Tuesday, 5 September 2023
Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park 161 Elizabeth St, Sydney AND Live Online

With an ever-changing world, and the life insurance industry constantly undergoing changes and improvements, it’s important to reflect on the developments the industry has made and explore what needs to be done to continue to evolve.
The 2023 ANZIIF Group Life Seminar is a must-attend event for life insurance professionals and anyone in or adjacent to the life insurance sector who wants to stay up to date on trends, gain knowledge on the future direction of the Group Life industry, and issues directly affecting the industry.
This year’s seminar will feature:
• A regulator’s update from APRA and ASIC sharing the latest views and future developments
• An overview from HESTA on the quality of advice and how it may be provided through super funds
• An insight on group schemes from CALI
• A panel discussion on TPD Sustainability
• Discuss the latest trends, developments, and emerging issues in the group life insurance industry, and the potential impact on business strategies and practices.
• Explain the current regulatory landscape and the areas of interest for both APRA and ASIC in relation to the life insurance sector.
• Identify the various models and impact of providing advice through super funds, considering how it may influence the demographic characteristics and risk profile of individuals insured within these funds.
• Understand the role of CALI (Council of Australian Life Insurers) in the insurance industry and their priorities and objectives with a specific focus on the Group Insurance segment..
• Collaborate with your industry peers, share knowledge and explore the topics presented.
Anyone working in the life, life adjacent and superannuation sector, including:
• Insurance Professionals
• Policy Service Representatives
• Product Development and Client Relationship Staff
• Underwriters and Underwriting Directors
• Brokers
• Adjusters
• Superannuation Funds
• Claims Assessors
• Compliance Risk and Governance Staff
• Claims/Broking/Underwriting Consultants
• Administrators and Operations Staff
2:05pm – 2:40pm
Regulator’s Update: including findings from the APRA sustainability survey

Peter Kohlhagen, General Manager, Insurance, APRA
Jane Eccleston, Senior Superannuation Leader, ASIC

This presentation will provide an industry update from the regulatory perspective, with a focus on ensuring that group life insurance is fit for purpose in meeting the needs of the Australian community, the importance of sustainability in the group life sector and key regulatory initiatives.
Quality of Advice in Super Funds: Models, Implications, and Risk Profiles
Jon Standen, General Manager, Member Engagement, HESTA

2:40pm – 3:05pm
In this session, attendees will be provided with a comprehensive understanding of the quality of advice in super funds, exploring how advice is provided and how advice could be provided under quality of advice, the various models employed, and the implications of regulatory frameworks such as the Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO). The session will also delve into the impact of advice on the membership profile and changes in the risk profile of those insured.
3:05pm – 3:25pm Afternoon Tea
CALI’s Priorities and the Future of Group Life Insurance
Christine Cupitt, Chief Executive Officer ,CALI
3:25pm – 3:50pm
This session offers a unique opportunity to introduce CALI (Council of Australian Life Insurers) and its priorities, with a specific focus on group schemes, to ensure attendees are informed about the latest developments and areas of focus in the group life insurance sector.
Christine will provide an overview of CALI, highlighting its role as a leading industry association representing Australian life insurers. Participants will gain an understanding of CALI’s mission, objectives, and its commitment to promoting the growth, innovation, and sustainability of the life insurance industry.
PROGRAM (continued)
Time Session
Panel: TPD sustainability – is it still fit for purpose?
Christine Cupitt, Chief Executive Officer, CALI
Jane Eccleston, Senior Superannuation Leader, ASIC

Peter Kohlhagen, General Manager, Insurance, APRA

3:50pm – 4:35pm
John Walters, General Manager of Group Business, Hannover Re

Richard Land, Actuaries Institute DITF Lead on Group Insurance Sustainability

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4:35pm – 5:30pm Networking Drinks
Christine Cupitt Jane Eccleston Peter Kohlhagen John Walters Richard Land