Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Hilton Sydney and Online (hybrid event)

Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Hilton Sydney and Online (hybrid event)
With a proud history of 16 years, the Australian Liability Conference provides the ideal opportunity to tackle the pertinent issues that have arisen over the past year and prepare for what lies ahead.
Attracting delegates from across Australia, this popular event features plenty of opportunities to network and strengthen your business ties.
Are you looking for a deep dive into technical topics? Do you want to gain valuable insights to support decision making, and identify and manage risks? Or are you aiming to expand your network and open the door to new business opportunities? Whatever your goal is, this conference is for you!
For further information please contact Melanie Hansen, Event Manager, ANZIIF.
This year, we are once again delivering the conference as a hybrid event. We look forward to welcoming attendees at Hilton Sydney and broadcasting the interactive sessions live online for anyone who prefers to attend virtually.
Date: Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Venue: Hilton Sydney and Online (hybrid event)
Time: 8:00am - 5:30pm AEDT
Registration: 8:00am - 8:30am
Conference Sessions: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Networking Drinks: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
ANZIIF Professional Development: 6 CIP Points
The Australian Liability Conference is an ideal event for all:
• Insurers
• Insurance brokers and agents
• Liability professionals
• Claims professionals
• Risk managers
• Loss adjusters
• Insurance lawyers
• Reinsurers
• Government leaders
Are you interested in sponsorship opportunities for this event? Please contact Barbara Maruno, Partnerships Manager, ANZIIF to learn how your organisation can benefit.
8:00am - 8:30am Registrations
8:30am - 8:40am Welcome to Country
8:40am - 8:50am ANZIIF Conference Welcome
Mark Silveira, General Manager - Industry Engagement, ANZIIF
Sponsor Welcome: Wotton + Kearney
8:50am - 9:00am MC Welcome
Judy Truong, Partner, Lander & Rogers
9:00am - 9:30am Keynote Presentation
Peter Kelaher, Country President, Australia & New Zealand, Chubb
9:30am - 10:00am Environmental Liability Insurance: Protection For The Planet and For The Balance Sheet
Emma Davies, Underwriting Manager – Environmental Liability, AXA XL
Join Emma Davies - leading environmental liability insurance professional and the Underwriting Manager for Environmental Liability at AXA XL - for an introduction to environmental liability insurance and how it can help to bridge the gap left uninsured by general lines policies. Emma will go over key products, core coverages, and broad range of claims examples.
10:00am - 10:30am Fires Involving Photovoltaic Solar Systems
Mark Cousins, Partner, Partner / Forensic Engineer, and Certified Fire Investigator, Burgoynes
Burgoynes investigates between ten and twenty cases a year involving Photovoltaic Solar Systems. These cases include large-scale solar farms generating many mega-watts of electricity, mediumscale systems at industrial premises generating between ten to 500 kilowatts, and small-scale systems at domestic premises (typically rated at around 4 to 6 kilowatt). Mark will provide an insight into some of the more common causes of fire associated with such systems.
10:30am - 10:55am Morning Tea
10:55am - 11:50am Panel Discussion: Obvious Risk and Recreational Activity: A Discussion of Latest Traps and Trends
Catherine Osborne, Chief Claims Officer, Marsh Pacific PANELLISTS:
1. Peter McKenzie, General Manager, SLE Worldwide Australia/Pacific Underwriting
2. Charles Simon, Managing Partner, Casualty + Operations, Wotton + Kearney
3. Rob Veale, Managing Director, V-Insurance Group
The panel will discuss recreational activities from a legal, underwriting, and insured perspective and consider:
• the impact of the High Court decision in Tapp v Australian Bushmen’s Campdraft & Rodeo Association Limited [2022] HCA 11.
• the significance of risk warnings, waivers and the strength of available defences.
• recent trends in claims, market capacity, prudent risk management; and incident response and investigation.
