4944 Juniper Way

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4944 Juniper Way Winston Salem, NC 27104 MLS#: 918909 Sub Type: Residential/Stick/Site Built Tax Parcel: 5894-99-8445 Subdivision: Juniper Glen Zoning: RS9 City Limits: Yes

Active Forsyth 2019

General Information Story #: 1.5 Style: Transitional Comp Dt: Beds: 3 Baths: 3/0 Basement: No Foundation: Attic: Walk in Attic Fireplace: 1/Great Room Garage/Carport: 2/Attached Garage Total Htd SF: 2200 - 2600 Elementary: Htd SF Main: 1700 - 2000 Middle School: Htd SF 2 Fl: 500 - 600 High School: Htd SF Up Lvl: Acres: Htd SF Low Lvl: Unfin SF Low Lvl: Land Desc/Topo: Cleared Land, Cul-De-Sac, Subdivision Lot Dimensions: 98x51

Room Info Dining Room Master Bedroom 3rd Bedroom Great Room # Full Baths: # Half Baths:

3 0

Exterior Finish: Exterior Features: Interior Features: Appliances: Miscellaneous: Flooring: Parking:

Level Main Main Second Main

Dimensions 11ft 4in X 13ft 5in 18ft X 15ft 13ft 5in X 14ft 18ft 3in X 20ft 3in Main: Main:

2 0

Room Info Kitchen 2nd Bedroom Loft Upper: Upper: Features


List Price: Status: County: Yr Built:

Level Main Main Second

1 0

Blt Info: Rooms Slab



Dimensions 12ft X 17ft 6in 12ft X 11ft 6in 16ft 1in X 14ft Lower: 0 Lower: 0

Brick, Stone, Vinyl Porch: Yes Fenced: Pool: No Handicap: Elevator: Covered Porch, Patio, Paved Drive, Screened Porch Ceiling Fan(s), Dead Bolt(s), Dryer Connection, Garage Door Opener(s), Garden Tub, Kitchen Island, Laundry Room Main Level, Pantry, Separate Shower, Smoke Alarm, Solid Surface Counter, Washer Connection Attached Microwave Oven, Dishwasher, Disposal Cable, Great Room Carpet, Tile, Wood Garage Utilities

Heating: Forced Warm Air Water Heater: Gas Energy Features:

Heating Fuel: Water:

Natural Gas Public

Cooling: Central Sewer: Public



421 North to Peacehaven Rd exit #240. R-Peacehaven Rd .8 miles on right. OR Country Club Road West to Left on Peacehaven. Juniper Glen on left.

Public Remarks:

Maintenance free Main level living in convenient location in Winston Salem! Arden's “Sherwood” floor plan. All Brick Open concept living with front porch, Screened porch/rear patio. Master ensuite with two walk in closets and custom tiled walk in shower,, double vanity. Second full bedroom on main with full bath. Hardwoods on main. Main level laundry with drop zone. Within minutes to highways, local hospitals, shopping and restaurants. Up to $2000 Closing Incentive w/preferred lender/atty. Builder will pay first year HOA dues! MOVE IN READY!

Home Owner Assoc: Yes HOA Fee 1: 250.00 HOA Fee 1 Pd: Monthly Tax Map: Tax Block: Tax Lot: Seller Rep: Owned property for at least one year Tax Rate: 1.3209 Financing Opt: Tax Value: $0 List Office: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Carolinas Realty

Tax Year: 2019 Tax Amount: $0 Type of Sale:

