Hymers College GCSE Course Booklet 2023

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Hymers GCSE Options Information Booklet

GCSE Options Information Booklet

Curriculum - Years 10 and 11

The Middle School curriculum at Hymers College is designed to provide pupils with a broadly-based general secondary education. At this crucial stage in their education, pupils benefit from exploring new fields of study, and in discovering and developing new talents. Pupils now have their first opportunity to make choices about their own courses of study, and to take ownership of their learning.

In Year 9, pupils are exposed to a varied timetable of subjects and, in many of these, are already starting to learn from GCSE level materials. As such, this is an important point at which to reflect upon which of these subjects pupils wish to explore in greater depth in future study.

In this booklet, you will find information about each subject currently on offer at GCSE level at Hymers. This includes the compulsory subjects of English Language & Literature, Mathematics and Science. Pupils should then choose a range of subjects to ensure that they have the broadest range from which to identify their areas of strength, and in order to make informed decisions about Sixth Form specialisation.

ALL students will study to GCSE:

n English Language and English Literature

n Mathematics

n Science – either all three sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) or the Combined Science: Trilogy course (worth 2 GCSEs)

Four or Five (depending upon science option) from the following subjects: Art, Business Studies, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Drama, French, Geography, History, Latin, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Spanish.

Students are encouraged to make choices that facilitate breadth within their curriculum, and demonstrate to universities and employers the ability to synthesise the rigours of multiple disciplines

In addition, all students will take:

n Games

n PE (Year 10 only)

Pupils will be requested to make provisional subject choices in February and timetabling Option Blocks will be arranged for final decisions to be confirmed before Easter. Students are encouraged to discuss options with parents, subject teachers, and their Form Tutors.

If you have any enquiries relating to these arrangements, please contact Mrs N Calvo-Jack (Head of Middle School) at nmjack@hymers.org or Mr R Wright (Deputy Head Management) at rpwright@hymers.org

Careers Guidance

Middle School is an important time in the educational life of students. During these years, pupils will be making decisions as to which subjects to study at GCSE in Years 10 & 11. This means that serious thought will have to be applied to possible future careers. Owing to this, more emphasis is placed on careers advice in Year 9 than in Lower School.

Each student will be introduced to key aspects of Careers Education and Guidance via Form Group discussion, group work and individual study. Students will be introduced to Careers ICT software in which they can analyse their skills and research career paths that will facilitate the transition into Key Stage 4.

During the course of the year, students are encouraged to seek advice from members of staff relating to the content of GCSE courses and the possibilities of careers in the relevant fields. The advice from these members of staff should augment the advice from the careers service and the students’ own Form Tutors. Departments offering subjects at GCSE which have not been studied in Year 9 (Business Studies and academic Physical Education) have produced videos, available via Schoogle, that provide information about their courses.

Year 9 students are strongly advised to make the best possible use of the Careers materials available via Schoogle and the LRC:


Throughout the year, a number of careers specialists are invited into the School. Year 9 students are encouraged to take advantage of the seminars offered by these specialists, whose visits are advertised in School Assemblies and via Schoogle. Students are also advised to check their emails daily, as this is another line of communication.

Learning Support

For some students who are known to Learning Support as a result of an identified learning need, a reduced number of option choices may be appropriate. This will build private study sessions into their timetable. These give additional time for completing independent study, consolidation of key skills, and targeted support from the team, or subject specialist teachers where possible. If you would be interested in this as an option please speak to Mrs Pettett or Mrs Calvo Jack.


The aim of PSHE is to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. All students in the school have a PSHE lesson once a fortnight in which they explore a number of topics to help them understand:

n Themselves

n Health and development

n Their behaviour

n Our society and its governance

n Their school and effective learning skills

n How to make decisions and moral judgements

In middle school we explore a wide range of topics in PSHE to develop students’ understanding of these topics. This does include lessons on healthy relationships and sexual health and consent, in accordance with the requirements of the statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education as updated 9 July 2020.


All students follow separate IGCSE English Language and English Literature courses, leading to two qualifications.


