Staff Development
Job Shadow Scheme Application Form Don’t miss your opportunity! March – May 2013
Job Shadowing Opportunities Facilities Management Administration Health and Safety Help Desk Director Environmental and Sustainability Finance Domestic Services Projects Team Services Team Security Teaching Support
imago Limited Sales Office Burleigh Court Link Hotel Holywell Park Housekeeping Bar/Lounge/Restaurant Kitchen Reception Technician Duty Manager Maintenance Finance
Student Support Centre Administration Client Services Student Advice and Support English Language Support
Director of HR PA to Director Advisers or Officers Recruitment Team Workforce Information Team
Staff Development Advisers Administration
Campus Living Accommodation Student Accommodation Centre Parcelz/card office Maintenance Team Catering – hall kitchens and dining halls Retail – bars, cafes, restaurants Refresh Customer Services
Human Resources/ Staff Development & VC’s Office
IT Services Head of IT Services Service Desk Network, Infrastructure and Telephony Corporate Systems Student Information Services Management Support E-Learning Internet Services Student Experience, Communications and Training Technical Support Systems Services Desktop Services
Senior Management Vice-Chancellor * Provost/Deputy Vice Chancellor Director of Finance Chief Operating Officer Director of Planning Director of Facilities Management All PA’s in the Vice Chancellors office. * For this post only, contact Kim Raine:
Library Academic Services Customer Services Facilities Management Administration
For a full and up-to-date list of job shadow roles for each section, please check our web page: Due to high demand, numbers may be restricted in some areas. Is your School or Department interested in taking part this academic year?
Sports Development Centre Administration Finance Sport Operations Performance Sport
Other areas: If you are interested in shadowing an area not listed, please submit your application to Sarah Sargeant:
A Job Shadow scheme has run successfully for staff at Loughborough since 2006. Last year saw 180 members of staff involved, including the VC. Primarily, the take up has been from those working in support services. 98% said they would take part again. We’re now encouraging cross School and Service job shadows. The Job Shadow scheme is open to all members of staff from any staff group.
What do I need to do now? If you are interested in putting forward your School or Department to take part in the 2013 programme, please let me know and if you could provide a nominated contact for your School/Department, name, phone and email please. If you want to know more or have a chat with someone about the scheme, then please do not hesitate to contact me. Sue Reid, Staff Development Officer T: 222384 E:
What’s the Job Shadow Scheme all about? The Scheme gives you the opportunity to become familiar with someone else’s role or responsibilities within Loughborough University. Job shadowing can help you develop your understanding of a process or procedure to help you in your role going forward, or it could help you understand more about a totally different role to one you currently have. It can also provide a fantastic opportunity to build relationships with colleagues from other areas of the University. The job shadow can be for any length of time, an hour or a full day – whatever you mutually agree will work best. Due to the size of the scheme, it may not be possible to guarantee the job shadow you have requested, if this happens, we will get in touch with you.
Previous participants have said:
“I will appreciate the work done more and I believe it will help me be more organised in my own role” “I will endeavour to improve my relationship management skills and communication skills and ensure that more effective lines of communications are used” “helped me focus on what I can do to provide an excellent service to my clients and encourage other members of my department to do the same”
52431 D&P Jan 13
Staff Development Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU T: +44 (0)1509 222381 E: