BELLO BUILDING Since the Bello Building is a recep;on area to the campus library, we propose a “contempla;ve” theme that will be enjoyed by a wider audience. We selected mostly landscape and nature based imagery to emphasis open and vista-‐like sensibili;es; to echo both the campus landscape seen from the glass façade on one side and the endless possibili;es the library offers from the other side. We propose one large pain;ng on the larger leM (facing) wall, and 2 smaller works on the semi-‐round wall to the right (facing). Since both spaces will be seen at the same ;me, it is more dynamic and visually interes;ng to see 1 and 2, rather than 1 and 1. For the two staircase landings in the library sec;on we propose either a series of smaller landscape/nature based work or large single abstract pain;ngs. Either works conceptually, but the emphasis hear is to make interes;ng a large horizontal landing space.
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, leM (facing) Bello Building Op;on 1
Peter Hoffer 48” x 120”
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, right (facing) Bello Building Op;on 1
Jeri Eisenberg, 36” x 45” unframed
BELLO BUILDING Circular recep;on op;on 2
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, leM (facing) Bello Building Op;on 2
Trine Bumiller 40” x 73”
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, right (facing) Bello Building Op;on 2
Stephen Pentak 36” x 36”
BELLO BUILDING Circular recep;on op;on 3
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, leM (facing) Bello Building Op;on 3
Svetlana Rabey 32” x 96”
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, right (facing) Bello Building Op;on 3
Allison Stewart 36” x 36”
BELLO BUILDING Circular recep;on op;on 4
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, leM (facing) Bello Building Op;on 4
Willy Bo Richardson 53” x 171”
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, leM (facing) Bello Building Op;on 4
Debra Smith 18” x 53” each unframed
BELLO BUILDING Circular recep;on op;on 5
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, leM (facing) Bello Building Op;on 5
Annie Wildey 50” x 96”
CIRCULAR RECEPTION, right (facing) Bello Building Op;on 5
Ana Zanic 35” x 38” unframed
BELLO BUILDING stairwell landing op;ons
STAIR LANDING (2X) Bello Building Op;on 1
Elise Morris 18x30 unframed
STAIR LANDING (2X) Bello Building Op;on 2
Willie Bo Richardson 53” x 114”
STAIR LANDING (2X) Bello Building Op;on 3
Svetlana Rabey 51” x 118”
STAIR LANDING (2X) Bello Building Op;on 4
Ana Zanic 22” x 30” unframed
STAIR LANDING (2X) Bello Building Op;on 5
Elissa Gore 14” x 54” unframed
FISHER BUILDING Since the Fisher building is the hub of non-‐instruc;onal ac;vi;es and provides a variety of services to students, faculty, and visitors, we propose a “fun and youthful” theme. A colorful palehe and artwork that demonstrates the ar;sts process (paherning, cut paper, collage) will be s;mula;ng and intriguing to visitors. Using abstract and graphic imagery creates a concentrated and visually cohesive space. Currently, there is a lot of glass display cabinets, framed posters and informa;onal signage on the walls. The open floor plan feels disjointed as it is a necessarily varied space. We recommend uniform framing for the artwork, and that the current glass cabinets that adver;se student ac;vi;es be relocated to a key designated area; one on each floor.
FISHER BUILDING 2 stairwell entrances
We propose 1 large horizontal pain;ng (approx. 40x60) on each wall running along the stairs, and framed works on paper on either side of the entrance doors. We selected single large pain;ngs to create visual weight and a stopping point upon entering, as opposed to a series running in line diagonally with the stairs, to counteract the varied nature of the mul;purpose space. Addi;onally, we chose pain;ngs that are colorful and bold and will be striking seen from a vantage point in a large, light flooded space. The works on either side of the entrance doors will be at eye level, unobstructed, and approached directly by students and visitors. With this in mind we chose works on paper with lots of details and interes;ng surfaces. We also con;nued the theme of fun and youthful with abstract and graphic imagery and a colorful palehe choice.
STAIRWELL PAINTINGS Fisher Building Op;on 1
Marceyln McNeil, 60” x 60”, Joanne Freeman 48” x 54”
STAIRWELL LeM & Right of DOOR, works on paper Fisher Building Op;on 1
Marceyln McNeil, 23” x 21” unframed
STAIRWELL PAINTINGS Fisher Building Op;on 2
Mar;na Nehrling 50” x 60”, Debra Zlotsky 48” x 60”
STAIRWELL LeM & Right of DOOR, works on paper Fisher Building Op;on 2
Diane Ayoh 20” x 20” unframed
STAIRWELL PAINTINGS Fisher Building Op;on 3
Paul Behnke 36” x 60”, Kim Uchiyama 30” x 66” unframed
STAIRWELL LeM & Right of DOOR, works on paper Fisher Building Op;on 3
Mar;na Nehrling 20” x 16” unframed
STAIRWELL PAINTINGS Fisher Building Op;on 4
Svetlana Rabey 40” x 60”, Jus;ne Hill 39” x 64”
STAIRWELL LeM & Right of DOOR, works on paper Fisher Building Op;on 4
Ky Anderson 30” x 22” unframed
FISHER BUILDING interior op;ons We propose a series of small framed works on paper near silng areas, table areas, entrance walls, and key hallways. Con;nuing with colorful, abstract and graphic works will visually ;e together the space and create a cohesiveness in an open floorplan. Most of these spaces with be approachable, like the entrance artworks, and we would con;nue with the emphasis on process-‐oriented works. We recommend uniform framing for the artwork, and that the current glass box cabinets that adver;se student ac;vi;es, be relocated to a key designated area; one on each floor.
INTERIOR works Fisher Building Collec;on of op;ons Rachel Hellman
Joanne Freeman
INTERIOR works Fisher Building Collec;on of op;ons Julie Gross
Marcelyn McNeil
INTERIOR works Fisher Building Collec;on of op;ons Mar;na Nehrling
Marilla Palmer
INTERIOR works Fisher Building Collec;on of op;ons Meredith Pardue
Kim Uchiyama
INTERIOR works Fisher Building Collec;on of op;ons Ky Anderson
Diane Ayoh
FISHER BUILDING ver;cal entrance op;ons The entrance approaching from the Interfaith Center. We propose a large ver;cal pain;ng, colorful and semi-‐graphic, as it will be seen from a distance through the large glass entrance. The palehe and abstrac;on is consistent with the fun and youthful theme of the Fisher building plus we included two op;ons that have a nature reference to echo the surrounding campus landscape.
Ver;cal Entrance Fisher Building Op;on 1
Trine Bumiller 125” x 72”
Ver;cal Entrance Fisher Building Op;on 2
Meredith Pardue 72” x 36”
Ver;cal Entrance Fisher Building Op;on 3
Julian Jackson 79” x 24”
Ver;cal Entrance Fisher Building Op;on 4
Luke Achterberg 88” x 48”