Paper One – 60% of grade and lasting 2 hours 15 minutes

Section A

n 1 hour and 30 minutes

n Two passages of non-fiction (one from Part 1 of Anthology and one “unseen”)

n 4 questions on “unseen” passage for 23 marks, including one 12-mark question

n 1 question comparing “unseen” and prepared passage for 22 marks

n 45 marks in total

Section B

n 45 minutes

n Transactional writing (eg: letter, newspaper article, speech)

n 45 marks


n 40% of grade

n Task A:

Essay of approx. 800 words on two poetry or prose texts from Part 2 of Anthology, including 200 words on why you have chosen these texts – 30 marks, with 6 allocated to the additional 200 words

n Task B:

Imaginative writing (e.g. a story, reflection on personal experience) of approx. 800 words – 30 marks


Paper One – 60% of grade and lasting 2 hours

Section A

n 35 minutes

n Essay in response to an unseen modern poem

n 20 marks

Section B

n 40 minutes

n Essay comparing two poems from Part 3 of Anthology, a “clean” copy of which you have with you in the exam

n 30 marks

Section C

n 45 minutes

n Essay in response to a novel you have studied, which you do NOT have with you in the exam

n 40 marks


n 40% of grade

n Task A – Essay of approx. 1,000 words in response to a modern play – 30 marks

n Task B – Essay of approx. 1,000 words in response to a work of Literary Heritage – 30 marks

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Students continue in Years 10 and 11 to be taught in sets with the aim of the department being to stretch each student to the best of his/her ability. It is hoped to keep the bottom set to a small enough size to allow more individual attention to be given as necessary. Year 10 have 12 periods and Year 11 have 14 periods per ten day cycle.

During these two years the students will regularly experience the ‘Exceptional Performance’ levels of the National Curriculum and some will be entered for the examination early. Students will regularly encounter questions that are problem solving in nature and require them to apply their knowledge in unfamiliar contexts. Questions can have little “scaffolding” and students are expected to fill in the gaps to produce solutions that are not only correct but also well presented. Appropriate use of calculators is encouraged but mental Mathematics is still an essential skill.

All students are entered for the higher tier IGCSE (International General Certificate in Mathematics). IGCSE has three important topic areas not adequately covered in GCSE, which will help the transition into AS mathematics. IGCSE is not bound by QCA rules and has a distinct international element. IGCSE has the same standing as GCSE with leading UK universities.



GCSE Biology builds on students’ study in Year 8, covering a wide range of topics from Human Biology, Ecology and the Environment, Genetics and Cell Biology.

Full details of the specification can be found on AQA’s website, but students will explore:

n Cell biology: structural differences between types of cells and their functions within an organism, cell division and specialisation.

n Organisation: the human digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, plant systems.

n Infection and response: pathogens and disease, the human immune system, drug development, treating disease.

n Bioenergetics: photosynthesis, respiration, exercise and metabolism.

n Homeostasis: the human nervous system, the eye, control of body temperature, the excretory system, control of blood sugar, the reproductive system.

n Inheritance, variation and evolution: meiosis, natural selection, mutations, DNA, inheritance.

n Ecology: studying ecosystems, communities, cycles, adaptations and interdependence, human impact on the environment, maintaining biodiversity.

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Chemistry topics include: atomic structure, bonding, the links between bonding and structure, and between structure and properties; useful chemicals from rocks (including metal extraction); the air, metal oxides and rusting; fuels, polymers, alcohols and carboxylic acids; chemical calculations; equilibrium; rates; energy transfer; electrolysis; making salts; the Periodic Table; strong and weak acids and alkalis; water as a resource; the use of chemical reactions and instrumental methods to determine unknown substances and to detect impurities, equation writing.



The AQA GCSE in Physics helps students understand the scientific process and implement practical and investigative work. Students will explore:

n Forces and their effects: motion, resultant forces, momentum, braking, terminal velocity, elasticity, energy, centre of mass, moments, circular motion, hydraulics

n Waves: properties, the electromagnetic spectrum, sound and ultrasound, reflection, refraction and total internal reflection, lenses and the eye, red-shift

n Heating processes: kinetic theory, energy transfer by heating, infrared radiation, efficiency, heating and insulating buildings

n Electricity: circuits, household electricity, transferring electrical energy, the National Grid

n Motors, generators and transformers: the motor effect, the generator effect, transformers

n Nuclear physics: atomic structure, atoms and radiation, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion

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Students have studied the three sciences as separate subjects in Year 8. In Year 9, we begin following the AQA GCSE content in the three sciences. These courses are exciting and stimulating; rich in content, they provide a strong academic basis for further study of science subjects at A Level and beyond. At the beginning of Year 10, however, some students may prefer to follow the Combined Science: Trilogy course (worth 2 GCSEs) and thereby free up space for another qualification in a different (non-science) subject.