Docu s,go Enve•ope IC D 1 F- 85900-76f-8·4CBO-A6F9-65808520C9A9

STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MJNERAL AND OIL ANI> CAS RfGHTS MAN DATORY J)fSCLOSL'RE STATEMENT lnstrnctions to Pro perty Own�rs The Residential Property D1�cll15ure Act (G.S. 47E ) (·•Disclosure AcC) n:quircs rmnc>rs nf <.:t�rtarn residenual real testate such n, �ingle-famify homes, individu�I con�lominiums. townhouses. and the like, and building:, with up to four dwelling unit<;. to fumish purchasers a Mi11en1I nnd Oil and Gas Ri ghts l>isclusurl! Statement 1 --oisclost;re Statement"'). This tbrm is the onl)• one approved for thrs purpose. 2. A disclosure statement is not required for some transaction�. For a complete l ist of .:xemplions. ,ee G.S. 47F.-2(n ) . A DISCLOSURE S l'\TEMENT IS REOlffRt;ll FOR Tiff TRANSFERS IDE"\TIFIED IN G.s. 47E-2lbl. tncluding transfer, invol ving the li�t sak of a dwdling never inhabllcd. lease with option to rurcha:,e .:ontra.:t'> where the le..%1."C occup ic� or intends to occu py the dwellin g. and transfers between parties when both parties ag ree not to provide the Residenti31 PrPperty arrd Owner·� .'\s�ociation Disclosure Statemcnt. 3. You must respond tu end, of lhe following by placin g a check -.J in the appropriate bu:-.. MIN ERAL AND OIL ANO GAS RIGHTS DlSCLOS{!RE \lineral rights and/or oil nnd gas rights can be severed from tltc title to real propcrt_} by conveyance (deed) of the mineral rights and/or oil and gas rights from the owner or by reservation of the mineral rights and/or oil uud gas rights by the owner. If miner:11 righ ts itnd/or oil and gas ri)!hts arc or will be severed from the property, the owner of those rights may have the perpetual right to drill. mine, explore. and remow any or the subsurfa<·c mineral and/or oil or gas resource� on or from the p ro1>er1y either dircttly from the surface of the property or from a nearby locntiott. With re)!:1rd to the severunce of minernl rights 11nd/or oil and gas rights. Seller makes tbe following disclosures: Ye�


No Rcpre:.eotation




lluytr I nitial,

I. Mineral rights were severed from the property by a p1·evi<l11� owner.

Bu)'er I nhi:11�

2. Seller ha� seHred thl' mineral rights from the property.



!>. Seller intends to sever the mineral ri{!h ts from the property prior to



4. Oil and f!.8, rights were severed from the property by a previou, o"ner.



5. Seller has St>vered the oil and �a� rights from lhe property.



6. Seller intends to sever the oil and gas right.s from the p roperty prior to trnnsfer of title to Buyer.



transfer of title to the Bu yer.

Buyer lnili:il,

Note to Pu rcltasers

I f t.he o,,ncr doe� not g ive you a Mineral and Oil and Gas Rights Disclosure S\atcment by the lime- you make y our oiler to purchase the property . or exercise an option to purchase the property pursuant to a lease with an option to purchas.:. :, ou may under certain conditions cancel any resulting contracr without pem11ty to ) uu as the purchasl!r. To 1.:ancel the contrnct. you must per�onall y del iver or mail written notice of y our decision to cancel to the owner or the owner's agent within three calendar day� following your recei pt of this Disclosure Statement. or thrt!e calendar day � following the date of the contract. whichever occurs first. However, in no event docs the Disclosure Act pem1i1 you to cancel a contra.cl after !'.ettlement of the transaction or ( in the cas..: of a sale or C)(Change ) after y ou have occup ied the proper, > whkhever occurs fir�L



�--=-P ;;.;C Property Address, __.......;;VI __U_L__ T.1_?...;L _ll. _ o_P _G" �£.. _ T. _1...;E ;;;._S__________________ ( ) Owner's Namc s : Arden Group , LLC Ow11er(�) ucknow/cdge huving exammed this Di.tdosnre Statemem ht!_{ore sig11inf{ and that all informmion is m,e ,111d ,•orrett as oj /he dale s1g11ed. Arden Group , LLC Dati; ----,-------Owner Si gna1urc:

/zu,/ Y'.

Owner Signature: 6 �---o:--- Dme °2f ) f l'urch<1s.:r s uc:lwmrl,:d�e recdpt qf a copy o this Disl'losure Statemenl: 1/rat they ltaw o!Xcm1i11ed it b,:fore signing ; that /hey 11ndtnta11d that 1hi.1 i., tlul a 11·arre1111.v hy au-11er or owner's agenl; and 1ha1 the re1,re�,:111arium cm! ntt1clt> hy the ffil'tll'r tmd not the mwer'.1 agcnT/11 or .wba_(!1'11t(s1. Purchaser S ig 1atur<': ____________________________ Ditti! _____________ Purcha.�er Signature. ____________________________ Da te _____________ RH •I 15 I l :i OI II I� Con,lma.s R-:.,llf - \1• 111-llun SJlem. 1 1 0 ( l.lkw,'Od Dri-.· Wi11,1on-�:ucm. 11.C 27 llH Mt•jd\Jwlidd ArJ.:,1 Ph<>nc 3.ll-... n�-�,!00 Fa., Tori Bo-.-scn Pr- wlh z,ofo,m:, b't L'lllOII'• 18070 F tttP.n Ml• Road Fr•«r. f.fa.;<Jon �8025 =Y,�

Marketed by

Amanda Heath 336-682-6822 AmandaHeathHomes@gmail.com

A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC

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