Navigating 2023, roll on 2024.
Thursday, 27 July 2023
Pullman, Auckland and Online (hybrid event)
Early-bird closing date – Friday, 23 June 2023

Navigating 2023, roll on 2024.
Thursday, 27 July 2023
Pullman, Auckland and Online (hybrid event)
Early-bird closing date – Friday, 23 June 2023
With a proud history of 13 years, the New Zealand Liability Conference provides the ideal opportunity to tackle the pertinent issues that have arisen over the past year and prepare for what lies ahead.
Attracting delegates from across New Zealand, this popular event features plenty of opportunities to network and strengthen your business ties.
Are you looking for a deep dive into technical topics? Do you want to gain valuable insights to support decision making, and identify and manage risks? Or are you aiming to expand your network and open the door to new business opportunities? Whatever your goal is, this conference is for you!
For further information please contact Kelly Phypers, Event Manager, ANZIIF.
This year, we are once again delivering the conference as a hybrid event. We look forward to welcoming attendees at Pullman, Auckland and broadcasting the interactive sessions live online for anyone who prefers to attend virtually.
Date: Thursday, 27 July 2023
Venue: Pullman, Auckland and Online (hybrid event)
Time: 8:00am - 5:30pm NZST
Registration: 8:00am - 8:30am
Conference Sessions: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Networking Drinks: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
ANZIIF Professional Development: 6 CIP Points
The New Zealand Liability Conference is an ideal event for all:
• Insurers
• Insurance brokers and agents
• Liability professionals
• Claims professionals
• Risk managers
• Loss adjusters
• Insurance lawyers
• Reinsurers
• Government leaders
Are you interested in sponsorship opportunities for this event? Please contact Barbara Maruno, Partnerships Manager, ANZIIF to learn how your organisation can benefit.
8:00am - 8:30am Conference Registration + Coffee Cart Networking
8:30am - 8:35am ANZIIF Conference Welcome
Mark Silveira, General Manager Industry Engagement, ANZIIF
8:35am - 8:45am MC Welcome
Dean Garrod, Managing Director - New Zealand, McLarens
8:45am - 10:00am Session 1: Market Cycles
MODERATOR: Nigel Grantham, Executive Broker, Crombie Lockwood
We are all well aware that the insurance market is cyclical and of the challenges associated with “Hard” and “Soft” markets, but why do they happen, what local and international forces are driving this dynamic and what can we do as professionals to better prepare, explain and smooth them for the benefit of the industry and for our clients?
Join our panel for an insightful discussion as they explore Insurance Market Cycles and their causes, dynamics and implications.
Adam Baker, Executive Director – Broking, Gallagher Re Australia
Paula ter Brake, Executive General Manager Consumer Brands, IAG
Mark Jones, Chief Broking Officer, Crombie Lockwood
Cameron McLisky, Country Manager, BHS Insurance
10:00am - 10:30am Morning Tea
10:30am - 11:00am Session 2: Recent Developments
Kristal Rowe, Senior Associate, Duncan Cotterill
Emily Walton, Barrister, Bridgeside Chambers
Kristal will look at the implications for construction professionals in relation to the enforceability of limitations of liability in construction contracts and whether you can contract out of statutory duties including a review of the TADD Management decision.
Emily will discuss the Court of Appeal’s decision in Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd v Wellington City Council and its impact on contribution claims under the Law Reform Act 1936, the insurance market and whether it might prompt another review of joint and several liability in NZ.
11:00am - 12:10pm Session
1. Environmental Risks and Consequences
SPEAKER: Andrew Walker, Technical Director, NZ Environment Group, GHD
Andrew will present learnings from two recent examples of environmental non-compliance in New Zealand, their associated environmental discharges, root causes and associated outcomes. Further, how might these situations be prevented in future but equally how well do we really understand what is occurring during site operations, their associated hazardous substances storage and management infrastructure? Andrew explores whether environmental compliance in the form of resource consents and permitting is sufficient to mitigate these risks.
2. Current State of the Environmental Liability Market in New Zealand
SPEAKER: James Halfacree, Environmental Liability Manager, Delta Insurance NZ
James will outline the current state of environmental insurance in New Zealand, its role in risk management and as a mechanism for risk transfer. James will discuss recent enhancements in coverage, the pitfalls of relying on other insurances for environmental exposures and will provide details of recent claims and consider emerging opportunities for the environmental insurance market.
3. Carcasses, Cliff Falls and Confidential Informants: Regulatory Prosecution Updates
SPEAKER: Ellie Harrison, Partner, Wynn Williams
Ellie will address the current and planned focus of environmental and workplace safety regulation; difficulties arising during regulatory investigations; principles relating to prosecutions of companies and directors.
Ellie will discuss:
• The Ministerial Report into Land Use in Tairāwhiti, regulating environmental legislation and Wairoa and “regulatory” class actions
• The Worksafe prosecution review
• Guidance on charging companies, directors and officers
12:10pm - 1:10pm Lunch
1:10pm - 2:10pm Session 4: CoFI – What’s In, What’s Out, and What to Watch Out For. An Overview of the Regime with a Focus on Liability Insurance
Nick Frith, Partner, MinterEllisonRuddWatts
Jane Standage, Partner, MinterEllisonRuddWatts
This session will examine:
• The new Conduct of Financial Institutions (CoFI) legislation
• Particular implications of the new conduct rules for liability insurers and people in the sector
• What you may expect from the FMA’s expanded role as regulator
2:10pm - 2:40pm Session 5: Engaging the Next Generation of the Insurance Industry
SPEAKER: Isabelle Kwek, Associate, Wotton + Kearney
MODERATOR: Mark Silveira, General Manager Industry Engagement, ANZIIF
Isabelle Kwek is this year’s recipient of the AMINZ Consensual scholarship for mediation which supports future leaders and grows diversity in the dispute resolution sector. In this session, Isabelle will explore what is attracting the next generation of insurance professionals, and how the industry can approach cultural and attitudinal change regarding engagement with key stakeholders in the insurance value chain (brokers, underwriters, mediators, arbitrators, lawyers, experts and loss adjusters). She will highlight the benefits of thinking outside the status quo. The presentation will canvas various types of diversity and the effects of intersectionality and privilege to develop an equitable briefing mindset.
2:40pm - 3:00 pm Afternoon Tea
3:00pm - 3:50pm Session 6: Claims Trends in Financial Lines
Sally Davis, NZ Claims Manager, DUAL NZ
Paula Sheppard-Jones, General Manager, DUAL NZ
In this session our speakers will discuss.
• Cyber and IT PI recent breach events
• Cyber, data security & privacy – underwriting update
• Increased scrutiny of ‘Conduct Unbecoming’ on professionals – focus on Lawyers
• Regulatory update
3:50pm - 4:30pm Session 7: Science Informed Strategies to Prevent Burnout
SPEAKER: Dr Sarah Anticich, Clinical Psychologist
In this session Dr Sarah will summarise the science of burnout and the power of daily intentional habits to promote sustainable wellbeing for individuals, teams and organisations.
4:30pm - 4:35pm Conference Wrap-Up and Close
MC: Dean Garrod, Managing Director - New Zealand, McLarens and Mark Silveira, General Manager Industry Engagement, ANZIIF
Networking Drinks from 4:35pm
Attendees can relax, reflect and connect with fellow delegates. Sponsored by
Early bird pricing is available until Friday 23 June.
All pricing is in New Zealand dollars and includes GST.