When making this decision between qualifications worth 2 or 3 GCSEs, it is important for students to consider whether they want to pursue science courses at A Level – students will be allowed (with at least grade 7s) to progress onto A Level science courses if they have done the Combined Science: Trilogy course (worth 2 GCSEs). However, the increased content covered by following the 3 GCSE option will provide a more secure basis for progressing to A Level science courses.

Students considering A Level courses in sciences or careers in science/engineering should think very carefully before choosing the Combined Science: Trilogy (worth 2 GCSEs route) and must discuss their ideas with their form teacher and science teachers.

In particular:

n Biology A Level is often a requirement and strongly recommended for prospective students of medicine, dentistry and veterinary science and for most biologically-related courses

n Chemistry A Level is a requirement for medical, dental and veterinary courses at university and highly desirable for a wide range of other science disciplines

n Physics A Level is a requirement for many engineering courses (as, indeed, is Mathematics) and it provides an excellent foundation for many scientifically and technically related courses and careers.

The structures of the two science pathways and their examinations are broadly similar. Although there is a strong emphasis on the practical aspects of science, with lots of experimental work, there is no controlled assessment component (i.e. no coursework). Assessment is based entirely on the examination papers taken at the end of Year 11.

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Art in Years 10 and 11 is taught according to the AQA examination board GCSE syllabus in Art and Design.  The course is fine-art based and the main areas of study are drawing, painting sculpture, animation, digital and printmaking.

Projects are set throughout the two years, starting with short introductory workshops and progressing to increasingly independent work in a variety of media. This will include work from observation and imagination, as well as resolving graphic design problems. Analysis of the work of other artists is a part of all practical projects. The range of media used will include paint (tempera, watercolour and acrylic), pencil, ink, charcoal and oil pastel. Digital manipulation of images is a crucial area in the course. As the course progresses, the projects will develop a personal direction in their choice of subject matter and use of materials.

At the end of the course, 60% of the result is based on coursework portfolio, including at least one complete project. The remaining 40% is based on an externally set assignment which is developed over 8 or 9 weeks, before the completing the final outcome over 10 hours of supervised time. This piece of work is produced at the end of the course. Students will work with increasing independence as the course progresses and the examination is usually completed using skills that the student has become confident in using.

All students will be expected to keep a sketch book. In this they will do their weekly homework and also produce any other designs which supplement their coursework and display their individual ideas.

The Art room is open to GCSE students every lunchtime and Tuesdays after school, in order to maximise opportunities for student contact time and completion of coursework with support available. The Art room is being refitted for 2023/24 to include enhanced equipment including PC terminals, photographic equipment,


How do businesses persuade us to pay so much for their products? How do you motivate your workforce? Is this business as financially successful as we think? What is the best method of production a business should use? How can taxes affect a business? These are but a few of the questions we will be answering in GCSE Business Studies.

GCSE Business Studies is accepted by universities and employers as proof of an understanding of business concepts and techniques across a range of different types of businesses. Students will be able to:

n understand different forms of business organisations, the environments in which businesses operate and business functions such as marketing, operations and finance

n appreciate the role of successful people in business.

Students will also gain lifelong skills, including:

n the ability to calculate and interpret business data;

n communication skills needed to support arguments with reasons;

n the ability to analyse business situations and reach decisions or judgements.

The course is divided into 2 Themes:

Theme 1 (studied in Year 10) – Investigating small businesses

n enterprise and entrepreneurship

n spotting a business opportunity

n putting a business idea in to practice

n making the business effective

n understanding external influences on business

Theme 2 (Studied in Year 11) – Building a business

n growing the business

n making marketing decisions

n making operational decisions

n making financial decisions

n making human resource decisions

Students who are beginning to show an interest in current affairs and real business activity will enjoy the course more. Students need to have some basic numeracy skills and good communication skills to be able to answer the questions in the exam papers.

Assessment (both papers are worth 50% of the final mark and are each 1h 45m minutes long). There is no coursework component. Paper 1 – Theme 1. Paper 2 – Theme 2

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Computer Science is the study of the foundational principles and practices of computation and computational thinking, and their application in the design and development of computer systems. Learning computational thinking involves learning to program, that is to write computer code, because this is the means by which computational thinking is expressed.

OCR GCSE Computer Science enables students to develop an interest in computing and to gain confidence in computational thinking and programming. Students develop their understanding of the main principles of problem-solving using computers.

Students apply their understanding to develop computer-based solutions to problems using algorithms and a high-level programming language. They also develop a range of technical skills, as well as the ability to test effectively and to evaluate computing solutions.

Topics include:

n Theory of Computer Science – Data Representation, Communication and Internet Technologies

n Practical Problem Solving and Programming – Algorithms

n Data storage – file formats

n Logic Gates

There is no Controlled Assessment in this GCSE; it is examined through two end of course examinations.

Paper 1 Theory – 50% of the marks

This written paper contains short-answer and structured questions.

Paper 2 Problem-solving and Programming – 50% of the marks

This written paper contains short-answer and structured questions. This paper looks at programming principles and structures.

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Design Technology is part of everyday life and is constantly evolving. The new 9-1 qualification has imagination at its heart and allows students to explore, design, create and evaluate prototypes to solve real world problems. The course is linear, meaning that all students will submit their final coursework (Non-Examined Assessment) and sit their exams at the end of the course. GCSE students will have the opportunity to work creatively when designing and making and to apply technical and practical expertise. The new Design and Technology specification has no restrictions on materials for prototypes.

Course content

The GCSE course itself has been broken down into three main areas: Core Technical principles; Specialist Technical principles and Designing and Making principles. Students will, in Year 10, continue to develop their knowledge and understanding and the necessary skills for them to undertake the iterative process of design and make.

One advantage of the new specification, is that all students now have the ability to choose their own learning pathway. These Core Technical principles, studied throughout Year 10, cover the range of specialist strands within the subject and enable students to make much more effective choices in Year 11. A student who, for example, has a particular strength in one area may decide to begin with a more Resistant Materials-based project and then progress onto a Graphics, Textiles or even Engineering-based project. Once they have covered the core, students will then begin to develop their Specialist Technical principles and explore a chosen material area in greater depth. Another advantage of the new specification is that students have complete freedom with regards to their choice of materials, techniques and processes and can even opt for a more Product Design approach, producing products using multiple materials.

In Year 11, students will focus on Designing and Making principles. In their chosen specialist area, students will begin to produce an extended design and make project which will be assessed through a range of criteria; that is, investigating, designing, making and evaluating. Students will produce over the course of a year an electronic portfolio and a completed prototype based upon a range of contexts supplied by the examination board.


NEA (non-examined assessment)

n 50% of the GCSE

This is a substantial design and make task and is worth 100 marks.

It is the practical application of the Core, specialist and Designing and Making principles.

Students will choose a contextual challenge provided by the examination board and work to produce an electronic portfolio and final outcome in their chosen specialist area.

Exam paper 1

n 50% of the GCSE

The examination will be in 3 sections:

Section A: Core technical principles (20 marks)   These will be short answer and multiple choice questions.

Section B: Specialist technical principles (30 marks)

These will be a mainly shorter answer questions but will include one extended response question.

Section C: Designing and making principles (50 marks) These will be a mix of short and extended response questions, including a 12 mark design question.

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GCSE Drama is an exciting and challenging course which develops not only subject knowledge but also essential lifelong skills, including creative thinking and problem-solving.

The specification promotes involvement in and enjoyment of drama, as performers and/or designers

Additionally it provides opportunities to attend live theatre performances and to develop skills as informed and thoughtful audience members. This specification builds on subject content which is typically taught at key stage 3 and provides a suitable foundation for the study of Drama at A level. However, students do not need previous knowledge or experience of the subject.

The course is made up of 2 practical components (60% coursework) and a written component (40% written examination)

Practical coursework includes one devised piece and one performance of a text. Students can choose to be assessed on either acting or design.

Actors work in groups and designers work with a group of actors and can choose from the following specialisms:

n Lighting Design

n Sound Design

n Set Design (including props)

n Costume Design (including hair & make-up)

Each group may have up to four designers, each offering a different design skill.

Component 1: Devised Piece:

Students devise a piece of original theatre in response to a stimulus, using either the techniques of an influential theatre practitioner or the characteristics of a genre of drama.

Students produce a portfolio of supporting evidence which demonstrates the research, creation and development of ideas. The portfolio is intended to highlight the creative and developmental process of devising the piece of theatre. Students also evaluate the final performance or design

Component 2: Scripted Piece:

Students participate in a performance from a text, to gain a deeper understanding of how to interpret a text for performance and realise artistic intentions.

Students study two 10 minute extracts, within the context of the whole play (chosen by the students. Recent choices have been: Shakers; Matchstick Girls; Find Me) Students then demonstrate an understanding of the playwright’s intentions when interpreting the text for performance. The piece is performed live for a visiting examiner.

Component 3: Written examination:

This component requires students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed through the study of a performance text and through responding to live theatre.

For Section A, we currently study Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman, adapted by Sabrina Mahfouz. Students learn how the text is constructed and how performances create meaning through the characteristics of the performance text, including style, structure and stage directions.

For Section B students analyse and evaluate a piece of live theatre viewed during the course. Students have opportunities throughout the course to view professional full length theatre productions in order to complete this component. Students learn about the role of the actor, designer and director

How will GCSE Drama help me in the future?

The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report predicts creativity, innovation and ideation will be key skills for the workforce of the future. These so-called soft skills, which sit alongside analytical thinking and problem-solving, will replace manual tasks that become automated. When business leaders across the world were surveyed, they voted Creativity as the most important workplace capability to help their businesses survive and grow. This means that the study of creative subjects, like Drama, is becoming even more important and relevant to young people to give you the chance to succeed – whatever your ambitions! At the same time, you will find many opportunities to develop and improve your personal wellbeing both independently and as part of a wider community.

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Geography is a dynamic and relevant subject that acts as a perfect “bridge” between the arts and the sciences providing a balanced curriculum whilst keeping options open for future study. It will inspire students to become global citizens by exploring their own place in the world, their values and responsibilities to other people, to the environment and to the sustainability of the planet. Students will be able to:

n Study how physical processes produce diverse and dynamic landscapes over time.

n Learn about the interdependence of physical environments and the interactions between people and the environment.

n Develop personal learning and thinking skills that are highly valued by employers.


Students study the AQA Specification which consists of three external examinations and two compulsory fieldwork opportunities to undertake primary data collection.

Paper 1 – Living with the physical environment – 1 hour 30 mins exam worth 35%

n Section A: The challenge of natural hazards (tectonics, tropical storms, extreme weather and climate change)

n Section B: Physical landscapes in the UK (coastal and river landscapes)

n Section C: The living world (tropical rainforests and cold environments)

Paper 2 – Challenges in the human environment – 1 hour 30 mins exam worth 35%

n Section A: Urban issues and challenges (challenges in LICs, the UK and the need for sustainability)

n Section B: The changing economic world (variations in the quality of life and the strategies used to reduce the gap)

n Section C: The challenge of resource management (resource management and energy issues facing the world today)

Paper 3 – Geographical application – Issue evaluation – 1 hour exam worth 30%

n Section A: Issue evaluation which has a critical thinking and problem-solving element based on a prereleased resource booklet.

n Section B: Fieldwork questions based on two geographical enquiries where students have collected primary data. This will involve a two day residential trip to the Cranedale Centre in the Yorkshire Wolds in June of Year 10 to explore river and coastal landscapes.

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Exam Board: Edexcel

The course comprises 4 examined units spread across 3 papers:

Paper 1: British Thematic study with Historic Environment (30% of total)

Medicine in Britain, c1275 to present with a special study on the British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: surgery and treatment. This is a thematic unit which looks at the development of medicine in Britain from the early middle ages to the present day. It’s a tale of surgery, public health and the fight against disease and involves war, religion, some big personalities.

Paper 2 examines two units: British Depth Study and Period Study (40% of total)

Period Study (20%): The American West, c1835–c1895

Not just Cowboys and Indians and how the West was won, but why the West was won and who did the winning, from the earliest pioneers and wagon trains to the railway builders and the lawmen. This element of the course explains, to a large extent, how America became the place it is today.

British Depth Study (20%): Early Elizabethan England, c1558-88

Exploration, discovery and settlement in the new world; War with Spain and the Spanish Armada; Protestants, Catholics and the battle for the religious soul of England. This unit will explore all of these themes and more as it takes you on a journey through ‘Merry England’.

Paper 3: Modern Depth Study: (30% of total)

Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918–39

This unit shows how defeat in the First World War led to economic and political chaos in Germany which allowed the rise of extremist groups such the Nazi party. It explains how Hitler was able to rise to power and how Nazi Germany developed up until the outbreak of World War Two in 1939.

