Yearbook 2012-2013
Research Yearbook 2012-2013 Issue 8
Barcelona | Madrid | Buenos Aires
Coordination & Edition Cristina Solé Information & Knowledge Service Academic Management Francesc Cribillers. Research Office Research and Knowledge Vice-Deanship
ESADE Research Yearbook 2012/2013 Printed in Barcelona, 2013 Avda. Pedralbes, 60-62 E-08034 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 280 61 62 © ESADE Depósito Legal: B-2268-2008 ISSN: 1888-5209
Design and print Vänster and Lei c. Aragó, 359, 2-2 E-08009 Barcelona Tel. +34 931 867 769
contents Institutional presentation 06
research output
The Organisation of Research:
journal articles
Research Groups, Centres, Institutes and Chairs
ESADE Research Figures 10 PhD Program
Supporting Research
directory 123
Articles in journals with impact factor Articles in refereed and peer reviewed journals Articles in other relevant journals
BOOKS 54 Books and Book Chapters
WORKING PAPERS CASES BOOK REVIEWS MONOGRAPHS PhD THESES phd programme contributions awards and other acollades
90 98 104 106 110 118 122
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
institutional presentation
institutional presentation
Intellectual contribution based on good research is the hallmark of an excellent business school. ESADE has gained stature, developed its own voice and contributed to intellectual debate in the global arena. Research output at ESADE Business School has dramatically increased over the last few years. The summary figures in the current RESEARCH YEARBOOK show that our faculty has consistently increased its intellectual contribution in all significant realms. Furthermore, the quality of the articles produced has improved by all criteria. Intellectual contribution based on good research fuels the quality of our programmes and, most importantly, makes the learning experience unique and challenging. Excellent learning experiences are more dependent on challenging ideas than on the simple delivery of knowledge. At ESADE Business School, we are committed to good research for the benefit of our future graduates.
In a recent visit to Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore, I saw that there publications are valued for their content and thus books and monographs are not necessarily considered inferior to journal papers. In this academic year, books and book chapters on various subjects have been published by our faculty, together with articles and conference papers. I should like to highlight the teaching contribution made by three treatises on: Direct Taxation; Local Taxation; Customs Duties and Special Taxes. They are all by Prof. Eduardo BerchĂŠ, who will be our next Dean in September. These works are the fruits of several years of research and the third and final volume on legal evidence concludes an excellent, exhaustive work. Among periodic publications bearing eloquent witness to the perseverance of their authors are; Cuadernos de ProbĂĄtica y Derecho Probatorio [Texts on Evidence and Probative Law] (in Spanish). The publication is fruit of joint initiatives by ESADE Law School and La Ley publishing house and appears in quarterly issue 11. Last but not least, foreign publishers and contributors in other languages have made presentations to our faculty through research groups and the UNIJES Congress. This reveals both the growing internationalisation of Law and fosters social progress.
Alfons Sauquet
Enric R. Bartlett
Dean of Management ESADE Business School
Dean of Law ESADE Law School
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
the organisation of research Research Groups, Centres, Institutes and ChairS
Research Group on Brand and Consumption
Entrepreneurship Research Group
Research Group on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning
Research Group on Corporate Social Responsability
Forensic Evidence and Probative Law Research Group
Research Group in Leadership and Innovation in Public Management
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH CENTRE GLEAD Catalan Center for Survey Research and Applied Statistics
the organisation of research
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
15 %
43 %
40 %
46 %
16 %
Source of Funding
Scope Type of Funding
Public Private Public | Private Internal
Comepetitive Non competitive
academic output
Articles in Refereed Journals
Articles in other Relevant Journals
Books Chapters
Congress Contributions and Conference Proceedings
Conferences and Invited Lectures
Working Papers
Cases and Technical Notes
Book Reviews
PhD Theses
Articles in Refereed Journals
Articles with IF
% Articles with IF
Average IF
publications with impact factor 10
National European International
esade research figures
research units 7 7 3 2
Institutes Research groups Centres Chairs
Total of 19 Research Units 7 Units recognised as a Catalan Research Group (GRC 2009 AGAUR-Generalitat de Catalunya)
research units participants
16 121
Professor-Researcher Research assistant Research technicians and managers Researcher
External funding In-house funding
36% 42%
40% 60%
2008 - 2009
2009 - 2010
2010 - 2011
2011 - 2012
2012 - 2013
4,541,000 €
7,632,000 €
7,367,000 €
7,125,000 €
5,735,000 €
41 41
35 32
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2008 2009
2009 2010
2010 2011 2011 2012
2012 2013
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
PhD PROGRAM ESADE research-oriented programmes: Master of Research and PhD in Management Sciences
ESADE Business School offers two research-oriented programmes. They are open to graduates from various disciplines (Management, Economics, Engineering, Psychology, Sociology and other disciplines related to Management) who are highly motivated, enthusiastic about the creation of new knowledge, and interested in pursuing an international career in research. Both programmes provide rigorous training in research skills and methodology, enabling our graduates to become leaders in management research and education in their respective fields.
This year 14 candidates have been graduated from the MRes programme and 8 PhD candidates graduated from the PhD programme. Candidates on these research programmes are noted for their international and/or multicultural profiles, as can be seen in the following chart:
· PhD in Management Sciences. Full-time 3 year programme. Both of ESADE’s research-oriented programmes are designed to equip professionals with management training and a strong basis in theoretical management concepts and methodologies for basic and applied research. Our PhD programme produces scholars who go on to work in top universities, business schools and research institutions around the world. Some of the recent placements have been in Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), Instituto de Empresa (Spain), University College London (UK), University of Victoria (Canada) and Vrije University (The Netherlands).
17 %
· Master of Research in Management Sciences (MRes). Full-time one-year programme (60 ECTS credits).
11 %
22 %
Europe [except Spain]
Latin America
28 %
Breakdown of MRes and PhD candidates graduated within 2012-2013 academic year
Academic objectives of the research oriented programmes: 1 | To acquire a solid base in quantitative and qualitative research techniques. 2 | To attain in-depth knowledge and a critical and creative overview of a specific management sciences research field. 3 | To effectively and clearly communicate orally and in writing in research environments. 4 | To be trained to manage research projects, groups and research-oriented institutions. 5 | To be equipped to take on intellectually demanding positions in the main academic and research institutions in industry, consultancy and public services.
Phd PROGRAM program PhD
MRes and PhD programmes directly involved in ESADE research
ESADE is aware that the quality of a business school’s PhD programme directly influences its reputation. The PhD in Management Sciences has positioned itself as one of Spain’s leading doctoral programmes on management. The Spanish Ministry of Education has awarded ESADE its “Towards Excellence” distinction, which recognises doctoral degree courses at Spanish universities for their scientific, technical and educational excellence. The important points considered to award this distinction are: the efficiency of thesis management, the number and quality of publications derived from theses, the level of internationalisation of the research conducted – including the placement of doctoral students at foreign universities – and the participation of visiting lecturers.
Thesis defended
Since the 2008-09 academic year, ESADE has been assigning all its MRes and PhD candidates to one of its research units for their research period. This ensures that doctoral theses follow ESADE research lines, and this has a direct effect on thesis quality. Every year, each unit’s research seminar includes close monitoring of the progress of all PhD and MRes candidates research projects. The following chart shows the distribution of current PhD candidates in research units and the thesis defended during the academic year 2012-13. Doctorate candidates’ participation in research groups and their collaboration in research projects have significantly increased their contribution to ESADE’s scientific production. This has meant a considerable increase in the visibility of our PhD programme in terms of publication of its research results both at congresses and in international journals.
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
2 1
1 1
+3rd year
5 1
Breakdown of current PhD candidates by research group and defended thesis within 2012-2013 academic year.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
SUPPORTING RESEARCH Research allows us to generate new knowledge for society and tools that enrich our students and improve the competitiveness of our country’s companies. Companies, organisations an individual are supporting our educational project because they believe that an investment in ESADE is an investment in themselves and, at the same time, a great way to give back to society. Thanks to all the individuals, companies and organisations which, through their economic support, help to make our research and educational projects possible:
For more information: Corporate Relations & Fundraising · T. +34 934 952 058 · ·
supporting research
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
JOURNAL articles Articles in journals with impact factor
Agell Jané, Núria Sánchez Soler, Mònica Prats Duaygues, Francesc Roselló Saurí, Llorenç Ranking multi-attribute alternatives on the basis of linguistic labels in group decisions Information Sciences: Informatics and Computer Science (2012 IF=3.643; Q1 Comput. Sci. , Inf. Syst.) Elsevier No. 209, 11/2012, p. 49-60 This paper presents a new approach based upon qualitative reasoning techniques for representing and synthesising the information given by a group of evaluators. A mathematical formulation is developed that contributes to decision-making analysis in the context of multi-attribute and group decision-making. This method is applied in choice and ranking problems and can work at different precision levels. To represent non-trivial domain knowledge, the patterns or alternatives to be ranked are characterised by a set of features, which are evaluated by each member of the group through linguistic labels corresponding to ordinal values. Different levels of precision are considered to draw the distinctions required by evaluators’ reasoning processes. The method used for ranking alternatives is based on comparing distances against an optimal reference point. A theorem on the consistency of the proposed method is presented and proved. Three real-life applications are presented to outline areas of management where the proposed method has been implemented and achieved interesting results.
Aguilera Vaqués, Ruth Bundles of firm corporate governance practices: A fuzzy set analysis García Castro, R.; Aguilera Vaqués, R.; Ariño, M. Corporate Governance: An International Review (2012 IF=1.400; Q2 Bus. Q1 Bus.Financ. Q2 Manag.) Wiley Vol. 21, no. 4, 07/2013, p. 390-407 We explore how the combinations of firm-level corporate governance (CG) practices embedded in different national governance systems lead to high firm performance. Research Findings/Insights: Using fuzzy set/qualitative comparative analysis, we uncover a variety of findings. First, we show that within each of the stylized national CG models, there are multiple bundles of firm-level governance practices leading to high firm performance (i.e., equifinality). Second, we provide evidence of complementarity as well as functional equivalence between CG practices. Finally, we demonstrate that there can be heterogeneity (‘differences in kind’) in firm governance practices within each stylized model of CG. Theoretical/Academic Implications: We build on the configurational and complementarity-based approaches to make the following theoretical claims. First, governance practices within firm bundles do not always relate to each other in a monotonic and cumulative fashion as this entails higher costs and possibly over-governance. Second, practices in bundles do not need to be aligned toward the insider or the outsider model (‘similar in kind’). We argue that non-aligned practices can also be complementary, creating hybrid governance forms. Third, we predict functional equivalence across bundles of CG practices which grants firms agency on which of the practices to implement in order to achieve high performance. Practitioner/Policy Implications: We contribute to comparative CG research by demonstrating that there are multiple governance paths leading to high firm performance, and that
journal articles | articles in journals with impact factor
these practices do not always belong to the same national governance tradition. Therefore, our findings alert of the perils of ‘one size fits all’ governance solutions when designing and implementing CG policies.
tutes in terms of monitoring management. Additional analysis shows that the relationship between board composition and external audit fees is also contingent upon the type of the controlling shareholder.
Aguilera Vaqués, Ruth How well do supranational regional grouping schemes fit international business research models?
Amorós Espinosa, Ernesto Quantifying the relationship between entrepreneurship and competitiveness development stages in Latin America
Flores, R.; Aguilera Vaqués, R.; Mahdian, A.; Vaaler, P. Journal of International Business Studies (2012 IF=3.062; Q1 Bus. Q1 Manag. BW20; FT45) Palgrave MacMillan Vol. 44, no. 5, 06/2013, p. 451-474
Amorós, A.; Fernández, C.; Tapia, J. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal (2012 IF: 5.053 Q1 Manag. Q1 Bus.) Springer Vol. 8, no. 3, 12/2012, p. 249-270
International business (IB) research has long acknowledged the importance of supranational regional factors in building models to explain phenomena such as where multinational corporations (MNCs) choose to locate. Yet criteria for defining regions based on similar factors vary substantially, thus undermining consensus regarding which regional grouping schemes fit IB research models better. In response, we develop and empirically validate a theory of comparative regional scheme assessment for model-building purposes assuming that: (1) schemes can be classified based on their source of similarity; and (2) schemes within the same similarity class can be assessed for their structural coherence, based on group contiguity and compactness. Schemes with better structural coherence will also exhibit better fit with IB research models. We document support for our theory in comparative analyses of regional schemes used to explain where US-based MNCs locate operations around the world. Geography, culture- and trade and investment-based schemes with better structural coherence exhibit better initil fit with MNC location models and less change in fit after modest scheme refinement using a simulated annealing optimization algorithm. Our approach provides criteria for comparing similar regional grouping schemes and identifying “best-in-class” schemes tailored to models of MNC location choice and other IB research models.
Aguilera Vaqués, Ruth When does ownership matter? Board characteristics and behavior Aguilera Vaqués, R.; A Desender, K.; Crespi, R.; García-Cestona, M. Strategic Management Journal (2012 IF=3.367; Q1 Bus. Q1 Manag. BW20; FT45) Wiley Vol. 34, no. 7, 07/2013, p. 823-842 We develop a contingency approach to explain how firm ownership influences the monitoring function of the board-measured as the magnitude of external audit fees contracted by the board-by extending agency theory to incorporate the resource dependence notion that boards have distinct incentives and abilities to monitor management. Analyses of data on Continental European companies reveal that while board independence and audit services are complementary when ownership is dispersed, this is not the case when ownership is concentrated-suggesting that ownership concentration and board composition become substi-
This research aims to quantify the importance of a country’s entrepreneurship level in terms of its competitiveness rates. Our hypothesis is that those countries entrepreneurship growth rates increase their competitiveness indicators and that this entrepreneurial improvement could be a key factor in reaching the next stage of development. We establish this relationship using a longitudinal database of Latin American countries that participated in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and the Global Competitiveness Reports of the World Economic Forum (WEF) from 2001 to 2006. GEM and WEF construct aggregated indexes using several variables to rate each country’s entrepreneurship activity and competitiveness development. We use a discriminant analysis to identify various countries’ competitiveness subgroups and show how each country’s entrepreneurship rates have weight in different stages of competitiveness, placing a special emphasis on Latin America. Our results suggest that Latin American countries need to gain entrepreneurial dynamics and economic (and competitiveness) development by transforming their typical self-employment or low value-added new ventures for local markets into strong, innovative networked firms competing globally. Some management and policy implications are also discussed.
Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen Bassiouny Mohamed, Aliaa I. An investigation of intraday price discovery in cross-listed emerging market equities Ansotegui Olcoz, C.; Bassiouny Mohamed, A.; Tooma, E. Investment Analysts Journal (2012 IF=0.176; Q4 Bus. Finan) Investment Analysts Society of Southern Africa No. 77, 05/2013, p. 55-67 We investigate multi-market price discovery using two year intraday data for Egyptian and Argentinean depository receipts and their underlying stock. The contribution of the local versus international exchange to price discovery is assessed using the Gonzalo and Granger’s permanent-transitory common factor model. Whereas price discovery in the local market for Egyptian equities accounted for 75,8% of the price discovery in the DR, the result was mixed for the Argentinean equities,
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
with an average of only 41,67% of DR prices determined in the local market. We find that size of the company liquidity and trading volume explain the contribution of each market.
Arenas Vives, Daniel Different paths of collaboration between businesses and civil society and the role of third parties Arenas Vives, D.; SĂĄnchez, P.; Murphy, B. Journal of Business Ethics (2012 IF=1.253; Q3 Bus. Q2 Eth.; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 115, no. 4, 07/2013, p. 723-739 In this paper, we first review the literature on business-civil society collaboration and identify as a gap the question about how companies and civil society groups collaborate in those cases where their relationship began with a confrontation. We also explore whether businesscivil society relationships may be the fruit of emergent strategy rather than deliberate strategies. Through the analysis of four case studies, we derive four propositions regarding different paths that business-civil society interactions can follow, regarding the formation of triadic relationships rather than dyadic ones, regarding the role of third parties and the importance of emergent strategies. We conclude with some implications for further research as well as implications for practice.
Arenas Vives, Daniel van Cranenburgh, Katinka From preaching to investing: Attitudes of religious organisations towards responsible investment Celine, L.; Arenas Vives, D.; van Cranenburgh, K. Journal of Business Ethics (2012 IF=1.253; Q3 Bus. Q2 Eth.; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 110, no. 3, 09/2012, p. 301-320 Religious organisations are major investors with sometimes substantial investment volumes. An important question for them is how to make investments in, and to earn returns from, companies and activities that are consistent with their religious beliefs or that even support these beliefs. Religious organisations have pioneered responsible investment. Yet little is known about their investment attitudes. This paper addresses this gap by studying faith consistent investing. Based on a survey complemented by interviews, we investigate religious organisations’ attitudes towards responsible investment including opinions, practices and the impediments for implementing faith consistent investing. Although our results cannot be generalised because of the non-random character of our sample, six main characteristics of faith consistent investing are drawn: investing is not perceived as being in contradiction with religious values but respect to faith is key; religious values are important drivers; there is a strong community around faith consistent investing; religious investors are pioneering impact investing; implementing faith consistent investing is not without difficulties; and practices vary across regions. The survey also reveals that faith consistent investing has many commonalities with secular responsible investors.
Bakici, Tuba Almirall Mezquita, Esteve Wareham, Jonathan D. The role of public open innovation intermediaries in local government and the public sector Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (2012 IF=1.095; Q3 Manag.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 25, no. 3, 03/2013, p. 311-327 In order to achieve a high level of innovativeness, cities are in collaboration with public and private organisations that allow city halls to tap into networks of companies and clusters as well as execute projects. This article focuses on this kind of public or private firm, public open innovation (POI) intermediaries, which operate in the public sector. An exploratory multi-case study was conducted with the participation of POI intermediaries and local governments in Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain. The eight cases reveal that certain public or private companies act as a bridge - POI intermediary - across the large cognitive distances between city halls and a network of organisations, while orchestrating the collaboration of actors and executing innovation projects. These findings motivate policy makers to enhance the innovativeness and competitiveness of cities, and they offer useful guidelines for city halls to improve their innovation process and remove possible obstacles.
Bao, Yuanjie Vedina, Rebekka Moodie, Scott William Dolan, Simon The relationship between value incongruence and individual and organizational well-being outcomes: An exploratory study among Catalan nurses Journal of Advanced Nursing (2012 IF=1.527; Q1 Nurs.) Wiley Vol. 69, no. 3, 03/2013, p. 631-641 Aims: This paper is a report of a correlational study of the relations of value incongruence to the individual and organizational well-being variables of self-rated health, turnover intention, and accident propensity, as mediated by burnout. Background: Previous literature found that value incongruence may lessen individual and organizational wellbeing through the psychological mechanism of burnout. Empirical investigation is needed to validate these claims. Methods: A survey was conducted in one of the largest university hospitals in a large metropolitan city in Spain in the spring of 2009, using a cross-sectional design. 234 nurses participated in the study. Stepwise regression was used to test the direct and mediation relationships. Results: Hypotheses were confirmed for certain axes of values and outcome variables. In particular, Economical and Ethical value incongruence were found to be correlated with burnout. Economical, Ethical, and Emotional value incongruence were found to be correlated with turnover intention. Ethical and Emotional value incongruence were found to be correlated with ac-
journal articles | articles in journals with impact factor
cident propensity. Burnout partially mediated the relationship between Economical and Ethical value incongruence and turnover intention and fully mediated the relationship between Ethical value incongruence and accident propensity. Conclusion: The purported mediation of burnout on the relationship between value incongruence and individual and organizational well-being outcomes is valid on certain axes of values and outcome variables. This calls for caution when discussing value incongruence in organizations. Instead of advocating broad organizational culture congruence, we should target specific axes of values.
Batista Foguet, Joan M. Substance use in Portuguese and Spanish adolescents: Highlights from differences and similarities and moderate effects Simões, C.; Gaspar de Matos, M.; Moreno Rodriguez, M.C.; Batista Foguet, J.M.; Simons-Morton, B. The Spanish Journal of Psychology (2012 IF=0.827; Q3 Psychol., Multidiscip.) Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Vol. 15, no. 3, 11/2012, p. 1024-1037
los datos de 1589 adolescentes portugueses (edad media = 13.27; SD = .59) y 4191 adolescentes españoles (edad media = 13.21; SD = .47) que participaron en el estudio HBSC/OMS. El ajuste de los modelos a los datos de cada país (CFI > .90; RMSEA > .03) y la mayoría de las relaciones propuestas en el modelo han mostrado los resultados esperados en ambas muestras. Las relaciones con un mayor efecto para ambos países fueron las siguientes: el efecto negativo de la familia sobre los síntomas psicológicos y el efecto positivo de la familia en el bienestar subjetivo, el efecto negativo de sus compañeros de clase en los síntomas psicológicos, el efecto positivo del profesorado en la satisfacción escolar, el efecto de los síntomas psicológicos (relación negativa) y la satisfacción escolar (relación positiva) en el bienestar, el efecto negativo de la satisfacción con la escuela sobre el uso de tabaco y alcohol, la relación positiva del tabaco en el consumo de alcohol y el consumo de alcohol sobre el cannabis. Para cada uno de los factores dependientes estudiados (tabaco, alcohol y drogas ilegales) los niveles de varianza explicada oscilaron entre el 9% (para el consumo de tabaco) y el 46% (para el consumo de alcohol). Algunas relaciones se mostraron no invariantes en las comparaciones entre países, habiéndose controlando el género. En el análisis multivariado, las relaciones entre tabaco y alcohol sobre el cannabis fueron significativas en ambos países, siendo más intensas en las chicas españolas que en las chicas portuguesas.
Muchos de los comportamientos que a largo plazo tendrán efectos en la salud se inician en la adolescencia, como es el caso del consumo de sustancias. Para analizar los factores que intervienen en el consumo de sustancias en chicos y chicas portugueses y españoles, se ha desarrollado un modelo explicativo utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. El modelo propone que el impacto de los contextos sociales (familia, amistades, compañeros de clase y profesorado) sobre el consumo de sustancias (tabaco, alcohol y drogas ilegales) se encuentra mediado por la percepción de bienestar (síntomas psicológicos, bienestar subjetivo y satisfacción con la escuela). Se analizaron
Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management (IIK) The purpose of this institute is to understand the creation of knowledge and innovation. A crossdisciplinary team dedicated to understanding the sources, mechanisms and consequences of innovation: where it comes from; how it is diffused and adopted; and how it affects individual, social, and economic structures when in use. The main research topics include open innovation, scientific discovery and technology transfer, platform and ecosystem design, sustainable technologies and systems of use, open government and democratizing technologies, as well as a variety of trends within serious games, policy simulation, quasiexperimentation and sociotechnical ethnography.Linked to IIK, Learning, Knowledge and Organization Research Group (GRACO) is doing research on knowledge creation in the areas of research and innovation management; knowledge transfer; knowledge in organisations; research into inter-organisational relationships and networks.
Jonathan Wareham, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Bisbe Viñas, Josep Barrubés Sol, Joan El cuadro de mando integral como instrumento para la evaluación y el seguimiento de la estrategia en las organizaciones sanitarias Revista Española de Cardiología (2012 IF=3.204; Q2 Card. & Cardiovasc. Syst.) Elsevier Vol. 65, no. 10, 10/2012, p. 919-927 El Cuadro de Mando Integral se ha propuesto en la literatura y se ha utilizado ampliamente en la práctica de gestión como un instrumento útil para ayudar a la implementación efectiva de la estrategia de una organización. Este artículo examina algunas de las contribuciones, los dilemas y las limitaciones más relevantes del Cuadro de Mando Integral en el contexto específico de las organizaciones sanitarias. En primer lugar, se describe la evolución del Cuadro de Mando Integral desde un sistema de medición multidimensional de resultados a un sistema de descripción de la estrategia que incorpora un mapa de secuencias causa-efecto, y se analiza su aplicabilidad al sector sanitario. También se evalúan diversos aspectos que son objeto de debate en la adopción del Cuadro de Mando Integral en el sector sanitario. Para ello, distinguimos entre aspectos relativos al diseño del Cuadro de Mando Integral y aspectos relativos a su uso. Las reflexiones aportadas indican que el Cuadro de Mando Integral tiene potencial para contribuir a una mejor implementación de la estrategia a partir de la medición y el seguimiento de resultados también en las organizaciones sanitarias, pero que su adopción efectiva requiere adaptar el instrumento genérico a las realidades específicas del sector.
Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Trullén Fernández, Jordi Managing cross-cultural differences: Testing human resource models in Latin America Bonache Pérez, J.A.; Trullén Fernández, J.; Sánchez, J.I. Journal of Business Research (2012 IF=1.484; Q2 Bus.) Elsevier Vol. 65, no. 12, 12/2012, p. 1773-1781 This study examines whether firms should adapt their Human Resource Management (HRM) practices to cross-cultural differences. The authors introduce three different positions, namely, the culturalist, the universalist, and an integrated position that reconciles the former two named the culturally-animated universalist position. The study compares the effectiveness of these three positions in a sample of 138 firms located in Latin-America. Results suggest that, contrary to common wisdom in the International HRM literature, firms following a universalist approach outdo those using a culturalist one. However, the effect of universal HR practices on HR performance is also contingent on the country’s performance orientation. The authors advocate the culturally-animated universalist position.
Brinckmann, Jan Does acquiring venture capital pay off for the funded firms? A meta-analysis on the relationship between venture capital investment and funded firm financial performance
Bisbe Viñas, Josep Malagueño de Santana, Ricardo Using strategic performance measurement systems for strategy formulation: Does it work in dynamic environments?
Rosenbusch, N.; Brinckmann, J.; Mueller, V. Journal of Business Venturing (2012 IF=2.976; Q1 Bus.; FT45) Elsevier Vol. 28, no. 3, 05/2013, p. 335-353
Management Accounting Research (2012 IF=1.366; Q1 Bus., Financ. Q2 Manag.) Elsevier Vol. 23, no. 4, 12/2012, p. 296-311
Researchers and practitioners frequently propose that venture capital (VC) is an important resource to increase the performance of funded firms, especially in environments of uncertainty. In this paper we scrutinize these theoretical propositions, following an evidence-based research approach. We synthesize 76 empirical samples on 36,567 firms. We find a small positive performance effect of VC investment on funded firm performance; however, the effect vanishes if researchers control for industry selection effects. Furthermore, we find that the performance effect mainly relates to firm growth while profitability is unaffected. We also uncover that performance effects are reduced when the funded firms are very young or very mature. In addition, studies focusing on IPO events, which constitute the majority of studies, determine a substantially smaller performance effect. We discuss theoretical implications and offer suggestions for future research on VC.
This paper examines how strategic performance measurement systems (SPMS) influence organisational performance through the shaping of the strategic agendas and strategic decision arrays that result from the processes of (re)formulation of intended strategies. Using a combination of archival and survey data collected from 267 medium and large Spanish companies, we find evidence supporting a positive association between SPMS and organisational performance that is mediated by the comprehensiveness of the strategic decision arrays. We find this mediation is negatively moderated by the level of environmental dynamism, so that the comprehensiveness of strategic decision arrays that result from strategy (re)formulation processes mediates the association between SPMS and organisational performance when environmental dynamism is low, but not when environmental dynamism is high.
journal articles | articles in journals with impact factor
Brinckmann, Jan Entrepreneurial talent and venture performance: A meta-analytic investigation of SMEs Haug, K.; Read, S.; Brinckmann, J.; Dew, N.; Grichnik, D. Research Policy (2012 IF=2.850; Q1 Manag., Q1 Plann. and Develop.) Elsevier Vol. 42, no. 6-7, 07/2013, p. 1251-1273 As the broad link between small and medium-sized firm activity and key policy goals such as employment or economic growth has become generally accepted, the conversation has focused on a more nuanced understanding of the entrepreneurial engines of economic activity. A significant body of research looking at antecedents to venture performance has identified that entrepreneurial talent variables account for meaningful differences in venture performance and that significant heterogeneity exists across performance measures. These are important issues for institutions and policy makers seeking to achieve specific economic goals (e.g., survival or growth of ventures, employment or revenue). Using meta-analysis, we integrate this work to view connections between aspects of entrepreneurial talent and different performance outcomes. Our investigation includes 50,045 firms (K of 183 studies) and summarizes 1002 observations of small and medium-sized firms. Analysis of these data yields an unexpectedly weak connection between education and performance. Furthermore, growth, scale (number of employees) and sales outcomes are significantly related to planning skills, while profit and other financial and qualitative measures are strongly connected with the network surrounding the firm founders. Moreover, we observe that entrepreneurial talent is more relevant in developing economies.
