12 minute read

Sport Sciences

Why choose Sport Sciences at Loughborough? We enjoy a reputation for academic excellence, teaching quality, state-of-the-art facilities and leading research. You will benefit from our unique connections with the sport and leisure industry, coaching and development, sport and exercise medicine, and health and wellbeing. Currently ranked 1st in the world for sports-related subjects (QS World Rankings 2019), our sport courses are taught by internationally renowned academics and guest speakers. Consistently ranked highly in university league tables, we offer you the chance to tailor your studies through attractive modules that reflect the multidisciplinary breadth of our expertise. Our first place ranking for sports science in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020 is a further testament to the high standard of teaching, facilities and all-round experience we offer to our students. Placement year and study abroad The School has strong links with leading employers and a range of organisations. We provide support to students wishing to undertake a year-long work placement through our four-year sport courses. A placement year helps to develop essential skills and foster valuable industry contacts. We also offer a range of placement opportunities for studying abroad. Employability Over 95% of our recent graduates were in employment and/or further study six months after graduating (DLHE 2016/17). Our students go on to enjoy rewarding careers across a diverse range of organisations. Recent graduate destinations include Sky, Aviva, Chelsea FC, Adidas, Youth Sport Trust, Deloitte, UK Sport, Brain Injury Trust, Mondelez International, GlaxoSmithKline and numerous schools and NHS Trusts. Facilities School and University sport facilities include: 27 laboratories, boasting the latest physiological, molecular and environmental technologies; as well as bespoke training and testing equipment; two climatic chambers; specialist human biology, psychology, physiology and biomechanics laboratories; a National Gymnastics Performance and Research Centre; 50 metre swimming pool; netball and badminton centre; high performance athletics centre; floodlit all-weather areas and a water-based hockey pitch.





Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons) DPS/DIntS*: 4 years full-time with placement year UCAS code: C600 BSc (Hons): 3 years full-time UCAS code: CX63 Typical offers A level: AAA-AAB including at least one preferred subject: Biology, Human Biology, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, PE or Sports Science IB: 37 (6,6,6 HL) BTEC Level 3 National Diploma: D*D* including Distinctions in all units in combination with a grade A in a preferred A level subject (for other combinations please refer to the online prospectus) GCSE: Majority 7/6 (A/B) grades at GCSE including minimum grade 6/B in Maths, English Language and a Science

Sport, Coaching and Physical Education BSc (Hons) DPS/DInts*: 4 years full-time with placement year UCAS code: C604 BSc (Hons): 3 years full-time UCAS code: C603 Typical offers A level: AAA-AAB including at least one preferred subject: Biology, Human Biology, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Sociology, History, Geography, PE or Sports Science and English Literature/Language IB: 37 (6,6,6 HL) BTEC Level 3 National Diploma: D*D* including Distinctions in all units in combination with a grade A in a preferred A level subject (for other combinations please refer to the online prospectus) GCSE: Majority 7/6 (A/B) grades at GCSE including minimum grade 6/B in Maths, English Language and a Science

This course develops your knowledge and understanding of sport and exercise sciences. It is underpinned by a thorough scientific appreciation of the disciplines of physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, motor control and psychology. You will gain insights into the physiological, biomechanical and psychological influences on human performance during the preparation for, and participation in, sport and exercise. Year 1 Areas studied include anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, structural kinesiology, biomechanics, motor control, skill acquisition and psychology. Year 2 Areas studied include exercise physiology and biochemistry of nutrition, biomechanics of sport and motor control, and sport and exercise psychology. You will also have the opportunity to advance your vocational, practitioner and employability skills via specialised modules. Optional placement/study year Optional professional placement and/or overseas study. Final year Areas studied include choices from a range of optional modules in the core disciplines of physiology, biomechanics and psychology. Students also undertake a substantial research project. Graduate destinations Recent graduates have become exercise physiologists, sport psychologists, junior sport agents, personal trainers, sport coaches, strength and conditioning coaches, health advisors, and local government sport development officers. Employers include Adidas, British Swimming, UK Sport and Leicester Tigers. *Diploma in Professional/International Studies

This course allows you to develop a critical, theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of sport, coaching and physical education, as well as related areas of sport and exercise science such as physiology, biomechanics, physical activity and health, psychology and sport sociology. Year 1 Areas studied include academic and research skills, coaching, physical education, sport and social sciences, kinesiology, growth and development, psychology, biomechanics and physiology. Year 2 Areas studied include research skills, coaching and physical education, plus choices from optional modules in the areas of sport sociology, physical activity and health, skill acquisition, performance analysis and fitness and training. Optional placement/study year Optional professional placement and/or overseas study. Final year Areas studied include coaching and/or physical education, plus choices from a range of optional modules covering sport sociology, physical activity and health, psychology, leadership and management and performance analysis. Students also undertake a substantial research project. Graduate destinations Career opportunities exist across a range of coaching, sport, exercise, health and wellbeing contexts and for further training. *Diploma in Professional/International Studies

“The quality of teaching is superb. Lecturers are very interested in their modules and this positive approach is transferred to students, which makes you keen to learn.”

“I chose Loughborough because of its world leading reputation, especially for sport and sport-related courses.”

Sport Management BSc (Hons) DPS/DIntS*: 4 years full-time with placement year UCAS code: N281 BSc (Hons): 3 years full-time UCAS code: N222 Typical offers A level: AAB IB: 35 (6,6,5 HL) with 4 at SL Maths and 5 at SL English BTEC Level 3 National Diploma: D*D in Sport or Business plus an A level at grade B (for other combinations please refer to the online prospectus) GCSE: Majority 7/6 (A/B) grades at GCSE including minimum grade 6/B in Maths and English Language

This course equips students with the knowledge and skills that managers need in the global and rapidly expanding sport industry. Students learn about marketing, organisational and strategic management, finance, governance, policy, law and economics. Practical elements within the degree help to equip our graduates with the skills to become confident, effective managers. Year 1 Areas studied include an introduction to sport management, critical perspectives in sport, the leisure market, principles of marketing, accounting and behaviour in sporting organisations plus the option to study a coaching or sport and social sciences module. Year 2 Areas studied include research skills, sport management in practice, sport law, equity and inclusion, economic analysis of sport, sport marketing, accounting and human resource management in sport organisations plus optional module choices in physical activity and health, coaching or sport and social sciences. Optional placement/study year Optional professional placement and/or overseas study. Final year Areas studied include sport policy and governance, strategic sport marketing and economics and strategic management of sport organisations and events, plus optional module choices in physical activity and health, coaching or sport and social sciences. Students also undertake a substantial research project. Graduate destinations Recent career destinations include: The Tennis Foundation, Swim England, ATP Media, Adidas, Advertising Standards Agency, Bet 365, De Vere, Decathlon, MasterCard, Nike, Octagon, PwC, Sky, Tesco, Orbital Recruitment, Instron. *Diploma in Professional/International Studies

Course and general index

AA top 10 UK university 00-01 Accounting (Mathematics 159 and Financial Management) Accounting and Financial Management 86 Aeronautical Engineering 67 Analytics (Business) 87 Applying to Loughborough 56-57 Architectural Engineering 71 Architecture 74 Art (Fine) 116 Art and Design Foundation 119 Studies Artificial Intelligence 106 (Computer Science and) Automotive Engineering 67 Automotive Materials 155

BBioengineering 78 Biological Sciences 82 Biology (Human) 82 Biomaterials Engineering 152 Business (Information 108 Technology Management for) Business (International) 87 Business Analytics 87 Business Economics and Finance 91 Business Studies (English with) 131

CCampus (Our) 08-13 Campus map 14-15 Careers and employability 32-35 Chemical Engineering 94 Chemistry 98 Chemistry (Medicinal and 98 Pharmaceutical) Civil Engineering 71 Coaching (Sport and Physical 200 Education) Commercial Management and 112 Quantity Surveying Communication (Media and) 102 Computer Science 106 Computer Science and Artificial 106 Intelligence Computer Science and 107 Mathematics Computer Systems Engineering 164 (Electronic and) Computing and Management 107 Construction Engineering 112 Management Control Engineering (Robotics, Mechatronics and) 168 Creative Writing (English with) 132 Criminology 195 Criminology (Psychology with) 191 Criminology and Sociology 195

DDesign 123 Design (Industrial) 124 Design (Product and Technology) 123 Design (Product Engineering) 167 Digital Humanities (English with) 132

EEconomics 90 Economics (Geography with) 143 Economics (Mathematics with) 160 Economics (Philosophy, 183 Politics and) Economics (Politics with) 184 Economics and Finance 91 (Business) Economics and Management 91 Education (Psychology in) 188 Electronic and Computer 164 Systems Engineering Electronic and Electrical 164 Engineering Elite Athlete (Foundation Studies) 136 Employability (Careers and) 32-35 Engineering (all courses) 126-127 Engineering Management 165 Engineering Physics 176 English 130 English and Sport Science 130 English Literature 131 English with Business Studies 131 English with Creative Writing 132 English with Digital Humanities 132 Entry requirements 58-61 Exercise Science (Sport and) 200

FFees and financial support 52-53 Finance (Business 91 Economics and) Finance and Management 86 Financial Management 86 (Accounting and) Financial Management 159 (Mathematics and Accounting and) Financial Mathematics 158 Fine Art 116 Foundation Studies 136 Foundation Studies (Art and 119 Design)