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GCSE Latin is a two year course which builds on the WJEC Level 1 qualification pupils have completed by the end of Year 9. The qualification presents pupils with more complex constructions and extends grammar knowledge (for instance by the introduction of passive verbs and wider vocabulary knowledge).

The examination board, Eduqas, offers a broad and varied syllabus with three elements assessed at the end of the two year course. These allow students to develop both the ability to read Latin, through unseen passages for translation and comprehension, and analyse and comment on the prescribed literature texts studied. In addition there is a civilisation paper which enables students to study in depth an area of Roman life.

Students have previously found the variety of the two year GCSE course to be very engaging. Similarly, strong examination results have reflected the benefits offered at Hymers through Lower School Latin in Years 7 and 8, and the strong foundation of the Year 9 Level 1 examination in which many pupils achieve A or A* grades.

Assessment: Latin GCSE (Eduqas)

Paper 1 – Latin Language – 1 hour 30 minutes exam worth 50% of the GCSE grade

Students will continue to read unseen passages of Latin, translating some sections, answering comprehension questions on others and looking carefully at how the Latin is constructed.  There is a full vocabulary list for all the passages students will study, so students can be confident going into the examination that, if they have taken the time to learn all the words, they won’t get stuck.

Paper 2 – Latin Literature – 1 hour

15 minutes exam worth 30% of the GCSE grade

In the Literature section, the text students will read will be approximately 120 lines in length. Students will learn to comment on and discuss its content, structure and style. The texts are grouped around a particular theme and are varied, with both verse and prose texts offered. Previous years’ topics have included Chariot Racing, Magic and Superstition and Travel. This is an ‘Open Book’ examination, which means that students will have an unmarked copy of the studied text in the examination; students are being tested not on your ability to remember things, but rather understanding and appreciation of the text itself. A longer 16 mark essay question will test students’ abilities to use the evidence of the texts to respond to a question with a balanced and persuasive answer. The topics for 2024 onwards are either Love and Marriage or Countryside and Rural Life.

Paper 3 – Roman Civilisation – 1 hour exam worth 20% of the GCSE grade

In this paper, students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of an aspect of Roman civilisation, learn to recognise and respond to ancient source material, and then show that they can evaluate it in some way. Previous topics have included Religion, Daily life in a Roman town and the Roman army. The topics for 2024 onwards are either The City of Rome or Roman Family life.

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French and Spanish

Studying a foreign language at Hymers is an enriching learning experience for our pupils. In addition to gaining insight into a different culture through trips and working with our foreign language assistants, pupils acquire the fundamental communication skills essential in today’s globalised employment market.

In French and Spanish, students work towards the Edexcel IGCSE. This course prepares students in four skill areas: Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking. Pupils practise these across a range of topic areas, allowing pupils to develop a range of vocabulary:

n Home and abroad

n Education and employment

n Personal life and relationships

n The world around us

n Social activities, fitness and health

In addition, pupils build upon the grammatical foundation established in Lower School and, by the end of the course, are able to communicate across the full spectrum of tenses.

After completing the IGCSE course, pupils can progress to study French and Spanish at A Level - a highly respected qualification among Russell group universities and employers alike. In the past three years, pupils have progressed to study a diverse range of disciplines including Medicine, History, Politics, Economics, International Relations, Computer Science at Oxford, Cambridge, and St Andrew’s, among many others.

All four skills are externally assessed in the summer term of Year 11. The structure of the examination is as follows:

Examination Paper

n 1. Listening

n 2. Reading and Writing

What is assessed?

Seven questions, which are a combination of multiple-choice, multiple-matching, note-taking and gap-fill questions.

Section A: Reading

Five questions, which are a combination of multiple-choice, note-taking, gap-fill and shortanswer questions.

Section B: Writing

There are two open-response writing tasks and a task that requires putting words in their grammatically correct forms.

n 3. Speaking

The examination is made up of three tasks (A, B and C). Students will present and answer questions on a picture that is related to one of the topic areas. Students also discuss two different topics chosen at random.

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Length 30 mins 1 hr 45 mins 8-10 minutes Weighting 25% 50% 25%


‘Musical training may actually help to set up children for a better academic future’

– Senior Investigator Nadine Gaab, PhD, of the Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience (June 2014).