Chávez Clavijo, Roberto Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Wiengarten, Frank Internal lean practices and operational performance: The contingency perspective of industry clockspeed Chavez Clavijo, R.; Giménez Thomsen, C.; Fynes, B.; Wiengarten, F.; Yu, W. International Journal of Operations & Production Management (2012 IF=1.252; Q3 Manag.) Emerald Vol. 33, no. 5, 04/2013, p. 562-588 The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of internal lean practices on multiple operational performance dimensions, and assess the contingency perspective of these relationships with respect to industry clockspeed. The study is based on empirical data gathered from 228 manufacturing companies in the Republic of Ireland. The relationships between the constructs are analyzed through regression analysis. The results indicate that the relationships between internal lean practices and quality, delivery, flexibility and cost were found to be positive and significant. Further, industry clockspeed was found to moderate the relationship between internal lean practices and quality, delivery and flexibility, but not cost. While internal lean practices can improve operational performance, managers should be aware that internal lean practices are not universally applicable, and the rate of change within an industry should be considered at the time of implementing lean principles. Much of the lean literature tends to be biased towards its effectiveness. However, empirical evidence shows that not all lean implementation have led to positive results, which has been attributed to the general complexity in the relationship between internal lean practices and performance. We propose to investigate further this relationship by disaggregating operational performance into four of its dimensions, namely quality, delivery, flexibility and cost, and by investigating the possible contingency effect of industry clockspeed.
Observatory of the Spanish Multinational Companies (OEME) The OEME studies the opportunities and challenges affecting companies in advanced stages of internationalisation. It also aims to contribute towards identifying and disseminating ‘good practices’, working closely with the companies themselves, and is presented as an open platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge between companies and institutions that promote foreign investment projects.
Xavier Mendoza, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Collet, François Old friends and new acquaintances: Tie formation mechanisms in an interorganizational network generated by employee mobility Collet, F.; Hedström, P. Social Networks (2012 IF=3.381; Q1 Antrop. Q1 Sociol.) Elsevier Vol. 35, no. 3, 07/2013, p. 288-299 This study investigates mechanisms of tie formation in an interorganizational network generated by the mobility of employees between organizations. We analyze a data set that contains information on all organizations in the Stockholm metropolitan area between 1990 and 2003. We show that the formation of new ties is contingent upon the direction of past ties, and that most connections occur at an intermediate geodesic distance of 2 and 3. The findings highlight the importance of tie direction and indirect connections in research on network dynamics and knowledge exchanges stemming from the mobility of employees across organizations.
Correa Domènech, Marc Serrano Rasero, Ignacio Home bias effect in the management literature Correa Domènech, M.; González-Sabate, L.; Serrano Rasero, I. Scientometrics (2012 IF=2.133; Q1 Inf. Sci. & Libr. Sci. Q1 Comput. Sci, Interdiscipl. Applic.) Springer Vol. 95, no. 1, 04/2013, p. 417-433 This paper examines the possible home bias in the citation of the 300 mostcited articles in selected management journals between 2005 and 2009. The management journals chosen for the study were the ten with the greatest average impact over the last 5 years. The theoretical framework was built on: the theory of asymmetric information furnished by Financial Economics; contributions in the bibliometric field which indicate geographical bias in the scientific community’s citation patterns, and the notion of paradigm, employed in the Sociology of Science field. The data from the sample provide empirical evidence of a home bias in the citation pattern of the papers analysed. Here, home bias is defined as the positive difference between the percentage of a country’s self-citations minus the average number of citations of the same nation’s work by the remaining countries surveyed.
Del Viva, Luca Countercyclical contingent capital Barucci, E.; Del Viva, L. Journal of Banking & Finance (2012 IF=1.287; Q2 Bus., Financ. Q2 Econ.) Elsevier Vol. 36, no. 6, 06/2012, p. 1688-1709 We analyze the optimal capital structure of a bank issuing countercyclical contingent capital, i.e., notes to be converted into common shares in poor macroeconomic conditions. A comparison of the main effects produced by the countercyclical asset with the simple equity-debt capital structure, the non-countercyclical contingent capital and the countercyclical callable bond is conducted. We demonstrate that this type of asset reduces the spread of straight debt and is effective in reducing the asset substitution incentive. The reduction of bankruptcy costs is strong only when the countercyclicality feature is removed. Contingentcapital is useful for macroprudential regulation and we show that the countercyclical feature is important depending on priorities (moderate the asset substitution incentive or reduce bankruptcy costs).
El Alaoui El Wahidi, Mouna The hybridization and internationalization of HRM in the Maghreb: Examining the case of commitment and intention to quit amongst employees of multinational companies Frimousse, S.; Swalhi, A. & El Alaoui El Wahidi, M. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal Management (2012 IF=0.882; Q3 Manag.) Emerald Vol. 19, no. 2, 06/2012, p. 257-270 Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to argue that the direct application of an imported model of human resource management (HRM) is seldom successful. The dissemination and transfer of management practices of European firms to their counterparts in the Maghreb cannot simply be cloned. Indeed, in order to gain legitimacy, internalization of HRM practices of multinationals implemented in the Maghreb must include elements of contingency (culture, religion, etc.). The paper asks: does hybridization have an impact on employee commitment? Does it have an effect upon turnover? Design/methodology/approach – In total, 187 executives operating within 40 subsidiaries of multinational companies in the Maghreb and employed in HRM positions participated in the survey. Respective hypotheses connected with hybrid models were supported using structural equation modelling procedures. Findings – The results show that hybridization of HRM practices increases an employee’s commitment and reduces the intention to quit. Research limitations/implications – The present study is limited in particular by the perceptual and self-report nature of the data assembled. Practical implications – Multinational companies’ image operating in the Maghreb may be enhanced through hybrid HRM practices. Hybrid HRM practices will open new avenues for a Mediterranean collaboration. Originality/value – This paper advances the state of HRM research in the Maghreb and provides a unique empirical investigation on the consequences of the internationalization of HRM practices in the Maghreb.
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Emmerling, Robert J. Boyatzis, Richard Emotional and social intelligence competencies: cross cultural implications Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal (2012 IF=0.882; Q3 Manag.) Elsevier Vol. 19, no. 1, 03/2012, p. 4-18 Purpose – Continued research on the assessment and development of emotional and social intelligence competencies represents an opportunity to further both theoretical and applied applications of behavioral science to the management of human capital. While the field has continued to expand over the preceding decades, research has often trailed application, especially as it relates to cross-cultural validity. The purpose of this introductory essay to this special issue of CCM serves to focus on cultural issues related to applied use of competencies in diverse cultures. Design/methodology/approach – Emotional and social intelligence competencies are defined and an overview provided for the papers that will follow, with original research linking these constructs to performance in various occupations and cultures, as well as issues related to their development. Findings – Emotional and social intelligence competencies are found to represent a practical and theoretically coherent, reliable and valid approach to assessing and developing individuals in diverse cultures. Research limitations/implications – As an introductory essay, the paper lays the foundation for the following articles in this special issue. Originality/value – Although competencies are in widespread use around the world, issues related to cross-cultural validation are seldom studied empirically. This introductory essay and subsequent articles will help clarify emotional and social competencies as a behavioral approach to applying emotional intelligence to the practical needs of organizations.
Fluvià Font, Modest Saló Mayolas, Albert Buyer and seller behaviour in fish markets organized as Dutch auctions: Evidence from a wholesale fish market in Southern Europe Fluvià Font, M.; Garriga, A.; Rigall Torrent, R.; Rodríguez-Carámbula, E.; Saló Mayolas, A. Fisheries Research (2012 IF=1.695; Q2 Fish.) Elsevier No. 127-128, 09/2012, p. 18-25 We use a database with over 179,000 transactions for a wholesale fish market organized as a Dutch auction to analyze the behavior of buyers and sellers and the observed outcomes in the market. The paper finds that price dispersion is common, prices substantially decrease throughout the auction for a number of transaction classes, auctioned cases which contain little quantity of fish fetch a higher price per kg, buyers display nonrandom buying patterns and there is a clear negative relationship between price and the number of buyers. We argue that these findings may imply that Dutch auctions increase competition between sellers but not between buyers. Therefore,
Dutch auctions may not be appropriate mechanisms for fishermen to extract the maximum revenue from buyers.
Gascó, Mila Approaching E-Government interoperability Social Science Computer Review (2012 IF=1.303; Q2 Inf. Sci. & Libr. Sci. Q2 Soc. Sci., Interdiscip.) Sage Vol. 30, no. 1, 02/2012, p. 3-6 E-government interoperability is not something new. However, this term has grown in importance as a result of the need to design and offer more sophisticated and complex e-government services that, many times, require the collaboration of two or more public institutions. Meaningful research on this topic could therefore be helpful in providing a basis for more clarity, insight, and understanding of this important topic. This is what this special issue is aimed at: to generate new and relevant scholarly contributions on interoperability that gather the diverse interests of an experienced set of authors, geographically distributed and with different perspectives on this issue.
Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Green supply management strategies in Spanish firms Mendonça Tachizawa, E.; Giménez Thomsen, C.; Montes Sancho, M. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2012 IF=0.893; Q3 Bus. Q3 Manag.) IEEE Technology Management Council Vol. 59, no. 4, 11/2012, p. 741-752 Despite the growing literature on Environmental Sustainability (ES), many studies suggest that this problem needs to be dealt with by considering a broader perspective, i.e., supply chains. In this paper, we put forward the idea that different practices for greening suppliers can be combined to shape different Green Supply Management (GSM) strategies. More specifically, the following research questions are posed: (1) How do firms combine managerial practices to form GSM strategies? (2) What are the variables that affect this decision? (3) What are the results of the different GSM strategies? Drawing on a survey among Spanish firms, we performed a cluster analysis that identified three main GSM strategies. In the second step, we contrasted these clusters using environmental drivers, context and performance variables. The results show that there are several approaches to “greening” the supply chain, with different results and company profiles. Managerial relevance statement - The managerial implications derived from this study are: Firstly, it provides a classification of GSM strategies and respective profiles that could help with the design of corporate environmental strategies to achieve ES. Secondly, it measures the influences of environmental drivers on GSM strategies, and sheds light on the approaches to be adopted in different circumstances. Furthermore, it provides managers with a comparison of the performance of each strategy in terms of environmental and operational indicators. These findings could lead to a major framework that
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would advise managers on how to implement a GSM program, with respect to the specific characteristics of each firm and the different business contexts.
Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Rodón Mòdol, Joan Sustainable operations: Their impact on the triple bottom line
Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Sustainable supply chains: Governance mechanisms to greening suppliers
International Journal of Production Economics (2012 IF=2.081; Q1 Eng., Ind. Q1 Eng., Manuf. Q1 Oper. Res. & Manag. Sci.) Elsevier Vol. 140, no. 1, 11/2012, p. 149-159
Journal of Business Ethics (2012 IF=1.253; Q3 Bus. Q2 Eth.; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 116, no. 1, 08/2013, p. 189-203 One of the key challenges for firms is to manage sustainability along the supply chain. To extend sustainability to suppliers, organizations have developed different governance mechanisms. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of two different mechanisms (i.e. supplier assessment and collaboration with suppliers) to improve one dimension of sustainability: environmental performance. Structural Equation Modelling and cluster analysis were used to analyze the relationships between supplier assessment, collaboration with suppliers and environmental performance. The results suggest that (1) both mechanisms, supplier assessment and collaboration with suppliers, have a positive and synergistic effect on environmental performance, and (2) assessment acts as an enabler of collaboration. Finally, the paper also contributes to the literature by providing a framework of sustainability governance mechanisms.
ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI) The ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI) is dedicated to academic excellence in the field of entrepreneurship and a variety of related subjects. Since 1967, the ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute aims to became an international reference point in the field of entrepreneurship through a rigorous research program, an active educational model, an active presence in the social debate and a project support for entrepreneurs, to enhance the progress of society. In the last decade has evolved into an institute where research and cutting-edge training has a fundamental role.
Luisa Alemany, Director
Different firms have implemented environmental programmes (such as design to recycle, life cycle analysis or environmental certification) and social practices (such as programmes aimed to improve employees’ working conditions or projects to support the external community). This study aims to analyse the impact of these programmes on each dimension of the triple bottom line (environmental, social and economic performance). It extends the extant literature by (1) considering environmental and social initiatives in the same study, (2) analysing their impact on the three pillars of the triple bottom line, (3) comparing the impact of internal and external programmes, and (4) analysing sustainable operational projects at the plant level. The data used were obtained from the fifth (2009) round of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) which includes responses from manufacturing plants within the assembly industry in 19 countries. Our findings suggest that internal environmental programmes have a positive impact on the three components of the triple bottom line, whereas internal social initiatives have a positive impact on only two components: Social and environmental performance. It seems that firms still need to achieve positive financial gains from these social programmes. Finally, regarding the external or supply chain initiatives, our results show that supply chain assessment has no impact on the triple bottom line, unlike supply chain collaboration which contributes to improve all three elements. Two important managerial contributions can be derived from this study: (1) Managers have to be
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aware of the possible negative effects (on the short term) of social practices on manufacturing costs, and (2) they need to implement collaborative practices with their supply chain partners, as assessment alone has been found not to have any impact on the triple bottom line.
and to socialize. The findings have significant implications for marketing, branding, and research professionals because the research shows that managers have to see participants as integral to the brand.
Hawkins, Matthew A. Rezazade MEHRIZI. Mohammad H. Knowledge boundary spanning process: synthesizing four spanning mechanisms
Longo Martínez, Francisco Esteve Laporta, Marc Assessing the implementation of managerial reforms in Catalan government: The development of professional public management
Management Decision (2012 IF=3.787; Q1 Manag.; Q1 Bus.) Emerald Vol. 50, no. 12, 05/2012, p. 1800-1815 Purpose – This paper seeks to advance the study of knowledge boundary spanning by approaching spanning as a process that involves four spanning mechanisms. Design/methodology/approach – Building on the insights from practice-based view of knowledge and knowledge management literature more generally, the authors formalize and articulate two spanning mechanisms (boundary practice and boundary discourse), in addition to two other previously established spanning mechanisms (boundary object and boundary spanner). Findings – The paper formalizes two further spanning mechanisms and suggests an integrative framework for examining the mutual and compounding effect between the four spanning mechanisms. Building on the suggested framework, the process of spanning is analysed as a time-based combination of various mechanisms which evolve over time. The framework opens new windows to look at the projective and emergent mode of spanning mechanisms as a duality, rather than a dualism. Research limitations/implications – Researchers are freed to explore the deployment order of the spanning mechanisms and the conflicting or synergistic effects. Practitioners would benefit from tracing successful spanning processes for replicating in similar contexts to advance collaboration efforts. Originality/value – Boundary practice and boundary discourse are introduced as well as synthesizing the mechanisms into a coherent framework. Viewing boundary spanning as a process that includes dynamic combination of four spanning mechanisms is a particularly novel insight that can stimulate future research avenues.
Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Building brands together: Emergence and outcomes of co-creation Ind, N.; Iglesias Bedós, O.; Schultz, M. California Management Review (2012 IF=1.667; Q2 Bus. Q2 Manag.; BW20; FT45) Berkeley University of California Vol. 55, no. 3, 05/2013, p. 5-26 Co-creation is a rapidly emerging area of research. However, there is a lack of understanding as to how organizations use co-creation to build relationships and generate value. How does participation emerge and what outcomes does it deliver? To generate insight into the co-creation process, we created an online brand community. Our findings show that people participate in a community because it offers them the chance to find fulfillment, to express their creativity,
Public Money & Management (2012 IF=0.781; Q2 Publ. Adm.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 32, no. 6, 09/2012, p. 453-460 This paper examines the degree of development of managerial reforms in the Government of Catalonia. Results show a very different scenario than expected. Reforms aimed to provide public administrations with more managerial oriented frameworks are far from achieving embeddedness in Catalan administrations, particularly in areas like accountability and incentives systems.
Lozano Soler, Josep M. Developing more holistic management education: Lessons learned from two programs Waddock, S.; Lozano Soler, J. Academy of Management Learning & Education (2012 IF=3.000; Q1 Edu.. Q1 Manag.) Academy of Management (AOM) Vol. 12, no. 2, 06/2013, p. 265-284 We face a world in which management education, particularly MBA education is by many assessments in crisis. In this paper, we explore the ways in which two management education programs provide examples of how to address some of the key issues raised in many critiques. Both programs are underpinned by an emphasis on raising students’ self-awareness and self-development. Using a variety of experiential and work-based, creative pedagogical and logistical approaches, these programs emphasize core elements frequently overlooked in management education, including: 1) reflective practices that develop awareness, the will to manage, and what some call “heart and soul,” 2) systems thinking, integration, and understanding of how to work effectively in today’s globalized world; and 3) application of these attributes to understanding and implementing the broad responsibilities, purposes, and (ethical) values associated with businesses and other organizations. We explore how these programs contend with some of the many critiques raised against management education and discuss obstacles to the implementation of solutions that ensure management education’s survival.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Maak, Thomas Social entrepreneurs as responsible leaders: “Fundación Paraguaya” and the case of Martin Burt Maak, T.; Stoetter, N. Journal of Business Ethics (2012 IF=1.253; Q3 Bus. Q2 Eth; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 111, no. 3, 12/2012, p. 413-430 A country known for its longstanding struggle with corruption and dubious governments may not be the obvious venue for a socio-economic revolution that is expected to play an important role in the elimination of global poverty. However, Paraguay, an ‘island without shores’, as the writer Augusto Roa Bastos once described it, is home to one of the world’s most innovative social enterprises - the Fundación Paraguaya. While its achievements and success are the result of a team effort, its remarkable development can be largely attributed to Martin Burt, the founder and chief executive. We study the case of Fundación Paraguaya - the first and longest-running nongovernmental organisation in Paraguay - with two primary research objectives: (1) to analyse the organisation’s pioneering way of solving social problems under difficult socioeconomic circumstances and its increasingly global outreach to eradicate poverty; (2) and to analyse the responsible leadership of Martin Burt.
Majchrzak, Ann The impact of shaping on knowledge reuse for organizational improvements with wikis Majchrzak, A.; Wagner, C.; Yates, D. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems (2012 IF=4.659; Q1 Inf.Sci. Q1 Manag.; FT45) Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota (MISRC) Vol. 37, no. 2, 06/2013, p. 455-469 In this study, we explore the Wiki affordance of enabling shaping behavior within organizational intranets supported by Wikis. Shaping is the continuous revision of one’s own and others’ contributions to a Wiki. Shaping promotes knowledge reuse through improved knowledge integration. Recognizing and clarifying the role of shaping allows us to theorize new ways in which knowledge resources affect knowledge reuse. We examine the role of three knowledge resources of a Wiki contributor: knowledge depth, knowledge breadth, and assessment of the level of development of the Wiki community’s transactive memory system. We offer preliminary evidence based on a sample of experienced organizational Wiki users that the three different knowledge resources have differential effects on shaping, that these effects differ from the effects on the more common user behavior of simply adding domain knowledge to a Wiki, and that shaping and adding each independently affect contributors’ perceptions that their knowledge in the Wiki has been reused for organizational improvement. By empirically distinguishing between the different knowledge antecedents and consequences of shaping and adding, we derive implications for theory and research on knowledge integration and reuse.
Murillo Bonvehí, David Governmentality and the politics of CSR Vallentin, S.; Murillo Bonvehí, D. Organization (2012 IF=2.356; Q1 Manag.) Sage Vol. 19, no. 6, 11/2012, p. 825-843 The paper suggests that current developments in governmental approaches to CSR calls for research strategies that are specialized in exploring the often subtle and intricate mechanisms of liberal and indirect means of steering. New ways of asking questions are called for as government increasingly assumes the role of an empowering facilitator of CSR, not a regulatory enforcer. Government becomes a matter not of providing formal or hard regulation but of enabling and encouraging socially responsible self-regulation by companies. The paper proposes to apply a governmentality analytics to these developments.
Murphy, Matthew New perspectives on learning and innovation in cross-sector collaborations Murphy, M.; Perrot, F. & Rivera-Santos, M. Journal of Business Research (2012 IF=1.484; Q2 Bus.) Elsevier Vol. 65, no. 12, 12/2012, p. 1700-1709 This study explores whether absorptive capacity, one of the most important concepts in the literature on inter-partner learning and innovation in alliances, can be directly transposed to cross-sector alliances. The results of the analysis suggest that current models of absorptive capacity only imperfectly reflect the learning and innovation dynamics characteristic of cross-sector alliances, due to differences in alliance partners, their goals, and the type of innovations they pursue. This article introduces the concept of relational capacity for Social Innovation, a model better suited to the analysis of learning and innovation in the context of crosssector alliances, especially those operating at the base of the economic pyramid.
Platikanova, P. Economic consequences of the first-time IFRS introduction in Europe Platikanova, P. & Perramon, J. Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad (2012 IF=0.106; Q4 Bus. &Fin.) Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas (AECA) Vol. 41, no. 156, 12/2012, p. 497-520 Los partidarios de la obligatoriedad de las NIIF argumentan que su implantación aumenta la comparabilidad de la información de los estados financieros y realza la calidad de la información contable, lo que conduce a mercados más líquidos. Este estudio comprueba dicha afirmación, utilizando las reexpresiones de la información que proceden de la primera aplicación de las NIIF, al objeto de examinar si dio lugar a mercados más
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líquidos en los países europeos más representativos. Proponemos que la introducción de las NIIF puede afectar directamente a la liquidez de los mercados al mejorar la comparabilidad. Nuestras conclusiones sugieren que, dentro de los sectores de actividad, las reexpresiones de mayor importe en el resultado neto introducen mayor incertidumbre, contribuyendo así a que los mercados sean más ilíquidos. Adicionalmente, en los sectores con menos empresas que reexpresan, la falta de comparabilidad en la información suprime las actividades de inversión con mayores costes de liquidez.
Pless, Nicola In pursuit of dignity and social justice: Changing lives through 100 percent inclusion - How Gram Vikas fosters sustainable rural development Pless, N.; Jenny, A. Journal of Business Ethics (2012 IF=1.253; Q3 Bus. Q2 Eth.; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 111, no. 3, 12/2012, p. 389-411 This article investigates Gram Vikas’ innovative social entrepreneurial approach to sustainable rural development through its ‘Water and Sanitation Programme’. We explore its key innovation of 100% inclusion and the process of creating democratic, self-governing management systems. This allows us to demonstrate how a social enterprise contributes to the United Nations Millennium Goals of improving health, empowering women and breaking the vicious circle of poverty, and ultimately, and to realizing their vision of “an equitable and sustainable society where people live in peace with dignity”. We also discuss the management challenges that the organization faces in the area of finance, personnel management and scaling up.
Pless, Nicola Social entrepreneurship in theory and practice: An introduction Journal of Business Ethics (2012 IF=1.253; Q3 Bus. Q2 Eth.; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 111, no. 3, 12/2012, p. 317-320 The field of social entrepreneurship has grown exponentially in recent years and has become a social, economic and cultural phenomenon. In light of the current economic crisis, the inability of some governments to meet the social needs of their constituencies, a widening gap between rich and poor in many developed countries, and-for many-a less than appealing, scandal-ridden corporate world, the stories of individuals and groups of individuals who want “to change the world” (Bornstein 2004) are inspiring. The examples of dedicated and visionary entrepreneurs who design solutions for unmet social needs, and whose primary intention is to help others, are a source of hope in markets where traditional forms of capitalism are struggling to rebuild their reputation and legitimacy. However, social entrepreneurship research is still in an embryonic state and a unified definition is missing (Short et al. 2009, p. 161). This article provides an overview of new avenues of research that contribute
to a better and more refined understanding of social entrepreneurship and seeks to advance the discourse on theory building in this research area.
Pless, Nicola Maak, Thomas Different approaches toward doing the right thing: Mapping the responsibility orientations of leaders Pless, N.; Maak, T.; Waldman, D.A. Academy of Management Perspectives (2012 IF=3.174; Q1 Bus. Q1 Manag.;FT45) Vol. 26, no. 4, 11/2012, p. 51-65 Responsible leadership is a concept that can help link corporate social responsibility and performance to actions on the part of policy makers and leaders. It may also help to provide a better understanding of the deteriorating reputations of firms and their leaders as perceived by society as a whole and of what might be required from leaders to strengthen the bonds with society. However, the precise manner in which leaders interpret and actually display responsibility is not altogether clear. This lack of clarity coincides with the varying perspectives of responsible leadership that occur in the literature, and it may contribute to the lack of systematic research on how such leadership may ultimately affect firm- and societal-level outcomes. Based on a qualitative analysis of 25 business leaders and entrepreneurs, we identify four orientations that leaders may use to demonstrate responsibility and implement corporate social responsibility. We show how these orientations vary according to the breadth of constituent group focus and the degree of accountability toward others. Further, we discuss both research and training implications associated with the different responsible leadership orientations.
Pless, Nicola Maak, Thomas Promoting corporate social responsibility and sustainable development through management development: What can be learned from international service learning programs? Pless, N.; Maak, T.; Stahl, G.K. Human Resource Management (2012 IF=1.458; Q2 Manag. Q2 Psychol. Appl.; FT45) Wiley Vol. 51, no. 6, 11/2012, p. 873-903 In this article, we discuss how the human resource development (HRD) function can support corporate sustainability strategy by designing and implementing leadership development programs incorporating international service learning assignments. We describe “Project Ulysses,” an integrated service learning program that involves sending participants in teams to developing countries to work in cross-sector partnerships with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and social entrepreneurs, supporting them in their fight against pressing global problems. We present the findings of a narrative analysis of learning stories produced by Ulysses
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participants. Understanding how participants make sense of, and learn from, their experiences abroad provides us with insights into how service learning programs can help managers to develop the knowledge, skills, and mind-set that will enable them to successfully support a company’s global sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. We conclude by discussing the implications for leadership development, specifically how organizations can incorporate a responsibility and sustainability focus in their management development programs.
Rodón Mòdol, Joan Mària Serrano, Josep F. Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Managing cultural conflicts for effective humanitarian aid International Journal of Production Economics (2012 IF=2.081; Q1 Eng., Ind. Q1 Eng., Manuf. Q1 Oper. Res. & Manag. Sci.) Elsevier Vol. 139, no. 2, 10/2012, p. 366-376 This paper focuses on the management of cultural conflicts that arise during the provision of humanitarian aid (HA). In particular, we study the cultural conflicts in the HA relationship between those delivering HA and the beneficiaries, and we examine how those delivering HA manage these conflicts. By drawing upon structuration theory, we conceptualise culture as consisting of three dimensions -systems of meaning, norms of behaviours, and power relations. We then develop a process model that shows the interactions between the HA organisation and the local community beneficiary of the aid and that shows how these interactions are mediated by culture. We illustrate the model with a case study that analyses the intervention of a non-governmental organisation during an outbreak of cholera in Mozambique in 2008. The case shows how the non-governmental organisation reflexively monitored its actions and con-
Entrepreneurship Research Group (GRIE) The main group duty is the knowledge creation through a rigorous research activities. This research is focused on several areas. Among them we find: Creating businesses. Women in entrepreneurship. Corporate Entrepreneurship/Intrapreneurship. Creativity. Growth and internationalization. Entrepreneurial finance. Family business. Others. The Government of Catalonia recognized in 20005 and 2009, the Research Group in Entrepreneurship (GRIE) as a consolidated research group. The senior researcher is Dr. Marcel Planellas.
Marcel Planellas, Director
sequences, creating a basis for adaptation and change in its practices. Furthermore, the case shows that culture is not immutable but dynamic - being constantly produced and reproduced during HA operations. From the results of the case study, we formulate some theoretical propositions that may guide further research in this area.
