Staff Development Guide 2011 - 2012
Contents Tailored services
Hidden Disabilities
HoDs and HoSSs – Safety Awareness
Giving Effective Team Briefings
Mentoring Briefing
Performance and Development Review (PDR) Briefing for all Staff
How can the Counselling Service help?
Hydrogen Safety Awareness
An Introduction to Coaching
Manual handling – safe lifting techniques
Project Management in the Real World
Working in Open Plan Offices
Student Mental Health and Reasonable Adjustments
Planning for Your Future (previously known as Pre-Retirement)
Personal Safety
Managing Sickness Absence
Preparing for your Interview
Dealing with Change
What is the Disabled Students Allowance?
Radiation – general
Prudential AVCs - LGPS
Excellence Programme
Essential training
Radiation Protection Update
Prudential AVCs – USS Pension Scheme
Emailogic – how to get better results from your email
Academic Probation Adviser Training
Risk Assessment
The Regional Leadership Development 18 Programme 2011-2012 with Action Learning Sets (MSDP)
The Art of Being Brilliant
Non-Academic Probation Adviser Training
Vibration – user training
East Midlands Region Action Learning Sets
The Art of Staying Brilliant
HoDs and HoSSs – Safety Awareness
Workplace Noise Assessment
ILM qualifications
ILM Level 2 – Briefing – Award in Team Leading 19
The Mindfulness 8-week course: Increase Resilience and Effectiveness
ILM Level 3 – Briefing – Award in Leadership
Time Management
Training Skills for the Occasional Trainer
Springboard Suite
Personal Development Programme – Combined Briefing Session
Fresh Steps
Navigator – Men’s Development Programme
Spring Forward Programme
Bespoke design, delivery and evaluation service 4 Job Shadowing
Mentoring Scheme
Performance and Development Review (PDR) 10 for Reviewers
IT and University Systems
Executive Coaching
Recruitment and Selection
Access 2010
Administrative Skills
Respecting Diversity
AdNet Events
Sustainable Procurement
Emailogic – how to get better results from your email
ILM Level 3 – Briefing – Award in Workplace 19 Coaching for Team Leaders and First Line Managers
Conference Planning and Organisation
Welcome to Loughborough
Excel 2010 – An Introduction
ILM Level 5 – Briefing – Certificate in Management
Confident and Stress-free Minute Taking
Data Protection at Loughborough University
Making a Financial Case
Grammar, Punctuation and Proofreading
Freedom of Information: an Introduction
Excel 2010 Intermediate – PivotTables and PivotCharts
New Lecturers Course: Induction
Excel 2010 Advanced – Lookup Functions
Grammar, Punctuation and Proofreading for International Academic and Research Staff
Human Resource Management (Managing Recruitment)
Introduction to PowerPoint 2010
Understanding the Management Role
Springboard – Women’s Development Programme 23
Learn to Touch Type: an Online Course
Recruitment and Selection Online Refresher Training
Introduction to the Online Store
Understanding Financial Management
Technicians Development
Mind Mapping
Wardens & Sub-Wardens Training Programme
iTrent - Familiarisation
Leading Innovation and Change
Technicians Forum
Outlook: Hints and Tips
Mail Merge with Word 2010
Becoming an Effective Leader
Other technical training
Managing Improvement
Excellence Programme – Dealing with Difficult Customers
Microsoft Project 2010 Advanced Microsoft Project 2010 Introduction
Teeline Shorthand (Advanced)
Excellence Programme – Improving the Experience
Personal and Career Development
Academic Practice covers research, 25 enterprise, learning, e-learning and teaching
Applying for an Internal Post
Teeline Shorthand (Beginners)
Assertiveness Skills
The Effective PA/Secretary
Excellence Programme – Japan and the Japanese
Boost Your Self-Confidence
Equality and Diversity
Excellence Programme – The International Experience
Dealing with Change
Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)
Respecting Diversity
Excellence Programme – Building Relationships to Improve Outcomes
Bullying & Harassment: Online Course
Bullying & Harassment for Managers: Online Course
Excellence Programme – How to Drive Continuous Improvement
Health, Safety and Environment
Diversity in the Workplace: Online Course
(provided by the HSE office)
Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs): Online Course
Blood Borne Viruses and other Pathogens
13 13
Accessible Materials
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Assistive Software
COSHH Awareness
An Introduction to Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
Departmental Safety Officers (DSO) Training
Display Screen Equipment Assessor’s course
Dyslexia Awareness
Fire Extinguisher User
Dyspraxia Awareness
Fire Marshal /Fire Coordinator Awareness
Speed Reading Taking Control of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Excellence Programme
(provided by IT Services)
OneNote 2010: Taking Notes and Research Tool 17 Outlook 2010:vCalendar and Sharing
Outlook 2010: Hints and Tips
Safe Surfing
Writing your Thesis with Word 2010
Windows 7 and Office 2010 Briefing
Management and Leadership
Are you Managing or Leading?
Managing Change
Motivating Your Team
Understanding your Management Style
Chairing Meetings
Recruitment and Selection
Introduction to the Mindfulness 8-week course: 21 Increase Resilience and Effectiveness Making the most of your money – from The Money Advice Service
Meditation and Relaxation
(provided by the Teaching Centre, Research Office and Enterprise Office)
Dear Colleagues
Tailored services
A warm welcome to the 2012 guide to staff development opportunities. The programme is constantly being updated, so we recommend you check online for the latest events and available dates –
We offer teams, departments, Schools or Support Services a number of different tailored services on request:
This guide contains listings not only of the many courses provided by the Staff Development team, but also a list of courses designed and run by our colleagues in the Teaching Centre, Research Office, Enterprise Office, IT Services and the Health, Safety and Environment Office. Staff Development administers these courses on behalf of these groups, so you have a one stop shop for all internal course listings.
n bespoke design, delivery and evaluation service
Additionally, this brochure briefly outlines the sorts of tailored and bespoke services Staff Development offer to departments, Schools and teams. If you’d like to use our services, we encourage you to talk to us about your ideas early on so that we can help support you, however much or little you need from us. We’re keenly interested in your personal growth and in helping you to maximise your potential, whatever your role at Loughborough. We highly recommend that you use your Performance and Development Review (PDR) discussions to help identify and plan your on-going training and development. If you know what you want to achieve, but you’re not sure what sort of training or development activity would help you, then please have a chat with us – it doesn’t matter how sketchy your ideas are, we’ll do our very best to guide and support you. If we can’t help, we often know people who can, so we’ll help to point you in the direction of other options where appropriate. At organisational level, we align all of our activities to the University’s strategy, and we work hard to ensure that what we provide adds real value. We liaise with senior staff in order to identify organisational development needs and sometimes, this will result in us requiring you to undertake training, either because it’s a requirement of the law, or for best practise as an internationally recognised and UK leading institution. As in previous years, we will also be working on a number of projects to continue to support changes at Loughborough and we’ll be taking time to evaluate the impact of development activity more thoroughly. On a final note, November 2011 saw staff development activities move to the newly refurbished Rutland Building. If you’ve not yet come and had a look round, please do! We are proud to be the custodians of some fabulous facilities and we want as many staff as possible to take advantage of what is offered here at Loughborough.
n tailor our existing courses or programmes for you
– away day design and facilitation
– team building and development
n liaise with external providers n advise and act as broker with relevant internal expertise and
set up your training
n refer you to a more appropriate source of help
Some examples of the sorts of courses we regularly run specifically for a School, department, Support Service or team include, but are not limited to:
Performance and Development Review (PDR) Briefing for all Staff This is a 60 minute session which aims to familiarise you with Loughborough’s new PDR framework and help you get the most from the annual review process. Separate training for those conducting Reviews can be found in our open programme – see Essential Training, and we are happy to run Reviewers training in larger departments if the numbers warrant it.
Working in Open Plan Offices This is a facilitated session with guest speakers, for teams to discuss moves to open plan working. Included in the session is advice about making open plan working successful and as stress free as possible, and an opportunity to discuss how you want to work together in the new setting.
You can be sure of a warm welcome from everyone at Staff Development. We look forward to seeing you very soon.
Claire and the Staff Development Team.
Dealing with Change We all go through change, both personal and in work throughout our lives and this course helps you to recognise how you cope with these changes. Its’ pragmatic approach offers an opportunity for you to talk about what things are changing in your area of the University, and why, and to understand how and why you respond to these changes in the way you do. It will help you learn how to deal with change positively and enjoy less stress in the process. This course is also available through our open programme – see Personal and Career Development.
Excellence Programme Tailored from our Excellence programme, which is Loughborough’s suite of customer service training, we are able to tailor any of the courses specifically for your team or department, or for a group of teams or departments who need to work well together in order to deliver excellence in the delivery of their services or educational provision.