The benefits of studying Music are numerous and many are obvious such as developing creativity, empathy and social awareness and attention to detail. There is now also much scientific research to support the impact of musical study on brain development and academic achievement. Over the past two decades several largescale studies have found that music students outperform academically compared to other students, often by large margins. Music students tend to be more engaged and motivated in their studies and more likely to win academic awards. Music study leads to lasting changes in students’ brains, increasing their capacity to perform tasks that require sustained attention and careful listening and reading.


Component 1 – Performing – 30% of the GCSE grade

2 performances:

Solo - minimum 1 piece - minimum 1 minute

Ensemble - minimum 1 piece - minimum 1 minute

Together, a total minimum of 4 minutes across the solo and ensemble pieces

Minimum total 2 pieces, 30 marks each, total of 60 marks

Component 2 – Composing – 30% of the GCSE grade

2 compositions:

1 to set brief – minimum 1minute

1 free composition – minimum 1 minute

Together, a total minimum of 3 minutes

2 pieces 30 marks each, Total of 60 marks

Component 3 – Appraising – 40% of the GCSE grade

4 Areas of Study with 2 Set Works* each:

n Instrumental Music 1700–1820

n Vocal Music

n Music for Stage and Screen

n Fusions

Examination 1hr 45mins, Total of 80 marks

Areas of Study *Set Works

Instrumental Music 1700–1820

J.S. Bach: 3rd Movement from Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 in D major

L. van Beethoven: 1st Movement from Piano Sonata no. 8 in C minor ‘Pathétique’

Vocal Music

H. Purcell: Music for a While

Queen: Killer Queen (from the album ‘Sheer Heart Attack’)

Music for Stage and Screen

S. Schwartz: Defying Gravity (from the album of the cast recording of Wicked)

J. Williams: Main title/rebel blockade runner (soundtrack to Star Wars Episode IV:A New Hope)


Afro Celt Sound System: Release (from the album ‘Volume 2: Release’)

Esperanza Spalding: Samba Em Preludio (from the album ‘Esperanza’)

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We use the AQA examination board. 60% of the marks are awarded for the 2 theory papers and 40% are awarded for coursework.


Students taking the GCSE Physical Education course will:

n be inspired, motivated and challenged, and enabling them to make informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career pathways;

n develop knowledge, understanding, skills and values to develop and maintain their performance in physical activities and understand the benefits to health, fitness and well-being;

n develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge to improve performance;

n understand how the physiological and psychological state affects performance in physical activity and sport;

n perform effectively in different physical activities by developing skills and techniques and selecting and using tactics, strategies and/or compositional ideas;

n develop their ability to analyse and evaluate to improve performance in physical activity and sport;

n understand the contribution which physical activity and sport make to health, fitness and well-being;

n understand key socio-cultural influences which can affect people’s involvement in physical activity and sport.

Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical education and Sport

n Applied anatomy and physiology

n Movement analysis

n Physical training

n Use of data

n Sports psychology

n Socio-cultural influences

n Health, fitness and well-being

Paper 2: Socio-Cultural influences and well-being in Physical Activity and Sport

n Sports psychology

n Socio-cultural influences

n Health, fitness and well-being and use of data

Paper 3: Non examined assessment: practical performance in physical activity and sport

For each of their three activities, students will be assessed in skills in progressive drills (10 marks per activity) and in the full context (15 marks per activity). Students will be assessed on their analysis (15 marks) and evaluation (10 marks) of performance to bring about improvement in one activity.

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Do I exist? What is right and wrong? How could I live my life? Religious studies GCSE (AQA examination board) seeks to answer these and many other questions relevant to modern life. Students do not need a personal faith, merely an interest in how others lead their lives.


The course is divided into two main parts:

1. Themes in religious, philosophical and ethical studies:

n Relationships and the Family

n Religion, human rights and social justice

n Belief in God

n Religion, crime and punishment

All sections are viewed from a Christian, Muslim and atheist perspective, with a strong emphasis on social influences.

2.  Study of Religions

n This unit looks at the beliefs, teachings and practices of two major religions: Christianity and Islam. Students will study the central beliefs of each religion, the foundation of these ideas and how they have developed. Students will review the practices, festivals and differences within each of these faiths and their wider impact on society.

n The course is assessed by two examinations. It will require students to enter discussions, do presentations, individual study, analyse different ideas and work with others. No matter what career students choose to enter it will involve working with people and Religious Studies GCSE will help with understanding how all people are motivated and behave. Lawyer or doctor, journalist or scientist, the moral framework of society is of relevance.

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