Saló Mayolas, Albert Sardá Borroy, Rafael On the relationship between quality, user’s perception and economic valuation in NW Mediterranean beaches Ariza Solé, E.; Ballester, R.; Rigall Torrent, R.; Saló Mayolas, A.; Roca, E.; Villares Junyent, M.; Jiménez, J.A.; Sardá Borroy, R. Ocean & Coastal Management (2012 IF=1.597; Q3 Oceanogr. Q2 Water Resour.) Elsevier Vol. 63, 09/2012, p. 55-66 The relationships between two traditional economic valuation methods, Travel Cost Method (TCM) and Hedonic Prices (HPs) are tested in a sun-and-beach tourist-oriented area in the Northwestern Mediterranean coast in order to appraise/value beach integral quality and its attributes. Traditional economic methods do not seem to capture the aggregate quality of beaches, although this study has shown that positive relationships were found between HP and integral beach quality. Instead, these methods are more (positively) related to specific aspects such as Services and Facilities Quality, Natural Conditions Quality (dune system development) and Access and Parking Quality. The results of this study show that these methods do not sufficiently value beach socioecological resources at the study site. In this paper we also compared users’ economic beach valuation (using TCM and HP) with the expenditure on general maintenance and sediment management by local managers.
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The results show an important gap between investments made by managers (less than 1 million V/year) and users’ economic valuation (more than 1 million V/day at the peak of the season). These results suggest the feasibility of establishing a beach management tax for beach-related economic activities that could be used to improve the weakest aspects of beach management in the region.
Sánchez Hernández, German Agell Jané, Núria Ranking and selection of unsupervised learning marketing segmentation Sánchez Hernández, G.; Chiclana, F.; Agell Jané, N.; Aguado Chao, J. Knowledge-Based Systems (2012 IF= 4.104; Q1 Comp. Sci., Art. Int.) Elsevier Vol. 44, 05/2013, p. 20-33 This paper addresses the problem of choosing the most appropriate classification from a given set of classifications of a set of patterns. This is a relevant topic on unsupervised systems and clustering analysis because different classifications can in general be obtained from the same data set. The provided methodology is based on five fuzzy criteria which are aggregated using an Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operator. To this end, a novel multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) system is defined, which assesses the degree up to which each criterion is met by all classifications. The corresponding single evaluations are then proposed to be aggregated into a collective one by means of an OWA operator guided by a fuzzy linguistic quantifier, which is used to implement the concept of fuzzy majority in the selection process. This new methodology is applied to a real marketing case based on a business to business (B2B) environment to help marketing experts during the segmentation process. As a result, a segmentation containing three segments consisting of 35, 98 and 127 points of sale respectively is selected to be the most suitable to endorse marketing strategies of the firm. Finally, an analysis of the managerial implications of the proposed methodology solution is provided.
Santiso, Javier Political uncertainty and portfolio managers in emerging economies Frot, E. & Santiso, J. Review of International Political Economy (2012 IF=1.661; Q1 Econ.; Q1 Pol. Sci.; Q1 Intern. Rel.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 20, No.1, 01/2013, p. 26-51 This paper claims that investors dislike political uncertainty about future policies and value stability in the political environment. We test the validity of this hypothesis by first studying variations in equity flows from global investment funds to emerging markets in periods surrounding elections. Second, we interpret changes in democracy score as another event potentially creating political uncertainty and assess their effects on equity flows. Our results corroborate our hypothesis. They indicate
that the period following an election is generally characterized by a fall in equity flows, and that this occurs only where the incumbent is not reelected, suggesting continuity is valued by investors. We also find that this effect is confined to presidential regimes, a result we interpret as further evidence that potentially radical swings in policy affect investors’ choices. Finally, a decrease in the democracy score implies lower equity flows, while democracy in itself does not affect equity flows, which is consistent with our view that equity funds are vigilant when potentially adverse changes in the political environment arise.
Singh, Jatinder Jit Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Batista Foguet, Joan M. Does having an ethical brand matter? The influence of consumer perceived ethicality on trust, affect, and loyalty Journal of Business Ethics (2012 IF=1.253; Q3 Bus. Q2 Eth.; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 111, no. 4, 12/2012, p. 541-549 The recent rise in ethical consumerism has seen more and more corporate brands projecting a socially responsible and ethical image. But does having a corporate brand that is perceived to be ethical have any influence on outcome variables of interest for its product brands? This study analyzes the relationship between perceived ethicality at a corporate level, and brand trust, brand affect and brand loyalty at a product level. A theoretical framework with hypothesized relationships is developed and tested in order to answer the research question. The data are collected for 45 product categories in the fast moving consumer goods sector using a panel of 4027 Spanish consumers. The proposed relationships are tested using structural equations modeling. The results suggest there is a positive relationship between perceived ethicality of a brand and both brand trust and brand affect. Brand Affect also positively influence brand trust. Further, brand trust and brand affect both have a positive relation with brand loyalty. The managerial and academic implications of the results are discussed.
Suárez Barraza, Manuel Fco. Smith, Tricia Lean Service: A literature analysis and classification Suárez-Barraza, M. F.; Smith, P.; Dahlgaard-Park, S. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence (2012 IF=0.894; Q3 Manag.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 23, no. 3-4, 04 /2012, p. 359-380 The service sector in the USA accounts for 80% of gross domestic product. However, in spite of the pivotal role of the service sector in the US economy and its impact on daily life, the level of productivity in this sector has been much lower than that of the manufacturing area. This situation has been in existence for some time, but in the current context, there are growing external pressures to reduce costs, increase flexibility, improve quality and cut down on lead times. Companies are thus turning
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their attention to the manufacturing sector with the aim of implementing their techniques and methods which encourage a ‘lean’ approach. The purpose of this article is to review the extant literature on the subject that goes under the umbrella-title of ‘Lean Service’, analyse it, classify it into preliminary categories and suggest possible gaps in the research literature from the point of view of researchers and practitioners. The paper systematically categorises the published literature where the term Lean Service appears, including the early publications on the subject. Then, the categories are revised and analysed methodically. The research found that the literature referring to Lean Service can vary widely from the exploration of the meaning of the concept, its applications (case studies), the setting up of theoretical concepts (models) to the generation of new definitions. Within each category, certain gaps have been identified and possible future lines of research which clarify and distinguish the concept of Lean Service. In addition, within the category of ‘applications’, sub-categories have been identified such as banks and financial institutions, the health sector, education, the airline industry, and hotels and restaurants. The paper aspires to be of interest as much to researchers as to professionals in the service industry, whether they have middle management responsibilities, or are service managers, and also to all those employees whose work is related to this sector, with the object of understanding the management of service organisations from the Lean Service perspective.
Svejenova Velikova, Silviya Rebels with a cause: formation, contestation, and expansion of the De Novo Category Modern Architechture, 1870-1975 Jones, C.; Maoret, M.; Massa, F.G. & Svejenova, S. Organization Science (IF 2012= 3.351; Q1 Manag.) Informs Vol. 23, no. 6, 12/2012, p. 1523-1545 Most category studies have focused on established categories with discrete boundaries. These studies not only beg the question of how a de novo category arises, but also upon what institutional material actors draw to create a de novo category. We examine the formation and theorization of the de novo category “modern architecture” between 1870 and 1975. Our study shows that the process of new category formation was driven by groups of architects with distinct clientele associated with institutional logics of commerce, state, religion, and family. These architects enacted different artifact codes for a building based on institutional logics associated with their specific mix of clients. “Modern architects” fought over what logics and artifact codes should guide “modern architecture.” Modern functional architects espoused logic of commerce enacted through a restricted artifact code of new materials in a building, whereas modern organic architects advocated transforming the profession’s logic enacted through a flexible artifact code of mixing new and traditional materials in buildings. The conflict became a source of creative tension for modern architects that followed, who integrated aspects of both logics and materials in buildings, expanding the category boundary. Plural logics and category expansion resulted in multiple conflicting exemplars within “modern architecture” and enabled its adaptation to changing social forces and architectural interpretations for over 70 years.
Trullén Fernández, Jordi Faculty perceptions of instrumental and improvement reasons behind quality assessments in higher education: The roles of participation and identification Trullén, J. & Rodríguez, S. Studies in Higher Education (IF=1.036; Q2 Edu. & Edu. Res.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 38, no. 5, 08/2013, p. 678-692 While the stated aim of quality assessments is to improve the quality of the products and services offered by universities, some faculty view them as instrumental in justifying government budget cuts in education. By means of a survey administered to more than 300 faculty from 20 academic programmes undergoing quality assessments, we studied perceptions of the reasons behind the assessments. The results of our analysis show that faculty participation in the assessment process significantly decreases the chances that faculty believe quality assessments are carried out for instrumental reasons. In addition, those who believe assessments are carried out for quality improvement reasons are more likely to rate the assessments as legitimate and to be more identified with the academic programme that is being assessed. This study emphasizes the significance of faculty attributions about quality assessments and shows that faculty participation is crucial in overcoming initial scepticism towards external interventions.
Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes E. Vernis Domènech, Alfred May the economic downturn affect corporate philanthropy? Exploring the contribution trends in Spanish and U.S. companies Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (2012 IF=1,490; Q1 Soc. Iss.) Sage Vol. 41, no. 5, 10/2012, p. 759-785 The study purpose is to gain insight into changing diverse management approaches to corporate philanthropy in a period that spans both from economic boom and recession. First, the authors present an overview of Spanish corporate philanthropy and compare it to U.S. corporate philanthropy. The authors find a significant gap between the U.S. and Spain’s corporate philanthropic spending as a percentage of profits and different trends between the two. A significant similarity is that the economic downturn is having a lower impact on spending than was predicted. The authors then focus on eight Spanish companies to explore how firms manage their philanthropy. The authors present a management model matrix that provides a framework for philanthropy management types and throws up divergent results for both society and companies. It seems that those companies that are managing philanthropy in a more sustainable way are not cutting their spending in this field despite falling profits.
journal articles | articles in journals with impact factor
Vanhaverbeke, Wim Competence and governance in strategic collaboration: The differential effect of network structure on the creation of core and non-core technology Vanhaverbeke, W.; Gilsing, V.; Duysters, G. Journal of Product Innovation Management (2012 IF=1.572; Q2 Bus. Q2 Manag.) Wiley Vol. 29, no. 5, 09/2012, p. 784-802 Whereas most of the literature on the benefits of alliances for learning and innovation has taken on a competence perspective, this paper provides an alternative integrated framework based on both a competence and governance point of view. The former focuses on the role of knowledge flows as means to access new knowledge, whereas the latter is centered on the core concepts of opportunism and freeridership in knowledge exchange situations. Although it has generally been acknowledged that competence-based benefits of collaboration may come at a price of elevated risks due to knowledge spillovers and freeridership, such a governance view remains understudied. This paper explains how a firm’s alliance network structure affects benefits as well as risks of collaboration in the context of the creation of core and noncore technology. In the case of core technology, firms attach more value to reducing governance-based risks relative to obtaining competence-based benefits. The opposite is found when firms develop noncore technology. This paper contributes to the existing literature by going beyond the common idea that competence and governance perspectives are either complementary or competing. Instead, this study shows that for technology based collaboration, they can both apply at the same time, implying a trade-off in some cases and offering synergy in other cases. Based on an empirical test in three different industries (pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and automotive), there is support for most of our hypotheses. Direct ties have an inverted U-shaped effect on both core and noncore technology, and the effect is relatively stronger for the former. The results further-
more show that indirect ties play a positive role in noncore technology development and that this effect is not hampered by the number of direct ties a firm has. In contrast, indirect ties seem to hamper core competence development when companies have a lot of direct ties. Finally, firms are found to benefit from nonredundancy in their alliance network in their efforts to strengthen their core technology. The joint effect of these three network characteristics leads to optimal results for core and noncore technologies under quite different alliance network structures. This poses a problem for the ambidexterity of companies, when they simultaneously try to strengthen core and noncore technologies.
Vanhaverbeke, Wim Have Chinese firms learned from their prior technology in-licensing? An analysis based on patent citations Li-Yin, J.; Wang, Y.; Salomo, S. & Vanhaverbeke, W. Scientometrics (2012 IF=2.133; Q1 Inf. Sci. & Libr. Sci. Q1 Comput. Sci, Interdiscipl. Applic.) Springer Vol. 95, no. 1, 04/2013, p. 183-195 With the rapid rise of Chinese economy, now ranking as the second largest economy in the world in 2010, many Chinese firms have started taking technological lead in the global market. Nevertheless, whether Chinese firms have learned from their prior in-licensing technologies and accumulated technological capabilities in sustaining their economic growth remains underexplored. This paper aims to fill this void. Using a unique dataset containing the information on licensing for 83 large Chinese firms in the electronic sector during 2000–2004, we find that these firms have successfully learned from the international technologies that they previously licensed-in when subsequent patent citations made by these Chinese licensee firms to their licensed patents are used to identify these successful learners.
ESADE Brand Institute The purpose of the Brand Centre works on relevant issues and facilitates decision-making processes that affect brands. Doing that, with the use of solid research and analysis tools to provide practical and effective solutions. The Center also focuses on creating new knowledge on brands and their management, and on disseminating this knowledge among the business sector and academia. The centre’s research covers two main areas: a more generalist approach to management and brand strategies, on the one hand, and thematic research into their specific application, on the other.
Josep Maria Oroval, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Vanhaverbeke, Wim Learning-by-licensing: How firms in China benefit from licensing-in technologies Wang, Y.; Roijakkers, N.; Vanhaverbeke, W. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2012 IF=0.893; Q3 Bus. Q3 Manag.) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Vol. 60, no. 1, 02/2013, p. 46-58 This paper explores how interfirm variations in their in-licensed technology portfolios influence subsequent innovation performance. Existing studies mainly assume licensed technologies are homogeneously accessible to firms, and a prevailing explanation as to why firms vary in their innovation performance lies in differences of absorptive capacity. In this study, we intend to relax this assumption and use data about 186 Chinese indigenous firms to investigate how differences in in-licensing portfolios lead to different effects on innovation performance. We find that firms benefit from prior in-licensing technologies and the result is related to four dimensions of their licensing portfolios. We find that 1) the scale of firms’ technology in-licensing has an inverted-U relationship with their subsequent innovation performance; 2) firms that license-in foreign technologies tend to outperform those that predominantly license-in technologies from domestic sources; 3) the newness of firms’ technology in-licensing yields a positive effect on subsequent innovation performance; and 4) a diverse portfolio of licensors from whom technologies are licensed-in has an inverted-U relationship with firms’ subsequent technological diversity.
Vanhaverbeke, Wim The effect of internal and external technology sourcing on firm performance throughout the technology life cycle Stolwijk, C.; Vanhaverbeke, W.; Ortt, R.; Pieters, M.; den Hartigh, E.; van Beers, C. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (2012 IF=1.095; Q3 Manag.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 24, no. 10, 12/2012, p. 1013-1028 In studies about the impact of technology sourcing on firm performance, the impact of the technology life cycle has thus far received scant attention. This paper investigates this topic from the knowledge-based perspective. Data was gathered from 22 PLD (Programmable Logic Device) manufacturers in the integrated circuit industry between 1986 and 2005, and used to test two hypotheses based on panel analysis: (1) that strategic alliance networks, as a mode of external technology sourcing, have a positive effect on a firm’s innovative and market performance early in the technology life cycle, and (2) that internal development as a mode of internal technology sourcing has a positive effect on a firm’s innovative and market performance later in the technology life cycle. Although both hypotheses are supported as far as market performance is concerned, neither is supported when it comes to innovative performance.
Villanueva, Jaume Sapienza, Harry C. Resource mobilization in entrepreneurial firms Villanueva, J.; van de Ven, A.; Sapienza, H.C. Journal of Business Venturing (2012 IF=2.976; Q1 Bus.; FT45) Elsevier Vol. 27, no. 1, 01/2012, p. 19-30 We test the relative influence of power and social embeddedness in mobilizing resources between newly-formed businesses and other organizations by re-examining longitudinal data from the Van de Ven and Walker (1984) study of interorganizational relations. We find that resource flows to entrepreneurial ventures are predicted by the total dependence between parties engaged in the creation of value; they are not predicted by dependence advantage (or disadvantage) between the parties. We discuss the implications and propose that a theory of joint resource mobilization may be more useful than a theory of unilateral resource acquisition for understanding how new ventures access external resources.
Villegas Sanchez, Carolina Trade liberalization and gender inequality Juhn, C.; Ujhelyi, G.; Villegas Sanchez, C. American Economic Review (2012 IF=2.792; Q1 Econ.; BW20; FT45) American Economic Association (AEA) Vol. 103, no. 3, 05/2013, p. 269-273 We consider a model where firms differ in their productivity and workers are differentiated by skill and gender. A reduction in tariffs induces more productive firms to modernize their technology and enter the export market. New technologies involve computerized production processes and lower the need for physically demanding skills. As a result, the relative wage and employment of women improves in blue-collar tasks, but not in white-collar tasks. We empirically confirm these theoretical predictions using a panel of Mexican establishments and the tariff reductions associated with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Visnjic, Ivanka Servitization: Disentangling the impact of service business model innovation on manufacturing firm performance Visnjic, I.; Van Looy, B. Journal of Operations Management (2012 IF=4.400; Q1 Manag.; FT45) Elsevier Vol. 31, no. 4, 05/2013, p. 169-180 As manufacturing businesses operate in an ever more competitive, global economy where products are easily commoditized, innovating by adding services to the core product offering has become a popular strategy. Contrary to the economic benefits expected, recent findings pinpoint implementation hurdles that lead to a potential performance decline, the so-called ‘servitization paradox’. In this paper, we analyze this paradox by disentangling the value crea-
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tion and value appropriation processes of 44 national subsidiaries of a global manufacturing firm turned product-service provider, in the 2001-2007 period. Our findings show that the firm under study is able to successfully transcend the inherent substitution of products by services and to enact complementary sales dynamics between the two activities. Moreover, labor-intensive services such as maintenance, which imply higher levels of customer proximity, further enhance product sales. Empirical results also reveal a positive yet non-linear relationship between the scale of service activities and profitability: while initial levels of servicing result in a steep increase in profitability, a period of relative decline is observed before the positive relationship between the scale of services and profitability re-emerges. These findings suggest the presence of initial short-term gains but also indicate the existence of a ‘profitability’ hurdle; profitable growth seems feasible only to the extent that investments in service capability are translated into economies of scale. In helping to clarify the performance implications of service innovation, our findings suggest pathways to sustainable growth through servitization for manufacturing firms.
Wiengarten, Frank Exploring synergetic effects between investments in environmental and quality. Lean practices in supply chains
Vives, Luis Building your company’s capabilities through global expansion
Wiengarten, F.; Fynes, B.; Onofrei, G. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (2012 IF=1.684; Q2 Bus. Q2 Manag.) Emerald Vol. 18, no. 2, 04/2013, p. 148-160
Lessard, D.; Lucea, R.; Vives, L. MIT Sloan Management Review (2012 IF=1.413; Q2 Bus. Q2 Manag.; BW20; FT45) MIT Sloan School of Management Vol. 54, no. 2, 01/2013, p. 61-67 New markets and new possibilities for expansion and acquisition make the global competitive landscape more dynamic, creating both threats and opportunities. The task of the global strategist involves not only identifying where to leverage a companys existing strengths but also how to enhance and renew its capabilities. The authors argue that the risks of global expansion can be greatly reduced by taking a systematic approach to the decision-making process about entering a new country. They conclude that the experience of many global companies suggests that expensive mistakes are often made when companies dont ask certain key questions before they make such internationalization decisions. By better understanding the nature of their own competitive advantages and how those advantages might fit into or be augmented by a new market, companies can greatly improve their chances of success. The authors illustrate their argument by drawing on the examples of companies such as CEMEX, Telefónica, Accor, Wal-Mart and IKEA. The authors propose two tests for the global strategist, one to use when a company is considering replicating a successful strategy in a new country, and the other to use when a company is seeking to acquire a new capability in a new market.
Wiengarten, Frank Applying genetic algorithms to dampen the impact of price fluctuations in a supply chain Lu, J.; Humphreys, P.; McIvor, R.; Maguire, L.; Wiengarten, F. International Journal of Production Research (2012=1.460; Q2 Eng., Ind. Q2 Eng., Manuf. Q2 Oper. Res. & Manag. Sci.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 50, no. 19, 09/2012, p. 5396-5414
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been identified as an innovative and useful approach for dampening the Bullwhip Effect along supply chains. This paper extends previous work by developing an improved supply chain model that incorporates additional cost factors such as ordering cost, item cost, distribution cost and production cost. The revised model is then used to examine one element of the Bullwhip Effect, i.e. price fluctuation strategies. A GA is employed to determine the ordering policy for each member in the model that minimises cost. The research illustrates how the GA performs if a sales promotion is introduced. From the experimental results, it is shown that a GA can help determine an improved ordering policy and reduce the total cost across the supply chain.
This paper seeks to report the empirical results examining potential synergetic effects between investments in environmental and quality/lean practices within the supply chain. Cross-country survey data collected by the Global Manufacturing Research Group was utilized to test the hypotheses. Synergetic effects were conceptualized through interaction effects using ordinary least square regression (OLS) analysis. This study indicates that synergetic effects between traditional practices such as lean and quality and environmental practices are possible. More specifically, the impact of lean and quality practices on supply chain performance can be amplified through environmental practices such as ISO 14001, pollution prevention, recycling of materials and waste reduction. Although research on the performance impact of environmental practices within the supply chain context has matured over the past years, there is still a scarcity of research exploring their relationship with traditional manufacturing practices such as quality and lean. This study addresses this shortcoming through exploring the impact of environmental practices on the efficacy of quality and lean practices within a supply chain context. This paper will thus be beneficial for supply chain managers developing a case for environmental investments and will further advance research on manufacturing practices within the supply chain context.
Wiengarten, Frank Exploring the important role of organisational factors in IT business value: Taking a contingency perspective on the resource based view Wiengarten, F.; Humphreys, P.; Cao, G.; McHugh, M. International Journal of Management Reviews (2012 IF=3.333; Q1 Bus. Q1 Manag.) Wiley-Blackwell Vol. 15, no. 1, 01/2013, p. 30-46 Despite the importance to researchers and practitioners of how information technology (IT) contributes to organisational performance, there is still an ongoing debate about the extent of IT business value (ITBV) and how to measure
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ITBV. Recently, more and more researchers have applied resource based view (RBV) and contingency theory to investigate ITBV with mixed results. Researchers have started to recognise that ITBV is closely associated with the synergies created from IT and a variety of complementary organisational factors, which might be an alternative way to explain these mixed results. Through a review of the literature this article assesses the current level of knowledge in ITBV research. We identified that significant progress has been made in the research domain, and yet that in-depth inquiry into ITBV is still needed. Based on RBV and contingency theory, a set of propositions and a research framework has been developed. The framework suggests that firms might be able to gain significant performance improvements if IT resources are implemented in alignment with additional organisational factors (i.e. organisational strategy, organisational process, organisational culture, organisational structure). We believe that this framework will be valuable in assisting researchers and practitioners in understanding the complex ITBV process.
Wiengarten, Frank Institutional effects and the decision to make supply chain environmental investments Pagell, M.; Wiengarten, F.; Fynes, B. International Journal of Production Research (2012 IF=1.460; Q2 Eng., Ind. Q2 Eng., Manuf. Q2 Oper. Res. & Manag. Sci.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 51, no. 2, 01/2013, p. 427-446 An unstated assumption in most business research is that a primary goal of managers is profit maximisation. Recently, managers have faced additional pressure to also address environmental issues, while maintaining profits. The literature suggests these goals are compatible and that organisations can and indeed need to address environmental issues as part of their profit maximisation efforts. However, institutional theory suggests that managers may have other goals that drive their decisions, beyond the desire to maximise profits. This research explores two institutions, the nation or country and industry, and their effects on the decision to make environmental investments. The results indicate that managers do indeed respond to institutions when making these decisions and that in some countries there is a general level of underinvestment in the environment, which is likely harming both organisational and environmental outcomes.
Wiengarten, Frank Investigating the impact of e-business applications on supply chain collaboration in the German automotive industry Wiengarten, F.; Humphreys, P.; McKittrick, A.; Fynes, B. International Journal of Operations & Production Management (2012 IF=1.252; Q3 Manag.) Emerald Vol. 33, no. 1, 01/2013, p. 25-48 Purpose - The internet and web-based technologies have enabled the integration of information systems across organisational boundaries in ways that were hitherto impossible. The measurement of e-business (EB) value
has been traditionally considered as a single construct. However, the desire to develop a comprehensive understanding of the impact of EB applications from a theoretical perspective has resulted in the modelling of multiple EB constructs. The impact of EB enabled collaboration on operational performance was also investigated. The purpose of this paper is to explore the enabling role of multiple dimensions of EB investigating if all EB applications impact directly and positively on supply chain collaboration. Design/ methodology/approach - A web-based survey was carried out to collect data within the German automotive industry. Structural equation modelling was conducted to test the measurement and structural model. Findings - The results provide justification for the modelling of EB in multiple dimensions. Furthermore, some EB applications impacted positively on supply chain collaboration whilst some did not. The results also proved that EB enabled collaboration impacted directly and positively on the multiple dimensions of operational performance tested. Practical implications - EB applications cannot be viewed by practising managers as being universally beneficial in improving collaboration across a buyer-supplier boundary. However, the results reveal that, by carefully selecting the most appropriate EB applications, operations improvement benefits can be realised across a range of operational metrics due to enhanced supply chain collaboration. Originality/value - The deconstruction of EB into multiple constructs will enable the measurement of EB value to be more accurately assessed. Furthermore, the direct impact of EB-enabled collaboration to facilitate interaction and integration and its impact on operational performance adds to the body of knowledge within the larger research field of supply chain collaboration.
Wiengarten, Frank ISO 14000 certification and investments in environmental supply chain management practices: Identifying differences in motivation and adoption levels between Western European and North American companies Wiengarten, F.; Pagell, M.; Fynes, B. Journal of Cleaner Production (2012 IF=3.398; Q1 Eng. Envir.; Q1 Envir. Sci.) Elsevier Vol. 56, no. 1 , 01/2013, p. 18-28 The adoption of an environmental management system (EMS) such as ISO 14000 is generally assumed to be part of a wider effort to reduce the supply chain’s environmental impacts. EMS can be divided into externally certified systems such as ISO 14000 and investments in internal EMS programs. It has been suggested that the adoption and implementation patterns for these systems vary based on motivational differences. Furthermore, there is also evidence suggesting that these motivational differences might lead to differences in EMS investment patterns between organizations situated in North America and Western Europe. This research explores differences in EMS adoption and investments in North America and Western Europe to gain a greater understanding of companies’ environmental motivations. More specifically, through survey data this research explores the differences in ISO 14000 certification and environmental supply chain investment levels between Western European and North American companies. Our results indicate that ISO 14000 is universally adopted as part of wider efforts to reduce supply chain environmental impacts, not as a legitimating tool.
journal articles | articles in journals with impact factor
Wiengarten, Frank Taking an innovative approach to quality practices: Exploring the importance of a company’s innovativeness on the success of TQM practices Wiengarten, F.; Fynes, B.; Cheng, E.; Chavez Clavijo, R. International Journal of Production Research (2012 IF=1.460; Q2 Eng., Ind. Q2 Eng., Manuf. Q2 Oper. Res. & Manag. Sci.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 51, no. 10, 02/2013, p. 3055-3074 Quality management practices such as total quality management (TQM) are continuously applied to improve firm performance. However, recent quality researchers have found contradictory performance evidence highlighting that the success of TQM might depend on various contextual factors. Specifically, researchers and practitioners have recognised similarities and considerable overlap between TQM and innovative practices, which suggests that innovativeness plays a contextual role. However, this putative relationship remains unexplored. The purpose of this study is to assess the importance of innovativeness to the success of TQM practices through applying contingency theory. Using data collected through a large-scale survey, we carry out an empirical study and produce robust results that strongly confirm such a contextual role of innovativeness. Specifically, we identify that the seven practices closely related to TQM, namely visionary leadership, internal and external cooperation, learning, process management, continuous improvement, employee fulfilment, and customer satisfaction, have a significantly stronger impact on operational performance in companies characterised by a high level of innovativeness.
