morality and stability of a city. Personal morality and economics or politics cannot be separated. “the words of the wicked have a disastrous effect on society, endangering, weakening, and ruining it with demoralizing, slanderous, and malicious criticism” (Gaebelein p. 961). Just look at what has happened to the moral fabric of our society in the last 30 years.

Least Said, Soonest Mended


11:12-13 “despises”- (belittle, hold in contempt)-“The most misleading way to feel wise is to feel superior” (Kidner p. 91). This verse seems to infer one reason why people gossip about their neighbors, i.e. they feel superior to them. The trustworthy person is willing to keep a secret. If the secret involves sin, then the trustworthy person is willing to approach their neighbor privately (Matthew 18:15). “Some find the temptation to tell others irresistible and offer juicy tidbits to one person at a time. Others give broad hints or innuendoes which give away secrets to those keen enough to put clues together….only a wise man can be trusted to keep his mouth shut” (Alden p. 94). Wisdom dictates that some things should not be told. Far from being simply indiscreet, the talebearer/gossip is an informer, out to hurt people. He or she will deliberately betray you (Lev. 19:16; 1 Tim. 5:14).

Get All The Advice You Can 11:14 Sound advice is essential for the stability of any nation. “Guidance”-is from a Hebrew word which is a nautical term used of steering a ship. Without wise advice, a nation is like a ship without a rudder. “A wise person is open to other’s opinions and counsel” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 929). But pride will keep you from asking for advice—and you will live to regret it. You should get several opinions before you make any important decision, i.e. college, marriage, career, etc…See also 15:22; 20:18; 24:6.

Avoid Pledges 11:15 This topic had already been treated at length in 6:1-5. Putting up security, cosigning for someone can pose a serious problem. “How many people have ‘smarted’ for cosigning notes of others!” (Hunt p. 130). Be careful about allowing friends, family members, etc…of dragging you into foolish business ventures. The verse infers that we are not responsible for the financial well-being of everyone in the community. Even in the NT, there are people who we are not to help in any monetary sense (2 Thess. 3:10). Hence, since our own resources are limited, our giving should be done with wisdom, and our benevolence to the person who legitimately is in need.

An Honorable Life 11:16 “Ruthlessness is not the only way to the top” (Kidner p. 92). The selfish, greedy and ruthless person might get their wealth (for a while), but they aren’t respected at the same time. And what is wealth without respect or honor worth? “The idea seems to be that one can seize wealth by any means, but “honor” is the natural reward for the gracious person” (Gaebelein p. 962). The true


admiration and respect from your peers cannot be purchased. “The selfdestructive nature of the ‘hard-nosed’ approach to life is apparent” (Garrett p. 126). How many people have sacrificed honor and respect, to gain wealth?

Reaping The Consequences 11:17 “The deed affects the doer most” (Kidner p. 92). Doing the will of God, besides being right, is also good for you! Which means when you keep His commands, you are also truly loving yourself and taking good care of yourself at the same time. The phrase, “does himself harm”, reminds us of Achan (Joshua 7:25-26). This verse also has a medical tone. Kindness is good for you, cruelty, bitterness, resentment, rage, etc…threaten not only your spiritual health, but also your physical health as well. 11:18 Some times it does look like “crime pays”, but whatever rewards the wicked receive in this life are short-lived, shallow and “deceptive”. “One answer to the prosperity of the wicked is that it does not last” (Gaebelein p. 963). Deceptive people will find that their rewards are just as deceptive. (Galatians 6:8). Kidner notes, “only honest achievements satisfy…it is not real, what a bad man gains” (p. 92). 11:19 Note, both the sinner and the believer manifest diligence and effort. Many sinners are working very hard for the devil. Everyone is serving someone (Romans 6:13,16; Matthew 6:19ff). We need to seriously ask ourselves, “Are sinners working harder for the devil, then I am for God?” “Steadfast”-God doesn’t want any fair-weather friends, one must remain faithful to the end (1 Cor. 15:58). In addition, God doesn’t need believers complaining that they are burntout or discouraged (Hebrews 12:1-3).

Hateful Or Delightful To God 11:20 “perverse in heart”-the basic meaning is “twisted”, i.e. a twisted mind, the whole of one’s being is directed towards evil. But our society seeks to excuse the pervert, seeking to blame his actions on some outside factor. The world says that we shouldn’t judge or condemn those who manifest perverted thoughts, speech and actions, that we should embrace diversity, that your morality isn’t my morality and so on. But if I manifested twisted behavior, thoughts and speech, then God hates everything I have become. As much as God detests the wicked, He delights in the godly person. “Blameless”-the person who is doing their utmost to become all that God would have them be--no excuses, no complaints, and no grumbling. Just a grateful and dedicated life.


Justice Will Be Done 11:21 “Assuredly”-lit., “hand to hand”, “probably an allusion to shaking hands on a promise, so meaning ‘depend on it’” (Kidner p. 93). God is saying, “You can depend on the wicked person getting punished”. God won’t change His mind, wickedness which isn’t repented of, will be punished (Romans 2:1-4). “Descendants of the righteous”-would include not only family members, but “the righteous and their kind”, i.e. those who show themselves of this breed (John 8:39).

Beauty And The Beast 11:22 “lacks discretion”-moral perception. There are so many people in the limelight today who fit this exact description! “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear “ is a kind of modern paraphrase of this parable. 1. This woman is far more than just disappointing, she is a monstrosity. True beauty isn’t skin deep, and physical beauty has been completely wasted on a woman or man who rejects God’s standard of morality. A person’s physical beauty can’t make up for their lack of good moral judgment. “Outward female beauty with indiscreet conduct is valueless and morally ugly” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 931). 2. Her husband may think that her looks by far make up for whatever bad judgment that she lacks. But being married to a fool, even a beautiful one gets really old after a while (Proverbs 12:4).

Desire And Fulfillment 11:23 Righteous people only desire good things. “Wicked men won’t admit their goal is to anger people but that is exactly what happens. Righteous people, on the other hand, only want to achieve good things” (Alden p. 96). This verse could also mean that wicked people desire only to vent their wrath.

The Rewards Of Generosity 11:24-26 “This verse emphasizes the paradox that you must sometimes lose to gain (Psalm 112:9; 2 Corinthians 9:6-9)” (Kidner p. 93). “What the hoarder fails to realize, however, is that in the economy of God the greedy ultimately lose even the material things they try so hard to keep while the benevolent only prosper more and more” (Garrett p. 127). The cynical attitude which says, “The rich get richer and the poor are getting poorer”, overlooks the fact that God governs this world. 6

11:25 There are rewards to being generous, and some of these rewards are found in this life. Compare with Luke 6:38. 11:26 “grain in a farming society was a major medium of exchange; hoarding it could drastically affect prices” (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 930). Human cleverness which tries to out maneuver what is morally right, will find itself being despised and in want. Morality is more important than making a huge profit. Supply and demand never justifies jacking up the price or gouging the customer —God is watching!

What You Seek For Others, You Will Get Yourself 11:27 You reap what you sow and get back what you have given, whether good or evil. But how many people have thought that they were smart and clever enough to get around the truth in this verse?

Prosperity, False And True 11:28 Trusting in wealth to deliver, save, bring fulfillment, happiness, meaning, purpose and so on is a mistake that many people repeat in every generation (1 Tim. 6:9-10; Psalm 62:10; Prov. 23:5; 27:24; James 1:11). In contrast, like a green leaf, the godly man will find fulfillment, refreshment, and true health (Psalm 1:3-4; Jeremiah 17:7-8). Note, everyone is trusting in something, every man has “faith” in something, everyone is prescribing to some type of religion.

Sin Hurts 11:29 To inherit the wind, is to receive nothing! Woe to the man or woman who makes trouble for the rest of the family. In addition, sowing a little sin can result in reaping a whirlwind of trouble. Lazy and foolish people will end up working for the people that they have despised and ridiculed. Don’t make fun of the “nerd” at school—he may be your boss one day!

Virtue Spreads Its Blessings 11:30 “a tree of life”-a godly life becomes a great source of blessings to others. A righteous person will attract others to his or her lifestyle.

Strict Requital


11:31 “rewarded”-can either have a reassuring ring or a threatening sound—it all depends upon the life you have lived. “In other words, nobody sins with impunity; not even a Moses or a David, much less the confirmed rebel (Ezekeil 18:24)” (Kidner p. 95). If God holds a righteous man accountable for his sin, and expects him to repent, how much more will God judge the sinner! If righteous people don’t get away with anything, if their righteousness doesn’t excuse them, then how much more the sinner. Keep this verse in mind next time you hear someone saying that God will just save everyone, His standard is very low, grace will cover everything, or the child of God can be continually involved in a number of sins and still be saved.


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