SARAH IRVIN "Atlas Uh-oh"

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(on the cover) Atlas Uh-oh, 2016 ink on yupo 84 x 60 in.


May 12th-June 18th, 2016

Gain, 2016 ink on yupo 60 x 84 in.

Let Down, 2016 ink on yupo 60 x 84 in.

Kathryn Markel Fine Arts is pleased to present Atlas Uh-oh, Sarah Irvin’s first solo exhibi;on with the gallery. Sarah Irvin creates dynamic, rich images that contain an ac;vated freshness while rumina;ng on the strength and limita;ons of language and memory. Her process for her ink series reflects the shiFing nature of memory, the evolu;on of language on an individual and societal level, and how the dependability of both can be lost over ;me. The series was ini;ally inspired by her grandfather’s loss of language due to Alzheimer’s disease. Now, Irvin uses the limited language skills of her 18-month-old daughter as a star;ng point, shiFing her focus from the end of our rela;onship with words to the beginning. Irvin begins with ink and a non-absorbent Yupo paper, wri;ng words and phrases thickly in expressive cursive. Once wriOen, Irvin takes squeegees and destroys the words, allowing the ink to slip and spread across the paper, forming new marks. Remnants of the words some;mes remain visible, but their meaning can’t be deciphered. The ini;al phrases are derived from personal family memories, Irvin’s daughter’s first words, and concerns about our culture’s use of language. By obscuring them, Irvin evokes both the power and shortcomings of language. She ques;ons the ability of the individual to accurately make use of these words, and our society to interpret them correctly, subver;ng the very techniques used to record our language through wri;ng and publishing. The immediacy of the finished image evokes an emo;onal sensibility, as if destroying the words has leF only the feeling of the moment or concept they described. Sarah Irvin holds a BA from University of Georgia and an MFA from George Mason University (2016). Her work has been exhibited with the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, Kennedy-Douglass Center for the Arts, and the San Angelo Public Arts Commission, among others. Her work is found in both private and corporate collec;ons, including the University of Richmond, Quirk Hotel, and Try-Me Urban Restora;on Project.

Companion, 2016 ink on yupo 26 x 40 in.

Splice, 2016 ink on yupo 26 x 40 in.

Atlas Uh-oh, 2016 ink on yupo 84 x 60 in.

Gain, 2016 ink on yupo 60 x 84 in.

SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2016 Atlas Uh-oh, Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York, NY A Bringing Forth, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia (upcoming) A Bringing Forth, Lorton Workhouse Art Center, Lorton, Virginia (upcoming) 2015 Objects and Ac;ons, Mason Art Lab, Workhouse Arts Center, Lorton, Virginia The Sleep Series, Fenwick Gallery, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 2014 New Work, Lorton Workhouse Art Center Art Lab, Lorton, Virginia Paper, Westminster Canterbury, H. ScoO November Gallery, Richmond, Virginia 2013 False Colors, Page Bond Gallery, Richmond, Virginia New Work, Lorton Workhouse Art Center Art Lab, Lorton, Virginia 2012 Solo Exhibit, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta Georgia Roots: Mixed Media Work by Sarah Irvin, Kennedy-Douglass Center for the Arts, Florence, Alabama Shady Grove, Solo Exhibit, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas 2011 San Angelo Public Arts Commission Exhibi;on, San Angelo, Texas

GROUP EXHIBITIONS: 2016 6th Na;onal Collegiate Handmade Paper Art Triennial, Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, Ohio (upcoming) 2015 Procreate Project Photozine Exhibit, Women’s Art Library, Goldsmiths University of London, London, England 6th Na;onal Collegiate Handmade Paper Art Triennial, Corcoran, Washington DC Art on Paper Miami, Kathryn Markel Gallery, Miami, Florida (upcoming) Two Person Exhibit, 12Twelve, curated by CulturalDC, Washington DC 2014 LineWorks: Drawing Redefined, Greater Reston Arts Center, Reston, Virginia Ar;fex: George Mason University Graduate Student Exhibit, Capital One Corporate Art Program, Richmond, Virginia 2nd Annual MFA Exhibit. George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia Dialogue in Color, The Drawing Room Gallery, Cos Cob, Connec;cut 2013 Grayscale. ArtDC Gallery, HyaOsville, Maryland Abstrac;on and Reality, Fredericksburg Center for the Crea;ve Arts, Fredericksburg, Ladies First, Walton Gallery, Petersburg, Virginia Shade, Page Bond Gallery, Richmond Virginia New Waves, Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, Virginia Beach, Virginia 2012 50 Small Works, Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Hampton, Virginia Keepsake,”Linda Matney Gallery, Williamsburg, Virginia Haze, Page Bond Gallery, Richmond, Virginia Arts Alive Fes;val Gallery Show, Kennedy-Douglass Center for the Arts, Florence, Alabama

EDUCATION: George Mason University Master of Fine Arts Candidate, Pain;ng, Fall 2013 – Spring 2016 University of Georgia Bachelor of Fine Arts, Pain;ng and Drawing, Fall 2004 - Spring 2008, magna cum laude ACTIVITIES and RESIDENCIES: Ar;st Parent Index, Founder 2016 (Pro)Create Anthology Founder and Curator 2014 Ar;fex, Graduate Student Organiza;on, Vice-President 2014-2015, President 2015-2016 CulturalDC Flashpoint Gallery Fellow 2014 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Canvas Board Member 2011-2013 Monster Drawing Rally, 1708 Gallery, Richmond Virginia, December 2011, December 2012 COLLECTIONS: Capital One, Plano, Texas Center for GiFed Studies, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky Federal Reserve Bank, Richmond, Virginia Old Dominion Electric Coopera;ve, Richmond, Virginia Quirk Hotel, Richmond, Virginia Try-Me Urban Restora;on Project, Pamela and Bill Royall University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia Mul;ple Private Collec;ons LECTURES AND TALKS: 2016 Mother Making: Ar;s;c Prac;ce and the Forma;on of A Mother, M.O.M. Conference, ManhaOan College, New York, New York Loading Content, Visual Voices Lecture, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 2014 Here and Now, Visual Voices Panel Discussion, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 2013 Northern Virginia Community College, Exhibi;ng Ar;st Panel, Woodbridge, Virginia Building on the Past Panel Discussion Moderator, Page Bond Gallery, Richmond, Virginia St. Catherine’s School, Visi;ng Ar;st Talk, Richmond, Virginia Westminster Canterbury, Visi;ng Ar;st Lecture, Richmond, Virginia 2012 Angelo State University, Visi;ng Ar;st Lecture, San Angelo Texas 2011 Petersburg Area Art League, Exhibi;ng Ar;st Talk, Petersburg, Virginia 2010 Old Dominion Electric Coopera;ve, Ar;st Talk, Richmond, Virginia

GUEST CURATING: 2016 Domes;c Territories, Olly Olly, Fairfax Virginia (upcoming) 2013 Past Present, Northern Virginia Community College, Woodbridge, Virginia Keepsake, Linday Matney Gallery, Williamsburg, Virginia Building on the Past, Page Bond Gallery, Richmond, Virginia

529 W. 20th St., Ste. 6W New York, NY 10011

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