Wiengarten, Frank The impact of contextual factors on the efficacy of ISO 9000 adoption Lo, C.; Wiengarten, F.; Humphreys, P.; Yeung, A.; Cheng, E. Journal of Operations Management (2012 IF= 4.400; Q1 Manag. ; FT45) Elsevier Vol. 31, no. 5, 07/2013, p. 229-235 This study investigates the importance of contextual factors on the efficacy of ISO 9000 adoption. We explore the role of various contextual factors at the firm-level (i.e., technology intensity, labor productivity, and labor intensity) and industry-level (i.e., industry efficiency level, industry competitiveness, industry sales growth, and industry ISO 9000 adoption level) that potentially impact the efficacy of ISO 9000 adoption. We carry out a hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analysis based on objective financial data from 438 U.S. manufacturing firms. The results show that firms with low technology intensity, low labor productivity and high labor intensity reap more benefit from ISO 9000 adoption. Firms in industries with low efficiency levels, high competition, high sales growth and low ISO 9000 adoption levels also obtain more benefit from the adoption. Our research provides supporting evidence for the context-dependent proposition of ISO 9000 adoption. Given the significant costs and resources involved, it is crucial for operations managers to assess to what extent ISO 9000 might benefit their performance before embarking on the implementation process.
Wiengarten, Frank The importance of quality management for the success of environmental management initiatives Wiengarten, F.; Pagell, M. International Journal of Production Economics (2012 IF=2.081; Q1 Eng., Ind. Q1 Eng., Manuf. Q1 Oper. Res. & Manag. Sci.) Elsevier Vol. 140, no. 1, 11/2012, p. 407-415 This paper investigates the importance of quality management practices for the success of environmental management initiatives. It has been recently established that sustainability initiatives whether in terms of social or environmental investments can improve organizational performance. Additionally, some authors have suggested striking similarities between environmental and quality practices and argued that a well functioning quality management system is a prerequisite for a successful environmental management system. However, it may be the case that having a well functioning quality management system enables a company to reap higher returns from its environmental management practices. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of quality management in the environmental management performance relationship. Specifically, we assess whether or not quality management practices interact with environmental practices to drive operational performance. This question was tested with survey data collected from 1142 plants. The study makes significant contributions to the quality and sustainability literature and implications are drawn to practice.
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Esteve Laporta, Marc Longo Martínez, Francisco La generación de innovación a través de la colaboración público-privada Revista Española de Cardiología (2012=3.204; Q2 Card. & Cardiovasc. Syst.) Elsevier Vol. 65, no. 9, 09/2012, p. 835-842 En este artículo se desarrolla la idea de cómo las distintas opciones colaborativas público-privadas implementadas por las organizaciones afectan a la generación de innovación a través de un estudio de caso: el del Banco de Sangre y Tejidos. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas a todo el equipo directivo de la organización analizada. Se codificaron las entrevistas y se realizó un análisis de contenidos. Esta información se trianguló con la revisión de documentos internos de la organización. Este artículo contribuye a generar conocimiento sobre la gestión de la innovación en colaboraciones público-privadas en salud identificando la existencia de distintas opciones en una organización para desarrollar innovación colaborativa entre los sectores público y privado: contratación, partenariados públicoprivados contractuales y partenariados institucionalizados. Se constata que la generación de innovación está directamente relacionada con el acuerdo institucional escogido para desarrollar cada proyecto, de modo que determinadas innovaciones no son posibles sin un grado elevado de madurez en la colaboración interorganizativa. Sin embargo, también cabe destacar que, a medida que la intensidad de la colaboración se incrementa, los costes también, y el control del proceso disminuye.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Abel Lluch, Xavier Análisis crítico de las excepciones procesales en la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Propuesta de lege ferenda Práctica de Tribunales: revista especializada de derecho procesal y mercantil La Ley No. 102, 05/2013, p. 62-77 El presente estudio analiza la regulación de las excepciones procesales en la Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil (LEC), dado que la función saneadora es uno de los objetivos de la audiencia previa. Se inicia el estudio precisando el concepto de excepción procesal, el orden de resolución de las excepciones procesales y la posibilidad de su resolución diferida, después de finalizada la audiencia previa. A continuación se analiza cada una de las excepciones procesales, su interpretación doctrinal y jurisprudencial, y las mejoras que pueden introducirse en la regulación legal. El estudio finaliza analizando el régimen de impugnación de la resolución de las excepciones procesales en la audiencia previa y recogiendo, en forma de propuesta de lege ferenda, la redacción de los artículos 416 a 425 de la LEC, con las mejoras legales razonadas y apuntadas.
Abel Lluch, Xavier La dosis de prueba: entre el common law y el civil law Doxa: Cuadernos de filosofía del derecho Universitat d’Alacant (UA). Vol. 36, no. 7, 07/2012, p. 988-1008 The judicial decision is based on a level of sufficiency of evidence. In common law systems there are two standards of proof. On the one hand,
beyond any reasonable doubt, based on the principle that it is preferable to acquit many guilty people rather than condemning one innocent person. It is used with the wording beyond any reasonable doubt or satisfied so that you feel sure, and the courts emphazise that the wording is not as important, as the jury’s degree of conviction about the culpability of the accused. On the other hand, the preponderance of evidence, also known as the balance of probabilities, used in civil actions, affirms that faced with different hypotheses the one with the highest degree of logical confirmations must prevail (more probable than not). The civil law system does not have an equivalent to the standards of evidence, and they refer to the rules of assessing evidence, especially “reasonable judgment”, understood as a system of free and reasoned assessment. There are also some case law constructions, such as in the criminal courts, which require minimum proof of guilt or the coefficient of the flexibility of the evidence. Both standards and rules of assessing evidence must be conceived as mechanisms that allow for a subjective decision-making process that is more objective and rational.
Abel Lluch, Xavier La función delimitadora de la audiencia previa Revista Vasca de Derecho Procesal y Arbitraje. Zuzenbide Procesala ta Arbitraia Euskal Alditkaria Instituto Vasco de Derecho Procesal Vol. 25, no. 1, 03/2013, p. 1-22 Una de las novedades de la Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil, ha sido la introducción de un trámite oral saneador, después de la fase de alegaciones, en la que el legislador ha concentrado una pluralidad de funciones, desde la función conciliadora a la función de proposición y admisión de prueba, pasando por la función saneadora y
journal articles | articles in refereed and peer reviewed journals
la función delimitadora de los términos del debate. En el presente artículo se analiza la función delimitadora de los términos del debate de la audiencia previa, situada tras la función saneadora y con anterioridad a la función de proposición y admisión de los medios de prueba, que suele ser una función con una práctica judicial muy heterógenea, debido a la multiplicidad de facultades que se otorgan a las partees y al juez en dicha fase. Tras señalar la finalidad y el alcance de esta función de la audiencia previa, se analizan individual y separadamente cada una de las facultades contenidas en los artículos 426 a 428 LEC, desde las alegaciones complementarias hasta la posibilidad de una segunda oportunidad conciliadora, intentando poner de manifiesto la gran potencialidad de esta fase, particularmente en orden a la fijación de los hechos controvertidos, presupuesto necesario del juicio de admisión de los medios de prueba.
Alfaro Faus, Manuel “Burbujas” y márketing: ¿de la realidad a la utopía?
Abel Lluch, Xavier La función de proposición y admisión de prueba en la audiencia previa
Almirall Mezquita, Esteve Lee, Melissa Jo Wareham, Jonathan Mapping living labs in the landscape of innovation methodologies
Estudios de Deusto Deusto Vol. 61, no. 1, 07/2013, p. 13-38 Una de las novedades de la ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil, ha sido la introducción de un trámite oral saneador, después de la fase de alegaciones, en la que el legislador ha concentrado una pluralidad de funciones, desde la función conciliadora a la función de proposición y admisión de prueba, pasando por la función saneadora y la función delimitadora de los términos del debate. En el presente artículo se analiza la función probatoria de la audiencia previa, y cada uno de los aspectos contenidos en los artículos 429 y 430 LEC, desde la forma y modo de proponer los medios de prueba, hasta los caracteres y presupuestos del juicio de admisión de los medios de prueba, pasando por la novedosa facultad de indicación de insuficiencia probatoria, para terminar con los aspectos relativos al señalamiento del juicio.
Aguilera Vaqués, Ruth Firm family firms: Current debates in corporate governance in family firms
Harvard Deusto Márketing & Ventas Deusto No. 116, 05/2013, p. 24-29 La burbuja inmobiliaria no es un fenómeno aislado. Estamos rodeados de otras “burbujas” no menos inquietantes. En diversidad de sectores y en distintas actividades, se aprecia un notable desajuste entre el volumen de productos y servicios que se ponen en circulación y la demanda real del mercado. ¿Por qué no han servido los avances aplicados al mercado para evitar la creación de esas burbujas?
Technology Innovation Management Review Talent First Network. Carleton University No. September 2012, 09/2012, p. 12-18 A growing interest in living labs as a mechanism for innovation has drawn significant attention to both the different flavours of this methodology and to the organizations that put it into practice. However, little has been done to assess its impact and to compare its contribution to other innovation methodologies. This article aims to cover that gap by summarizing the most common European living labs approaches and positioning them in the landscape of user-contributed innovation methodology. The merits and appropriateness of living labs in these settings are also assessed.
Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen The proof is in the pudding: Arbitrage is possible in limited emerging markets
Aguilera, R., Crespi Cladera, R. Journal of Family Business Strategy Elsevier Vol. 3, no. 2, 06/2012, p. 66-69
Ansotegui, C.; Bassiouny, A. & Tooma, E. Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money Elsevier Vol. 23, 02/2013, p. 342-357
We reassess the effects of family ownership and strong family control on non-family minority and non-controlling shareholders. We argue that assumptions and interpretations regarding the cost and benefits of family ownership in the extant literature need to be understood relative to other firm governance arrangements. More specifically, we posit and examine the relevance of the private benefits of family control in two key circumstances: top executive succession and the nature of family business groups. Diverse outcomes are shown to be contingent on the national institutional settings where firms are located.
We investigate whether arbitrage trades exist in emerging markets with trading barriers. Using two-year intraday data for 16 Argentinean and Egyptian depository receipts and their underlying stock, we find large intraday deviations from parity. We extend the standard arbitrage identification procedure to account for volumes and precise dynamic measures of trading costs, resulting in 9.81% and 15.32% of Argentinean and Egyptian matched trades identified as arbitrage opportunities, which we show, result in real profitable arbitrage trades. Arbitrage profits of USD 1.8 million from Argentinean and USD 1.2 million from Egyptian depository receipts were estimated over the sample period.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Arenas Vives, Daniel The challenge of future generations for business ethics
Dolan, Simon Predictors of the decision to retire among nurses in Spain
Arenas Vives, D. : Rodrigo Ramírez, P. Journal of Management for Global Sustainability International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS) Vol. 1, no. 1, 06/2013, p. 47-69
Burke, R.; Dolan, S.; Fiksenbaum, L. International Journal of Nursing The International Journal of Nursing (IJN) Vol. 1, no. 2, 06/2013, p. 25-32
This article reviews the problematic surrounding the concept of future generations, which is intertwined with questions concerning intergenerational justice, weak sustainability, non-existence, non-identity, and motivation. It also claims that business ethics should deal with intergenerational issues but cannot ignore the philosophical challengesinvolved. Based on the distinction between future generations and overlapping generations, we suggest focusing on the latter to avoid the difficulties of theformer, and to facilitate the connection with organizational concerns. The distinction between overlapping and future generations relies on the notions of thick and thin morality, and is illustrated through a parallelism with theethics of memory and the idea of indirect reciprocity. Finally, we inquire howobligations toward overlapping generations can be included in the framework of stakeholder theory.
Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge Pacta sunt servanda, imprevisión contractual y alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias Revista Aranzadi de Derecho Patrimonial Aranzadi No. 29, 12/2012, p. 71-106 El Tribunal Supremo aplica de forma muy restrictiva la doctrina rebus sic stantibus. Esta aplicación restrictiva no solo deriva de los requisitos de aplicación de la referida doctrina sino también de la supuesta excepción que su aplicación supone al principio pacta sunt servanda. Sin embargo, un recto entendimiento, no extralimitado, del principio pacta sunt servanda hace posible alcanzar una conclusión alternativa. Esto es, reconocer que la alteración sobrevenida de circunstancias debe tener alguna incidencia en el cumplimiento contractual no supone una excepción al principio pacta sunt servanda por cuanto la obligatoriedad del contrato no debe extenderse más allá de lo expresamente pactado y al riesgo que debió ser asumido por las partes.
Costa Guix, Gerard Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Midiendo y optimizando los resultados Harvard Deusto Márketing & Ventas Deusto No. 113, 11/2012, p. 22-29 Cada vez se utilizan más métricas, estadísticas y análisis cuantitativos para mejorar las estrategias del Departamento de Márketing, pero muchos directivos desconocen cómo aprovechar esa información para el beneficio de la empresa.
Background: Nurses typically retire in their late 50s and since nursing shortages exist in most countries understanding nursing staff decisions to retire might open up possibilities of encouraging and supporting them to remain in the workforce longer. Objective: This study examines potential predictors of retirement intentions amongst nurses working in Spain. Population: All registered nurses in Spain with 50 years old or more. Methods: Survey. Data were collected with the collaboration of the regional nursing associations in Spain using anonymous online questionnaires employed to nursing staff (n=497) for those who are 50 years or older. Results: Nurses indicated their interest in retiring, their planning for retirement, and their expectations for retiring. Results show that retirement intentions were higher in nursing staff that were older, experienced higher levels of burnout, indicated poorer levels of self-reported health, and reported greater job demands and more negative work attitudes (less affective commitment, job involvement, work engagement). The majority of these were “push” factors which are related to dissatisfaction in the workplace. Conclusion: Organizations can and should create age-friendly workplaces enabling them to cope with the nursing shortage and workplaces can be changed to better accommodate the needs and expectations of older employees.
Dolan, Simon Lo que vale el trabajo en el sector público: estudio exploratorio del significado de los valores organizacionales en el sector público en Perú Gabel Shemueli, R.; Yamada Fukusaki, G.; Dolan, S. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Elsevier Vol. 29, no. 3, 08/2013, p. 15-20 This exploratory study examines organizational values in the Peruvian public sector. These values were classified and rank ordered according to the tri-axial model under three main axes: ethical, economic, and emotional. A sample of 338 public servants in mid to high level positions participated in this study. The main results show that 42 out of the 62 values were classified in the three axes mentioned above and that all of the 5 dominant values belonged to the pragmatic axis. In addition, some variations in the classification of values due to demographic and organizational factors were identified. The conclusions and recommendations highlight the importance to continue studying the topic of values in the public sector, in order to understand their potential practical implications for people management.
journal articles | articles in refereed and peer reviewed journals
Dolan, Simon Managing by values: The leadership spirituality connection Dolan, S.; Altman, Y. People & Strategy Human Resource Planning Society (HRPS) Vol. 35, no. 4, 12/2012, p. 21-26 The article discusses the significance of management by values in defining a company’s core culture and competitive strategy. It notes the need for leaders to build culture based on shared values and explains a proposed framework for understanding the organization’s value system. The article clarifies the Tri-axial Model of Values which includes economic-pragmatic values, ethical-social values, and emotional-developmental values.
Dolan, Simon Bao, Yuanjie Sharing the culture: Embedding storytelling and ethics in the culture change management process Journal of Management and Change Estonian Business School (EBS) Vol. 29, no. 1, 11/2012, p. 10-23 This paper applies a social constructivist and interactional view to storytelling and argues that employees can play an agency role in the storytelling process. We claim that values play a crucial role in this process and assert that value congruence is the key to ethical storytelling processes. We also introduce a valueladen storytelling process model
and review the literature incorporating value congruence and storytelling based on this model. In addition, we examine the role of shared storytelling in the organizational change process using several value-laden storytelling cases to illustrate our theoretical arguments. Lastly, we discuss the implications for research and practice.
Dolan, Simon Raich, Mario Coaching by values, entrepreneurship and care: A framework for reengineering an innovative and sustainable culture Kindai Management Review Kinki University Vol. 28, no. 2, 02/2013, p. 19-20 In this paper we present a model of coaching by values (CBV) as an important philosophical and practical framework for leaders enabling systemic culture reengineering in today’s chaotic business and economic environment. We briefly discuss the evolution of management philosophy from what we call “management by instruction” (MBI) to “management by objectives” (MBO), and on to “management by values” (MBV). Assuming rules anchored in complexity theory, we extend the logic to propose an emerging concept of coaching by values (CBV) and a set of critical tools for effectively managing a values-based and innovation-induced corporate environment. We also present Raich double loop model of change to highlight the origins and possibilities presented to a change agent in redesigning the culture of a given firm. It describes the three essential components that an effective change agent needs in creating a sustainable culture of success: a coherent concept, a clear methodology and some concrete tools.
Research Group on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning (GRACO) GRACO, formed in 2005 as a research group quickly achieved internal prestige for its work in learning, knowledge management and research. GRACO led the way at ESADE in the studies of knowledgein-context, of practice-based learning, of knowledge transfer and the study of narratives and rhetoric in economics and management sciences. The GRACO lines of research are: research and innovation management; knowledge in the organization; team learning and communication and networks and inter-organizational relations. This multi-disciplinary group gives special attention to empirical studies, accentuating a research philosophy that is very closely linked to companies and their problems. Respectful of all philosophies and research methods, GRACO particularly supports qualitative methods and the use of innovative research methodology. This is currently a consolidated research group recognized by the Catalan Government.
Elena Bou, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Fabregat Feldsztajn, Jordi Selección de inversiones Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección ACCID No. 15, 12/2012, p. 36-60
Las decisiones de inversión en la empresa tienen como objetivo aumentar el valor de la misma. Las variables clave que debemos conocer son dos. El flujo de caja que genera el activo y el coste de la financiación que necesitamos para financiarlo. Los métodos que nos permiten decidir son básicamente el periodo de recuperación de la inversión, el valor actual neto y la tasa interna de rentabilidad. Detallamos algunos aspectos que hacen del TIR un método que nos puede generar incoherencias, en especial en las decisiones de jerarquización. Asimismo al final dedicamos un apartado a las hipótesis de mantenimiento de la estructura financiera que suele pasar desapercibido cuando decidimos por valor actual neto.
Gimbert Ràfols, Xavier Gestión estratégica en entornos turbulentos. ¿Qué podemos aprender de la experiencia de las empresas argentinas? Gimbert Ràfols, X.; Ast , F. Harvard Deusto Business Review Deusto No. 220, 02/2013, p. 6-18 Tras cinco años de dura crisis la situación española a inicios del año 2013 guarda un cierto paralelismo con la Argentina del año 2001. Derrumbe económico, 25% de paro, bancos en quiebra, masivas protestas sociales, deuda pública insostenible, y colapso del sistema político; tras cuatro años de depresión, la Argentina de 2001 era un país en graves problemas. Mientras miles de empresas cerraban o se ajustaban, unas pocas interpretaban el contexto turbulento como una oportunidad para sentar las bases de un crecimiento futuro. La experiencia argentina debería aportar ideas a las compañías españolas para afrontar las dificultades de la crisis. El artículo se basa en entrevistas a los responsables de cinco empresas argentinas, de diverso tamaño, sectores y posición competitiva, que no solamente superaron la durísima crisis del año 2001 sino que la aprovecharon para reinventarse y mejorar su situación. Se presentan estructuradamente los cambios estratégicos realizados, así como otras decisiones clave que tomaron.
Ginés Castellet, Nuria Impugnación de acuerdos sociales y abuso de derecho: algunas reflexiones para el ordenamiento jurídico español a la luz de la experiencia francesa Revista de Derecho de Sociedades Aranzadi No. 40, 06/2013, p. 273-315 La invocación de la doctrina del abuso de derecho y de otras construcciones jurídicas más o menos próximas, tales como el abuso o la
desviación de poder, la infracción del deber del respeto a la buena fe o incluso el fraude a la ley no es algo extraño en la formulación y resolución de los conflictos por parte no solo de los Tribunales (que los ventilan directamente) sino también por parte de los autores (que, evidentemente, no los resuelven de forma directa, pero intentan contribuir a ello con el ofrecimiento de análisis y soluciones). El propósito de este trabajo es adentrarse en este intricado panorama desde una visión más apegada al elemento abuso de derecho.
Guzmán Garza, Francisco Iglesias Bedós, Oriol The multi-sensory and multi-experiential brand challenge Journal of Product and Brand Management Emerald Vol. 21, no. 6, 09/2012, p. 487-490 Technological innovation is changing the way consumers interact with brands. Consumers today have increased access to information and are more market-savvy. Emerging technological platforms allow consumers to express and share their opinions about the brands they experience (McAlexander et al., 2002; Muniz and O’Guinn, 2001). These changes have led to a power transfer from organizations to brand communities and, as a result, an increase in consumer power over brands (Cova and Dalli, 2010). In some cases this power transfer has been so dramatic that the concept of brand hijacking has emerged (Cova and Pace, 2006). Recent examples such as The Gap’s failed attempt to change their logo and Mountain Dew’s failed attempt to update their image illustrate the new kind of challenge that brand management faces: brands are evermore owned and controlled by consumers.
Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Claves para innovar en marca de forma rentable y gestionar un portafolio sostenible Harvard Deusto Márketing & Ventas Deusto No. 116, 05/2013, p. 46-52 ¡Innovación! Esta es sin duda una de las palabras más repetidas en las reuniones de altos ejecutivos, en las presentaciones de planes de marketing y en las juntas de accionistas. Y los directivos recurren a ella como la palanca fundamental que debe asegurar el crecimiento futuro sostenible de cualquier marca y/o empresa. Pero las preguntas clave que estos mismos directivos deberían hacerse en relación a la innovación son: ¿Realmente la innovación siempre conlleva un incremento de la rentabilidad? ¿Todas las innovaciones generan repercusiones positivas para la compañía? Ciertamente, la innovación en mercados maduros es extraordinariamente importante. En estos entornos, donde el nivel de competencia es muy alto y además una gran parte de las ofertas son bastante indiferenciadas, la innovación puede ayudarnos a generar una propuesta de valor diferenciada o a crear un nuevo mercado. Ahora bien, la investigación demuestra que la mayoría de innovaciones que se lanzan al mercado no consiguen aportar ninguno de estos dos beneficios y si importantes interferencias al buen funcionamiento de la empresa, así como un daño considerable a su cuenta de resultados.
journal articles | articles in refereed and peer reviewed journals
Martell Sotomayor, Janette University social responsibility: Origins, scope, and potential future Journal of International Business Education Neilson Journals Publishing Vol. 7, no. 2012, 12/2012, p. 77-102 The purpose of this paper is to examine, through an extensive literature review, the concept of University Social Responsibility (USR) and the main promoters, initiatives, and approaches that have contributed to its development, as well as to reflect on its significance and potential future for the benefit of students and the interest of society. The United Nations and UNESCO are given credit for having been the most eager promoters of the in-depth renewal of universities, pursuing, along with renowned proponents, the principles of what has become known as USR. These principles are analysed, upholding with a comprehensive vision the values of ethics, social responsibility and sustainability as essential components in the renewal of universities and university education, because the fundamental design of USR is to instil in university students, faculty, administration, and stakeholders, the awareness, ideals, and convictions of ethics, social responsibility and sustainability to guide the values of their day-to-day practise. However, this ambitious, though necessary, implementation requires a realistic approach: it implies a complex and long-term process, due to the indispensable preconditions for its successful undertaking and consolidation. The relationship between corporate social responsibility and university social responsibility is substantiated, and the pivotal role of PRME in the materialisation of the objectives of USR is analysed. Considering the relative novelty and significance of the subject, it merits further research into its development and implementation.
Murillo Bonvehí, David CSR, SMES and social capital: An empirical study and conceptual reflection Murillo Bonvehí, D.; Vallentin, S. Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics Universitat Ramon Llull. Càtedra Ethos Vol. 3, no. 3, 12/2012, p. 17-46 This paper is a response to the opening of new lines of research on CSR and SMEs (Thompson & Smith, 1991; Spence, 1999; Moore & Smith, 2006; Spence, 2007). It seeks to explore the business case for CSR in this corporate segment. The paper, which is based on four case studies of mediumsized firms in the automotive sector, took the distinctive approach of trying to understand the nature of CSR-like activities developed not by best-in-class CSR-driven companies but by purely competitiveness-driven firms. The case studies provide explicit evidence that the CSR activities of SMEs and the notion of social capital are interrelated, turning social capital into a powerful instrument to better explain what academic literature has called silent CSR practices. The analysis that follows questions some of the basic tenets that underpin the branch of business ethics that deals with the nature of SMEs’ approach to CSR. Four basic concerns, which take the form of propositions for further research, serve as the basis for this analysis: a) A definition of CSR that includes most of the actions taken by all companies in the territory contributes no academic value to the discipline b) Any study of the motivation behind these CSR actions must reflect their essentially pragmatic nature. Actions are linked to social values but also, more importantly, to the nature of
the competitive environment c) Business ethics must seek common ground with other more sociological disciplines if it is to explain the reasons behind this type of action d) Any study of this kind of practice requires a dual approach: a) normative when using tools developed by CSR; and b) descriptive and instrumental using the notion of social capital.
Plans Esperabe, Joan Consiguiendo elefantes surfistas, o las seis principales ineficiencias de las grandes empresas Plans Esperabe, J.; Carol, S. Harvard Deusto Business Review Deusto No. 217, 11/2012, p. 12-24 Un conocido profesor de bioquímica comparaba la eficiencia de los procesos metabólicos de los organismos vivos con los mecanismos de transmisión de energía de un motor mecánico. Y ni siquiera los motores más sofisticados del momento resistían la comparación: la disipación de energía en forma de calor (pura ineficiencia) de los motores es muy superior a la de, por ejemplo, el cuerpo humano.
Sanchez Monasterio, Manu Casaburi, Ivana Dominar las redes sociales chinas Harvard Deusto Márketing & Ventas Deusto No. 115, 03/2013, p. 56-62 Para la clase media alta china, la marca occidental no existe si no está en RenRen (el Facebook chino) o Sina Weibo (el Twitter chino). Conocer los mecanismos de las redes sociales del país asiático nos permitirá adentrarnos en un mercado de millones de consumidores. Cualquier empresa que quiera tener éxito en el mercado chino debe estar presente de manera activa en las redes sociales del país, por ejemplo, RenRen, Youku o Sina Weibo. Éstas tienen una tremenda influencia en el proceso de compra del consumidor, en una red que cuenta con 817 millones de usuarios. Apostar por los bloggers de referencia y satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios que utilizan smartphones nos ayudará a tener una marca líder. Este articulo define el perfil del consumidor más activo en redes sociales en China así como la forma de achinar la oferta en los diferentes canales digitales.
Sierra Olivera, Vicenta User satisfaction as the foundation of the success following an ERP adoption: An empirical study from Latin America Maldonado Beltrán, M.; Sierra Olivera, V. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems IGI Global Vol. 9, no. 3, 08/2013, p. 77-99 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) adoptions keep consolidating as a critical IT initiative in developing regions. Although Latin America has
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
exhibited lately the largest growth in terms of ERP adoption rate worldwide, there is a gap in the literature focused in examining the success and underlying causes of such adoptions there. This study develops and tests a theoretical model proposing factors that determine the success of ERP Latin American adoptions. A qualitative exploration proposes a model which is corroborated empirically with data from 49 firms using Structural Equations Modeling. The results suggest that User Satisfaction is the foundation for the success and its key role as a mediator between ERP Ease of Use capacities, Formal Communication Program, Project Implementation Success and the Success of the Adoption is also introduced. These results are compared with existing studies and the implications of the findings for research and practice are discussed.
Singh, Jatinder Jit A special emphasis and look at the emotional side of ethical decision-making Vitell, S.; King, R.; Singh, J. AMS Review Springer Vol. 3, no.2, 06/2013, p. 74-85 An overwhelming preponderance of the literature in marketing and consumer ethics assumes that decision makers follow cognitive, rational processes. While this is certainly a logical and valid approach to this topic, it tends to overlook an important aspect of ethical decision making, namely the decision maker’s emotions or emotional state. Recently some scholars have begun to examine this “other side” of ethical decision making. Thus the current paper examines the literature regarding the role of emotions in ethical decision making, providing both an examination and synthesis of this literature. The paper culminates in both a theoretical model as well as testable research propositions.
Suárez Barraza, Manuel Fco. Ramis Pujol, Juan Changing quality of life through the personal kaizen approach: A qualitative study Suárez-Barraza, M.F.; Ramis Pujol, J.; Dahlgaard-Park, S. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences Emerald Vol. 5, no. 2, 04/2013, p. 100-130 Purpose. Imai (1989, p. 23) defined Kaizen as: “a means of continuing improvement in personal life, home life, social life, and working life. At the workplace, Kaizen means continuing improvement involving everyonemanagers and workers alike”. According to Imai, Kaizen can take at least three forms: 1) Kaizen management, 2) Group Kaizen, and 3) Individual Kaizen. In this last form, the strength of the continuous improvement of this Japanese management approach is focused on the work of each person as an individual. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore how some people have applied Personal Kaizen to their personal lives in order to improve their quality of life. The research question that drives the study is: How do some people apply Personal Kaizen in order to improve
their quality of life? Design/methodology/approach. An exploratory qualitative study was conducted. Using theoretical sampling we identified and interviewed three persons who have implemented Personal Kaizen in their daily lives in order to change their quality of life. Similarly, we used documentary references of the three cases cited to generate a crosscase analysis of the methodological techniques uses. This paper analyses the cases of three persons who have implemented Personal Kaizen in their lives in order to change their quality of life. We cross the empirical data with the theoretical framework of Kaizen and quality of life.
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Repositioning of Barcelona’s image in the light of a redefinition of the urban tourism planning model Valls Giménez, J.; Banchini, S.; Falcón, L.; Valls Tuñon, G. Pasos. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) Vol. 11, no. 1, 01/2013, p. 89-105 El modelo de desarrollo urbanístico-turístico de Barcelona en los últimos quince años ha obtenido un éxito extraordinario en cuanto a número de visitantes, pernoctaciones, llegadas de pasajeros de cruceros, incremento de camas hoteleras y visitas a monumentos de pago. De este modo, la ciudad se ha convertido en una de las ciudades más visitadas de Europa y de mayor crecimiento del número de turistas. Pero, este crecimiento cuantitativo ha generado masificación turística, concentración en determinados barrios, enfrentamiento por el uso del espacio urbano entre turistas y residentes, además de generar algunas deficiencias infraestructurales como la conectividad y la intermodalidad. Estos problemas amenazan la posición competitiva de Barcelona. Este artículo revisa la competitividad entre las ciudades, comparando Barcelona con otras diez ciudades europeas. A partir de un análisis cualitativo a los players internos y externos y de un Estudio Delphi con players externos, se exploran las correcciones que hay que introducir en el modelo y los vectores del reposicionamiento. Esta nueva posición refuerza la competitividad en base a tres objetivos: la sostenibilidad del modelo, la gestión integral de la metrópolis turística y su gobernanza, y la orientación al cliente.
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Parera Olm, Antoni Cuatro casos de innovación hotelera Valls Giménez, J.; Parera Olm, A.; Sánchez, C. Harvard Deusto Business Review Deusto No. 224, 06/2013, p. 26-39 Meliá ha flexibilizado su modelo de distribución y ha convertido en el canal de venta más rentable del grupo. Iberostar ha optado por expandirse hacia Brasil y el Caribe. Barceló ha apostado fuerte por la gestión de personas (con programas de desarrollo directivo y planes de formación continua). Mientras que Riu ha lanzado su app en Facebook. Son algunas de las acciones con las que cuatro de los principales grupos hoteleros españoles se han enfrentado a la crisis. Aunque existen diferentes visiones entre ellos, la innovación ha sido su denominador común.
journal articles | articles in refereed and peer reviewed journals
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Parera Olm, Antoni Tourism innovations and competitiveness in times of crisis Valls Giménez, J.F.; Parera Olm, A.; Andrade Suárez, M.J. Enlightening Tourism: A Pathmaking Journal Universidad de Huelva (UHU) Vol. 2, no. 2, 12/2012, p. 73-106 In the current economic crisis, nations try to identify those sectors that can best help them find the path back to growth. Spain hopes that tourism will play this role. The problem is that the industry has been losing competitiveness over the last few years as a result of the structural problems arising from mass, low-cost tourism. Innovation seems to be the only way out of this morass and of improving competitiveness and leading the country out of recession. This paper looks at the relationship between innovation and competitiveness by identifying the nature and degree of innovation applied by Spanish firms in the tourism sector. This field work found ten dimensions of innovation. Analysis of these revealed that Spanish companies tend to see innovation in a reactive way (cost-cutting, staff cuts, greater management and process control) rather than in an active fashion (creating products, re-engineering the business model, internationalisation). Thus the study makes both academic and practical contributions. On the one hand, the empirical work in the management field in the various tourism sub-sectors (hotels, restaurants, transport, intermediation, leisure and similar) allows one to relate innovation with competitiveness - in which the former is vital for the latter (Larios, 1999; Porter, 1990; Chesnais, 1986). On the other hand, given the difficulties for companies in general and tourism firms in particular in articulating an innovation policy, the findings yield innovation models that could be applied to other Spanish and European companies.
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Sureda Pascual, Joan La revolución de la sensibilidad al precio Harvard Deusto Márketing & Ventas Deusto No. 112, 09/2012, p. 76-82 La reinvención de los modelos de negocio de numerosas empresas a lo largo de la década de 2000 ha abierto vías definitivas de reducción de costes. La reordenación de los factores productivos genera importantes ahorros en los costes, que trasladados convenientemente a los consumidores, han supuesto un doble fenómeno. El primero, el incremento de productos y servicios más baratos en el mercado. El segundo, la modificación de la relación entre la calidad y el precio; si hasta ahora la sensibilidad al precio se fundamentaba en el estricto alineamiento entre la calidad y el precio (más calidad, más precio; menos calidad, menos precio), ahora se basa en el pricing for value, es decir, en lo que el cliente está dispuesto a pagar en cada momento por el valor ofrecido. Roto el equilibrio tradicional, los compradores contemporáneos desean productos y servicios en los que calidad y precio se conjugan de muy distintas formas; de este modo, aceptan propuestas de valor de las empresas bajo múltiples combinaciones, sin menoscabo de ninguno de los dos. Estos cambios en la sensibilidad al precio obligan a revisar tanto las
tipologías de los consumidores a la luz de los valores contemporáneos de consumo, como la representación de los precios los cuales se ven muy enriquecidos; todo ello altera enormemente las posiciones de ambos dentro del escenario de las marcas.
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Computer-mediated communication in ALICE RAP: A methodology to enhance the quality of large-scale transdisciplinary research Mittelmark, M.; Bitarello, M.; Anderson, P.; Gual, A.; Ysa Figueras, T.; The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal National Research Council Canada Vol. 17, no. 3, 12/2012, p. 1-14 The solving of complex social problems often calls on the public sector to stimulate, support and coordinate multidisciplinary, multi sector action programmes, including public research programmes. When actors from disparate backgrounds and viewpoints gather to formulate and implement solutions, achieving effective communication is a special challenge. Computer mediated communication (CMC) is often helpful in this regard, but it is still under development. A CMC innovation addressed by this research project is how scientific methods can be used to analyse, interpret and feedback CMC data and results to management, to facilitate large scale publically financed transnational and transdisciplinary research (TDR). In a qualitative study design, data were collected at the first research meeting of EU’s Addictions and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe Reframing Addictions Project (ALICE RAP), in Barcelona, May 2011. The participants were 104 scientists with backgrounds in more than 40 disciplines/specialties from 73 research institutions in 31 countries. Three CMC discussions were conducted with the scientists working simultaneously in groups of approximately 10, used computers to post comments to TV monitors visible to all participants, on three subjects: how ALICE RAP should be managed, what its mission should be, and the scientists’ diverse values and ideas regarding addiction research and policy. The CMC produced 510 posts, 212 on management, 146 on mission and 152 on values, analysed using content analysis. Participants discussed their disciplinary, language and cultural diversity, and the need to manage diversity to avoid problems. They raised the issue that ALICE RAP is not just TDR, it is also transcultural, and this adds another challenge to TDR. The discussion about values revealed a preference for reframing addictions so as to reduce stigmatization and marginalization. It is concluded that CMC is a viable way to facilitate dialogue about complex issues in the conduct of TDR on addictions, when large numbers of scientists from highly divergent backgrounds are involved. The findings from analyzing CMC data can be used by managers to fine tune functioning and collaboration in a very complex research network like ALICE RAP, as well as other types of public sector networks.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
JOURNAL articles articles in other relevant journals
Abel Lluch, Xavier Criterios de valoración de la prueba en general y de la testifical en particular Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 8014, 02/2013, p. 18-19
Abel Lluch, Xavier Facultad de considerar como ficta admissio la conducta del legal representante del demandado Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 7947, 10/2012, p. 17-18
Comentario a la SAP Madrid (sección 10ª) de 29 de febrero de 2012. Trata sobre la valoración de la prueba testifical y destaca tanto la importancia tanto de lo que el testigo afirma o manifiesta (declaración de ciencia) cuanto el motivo de su afirmación (fuente de conocimiento), y nos recuerda que las relaciones personales del testigo con las partes y con los hechos pueden ponerse de manifiesto por distintos cauces.
En este artículo se analiza la facultad de considerar como ficta admissio la conducta del legal representante de una entidad demandada y que no ha comparecido al juicio, pese a estar citada en legal forma, cuando la declaración de dicho legal representante constituía un medio idóneo -y probablemente el más adecuado- para acreditar los hechos controvertidos.
Abel Lluch, Xavier Eficacia probatoria del dictamen no ratificado y del dictamen sin juramento o promesa de decir verdad
Abel Lluch, Xavier La función conciliadora en la audiencia previa: presupuestos, facultades judiciales y límites
Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 8119, 07/2013, p. 16-17
Revista Jurídica Valenciana Valencia: Associació de Juristes Valencians (AJV) No. 30, 07/2013, p. 1-26
En este artículo, y en un comentario a la Sentencia, Sala Primera, del Tribunal Supremo de 11 de julio de 2012 (ponente Dº Jesús Corbal Fernández) trata sobre la eficacia jurídica del dictamen pericial cuando no ha sido ratificado en juicio, y en general cuando el dictamen pericial carezca del juramento o promesa de decir verdad, como prueba fundamental.
Este artículo se centra en una de las funciones de la audiencia previa, la función conciliadora, y partiendo de la parquedad de la regulación legal (arts. 415 y 428.2 LEC) se intenta analizar asapectos sobre los que el legislador ha guardado silencio o apenas aparecen regulados. En particular, los presupuestos para que pueda existir conciliación. Entre las facultades judiciales en la conciliación se enumeran la facultad de comprobar la subsistencia del litigio, la facultad de exhortar a las partes para que alcancen un acuerod, la facultad de centrar la controversia y
la facultad de suspender las actuaciones para propiciar un acuerdo entre las partes. Y como límites a la facultad de conciliar se señalan los de no alterar las pretensiones de las partes ni los hechos alegados por las partes, no imponer un acuerdo, no prejuzgar la cuestión y no utilizar técnicas coercitivas.
Abel Lluch, Xavier La provisión de fondos del perito y la necesidad de su reforma legal Iuris: Actualidad y Práctica del Derecho Madrid: La Ley No. 191, 05/2013, p. 38-40 En este artículo se analiza la regulación de la provisión de fondos en la Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero de Enjuiciamiento Civil, y se opta por extraer la regulación de la provisión fondos del actual artículo 342.3 LEC y dotarle de autonomía en el artículo separado de la LEC, de mayor contenido que el actual y con una propuesta de lege ferenda.
Abel Lluch, Xavier Límites del derecho a la prueba en la pericial y el interrogatorio de testigos Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 8119, 07/2013, p. 17-20 Este artículo, y a partir de un comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, Sala de lo Civil, de 18 de julio de 2012 (Ponente. Dº Rafael Gimeno-Bayón Cobos) se abordan los límites de la prueba, en especial de la pericial y el interrogatorio de testigos y la relación entre la institución de la carga de la prueba y el principio de elasticidad de la prueba.
Abel Lluch, Xavier No aportación inicial del título de propiedad en un desahucio Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 7947, 10/2012, p. 18-19 Este artículo trata sobre la falta de aportación inicial de los documentos que acreditan la titularidad del actor del inmueble sobre el que interesa el desahucio del demandado y su pretendida subsanación posterior.
Abel Lluch, Xavier No necesidad de “ratificación” en el acto del juicio del dictamen pericial Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 7947, 10/2012, p. 16-17 En este artículo se analiza la innecesariedad de ratificación de los dictámenes periciales aportados con los escritos inciales de alegaciones a efectos de la eficacia probatoria de la prueba percial.
Abel Lluch, Xavier Percepción judicial y constancia documental en la prueba de reconocimiento judicial Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 8014, 02/2013, p. 19-20 Comentario a la STSJ Galicia (Sala de lo Civil y Penal, sección 1ª), de 18 de junio de 2012. Destaca la relevancia del acta en el prueba de reconocimiento judicial, y de hacer constar en ella la fidedigna constancia de las percepciones del Juez, así como las firmas de todos los asistentes.
Abel Lluch, Xavier Titulación necesaria para emitir el dictamen pericial Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 8119, 07/2013, p. 20-21 En este artículo se comenta la Sentencia de la Audiencia Provincial de Orense, sección 2ª, de 30 de septiembre de 2003 (Ponente Dº Fernando Alañón Olmedo) y se aborda la titulación necesaria para emitir el dictamen pericial y los efectos probatorios del informe emitido por perito sin la titulación oficial idónea.
Bou Alameda, Elena L’energia: la innovació d’avui, la prosperitat de demà Revista Econòmica de Catalunya Barcelona: Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya (CEC) No. 66, 12/2012, p. 120-123 La innovació en el sector energètic és una necessitat més que una opció ja que, per tal que la nostra societat continuï el ritme de creixement i mantingui la qualitat de vida, cal més energia, més barata i amb menys impacte mediambiental. L’entorn ha percebut aquesta necessitat i en els últims anys s’han produït iniciatives que, des de diferents àmbits, donen suport al desenvolupament tecnològic, la in-
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
novació col·laborativa i la creació d’empreses. Només el futur determinarà quines d’aquestes innovacions resulten ser realment disruptives i determinants per al nostre sistema productiu i la nostra societat. Avui dia no hi ha una àrea o una tecnologia concreta que prevalgui sobre les altres i les innovacions s’estan produint al llarg de tota la cadena de valor de l’energia, afectant no només la indústria del sector energètic sinó els seus proveïdors, tot el sistema productiu i fins i tot el consumidor. No obstant això, les noves tecnologies no són suficients. La innovació energètica és sistèmica. No n’hi ha prou amb el desenvolupament d’una tecnologia sinó que a més s’han de presentar una sèrie de factors. Així, el mercat ha de ser madur, el capital accessible i l’inversor disposat a apostar pel llarg termini. D’altra banda, es necessiten polítiques energètiques amb marcs legals estables i l’existència de talent, procedent d’universitats i centres educatius capaços de formar els professionals de demà. Finalment, no podem oblidar la resposta social, ja que la conjunció de tots aquests factors serà reeixida si comptem amb un clima social i un ciutadà sensible a la qüestió energètica que sigui capaç de canviar els seus hàbits per a un futur energètic que faci més amb menys.
Bou Alameda, Elena Networks of innovation and new modes of PPP: The case of KIC InnoEnergy The European Files Brussels (Belgium): European Commission No. 26, 02/2013, p. 40-42 KICs (Knowledge and Innovation Communities) are a new concept in the innovation scenario and though many notians have been used to describe them, few have analyzed them as public-private partnership (PPP). This article explores this new form of collaboration structures under the PPP lenses and that new forms of governance are part of the innovation equation.
Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep Análisis y previsión de la coyuntura económica Informe Económico Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía No. 14, 01/2013, p. 7-35 A nivel global la recuperación económica sigue mostrando poca fortaleza y se ve amenazada por varios peligros. La economía global creció un 3,3 % en 2012 y apenas superará el 3,5 % en 2013. La evolución de las economías desarrolladas se sitúa por debajo de esta cifra: crecieron por término medio un 1,3 % en 2012 y lo harán un 1,5 % este 2013. Por el contrario, las economías en desarrollo muestran, en general, una mayor capacidad de crecimiento: a nivel agregado lo hicieron un 6,2 % en 2012 y lo harán por encima del 5 % en 2013.
Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep Economic Overview. January 2013 Informe Económico Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía No. Special issue, 01/2013, p. 1-15
“A global economic recovery still looks uncertain and is threatened on various fronts. The global economy grew by 3.3 % in 2012 and this figure will rise to just over 3.5 % in 2013. Developed economies, on average, are growing at a slower rate: 1.3 % in 2012 and 1.5 % in 2013. By contrast, developing economies generally show a greater capacity for growth: on an aggregate level of 6.2 % in 2012, with 5 % expected for 2013...” This Overview is based on ESADE’s Economic Report, January 2013, produced by the Department of Economics.
Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep Economic Overview. June 2013 Castiñeira Fernández, Àngel L’espai públic en una societat democràtica Via: Valors, Idees, Actituds: Revista del Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol Barcelona: Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol No. 20, 01/2013, p. 5-14 Quan parlem d’espai públic ens referim a una noció i a una realitat dinàmiques. Castiñeira mira de resseguir, en aquest article, la seva significació i els seus canvis, i ho fa d’una manera ordenada, pujant esglaó rere esglaó. L’anàlisi comença amb la noció d’espai i continua amb la d’espai públic, i a través d’aquesta es recorda com l’espai públic s’ha anat transformant en el seu pas del món antic al món modern. Finalment, l’autor descriu la caracterització de l’espai públic en les societats democràtiques i fixa l’atenció en alguns dels seus desafiaments actuals.
Informe Económico Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía No. Special issue, 06/2013, p. 1-9
We stand by most of the forecasts published in the last ESADE Economic Report (January 2013). The peripheral eurozone countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, Greece and Cyprus) will see negative growth in 2013 while the core countries (Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Finland and Ireland) will grow by less than 1%. Only the emerging eurozone economies (Estonia, Slovakia and Malta) will record higher growth.” This overview is based on ESADE’s Economic Report, June 2013, produced by the Department of Economics.
Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep Nota de coyuntura económica Informe Económico Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía No. 15, 06/2013, p. 7-16
A grandes rasgos, mantenemos nuestras previsiones realizadas en el pasado número del mes de enero del Informe Económico. En este 2013 la zona euro mostrará tasas negativas de crecimiento en los países de la periferia (Italia, España, Portugal, Eslovenia, Grecia y Chipre), mientras que en los países del núcleo (Alemania, Francia, Holanda, Bélgica, Austria, Finlandia y también Irlanda) el crecimiento será escaso, inferior al 1%. Sólo las economías de la zona euro que podemos considerar emergentes (Estonia, Eslovaquia y Malta) crecerán algo más.
Costa Guix, Gerard Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Despilfarro, new normal y oportunidades empresariales Directivos y Empresas Siglo XXI Madrid: Directivos y Empresas No. 111, 10/2012, p. 74-75 Analizamos como dentro de la new normal económica, sigue habiendo oportunidades empresariales que surgen de nuevos comportamientos de consumo que ya no se basan en el despilfarro sino en nuevos comportamientos investigados por investigadores como Stephen Hoch de Wharton, o por el Observatorio del Consumo de ESADE. Comportamientos que dificilmente aportarán una reactivación del consumo que permita volver a las tasas de consumo en automóviles, electrodomésticos o turismo previos a esta nueva situación económica.
Dolan, Simon La importancia de los valores: alineación y realineacion Dirigir personas Madrid: AEDIPE No. 15, 03/2013, p. 1 Las organizaciones han desarrollado, y en algunos casos continúan manteniendo, unas culturas caracterizadas por reglas, normas y controles, ya que les facilita la gestión, han funcionado bien durante siglos y responden al paradigma de la eficiencia (producir más con menos). Hoy las organizaciones se enfrentan a la presión de ejercer control por un lado mientras desarrollan a sus empleados por el otro.
Dolan, Simon Hayashi Junior, Paulo Talenting: Metaphores and framework for a new processual approach to talent management The European Business Review The European Business Review No. July 2013, 07/2013, p. 1-7 Although the necessity for attracting, retaining, and motivating talent is an old challenge for all competitive organisations, only in the last decade has this theme been getting increased attention as a field of study. The objective of this article is to introduce a new concept of ‘Talenting’ in its multifaceted framework composed of the 7 H-metaphors: Hiring, Health, Happiness, Hygiene, Head, Heart and Hand. Very different from the traditional models of Talent Management, it is argued that focusing on the process rather than exclusively on the person can facilitate the making of a consistent and sustainable high achiever.
Business Network Dynamics (BuNeD) The group’s research focuses primarily on the study of how organisations establish, build and manage business networks with their partners and also on the dynamics involved in the development, growth and demise of such networks. The group conducts analysis at different levels (group, company and sector), from a multidisciplinary perspective: operations; supply chain; information systems; marketing; organisational theory. The members of the group use both qualitative and quantitative methods and, in particular, lay emphasis on models and methods developed for social network analysis: multidimensional scaling; cluster analysis; graphic representation techniques; multilevel, redundant analysis.
Cristina Giménez, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Dolan, Simon Moodie, Scott William Is there a ‘dark side’ to work engagement? Dolan, S.; Burke, R. J.; Moodie, S. Effective Executive Hyderabad (India): ICFAI University Press Vol. 15, no. 4, 12/2012, p. 12-16 Work engagement has emerged as an important concept in positive psychology and has been shown to influence levels of both individual and organizational performance. Efforts are being undertaken to identify the ways of enhancing the levels of employee work engagement, as a result. While agreeing that work engagement generally has positive consequences we raise four issues that suggest that high levels of work engagement may have a ‘dark side’ for some employees in some contexts.
Felip Arroyo, Xavier ¡Las escuelas de práctica jurídica han muerto, larga vida a las escuelas! Abogados Madrid: Consejo General de la Abogacía Española No. 75, 09/2012, p. 16-19 Se trata de una aproximación “técnica” a las perspectivas de futuro de la formación inicial de los abogados a raíz de la implantación en España de la ley 34/2006 de acceso a las profesiones de abogado y procurador de los tribunales y del RD 775/2011 que la desarrolla.
Felip Arroyo, Xavier ¿Hay que cambiar la formación para acceder al turno de oficio tras la ley de acceso? Abogados Madrid: Consejo General de la Abogacía Española No. 76, 11/2012, p. 22-24 En el número anterior se publicó la primera parte de este artículo en la que su autor realizaba una aproximación a las perspectivas de futuro de la formación inicial de los abogados a raíz de la implantación de la Le y 34/2006, de acceso a las profesiones de abogado y procurador de los tribunales, y del RD 775/2011 que la desarrolla. En esta segunda parte aborda cómo, a su parecer, debe quedar la formación para el acceso al turno de oficio después de la entrada en vigor del nuevo sistema de acceso a la abogacía.
Ginés Castellet, Nuria La crise et les exécutions hypothécaires en Espagne: l’arrêt Aziz et sa répercussion sur le droit espagnol Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Immobilier Paris: Thomson Reuters No. 3- 2013, 07/2013, p. 1-5 L’Espagne est en crise, et l’est depuis plus de cinq ans. On peut même affirmer qu’il s’agit de la crise la plus grave depuis des années. D’une crise financière et immobilière on est passé à une crise plus généralisée qui touche ou menace de toucher tous les secteurs de l’économie. Cette crise se caractérise par de très hauts niveaux d’endettement, un manque de fluidité du crédit et des taux de chômage très élevés (jusqu’à 27 pour cent de la population active). La crise a permis de mettre en évidence quelques-unes des faiblesses du marché hypothécaire; la plus importante est peut-être celle qui touche le système d’exécution des hypothèques, qui a été remis en cause par la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne, dans son arrêt Aziz du 14 mars 2013 dernier. On analyse la décision de la Justice européenne et ses conséquences immédiates sur le plan législatif et judiciaire espagnol.
Hayashi Junior, Paulo Dolan, Simon Talenting: em busca de milagres na área organizacional Revista T&D: Inteligencia Corporativa São Paulo (Brazil): T&D Editora e Empreendimentos Culturais Ltda No. 179, 07/2013, p. 44-47 Embora muitos países europeus tais como a Grécia, Portugal, Espanha estejam em crise, e até mesmo os Estados Unidos sofram com a recessão econômica, alguns assuntos se tornam mais atrativos neste tempo de dinheiro curto e alta competitividade. Por exemplo, a Gestão de Talentos (GT) parece ser um desses tópicos para os próximos anos. De acordo com os pesquisadores Robert Lewin e Robert Heckman, uma busca com as frases «Recursos Humanos e Gestão de Talentos» em um popular sistema de busca na internet gerou cerca de 2,7 milhões de resultados no final de 2004. Atualmente, a mesma busca irá gerar quase 50 milhões de resultados. Entretanto, revisando a literatura especializada, não há um consenso ainda sobre o que é e como tratar a Gestão de Talentos. Este fato pode ser entendido tanto pelo caráter de importância quanto pela necessidade de consolidação do campo. Para nós, parece ter chegado a hora de começar a separar o «joio do trigo». Assim, para estudar de maneira sistematizada e construir uma metodologia robusta para interferir na realidade prática do dia a dia empresarial, utilizamos o conceito inovador de Talenting. Trata-se de uma visão processual sobre a Gestão de Talentos. E por que uma visão processual ao invés de utilizar uma abordagem mais tradicional? Não estamos interessados no conteúdo ou nos traços de uma pessoa talentosa, mas no processo de se manter um realizador de alto desempenho por um longo período.
Laborda Coronil, Anna El paro: imposible no hablar de él Informe Económico Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía No. 15, 06/2013, p. 17-33
Los últimos datos de la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA) son desoladores: la tasa de paro ha alcanzado el 27,16 %, cifra que significa el máximo histórico de nuestro país, al menos desde que se tienen datos al respecto. Esta cifra relativa representa un valor absoluto de 6.202.700 personas que quieren trabajar, buscan activamente trabajo y no lo encuentran. Ni la Reforma Laboral ni las medidas de austeridad del Gobierno para recuperar la confianza de los inversores han surtido efecto y el colectivo de personas desempleadas sigue aumentando sin que se observen expectativas fiables de cambio de tendencia.
Laborda Coronil, Anna Una vuelta de tuerca a la Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares Informe Económico Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía No. 14, 01/2013, p. 37-55 En las últimas semanas podíamos leer, en la mayoría de la prensa española, la noticia de que el efecto combinado de la subida del IVA y del creciente paro habían hundido el consumo de las familias el pasado mes de septiembre; concretamente, este caía un 12,6 % respecto a las cifras de septiembre de 2011. El mismo día, la ministra de Empleo, Fátima Báñez, declaraba que “estamos saliendo de la crisis”; declaración que fue secundada, con un día de diferencia, por personas tan influyentes en la opinión pública como el director del Consejo Empresarial para la Competitividad, Fernando Casado, o el director general de La Caixa y consejero delegado de Caixa Bank, Juan María Nin. En ninguna de las tres declaraciones se dieron datos que apoyaran dicha creencia, aunque sí opiniones optimistas del tipo “algo está cambiando” y que los problemas de la economía española son más de “imagen y percepción”. Una persona mal pensada podría creer que se está ejecutando un pacto fáctico, desde ciertos estamentos, en la línea de las Self-Fulfilling Expectations (expectativas autocumplidas). Ojalá que funcionen, porque, realmente, la dimensión y profundidad de esta crisis está erosionando enormemente la situación económica de miles de familias españolas, lo que repercute, a su vez, en miles de pequeños comercios que se ven abocados al cierre de sus negocios. Y es que el gasto de las familias sigue retrayéndose. El sufrimiento que se está soportando en muchísimos hogares quizá no pueda medirse, pero me ha parecido interesante arrojar un poco más de luz sobre la situación real de las economías domésticas, aprovechando la última publicación de la nueva ola de la Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares (29 de octubre de 2012).
Llebaría Samper, Sergio Reforma de la propiedad horizontal en Cataluña: ¿Quo vadis? Propietat Horitzontal Catalunya: cuaderno jurídico Barcelona: Sepin No. 31, 09/2012, p. 15-17 No es buen síntoma que una ley nazca con la vocación de ser reformada. Desde luego no lo es porque supone un ataque en toda regla al principio de seguridad jurídica, seguridad que empieza a conquistarse (y seguramente a consolidarse) cuando los destinatarios y aplicadores de la ley depositan sin sobresaltos su confianza en ella. Y ese ataque a la seguridad jurídica sin duda se agrava cuando la ley acoge un código (o parte del mismo), pues un código, por más que pueda variar su innegable valor simbólico según los tiempos, siempre debe encarnar, entre otras, la idea de estabilidad.
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs Cultivar clientes. Métricas clave en retail Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: AECOC Vol. 173, no. 173, 07/2013, p. 62-64
Si las empresas en retail se autopercibieran como “agricultores de clientes”, muchas disputas interdepartamentales desaparecerían, y lo más importante: los clientes sentirían más empatía con la cadena, que a partir de una promoción del 3x2.
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs Del joven talento al retail de lujo. Interpretación del “not just a label” Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: AECOC No. 166, 09/2012, p. 126-128 En definitiva NJAL ha ideado un ecosistema mediante elementos que juegan roles distintos. Como dice Diane Pernet, lo que realmente cuenta en este negocio online es combinar contenido y contactos.
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs El poder de los sentidos. El uso de la sensorialidad en el retail Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: AECOC No. 170, 04/2013, p. 80-82 Actualmente, gracias a la imagen por resonancia magnética funcional, los neurocientíficos pueden confirmar que entre el 85% y el 95% de las decisiones humanas son implícitas y no conscientes. Es por eso que querer convencer de la bondad de una tienda (o de un producto) en base a las razones es una estrategia perdedora.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs El retail de moda también innova. Interpretación de Victorio & Lucchino Men
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs La experiencia del cliente desde el punto de vista del retail
Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: AECOC No. Congreso AECOC, 10/2012, p. 184-186
Management Society Management Society No. 35, 10/2012, p. 10-12
Más que una tienda es un modelo de negocio completo (front-end más back-end), que expresa la marca V&L con los cinco sentidos, partiendo de una total centricidad en el cliente final, y pensado para una finalidad: lograr su lealtad sostenida. De aquí el prefijo “eco” delante de la palabra sistema.
Los directivos que sepan definir qué sentido desean aportar a ciertos momento de la vida de sus clientes, tendrán la partitura de la experiencia de compra. Y además, probablemente, estarán plantando la semilla de la innovación en retail.
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs El surtido, los cuadros de una exposición. La curación en el retail Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: AECOC No. 167, 12/2012, p. 106-108
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs No es sólo un vuelo, es una experiencia. KLM, una empresa en retail aeronáutico Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: AECOC No. 171, 05/2013, p. 136-138
A este rol de Curador también a veces se le denomina “Comisario”. Este rol es actualmente más vigente que nunca en una empresa en retail, porque estamos no sólo en la sociedad de la información, sino en la del agobio y la sobresaturación de impactos, con el consiguiente riesgo de la falta de atención y la dispersión mental por parte del cliente.
En la gestión de negocios no se trata tanto de tener ideas (aunque éstas también son bienvenidas), como de tener como “norte de la brújula” a los clientes, de forma que la empresa en retail se convierta en una marca centrada en la clientela. Por la empatía que genera, es capaz de generar la preferencia de sus clientes, de forma sostenida y rentable. En el fondo, para eso se hace la fiesta.
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs “Es que no te fijas...” Esbozo del marketing basado en lo implícito
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs Una fórmula de retail “rompegremios”. Interpretación de Cookiteca
Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: AECOC No. 172, 06/2013, p. 72-75
Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: AECOC No. 171, 05/2013, p. 136-138
Cuando una persona desea innovar, el principal obstáculo no suele ser la competencia, sino los propios prejuicios adquiridos -de forma no consciente- durante décadas. Por eso, dentro de un poco más de tiempo probablemente expresaré mejor este actual esbozo de marketing basado en lo implícito.
Estamos delante de una fórmula de retail rompe-gremios: es al mismo tiempo una tienda de menaje de cocina, librería especializada, escuela de cocina, restaurante, y tienda de alimentación. Y a veces también es una empresa de organización de eventos.
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs Juntos podemos. Interpretación del we-commerce Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: AECOC No. 168, 02/2013, p. 104-106 El comercio del nosotros (we-commerce) es una denominación que describe un modo de comercialización liderado por un agente agregador del poder de negociación que se deriva de organizar una compra colectiva, aprovechando las posibilidades de Internet. Cuando se llega a un determinado número de clientes firmemente interesados, se puede realizar la compra, lográndose un descuento muy ventajoso.
Martínez Ribes, LluÍs Una historia de seducción: la experiencia de compra y su evolución en la investigación académica Gestion Santo Domingo (República Dominicana): Integral Training Solutions (Intras) No. Enero-Marzo 2013, 01/2013, p. 24-26 583 millones de resultados en 0,47 segundos. Eso es lo que se obtiene al buscar shopping experience en Google. Está claro que es un término candente, muy de moda ... y, por tanto, paradójicamente peligroso. En esta Burbuja veremos la evolución que ha seguido el concepto “experiencia de compra” en la literatura académica, y acabaremos con algunas reflexiones prácticas.
Mirosa Martínez, Pere Arbitrabilidad de la materia societaria: la soportable levedad de la Ley 11/2011 de reforma de la Ley de Arbitraje
de cara al futur o, fins i tot, ser disfuncionals davant noves circumstàncies o condicionants.
Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Mediación y Arbitraje Madrid: La Ley No. 7927, 09/2012, p. 1-4
Planellas Arán, Marcel Iniciativas empresariales en Catalunya
El autor propone, respecto del nuevo art. 11 bis, introducido en la Ley de Arbitraje por la Ley 11/2011, una interpretación que se quiere respetuosa con los principios del Derecho español sobre la materia, que limita los excesos textuales de la disposición, que no prejuzga la arbitrabilidad de las controversias acerca de la impugnación de acuerdos sociales y que la sujeta a las exigencias y el control del art. 2 de la Ley.
Murillo Bonvehí, David La identitat asiàtica. Poden els valors ser motor de desenvolupament? Via: Valors, Idees, Actituds: Revista del Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol Barcelona: Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol No. 20, 01/2013, p. 122-135 Davant l’emergència econòmica dels països asiàtics s’ha començat a parlar de l’existència d’un model de desenvolupament propi i distintiu, diferent del model propi del món occidental. Un miracle econòmic que alguns expliquen per la concurrència de factors culturals confucians. En aquest article, David Murillo es pregunta fins a quin punt aquesta afirmació és vàlida. A partir d’estudis com els de Max Weber o Geert Hofstede, entre d’altres, i malgrat les dificultats metodològiques per operativitzar la variable cultural, semblaria que els valors confucians considerats clau per al creixement podrien tenir només una vigència temporal, això és, que podrien no tenir valor explicatiu
Planellas Arán, Marcel; Urbano, David Anuari de la Societat Catalana d’Economia Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) No. 20, 09/2012, p. 87-97 Des que la Unió Europea publicà el llibre verd “El espíritu empresarial en Europa”, sembla que la creació de noves empreses ha estat una prioritat. Aquesta conferència analitza aquest fet, posant de manifest que les taxes d’atur en països més emprenedors queden reduïdes per mitjà d’activitats emprenedores. A més a més, en aquest treball s’intenten identificar els trets característics que classifiquen el teixit empresarial a Catalunya.
Ramis Pujol, Juan El desafío de la innovación Directivos y Empresas Siglo XXI Madrid: Directivos y Empresas No. 109, 09/2012, p. 44-46
Que la innovación está de moda es evidente. Ahí están la mayoría de responsables políticos y empresariales hablando de sus bondades, y la mayoría de los medios de comunicación dedicándole un precioso espacio. Ahora bien, el mundo de la empresa ha vivido en el pasado efectos de moda y hay que saber sopesarlos con cuidado. No es casualidad que los griegos ya identificaran, en el devenir de nuestras sociedades, lo que llamaban el efecto péndulo, y que identificaban asimismo con el término enantiodromía. Todas las modas nos llevan a excesos y conviene saber buscar el buen término medio entre los extremos.
Research Group on Corporate Social Responsibility (GRRSE) The Corporate Social Responsibility Research Group (GRRSE) linked to the IIS targets, investigates processes involved in strategic redefinition of relationships between companies and their interest groups as the basis for reflection on corporate responsibility in society. The goal of the GRRSE is to stimulate and perform excellent research on different lines: The management in the third sector. The CSR Integration into business strategy and relationships with interest groups. The Leadership and management of NGOs. The Social Enterprises. GRRSE has official recognition as an emerging Catalan research group from the Catalan Government’s.
Daniel Arenas, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Ramis Pujol, Juan Los espacios de la innovación Directivos y Empresas Siglo XXI Madrid: Directivos y Empresas No. 115, 03/2013, p. 36-37
Si se han ido interesando por el mundo de la innovación en los últimos años, seguramente conocerán el video de la empresa IDEO en el cual se muestran los conceptos básicos del design thinking; concretamente a través del ejemplo del diseño de un carro de la compra. En ese mismo video el director general de IDEO nos enseña cómo son las instalaciones de la empresa. La innovación necesita de ciertos entornos para facilitar y hacer posible su desarrollo.
Ramis Pujol, Juan Sobre la verdadera riqueza de las naciones Directivos y Empresas Siglo XXI Madrid: Directivos y Empresas No. 114, 02/2013, p. 82-83 Adam Smith es considerado padre del capitalismo, y muchos de sus principios son venerados en los círculos del liberalismo económico de corte metodológico que predomina hoy en día. Sin embargo Smith, en tanto que economista clásico, se encontraba muy alejado de los actuales especialistas de la economía cuya principal capacidad, en ocasiones única, suele ser el dominio de las matemáticas. Además al leer de nuevo su libro “La riqueza de las naciones” (1776), nos damos cuenta, por otra parte, de que ni siquiera sus principios más conocidos son interpretados en la actualidad en la forma en la que él los explica originalmente. Así pues, de la relectura de su obra podemos sacar importantes lecciones.
Recio Figueiras, Eugenio Algunas claves para entender la compleja situación económica actual Razón y fe Madrid: Compañía de Jesús en España Vol. 266, no. 1368, 10/2012, p. 293-302 Se consideran, como los factores más relevantes para entender la crisis actual, la importancia que está teniendo la “economía financiera”, en un entorno “globalizado”, y los problemas específicos de la Unión Monetaria Europea. Y, en el contexto de estas coordenadas internacionales, se fija la atención en las singularidades de la evolución de la economía española. La responsabilidad de la economía financiera en la crisis mundial se explica por las características de una “industria financiera” que se han independizado de la “economía real”, aprovechándose de la extrema volatilidad que permiten los procesos monetarios. El problema más grave de la Unión Monetaria es la falta de una autoridad fiscal y financiera comunitaria, con que se inició, y que ha permitido abusar de una moneda fuerte y estable y con prestigio internacional. Estos factores han acelerado la crisis de una economía que centró excesivamente su estructura productiva en el sector de la
construcción, con aparentes lucrativos resultados en el sector financiero y en otros sectores de la industria auxiliar. Esta complejidad de elementos explica el elevado coste que está suponiendo remontar la situación económica actual.
Recio Figueiras, Eugenio La economía social de mercado como un sistema de valores Web del Centre d’Estudis Econòmics i Socials (CEES) Barcelona: Centre d’Estudis Econòmics i Socials (CEES) 10/2012 Se explican los tres niveles que se suelen distinguir en las Ciencias Sociales, al estructurar los procesos sociales: el de los valores que caracterizan a la persona humana y que se pueden justificar filosóficamente o ser asumidos como axiomas. El segundo nivel, implica una visión de conjunto, en nuestro caso de la economía, que en su estructuración integra los valores expuestos en el nivel anterior y, finalmente, en el tercer nivel se desarrollan las diversas Ciencias prácticas dentro del marco establecido en los niveles primero y segundo. A partir de los contenidos concretos de esta estructura, se muestra cómo se ha concebido el sistema de la Economía Social de Mercado, en el segundo nivel mencionado, como una realización práctica de los valores que caracterizan al ser humano.
Serlavós Serra, Ricard Repensando el Estado de Bienestar Informe Económico Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía No. 14, 01/2013, p. 57-61
Como la expresión “Estado del Bienestar” (EB) se usa con diversas acepciones hay que precisar a cuál de ellas nos referimos. Conviene también recordar que las dudas sobre la sostenibilidad del EB se han venido repitiendo en todas las crisis económicas de los últimos años. El EB, en su versión historicamente más auténtica, ha dado lugar a una cultura que con razón se puede dudar que sea sostenible en el marco de la economía actual. No ocurre así con la cultura fomentada por la forma como ha entendido, el mal llamado EB, el modelo social europeo. Pero este modelo es poco conocido, y raramente aplicado, por sus destinatarios. Se termina con una enumeración de los trabajos que se han hecho en ESADE para estudiar la sostenibilidad del EB en las últimas crisis.
Serlavós Serra, Ricard Unconventional learning spaces. Coaching in executive education Developing Leaders: Executive Education in Practice London (U.K.): IEDP No. 10, 01/2013, p. 60-63 Coaching at its most effective requires a shift in organizational culture that challenges certain generally accepted concepts of performance management and strengthens executives’ role as developers. The widespread use of coaching as an executive development tool is opening up enormous possibilities while at the same time posing new challenges for both companies and business schools. As a method for teaching and fostering self-knowledge, coaching may very well outlive the fleeting fashions of the management world, but to do so it must fit in with the policies and practices of human resource management and, in its application, preserve the essence of the wise Socratic principles that inspire it. Similarly, as a leadership style, coaching can yield great benefits for executives who practice it. In any event, coaching at its most effective requires a shift in organizational culture that challenges certain generally accepted concepts of performance management and strengthens executives’ role as developers. Over the past 10 years, ESADE has been applying Richard Boyatzis’s intentional change model in a process of gradually incorporating coaching into its programs. This experience has allowed us to assess the magnitude of the challenges mentioned above.
Spender, John C. Dove siamo oggi: la storia è una sciocchezza? ANDAF magazine: la Rivista dei Direttori Amministrative e Finanziari Milano: ANDAF (Associazione Nazionale dei Direttori Amministrativi e Finanziari) Vol. 9, no. 2, 04/2012, p. 4-8 Un interessante excursus storico sul rapporto tra politica ed economia, sul ruolo degli accountants e il rapporto con gli imprenditori e una particolare riflessione sul ruolo delle imprese nella nostra società.
Valls Giménez, Josep F. All business is local Manager Focus Bilbao: PMP Management Factory Vol. 18, no. 7, 04/2013, p. 4-5
Hasta el advenimiento de la era de Internet, el mercado se desarrollaba en lugares físicos. En ellos se ejecutaban todas las actividades que envolvían la transacción. Desde los intercambios y los trueques históricos hasta los primeros pasos de la Red, pasando por los mercados medievales al borde de los caminos, tienen un común denominador: el condicionante del espacio físico. Sin embargo, la Red y la telefonía móvil han destruido todas las barreras y han liberado al mercado del yugo presencial. Ha aparecido un nuevo espacio holístico que abarca lo psicológico, lo físico, lo virtual, lo geográfico y lo global. Los elementos de las transacciones campan a sus anchas. La producción, la distribución, la incitación a la adquisición, la compra, el envío o entrega, el pago y el consumo se producen sin ataduras al espacio físico.
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Más allá del fenómeno low cost APD Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección Madrid: Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección (APD) No. Febrero 2013, 02/2013, p. 14-19
Desde marketing, producción y finanzas, la columna vertebral de la empresa, aparecen una serie de problemas a resolver, a medida que los clientes reclaman precios más baratos. Estas áreas, y por tanto toda la empresa, se ven sometidas a un impulso innovador permanente para reducir los costes, si desean satisfacer las demandas de los clientes. Quince años son más que suficientes para desentrañar lo que nos ha aportado la era low cost. Arrancó tímida en Europa a raíz de la liberalización aérea de 1997, pero en pocos años se expandió, al principio a todo el sector turístico que había nacido con claras raíces lowcostísticas, para ampliarse después al sector del gran consumo, y finalmente, a todas las actividades económicas, incluso las que parecen más reacias. Quince años son más que suficientes para buscar soluciones ante los tres grandes cambios. El primero: la búsqueda de los precios más baratos en particular y de los baratos en general se ha convertido en la tendencia más destacada de la presente centuria; es decir, el precio va por delante de las tomas de decisiones de los consumidores y por tanto hay que conocer en cada momento la sensibilidad al precio de cada clientela. El segundo: la oferta de precios más baratos del mercado de forma puntual o permanente exige una estrategia innovadora radical que no permite improvisar; aquellas empresas que van a salto de mata aumentando o reduciendo los precios por motivos banales se alejan de las demandas de sus clientes. Y el tercero: las marcas no lo soportan todo, y cada vez menos si no están alineadas claramente tanto con la sensibilidad al precio de cada clientela como con la propuesta de valor ofrecida; esto sirve para todas desde las más baratas a las de lujo.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
BOOKS books and book chapters
Abat Ninet, Antoni Constitutional violence: Legitimacy, democracy and human rights
Abat Ninet, Antoni El estatuto jurídico de los magistrados del Tribunal Constitucional español. Estudio y análisis comparado
Edinburgh (Scotland): Edinburgh University Press, 12/2012 192 p.
Pamplona: Aranzadi, 11/2012 206 p. Repertorio Aranzadi del Tribunal Constitucional; no. 30
If constitutional legitimacy is based on violence, what does this mean for democracy? Almost every state in the world has a written constitution. The great majority of these declare the constitution to be the law controlling the organs of the state. We tend to label western liberal political systems as ‘constitutional democracies’, dividing the system into a domain of politics where the people rule and a domain of law that is set aside for a trained elite. Legal, political and constitutional practices demonstrate that constitutionalism and democracy seem to be irreconcilable. Is good government feasible and is a constitutional system the best device to rule a country? Can the public and legal sovereignties be reconciled? Antoni Abat i Ninet strives to resolve these apparently exclusive realms of power, using as case study their various avatars across the globe. The American constitutional experience that has dominated western constitutional thought is here challenged as quasi-religious doctrine and the book argues that human rights and democracy must strive to deactivate the ‘invisible’ but very real violence embedded in our seemingly sacrosanct constitutions.
El objeto de análisis del presente trabajo se afronta básicamente desde tres perspectivas complementarias, la primera se subdivide en el análisis de los antecedentes históricos y precedentes legislativos propios de la materia, la segunda al estudio pormenorizado del marco jurídico aplicable, que se divide a su vez en una vertiente constitucional, otra dirigida a la LOTC y la última es la relacionada con el articulado de la Ley Orgánica 6/1985, de 1 de julio, del poder judicial (en adelante LOPJ) que se aplica de manera analógica a los Magistrados del Tribunal Constitucional. En el análisis se incluye el Reglamento de organización del personal del Tribunal Constitucional (en adelante ROPTC). La tercera perspectiva de análisis consiste en un estudio de derecho constitucional comparado donde se proponen opciones adoptadas en otros sistemas constitucionales aplicables en derecho español.
Abel Lluch, Xavier (dir.) Richard González, Manuel (dir.) Estudios sobre prueba penal. Volumen III. Actos de investigación y medios de prueba en el proceso penal: diligencias de instrucción, entrada y registro, intervención de comunicaciones, valoración y revisión de la prueba en vía de recurso Madrid: La Ley; ESADE. Instituto de Probática y Derecho Probatorio (IPDP), 06/2013 556 p. Claves (La Ley) Tercer y último volumen de la colección dedicada al “Estudio sobre prueba penal”, impulsada por el Instituto de Probática y Derecho Probatorio de la Facultad de Derecho ESADE. Durante casi cuatro años un equipo de investigadores integrado por Magistrados y Profesores Universitarios expertos en Derecho Procesal Penal ha ido reflexionando sobre los temas más candentes en prueba penal y elaborando sus estudios doctrinales que han sido debatidos en sesiones de investigación. Este volumen consta de dos partes claramente diferenciadas. En una primera parte se estudian lo que podríamos denominar actos de investigación y medios de prueba en el proceso penal: - los estudios sobre el valor probatorio de las diligencias de instrucción - las diligencias de entrada y registro - la intervención de las comunicaciones postal y telefónica - los medios de investigación tecnológica - el imputado y el anticipo probatorio. En una segunda parte, se abordan temas que podríamos calificar, desde una visión procesalista, como de procedimiento probatorio: - la práctica de la prueba en el juicio oral - valoración de la prueba, con especial consideración a la prueba indiciaria - la impugnación y la revisión de la prueba mediante los recursos ordinarios y extraordinarios en el proceso penal. En definitiva, con la serie “Estudios sobre prueba penal” (2010-2013) se pretende dar respuesta a los problemas a los que se afrontan los juristas ante una legislación penal, cada vez más fragmentaria, y una realidad que plantea nuevos desafíos como los derivados de la investigación tecnológica.
Alemany Gil, Luisa Aprender a emprender: como educar el talento emprendedor Alemany Gil, L.; Marina, J.; Perez Diaz “Pericles”, J. Barcelona: Aula Planeta, 02/2013 127 p. Aprender a emprender pretende ser una herramienta y guía pionera para profesores y agentes educativos que participan activamente en programas de talento emprendedor durante la educación obligatoria y la formación profesional. El informe también constituye una herramienta útil para los responsables de instituciones y administraciones públicas con programas o propuestas de emprendimiento diseñadas o en marcha. A través de experiencias de éxito en contextos educativos muy diferentes, se ha generado una red de comunicación y apoyo entre los educadores que ha permitido extraer consecuencias pedagógicas y didácticas. En este sentido, el informe establece criterios que permiten la elaboración de nuevos programas, así como un
amplio abanico de herramientas de evaluación que garanticen el rigor y la eficacia de todas las iniciativas que se organizan en los centros educativos. El informe está estructurado en tres bloques. El primero presenta el trabajo y analiza el contexto social, económico y educativo en el que se desarrolla. El segundo está centrado en las conclusiones de las I Jornadas de Iniciativa Emprendedora celebradas en el mes de enero de 2012, en el marco de las cuales 88 expertos de toda España analizaron los diversos programas educativos en materia de emprendimiento que se desarrollan en los centros educativos españoles. Las experiencias aportadas en las jornadas de Girona, con datos necesarios para contextualizarlas y obtener más información, se recogen en el anexo del informe. El tercero y último aborda las claves de la evaluación de programas de emprendimiento y realiza propuestas para el diseño de un modelo de programa extrapolable a cualquier escuela que quiera iniciar un trabajo similar. En concreto, el informe realiza 30 recomendaciones que hacen que un programa que quiere fomentar el emprendimiento sea eficaz..
Berché Moreno, Eduardo (dir.) Tratado de aduanas e impuestos especiales Mascó, B. ; Berché Moreno, E. (dir.) Barcelona: J.M. Bosch Editor, 05/2013 319 p. El objetivo de esta obra es presentar al lector los aspectos tributarios básicos tanto del mundo de las Aduanas como de los Impuestos Especiales. Estos últimos, ya son por sí mismos impuestos de naturaleza indirecta y su origen y funcionamiento no busca otro fin que gravar determinados consumos. En cambio, el planteamiento para Aduanas es distinto. Si bien es cierto que también existe tributación dentro de este ámbito en forma de aranceles, no es menos cierto que el origen de éstos se da sólo en determinadas operaciones, y no en todas aquellas que se pueden realizar dentro del mundo aduanero. En el apartado de Aduanas se analizan todos los procedimientos y regímenes aduaneros, para que el lector tenga una base sólida sobre sus características, funcionamiento y utilidad. Pero donde se hace más hincapié es en el análisis tributario de los aranceles, tanto en la determinación del origen de la deuda aduanera, como el cálculo del valor en aduanas y la determinación del tipo arancelario, todo ellos aspectos de suma importancia desde el punto de vista tributario. Una vez establecido el carácter tributario de esta obra, destacamos que nos encontramos ante dos impuestos indirectos: Aranceles e Impuestos Especiales. Ambos persiguen la tributación de determinadas operaciones con bienes. Pero se da la circunstancia de que las operaciones que originan el devengo de estos impuestos pueden ser las mismas. Es decir, que para una misma operación, se pueden devengar tanto Aranceles como Impuestos Especiales. Dentro de los motivos por los que se analizan conjuntamente Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales tenemos por un lado que pueden compartir hechos imponibles u operaciones por las que se origina tributación en ambos impuestos y por otro lado, debido a la propia estructura organizativa y funcional de la Administración Tributaria. En este sentido, en el organigrama de la Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (A.E.A.T.) aparecen totalmente separadas del resto de tributos las estructuras de dirección, planificación y coordinación de
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
la gestión, inspección e intervención tanto de los tributos y gravámenes que recaen sobre el tráfico de comercio exterior (aranceles) como de los Impuestos Especiales.
Berché Moreno, Eduardo (dir. y coord.) Tratado sobre la imposición directa Berché Moreno, E. (dir. y coord.); Barril Carulla, J.; Ferrer Vidal, D.; García de la Torre Sanz, E.; Piedra Arjo, S. Barcelona: J.M. Bosch Editor, 11/2012 1028 p. Tratado sobre la imposición directa es un libro de consulta que analiza de forma práctica y didáctica los tributos directos con una exposición clara y sencilla, pero a su vez, con absoluta profundidad, lo cual permite alcanzar un conocimiento pormenorizado de la materia. Constituye una guía de consulta imprescindible tanto para el estudio como para el desarrollo práctico de los impuestos. Para alcanzar tan ambicioso objetivo, el libro se ha servido de numerosos y múltiples ejemplos que facilitan su seguimiento y comprensión.
Berché Moreno, Eduardo (dir.) Cepa Dueñas, Antonio Tejedor Ruiz, Carlos Sistema tributario local Barcelona: J.M. Bosch Editor, 01/2013 241 p.
El presente manual tiene sus orígenes remotos en los apuntes de clase que durante todos estos años hemos ido elaborando para facilitar la tarea de aprendizaje de una materia tan ardua y poco transitada como es la imposición local. En nuestro quehacer diario nos hemos encontrado con una carencia en el material que se ha ido publicando sobre el sistema tributario local. Hay un buen elenco de libros y artículos que abordan el estudio de las figuras que integran la Hacienda pública local desde una perspectiva teórica, doctrinal, resaltando las carencias y ofreciendo atinadas propuestas de lege ferenda, pero hay bastantes menos trabajos en los que esa labor se acometa con un criterio eminentemente práctico, para sistematizar lo que tenemos y para ofrecer una guía que pueda ser de utilidad a los que se adentran, por vocación o por exigencias profesionales, en el estudio de estas figuras impositivas. Pretendemos facilitar la tarea de aprendizaje a todos aquellos que, con un bagaje jurídico básico, han decidido conocer y dominar los tributos locales. Para ello hemos huido de las controversias teóricas, hemos seguido a ras de tierra la senda que marcan las normas básicas y hemos procurado integrarlas lo mejor posible para que el discurso sea un camino claro que lleve a una meta concreta, la de comprender y ejecutar cualquier acto de aplicación de los tributos locales o discrepar con conocimiento de causa del que haya caído en nuestras manos. En definitiva, aportar nuestro grano de arena en la formación de profesionales sobre esta materia.
Buckland, Heloise Murillo Bonvehí, David Antena de innovación social: vías hacia el cambio sistémico Barcelona: ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 02/2013 162 p. The growing movement of what can be succinctly described as “new ideas that solve social problems” is evolving at an unforeseen pace and we are witnessing an unprecedented increase in the volume of social innovations as well as the types of approach taken. In this book we begin by defining a series of variables to help analyse how, when and why social innovation can be most effective. Then, using these variables we go on to analyse four inspiring examples of social innovation. Drawing on this analysis we conclude by offering some reflections and insights on the key parameters that help identify those social innovations that have the potential to bring about the much needed systemic change to resolve today’s challenges.
Carreras Fisas, Ignasi Sureda Varela, Maria La colaboración efectiva de las ONG. Alianzas estratégicas y redes Carreras Fisas, I.; Iglesias, M.; Sureda Varela, M. Barcelona: ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 07/2013 200 p. Programa liderazgo social Esta publicación presenta alternativas para potenciar una colaboración efectiva de las ONG que les sirva para incrementar su impacto social y también para reforzarse institucionalmente. Mediante la exposición de conocimientos y la ilustración de casos prácticos, el libro plantea los factores clave de éxito para que las ONG puedan establecer y aplicar una estrategia de colaboración mediante alianzas estratégicas, integraciones corporativas y/o redes.
Castiñeira Fernández, Àngel Lozano Soler, Josep M. El poliedro del liderazgo. Una aproximación a la problemática de los valores en el liderazgo Barcelona: Libros de Cabecera, 12/2012 272 p. Este libro repasa todos los elementos del liderazgo y profundiza en la vinculación del buen liderazgo con la calidad humana y los valores, así como en el modo de abordar la formación de los líderes. El poliedro del liderazgo complementa el rigor académico con una dimensión práctica y divulgativa, del máximo interés para quienes se interesen por el modo de ejercer y desarrollar el liderazgo, y para quienes crean que el buen liderazgo empresarial (como cualquier tipo de liderazgo) ha de ser a la vez eficaz y ético.