Emailogic – how to get better results from your email Manage your email, don’t let your email manage you! This unrivalled 90 minute email etiquette seminar will help you break the cycle of email overload! The seminar, developed by Emailogic, has been recognised with two awards in the National Training Awards for reducing information overload on average, if techniques are put into practice by whole departments, you can reduce the time you spend on email by 29 minutes per day! This seminar is available through our open programme – see IT and University Systems, but we’re finding that the impact of the seminar is more effective when whole teams or departments (ideally the whole organisation!) puts the recommendations into practise.
Bespoke design, delivery and evaluation service If you want us to design and facilitate an event for you, our lead time is usually a minimum of around six weeks, so we suggest you arrange an initial consultation sooner rather than later. We’ll usually suggest we book dates at this point, even if they later have to be changed. Examples of the sorts of topics we regularly receive requests for include, but are not limited to: n away day design and facilitation
strategic planning (including for Research, Teaching and Enterprise)
organisational reviews
process improvement
creativity and solution focussed thinking
n team building and development
Building relationships and improving communication
Myers Briggs personality types
16PF and 15FQ+ personality traits
Belbin team roles and team dynamics
TMSDI team management profiling
Conflict modes and teams
Strengths based teams
Experiential low-impact outdoor team building
Job Shadowing Loughborough University’s Job Shadow Scheme has existed since 2006 and has grown in numbers taking part and is gathering support year on year. 2011 saw 180 members of staff undertaking a job shadow, and of the feedback received 98% said they would do it again. The Scheme gives you the opportunity to become familiar with someone else’s role or responsibilities within Loughborough University. Job shadowing can help you develop your understanding of a process or procedure to help you in your role going forward, or it could help you understand more about a totally different role to one you currently have. It can also provide a fantastic opportunity to build relationships with colleagues from other areas of the University. Job shadowing can take place in your own department or in another, and it can be for any length of time, an hour or a full day – whatever you mutually agree will work best. To find out more, see our website:
Mentoring Scheme A good mentor can be invaluable if you wish to progress – they can support, challenge and open doors to new networks, knowledge and understanding. We have just launched a mentoring scheme for all staff. If you are interested in registering as a mentor, or expressing your interest in working with a mentor, please contact Sarah Sargeant,
Executive Coaching We have a limited number of trained and qualified executive coaches available to work with staff on a confidential one-to-one basis. Executive coaches are driven by your agenda and will help you set goals and achieve them. If you are interested in coaching as a possible development option, please contact Sarah Sargeant to express interest, To book an initial consultation discussion for tailored or bespoke services with one of the Staff Development Advisers, please contact June Walton in Staff Development –
Administrative Skills AdNet Events
Grammar, Punctuation and Proofreading
Learn to Touch Type: an Online Course
Outlook: Hints and Tips
Who Should Attend? All admin, secretarial and clerical staff, in the administrative services job family.
Who Should Attend? This workshop is open to Loughborough University administrative staff who would like to improve their grammar and punctuation.
There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? For anyone in the University who wants to learn to touch type.
Who Should Attend? This session is intended for members of staff and research students, who wish to make the most of the features and settings available in Outlook.
Most people know that a sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. Do you know how to construct a clear, comprehensive sentence? Do you write in clear, straightforward English? Do you know what the grammar check means when it says you are using the passive voice? Are some of the rules and conventions of punctuation and grammar a bit hazy?
Using the KAZ typing tutor software, which runs over the internet, you can be touch typing enjoyably and effortlessly! You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to learn to Touch Type using KAZ’s accelerated learning method. KAZ provides interactive keyboard training to teach you essential keyboarding skills - some people have completed the whole course in just 90 minutes, although you can dip in and out of the training whenever you like, wherever you have internet access – the system will record your progress.
This session will provide handy tips and hints to help you to manage your e-mail. It will provide an opportunity to ask questions and have features explained and demonstrated.
By attending network events, you have an opportunity to keep up-to-date with University developments, discuss topics of common concern and contribute to this vibrant network across all departments and sections.
Conference Planning and Organisation Who Should Attend? Staff involved in the operational aspects of conference planning and organisation (e.g. the people who need to make things happen, once a decision to run an event has been made). A half day practical workshop considering the main operational aspects of event planning and organisation. Some of the examples used throughout the workshop will be based around a fictitious conference case study. There will be input from Design and Print.
Confident and Stress-free Minute Taking Who Should Attend? For administrative staff who need to write minutes and extract salient points from meetings, talks or discussions. Identifying problems for the note-taker. Planning for the meeting and preparing an agenda. Purpose and functions of agenda; content, sequence, timing, wording. Listening and recall techniques. How to extract central ideas; understanding and then rephrasing the speakers’ words; distinguishing between the relevant and irrelevant; exercises in immediate recall.
Some of the things you were taught at school have changed; some of you may have learnt very little grammar at school. This workshop has been designed for admin staff who would like to refresh their knowledge of grammar and punctuation and ensure that they are following best practice. The course is not a technical one, but is one that considers the practical application of grammar and punctuation to written communication.
Grammar, Punctuation and Proofreading for International Academic and Research Staff There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? This workshop is designed specifically for international academic staff and research staff who would like to improve their grammar and punctuation. This is not for Postgraduate Research Students.
Powerful typing test and typing speed elements are included for your use.
Speed Reading Who Should Attend? Suitable for all admin staff. Do you sometimes feel daunted at the prospect of mountains of reading? Is it hard to prioritise your reading? Would you like to improve your concentration when reading?
Mind Mapping
Is it hard to recall and use what you’ve read?
Who Should Attend? All administrative staff.
Do you worry about missing something vital when you read?
Mind Maps are powerful tools for absorbing information and organising large volumes of facts. The principal idea is drawn in the centre, with major branches radiating outwards. Further levels of thought, expressed in terms of key words or images, are connected to the main branches with thinner lines. This session aims to help you to create Mind Maps for collecting, organising, analysing and recalling information. Many people have found that this simple technique has revitalised their whole approach to thinking and note-taking.
If you answer yes to any of these questions, then this workshop is for you! In this age of information overload, speed reading skills will help you to conquer those stacks of unread memos, reports, manuals, newspapers and journals. This technique is more than just reading fast, it’s about reading efficiently. It involves selecting carefully what you will read and deciding when and how you will read these items. This Speed Reading course aims to help you learn the techniques of reading faster with good comprehension. If you practice these skills you will harness the huge reserve capacity of your mind – and you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve.
Taking Control of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Who Should Attend? This workshop is primarily designed for Research Staff, however most of the content will be suitable for all staff. Those unfamiliar with CPD will find this especially beneficial. Staff supporting students’ personal development planning (PDP) might also find this helpful. This workshop is not appropriate for postgraduate research students because they receive information through specific skills training. This session will help those unfamiliar with CPD to see how it can help them take control of their current competencies and how they can benefit by planning for the future using Skills Audit and Personal Development Planning (PDP) processes. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) obligations exist in many professional sectors in the UK and, within HE, many staff have CPD obligations as part of their own professional practice. Some sample templates will be offered to help people think about a personal CPD framework and advice will be given about how to construct a Personal Development Plan.
Intensive practice in note-taking. Various methods which allow for flexibility, organisation and easy access.
An optional follow-on session will be offered to participants.
Writing minutes and action sheets. Purpose, function and different types of minutes; what to put in and what to leave out; layout, sequence, wording and actioning.
Teeline Shorthand (Advanced)
Taking notes and writing draft minutes of a short meeting on video. Assessing those minutes.
For speed development of Teeline.
Who Should Attend? For all administrative staff who have learned to use Teeline. If you have a minimum speed of 40wpm then this can be developed. There is an optional exam.
Online activities – can be taken anytime.
Teeline Shorthand (Beginners) Who Should Attend? Primarily for secretarial, clerical and administrative staff, but other staff groups are welcome if there is space. This course is designed for people with little or no experience of Teeline. The Teeline system of shorthand is easier and faster to learn than many shorthand systems. It is based on the alphabet, as opposed to phonetics, and speeds in excess of 100 wpm can be achieved. Developed in 1970 by James Hill, it is a streamlined way to transcribe the spoken word by removing unnecessary letters from words. It is thought that Teeline takes just a quarter of the time it takes to learn other methods of shorthand. On completion of the 21 week course, there is the option of taking the Level 1 (40/50 words per minute) OCR Shorthand Speed exam, but this is not obligatory.
The Effective PA/Secretary Who Should Attend? This course is designed for members of staff who are responsible for organising others in their day to day work; this could be as a PA, a secretary or other similar role. The one and a half day course will consider some of the important skills needed for those working as PAs or Secretaries, including for example, communication, customer service and time management. You will also get the opportunity to network, discuss best practice, and consider some of the essential skills required of staff in customer facing roles.
Equality and Diversity Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)
Who Should Attend? Managers /Leads on EIAs. A course for named staff or by a specific request to Staff Development.
Please allow just over an hour to complete the course and then complete the Quiz at the end in order to pass and gain your completion certificate.
