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Alpine milk and herbs combine to create the uniquely aromatic flavours of our Tyrolean mountain cheeses.
We Tyroleans have always made the most of our local fruit – we love it fresh, in pastries, as compote, jam and, of course, processed into highly alcoholic schnapps. ‘A schnapps a day keeps the doctor away!’
Alban Pfurtscheller, junior hotel director, cuisiner and connoisseur, leads us through the Jagdhof’s world of variety and flavour.
Both the meat and eggs of the Tyrolean quail are delicate and tasty. They’re also extraordinarily high in vitamins and minerals.
Fresh fruit from Tyrol’s gardens and orchards gifts sun-ripened sweetness to the Jagdhof’s kitchen in summer. And for winter, we simply store or preserve it.
The range of local – and especially heritage – vegetables is endless. This alone would be enough to fill three different menus each day.