Nancy Cohen Force: Observations from the Interior
On the cover: Nancy Cohen's "Low Tide"
Force: Observations from the Interior Nancy Cohen On view March 28 through May 4, 2019
"Breakwater," 2018, paper pulp, ink and handmade paper 54 x 54 in.
"Scrim" 2019, paper pulp, ink and handmade paper 52 x 45 in.
"re: Precarious" 2019, paper pulp and handmade paper, 69 x 39 in.
"Low Tide" 2018, monoprint, ink and paper pulp on handmade paper 44 x 44 in.
"Public Market" 2018, paper pulp and handmade paper 52 x 52 in.
"Dissolution" 2018, paper pulp and handmade paper 36 x 41 in.
"Underside" 2018, paper pulp and ink on handmade paper 25 x 50 in.
This work has been supported in part by the STUDIOWORKS/Tides Institute & Museum of Art, and by Ninth Wave Global, private not-for profit organizations.
View Cohen's full CV here: