WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM AUGUST 2022 MARKETING HONG KONG 1 Lighthouse Independent Media Ltd. Printed in Hong Kong by Apex Print Limited. For subscriptions, contact circulations at +852 2861 1882 or email subscriptions@marketing-interactive.com. COPYRIGHT & REPRINTS: All material printed in Marketing is protected under the copyright act. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the prior written consent of the publisher and copyright holder. Permission may be requested through the Hong Kong office. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in Marketing are not necessarily the views of the publisher. Hong Kong: Lighthouse Independent Media Ltd, publisher of Marketing magazine Units 1804-1805, Seaview Commercial Building, 21-24 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2861 1882 Fax: +852 2861 1336 Singapore: Lighthouse Independent Media Pte Ltd 100C Pasir Panjang Road, #05-01 See Hoy Chan Hub, Singapore 118519 Tel: +65 6423 0329 Fax: +65 6423 0117 To subscribe to Marketing magazine, go to: www.marketing-interactive.com SCAN TO SUBSCRIBE 2 Editor’s Letter 編者的話 4 Briefing 簡報 5 Ad Watch 廣告點評 16 Snapped 營銷活動花絮 AUGUST 2022Contents 12 22 Experience 360 Experience 360 MARKies Awards 2022 2022年 MARKies 宣傳項目 大獎 Editorial Rezwana Manjur, Editor-in-Chief Karen Wong, Assistant Deputy Editor Tracy Chan, Bilingual Sub Editor Design Production Julia Li, Senior Graphic Designer Advertising Sales Karen Yung, Regional Business Development Director Gloria To, Regional Business Development Director Marketing and Circulation Cyrus Ching, Regional Marketing Manager Event Production Selina Kwok, Regional Events Producer Manager Lemuel Cheung, Events Producer Event Services Melissa Tam, Event Manager Sharon Chu, Assistant Manager - Events Services Event Delegate Sales Gloria Yam, Senior Project Executive Sally Hui, Senior Project Executive Maggie Hung, Project Executive Management Evelyn Wong, Managing Director To get in touch with our editorial team editorialhk@marketing-interactive.com For advertising enquiries Karen Yung, kareny@lighthouse-media.com Gloria To, gloriat@marketing-interactive.com 6 Fancy titles and salary spikes: An easy route to retaining talent in HK adland? 高薪厚職: 才的輕鬆路線?香港廣告界挽留人 18 Why the Netflix-Microsoft ad partnership is a win-win 為何Netflix 可帶來雙贏與微軟的廣告合作
One area of particular concern from many leading CEOs is the inflated titles which are now being given to young staff, along with the ballooning of salaries.Calling it a cheap trick to retaining talent, several CEOs in leading ad firms in Hong Kong have shared that more needs to be done to find the best way to shape the culture of the industry, and attract the best and the brightest back into the Hearteningly,profession.the re-evaluation of culture and priorities seem to be one recommendation that emerges time and again. You can read more about it on page 6. In this issue, we also have some pertinent takeaways from our Experience 360 conference that you can read about on page 12. In the world of hyper connectivity, what makes or breaks an experience is the connection one can create with their audience. In putting this magazine together, we hope we’ve managed to also live out the values of connection and authenticity we so intrinsically believe in. We hope you enjoy the edition as much as we have enjoyed putting it together. Until next time, take care!
In our many conversations with Hong Kong’s leading CEOs, one topic that seems to emerge time and again is the issue regarding talent. As many of us already know, the Hong Kong market has seen an exodus in the past few years, and the impacts have been well felt in the marketing and advertising industry.
「半年作準備。希望你一切安好。過去數月,相信各位都忙於為下親愛的讀者:大家最近或者有留意我們編採部新推出的專欄 Meet the CEOs 業界文化及優先注意事項。全文請參閱第返行業。採取最佳方式塑造文化,以吸引最優秀的人才重這是留住人才的廉價伎倆,並指行業需加倍努力,上漲。時給予年輕員工的職銜往往名過於實,薪金亦不斷才流失,市場推廣及廣告行業也受到影響。開人才,眾所周知,香港市場過去數年一直面對人袖,分享廣告作品背後的故事。」,期間我們訪問多位廣告界領與一眾本港知名行政總裁的討論話題總離不許多行政總裁特別關注的一點是,代理公司現多位香港領先廣告公司的行政總裁均認為,可幸的是,受訪領袖一再建議行業應重新評估 6頁。 今期雜誌亦回顧 Experience 360 大會的一些 重點,全文請參閱第12 望各位閱讀時也身同感受。及真實的價值觀。製作這期雜誌是個愉快過程,希打造出色體驗的關鍵在於與受眾之間的聯繫。頁。身處超連接世界,能否希望透過這期雜誌,也能傳遞出我們重視聯繫請細閱今期雜誌。 Karen Wong Assistant Deputy Editor
Dear reader, We hope you’ve been keeping well. The past couple of months have been really busy for many of us as we settle into the second half of the year. For us in the newsroom, many of you may have been reading our “Meet the CEOs” column we recently kicked off, where we interview the leaders in ad land who share with us what goes on behind the work.
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM4 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 What’s on? surgesonlinemessagingwithmeetaudiencesunderstandneed“MarketerstobettertheirandtheirneedsrelevantasbehaviourinAsia.” 「隨著亞洲網上活動 激增,市場推廣人員 需加深對受眾的了 解,並透過相關資訊 迎合他們的需求。」 APAC AD SPEND TO HIT US$250 BILLION IN 2022 2022年亞太區廣告支出將達至 2,500億元 PR Awards What: The PR Awards is back to discover, recognise, and reward the most stunning work in the PR and communications industry. Where: Hotel ICON When: 25 August Omnichannel Marketing Asia What: A conference that elevates the omnichannel experience, uplifts the customer journey, and intelligently caters to different stages of product or service lifecycle. When: 19 October Prerna Mehrotra CEO, media APAC, dentsu international 電通國際亞太區媒體行政總裁 Asia Pacific ad spend is expected to grow 5.1% to US$250 billion this year, US$35.7 billion more than pre-pandemic levels (2019). Key sporting events are expected to boost the overall ad spend growth in APAC this year. 今年亞太區廣告支出預計增長5.1%,達至2,500億美元,較疫情前(2019年)增加357億美元。預計主要體育 賽事將帶動今年亞太區的整體廣告支出增長。 Source: Dentsu Global Ad Spend Forecasts (July). 資料來源:電通全球廣告支出預測(7月) • Digital accounts for 60.7% of the region’s overall ad spend (US$151.7 billion). 數碼廣告佔亞太區廣告總支出的 60.7%(1,517億美元)。 • Digital is the fastest growing medium (+11.5%), fuelled by the double-digit growth of programmatic (+32.3%), paid social (+27.4%), and digital display (+13.3%) in 2022. 受惠於程序化廣告(+32.3%)、付費社交媒體廣告(+27.4%)及數碼顯示廣告(+13.3%)在2022年 錄得雙位數字增長,數碼廣告成為增長最快的廣告媒介(+11.5%)。 • China is predicted to clock the highest ad spend in the APAC region this year (US$130.2 billion), with growth of 5.6%. 預計中國將成為今年亞太區廣告支出最高的市場(1,302億美元),增長5.6%。 • Digital, which makes up 75.8% of the market’s ad spend, is projected to increase by 10.9% in 2022, with high growth for eCommerce (+12.5%). 數碼廣告佔中國市場廣告支出的75.8%,預計2022年將錄得10.9%的增長,電子商務亦錄得高速增 長(+12.5%)。 • China’s ad spend is also forecast to grow by 4% in 2023 and 5.4% in 2024. 預計在2022及2024年,中國廣告支出將分別增長4%及5.4%。
的實際產品服務使用情 況,似乎與廣告內容脫節。
HOT: FOODPANDA With the launch of new services on the platform beyond food delivery, foodpanda invited famous stand-up comedian Dayo Wong to deliver a 100-second monologue around the life of the Hong Kong working class, and how the additional services could play a meaningful role in their lives. The piece highlighted a relevant Hong Kong insight that resonated with the Hong Kong working class, and positioned foodpanda as a solution. It was crafted in a light-hearted manner, similar to how comedians have approached tough topics. There are a lot of ways to communicate a product offering, but when done in way that highlights its ability to solve an audience’s problem in a meaningful way, it stands out.
推出的新廣告自我定位為一家散播喜樂的快遞公司,但廣告內容 傳遞的訊息令我感疑惑。雖然這輯廣告是在港人被困在家的時期推出,但 事實上,每10名34歲以下港人,有6名是與家人同住,而最重要的是,眾所周 知香港是世界上交通最發達的地方之一,
foodpanda推出外賣以外的新服務,並邀請著名棟篤笑演員黃子華以100 秒獨白講述香港打工仔的生活,並介紹新服務可如何令他們的生活更輕 鬆。這輯廣告憑藉對香港的深入見解,採用類似喜劇的形式講述嚴肅議 題,以輕鬆手法引起香港打工仔的共鳴,並將 foodpanda 定位為解決途 徑。宣傳產品服務有很多方法,能夠以有意義的方式講述產品服務如何幫 助受眾解決問題才能脫穎而出。 Tracy Lui Strategy director Havas Media Hong Kong AD WATCH 廣告點評
NOT: LALAMOVE Lalamove launched a new brand campaign to position itself as a company that delivers joy. However, through the brand video, I question the relation of its communication. While it launched during a period where Hongkongers were stuck at home, we know that, on average, six out of ten HongKongers under the age of 34 live at home with their families. On top of that, we also know Hong Kong is one of the most accessible places in the world. There is a disconnection with the actual usage of Lalamove’s product and services compared with what it was communicating. LALAMOVE Lalamove Lalamove
Hong Kong’s marketing industry is losing many of its skilled workers as more than 10% of practitioners have left the city, according to a survey by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC). While some agencies and brands are desperate to lure in talent with inflated salaries and titles, some think this is just a cure to the symptoms rather than the disease.
過本港市場營銷行業正流失人才,根據香港總商會一項調查結果顯示,目前已有超 10%從業員離開香港。 《MARKETING-INTERACTIVE 必須配合其他措施方有成效。透過高薪厚職來留住人才的看法。有人說這只是廉價伎倆,無濟於事,亦有人強調》訪問多位廣告代理公司領導層,了解他們對
MARKETING-INTERACTIVE has spoken to agency leads about their insights on whether fancy titles and salary spikes are sustainable tactics to retain talent, with some saying this is just a cheap trick that makes little difference to the issue, while others insist this has to be implemented with other initiatives.
Adds DDB’s CEO Andreas Krasser: “I personally don’t think that salary and title inflation is the answer to Hong Kong’s marketing
香港市場推廣行業經歷種種巨變,並與亞 超過(總商會)今年3月進行的一項調查結果顯示,洲許多地區一樣面臨人才困境。據香港總商會 10% 的技術人才已離開香港,令情況進一步 之策。高薪厚職來吸引合適的求職者,但這未必是長久異常激烈,因此許多代理公司別無選擇,只能以起等。有很多,包括移民、轉行、工作調配、零工經濟興加劇。造成市場推廣及廣告業界人才流失的因素市場推廣及廣告業界爭奪優秀人才的競爭也陽獅集團香港行政總裁 Lawrence Yang 情況不斷變化,員工薪金在過去意市場面臨嚴峻的人才短缺問題,由於區內市場同 12 個月期間迅速 上漲。 Yang 員工提供的任何獎勵均對公司有利。」工的一種認可,企業須時刻因應市場情況,確保為升,所有行業均見這種情況。『薪金』是企業對員說:「媒體行業的薪酬基準確實有所上
There are many contributing factors to the loss of brilliant minds from the marketing and agency scene – from migration, to switches in industries, job relocation and the rise of the gig economy – the reasons are endless. The fight for good talent has also made competition in the marketing and advertising industry extremely tough. This has left many agencies with little choice, but to lure in suitable candidates with inflated salaries and titles. However, the tactic isn’t by any means a sustainable one.
“The media industry salary benchmarks have indeed increased, and this is happening across all industries. A ‘salary’ is a recognition companies offer to employees. It is always necessary as a business to adapt to the market and ensure that any decision to reward employees benefits the company,” Yang says. However, he warns that although paying higher salaries is very much needed for hiring the right talent today, the long-term impact may be detrimental on the industry.
Publicis Media Hong Kong’s CEO Lawrence Yang agrees the market has experienced significant talent shortages, while salaries have risen rapidly over the past 12 months because of changing market conditions across the region.
Hong Kong’s marketing industry has gone through massive amounts of turbulence, and like many parts of Asia, talent woes continue to impact many within the industry. This is further exacerbated by the fact that more than 10% of skilled workers have left the city, according to a survey by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) in March this year.
“At the end of the day, it’s not about promotions, it’s about principles.”
In order to resolve the talent crisis, Krasser is of the view that dedicated mentorship, proper growth planning, and most importantly, creating environments that don’t interfere with people’s wellbeing, is the answer.
“It is a decision we have to make that talent is worth paying for,” he says, adding: “Title inflation is a cheap trick, and in our hearts we all know how little a difference it really makes.”
Does the marketing industry have a compensation problem? According to Anson Leung, co-founder of digital agency Pontac, the marketing industry has long struggled with compensation, and it is up to decision-makers to take a stand and say that creativity and artistic skills are worth money.
In the end, fair compensation and compassionate management are the only real tools we have to retain top-tier talent, he says.
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM FEATURE 專題報告 AUGUST 2022 MARKETING HONG KONG 9 and advertising talent issue. On the contrary, I believe it is actually part of the problem. Rather than taking the time to properly mentor our people, we too often go for the quick fix.” He adds that rather than helping employees see the value of a long-term career path within the ad industry, often the path taken is to sway them with short-term perks.
合適人才,但長遠可能會對行業造成不良影響。但他警告指,雖然目前急需提高薪金來招聘 DDB 行政總裁 Andreas Krasser 引他們。要解決人才危機,在行業長遠發展的價值,只是透過短期獎勵來吸的指導,往往只求迅速解決眼前問題。」問題的一部分。我們沒有花時間為員工提供適當廣及廣告行業人才問題的辦法,相反,我認為這是「我個人認為提高薪金職位並非解決本港市場推補充表示:他補充表示,代理公司往往沒有幫助員工了解 Krasser 康的環境才是上策。的指導、適當的發展規劃、以及最重要的是建立健認為提供專門「重點不在於升職,而是在於原則。」 市場推廣行業是否面對薪酬問題? 數碼代理公司 Pontac 聯合創辦人 Anson Leung 才是留住傑出人才的唯一真正方法。一種廉價伎倆,我們心知肚明其影響微乎其微。」值錢。題,並取決於決策者是否認為創意及藝術技能表示,市場營銷行業長久以來一直糾結於薪酬問他說:「我們明顯知道人才的價值,提升職銜是他表示,公平的薪酬及懂得體諒的管理方式數碼營銷科技公司 Aloha 總經理 Ivan Leung 得其反,並會影響客戶。若員工尚未準備好承擔額外職責,升職可能會適但認為這並非長遠的解決辦法。示同意,並指升職加薪是留住人才的最常用方法,表他補充指,例如加薪需配合其他措施。此外, Ivan Leung 司有利的方式迎合這些需求。」境、薪酬福利等,並以更好的方式與員工溝通。施,包括審視及提升公司文化、職業發展、工作環建議企業採取多方面的可持續措「必須通過溝通了解員工的需求,並採取對公
Agreeing with Leung was Ivan Leung, general manager of digital martech company Aloha, who says salary increases and title inflation are the most common actions taken to retain talent, but deemed them not to be sustainable fixes. He adds that salary increases, for example, need to be supplemented with other initiatives. Meanwhile, title inflation can
Can the industry come together?
“It is essential to communicate to understand staff needs and address those needs in a way that makes sense for the company.”
Morgan Mckinley
最近一項研究正好反映 Ivan Leung 的觀點。該研究顯示,47% 這個問題不僅發生在市場營銷及廣告行業。並不清楚其僱主正採取甚麼方法來留住他們,而的香港專業人員 Morgan Mckinley 大中華區董事總經理 Robert Sheffield 表示:「我們預計 2022 行業的薪金續見高位增幅,部分增幅介乎年大多數 25% 至 50%之間。」 行業能團結起來嗎? 香港行政總裁 Simone Tam 推廣及廣告行業界均造成打擊。才短缺、職位及薪金上脹、以及業務中斷,對市場認為絕對可以,因為人 Tam 這個問題。」齊心協力,團結起來共同以具建設性的方式解決對代理公司失去信任。我希望看到代理公司領袖補充道:「市場感受到骨牌效應,並開始此外,香港商競立媒體董事總經理 Alice Chow 輕易為未來下定論。」作時考慮這些因素。我們要對轉型保持熱誠,不要數據及新技術感興趣,並在加入或從事該領域工失問題,但她同意長遠將拖累行業的工作質素。表示,她樂見代理公司提升職銜以解決短期員工流她補充說:「我希望業內人士及新入行人士對
Ivan Leung’s views are also reflected in a recent Morgan Mckinley study that showed 47% of HK professionals don’t actually know what their employers are doing to try and retain them. And the problem isn’t isolated to marketing and advertising alone.
Ivan Leung suggests that organisations need to undertake multi-dimensional sustainable measures: review and enhancing areas such as company culture, career progression, the working environment, and pay and benefits. This then needs to be communicated better to staff.
Simone Tam, CEO of dentsu International Hong Kong, certainly thinks so as the shortage of resources, inflation of titles and salaries, and the disruption of business, is causing frustration on both the marketing and agency sides.
“The domino effect is felt and is creating a loss of trust in agencies. I would love to see agency leaders come together and solve this constructively as a united industry,” TamMeanwhile,adds.
Robert Sheffield, MD at Morgan Mckinley of Greater China, says: “We expect to continue to see high levels of salary inflation across most sectors in 2022. Increments are ranging from between 25-50% in some cases.”
Alice Chow, managing director at MediaCom HK, says that she wants to see agencies inflating titles to solve short-term staff turnarounds, but agrees it will drag down the quality of the industry’s work over“Itime.hope people in the industry and new joiners are enthusiastic about data and new technology and consider these parts when joining or working in the field. We need to upkeep a strong desire to transform because we should never conclude what would be the coming focus,” she adds.
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM FEATURE 專題報告 10 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 also backfire and impact clients if staff are potentially given added responsibility they are not ready to handle.
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM FEATURE 專題報告 AUGUST 2022 MARKETING HONG KONG 11 Omnichannel Marketing Asia is a conference that elevates the omnichannel experience, uplifts the customer journey, and intelligently caters to di erent stages of product/service lifecycle. Every channel, every medium needs to work in tandem with one another and it’s nearly always easier said than done, as most marketers can attest. October 19, 2022 | 9am – 5pm HKT | In-Person HONG KONG’S GREATEST MARKETING MINDS IN ONE EVENT Attendees from around the region 120+ Who are manager grade or above 70% Solutions-orientedsessions 12+ Speakers 15+ 2022HONGKONGOMNICHANNELMARKETINGASIA Karen Yung (D) +852 2695-6618 (M) +852 9777 kareny@lighthouse-media.com7551 Gloria To (D) +852 2695-6616 (M) +852 9655 gloriat@marketing-interactive.com3850 Sponsorship Opportunities:Find out more :
大多數消費者現時期望品牌能為他們帶來驚 對此表示認同。據最近一項研究顯示,值的個人化體驗。事實上,大多數市場營銷從業員樣忠誠,因此品牌必須為他們提供對其生活有價爭,出色的品牌體驗是現時致勝的關鍵。費者體驗一年比一年具挑戰。面對日益激烈的競喜,並希望自己的消費物有所值,而打造卓越的消許多人或會認為,現今的消費者不再像過去那 63% 爭,要創造脫穎而出的顧客體驗可謂說易行難。場營銷從業員表示比一年前更重視顧客體驗。的市但面臨多個品牌爭奪同一類消費者的激烈競《 MARKETING-INTERACTIVE 》舉辦的 Experience 360 吸引力的體驗,推動消費者作出決策。濟學創作能夠引起受眾共鳴的內容,從而打造具作對於創造體驗十分重要,品牌必須善用行為經總監Gavin體驗,永明金融集團前亞洲首席客戶體驗及營銷旨在幫助品牌及零售商創造獨特Gollogley在會上分享時指出,內容創 Gollogley 決所有市場推廣或客戶體驗相關問題的靈丹妙限制了我們的決策。」其他方面。時,往往會錯過關鍵訊息,並會因當下喜好而忽略者進行一個小測試,他表示當人高度關注某方面分享保險業的一些例子,並跟與會「我們看待世界及處理訊息的方式,某程度上他總結表示,運用行為經濟學原則並非解
Gollogley shared some examples in the insurance industry and did a short quiz with the audience of which he claimed that people that are highly focused on something have a tendency to miss critical information, and people tend to fall prey on present bias they care about.
During the MARKETING-INTERACTIVE ’s Experience 360 conference, which aimed at helping brands and retailers create a unique experience, Gavin Gollogley, former chief client experience and marketing officer of Asia at Sun Life, shared that content creation plays a key role in building an experience, and brands must be able to create content that will resonate with their audience using behavioural economics. This can then be used to build engaging experiences to nudge consumers in their decision making.
The majority of shoppers are now looking to be wowed by a brand. This means the challenge of delivering exceptional experiences continues to grow year after year as customers demand more value for their spending. Today a good brand experience is paramount in the face of risingManycompetition.mayargue that consumers today are no longer as loyal as they used to be. This means that offering an experience which is personalised, and of value to their lives, has become a norm for a brand, rather than a good-to-have. In fact, most marketers agree. According to a study we saw recently, 63% of marketers say they are now prioritising the customer experience more than they did a year ago. But creating this experience is easier said than done given the rising competition and the clutter of brands eyeing the same consumers.
“The way we view the world and how we process information, it sort of puts a limitation on our decision making.” He concluded that applying behavioural economics principles isn’t a panacea for all marketing or CX-related complexities, nor does it guarantee success. However, it does encourage individuals to test more broadly, and definitely increases conceivable solutions, so he suggested that companies should apply more of this thinking to their existing CX and marketing processes, which will help support and guide customers through complex journeys in a way that feels informative, comfortable, and intuitive.
Speaking next on the topic of niche loyalty and how companies can win the
“I think a lot of it is about sort of stepping back and understanding what are the needs of
SPOTLIGHT 焦點 WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM14 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 hearts of minorities and create a win for their businesses, was Emily Chow, general manager of OneDegree.OneDegree launched its Home Insurance in June this year, targeting the LGBTQ+ community. Chow explained that she and her team found out that most LGBTQ+ couples like living together, however, usually home insurance in Hong Kong is only beneficial for buyers, excluding their other halves. Therefore the company found demand in the market and created something that could win consumers’ hearts. After the first break, there was also a panel discussion on the power of authenticity – something that is becoming more important in any form of modern content marketing and herDeliveroocommunicationsheadMichelcommunications.Wong,ofconsumeratAsia,saidteamtriesto address media inquiries by understanding and drafting the right responses while keeping true to the brand’s values.
消費旅程。以簡單舒服的方式支持及指引顧客踏上複雜的多加運用這種思維模式,從而透過豐富的資訊,他建議企業在現有客戶體驗及市場推廣流程中作出更多嘗試,並絕對有助構思解決方案。因此藥,也不保證一定可以成功,但確實可鼓勵個人接下來, OneDegree 總經理 Emily Chow 數群體的歡心,從而取得業務成功。有關小眾忠誠度的主題,以及企業可如何贏取少談及 OneDegree 家居保險於 6月推出,主要服務對 象是 LGBTQ+ 社群。Chow 解釋指她與團隊發現大 多數 LGBTQ+ 來越重要。論,這一點在任何現代內容營銷及傳訊中變得越的產品。為市場存在需求,因此推出能夠贏得消費者歡心保險只保障投保人,其另一半並不受保。該公司認伴侶喜歡同居,但香港一般的家居小休之後,是一場關於真確性的小組討論討 Deliveroo亞洲消費者傳訊主管 Michel Wong 體查詢,同時堅守品牌的價值觀。表示,她的團隊致力理解並以恰當的方式回應媒另一方面, Hyphen Group 企業傳訊主管 Sheena Shah 解這些消費者的需求,以及他們想知道甚麼。」便需要對其經營業務的市場及受眾有一定的了解。補充表示,企業要撰寫恰當的訊息,Shah補充道:「我認為關鍵在於退後一步,了 CLP Innovation市場推廣主管 Vincent Chow 支付電費力求創新。但他補充指,一切關鍵在於分享表示,其團隊致力推動通過元宇宙而非手機
On the other hand, Sheena Shah, head of corporate communications at Hyphen Group, added that companies need to understand their audience and the market in which they operate when it comes to crafting the right message.
In the afternoon, during a panel conversation titled “Life is Beautiful”, Nixon Cheung, head of commercial and brand at Hong Kong Tramways, said that changing customers’ habits is nearly impossible, and that’s why brands are going to have to change or shape customers’ lifestyles. Through immersing themselves as a lifestyle, brands can engage with a broader audience by partnering with other lifestyle brands.
The panel discussion was followed by an exclusive Power Lunch sponsored by Emarsys. Speakers of the “Experience 360”, along with selected guests, attended the lunch and they talked about a wide variety of topics, including how to further engage with audiences under the pandemic, ways to create a memorable experience, and relationships.
In response to that, Clive Chow, chief revenue officer at HKT, said the rise of social media and technology breakthroughs have changed the landscape and reshaped the definition of customer needs. He believed it is not about how brands can promote their own strategies better, but how they respond to the market and think about what they should do and shouldn’t do.
Chow added that when HKT tries to understand their customers, it shapes everything to predict what’s the better way to respond to them.
Gene Soo, head of ecosystem of global innovation at MTR, and David Leung, head of branding, research and development at Maxim’s Group, also provided experience on how to leverage the physical and digital space in terms of marketing.
SPOTLIGHT 焦點 WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM AUGUST 2022 MARKETING HONG KONG 15 的真正需求。退後一步,不要盲目追趕潮流,而是要迎合消費者 Chow 會,音,同時堅守其價值觀及宗旨。補充表示,企業最重要是尊重不同聲小組討論之後,是由Emarsys贊助的獨家午餐 Experience 360 受眾。品牌可透過與其他生活品牌合作來吸引更廣泛的顧客的生活方式。通過將自身變成一種生活方式,客習慣幾乎是不可能,因此品牌必須改變或塑造港電車市場商務及品牌總監張永恒表示,改變顧方法。加強聯繫受眾,以及創造難忘體驗及建立關係的共晉午餐,席間討論廣泛議題,包括如何在疫情下演講嘉賓,以及獲邀的與會者下午一場題為「美麗人生」的小組討論上,香香港電訊首席營收總監 Clive Chow 該做甚麼。的策略,而是如何回應市場,並思考該做甚麼及不重塑顧客需求的定義。示,社交媒體興起及科技突破已改變市場格局,並對此表他認為重點不是品牌可如何更好地推廣自己 Chow 論。地迎合客戶的需求。的過程中作出一切改變,以預測哪種方式可更好補充表示,香港電訊在了解客戶會議最後一個環節是有關元宇宙的小組討 Crypto.com 前產品設計主管Jonathan Li,以 及 OneChain創辦人兼行政總裁 Anne Yeung 團品牌及餐飲概念總監享見解。Web3或元宇宙可為市場營銷人員提供的機遇分,就港鐵科技生態系統主管蘇頌禮,以及美心集 David Leung 實體及數碼空間進行市場推廣的經驗。,亦分享運用 those consumers and what is it that they want to know about,” Shah added.
Jonathan Li, former product lead at Crypto.com, and Anne Yeung, founder and CEO at OneChain, shared insights on the opportunities that Web3 or the metaverse offer for marketers.
Vincent Chow, head of marketing at CLP Innovation, shared that his team was looking to drive innovation by fighting over the idea of paying electricity bills via metaverse instead of mobile phones. However, what is key in all of this, he added, is to take a step back and address what really matters to consumers – rather than jump on a trend for the sake of it. Chow added that, most importantly, companies needed to be respectful of different voices, but at the same time stand for what they value and believe in.
The last segment of the conference was a panel discussion on the metaverse.
2. Visitors could pick and mix their favourite mini figurines of members of the boy group.
3. The “Baby Mirror” pop-up store on the second floor offered fans a chance to get their hands on exclusive Mirror merchandise.
DATE: 14 July – 4 September VENUE: East Point City
3. “Colourful Pops” consists of swaying giant Chocopops for consumers to go for a swing, which adds more sensations to the experience.
4. Visitors with the VR headgear on will be fed with loads of “eye candies” in the metaverse art exhibition. Baby Mirror photo zone and pop-up store
The Dessert Museum
1. The “Donut Dream” showcases a giant six-metre tall donut hole, with more than ten flavours, and a slide for consumers to indulge in the sugary pleasure.
DATE: 21 July – 8 August VENUE: Times Square 1. Located at the outdoor piazza, the photo zone featured babyish figurines of each group member of Mirror, enabling closer interactions between fans and the boy band.
4. Consumers could also get the limited-edition Mirror cards with card holders once they purchased two jars of mini figurines.
31 4 2
2. The “Crunchy Tart” zone is filled with trampolines in the shape of an egg tart, enabling consumers to burn off extra energy in summer.
4. The boarding gate totems at the central concourse on level six have been transformed into multimedia “Totems of Joy”, including four amusing video clips that heighten passengers’ anticipation for departure.
4. At the “EGGStraordinary Hen House”, fans can tag along as LuLu the Piggy carefully picks up the hen and collects some eggs for the restaurant to make her favourite dish – Omurice.
3. The new feature aims to encourage visitors to interact with their surroundings by touching the digital form of the waterfall, pebbles, water lilies, and animals such as turtles and frogs.
2. The north and south “Waterfall Gardens” at the arrivals hall on level five synthesise the soothing sights and sounds of nature, featuring a cascading waterfall, crystal-clear ponds, and birds flying overhead.
2. The “Tomato Pickup” section allows visitors to load cartons of freshly picked tomatoes onto the 3.2-metre tall pick-up truck and deliver them to markets.
3. Visitors can deliver milk with LuLu at the cattle ranch and take photos to capture the working experience by a giant spinning windmill.
HKIA’s Journey of DATE:Discovery July until further notice VENUE: : Hong Kong International Airport Terminal
DATE: From now until 31 August VENUE: Citygate Outlets
1. Citygate Outlets has teamed up with LuLu the Piggy to offer an outdoor idyllic experience for consumers.
1. The elevator at the “Meeters and Greeters” hall is now the captivating “Crystal Elevator”, which aims to inspire travellers before their journeys.
FEATURE 專題報告 WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM18 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 Why the Netflix-Microsoft ad partnership is a win-win 為何 Netflix 作可帶來雙贏與微軟的廣告合
Netflix Netflix
While competitors such as Google or Comcast have their own streaming platforms such as YouTube and Peacock respectively, Microsoft currently doesn’t own one. Safe to say, its partnership with Netflix can potentially give the tech giant the firepower it needs to break into the streaming space. Netflix was previously in discussions with multiple partners in June for the new offering. Hence, the choice of Microsoft might be seen as a notable one, given it might not have developed as big of a name in the adtech scene as compared to other competitors. Nonetheless, Microsoft beefed up its capabilities in the adtech scene last December with its acquisition of Xandr from AT&T. The tech giant previously said that with Xandr, it could accelerate the delivery of digital advertising solutions for the open web by combining Microsoft’s audience understanding, technology and global advertising customer base, with Xandr’s large-scale, data-driven platforms for advertising.
Netflix made headlines recently when it appointed Microsoft as its tech and sales partner to aid in its first ad-supported subscription offering. All ads served on Netflix will be exclusively available through the Microsoft platform.
Nishant Kaushal, ADNA’s head of data, strategy and solutions, told MARKETINGINTERACTIVE that Netflix’s selection of Microsoft
雖然 Google或 Comcast等競爭對手各自擁有 自家串流媒體平台,例如 YouTube 及 Peacock, 但微軟目前並沒有。這次與 Netflix 火力。為這家科技巨頭進軍串流媒體領域提供所需的的合作,可算 Netflix 於 6 的知名度稍遜,因此洽談,相比其他競爭對手,微軟在廣告技術方面月曾與多個合作夥伴就新服務進行 Netflix 最終選擇與微軟合作 可謂值得關注之舉。事實上,微軟於去年 12 月從 AT&T 球廣告客戶基礎,以及Xandr的大型數據主導廣頭早前表示,結合微軟對受眾的了解、技術及全Xandr,以增強在廣告技術方面的能力。該科技巨手上收購
告平台,有助加快提供適用於開放 Web 的數碼廣 告解決方案。 ADNA 數據、戰略及解決方案主管 Nishant Kaushal 向《 MARKETING-INTERACTIVE 》表 示,Netflix 合作,或令業界感到意外,但亞馬遜、放棄其他廣告科技巨頭選擇與微軟 Google 及 Comcast 都是 Netflix 作的確可產生協同效應。的直接競爭對手,而這次合
Quoting Needham senior analyst Laura Martin, Yahoo Finance reported that Netflix could potentially be “looking for an exit”. Given there is no other company that could have made a US$100 billion purchase, Martin reckoned that Netflix is perhaps trying to “get closer to Microsoft” in hopes that it might acquire the streaming company after finalising the Activision deal.
FEATURE 專題報告 WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM20 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 might have come as a surprise to the industry as it skipped other adtech giants, however, Amazon, Google, and Comcast all also happen to be direct competitors to Netflix. Moreover, he said the partnership does have its own synergy. “Like Netflix, Microsoft is also an entertainment (gaming-centred) giant, but it does not compete directly due to Microsoft’s lack of video offering. On the other hand, Microsoft has an ever-enhancing adtech that Netflix needs to get back to subscriber growth,” Kaushal said. “Microsoft has been experimenting with and developing in-game advertising that is integrated into its Xbox platform in a less intrusive way. This experience and knowledge of ‘in-entertainment’ ads would be interesting for Netflix. “It can go beyond the traditional ad that interrupts or makes the audience wait; there could be more interesting content collaborations that add values to both viewers and brands, and integrate more seamlessly.” In fact, he also views the Netflix-Microsoft relationship as a symbiotic one with Microsoft getting exclusive access to Netflix’s prized data of a significant proportion of the world’s content preferences which will make its own ad-ops moreSeparately,effective. there has also been chatter about Microsoft potentially snapping up Netflix.
To this end, Kaushal said this chatter “might not be so far-fetched”. According to him, Netflix’s current market capitalisation stands at US$84 billion, which was a 74% decline compared with US$320 billion just 10 months back, while Microsoft is nearly at US$2 trillion.
Netflix 因此不構成與戲為中心)娛樂巨頭,但由於微軟缺乏影視產品,一樣,微軟也是(以遊 Netflix 正不斷增強廣告技術,正好符合的直接競爭。另一方面,微軟 Netflix 恢復訂閱用 低干擾的方式將廣告置入其戶增長所需。」「微軟一直試驗及研發遊戲內置廣告,以較 Xbox 種對『娛樂內置』廣告的經驗及知識對平台之中。這 Netflix 很 品牌增值,並使廣告與內容更完美地融合。」傳統廣告,可造就更多有趣的內容合作,為觀眾及吸引。」「這有別於會打斷觀眾體驗或要觀眾等待的他亦認為 Netflix 與微軟的合作是一種共生關 係,微軟可獨家分享 Netflix 大有幫助。全球大部分最受歡迎的內容,對提升其廣告效益的珍貴數據,當中涉及另外,有傳微軟可能會收購 Netflix。雅虎財經 引述 Needham高級分析師 Laura Martin 指,Netflix 可能正「尋求出路」。鑑於沒有其他公司能以1,000 億美元天價作 出收購,Martin 認為 Netflix 可能正嘗試「靠攏微 軟」,希望微軟在完成 Activision 的交易後會收購 這家串流媒體公司。 Kaushal 表示傳言「未必是天方夜譚」。他指 出 Netflix目前的市值為 840 億美元,較10 個月前的 3,200 億美元大跌 74%,微軟的市值則接近 2萬億 這樣的舉動可為其業務帶來的價值。」美元。他解釋:「這次合作,有助該公司更好地衡量另外, Forrester 副總裁兼首席分析師 Joanna O’Connell 同意微軟收購 Xandr 為後者是「程序化展示廣告領域的早期主導者,於促成這次合作,因 2018 年被 AT&T 收購後,開始發掘電視/影片廣告 方面的機遇。 Xandr 的見解。直介乎買賣雙方之間,使其對兩者的需求有獨特傳統的需求方平台或供應方平台,該公司的定位一及支援客戶首選行業身份來獲取收入。有別於較媒體庫存及進階電視、整體收益管理、廣告服務、目前亦提供解決方案,透過程序化串流微軟總裁兼副董事長 Brad Smith 是 Netflix 的 董事會成員,而 Reed Hastings(Netflix 聯合創辦 人、董事會主席兼聯席行政總裁)從 2007 至 2012 年擔任微軟董事會成員。此外,Netflix首版「即時 觀賞」功能使用微軟的 Silverlight 進行串流播放 (而非較常用的 Flash Player),而 Xbox 360 個配備高清Netflix串流應用程式的遊戲主機。是首儘管充滿潛力,但 O’Connell 作用。」(太多經常重複播放的廣告),相信會發揮重大流電視廣告生態系統之中,改變原有的廣告體驗作夥伴能夠將這種新一代思維融入較傳統的串來機遇與創新,但發展尚未成熟。如果這些新合例如開發新形式的串流電視或新模型。這次合作能否真正推動廣告體驗取得創新突破,表示問題仍在於她補充說:「微軟確實改變了市場格局,帶
“This partnership allows the company to much better gauge the incremental value of such a move for its business,” he explained.
Xandr also currently has solutions for monetising programmatic streaming inventory and advanced TV, holistic yield management, ad serving, and supporting clients’ preferred industry IDs. It also has a legacy of sitting between buyers and sellers, unlike more traditional DSPs or SSPs, lending it a unique perspective on the needs of both.
Meanwhile, Forrester’s VP, principal analyst, Joanna O’Connell, concurred that Microsoft’s acquisition of Xandr makes this partnership feasible, given the latter was “an early, dominant player in the programmatic display ad space” and, when acquired by AT&T in 2018, began to hang its hat on the TV/video ad opportunity.
Kaushal 說:「與
“Microsoft does bring gaming to the table, where there’s opportunity and innovation, but nascency. If these new partners can translate this kind of next-gen thinking into the more traditional streaming TV ad ecosystem –where the ad experience is, well, just plain bad (too many ad pods, too many repeating ads) – that’s where magic could happen,” she added.
Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president and vice chair, sits on Netflix’s board, and Reed Hastings (co-founder, chairman, and co-chief executive officer of Netflix) sat on Microsoft’s board from 2007 to 2012. In addition, Netflix’s first version of “Watch Instantly” used Microsoft’s Silverlight for streaming (instead of the more commonly used Flash Player), and Xbox 360 was the first console to feature an HD Netflix streaming app. Despite the potential, O’Connell said the question remains as to whether the partnership will truly push the envelope on innovating the ad experience, such as developing new formats or models in streaming TV.
Director Audemars Piguet PENNY DAVIS Head
AMI LO & Communication of of of
We are slowly emerging into a new world with the easing of restrictions, which will impact consumer behaviour and trends. However, creativity and innovation remain at the heart of all that is marketing today, and celebrating these elements was crucial to us at this year’s MARKies Awards. While agencies and brands strive to deliver the best services for consumers and clients, some marketing leaders are adjusting their strategies to ensure business continuity. It’s not easy to stand out from the crowd. Hence, the MARKies Awards was held to share the achievements of the brilliant agency minds behind the work. And given the number of top quality entries the judges saw, we can be very optimistic about the future as it’s clear agencies and brands have become stronger over the past two years despite the turbulence in the industry. So let’s celebrate with these excellent agencies and brands, and congratulations to all winners.
Brand & Marketing Decathlon Hong Kong KEN IP Group Head
「市場推廣的核心,這些元素也是今年隨之轉變,但創意與創新仍是現今一個新時代,消費者行為及趨勢也 MARKies 宣傳項目大獎」的焦點 所在。代理公司及品牌致力為消費者及客戶提供最佳服務的同時,一些市場推廣領袖正調整策略以維持業務發展。要脫穎而出並不容易,因此「 MARKies 成功作品背後的傑出廣告代理公司。宣傳項目大獎」旨在嘉許儘管面對行業動盪,但縱觀今年參賽作品的數目及質素之高,證明代理公司及品牌在過去兩年愈戰愈強,行業的未來一片光明。在此表揚這些優秀的代理公司及品牌,並恭喜所有得獎者。
Marketing/AGM B.S.C. Group VIVIAN CHEUNG Marketing Director Casablanca Group ERIC SO Director, Marketing DKSH Hong Kong
Brand – APAC Bupa MATTHEW LAM Head
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM AUGUST 2022 MARKETING HONG KONG 23 JOANNE YUE Marketing & Communications Director Emperor Watch & Jewellery JESSICA YEUNG Head of Marketing & E-Commerce Hung's Food Group AUN ZAIDI Consumer Marketing Director Philips GORDON LO Head of Brand & Digital Marketing Jebsen Beverage Company ERIC LAM Head of Marketing Pret A Manger ALEX KWAN Former Director, Marketing Lalamove PAUL YUEN Former Director, Marketing, Brand SHISEIDO & Drunk Elephant Shiseido Hong Kong SHERMAN LAU Deputy Head of Marketing Livi Bank GAVIN GOLLOGLEY Former Chief Client Experience & Marketing Officer, Asia Sun Life KAREN WOO General Manager – Branding and Communications MTR Corporation CHRISTINE CHOW General Manager, Marketing and Customer Experience West Kowloon Cultural District Authority CARMEN WONG Head of Marketing foodpanda FREEMAN CHIU Marketing Director – APAC Otter Products KIRSTEN WONG Marketing Director Goodman MAGGIE NI Director, Brand Strategy & Partnership Plaza Premium Group HEISEN CHENG Marketing Director Jones Lang Lasalle Investments TERRI TSANG Head of Marketing Reckitt LESLIE FOK Marketing Director LAWSGROUP PHYLLIS YAU Former Director, Marketing SmileDirectClub ALICE TANG Director of Brand Management –APAC Luxury Brands Marriott International CHRISTINA TANG Assistant Marketing Director Tai Hing Group
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM26 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 GOLD CruiSo Digital Solutions Client: CSL Mobile Campaign: “csl. 5G x MIRROR –Experience the World Differently” Campaign SILVER M&C Saatchi Spencer, Starcom Client: Mox Bank Campaign: MOX Credit Launch BRONZE Hardchi Creative, The Bridge Agency Client: Tam Jai International Campaign: The Unconventional Anniversary Campaign –The TamJai Way BRONZE Stunz Creative Client: WeLab Bank Campaign: Virtual Ben – We Know, What You “Kong” Best Idea – Branded Content GOLD Client:SOCIETY Coca-Cola HK Campaign: 365 Taste Of Home Kong SILVER Omelette Client: lululemon Campaign: Feel Closer to Your Run BRONZE M&C Saatchi Spencer Client: United Asia Finance Campaign: UA New Branding Campaign 2021 Best Idea – Customer Engagement GOLD Hardchi Creative Client: Tam Jai International Campaign: The AnniversaryUnconventionalCampaign –The TamJai Way SILVER MakeItLoud Marketing Client: Hong Kong Times Square Campaign: Donald Duck Geometric World BRONZE Pontac Client: YSL BEAUTÉ HONG KONG Campaign: YSL BEAUTY RECORDS Best Idea – Design GOLD Client:Pontac YSL BEAUTÉ HONG KONG Campaign: YSL BEAUTY RECORDS SILVER Pontac Client: Charlotte Tilbury Campaign: 2021 Member Loyalty Programme BRONZE Hong Kong Creates Client: Olympian City Campaign: Alien Planet Christmas Party BRONZE Zlashy Client: Cityplaza Campaign: LIVE HAPPY Best Idea – CX/UX
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM28 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K GOLD Client:SOCIETY Coca-Cola HK Campaign: 365 Taste Of Home Kong SILVER &other Client: Swanson Campaign: AH LO & YOU BRONZE Durian HK Client: Reckitt Benckiser Hong Kong Campaign: Let's Start Loving With Durex! Best Idea – Customer Acquisition GOLD Client:MEology DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Campaign: DBS Towards Zero Food Waste Campaign 2021 SILVER UM Hong Kong, Ogilvy Public Relations Client: American Express Campaign: Never Stop Exploring BRONZE 3T6B Client: DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Campaign: Moment of Purpose Best Idea – COVID-19 Response GOLD Client:Pontac YSL BEAUTÉ HONG KONG Campaign: YSL BEAUTY RECORDS SILVER Hong Kong Creates Client: Olympian City Campaign: Alien Planet Christmas Party BRONZE The Bread Digital Client: Hang Seng Bank Campaign: GO! GingerOnion InstaMockExam 2021 Best Idea – Digital Solution GOLD Wunderman Thompson Hong Client:Kong HSBC Hong Kong Campaign: Say Goodbye to being a “Wealth A0” SILVER Narrow Door Client: Shiseido Hong Kong Campaign: My Powerful Heartbeat BRONZE RDS Digital Client: Amoy Hong Kong Campaign: Exquisite Taste Made In Hong Kong Best Idea – Influencer
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM30 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 GOLD Client:Howdy Watson’s Soda Campaign: Bring Back The Good Old Days SILVER Madkids Communications Client: BOC Life Campaign: Live Young – The Wellness Ecosystem SILVER MSLGROUP Client: Culture for Tomorrow Campaign: Discover the State Theatre in All of Us BRONZE Guru Online Client: MHD Group (Hennessy) Campaign: The Spirit of NBA – Team Up Best Idea – Experiential Marketing GOLD RDS Client:Digital Trappist Dairy (Hong Kong) Campaign: The Healthiest Version of You SILVER DDB Group Hong Kong Client: McDonald’s Restaurants Hong Kong Campaign: A New Big Mac for a New Generation BRONZE OMD International Hong Kong Client: MTR Corporation Campaign: The Full Tuen Ma Line Opening Campaign GOLD CruiSo Digital Solutions Client: CSL Mobile Campaign: “csl. 5G x MIRROR – Experience the World Differently” Campaign SILVER INITSOC Client: Hang Lung Properties Campaign: Hang Lung Cross-border Live Streaming e-Shop BRONZE Pontac Client: YSL BEAUTÉ HONG KONG Campaign: YSL BEAUTY RECORDS GOLD M&C Saatchi Spencer, Client:Starcom Mox Bank Campaign: MOX Credit Launch SILVER Cheil Hong Kong, Shadow Design Clients: Central Market, Chinachem Group, Urban Renewal Authority Campaign: Central Market Revitalization BRONZE Wunderman Thompson Hong Kong Client: HSBC Hong Kong Campaign: HSBC EveryMile Credit Card Launch Best Idea – Integrated Marketing Best Idea – Mobile Marketing Best Idea – Launch/Rebranding
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM32 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 GOLD GroupM Communications Hong Client:Kong United Asia Finance Campaign: UA SEM Campaign 2021 SILVER Aloha Group Client: HOME+ Campaign: HOME+ 2022 Search Acquisition Campaign BRONZE New iMedia Solutions Client: Blue Girl Beer Campaign: 「 Club BG 」Launch & Giveaway Campaign 2021 Best Use of SEM Strategy GOLD Client:MEology DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Campaign: DBS Towards Zero Food Waste Campaign 2021 SILVER CMRS Group Client: MTR Corporation Campaign: Carbon Footprint Challenge BRONZE Grandmother Client: Ngong Ping 360 Campaign: Ngong Ping 360 Sweatival GOLD DDB Group Hong Kong Client: McDonald’s Restaurants Hong Kong Campaign: A New Big Mac for a New Generation SILVER Omelette Client: lululemon Campaign: Feel Closer to Your Run BRONZE Hardchi Creative Client: Tam Jai International Campaign: TamJai x Master 7 Mother’s Day Special Best Idea – Public Awareness Best Idea – Social Media GOLD Client:MSLGROUP Culture for Tomorrow Campaign: Discover the State Theatre in All of Us SILVER Naughty Things Creative Client: Sony Hong Kong Campaign: Sony ZVE10 Launching Campaign BRONZE M&C Saatchi Spencer, Starcom Client: Mox Bank Campaign: MOX Credit Launch Best Use of Content
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM34 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 GOLD PHD Media Hong Kong Client: HSBC Hong Kong Campaign: Every Mile Credit Card Launch SILVER Howdy Client: Watson’s Soda Campaign: Bring Back The Good Old Days BRONZE Cheil Hong Kong Client: Samsung – Impossible Ballet Campaign: Samsung Electronics Hong Kong Best Use of Out-Of-Home GOLD Client:Pontac YSL BEAUTÉ HONG KONG Campaign: YSL BEAUTY RECORDS SILVER Cymballe Client: Hong Kong Land Campaign: LANDMARK Christmas 2021 – Christmas Joy House BRONZE Cymballe Client: The Body Shop Campaign: The Body Shop Christmas Campaign 2021 Best Use of Gamification GOLD CruiSo Digital Solutions Client: CSL Mobile Campaign: “csl. 5G x MIRROR – Experience the World Differently” Campaign SILVER EY Mtel Client: Watsons Hong Kong eShop Campaign: Watsons HK Shopping App BRONZE ESDlife Client: Circle K Convenience Stores (HK) Campaign: Treat Yourself Better At Circle K Best Use of Mobile & Apps GOLD Ogilvy Public Relations Client: Tam Jai International Campaign: There's No Taste Like Home SILVER M&C Saatchi Spencer, Starcom Client: Mox Bank Campaign: MOX Credit Launch BRONZE Narrow Door Client: VIU HK Campaign: Binge on an endless stream of dramas Best Idea – Video
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM36 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 GOLD Client:Pontac Charlotte Tilbury Campaign: 2021 Member Loyalty Programme SILVER PRIZM Group Client: Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition (Hong Kong) Campaign: Danone APTA Predictive CRM Ecosystem BRONZE PRIZM Group Client: Hysan Place & Lee Garden Campaign: Lee Garden & Hysan Loyalty Program Ecosystem Best Use of CRM & Loyalty GOLD PRIZM Group Client: Hysan Place & Lee Garden Campaign: Lee Garden & Hysan Loyalty Program Ecosystem SILVER Pontac Client: YSL BEAUTÉ HONG KONG Campaign: YSL BEAUTY RECORDS BRONZE Wunderman Thompson Hong Kong Client: HSBC Hong Kong Campaign: HSBC EveryMile Credit Card Launch Best Idea – Gamification GOLD Client:Pontac YSL BEAUTÉ HONG KONG Campaign: YSL BEAUTY RECORDS SILVER PRIZM Group Client: Hysan Place & Lee Garden Campaign: Lee Garden & Hysan Loyalty Program Ecosystem BRONZE Madkids Communications Client: BOC Life Campaign: Live Young – The Wellness Ecosystem Best Use of Digital Solution GOLD Cheil Hong Kong Client: MTR Corporation Campaign: MTR Mobile 2.0 SILVER Madkids Communications Client: BOC Life Campaign: Live Young – The Wellness Ecosystem SILVER PRIZM Group Client: Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition (Hong Kong) Campaign: Danone APTA Predictive CRM Ecosystem BRONZE iClick Interactive Asia Group Client: Blueair Asia Campaign: Blueair in Response to Air Change in Restaurants Best Use of MarTech
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM38 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 GOLD Ogilvy Public Relations Client: Tam Jai International Campaign: There's No Taste Like Home GOLD Wasabi Creation Client: CUPNOODLES MUSEUM Hong Kong, Nissin Foods (H.K.) Company Campaign: Launch of CUPNOODLESHongMUSEUMKong SILVER The Bridge Agency Client: Tam Jai International Campaign: The Unconventional Anniversary Campaign – The TamJai Way BRONZE Above The Line Company Client: Ngong Ping 360 Campaign: Ngong Ping 360 Sweatival Best Idea – Public Relations GOLD iProspect, Yahoo Client: livi bank Campaign: livi PayLater SILVER UM Hong Kong, Ogilvy Public Relations Client: American Express Campaign: Never Stop Exploring BRONZE DDB Group Hong Kong Client: livi bank Campaign: Breaking through Limitations with livi PayLater Best Use of Programmatic GOLD CruiSo Digital Solutions Client: CSL Mobile Campaign: “csl. 5G x MIRROR – Experience the World Differently” Campaign SILVER Purple Cow Communications, Mind Share Hong Kong Client: General Mills Hong Kong Campaign: Häagen-Dazs Passion Launch Campaign BRONZE Madkids Communications Client: BOC Life Campaign: Live Young – The Wellness Ecosystem Best Use of O2O Strategy GOLD Client:FABCOM HAWLEY & HAZEL ASIA INVESTMENT CO. Campaign: 2021 Shopper Program Campaign SILVER Havas Hong Kong Client: MTR Corporation Campaign: The LOHAS – The Intelligent Nature SILVER KREW Client: SOGO Hong Kong Campaign: SOGO Thankful Weeks 2021 BRONZE Assembly Global, Appier Client: Clarins Hong Kong Campaign: Clarins EC Prospecting & Retargeting Campaigns Best Use of Real-time Marketing
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM40 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 GOLD Client:Sinclair FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Campaign: FWD “TREASURANCE SHOP” CAMPAIGN SILVER untitled Client: Shiseido Hong Kong Campaign: SHISEIDO ULTIMUNE 3.0 – Powerful Heartbeat Experiential Journey BRONZE MSLGROUP Client: Culture for Tomorrow Campaign: Discover the State Theatre in All of Us Best Idea – Events GOLD Client:HongFleishmanHillardKong FWD Insurance Campaign: FWD x Hong Chi “Dishes Make Wishes” Campaign SILVER Hardchi Creative Client: Watsons Water Campaign: “We Care” Music Flycation BRONZE MEology Client: DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Campaign: DBS Towards Zero Food Waste Campaign 2021 Best Idea – Corporate Social Responsibility GOLD OMD International Hong Client:Kong McDonald’s Corporation Hong Kong Campaign: A New Big Mac For A New Generation SILVER DDB Group Hong Kong Client: FWD Insurance Campaign: Better coverage, more comprehensive protection BRONZE M&C Saatchi Spencer, Starcom Client: Mox Bank Campaign: MOX Credit Launch Best Use of Integrated Media GOLD Client:Pontac Charlotte Tilbury Campaign: 2021 Member Loyalty Programme SILVER FABCOM Client: KEF Campaign: KEF E-Commerce and Lead Generation Campaign BRONZE PRIZM Group Client: Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition (Hong Kong) Campaign: Danone APTA Predictive CRM Ecosystem Best Use of Data/Insights
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM42 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 GOLD Client:Omelette lululemon Campaign: Feel Closer to Your Run SILVER Vibes Client: PrimeCredit Campaign: WeWa ATL Campaign BRONZE Narrow Door Client: Shiseido Hong Kong Campaign: My Powerful Heartbeat Best Use of Influencer GOLD Hardchi Creative Client: Tam Jai International Campaign: The AnniversaryUnconventionalCampaign –The TamJai Way SILVER TBWA\ HK Client: Standard Chartered Hong Kong Campaign: Get Ready For New Heights BRONZE Vibes, Wavemaker Client: PrimeCredit Campaign: PrimeCredit Digital Music Show Best Idea – Partnership/Sponsorship GOLD Narrow Door Client: VIU HK Campaign: Binge on an endless stream of dramas SILVER The Bread Digital Client: Samsung Electronics Hong Kong Campaign: Samsung S21 – Hong Kong 21s Golden Video Awards BRONZE StarCom, Secret Tour Hong Kong, Origins Production Client: AXA China Region Insurance Company Campaign: The Unskippable Ad – MIRROR vs ERROR Best Use of Social Media GOLD Grey Advertising Hong Kong Client: Hong Kong Tourism Board Campaign: West Kowloon Neighbourhood 2021 GOLD MakeItLoud Marketing Client: Hong Kong Times Square Campaign: Times Square x Mr. Men Little Miss 50th Anniversary: Discover You SILVER Sportsoho Client: Otsuka Pharmaceutical (H.K.) – Pocari Sweat Campaign: Pocari Sweat Run Fest 2021 BRONZE Oasis Brand Communications Company, vfxNova Digital Productions Client: Lee Tung Avenue Management Company Campaign: Butterflies of Hope Best Use of Venue
With a vision of being tactical and strategic, Pontac strives to deliver work of the highest standard with teamwork which it believes is what makes things possible.
As a one-stop marketing service provider, Pontac takes pride in crafting innovative digital solutions with a strong basis in data and technology, which cover a wide range of digital deliverables, including website development, CRM transformation, marketing campaigns, and marketing automations.
BEAUTY RECORDS」勇奪「最佳表現大獎 — 推廣活動」 殊榮,而Pontac則成為「最佳表現大獎 — 代理公司」得主。 負責「YSL BEAUTY RECORDS」項目的團隊在頒獎禮上共 贏得四金、一銀、兩銅,滿載而歸。「 YSL BEAUTY RECORDS」的推出,是為了提高 YSL 成的影響,以及加強宣傳客,為顧客提供娛樂並增強品牌吸引力,以克服疫情對銷情造社交媒體的知名度,從而令品牌脫穎而出,藉此吸引年輕新顧在本地 YSL 該團隊希望通過網頁式擴增實境、的電子商務渠道。 Unity 及 HTML5 過虛擬活動網站上重現實體活動的氣氛及感覺,讓消費者不僅通技術,在 Facebook或 Instagram 及數碼活動進行全面的推廣。體驗品牌,更透過網紅代言、媒體報導 Pontac囊括六金、兩銀、兩銅,成為「最佳表現大獎 — 代理公司」 得主。在Pontac負責的兩項推廣活動之中,為 YSL BEAUTÉ HONG KONG 打造的「YSL BEAUTY RECORDS」共贏得四金、 一銀、兩銅。作為一家屢獲殊榮的數碼代理公司,Pontac 團、太古、三星等。括歐萊雅集團、酩悅•軒尼詩-路易•威登集團、雅詩蘭黛集豐富項目經驗,深得來自不同行業及文化的忠實客戶支持,包在亞太區擁有作為一站式市場推廣服務供應商, Pontac 推廣自動化。務,包括網站開發、客戶關係管理轉型、市場推廣活動及市場術為基礎打造創新數碼解決方案,當中涵蓋廣泛的數碼營銷服以強大數據及技憑藉出色的策略及願景, Pontac 團隊致力打造高質素作 品,為業界帶來新氣象。
The team at YSL BEAUTY RECORDS had its hands full winning four golds, one silver and two bronze trophies.
Being an award-winning digital agency with project experience in Asia Pacific, Pontac has won the hearts from its loyal clients spanning industries and cultures, including L’Oréal Group, LVMH Group, Estée Lauder Group, Swire, Samsung and more.
WWW.MARKETING–INTERACTIVE.COM44 MARKETING HONG KONG AUGUST 2022 Best of Show – Campaign 最佳表現大獎―推廣活動 Best of Show – Agency 最佳表現大獎―代理公司 YSL BEAUTYPontacRECORDS
The team wanted to reproduce the look and feel of a physical event with web AR, Unity and HTML5 technologies on a virtual event website, instead of just letting consumers experience the brand through Facebook or Instagram, along with full funnel strategies ranging from KOL endorsements, media coverage, and digital activation.
Pontac emerged victorious in the “Best of Show – Agency” category, taking home the large haul of six golds, two silver and two bronze trophies. Across the two campaigns Pontac entered, the campaign “YSL BEAUTY RECORDS”, which was done for YSL BEAUTÉ HONG KONG, won four golds, one silver and two bronze trophies.
Taking home the coveted overall “Best of Show – Campaign” was YSL BEAUTY RECORDS, while Pontac emerged victorious in the “Best of Show – Agency” category.
YSL BEAUTY RECORDS was launched to boost YSL’s social media presence in the local market and differentiate the brand. It also aimed to recruit new and younger customers; entertain customers; increase brand stickiness; as well as to over come the impact on sales of the pandemic and strengthening YSL’s eCommerce channels.