11:50am - 12:25pm Claims: Social Inflation – A Global Perspective, Building Resilience and Post Covid Trends
Catherine Osborne, Chief Claims Officer, Marsh Pacific Region
12:25pm - 1:25pm Lunch
1:25pm - 1:50pm
Keys to Purchasing Cyber Insurance Coverage
Raymond Loh, Product Leader of Cyber and Technology, AXA XL
The demand for cyber insurance is increasing given the heightened threat environment and the changes in regulatory environment. This session will provide some insights on the keys to organisations obtaining cyber insurance from an underwriter’s perspective and what companies can do to achieve better premiums and favourable coverages.
continued next page
1:50pm -
Melissa Tan, Partner, Lander & Rogers
Brendan Read, Partner, KordaMentha
Join Melissa Tan and Brendan Read in this session as they navigate the cyber liability risks that businesses face as a result of cyber-attack or IT-related incident. Brendan will set the scene by taking you through a demonstration of how hackers can impact an organisation’s supply chain during a cyber incident. Melissa will then highlight the cyber liability risks that arise from such a hack, with a focus on third party liability risks including class actions and regulatory enforcement action, and insurance implications.
2:30pm - 3:00pm The Australian Silicosis Epidemic
Allison Haworth, Partner, Lander and Rogers
Daniel Chambers, Executive Director of Research, Metro North Office of Research, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, The University of Queensland, Deputy Editor, Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, Metro North Health
Silicosis is a potentially fatal lung disease caused by inhaling fine silica particles. Jobs in many of Australia’s largest industries, including mining and construction, entail risk of exposure to respirable silica. After a slow start, companies, regulators, insurers, governments, clinicians, and scientists are now engaged in a collaborative effort to protect Australian workers. This talk will explain what silicosis is, what causes it, and how it can be monitored, managed, and treated, highlighting how Australia is leading the world in creating a best practice working environment.
3:00pm - 3:20 pm Afternoon Tea
3:20pm - 3:50pm S18 ACL and Liability For Consequential Loss
Nik Stanisic, Group Legal Counsel, Coverforce Group
Courtney Burrows, Solicitor, HBA Legal (Crawford)
3:50pm - 4:20pm
Generative AI: is it our saviour from drudgery or a mirage?
Dr Rita Matulionyte, Senior Lecturer, Director of Bachelor of Law (Honours) Program at Macquarie University Law School
Raymond Loh, Product Leader of Cyber and Technology, AXA XL
Join Raymond Loh in conversation with Dr Rita Matulionyte – a leader in the AI information technology space and recipient of the 2023 Women in AI Award - Law Category – to find out why Generative AI is the hottest tech buzzword since blockchain, and how things can go terribly wrong when it is used poorly.
4:20pm - 4:30pm ANZIIF Conference Close
Mark Silveira, General Manager - Industry Engagement, ANZIIF
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Networking Drinks and Canapés
Relax, reflect and connect with fellow delegates. Sponsored by
(hybrid event)
Identify High-Risk Industries: Recognise industries in Australia, such as mining and construction, that pose a significant risk of exposure to respirable silica, leading to silicosis.
Understand Fire Incidents: Comprehend the underlying factors contributing to fire incidents involving photovoltaic solar systems, including technical malfunctions, electrical issues, and external influences.
Implement Prudent Risk Management: Gain practical knowledge of prudent risk management strategies for organisations engaged in dangerous recreational activities, focusing on prevention, mitigation, and compliance with legal standards.
Optimise Risk Management: Learn how to align risk management practices with cyber insurance requirements, creating a more robust risk profile that appeals to underwriters and contributes to better coverage terms.
Comprehend Supply Chain Impact: Gain insight into how hackers can exploit an organisation’s supply chain, comprehending the vulnerabilities and potential consequences associated with cyber incidents affecting the supply chain.
ANZIIF gratefully acknowledges the generous assistance and support of the 2023 Australian Liability Conference Organising Committee.
Eren Giriftin (Chair) — Senior Claims Specialist, Liability, SLE Worldwide Australia
Jake Clapham — Head of Placement, Casualty, Aon
Robert Crittenden — Principal, Meridian Lawyers
Emma Davies — Underwriting Manager – Environmental Liability, AXA XL
Brodie English — Underwriter, Casualty – Australia, New Zealand & Asia Pacific, Canopius
Daniel Fay — Underwriting Manager, International Casualty - Middle Market Lead, AXA XL
Nick Murphy — Casualty Manager, Gen Re – Property & Casualty
Jon Stagg — Senior General Adjuster - Liability Crawford & Company
Judy Truong — Partner, Lander & Rogers