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M A R C E L Y N M C N E I L Lookers

On the cover: In Unison, 2015 oil on canvas 54 x 52 in (cropped)

MARCELYN M C N E I L L o o k e r s Oct. 22 – Nov. 28, 2015

Inside Out, 2015 oil on canvas 60 x 72 in

Shifting Grounds, 2015 oil on canvas 54 x 52 in

Kathryn Markel Fine Arts is pleased to present Lookers, which features new pain9ngs by Houston based ar9st, Marcelyn McNeil. Marcelyn McNeil synergizes the dissonant elements of rigid lines and soA shapes, neutral tones and bright colors to make bold, yet quietly confident pain9ngs. Explora9ve in their color rela9onships, her large pain9ngs use chroma9c contrasts to create a shiAing sense of depth rather than shading and modeling. Forms that are composi9onally in one place are pulled forward or backward by their hue or lack thereof. Her forms become animated, volleying for their space on the canvas and leaning ever so slightly towards the peculiar. She starts her work by developing two or three simple forms based on their ability to engage one another and make for a dynamic rela9onship. Pouring the paint across the canvas, she tapes off areas to create hard lines, but allows unintended drips to survive in the final piece. Fresh and alive, she does not make marks as much as she fashions surfaces, the immediacy of which reveals the energy and thought process behind them. Considering a sense of “flatness” plays a major role in her pain9ng, though her composi9ons purposefully create space and volume. Heightening composi9onal and color tensions give her planar, buoyant forms a sense of weight. The charisma9c arrangement of shape, color and line encourages a connec9on to the viewer. Each will see their own interpreta9on of the subject, impar9ng their own feelings and experiences onto McNeil’s composi9ons.

Tangled Up in You, 2015 oil on canvas 52 x 54 in

In Unison, 2015 oil on canvas 54 x 52 in

Uh Huh, 2015 oil on canvas 52 x 54 in

EDUCATION M.F.A. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

B.F.A. Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, OR


RESIDENCIES 2015 2011/2012


Alternate, Sharpe-­‐Walentas Studio Program, NY, NY MacDowell Colony Fellowship, Peterborough, NH

2015 Ar9st of the Year, Decora9ve Center Houston, TX 2013 Finalist, Richard Diebenkorn Fellowship, San Francisco Art Ins9tute 2012/2011 Milton and Sally Avery Fellow, MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH PUBLICATIONS / REVIEWS 2013 Blouin ARTINFO, 5th Texas Biennial, by Benjamin Suion, August 201 art ltd., Lemonworld at Anya Tish, by Rachel Hooper, July 2013 Visual Art Source , Featured Editorial: by Donna Tennant, 05/2013 Arts and Culture Magazine Houston, Queen of Confla9on by Nancy Zastudil, 05/2013 GROUP SHOWS Arts and Culture Magazine Houston, by Debra Berrara, 2/25/2013 2015 Metamodern, Denny Gallery, NY, NY Glass9re, Painters’ Painter, by Rachel Hooper, 2/13/2013 A Pointy Toe Boot Up the Backside, Wilding Cran Gallery. L A, California 2012 Glass9re, In Plain Sight, by Hesse Caplinger, September 30, 2012 Drawing Quote Unquote, Dallas, TX The State of the Art: Contemporary Texas Ar9st, by June Mai9ngly Pulse, Conduit Gallery, NY, NY art ltd., From Something to Something Else, by Rachel Hooper, 2014 Abstract: Construct, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX May/June 2012 Carte Blanche, Central Features, Albuquerque, NM 2011 Front Row, Delicious Abstracts at Conduit, by Peter Simek, June 9, 2011 Draped Up and Dripped Out, parts I and II, Oak Cliff Cultural Center, Dallas, TX Texas Contemporary Art, by June Manngly, June 15, 2011 Longitude and La9tude II, Conduit, Dallas, TX 2014 New American Pain9ngs, Western Edi9on #114 2013 No Time Like the Present, Anya Tish, Houston, TX 2010 New American Pain9ngs, Western Edi9on #90 TX Biennial Invita9onal, Lawndale, Houston, TX 2007 New American Pain9ngs, Western Edi9on #72 TX Biennial, Blue Star, San Antonio, TX Miami Project, Conduit Gallery, Miami, FL COLLECTIONS Un9tled, Miami Beach, FL Loeb House, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Howard Sherman's Ar9sts’ Picks, HAA, Houston, TX Fidelity Investments Corporate Art Collec9on, Dallas, TX Fresh Tracks, The University of Dallas, Dallas, TX Fidelity Investments, Corporate Art Collec9on, NM Re-­‐Dux, Williams Tower, Houston, TX Emprise Bank Art Collec9on, KS 2012 Miami Project, Conduit Gallery, Miami, FL Starpak, Houston, TX In Plain Sight, McClain Gallery, Houston, TX From Somewhere to Somewhere Else, Anya Tish, Houston, TX TEACHING POSTITIONS 2011 A Modern Thread, Williams Tower, Houston, TX 2014 Guest Cri9ques, Advanced Pain9ng, Glassell School of Art, Houston, TX Bruke Nicht Weit, Eldorado, KS 2014 Visi9ng Ar9st Faculty, Senior Pain9ng, The University of Houston, Biennial Favorites, Darke| gallery, Houston, TX Houston, TX Texas Biennial, Aus9n TX 2013 Visi9ng Ar9st Faculty, Fundamentals of Drawing /Junior Pain9ng, The TFAA, sponsored by Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, TX University of Houston, Houston, TX 2015

Lookers, Kathryn Markel, NY, NY Central Features, Albuquerque, NM Compact Fic9ons, Anya Tish, Houston, TX 2014 reshuffle, Conduit, Dallas, TX 2013 Bent Into Shape, Galveston Art Center, Galveston, TX Lemonworld, Anya Tish, Houston, TX 2011 Recent works, Conduit Gallery, Dallas, TX 2010 New Works, Darke Gallery, Houston, TX

529 W. 20th St., Ste. 6W New York, NY 10011

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