This course covers:
The online course can be found at: -diversity/
What an EIA is Why EIAs are so important n What the law says about EIAs n Key stages of the EIA process n n
What can be done if someone is being bullied.
Bullying & Harassment for Managers: Online Course
Respecting Diversity
Who Should Attend? For managers.
Who Should Attend? This half day interactive course -or an equivalent bespoke one run by Staff Development through your School/ department/service/team -is mandatory for all members of staff.
This online course is for all managers and can be taken anytime. It is recommended that new managers complete this during their probation period or at least in their first twelve months of employment at the University.
This session arises out of the University’s commitment to equality and diversity as outlined in its 2016 strategy and out of a desire to respond to recent changes in legislation.
The course highlights how managers should role model the expected behaviours.
The sessions will:
The issues surrounding bullying and harassment n The need to develop a culture that helps to eliminate bullying & harassment in the workplace n The legal issues n The need to role model expected behaviours
Explain why equality, diversity, harassment and bullying are key issues for the university to address n Outline our rights and responsibilities, both organisational and individual, in light of recent equality legislation n Discuss the implications for our procedures and practices n Discuss some pitfalls in the area n Share examples of good practice n
The e-learning courses that are available to you are:-
Bullying & Harassment: Online Course Who Should Attend? All staff. This online course is for all staff and can be taken anytime. It is recommended that new staff complete this during their probation period or at least in their first twelve months of employment at the University. The course highlights the behaviour expected from all staff. This course covers: What is meant by bullying and harassment n The effects it can have on people n The benefits of recognising and eliminating bullying & harassment in the workplace n
This course covers: n
course and then complete the Quiz at the end in order to pass and gain your completion certificate. The online course can be found at: -diversity/
Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs): Online Course This is available to any staff requested to lead on conducting Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) and/or Staff wishing to improve their practice on equality and diversity.
what do they look like? The Assessment Centre based in Counselling and Disability Service often recommend Mind Mapping programs to aid organisation, but how does this help? Examples of how these types of programs have been used by students with different difficulties will be shown. Due to restrictions of time and available computers, there will not be the opportunity to try these programs for yourself; it is not a practical hands on session. Several hand outs will be emailed to participants following the session to enable you to explore further.
Accessible Materials Who Should Attend? Any member of staff. Particularly helpful for academic staff and department administrators and staff involved in supporting students who may have a disability. This session aims to provide advice for staff to ensure that information is easily accessible for everyone, including people with visual impairments, specific learning differences such as dyslexia, memory or concentration difficulties, literacy or language difficulties.
An Introduction to Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder Who Should Attend? All Staff who regularly have contact with students, including academic and administrative staff, support services, imago. In recent years the University has seen a substantial increase in the numbers of students with AD(H)D who need additional support and consideration in all areas of their University life.
Please allow just over an hour to complete the course and then complete the Quiz at the end in order to pass and gain your completion certificate.
This introductory session aims to clarify what AD(H)D is and look at the main characteristics of it and thus bust the myth that it’s just “naughty child syndrome”. We shall also explore how it can affect a student studying at University and what we as individuals, and as an institution, can do to support those who experience it.
The online course can be found at: -diversity/
Dyslexia Awareness
Please advise if you require information to be provided in a specific format.
Who Should Attend? Lecturers; departmental administrators; DDCs; coaches, trainers.
Diversity in the Workplace: Online Course
Dyslexia Awareness: Dyslexia is not just about reading and writing
Who Should Attend? All staff. This online course is a refresher course on equality and diversity for all staff and can be taken anytime. It is especially recommended to staff who have not been on an equality & diversity course in the last two years or more. This course covers: n Key features and provisions of the Equality Act 2010 n Broader equality & diversity issues n Your responsibilities and rights as a member of staff of the University.
Please allow just over an hour to complete the
This workshop will:
Assistive Software Who Should Attend? Any member of staff interested in technology and or student support issues. Particularly helpful for academic staff, I.T. related staff, department administrators and staff involved in supporting students who may have a disability. If you have ever wondered what kinds of programs get recommended to assist students with disabilities, this is a chance to see some of them. You might have heard of text to speech or speech to text, but what is the difference and
Explain the nature of dyslexia and its impact on individual students and their study. We will consider key indicators to look out for, with advice about how to best help the student progress and reach their true potential. Explore the range of strategies that lecturers/ coaches can employ in order to meet legal requirements and meet best practice requirements for students. Explain the student journey at Loughborough University and through the Counselling and Disability Service for different students e.g. those who arrive stating they have dyslexia or those who
have never previously considered it. You will leave with a clearer understanding of the strengths and weaknesses associated with dyslexia. You will have an increased awareness of the dyslexia advice and support available to students while they are at university.
Dyspraxia Awareness Who Should Attend? Academic and other staff, including those who have practical elements in their courses. Support staff and managers who would benefit from a greater understanding of dyspraxia and how it might affect students. Dyspraxia is the term used to describe developmental motor difficulties in the planning and processing of movements and co-ordination. It often overlaps with other specific learning difficulties, such as Dyslexia, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and Aspergers Syndrome. It affects each individual differently and may be mild and subtle to severe. It is a hidden disability and those dealing with dyspraxic difficulties may at times feel misunderstood and isolated. For students with dyspraxia, many aspects of university life can be challenging, but good awareness and support from those around them can make the most positive difference.
Hidden Disabilities Who Should Attend? Any member of staff, particularly helpful for academic staff and staff involved in supporting disabled students. The University supports a large number of students each year who have ‘hidden disabilities’ i.e. disabilities which are not immediately ‘obvious’ but which have an impact on a student’s studies. This session will explore the most common hidden disabilities (such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chrohn’s, Colitis and Diabetes) and suggest the types of support which can be provided.
How can the Counselling Service help? Who Should Attend? Any member of staff. An overview of what the counselling service does, how that can help individuals and how it can support staff in their professional roles.
Student Mental Health and Reasonable Adjustments Who Should Attend? Any member of staff wishing to discuss, or develop inclusive practices in relation to, student mental health. E.g. Design and delivery of the curriculum, or service provision. An innovative approach on a thought-provoking topic! Universities UK, Guild HE and the Royal College of Psychiatrists have recently highlighted the importance of disability/equality legislation in improving the student experience and the academic and personal outcomes of students experiencing mental health difficulties. This forum is an opportunity for any member of staff to meet with the University’s Mental Health Support Team and discuss the idea that practical responses and reasonable adjustments are important for maintaining good mental health at the University, and is a responsibility we all have as employees at the University. The session will involve a brief presentation, followed by facilitated discussion. Discussion will focus on you/your department’s role, and identify possible improvements to aid the student experience. Specific areas may then be identified which need further consideration within your department. You may also wish to discuss how the Mental Health Support Team could work closer with you in respect of student mental health. You are also welcome to bring anonymised scenarios or cases for the discussion.
What is the Disabled Students Allowance? Who Should Attend? Any member of staff. Particularly helpful for academic staff and department administrators and staff involved in supporting students who may have a disability. What is DSA and how does it work? Don’t let the name of this funding put you off; many students are eligible for this funding, and the application process can begin in advance of starting a course. We will explain the application process; when it can start, what type of documentation is required and highlight the limitations of the funding. Some examples will be given of the types of support and equipment that can be provided through this funding mechanism. Please advise if you require information to be provided in a specific format.
Essential training Academic Probation Adviser Training
HoDs and HoSSs – Safety Awareness
Who Should Attend? Advisers of Academic Probationers who are new to the role.
There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest.
The purpose of this briefing is to provide an overview of the requirements and operation of the University’s probation system for academic staff, and to clarify the nature of the role of the probationary adviser.
Who Should Attend? All newly appointed HoDs and HoSSs (mandatory) 2 hours
Non-Academic Probation Adviser Training There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? For all managers responsible for taking new non-academic staff through their probation. This training comes in two parts: (i) A short online briefing which will equip you with an understanding of the procedural aspects of the new probation for non-academic staff process. You will be sent a link to this briefing about a week before the course is due to run.
Online activities – can be taken anytime. Data Protection at Loughborough University
An introduction to health and safety responsibilities for Heads of Department and Heads of Support Services: University structure and devolved duties Roles responsibilities and liabilities n What’s happening in the University Sector n Case Studies n Risk assessment n n
Performance and Development Review (PDR) for Reviewers Who Should Attend? For all staff who are responsible for reviewing others. This is a practical 3 hour session to familiarise you with Loughborough’s new PDR framework and help you develop the skills required to get the most from the annual review process.
(ii) A practical 2 hour session (as per dates) using case studies and scenarios which will help Recruitment and Selection ensure you make the most of the probationary Who Should Attend? All staff involved in period with your new staff. It will cover core recruiting and selecting staff. skills such as how to: This course is designed for all staff involved in a. clarify expectations and set meaningful recruitment and selection. The session will outline objectives for the probation period the various elements of Recruiting and Selecting b. how to measure progress and give new members of staff. We will consider the legal constructive feedback framework and will consider job descriptions, person specifications, and how to test for agreed c. how to have difficult conversations if things selection criteria. are not going to plan.
Respecting Diversity Who Should Attend? This half day interactive course -or an equivalent one run by Staff Development through your department -is mandatory for all members of staff. This session arises out of the University’s commitment to equality and diversity as outlined in its 2016 strategy and out of a desire to respond to recent changes in legislation.
Sustainable Procurement Who Should Attend? Department, School or Support Service purchasers. Come and join the sustainable procurement team for a fresh coffee, bacon bap, or yogurt and fresh fruit salad breakfast while we brief you on good practice in greener, more sustainable purchasing! We hope that you’ll leave with a better understanding of green/sustainable options to reduce unnecessary waste, lower costs, and do our little bit to help protect the environment. Greener stationery options available through Whittakers, the University’s approved supplier, will also be available for your perusal.
Who Should Attend? All staff.
New Lecturers Course: Induction
The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) affects everyone at Loughborough University who handles personal data. Anyone who accesses or processes personal data must ensure that they comply with the Data Protection Act and the rights of the data subjects. Most importantly this means, that staff must treat all personal data carefully and must not disclose personal data to unauthorised persons.
Essential introduction for New Lecturers’ Course (NLC). This session needs to be attended as close as possible to the start of the probation period and before attending Unit 1 or Unit 2 of the (NLC).
This online course will provide you with a broad overview of the Data Protection Act 1998. Other Information Please allow approximately 30 minutes to read the course, and then test your knowledge by completing the multiple choice questions at the end. The online course can be found on the University’s Learn system view.php?id=4009
Freedom of Information: an Introduction Welcome to Loughborough Who Should Attend? All new staff (with contracts over 3 months) This is an informative and interactive introduction to Loughborough University. Participants are given an overview of the University’s current position and where we are heading in the future. You will get to meet senior members of university staff, and have a chance to put your questions to them. You also can enjoy a free lunch with your new colleagues and the members of the senior staff, sharing stories of your first few weeks/ months on campus. This course is offered each month and new staff members are automatically assigned a place on the next available course and only need to contact us if they need to change the date they have been allocated.
Other Information The online course can be found on the University’s Learn system ( view.php?id=3537)
Who Should Attend? This course is recommended for all staff. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 came fully into force on the 1st January 2005, from which date a written request for information received by any member of staff at the University must be dealt with within 20 working days. The Act aims to increase public trust in government and public authorities, and extends the right of access to all kinds of information that is not routinely published. The public have a right to know how decisions are made, and how public money is being spent. This short online course aims to: n provide a brief overview of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and its impact on the University n outline a basic procedure of how to deal with an information request (could differ within departments) n explain the importance of good records management and email management to ensure compliance and provide tips for best practice
This session must be booked through the Teaching Centre. Email or phone Jayne Spendlove on (01509) 228042 with the following information: your full name (essential) department (essential) n name of Probationary Advisor (if known) n date of Induction session you want to attend (essential) n University email address (if known) n alternative email address if appropriate n n
Recruitment and Selection Online Refresher Training Who Should Attend?This refresher course is designed for Chairs of panels that have not attended the Recruitment and Selection course in the last five years, but is also a good refresher for anyone who would like a general overview of the recruitment and selection procedure at Loughborough. Please note however, this online training does not replace the need for staff to attend the one day Recruitment and Selection course. Other Information The online course can be found on the University’s Learn system ( view.php?id=5864)
Wardens & Sub-Wardens Training Programme Who Should Attend? Run over two days for all new or recently appointed Wardens and Sub-Wardens - as a guide, anyone appointed since August 2010. Existing Wardens/SubWardens are welcome to attend if they feel they would benefit from a refresher and/or to meet new colleagues. Get ready for the arrival of students! This intensive course will introduce your new responsibilities and it will equip you with an introduction to some key skills you will likely use during your appointment as Warden/Sub-warden. It will also raise your awareness of the vast array of support that’s out there and how you can tap into it to enhance the student experience.
Excellence Programme
Health, Safety and Environment
Excellence Programme –
Excellence Programme –
Dealing with Difficult Customers
Japan and the Japanese
Who Should Attend? All staff - in particular those people dealing with other members of staff, students, and visitors on a regular basis.
Who Should Attend? Any staff member who may come into contact with Japanese visitors (including Olympic team) or Japanese students.
Please note this course is aimed at people dealing with customers, both internal and external to your team/department/school, but it does not focus on building better relationships within your team or people you work with on a daily basis.
To make Japanese visitors/students feel welcome and comfortable and to show we care.
Excellence Programme –
Improving the Experience Who Should Attend? All front line staff dealing with Students, Staff or Visitors - in particular support staff This course is aimed at giving participants the opportunity to reflect on the levels of service they offer their colleagues/students/customers. We look into creating good impressions, choosing the right attitude and understanding basic body language.
Excellence Programme –
The International Experience Who Should Attend? All staff that deal with International Students, Staff or Visitors.
Blood Borne Viruses and other Pathogens
Departmental Safety Officers (DSO) Training
Proposed course
Who Should Attend? All DSOs who have not previously attended.
There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? Any staff member whose job may expose them to unscreened blood, a risk of needlestick injury or any specific work related infections. This course is based on the university policies on biological safety and blood borne viruses and other pathogens.
This is a course for all staff with the aim of sharing experiences and good practices. It is all about creating an International Experience for everyone at Loughborough University.
It includes a summary of how infectious agents get into the body and how this can be avoided.
Bespoke workshops can be arranged for:
There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest.
Excellence Programme –
Who Should Attend? Staff who are responsible for carrying out COSHH risk assessments; DSOs and Biological safety officers.
Building Relationships to Improve Outcomes Who Should Attend? Managers/team leaders/ supervisors. It could also be relevant to anyone that has responsibility for driving improvements/projects across their department by working closely with others.
Excellence Programme –
How to Drive Continuous Improvement Who Should Attend? Managers or anyone who has a need to improve processes/work flow across departments. It focuses on how we can improve and simplify services between departments/teams. It is not a pre requisite of the course, but it may be useful to attend the Excellence Programme - Building Relationships to improve outcomes before attending this course, as there is a natural progression.
(provided by the HSE office)
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
This course includes:n Identification of hazards - Safety data sheets; Labelling n Understanding the risks - Workplace exposure limits; routes of exposure n Control of risks - hierarchy of controls n Health surveillance n Recording the risk assessment n Review and monitoring of risk assessment
COSHH Awareness Who Should Attend? Any staff who are responsible for carrying out COSHH risk assessments; DSO’s and Biological Safety officers. This course includes: Identification of hazards - Safety data sheets; Labelling n Understanding the risks - Workplace exposure limits; routes of exposure n Control of risks - hierarchy of controls n Health surveillance n Recording the risk assessment n Review and monitoring of risk assessment n
A summary of the legislation and university policies over a wide range of topics including: Risk assessment n Control of substances hazardous to health n Occupational health n Accident reporting and investigation n Fire safety n
Display Screen Equipment Assessor’s course Who Should Attend? For those who are or will be the nominated DSE Assessor for their section or department. This course is for those who have responsibilities as DSE assessor under the Display Screen equipment Regulations (1992, revised 2003). The course will discuss:n the health issues which can arise from prolonged computer work, and how to avoid them n how to spot problems with a workstation, and ways of fixing them n the legal requirements in relation to workstations n the assessment process at Loughborough, and the responsibilities of the assessor n where occupational health fits in
The course will be as interactive and practical as possible -if you know of a bad workstation, let me know -with the owner’s consent, I will take a digital photograph, and we can use it as a basis for a problem solving exercise. This course is equally suited to those who are newly appointed DSE assessors and those who have done previous training, but need an update.
5. Three ways in which fire can spread 6. How does fire spread 7. Fire development 8. Classes of fires 9. Types of extinguishers 10. Extinguisher operation practical use Intended Learning Outcomes On completion of this training session, delegates will have a clear understanding of the fire safety in the context of their workplace. Other Information Please wear appropriate clothing as THIS COURSE INVOLVES PRACTICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER OPERATION ON A CONTROLLED LIVE FIRE.
Fire Marshal/Fire Coordinator Awareness Who Should Attend? All Fire Marshals / Fire Coordinator for initial training or as a refresher. Please remember to bring your coat / brolly as the second half of this workshop is of a practical nature.
HoDs and HoSSs – Safety Awareness There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? All newly appointed HoDs and HoSSs (mandatory) 2 hours. An introduction to health and safety responsibilities for Heads of Department and Heads of Support Services: University structure and devolved duties Roles responsibilities and liabilities n What’s happening in the University Sector n Case Studies n Risk assessment n n
Hydrogen Safety Awareness Fire Extinguisher User Who Should Attend? Designed for all levels of staff who have fire safety responsibility who may need to operate fire extinguishers safely. Course Overview 1. The Fire Triangle 2. Examples of common fire hazards 3. Sources of fuel 4. Identifying sources of ignition
There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? 1 hour briefing, arranged according to demand (please contact your DSO initially to discuss your work plans and to arrange for this training to be delivered). Anyone working with hydrogen. A brief awareness course aimed at anyone newly working with hydrogen gas.
IT and University Systems
(provided by IT Services)
Risk Assessment
Access 2010
Who Should attend? All staff.
Who Should Attend?
Please do not contact the Staff Development Admin Team about this event.
To recognise, control and prevent or defuse incidents with the potential for aggressive or violent behaviour within a premises environment.
Who Should Attend? DSOs.
The workshop will cover:
Anyone required to move loads in the course of their work.
What is violence at work? n Identification of situations with the potential for violence n Identification of the causes or aggression n Understanding the reactions of the body to fear n Recognising warning signs of aggression in people n How to read body language signals in communication n Techniques for controlling and defuse aggression n Behaviour/Attitude cycle n How to maintain self control n Calming behaviour n Active listening n How to disengage from an angry person if necessary n Management of violence at work n Lone working.
Any member of staff involved in carrying out risk assessments at work n DSOs n Small works coordinators n Biological safety supervisors n Technical and maintenance staff
Who Should Attend? All staff and research students who use Microsoft Office Access 2010.
The Enterprise Office are taking part in an exciting new study, in collaboration with Staff Development and the Department of Information Science, to evaluate the effects of email related stress in the workplace. Volunteers will have their blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol monitored, before and after, a selection of training interventions to improve the way they use email at work. The researchers (Marulanda-Carter, Jackson, Ragsdell) hope to show that the combined use of seminar and podcast training will improve employee communication and subsequently minimise any email related stressors. If successful, the combined training will be offered to other groups.
Manual handling – safe lifting techniques Personal Safety This activity is not run or administered by the Staff Development Admin Team.
A practical course giving participants information and practice on moving loads safely, utilising safe lifting techniques. By the end of this workshop you will be able to: learn about the importance of safe manual handling n
learn about basic human anatomy
n understand the mechanics of movement and the causes of musculoskeletal injuries
learn some simple techniques for manual handling to ensure the safe movement of loads n
Dates: To be arranged locally with departments, as training needs arise 1 - 1.5 hours. Contact Name: Hugh Weaver, Deputy Health, Safety & Environment Manager, H.C.Weaver@ NOTE: Depending on the activity it may or may not be recorded in your Staff Development training record.
Radiation – general There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest.
A workshop which provides information on the principles of risk assessment and an overview of their practical application in departments.
Vibration – user training There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? Any member of staff whose job requires them to use vibrating tools above a nominal level. The health effects of hand-arm vibration; Sources of hand-arm vibration; n The risk factors (eg the levels of vibration, daily exposure duration, regularity of exposure over weeks, months and years); n How to recognise and report symptoms; n The need for health surveillance, how it can help them remain fit for work, how it will be provided, and what will happen to the results n n
Ways to minimise risk including:
Training or assistance for any member of staff working with radiation is available on request from Linda Sands, the Radiation Protection Officer.
Changes to working practices to reduce vibration exposure; n Correct selection, use and maintenance of equipment; n Correct techniques for equipment use, how to reduce grip force etc; n Maintenance of good blood circulation at work by keeping warm and massaging fingers and, if possible, cutting down on smoking.
Radiation Protection Update
Workplace Noise Assessment
There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest.
Who Should Attend? DSO’s. All staff who are required to carry out noise risk assessments.
Who Should Attend? Radiation Protection Supervisors.
All staff who work in areas with high noise levels (80db or above).
Update on legislation and implications for the university; changes to local rules; update on current registrations and authorisations.
Who Should Attend? For new radiation protection supervisors. Training for new radiation protection supervisors is arranged by the HS&E office when required. This will be on HSE approved courses.
the basic concepts of noise legal duties n measurement and instrumentation n noise risk assessment and exposure assessment n hearing, hearing loss measurement & protection n n
This course will introduce you to the Access 2010 database design and development tool, and covers the vital area of database design. Please NOTE that the course will use Microsoft Office Access 2010 and NOT Access 2007. The products are SIGNIFICANTLY different, and have a completely different user interface. Some of the skills such as database design are transferrable, but you will need to re-learn things before you can apply them directly to Office 2007. Participants MUST attend all 5 parts.
Emailogic – how to get better results from your email
Excel 2010 Advanced – Lookup Functions Who Should Attend? Any member of staff and research students. You can format worksheet data as a table so that you can more easily manage and manipulate the information. Tables are a great way of organising your data and you can apply different formats to enhance their appearance. Once created into a table, you can filter and sort the data quickly and easily too. We look at formatting tables and lookup tables to perform tasks such as returning the building name using a building code from a table of buildings. Other Information Attendees are expected to be able to utilise the skills in Excel 2010 An Introduction, whether through attendance on that course or not.
Who Should Attend? For any member of staff fed up of feeling overwhelmed by or addicted to email!
Excel 2010 – An Introduction
This course will use Excel 2010; if you use Excel 2007 then the skills learned will be transferrable, and you should feel free to attend the course.
Following a successful pilot, we’re pleased to announce the roll out of training.
Who Should Attend? Any member of staff and research students.
Introduction to PowerPoint 2010
Please register your interest and once we have sufficient numbers we will advise you of the date.
We introduce you to spreadsheets, entering and formatting data, and simple formulas and functions. We also look at formula referencing, labels and names to help ensure that your spreadsheets are readable and maintainable.
Manage your email, don’t let your email manage you! This unrivalled email etiquette seminar will help you break the cycle of email overload! The seminar, developed by Emailogic, has been recognised with two awards in the National Training Awards for reducing information overload on average, if techniques are put into practice, you can reduce the time you spend on email by 29 minutes per day! Other Information We’d much prefer to come and run this seminar for you in your own department, School or support service team. Just give us some dates and book a room that’s big enough and we’ll do the rest! Contact us to arrange
We cover creating and formatting Graphs, Bar Charts, etc. And finding the best line through a series of data points (the mathematicians call this Regression Analysis). We will also look further at conditional formatting.
Excel 2010 Intermediate – PivotTables and PivotCharts Who Should Attend? Any member of staff and research students. We look at analysing data with PivotTables and PivotCharts, including using Totals and Sub Totals, Calculated Fields. PivotTable reports and PivotCharts are a quick and easy way to summarise, analyse, investigate and present data. They are particularly useful if you are working with large amounts of list data. Other Information Attendees are expected to be able to utilise the skills in Excel 2010 An Introduction, whether through attendance on that course or not. This course will use Excel 2010; if you use Excel 2007 then the skills learned will be transferrable, and you should feel free to attend the course.
Who Should Attend? All staff. PowerPoint is the standard Microsoft Office package for creating presentations. This is an introductory course and assumes no prior knowledge of PowerPoint, however basic knowledge of using a PC and mouse is required. Participants will be introduced to the core features of PowerPoint and will quickly be able to produce their own presentations. Participants will be shown how to: Use the different views in PowerPoint Use Slide Layouts to improve appearance of the slide n Navigate the slide show including hyperlinks n Print Slides, Handouts and add Headers and Footers. n n
Mail Merge with Word 2010
Microsoft Project 2010 Introduction
Outlook 2010: vCalendar and Sharing
Writing your Thesis with Word 2010
Who Should Attend? Mail Merge with Word 2010 is designed for users who are keen to extend their understanding and knowledge of the software. A basic understanding of Word 2010 is required for the course.
Who Should Attend? Any member of staff and research students.
Who Should Attend? All staff.
Who Should Attend? For postgraduate researchers using Word on a PC to produce their Thesis.
The course will be instructor led with demonstrations of key features. A useful course booklet will be available with exercises for the participants to gain hands on knowledge of features of Mail Merge. The opportunity to ask questions will also be available.
Microsoft Project 2010 Advanced Who Should Attend? Any member of staff and research students. Attendees are expected to have a full understanding of tasks, milestones, and scheduling (as covered in our Introduction course). Attendees will also expect to be able to perform basic Windows computer and Microsoft Office tasks.
Introduction to the Online Store
iTrent - Familiarisation
There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest below.
Who Should Attend? Staff who currently use Trent as a core user (generally those within HR, Payroll, Finance, Planning).
Who Should Attend? A one hour briefing aimed at all staff/researchers who have products to sell, events/conferences to organise or runs short courses. The online Store is a single, secure solution to taking online payments by debit or credit card and is fully integrated with Agresso. The store aims to meet the expectations of a wide range of stakeholders (including national and international students, parents, staff, donors, external customers) who want to make secure payments with ease ‘any time, any place, anywhere’ and eliminates the procedures involved in administering small cost items by making them available online. The session will give participants an overview and demonstration of the three available modules: Products (books, souvenirs, field course, tickets, etc.) Conference and Events (workshops, seminars, conferences) and Short Courses showing both a customer and administrators perspective of the system.
*Core users will have been sent an email inviting them to book onto one of these sessions. If you haven’t received an email please contact to check eligibility before booking onto this session. Target Audience - Core system users with an ongoing requirement to update or retrieve information will need to attend. This session is intended to give participants an introduction to iTrent. Whilst the underlying database remains unchanged, the iTrent software has a different look and feel. This opportunity will give attendees the chance to use iTrent in a test environment, practise retrieving information (and where appropriate making changes) along with opportunity to ask questions in an informal setting.
Attendees are expected to be able to perform basic operations with Microsoft Office 2010 or 2007 (e.g. be able to create and format a Word document), and to perform basic operations with a Windows computer, e.g. Opening and saving documents and using folders. This course will use Project 2010; if you use Project 2007 then some of the skills learned will be transferrable, and you should feel free to attend the course. Please be aware, however, that there are significant differences between these versions of Microsoft Project. Microsoft Project is often used to assist in managing projects, and to create Gantt charts and other visual aids to help with that process. This course will teach you the basics of using Microsoft Project: creating projects, and tasks and milestones in the project, creating relationships between tasks, scheduling the project, and recording completion of tasks.
This course will use Project 2010; if you use Project 2007 please be aware that at this advanced level there are significant differences between these versions of Microsoft Project.
This course does not include resources and the allocation of resources. This will be covered in the Project 2010 Advanced course.
Many users of Microsoft Project use it for tasks, relationships, milestones, scheduling, and completion recording (this is covered in our Introduction course). They stop, however, when it comes to resources and the allocation of resources, because Project does not work as they wish and it starts rescheduling the project.
OneNote 2010: Taking Notes and Research Tool
With Microsoft Project 2010 this has changed! You have much more control over the entire process. This course assumes that you know the basics, and covers resources: people, equipment, supplies, and money, and resource allocation.
Who Should Attend? Any member of staff and research students. Attendees are expected to be able to perform basic operations with Microsoft Office 2010 or 2007 (e.g. be able to create and format a Word document), and to perform basic operations with a Windows computer, e.g. Opening and saving documents and using folders. OneNote is the “Cinderella” of the Office Suite – little known and under-appreciated. This course provides an introduction to this valuable note taking and keeping tool, and shows how it can be used as a Research tool amongst a wealth of other applications.
This workshop is a hands-on session to help you use your calendar, including sharing your calendar and other Outlook folders with your Loughborough University colleagues. The session will cover: What are the four types of Calendar entry Navigating around the calendar n Creating new calendars n Make an appointment n Reoccurring appointments n Organising a meeting n Viewing a co-workers calendar in overlay mode n Sharing a calendar and applying appropriate permissions n n
Outlook 2010: Hints and Tips Who Should Attend? This session is intended for members of staff and research students, who wish to make the most of the features and settings available in Outlook. This session will provide handy tips and hints to help you to manage your e-mail. It will provide an opportunity to ask questions and have features explained and demonstrated.
Safe Surfing Who Should Attend? Any member of University staff that would like to obtain a greater understanding of general IT Security. This course will explain the background to many common aspects of computer security. Terminology and concepts will be explained in easy to understand terms and there will be plenty of time for questions and practical advice. Other Information This is a 50 minute course with no handson element. There will be time for individual questions and group discussion.
This course will provide hands-on practice in some of the major features of Word such as Styles, Headers and Footers, Pagination, Autotext/ Autocorrect etc. This does NOT cover citations and bibliography. The Library offers courses on Refworks: see ssworkshops.html for further details.
Windows 7 and Office 2010 Briefing Who Should Attend? Staff members who have missed their department briefing before migration. The briefing session will address the changes in the upgrade from the XP Staff Desktop Service to Windows 7. This presentation is for people who have missed the briefing given to their department before the scheduled migration. The session will cover: Windows 7 - What’s New at Loughborough New Features of Windows 7 n Navigating around your PC using Windows 7 n How to prepare for the upgrade n New Features in Office 2010 n Where to find help. n n
Other Information: This is not a hands-on training session.
Management and Leadership
ILM qualifications
Are you Managing or Leading?
Recruitment and Selection
Project Management in the Real World
There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? All managers. This course is about developing your leadership skills and making sure that you are leading as well as managing.
Who Should Attend? All staff involved in recruiting and selecting staff. This course is designed for all staff involved in recruitment and selection. The session will outline the various elements of Recruiting and Selecting new members of staff. We will consider the legal framework and will consider job descriptions, person specifications, and how to test for agreed selection criteria. By the end of the session, participants will have an understanding of their personal responsibilities; they will understand the elements of the recruitment process and be able to apply best practice, whilst adhering to University policy and procedure as well as relevant legislation.
Who Should Attend? Suitable for everyone – research students, academics, research staff, managers and administrative staff. Numbers are restricted to ensure participants best experience the event. A full day introduction to the process of managing projects and the tools to assist in planning and tracking progress; this course is intended to be immediately applicable to planning and managing academic and research projects as well as commercial or internal projects. It covers the theory and principles of project management within the context of any project management methodology.
Managing Change There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? Any members of staff who are driving big or small changes in the University, and for those responsible for implementing changes. Additionally, those staff who wish to refresh their skills, knowledge or understanding of how they lead change will find this course a useful investment of their time.
Motivating Your Team There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? This session is designed for University staff who supervise, manage or lead others at work. The session will be particularly useful for supervisors and team leaders working in University administration.
Understanding your Management Style There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? Members of staff who are managers interested in understanding, investigating and developing their own management styles.
Chairing Meetings Who Should Attend? Anyone who chairs, or may need to chair meetings, and wants to deal with some of the problems more effectively. This is not for Postgraduate Research Students. Most people have had experience of meetings which went on too long, where: n no clear decisions were made; n no-one seemed to know where they had got to; n some members felt their ideas had been overlooked; n some items seemed to take too long, whilst others were rushed; n some of those present wondered why they were there; n key information seemed to be missing; n personal agendas seemed to dominate; n the chairperson was either too authoritarian, or too laissez-faire.
Managing Sickness Absence Giving Effective Team Briefings Who Should Attend? Any one that is responsible for briefing staff or holding team meetings. This focuses on the skills that you will need to communicate messages through team briefings. Focusing on a combination of presentation skills, influencing/persuading skills we will first look at the benefits and purposes of team briefings, followed by key tips on how to make them more successful.
An Introduction to Coaching Who Should Attend? Anyone who manages people and wants to engage more effectively with them to improve confidence, commitment and performance, particularly during times of change. Coaching, as John Whitmore writes, “is not merely a technique to be wheeled out and rigidly applied in certain prescribed circumstances. It is a way of managing, a way of treating people, a way of thinking, a way of being.” This one day workshop provides a safe environment to develop a shared understanding of: n what coaching is and is not n how coaching can be used to develop more productive, empowered and self-reliant staff n how to use coaching to retain and engage high performers n the practical techniques of coaching to address poor performance n how to promote a coaching culture in the workplace n the key skills which are required to be able to coach effectively, and practise them.
Who Should Attend? Anyone managing staff in the University. This course is intended to share best practise and give you the skills needed to manage sickness absence with your staff. This course is not about the process of recording absence, but is about the management of absence.
The Regional Leadership Development Programme 2011-2012 with Action Learning Sets (MSDP) This is a regional programme for colleagues in Midland HEIs and is intended for both Academic leaders (such as Heads of Department) and senior professional services staff. It is anticipated that each participant will be working on at least one major project for which they have responsibility. The programme will provide facilitation, psychometric assessment and feedback, networking opportunities, Action Learning Sets, coaching (if required), opportunities for reflection and a unique opportunity for participants to consider their own future development and continuing professional and personal development with colleagues from outside of their own HEI.
East Midlands Region Action Learning Sets Deans, Heads of Department and Directors or deputy level managers in support services, are invited to express in taking one of 4 currently available places on a highly regarded regional action learning programme, starting in February 2012 – for more information, please contact Claire Bradshaw,
Announcing the launch of a suite of ilm courses Levels 2, 3 and 5! NOTE: There is an application process therefore in order to attend any of the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) programmes you MUST first attend a briefing session. The briefing sessions allow us as the tutors to assess the correct level of development for you as an individual as well as giving you a chance to clearly understand the commitment you are making when you sign up to one of these programmes. Past participants have found it very helpful to bring their manager to this briefing - this enables managers to better understand the benefits that will be brought back to the workplace.
To book on the next Briefing please go to: ILM Level 2 - Briefing - Award in Team Leading ILM Level 3 - Briefing - Award in Leadership ILM Level 3 - Briefing - Award in Workplace Coaching for Team Leaders and First Line Managers ILM Level 5 - Briefing - Certificate in Management These programmes are fully funded by Staff Development.
ILM Level 2 – Briefing – Award in Team Leading
You will need to register to complete the ILM Level 2, 3 qualifications, for Level 5 – you will need to register for this programme and obtain signed agreement from your line manager.
Who Should Attend? In order to attend any of the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) programmes it is essential that you first attend a briefing session.
We reserve the right to charge your department on a cost recovery basis if you fail to complete the requirements of the programme. This does not apply to exceptional cases.
ILM Level 2 is aimed at any team leaders up to Grade 5, but is also a good foundation programme for anyone in a higher management grade who has not previously attended any leadership development, is new into post, or is looking to move into a management post in the future.
ILM Programmes are NOT for postgraduate research students.
ILM Level 3 – Briefing – Award in Workplace Coaching for Team Leaders and First Line Managers Who Should Attend? In order to attend any of the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) programmes it is essential that you first attend a briefing session. The ILM Level 3 Award in Coaching is aimed at any team leaders, managers and aspiring managers who want to develop practical coaching skills, whilst gaining a qualification at the same time.
ILM Level 3 – Briefing – Award in Leadership
ILM Level 5 – Briefing – Certificate in Management
Who Should Attend? In order to attend any of the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) programmes it is essential that you first attend a briefing session.
Who Should Attend? In order to attend any of the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) programmes it is essential that you first attend a briefing session.
ILM Level 3 is aimed at any team leaders/ managers from Grade 5 to Grade 7, but is also a good foundation programme for anyone in a higher management grade who has not previously attended any leadership development, is new into post.
ILM Level 5 is aimed at any team leaders/ managers from Grade 7 upwards, however this is just for guidance and people who have gained previous qualifications in Management and Leadership may want to consider this programme as part of their ongoing development as it includes a focus on the way Loughborough systems and processes work. This programme is not recommended for managers with no previous qualifications or experience.
Personal and Career Development Units associated with ILM courses but you can attend as a standalone session: All of these workshops are aimed at those people who would qualify for the Level 5 programme, but are unable to commit to gaining the full qualification. Making a Financial Case This unit is designed to help demystify some common financial concepts and enable you to develop your understanding and ability to use financial evaluation techniques to inform management decisions. The unit explores how these concepts and financial principles are applied within Loughborough’s systems and procedures, enabling you to engage with your Finance Office colleagues and financial decision making committees such as Operations Sub-Committee, in an informed way.
Human Resource Management (Managing Recruitment) This workshop is designed to give managers a greater understanding of how the University functions and also how your role as a manager fits into the Human Resource Management framework of the University. The workshop explains the role and relevance of human resource planning in the University and looks at the legal requirements on human resource planning and on recruitment as well as looking at the University’s own HR policies and practices.
Understanding the Management Role This workshop is designed to give managers a greater understanding of how the University functions and also how your role as a manager fits into the overall management framework of the University. There will be an opportunity to hear from key members of the senior management team to get a real understanding of the purpose of mission and value statements of the University as well as the stakeholders.
Understanding Financial Management
Applying for an Internal Post
This unit will help you develop your knowledge and understanding of finance at Loughborough, the value of management accounting and the process of budget setting and control.
Who Should Attend? All staff who are applying for or planning to apply for an internal post. This brief session will help internal applications present themselves as effectively as possible when they apply for an internal post.
Leading Innovation and Change In this unit we will look at the techniques used in continuous improvement, including kaizen and business re-engineering. We will also consider ways to identify stakeholders during change, benefits, costs and overcoming resistance. As well as more detailed issues such as organising and planning change using Gantt charts and similar methods. The workshop will also challenge participants to think about the risk involved in change as well as the human and the financial factors.
Becoming an Effective Leader Becoming an effective and authentic leader requires individuals to constantly consider their style and approach and evaluate the impact they have on others. The unit will also help you explore your selfleadership: n emotional intelligence, using models developed by different theorists n evaluating your strengths and weaknesses n identifying your own continuous self- development and how to identify opportunities to continue developing
Managing Improvement There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. The unit will focus on the differences between quality assurance, quality control and quality auditing. We will look at quality systems and the benefits of such systems. How do you assess and maintain quality and customer requirements? And how can you improve internal customer service across departments.
Assertiveness Skills Who Should Attend? Any member of administrative staff looking for practical tips on how to be assertive. Assertiveness is about valuing ourselves, knowing our rights, and being able to speak up clearly and respectfully on our own behalf.
Boost Your Self-Confidence Who Should Attend? Any member of staff who feels they would benefit from learning some practical and tangible confidence tips. This is not for Postgraduate Research Students. Lack of confidence can affect us in all sorts of ways, and often results in us doubting our opinions, needs and skills, and then either hold back and feeling frustrated, or act in a way that does not bring a satisfactory outcome.
Dealing with Change Who Should Attend? Any member of staff affected by change in the University. In the 2008 Staff Survey, a majority of respondents (83%) felt that more could be done to support people through change. We all go through change, both personal and in work throughout our lives and this course helps you to recognise how you cope with these changes. This pragmatic short course offers a way for you to tap into such support. It invites you to talk about what things are changing in your area of the University, and why, and to understand how and why you respond to these changes in the way you do. It will help you learn how to deal with change positively and enjoy less stress in the process.
Introduction to the Mindfulness 8-week course: Increase Resilience and Effectiveness Who Should Attend? All Staff who are considering enrolling on the Mindfulness 8-week course. Mindfulness is a 2,500 year old meditation practice that is increasingly relevant for today’s fast pace of life. This taster session will involve a short introduction to Mindfulness followed by a brief overview of ‘The Mindfulness 8-week course’. You will have the opportunity to experience two Mindfulness Meditation practices and there will also be time to ask any questions that you may have about the programme. If possible it is advisable to wear comfortable, loose clothing.
Making the most of your money – from The Money Advice Service There is currently no date set for this activity however you can register an interest. Who Should Attend? All staff We have teamed up with The Money Advice Service (formerly CFEB), the UK financial regulator, to take advantage of a free nationwide initiative called Making the most of your money. This initiative will help you manage your personal finances better and avoid financial pitfalls.
Meditation and Relaxation Who Should Attend? For all staff. Each workshop is slightly different and staff are welcome to attend each workshop. These lunch time, short sessions will help you to gain a calmer mind with a greater focus. In our time now, there is established fact both scientifically and medically, that the regular practice of meditation releases stress and tension, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Mentoring Briefing Who Should Attend? Any member of staff interested in becoming a Mentor or being mentored by another colleague within the University. Have you ever thought you could mentor a colleague at the university, or felt you would benefit from a colleague mentoring you? Mentoring is a process in which a mentor creates a supportive and challenging environment much like coaching, to help the mentee develop knowledge, skills and new insight. The same skills of questioning, listening, clarifying, reframing and many of the same models are used. Mentoring relationships work best when it isn’t just a senior colleague telling it how it is, it’s where both learn from each other. Staff Development is creating a more formal mentoring process across the whole University to benefit staff who would find this method of development helpful. This briefing session will explain how the process works and will go into more depth of the role of the Mentor and Mentee.
Springboard Suite Planning for Your Future (previously known as Pre-Retirement) Who Should Attend? All Staff and their partners. An invitation to you and your partner to our one-day retirement event. We aim to cover the following questions: Are you really prepared for it? What will you do all day when you don’t have to spend your time working? How will your relationships adapt to the change? Can you maintain an active mind and healthy body? Can you manage financially? These are some of the questions, which this workshop will address. It is never too early to prepare for retirement.
The Art of Staying Brilliant
Time Management
Combined Briefing Session
Who Should Attend? All staff who have already attended the workshop entitled “The Art of being Brilliant”.
Who Should Attend? Particularly for administrative, clerical and secretarial staff who work in offices but open to any member of staff who would like to improve their time management skills.
Who Should Attend? All Staff.
This is not appropriate for Postgraduate Research Students. This workshop aims to build on the excellent habits from “The Art of Being Brilliant”, reviewing progress to date and taking the messages one step further. The aim is to stop the slide back to mediocrity and instil permanent change.
The Mindfulness 8-week course: Increase Resilience and Effectiveness Who Should Attend? All members of staff who are open to experience meditation.
Prudential AVCs – LGPS
Mindfulness is a 2,500 year old meditation practice that is increasingly relevant for today’s fast pace of life. The 8-week Mindfulness Course is non-religious and designed to teach you ways of paying attention in the present moment to yourself, others and the world around you. The key part of this is learning simple meditation practices such as the Body-Scan Meditation, ‘Mindful’ Movement and Sitting Meditation; one of which you are encouraged to perform daily between sessions. The course also aims to help you identify ways of working with and understanding your habitual ways of thinking and to develop strategies for more effective interpersonal communication.
Who Should Attend? All members of the LGPS scheme .
Research shows that people who adopt Mindfulness techniques as part of their daily life:
A tax-effective method of increasing your pension benefits by paying money-purchase AVCs.
have increased ability to pay attention and concentrate n have raised levels of emotional intelligence n have increased resilience n have improved relationships n are more aware of their thoughts and feelings and better able to manage them.
Don’t leave it to the last minute!
Preparing for your Interview Who Should Attend? For staff applying for internal posts. Run by colleagues from the Careers Centre who have a wealth of experience in helping people going for interviews, this two hour workshop will help build your confidence ready for your interview at the University.
Prudential AVCs – USS Pension Scheme Who Should Attend? All members of the USS scheme. A tax-effective method of increasing your pension benefits by paying money-purchase AVCs.
The Art of Being Brilliant Who Should Attend? For all staff who want:
This session will help participants to: share experience to find out what makes effective time management a challenge n look at various models which may help you plan your time more effectively n consider the consequences of not being in control n develop strategies to help deal with identified obstacles to effective time management. n
Training Skills for the Occasional Trainer Who Should Attend? Any member of staff who needs to do occasional training as part of their role on a one to one basis or to groups. There is pre-work involved in this programme. This programme is aimed at anyone who needs to train others as part of their role on a one to one basis or a group basis. We will look at some of the key issues involved when trying to train people. Everyone attending this programme will be required to run a practise training session to show what they have learnt and also to develop their own personal skills through gaining constructive feedback from fellow colleagues and tutors. The programme is spread over 3 days to allow people the chance to practise their skills. There will be an assessment on the final day of the programme, each participant will be filmed as part of the assessment and will be given access in order to review their performance in their own time. A certificate will be presented to all successful participants for the full attendance and completion of the final assessment.
Fresh Steps -
aimed at the more experienced workers
Navigator -
aimed specifically at men
Spring Forward -
aimed at new, aspiring or first line managers
Springboard -
aimed specifically at women All of these programmes are aimed at giving you the opportunity take time out to look at your life both personally and at work. It’s an opportunity to revisit or even identify your aspirations and dreams but also to recognise your achievements.
For staff in the middle or later stages of their working life. Who Should Attend? For members of staff who are open to reassessing their lives and setting new goals. Fresh Steps is a personal development programme and the outcome will vary depending on the individual, how much the individual wants to participate and personally get out of it. Other Information It is preferable for you to attend a combined briefing before coming on the full programme but it is not essential.
Navigator –
Men’s Development Programme Who Should Attend? All male staff – It is designed for men from all backgrounds, ages and stages of their lives who want to examine their lives at home and work and to take the next steps in their lives more consciously. This development programme is a powerful and pioneering course for men. This programme enables men to identify the clear, practical and realistic steps that they want to take in their lives and then develop the skills and determination to do something about them. Other Information It is recommended that you attend a combined briefing before coming on the full programme.
Spring Forward Programme Who Should Attend? For men and women members of staff who are either: considering a move into a management or leadership role, or...
Spring Forward is a personal development programme and the outcome will vary depending on the individual, how much the individual wants to participate and personally get out of it. Other Information You are advised to first attend a combined briefing before coming on the full programme.
inspiration to change the way they think about work, life and relationships and to create a positive climate around them n tangible ideas which will have an immediate and positive impact at work and at home.
Personal Development Programmes –
Springboard –
Women’s Development Programme
eager to progress further in their management or leadership role.
Other Information: Attending an Introduction/ Taster Session for the Mindfulness 8-week course is strongly encouraged prior to enrolling on the Mindfulness programme but is not essential ‘Introduction to the Mindfulness 8-week course: Increase Resilience and Effectiveness’.
This is not appropriate for Postgraduate Research Students.
This is a combined briefing session for all of our Springboard programmes:
Fresh Steps –
Who Should Attend? The Springboard programme is designed specifically for non management women, but can be suitable for more senior women if they wish to take stock of their lives and take time out to consider their own goals and aspirations. Springboard is a personal development programme and the outcome will vary depending on the individual, how much the individual wants to participate and personally get out of it. Other Information You are advised to first attend a combined briefing before coming on the full programme.
Technicians Development Technicians Forum
Accredited Funded
Who Should Attend? Technicians Forums are open to School based technical staff. Other staff in the technical job family are also welcome to attend if they wish.
Safe use of laboratory gases
1 day
Crane driving and slinging
1 day
Each Forum will enable you to network with others working in similar roles around campus in order to share best practice and keep informed of developments on campus and beyond.
Safe use of woodworking machinery
1 day
Portable appliance testing
1 day plus exam
yes C&G 2377
17th edition wiring regs
1 day plus exam
yes C&G
Electrical installations
day release & evening class plus exam
yes C&G 2330
subject to negotiation
Fork lift truck driver training
3 - 4 days plus exam
subject to negotiation
Fork lift truck driver refresher training
1 day plus exam
subject to negotiation
Safe use of abrasive wheels
external/ internal
1 day
Practical Tungsten Inert gas (TIG) welding
1 day
Leading your technical team
external (residential)
3 days
Advanced leading external your technical team (residential)
3 days
Introduction to project management
1 day
subject to negotiation
Instructional skills for technicians
2 days
Safe working with laser equipment
1 day
LabVIEW for Windows Basics 1
external (residential)
2 days
SD contribution
LabVIEW for Windows Basics 2
external (residential)
2 days
SD contribution
Vocational evening classes
evening class
subject to negotiation
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
external/ internal
1 day
Working at heights awarness
external/ internal
1 day
Computer aided design
external/ internal
evening class
subject to negotiation
NEBOSH certificate/ diploma
various options plus exam
subject to negotiation
ILM management and coaching
external/ internal
various options plus exam
subject to negotiation
Distance Learning eg degree with Open University
self study plus summer school
subject to negotiation
Web page design
evening class
subject to negotiation
Specialist courses (eg Phlebotomy, Biosciences)
external/ internal
subject to negotiation
A guest speaker will usually be invited. We’ll keep you informed of topics to be covered via the technicians@lists emailing list. If you have suggestions for topics you would like covered, please let Chris Harris,, know.
Other technical training The following lists training courses attended by Loughborough University Technicians in recent years. The list is not exhaustive. If you have specific training needs that are not covered here, then please do not hesitate to contact Chris Harris, Technician Training Officer, and he’ll be happy to help. As a general guide, the Staff Development Technicians Training budget will fully fund ‘transferable skills and Health and Safety’ related training. More specialised or departmental specific training will be subject to negotiation and may attract partial funding from the training budget.
Academic Practice covers research, enterprise, learning, e-learning and teaching (provided by the Teaching Centre, Research Office and Enterprise Office) HEaTED is a national training and career development framework for the UK Higher Education sector. The HEaTED vision is to deliver tools and opportunities that not only meet the training and career development needs of technical staff, but also fit into the requirements of an ever changing HE sector. In partnership with the IST HEaTED are continuously developing and delivering a range of services to support the development of technical staff, including a specialist Virtual Learning Environment for HEaTED subscribers (see the HEaTED project pages on the Institute of Science & Technology website Staff Development pays an annual membership fee to HEaTED to ensure we have access to all available support and development for Loughborough’s Technical staff. To find out more about what HEaTED can offer, visit the HEaTED website. if you are interested in any of the activities on offer through HEaTED, please contact Chris Harris, ext 227606 in the first instance.
Academia, Intellectual Property and Enterprise Academic and Personal Tutoring Academic Probation Adviser Training An Introduction to Research Support Services at Loughborough Applying for FHEA (Experienced Route) Assessment and Feedback for Learning Associate Teaching Course Forum (Participants) Designing for Inclusivity Developing as an Academic Embedding Ethical Thinking in Research and Teaching Embedding Sustainability in your Teaching Evaluating your Practice Integrating Teaching, Research and Professional Practice Interacting in Lectures and Teaching Large Groups Introduction to Learn Introduction to Online Assessment Introduction to Online Collaboration Introduction to Online Support Lecturing with Clarity in English Making the Most of Your Voice Managing Projects Maximising Impact and Exploitation of Research New Lecturers’ Course Unit 1: Teaching and Supporting Students New Lecturers’ Course Unit 2: Designing for Learning New Lecturers’ Course Unit 3: Research, Scholarship and Professional Practice New Lecturers’ Course Unit 4: Evaluating and Enhancing Practice New Lecturers’ Course: Induction Plagiarism: Teaching to Avoid It Planning and Designing for Teaching Presenting for Effective Learning Publish or Perish? Raising your Profile as a Researcher STARs (Successful Teaching and Assessment for Researchers) Student Learning through Critical Thinking Supervising Student Research Projects and Professional Practice Activities Teaching Awards: Learning from Innovative Practice in Teaching Teaching Small Groups The Changing Role of the PhD Supervisor – This course has 2 parts – check details for all dates and times. Transferable Skills in the Curriculum Using Camtasia Using the Optical Mark Recognition Service for Exams, Coursework Assessment and Research Writing a Successful Research Bid
Staff Development Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU T: +44 (0)1509 222381 E:
This guide is subject to change so please check our web site for current details