GGeography 140 Geography and Management 140 Geography and Sport Science 143 Geography with Economics 143 Graduates (Our) 38-39 Graphic Communication and 116 Illustration


Halls of residence 20-23 History 147 History and International 147 Relations History and Politics 148 Human Biology 82

IIllustration (Graphic 116 Communication and) Industrial Design 124 Information for international 54-55 students Information Technology 108 Management for Business International Business 87 International Foundation Studies 137 International Relations 182 International Relations 147 (History and) International Relations 183 (Politics and)

LLiterature (English) 131 Location (Our) 06-07 Loughborough Students’ 28-29 Union Loughborough town 16-19 LU Arts 30-31

MManagement 89 Management (Accounting and 86 Financial) Management (Commercial and 112 Quantity Surveying) Management (Computing and) 107 Management (Construction 112 Engineering) Management (Economics and) 91 Management (Engineering) 165 Management (Finance and) 86 Management (Geography and) 140 Management (Information 108 Technology for Business) Management (Marketing and) 90 Management (Mathematics and 159 Accounting and Financial) Management (Sport) 203 Manufacturing Engineering 165 Map (Campus) 14-15 Marketing and Management 90 Materials (Automotive) 155 Materials Science and 152 Engineering Mathematics 158 Mathematics (Computer 107 Science and) Mathematics (Financial) 158 Mathematics and Accounting 159 and Financial Management Mathematics and Physics 179 Mathematics and Sport Science 159 Mathematics with Economics 160 Mathematics with Statistics 160 Mechanical Engineering 167 Mechatronics (Robotics and 168 Control Engineering) Media (Sociology and) 196 Media and Communication 102 Medicinal and Pharmaceutical 98 Chemistry

NNatural Sciences 172


Open days 02 Our campus 08-13 Our graduates 38-39 Our location 06-07 Our research and impact 48-51 Our subject areas 62-63

Course and general index continued...

PPersonal Best 36-37 Pharmaceutical (Medicinal and 98 Chemistry) Philosophy (Politics and 183 Economics) Physical Education (Sport, 200 Coaching and) Physics 176 Physics (Engineering) 176 Physics (Mathematics and) 179 Physics with Theoretical Physics 179 Planning (Urban) 74 Politics 182 Politics (History and) 148 Politics and International 183 Relations Politics with Economics 184 Politics, Philosophy and 183 Economics Product Design and Technology 123 Product Design Engineering 167 Psychology 188 Psychology in Education 188 Psychology (Sport and Exercise) 191 Psychology with Criminology 191

QQuantity Surveying (Commercial 112 Management and)

RResearch and impact (Our) 48-51 Robotics, Mechatronics and 168 Control Engineering


Sociology 196 Sociology (Criminology and) 195 Sociology and Media 196 Sport 24-27 Sport and Exercise Psychology 191 Sport and Exercise Science 200 Sport Management 203 Sport Science (English and) 130 Sport Science (Geography and) 143 Sport Science (Mathematics 159 and) Sport, Coaching and Physical 200 Education Sports Technology 168 Statistics (Mathematics with) 160 Student support 40-43 Students’ Union 28-29 (Loughborough) Subject areas (Our) 62-63

TTeaching and learning 44-47 facilities Technology (Product Design and) 123 Technology (Sports) 168 Textile Design 119 Theoretical Physics 179 (Physics with) Top 10 UK university (A) 00-01

UUrban Planning 74

WWelcome to Loughborough 04-05

Loughborough University has taken care that this prospectus is as accurate as possible at the time of going to press (February 2020). It is intended as a general guide to the courses and facilities available to students commencing an undergraduate course in September 2021. Please note that although we do not anticipate that there will be major changes to the information provided in this prospectus, it is prepared a considerable time in advance and the University may make limited changes to courses and their modules to ensure they remain current and up-to-date, to respond to external developments and for a number of practical reasons.

Before making an application, please check our online prospectus to ensure you have the most up-to-date information. The University’s Terms and Conditions of Study (www.lboro.ac.uk/study/terms-conditions) provide more details of the circumstances in which we may amend our courses both after application and whilst students are registered and how we will keep you informed of any changes.

Admission to Loughborough is subject to the requirement that applicants accepting offers, and students on registration, agree to the Terms and Conditions referred to above.

Editorial: Amy Statham (Marketing) Contributor: Sally Jones (Marketing) Photography: Phil Rowley; Creative and Print Services; Andy Weekes Design: Phil Silk; Creative and Print Services Print: Sterling Solutions

Published: February 2020 © Loughborough University 2020 UCAS Code L79

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