Castiñeira Fernández, Àngel Lozano Soler, Josep M. El poliedre del lideratge. Una aproximació a la problemàtica dels valors en el lideratge Barcelona: Fundació Lluís Carulla; ESADE; Barcino, 12/2012 194 p. Observatori dels Valors; no. 14 En aquesta obra es repassen tots els elements del lideratge i s’aprofundeix en la vinculació del bon lideratge amb la qualitat humana i els valors, així com en la manera d’afrontar la formació dels líders. Es tracta d’una eina per a la reflexió de tots els qui s’interessen per la manera d’exercir i desenvolupar el lideratge, i que creguin en la importància d’un bon lideratge empresarial, polític o social, alhora eficaç i ètic.
Comín Oliveres, Antoni Qué hacemos por una sociedad laica Castellá, S.J.; Comín, A.; Ortega-Raya, J.; Villanueva, J. Madrid: Akal Editor, 02/2013 80 p. Qué hacemos; no. 7 Breve ensayo cuyo primer capítulo está dedicado al análisis de las relaciones del Estado con la Iglesia católica y con el resto de las confesiones religiosas a lo largo de la historia contemporánea de España. El segundo capítulo analiza el modelo constitucional español en relación a la laicidad y la aconfesionalidad del Estado. El tercer capítulo está dedicado a explicar cual es la relación actual de la socidad española
con el fenómeno religioso (laicidad, indiferencia, pluralismo religioso). Seguidamente, se plantean cuáles son los ámbitos en los que el desarrollo de una plena laicidad está todavía incompleta -financiación, educación, ceremonias y protocolo de Estado. etc-. El último capítulo hace una serie de propuestas para avanzar en el desarrollo de la plena laicidad -empezando por la aprobación de una nueva Ley de Libertad Religiosa-.
Comín Oliveres, Antoni Vèncer la crisi: socialdemocràcia i més Europa Barcelona: Editorial Impuls, 12/2012 70 p.
La crisi financera ha posat de manifest les insuficiències del disseny institucional en què es basa la Unió Monetària Europea. Així mateix, s’ha evidenciat la inutilitat de l’estratègia de centrar l’ajust del dèficit fiscal per la via de la reducció de la despesa pública, de clars efectes pro-cíclics, i no per la via dels nous ingressos. Aquests ingressos poden procedir de nous impostos al capital financer (ITF), l’armonització fiscal a escala europea d’impostos ja existents (societats), la introducció dels eurobons o un paper més actiu del BEI, entre d’altres. En conclusió, la superviviència de la moneda única -i del projecte europeu en el seu conjunt requereix- d’una major integració fiscal que permeti substituir les polítiques d’austeritat per unes polítiques d’estímul al creixement. Tanmateix, aquesta integració fiscal no és possible sense un veritable “govern econòmic europeu” el qual, al seu torn, no és possible sense una legitimació democràtica directa.
Brand and Consumption Research Group (GRECOMAR) GRECOMAR works on issues related with brand management and consumption, with the added value of adopting a transcultural approach to this area of research. As a result, the rationale of the group is: to understand the processes of creating and managing brands; to investigate the purchasing processes and use of brands by consumers; to incorporate a transcultural perspective of brand management and use. To achieve its aims, the group has been formed based on an interdisciplinary team that is organised around three research areas: brand management; consumer behaviour; international/transcultural marketing.
Oriol Iglesias, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Dolan, Simon La gestion des ressources humaines: tendances, enjeux et pratiques actuelles (5ème éd.) Dolan, S.; Saba, T. Montreuil (France): Pearson, 06/2013 600 p. Cette 5e édition constitue un ouvrage de base idéal en gestion des ressources humaines. Il traite des différentes activités, des nouvelles pratiques et des tendances dans le domaine. Animés par la volonté de couvrir les problématiques contemporaines de la GRH et de faire une meilleure place à la recherche pour alimenter la pratique professionnelle, les auteurs ont procédé à une mise à jour des chapitres et à des ajouts importants afin de refléter les changements survenus dans la discipline, d’enrichir le contenu et de rendre l’étude et la consultation de l’ouvrage plus stimulantes. Dans ce but, trois nouvelles rubriques ont été créées: À l’international, Dans la pratique et La recherche en vedette. L’appareil des figures, tableaux et graphiques a été enrichi et mis à jour de manière à mieux illustrer les différents processus et les points importants.
Dolan, Simon Succès et valeurs: les valeurs pour un mieux-être professionnel et personnel Dolan, S.; Martine, G. Paris (France): L’Harmattan, 10/2012 172 p. Questions contemporaines Plus que jamais l’éthique et l’émotionnel deviennent des valeurs aussi essentielles que l’économique. Elles conduiront au succès dans la vie professionnelle comme dans la vie privée en conciliant compétitivité avec mieux-être. Vous trouverez dans ce livre des conseils pratiques pour comprendre l’importance et l’incidence de vos valeurs pour votre épanouissement et l’adaptation aux changements permanents au travail comme dans la vie.
Duplá Marín, Teresa (coord.) Bardají Gálvez, Lola Enzler Fandos, Sandra El régimen jurídico de la mediación familiar en España. Análisis de la normativa autonómica Duplá Marín, T. (coord.); Bardají Gálvez, L.; Enzler Fandos, S.; Lázaro González, I.; Serrano Molina, A. Santiago de Compostela: Andavira Editora, 09/2012 450 p. Ciencia y Pensamiento Jurídico El libro que presentamos está dirigido a profesionales, a estudiosos de la Familia y de los conflictos familiares, y a todas las personas interesadas en la resolución de conflictos familiares a través del mecanismo de la Mediación, que quieran tener una visión rápida y precisa de la actual regulación jurídica de la Mediación Familiar y del procedimiento de Me-
diación Familiar. La Mediación familiar se ha posicionado en las últimas décadas, tanto en el ámbito internacional como en el nacional, como un medio alternativo de resolución de conflictos fundamental y necesario en nuestra sociedad. En nuestro país, y siguiendo las directrices marcadas en su día por la Recomendación nº R(98)1 del Comité de Ministros del Consejo de Europa, la mayoría de las Comunidades Autónomas inician, a partir del 2000, una nueva vía regulatoria de esta materia con la promulgación, en muy poco tiempo, de un importante número de normas encaminadas, todas ellas, a la creación de un proceso de Mediación en el ámbito de los conflictos familiares que pretende proporcionar a las partes, y a los mediadores, el marco jurídico idóneo para la solución de dichos conflictos.
Plans Esperabe, Joan 27 respuestas para orientarte en el siglo XXI con algunas minúsculas contradicciones Barcelona: Empresa Activa, 10/2012 192 p. A través de 27 relatos breves, el autor sumerge al lector en el análisis del mundo de la empresa y de la vida en general en un entorno de cambio acelerado. Se trata de un libro entretenido y divertido que utiliza los recursos de la WWW para crear una guía de supervivencias en el caos del mundo de hoy.
Pugès Cambra, Lluís M. La Odisea del management: propuestas basadas en el pensamiento de Aristóteles, Heráclito, Ovidio, Pitágoras, Tito Livio, Horacio, Virgilio, Sófocles y otros clásicos Barcelona: Profit Editorial, 10/2012 120 p. Un conjunto de propuestas basadas en el pensamiento de Aristóteles, Heráclito, Ovidio, Pitágoras, Tito Livio, Horacio, Virgilio, Sófocles, y otros clásicos, para dejarnos influir por este acervo cultural en nuestra vida profesional diaria. El mundo clásico nos aporta una forma de ver las cosas y de gozar del mensaje de la naturaleza, que puede enriquecer nuestra vida personal y profesional con la paz y la tranquilidad que todos buscamos.
Rodriguez Blanco, Elena Carreras Fisas, Ignasi Sureda Varela, Maria Innovar para el cambio social. De la idea a la acción Barcelona: ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social; Fundación PwC, 09/2012 116 p. Programa ESADE-PwC de Liderazgo Social; no. 2011-12 Libro de la colección Programa ESADE-PwC de Liderazgo Social dedicado a fomentar la innovación en las ONG y otras entidades no lucrativas.
La publicación aporta reflexiones, propuestas y ejemplos sobre cómo se produce o se debería producir la innovación en las ONG. También ofrece un marco general sobre qué es la innovación, y describe la situación y percepción del sector.
Saz Carranza, Ángel Uniting diverse organizations: Managing goal-oriented advocacy networks New York, N. Y. (U.S.): Routledge, 07/2012 140 p. Routledge Studies in Business Organizations and Networks; no. 47 Networks are made up of organizations. Often a central unit, or “Network Administrative Organization” (NAO), manages an entire network of organizations that collaborate to achieve an overall network-level goal. Goal-directed networks are those that come together to achieve a shared objective, in addition to the individual organization-specific goals. This book’s focus is on the management of goal-directed networks. Despite the fact that formalized goal-directed interorganizational networks have become extremely popular in the public and nonprofit sectors, as many social problems require concerted action, publications on managing goal-directed networks do not exist. In this book, author Ángel Saz-Carranza examines four networks that differ by size, scope, and geographical location. He offers a novel and innovative framework focusing on networks’ inherent internal tensions between unity and diversity, paralleling the differentiation/integration tension found in organization theory, which has not previously been applied to interorganizational networks.
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Beyond the low cost business: Rethinking the business model London (U.K.): Palgrave MacMillan, 01/2013 240 p. Management & strategy The book is divided into four parts. The first looks at the mass consumer shift away from the premium and medium ranges towards own labels; but this section will show how, in spite of the trend towards the low-cost, a great many consumers remain brand-focused, still buying the lower-priced products or services offered by a brand, on the mainstream market. The second part looks at how strategies for reinventing the business model have been adapted, at first being applied only by the low-cost companies, but now open to application by any company. Innovations that contribute to cost cutting are connected to production (internationalisation and offshoring, outsourcing, rethinking the supplier relationship and the role of logistics, integrating the supply chain and reducing stock), to the profit formula (fixed capital level, the break-even point, profit level, modifying cost structures and risk management), and to processes (basic product compared to fullprice version, dynamic pricing, the Internet and discount channels and outlets). The third part looks at how the increase in price sensitivity and the implementation of low prices have affected brand management. Part four consists of five international company case studies; IKEA, ING DIRECT, Mercadona, Privalia and Google and the worldwide travel market, breaking down the factors of their success. Will the second decade of the 21st Century see the end of the low-cost phenomenon? It will certainly not be easy for European consumers to stop demanding the low prices that they have become so used to over the previous ten years. But excessive efforts by so many companies to bring prices down could sound the death knell for low, low prices, as they will simply become unsustainable in many sectors, with costs forcing them up. Obviously, there will always be customers who want lower prices, and somebody will have to meet the demand, but emphasis on selling at the lowest price possible may turn out to be very costly.
Institute for Social Innovation (IIS) The ESADE Institute for Social Innovation’s mission is to develop personal and organizational skills within the business community and not-for-profit organizations in order to strengthen their activities and their contribution to a more just and sustainable world. To further our mission, the Institute is involved in research, training and dissemination activities in 3 main areas: 1- Corporate social responsibility and its relationship with interest groups. 2-- Leadership and NGO management. 3- The social enterprises. The philosophy of building relationships between organizations from different sectors of activity and between companies and NGOs, and the topics we deal with, come from the IIS commitment to the processes of transformation which are constructing our world.
Ignasi Carreras, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
BOOK CHAPTERS books and book chapters
Abel Lluch, Xavier La determinación del coste económico del dictamen pericial como medida de agilización de la justicia F. Gómez, M. Enciso & A. Emaldi (eds.) In Globalización y derecho: desafíos y tendencias Deusto: Universidad de Deusto, 07/2013 p. 265-272 La determinación del coste económico del dictamen pericial como medida de agilización de la justicia es una ponencia que se enmarca en el 8ª Congreso Unijes, celebrado en Deusto en junio de 2012, bajo el título “Globalización y Derecho: desafíos y tendencias”. En el estudio se presta particular atención a la naturaleza y sistema de cuantificación de la provisión de fondos, a la determinación del importe de los honorarios profesionales y a los procedimientos para reclamar los honorarios profesionales.
Abel Lluch, Xavier Nuevas tecnologías e investigación penal X. Abel Lluch & M. Richard González (dirs.) In Estudios sobre prueba penal. Volumen III. Actos de investigación y medios de prueba en el proceso penal: diligencias de instrucción, entrada y registro, intervención de comunicaciones, valoración y revisión de la prueba en vía de recurso Madrid: La Ley; ESADE. Instituto de Probática y Derecho Probatorio (IPDP), 06/2013 p. 171-199 Claves (La Ley) En este capítulo se aborda el estudio de las nuevas tecnologías como medio de investigación en el proceso penal. Para ello, y tras delimitar
el concepto de prueba electrónica, se analiza el acceso de las pruebas electrónicas y su práctica en el proceso penal, en comparación con su utilización en el proceso civil.
Aguilera Vaqués, Ruth The evolution of corporate governance regulation M. Wright, D. S. Siegel, K. Keasey & I. Filatotchev (eds.) In Oxford handbook of corporate governance Oxford University Press, 03/2013 p. 23-45 The behavior of managers-such as the rewards they obtain for poor performance, the role of boards of directors in monitoring managers, and the regulatory framework covering the corporate governance mechanisms that are put in place to ensure managers’ accountability to shareholder and other stakeholders-has been the subject of extensive media and policy scrutiny in light of the financial crisis of the early 2000s. However, corporate governance covers a much broader set of issues, which requires detailed assessment as a central issue of concern to business and society. Critiques of traditional governance research based on agency theory have noted its “under-contextualized” nature and its inability to compare accurately and explain the diversity of corporate governance arrangements across different institutional contexts. The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Governance aims at closing these theoretical and empirical gaps. It considers corporate governance issues at multiple levels of analysis-the individual manager, firms, institutions, industries, and nations-and presents international evidence to reflect the wide variety of perspectives. In analyzing the effects of corporate governance on performance, a variety of indicators are considered, such as accounting profit, economic profit, productivity growth, market share, proxies for en-
vironmental and social performance, such as diversity and other aspects of corporate social responsibility, and of course, share price effects. In addition to providing a high level review and analysis of the existing literature, each chapter develops an agenda for further research on a specific aspect of corporate governance.
Arenas Vives, Daniel Studying the confrontation and collaboration of business and NGOs
embargo, una descripción de la misma nos muestra una ética profesional muy sujeta a ciertas condiciones particulares (contexto adversario, modelo de la agencia y positivismo jurídico), las cuales no se aplican a las múltiples problemáticas que genera el campo de la investigación biomédica. De esta manera, además de concluir la inadecuación de la concepción amoral en este ámbito, el ensayo contiene una crítica general a esa teoría dominante, en la medida en que se afirma que la amoralidad no funciona más allá de ciertos contextos muy específicos, mientras que en muchos otros distorsiona la función del jurista para con el Derecho y la sociedad.
E. Simôes & J. Neves (eds.) In Research on ethics and social responsibility Lisboa (Portugal): Business Research Unit; ISCT-IUL, 09/2012 p. 111-117
Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Stirpe, Luigi Compensating global employees
The confrontation and collaboration between business and NGOs is one of the many different subfields that scholars interested in the role of business in society focus on today. The reasons are first of all that, in my view, they have been essential in advancing the CSR movement in the last twenty years, and will continue to do so. Secondly, insufficient attention has been given to the study of internal and external conditions that make it possible for a confrontational interaction between companies and NGOs to evolve to some form of collaboration. And, thirdly, more work needs to be done to explore the benefits of such transition towards collaboration for society at large.
Arjona Sebastià, César Ética de los juristas y actividad científica. Reflexiones en torno a una deontología interprofesional F.J. Rodríguez Pontón (coord.) In Investigación biomédica, derechos fundamentales e intereses generales Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona (UB), 11/2012 p. 101-128 Universitat; no. 54 Al reunir a profesionales de distintas profesiones, el campo de la investigación biomédica, y de la bioética en general, llama a la construcción de una deontología interprofesional. Este ensayo se plantea el papel de los juristas en ese ámbito, y lo hace en dos partes. La primera gira en torno al contraste entre la metodología jurídica y la científica, resaltando lo que estas tienen en común según una concepción contemporánea de la epistemología, en todo caso sostenida por desarrollos relevantes en este campo. Esas reflexiones apuntan hacia el estrechamiento del espacio que separaba a ciencia y Derecho según la visión científica tradicional, para la cual la ciencia sería el terreno de la objetividad absoluta, superior frente a la necesaria implicación de intereses e ideologías en el método jurídico. Caída esa consideración radicalmente pura de la investigación científica, se sitúa en una posición más fuerte el papel del Derecho positivo como criterio orientador de conductas también en este ámbito. En concordancia con esto, cabe reivindicar el papel de la ética jurídica en la construcción de una deontología interprofesional, lo que lleva en la segunda parte del estudio a una consideración de la teoría estándar de la amoralidad. Sin
G.K. Stahl; I. Björkman & S. Morris (eds.) In Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management. Second Edition Edward Elgar, 09/2012 p. 162-182 The second edition of this Handbook provides up-to-date insight into ground-breaking research on international human resource issues today. These issues are faced by multinational companies which can be as small as one person with a computer and Internet connection or as large as a medium-sized country.
Calzada Oliveras, Elisabet La redefinición del absentismo y la falta de adaptación a las modificaciones técnicas como causa de extinción objetiva del contrato de trabajo D. Martínez Fons & R. Serrano Olivares (coords.); S. del Rey Guanter (dir.) In La reforma del mercado de trabajo y su impacto en el sistema de relaciones laborales. Novedades de la Ley 3/2012, de medidas urgentes para la reforma del mercado laboral Madrid: La Ley, 01/2013 p. 387-726 Temas (La Ley) Con la Ley 3/2012, de 6 de julio, de medidas urgentes para la reforma del mercado laboral se cierra por el momento el “trienio reformador” del ordenamiento laboral, iniciado por la Ley 35/2010 y continuado por el RDL 7/2011. La reforma laboral que se ha realizado en el año 2012 tiene elementos claramente diferenciadores respecto a las introducidas por la Ley 35/2010 y el RDL 7/2011, al acometer el cambio profundo de reglas que caracterizaban, en comparación con otros países europeos, nuestro sistema de relaciones laborales, desarrollando una clara modernización de dicho sistema y acometiendo medidas que tienden a mantener y a promocionar el empleo y la empleabilidad, así como a renovar el bagaje regulatorio de nuestros convenios colectivos. Miradas esas tres normas legales desde la perspectiva aplicativa actual, lo que arroja una cierta complejidad a ese proceso de “refundación” de nuestro Ordenamiento laboral es que la norma más
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reciente -Ley 3/2012- introduce cambios contrarios y derogatorios de los establecidos por la Ley 35/2010 y el RDL 7/2011. De esta forma, tenemos dos normas que han iniciado unos cambios en nuestras relaciones laborales que han sido, en aspectos importantes, alterados sustancialmente por la Ley 3/2012.
Carpi Martín, Rebeca Derecho privado y globalización no consciente: principios, medios y remedios F. Gómez, M. Enciso & A. Emaldi (eds.) In Globalización y Derecho: desafíos y tendencias Deusto: Universidad de Deusto, 07/2013 p. 157-164 Tal como expone el resumen de presentación de esta comunicación, asumo como punto de partida el de que la globalización social y económica (en parte también cultural) en la que estamos inmersos incide necesariamente en el ámbito de las relaciones jurídico-privadas, y lo hace, en cierta medida, al margen de intervenciones estatales e institucionales destinadas a unificar o armonizar normas de Derecho privado.
Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge La alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias en las más modernas propuestas para la unificación del Derecho de contratos F. Gómez, M. Enciso & A. Emaldi (eds.) In Globalización y Derecho: desafíos y tendencias Deusto: Universidad de Deusto, 07/2013 p. 31-38 Si se atiende a las propuestas que en los últimos tiempos están surgiendo para la unificación del derecho de obligaciones y contratos, se
Research Group in Leadership and Innovation in public Management (GLIGP) The GLIGP works on two main subject areas: democratic public leadership, and innovation of public management. These two research lines share the objectives of further study and evaluation of the transparency and answerability of the public sector, both in modernization processes and in the corresponding inter-administrative and inter-sectorial cooperation. The group’s approach combines theory and empirical analysis and uses participative, quantitative and qualitative research. The GLIGP’s main research lines are: Leadership in the public sector. Politics and public management. The institutional space of the managerial function in democratic governance. Non-hierarchical coordination in public management. Management of transversality and interorganisational networks in the provision of public services. Public-private partnerships. Institutional frameworks which favour entrepreneurship and the efficient functioning of the markets.
Tamyko Ysa, Director
apreciará que la alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias no es una figura de derecho excepcional. La alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias es una más de las vicisitudes normales del contrato. Esa normalidad no sólo deriva de la inclusión expresa de la figura en estas propuestas sino también de sus requisitos de aplicación y de su entronque en la teoría general de las obligaciones y del contrato. Si bien la alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias merece un trato diferenciado en cada una de las propuestas que a continuación estudiaremos, todas esas propuestas y regulaciones plantean los mismos problemas y cuestiones. A continuación, comenzamos con el análisis de uno de esos problemas: la compatibilidad de la institución del cambio de circunstancias con el principio pacta sunt servanda.
Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge La ineficacia de los pactos en previsión de la ruptura conyugal ante el cambio sobrevenido de circunstancias In Questions actuals del dret català de la persona i de la família: Materials de les Dissetenes Jornades de Dret català a Tossa. Tossa de Mar, 20 i 21 de setembre de 2012 Universitat de Girona. Institut de Dret privat europeu i comparat Girona: Documenta Universitaria, 06/2013 p. 605-615 Son muchas las dudas y cuestiones que suscita la regulación contenida en el artículo 231-20 CCCat. Muchas de esas dudas, como es obvio, se relacionan con la compatibilización de este tipo de pacto con la disciplina normativa típica del derecho de familia. Una de esas cuestiones consiste en la averiguación de hasta qué punto y con qué extensión puede la voluntad de los cónyuges excluir, limitar o incluso interpretar los diversos preceptos que se encargan de regular las consecuencias derivadas de una ruptura matrimonial. Pero no sólo presenta interés la regulación de esta institución desde la perspectiva del derecho de
familia, sino también desde y para otros ámbitos del derecho civil. En particular nos referimos al derecho de obligaciones y contratos y a la aportación que a este ámbito se realiza desde el último apartado del artículo 231-20 CCCat a través de la aceptación explícita de la ineficacia del contrato (en este caso del pacto en previsión de la ruptura conyugal) por la alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias.
Fluvià Font, Modest Saló Mayolas, Albert ¿Existen razones de eficiencia económica en las decisiones de cierre parcial de algunos museos locales? Análisis del caso del Museo Darder (Banyoles) en el contexto de los museos de Cataluña
Correa Delcasso, Juan Pablo Los arbitrajes societarios
Alcalde, G.; Burch, J.; Fluvià Font, M.; Rigall Torrent, R.; Saló Mayolas, A. In Museos y turismo: expectativas y realidades I. Arrieta Urtizberea (ed.) Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco (UPV), 01/2013 p. 195-222
J.L. Collantes González & A.-C. Cremades (dirs.) ; M. de Benito Llopis-Llombart (coord.) In Arbitraje comercial internacional en Europa Lima (Perú): Estudio Mario Castillo Freire, 01/2013 p. 277-304 Arbitration in commercial matters in Spain and in Europe.
Correa Delcasso, Juan Pablo Términos J.L. Collantes González (dir.) In Diccionario terminológico del arbitraje nacional e internacional Lima (Perú): Estudio Mario Castillo Freire, 10/2012 p. 1-5 La presente publicación es un instrumento lingüístico-jurídico que permite conocer voces y conceptos utilizados en la práctica arbitral.
Ferrer Vidal, Diana Impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas E. Berché Moreno (ed.) In Tratado sobre la imposición directa Barcelona: J.M. Bosch Editor, 11/2012 p. 165-373 El capítulo de IRPF trata de dotar al lector de los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos necesarios para poder entender el impuesto en todo su conjunto. Está acompañado de múltiples ejemplos cuya pretensión no es otra que acercar al lector a la realidad cotidiana y a veces compleja del IRPF.
In this chapter we performed a descriptive analysis to observe the relationships between the main inputs and outputs in museums. Input indicators are calculated from the expenditure items, the area, the number of employees, capital and technology among others. The outputs measured mainly the number of visitors but also the results of technical investigation of the employees. Later some econometric models are estimated controlling for the effect of these different inputs on the final output. In this current economic crisis compares the relative performance of Banyoles museums as an example of partial or total closure regarding other museums of Catalonia with similar characteristics and that are still open to the visitors.
Ginés Castellet, Nuria La desproporción entre prestaciones como causa de ineficacia del contrato en la propuesta de modernización del Código civil en materia de obligaciones y contratos: un análisis de sus condiciones a la luz de algunos textos transnacionales F. Gómez, M. Enciso y A. Emaldi (eds.) In Globalización y Derecho: desafíos y tendencias Deusto: Universidad de Deusto, 07/2013 p. 39-46 En España, el principio de justicia contractual no ha obtenido, por el momento, eco alguno en las disposiciones del Código civil estatal, a diferencia de lo que acontece en otros ordenamientos como el catalán o el navarro. A no ser que pueda constatarse la existencia de un vicio del consentimiento invalidante (error, dolo, violencia o intimidación), de acreditación siempre sumamente delicada y difícil, o bien que el contrato caiga bajo la égida de alguna normativa especial (como puede ser, por ejemplo, la de protección de consumidores y usuarios, o de la defensa de la competencia, u otras), la relación contractualmente establecida entre dos personas capaces no es susceptible de ser controlada y revisada desde el ordenamiento, aunque su resultado sea profundamente injusto para una de las partes, y además consecuencia de la explotación por la contraparte de su situación de desventaja en la contratación.
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Ginés Castellet, Nuria Les “immissions” ou les troubles anormaux de voisinage: une approche en droit civil espagnol et catalan C. Albiges & C. Hugon (eds.) In Immeuble et droit privé. Approches transversales Wolters Kluwer France. Éditions Lamy, 09/2012 p. 173-189 Axe Droit L’objectif de ce travail est de faire une approche du traitement en droit civil espagnol et catalan d’un phénomène très fréquent de nos jours: les ingérences qui se produisent moyennant l’introduction d’éléments impondérables tels que fumées, bruits, odeurs, etc. et qui proviennent des activités que le propriétaire ou l’occupant exerce dans son immeuble. En France, ce phénomène est connu comme les troubles anormaux de voisinage alors qu’en Espagne, on le qualifie d’”inmisiones” et en Catalogne d’”immissions”.
Ginés Castellet, Nuria Los pactos pre-ruptura sobre el hecho mismo de la ruptura conyugal y sobre los derechos y deberes conyugales en el contexto del código civil de Cataluña In Qüestions actuals del Dret català de la persona i de la família Universitat de Girona. Institut de Dret privat europeu i comparat Girona: Documenta Universitaria, 07/2013 p. 617-626 Este tipo de acuerdos, en los que los otorgantes buscan una ordenación anticipada de ciertos efectos personales en una hipotética separación o divorcio, no suelen darse con asiduidad en nuestra praxis, ya de por sí aún no excesivamente fecunda en pactos prematrimoniales. Además no han sido objeto de tratamiento específico en el CCCat que, de hecho, no alude directamente a ellos. Aun así, pueden darse, y bueno es plantearse su licitud o ilicitud en el marco de esta última normativa. En términos generales, se suele apostar por su falta de validez, atendido que, como norma, suelen incidir en el ejercicio de derechos y libertades fundamentales de los cónyuges. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la doctrina aboga por la licitud de los pactos que, sin regular directamente estos aspectos puramente personales, sí anudan ciertas consecuencias económicas a determinadas conductas de los cónyuges a ellos vinculados. En mi opinión, ni siquiera estos últimos deberían merecer, en la mayoría de casos, el espaldarazo de su legitimidad jurídica.
Ginés Castellet, Nuria Propiedad inmobiliaria en garantía y juego del pacto comisorio en nuestro sistema de garantías reales: principios y límites E. Lauroba Lacasa (dir.); J. Tarabal Bosch (coord.) In Garantías reales en escenarios de crisis: presente y prospectiva Madrid: Marcial Pons, 12/2012 p. 409-423 Este trabajo tiene por objeto el de (re)examinar el posible juego del pacto comisorio en nuestro actual sistema de garantías reales, centrando la atención básicamente en el caso de un bien inmueble como objeto de la garantía. ¿Cabe que la propiedad sea transmitida con fines de garantía? ¿Puede el pacto comisorio desempeñar el papel de una garantía real? Si todo ello es así, ¿en qué medida y con qué límites? A estas cuestiones se intenta dar respuesta o, por lo menos, apuntar una posible respuesta.
Lozano Soler, Josep M. Organizational ethics L. Zsolnai (ed.) In Handbook of business ethics: Ethics in the new economy Oxford (U.K.): Peter Lang, 04/2013 p. 103-126 Organizational ethics refers to the set of values that identifies an organization either as it is perceived by those working in the organization or by those who have dealings with the organization. Organizational ethics can be considered in a broad sense (that is, as the set of values which structures the organization and its practices) or in a narrow sense (that is, as only those values that express the vision, the raison d’être and the commitments of the organization, and which are linked to its identity). We can speak of organizational ethics on the basis of various focal points: (i) the organization’s practices - identifying the values which in fact structure organizational functioning; (ii) formal statements - studying the discourse which is proposed as a value reference for the organization; (iii) the processes which permit continual reinterpretation of the relationship between statements and practices, and (iv) the project - stressing what is relevant to the creation and renewal of corporate identity. These four perspectives are not mutually exclusive. However, we can recognize them as evolutionary sequences of organizational ethics. This chapter conceives organizational ethics as an opportunity for learning and innovation. Organizational ethics is here viewed not merely as a process of awareness but as a project through which organizations reflect on themselves.
Maak, Thomas Pless, Nicola Responsible leadership: Pathways to the future J. Ciulla, M. Uhl-Biel & P.H. Werhane (eds.) In Leadership Ethics London (U.K.): Sage, 03/2013 p. 98-122 SAGE Benchmarks in Leadership This article maps current thinking in the emerging field of responsible leadership. Various environmental and social forces have triggered interest in both research and practices of responsible leadership. This article outlines the main features of the relevant research, specifies a definition of the concept, and compares this emergent understanding of responsible leadership with related leadership theories. It concludes by drawing pathways for future research.
Makarevich, Alex Organizational roles and network centrality in the U.S. venture capital industry T.K. Das (ed.) In Managing knowledge in strategic alliances New York, N.Y. (U.S.): Information Age Publishing, 02/2013 p. 75-109 Previous studies suggest that positions of centrality in a network of strategic alliances provide access to other network members’ knowledge and enhance firms’ own knowledge creation capabilities. These benefits translate into valuable performance outcomes. However, only few prior studies considered how roles that firms play in alliance networks affect their performance. This chapter addresses the following question: How do firms’ roles vis-à-vis their alliance partners affect the benefits they derive from positions of network centrality? I distinguish between two types of centrality in a network: centrality based on the role of invited partner - status centrality - and centrality based on the role of inviting partner - hub centrality. Using the venture capital (VC) industry as an empirical setting, I analyze how status centrality and hub centrality affect firms’ viability in the market. I find that status centrality positively affects both access to and quality of deals VC firms are able to participate in, which, in turn, enhances the firms’ survival. In contrast, hub centrality limits firm’s access to deals and fails to have a positive effect on the quality of deals. It does, however, positively affect status centrality and, through this pathway, enhances organizational survival. This research indicates that effect of network centrality is contingent on the way centrality is attained. Firms’ knowledge management strategies that aim at attaining centrality in alliance networks need to consider performance advantages and disadvantages associated with roles the firms play while implementing such strategies.
Sayeras Maspera, Josep M. The Spanish crisis and the ways of getting out of it E. Bonet & K. Balaton (ed.) In Histories of Doctoral Programmes in Management and Business Administration Brussels: European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA), 07/2012 p. 242-252 The purpose of this article is to analyze the situation in Spain and its future. For this reason, I divided it into three parts plus one introductory part and some conclusions. First of all, we are going to look at the territory. Secondly, we are going to examine the financial crisis in Spain. Finally, we are going to look at the options for this specific situation. We have to bear in mind also the Social Market Economy (SME). SME is what defines the success model that establishes the framework of the German Society; and therefore, knowledge of this model would help to prevent misunderstandigns and a “new way” to get out of the crisis.
Spender, John Christopher A new theory of what? Humanizing the firm in the time of the precariat Joan Eric Ricart Costa & Josep Maria Rosanas (eds.) In Towards a new theory of the firm Barcelona: Fundación BBVA, 12/2012 p. 183-240 Monografías Fundación BBVA Este libro nace de la idea de que la empresa ha resultado ser una forma organizativa con capacidad de transformar la sociedad. Las empresas contribuyen a solucionar problemas reales, creando valor social y fomentando el cambio. La dirección y los directivos tienen una influencia notable en el bienestar de muchas personas. Pero ¿es posible que nuestras teorías de dirección sean erróneas; incluso que sean responsables de los errores que desembocaron en la crisis actual? IESE, como escuela de negocios comprometida con el desarrollo de líderes que aspiran a ejercer un impacto positivo profundo y duradero en las personas, es consciente de la tendencia de deshumanizar la profesión de directivo, pero también de la necesidad de reconocer su importancia y sus logros. Fue desde este compromiso, y con cierto sentido de urgencia, que en 2011 se organizó una conferencia internacional bajo el título “Humanizing the Firm and the Management Profession”, con el propósito de revertir esta tendencia, replanteando nuestras teorías de la empresa. El presente libro reúne las comunicaciones presentadas en ese encuentro. La obra se estructura en tres partes. La primera, “On Leaders and Society: What Future Are We Building Today?”, intenta contextualizar el debate ofreciendo un diagnóstico de la situación actual. Presenta unas perspectivas positivas pero también negativas; algunas reflexiones empíricas pero también propuestas normativas. La segunda, “Building Blocks for a New Theory of the Firm”, pretende desarrollar los elementos centrales de lo que sería una nueva teoría de la empresa: las bases de una teoría de gestión estratégica orientada a los grupos
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interesados; cuestiones filosóficas de fondo sobre en qué debería consistir la humanización; y los fundamentos de la responsabilidad social corporativa y de la implicación de los grupos interesados. Finalmente, la tercera parte, “On Micro Foundations”, repasa algunos de los elementos claves susceptibles de dar apoyo a una nueva teoría de la empresa. Por el camino, habremos visto algo de cómo es nuestro mundo, porqué es así, y qué podemos hacer para que sea diferente.
Spender, John Christopher Bureaucratic theory Eric H. Kessler (ed.) In Encyclopedia of management theory New York (U.S.): Sage, 03/2013 p. 88-93
In discussing a management topic, scholars, educators, practitioners, and the media often toss out the name of a theorist (Taylor, Simon, Weber) or make a sideways reference to a particular theory (bureaucracy, total quality management, groupthink) and move on, as if assuming their audience possesses the necessary background to appreciate and integrate the reference. This is often far from the case. Individuals are frequently forced to seek out a hodgepodge of sources varying in quality and presentation to provide an overview of a particular idea. This work is designed to serve as a core reference for anyone interested in the essentials of contemporary management theory. Drawing together a team of international scholars, it examines the global landscape of the key theories and the theorists behind them, presenting them in the context needed to understand their strengths and weaknesses to thoughtfully apply them. In addition to interpretations of long-established theories, it also offers essays on cutting-edge research as one might find in a handbook. And, like an unabridged dictionary, it provides concise, to-the-point definitions of key concepts, ideas, schools, and figures.
Spender, John Christopher Herbert Alexander Simon: Philosopher of the organizational life-world M. Witzel & M. Warner (eds.) In The Oxford handbook of management theorists Oxford (U.K.): Oxford University Press, 02/2013 p. 297-360 Concurrent with the increasing complexity of the field of management, the need to re-examine the foundations from which its theories have advanced has become ever more important and useful. “The Oxford handbook of management theorists” examines and evaluates the contributions that seminal figures, past and present, have made to the theory of management by providing in-depth, up-to-date, and detailed scholarly analysis of their ideas and influence. Chapters by leading management and management history scholars explore the origins of each thinker or school of thought and their ideas, and discuss the significance and influence in a broader framework. The Handbook contextualises each theorist and their theories, analysing their actions, interactions, and re-actions to contemporary events and
to each other. It is arranged in three parts: pioneers of management thinking from Frederick Taylor to Chester Barnard; post-war theorists, such as the Tavistock Institute and Edith Penrose; and the later phase of Business School theorists, including Alfred Chandler, Michael Porter, and Ikujiro Nonaka. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in how and why management ideas have emerged, and the ways in which they are currently developing and will evolve in the future.
Spender, John Christopher The three phases of Max Boisot’s theorizing John Child & Martin Ihrig (eds.) In Knowledge, organization & management Oxford (U.K.): Oxford University Press, 06/2013 p. 205-212 Max Boisot was one of the most original thinkers in management and organization studies. An independent scholar with an independent, enquiring, and innovative mind, his work ranged over a number of different areas from early attempts to understand contemporary developments in China to the role of information in organizations, and later the management of Big Science. Yet, as this book shows, there was a central strand that ran through these apparently diverse areas, which was the attempt to understand the relationship between knowledge and information, and its organization -- in firms, organizations, and societies -- by means of the model Boisot developed, the ‘I-Space’. Knowledge, Organization, and Management brings together key examples of Max Boisot’s work into a single volume, setting these alongside original, extended commentaries and reflections by his academic collaborators. Structured under five core sections, it covers the main areas in which he forged new understandings: analyses of the Chinese system; organizational complexity; the strategic management of knowledge; knowledge in Big Science; and innovations in education. A further section includes six reflective essays by Boisot’s collaborators.
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Els valors de Catalunya FOCIR (ed.) In XI Jornades de la FOCIR. Valors catalans: construcció i projecció del país Barcelona: Federació d’Organitzacions Catalanes Internacionalment Reconegudes (FOCIR), 10/2012 p. 40-46 Jornades de la FOCIR; no. 4 Hi ha quatre gran amenaces que generen una gran confusió en el terreny de les marques: en la traçabilitat dels productes i serveis; en el fenòmen low-price; en l’emergència absolutament positiva de valors transversal, com ara la multiculturalitat o el mestissatge; en la crisi econòmica actual que provoca qualificacions negatives del risc financer. Malgrat aquest escenari, més que mai, la proposta d’imatge de marca de Catalunya, amb els seus atributs consensuats, permetrà neutralitzar els efectes negatius i esdevenir un suport estable d’altíssim valor afegit per a la identificació i dinamització del país, les exportacions, l’atracció de capitals, el turisme, la moda, etc.
Villegas Sánchez, Carolina The role of multinational corporations in financial globalization Kalemli-Ozcan, S.; Villegas Sánchez, C. In The evidence and impact of financial globalization G. Caprio (ed.) London (U.K.); Waltham, Mass. (U.S.): Elsevier, 01/2013 p. 321-332 The chapter is structured as follows. The section ‘What Are the Determinants of FDI?’ reviews the macro and micro determinants of FDI, the section ‘Are There Any Growth Effects of FDI?’ summarizes the literature on the potential growth-enhancing effects of FDI and briefly describes new patterns of FDI into services, especially the financial sector. Finally, the section ‘Foreign Investment, Volatility, and Crises’ presents a summary of the literature on financial globalization, volatility, and crises. The recent wave of financial globalization started in the early 1990s with increasped cross-border capital flows among the industrial world and quickly spread to emerging markets.
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Esteve Laporta, Marc Longo Martínez, Francisco Enhancing innovation in public organizations through public-private partnerships: The role of public managers C. Greve & G. Hodge (eds.) In Rethinking public-private partnerships: Strategies for turbulent times Routledge, 12/2012 p. 98-113 Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management; no. 10 Innovation is no stranger to public organizations. In fact, it has been defined as pretty much imperative for them (Osborn 1998).
For example, several scholars have highlighted the global importance of innovation in public organizations over the last decade. The public management literature has identified inter-organizational relations as an innovation in the governance of a public organization (see Mandell and Steelman 2003). From this perspective, public organizations engaging in inter-organizational collaboration interact with other organizations in a network-based relationship, instead of the classic principal-agent position of the traditional public organization with a hierarchical culture. In the last decade, inter-organizational relations have become very popular in the public sector (see, for a review, Hodge and Greve 2009). For that reason, this chapter considers innovation not only as the creation of an inter-organizational relationship but also as the new ideas, objects or practices created through inter-organizational relations. The underlying thesis is that inter-organizational collaborations between public, private, or non-profit organizations allow them to work together toward a shared objective and, as a result, offer a perfect scenario for innovation to emerge. Two research questions are explored in this chapter; how can innovation in public organizations be enhanced; and what is the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the development of innovations? We believe that these enquiries are timely and significant for both improving practice and developing theory in the public administration field. Next, we define the concept of innovation and pull together the different perspectives on innovation observed in public management. We go on to present a case study of the Catalan Blood and Tissue Bank, and the methodology we used to gather data. The subsequent discussion assesses the findings of the case study, and presents several propositions that will help practitioners and academics to understand better the role played by organizational arrangements and public managers in the creation of innovation. The argument put in this chapter is that whilst PPP can be a good vehicle to enhance innovation, they can also lead to increased costs and significant uncertainty, depending on the role played by public managers. We end with concluding remarks.
ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo) The ESADEgeo Center aims to become an international benchmark in the study of economic globalisation and global governance The center produces research and practical knowledge, addressed the various social actors: governments, companies and civil society organizations. It also disseminates and creates opportunities for the application of that knowledge; aimed at institutional strengthening and developing the various actors’ organisational capacities.
Javier Solana, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Abel Lluch, Xavier Estándares de prueba y reglas sana crítica VI Congreso Internacional de Derecho Procesal: Cultura y proceso Universidad Medellín Medellín (Colombia), 29/08/2013 - 31/08/2013 En esta ponencia se estudia de modo comparado los estándares de prueba en derecho anglosajón -beyond any reasonable doubt y preponderance of evidence- y si existe un equivalente en el derecho del civil law, prestando particular interés a las reglas de la sana crítica, profundizando en su origen, concepto y contenido, entendidas como reglas de la lógica, experiencia y ciencia.
Agell Jané, Núria Sánchez Hernández, German Sánchez Soler, Mònica Ruiz Vegas, Francisco Javier Selecting the best taste: A group decision-making application to chocolates design 2013 IFSA World Congress. NAFIPS Annual Meeting North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS) Edmonton (Canada), 24/06/2013 - 28/06/2013 Creation and design of products based on human sensory perceptions, such as color, smell or taste, require the participation of professionals or experts with highly developed sensory abilities. When a group of experts is involved in such creative process as a team, consensus and group decision-making (GDM) techniques able to deal with qualitative descriptions and uncertainty, can be required. In this paper we consider a methodology based upon qualitative reasoning techniques for representing and synthesizing the information given by a group of
experts in order to capture the sensorial aspects of the alternatives. A real application of the proposed GDM method to chocolates design has been conducted throughout 2012 with the Chocolate Chef Oriol Balaguer’s team. We present the results obtained by applying the proposed methodology to aggregate experts’ opinion during a creative session. In this session, some members of Oriol Balaguer’s team tested and evaluated combinations of black chocolate with six different fruits, considered as alternatives, to select the best combination for the design and creation of a new cake.
Agell Jané, Núria Sánchez Soler, Mònica Assessment of renewable energies based on fuzzy and qualitative multi-criteria decision making Afsordegan, A.; Agell Jané, N.; Cremades, L.; Sánchez Soler, M.; Zahedi, S. 22nd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Universidad de Málaga Málaga, 17/06/2013 - 21/06/2013 Renewable energies have become a crucial issue in energy sector research due to their increasingly positive impact on sustainability. Current studies focus on the impact of existing sources of renewable energies, as well as their comparison and possible combinations. The assessment and selection of the most suitable types of energy in a geographical area is a complex problem, involving technical, economic, environmental, political, and social criteria. To establish a methodology to select the best option depending on different criteria in each scenario, this paper compares two multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approaches based on linguistic label assessment for renewable energies. The first approach consists of a modified fuzzy Topsis methodology introduced by Kaya and Kahraman in 2011. The second approach, in-
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troduced by Agell et al. in 2012, is based on qualitative reasoning techniques for ranking multi-attribute alternatives in group decision-making with linguistic labels. We consider seven energy alternatives, six renewable (solar, wind, nuclear, biomass, hydraulic, and combined heat and power) and one conventional. Both MCDM methods are performed on the basis of nine criteria: efficiency, energy efficiency, investment cost, operation and maintenance cost, NOX emission, CO2 emission, land use, social acceptability, and job creation as conveniently weighted by a group of three experts using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The obtained results are presented and analysed using both methods in five scenarios.
Arenas Vives, Daniel Internal control mechanisms for transnational CSR Arenas Vives, D.; Ayuso, S. 2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Lake Buena Vista, Fla. (U.S.), 09/08/2013 - 13/08/2013 Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting 2013 Society for Business Ethics (SBE) Orlando, Fla. (U.S.), 09/08/2013 - 11/08/2013 The purpose of this paper is to shed light on how multinational companies manage the tension between the local and global dimensions of CSR, arising from the competing concerns of integration and responsiveness. Building theory from a case study, we offer some general insights about the internal control mechanisms of such a complex CSR strategy, an aspect which has been central in the research on relationships between headquarters and subsidiaries but, to our knowledge, so far neglected in CSR studies. In particular, we analyze which centralization, formalization and socialization mechanisms are essential for a transnational approach to CSR. In addition, we discuss two other related concerns emerging from our case study: the unequal weight among subsidiaries and the relation between a transnational approach to CSR and the embedding of CSR issues into business activity.
Arenas Vives, Daniel Transnational corporate social responsibility: The role of internal control mechanisms Arenas Vives, D.; Ayuso, S. 13th EURAM Annual Conference 2013 European Academy of Management (EURAM) Istanbul (Turkey), 26/06/2013 - 29/06/2013 The purpose of this paper is to shed light on how multinational companies manage the tension between the local and global dimensions of CSR, arising from the competing concerns of integration and responsiveness. Building theory from a case study, we offer some general insights about the internal control mechanisms of such a complex CSR strategy, an aspect which has been central in the research on relationships between headquarters and subsidiaries but, to our knowledge, so far neglected in CSR studies. In particular, we analyze which centralization, formalization and socialization mechanisms are essential
for a transnational approach to CSR. In addition, we discuss two other related concerns emerging from our case study: the unequal weight among subsidiaries and the relation between a transnational approach to CSR and the embedding of CSR issues into business activity.
Batista Foguet, Joan M. Boyatzis, Richard Serlavós Serra, Ricard Measuring emotional and social competencies: Establishing convergent validity between the ESCI-U questionnaire and critical incident interviews Batista Foguet, J.; Canboy, B.; Emmerling, R.; Boyatzis, R.; Serlavós Serra, R. 5th European Survey of the Research Association (ESRA) European Survey Research Association (ESRA); University of Lujbljana. Faculty of Social Sciences Lujbljana (Slovenia), 15/07/2013 - 19/07/2013 This study establishes convergent validity among two different instruments used to measure Emotional and Social Competencies from a behavioral perspective. On the one hand, the Emotional and Social Competencies Inventory - University Edition (ESCI-U) is a multi-rater questionnaire used in a leadership development course to evaluate 14 emotional and social competencies and 2 cognitive competencies (Boyatzis, 1995; Boyatzis & Sala, 2004). On the other hand, the Critical Incident Interview (CII), also called Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) is a technique in which participants relate real experiences (McClelland, 1998) and are then coded based on seven emotional and social competencies which coincide with those of the ESCI-U. For this study, we are comparing informant results of the 360º questionnaires from 100 students who have also participated in voluntary interviews. We are expecting a high correlation among competencies that seem generally “inherent” to MBA students, such as Achievement Orientation or Influence. Low correlations on some competencies (e.g. Teamwork or Empathy) can be indicators of projections from the raters of 360º evaluations comparable to social desirability or preferences made by interviewees when choosing the incidents they decide to mention during the interview process. The results have practical implications on how these instruments are most effectively applied in education and development.
Batista Foguet, Joan M. Revilla, Melanie Audrey Saris, Willem Egbert Boyatzis, Richard Serlavós Serra, Ricard Reassessing the effect of survey characteristics on Common Method Variance in emotional and social intelligence competencies assessment ESRA 2013. 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association European Survey Research Association (ESRA); University of Lujbljana. Faculty of Social Sciences Lujbljana (Slovenia), 15/07/2013 - 19/07/2013 Reviewers of papers in business research often reject papers that using a single method for data collection, arguing with the argument
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
that the results cannot be trusted on account of because of Common Method Variance (CMV). This idea is inspired by Campbell and Fiske (1959). Recently, Organizational Research Methods (2010) devoted particular paid special attention to this problem. In that issue, it turns out that it is not so clear what CMV is and how great its large the effect is. In this context we will report on a within-subject, split-ballot multi-trait multi-method experimental design for estimating that allows to estimate CMV for a specific method (length of the response scale) and the effect of a common data collection method (self -reporting of behaviour) related to Emotional and Social Competencies. Results show that there is indeed CMV, but the effect of this common variance is much smaller than the effect of the random errors. This result deviates from the conclusion of Lance et .al. (2010) that these two effects cancel each other out. This study agrees with previous research suggesting that random errors should receive get at least as much or even more reviewer attention of reviewers than than CMV.
Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Noethen, Daniela The relationship between expatriate performance and organizational success revised: Star versus guardian assignments Workshop on New Analysis of Expatriation European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Paris (France), 13/12/2012 - 14/12/2012 In the present paper, we present a new but simple typology of international assignments that can help guide the management of expatriates. Applying a well-known job typology by Baron and Kreps (1999) to the international arena, we distinguish between star and guardian assignments. The essence of this distinction lies in a difference regarding a crucial relationship: the link between expatriate performance and organizational success. Through the analysis of essential characteristics of and differences between star and guardian assignments, we deduct concrete consequences for the employment of specific HRM policies along the expatriate cycle. To ensure face validity of the presented arguments, we present evidence from case studies throughout the paper, which concludes with a discussion of theoretical and practical implications.
Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Business intelligence, competir con información 12° Simposio nacional, 1° Internacional. Business Inteligence Gestión Estrategica de la Información Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito; Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Administración (ASCOLFA) Bogotá (Colombia), 15/11/2012 Los directivos cada vez tienen menos tiempo para tomar decisiones por lo que es necesario disponer de las soluciones TIC que les facilitan la toma de decisiones. Existen en la actualidad distintas organizaciones que además son capaces de competir utilizando la información, entre ellas: Wallmart, Netflix, etc.
Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Do we know enough about the factors of the TAM model to predict the information system’s acceptance? Cano Giner, J.; Fernández Alarcón, V.; Díaz Boladeras, M. 3rd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS 2013) Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU). School of Economics and Management Beijing (China), 21/08/2013 - 24/08/2013 The acquisition and use of information are key factors in successful executive performance. In the last decade the academic research has emphasized computer-based systems. Inside this group of systems, we can find the Executive Information Systems (EIS), which are tools that can help executives to obtain relevant information more efficiently. Recently, EIS have been analyzed through the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with significant results. In order to answer the research question “Is additional qualitative research needed to find more valuable information about the factors of the TAM model?”, we developed a deep literature review from three different perspectives and interviews to experts on EIS. After a 2-step process of reduction of factors, another set of experts ranked and assessed the reduced list of factors. The results suggested that more qualitative research is necessary to uncover more valuable information about the factors.
Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Serra Prat, Marta Caso SEPD NACRA 2012 Annual Meeting North American Case Research Association (NACRA) Quincy, Mass. (U.S.), 25/10/2012 - 27/10/2012 At the end of 2009, Ricardo Burón, Manager of the Spanish Digestive Pathology Society (Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva, hereafter “SEPD”) was asked to prepare an online strategy to align SEPD with the new organizational strategy defined by the President and Board of Directors. The changing environment in which the organization found itself had forced them to define this new strategy. However, SEPD was not an isolated case in the scientific community. In fact, the majority of similar organizations found themselves in comparable situations due to their lack of professionalisation and the budgetary restrictions they were now facing as a result of financing cut-backs from pharmaceutical firms. The case thus attempts to define this online strategy which will then have to be presented to SEPD’s President and Board of Directors.
Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge Artículo 89 de la propuesta de reglamento relativo a una normativa común de compraventa europea: cambio en las circunstancias Jornada Internacional sobre la propuesta de una normativa común de compraventa europea Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO). Sevilla, 14/12/2012 En la propuesta se analiza el problema de la alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias a través de la regulación contenida en el artículo 89 de la Propuesta europea de normativa común de compraventa.
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Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge ¿Existe (o debe existir) un deber de renegociar los contratos?
Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge La ineficacia de los pactos en previsión de la ruptura conyugal ante el cambio sobrevenido de circunstancias
Congreso UNIJES 2013 ESADE. Facultad de Derecho; Universidad de Deusto; Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE); Universidad Jesuitas (UNIJES) Barcelona, 01/07/2013 - 03/07/2013
XVII Jornades de Dret Català a Tossa Universitat de Girona (UdG) Tossa de Mar, Girona, 20/09/2012 - 21/09/2012
La imposición de un deber de renegociación ante el conflicto contractual parece un sin sentido. La génesis de todo contrato, también del renegociado, es la voluntad de las partes expresada libremente. Ciertamente, no puede obligarse a las partes a renegociar los términos de un contrato si eso implica que necesariamente deben alcanzar un acuerdo. Lo que sí podría imponerse en determinados casos es el deber de renegociar de buena fe con anterioridad a solicitar ante el juez medidas tan drásticas como la extinción del contrato. Otro modo de incentivar la renegociación podría ser la introducción de una regla de carácter procesal que vincule los gastos y costas del procedimiento al comportamiento de las partes durante la renegociación o incluso al resultado de dicha renegociación. Cuestión distinta, es determinar cuándo procede imponer a las partes un deber de renegociación. A priori, este deber solo existirá en aquellos supuestos que las partes lo hayan contemplado contractualmente o en aquellos otros en los que las partes puedan acreditar que un suceso o circunstancia imprevista ha afectado el “equilibro contractual” (en sentido amplio). En otro tipo de casos, las partes simplemente no deberían tener deber alguno de renegociar el contrato: pacta sunt servanda.
Los pactos en previsión de una ruptura conyugal es una de las instituciones que más interés ha despertado la entrada en vigor del Libro II del Codi Civil de Catalunya (CCCat). Si bien esta figura ya había sido expresamente reconocida por el legislador catalán en el artículo 15 del Código de Familia, ha sido en el Libro II donde ese reconocimiento expreso se ha convertido en una regulación rigurosa.
Costa Guix, Gerard Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Ambassadors for Antarctica: Exploring the ‘last chance tourism’ paradox XIth SCAR Biology Symposium Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Barcelona, 15/07/2013 - 19/07/2013 Tourism is still on the rise in what have been called ‘last chance tourism’ destinations, Antarctica being a clear example of this. IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators), is the business organisation that advocates, promotes and practises safe and environmentally responsible private-sector travel to the Antarctica. IAATO has called upon auto-regulation as a way of minimising human impact on the Antarctic ecosystem. It has also called for the creation of ambassadors for Antarctica or tourists, who, thanks to their experience, become defenders of the values of sustainability and respect for the environment. In this study, the research questions are essentially exploratory, due to the
Chair in Leaderships and Democratic Governance This Chair takes up the challenge of studying and promoting innovative ways of leadership that are appropriate to our complex environments. It also studies leadership as a means of promoting progress, welfare and cohesion in contemporary society through a threefold entrepreneurial, social and political approach aimed at forging links between these three fields, in addition to analysing the respective institutional frameworks. Many ESADE faculty members participate in this Chair, together with researchers and leading figures involved in business, politics and social initiatives.
Àngel Castiñeira, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
need for a deeper understanding of the whys proposed in the literature and once Antarctic tourism has accumulated several years of experience and a significant volume of tourists. We want to understand how industry and scientific community stakeholders perceive and use the concept of ambassadors, and then try to measure the final effect caused. Mainly, the results show that the human impact of tourism in Antarctica has impacts of a very different nature and generates new hypotheses as to how the underlying positive impact on the Antarctic ambassador concept can be strengthened.
Dávila Blázquez, Juan Francisco Casabayó Bonás, Mònica Influences in children’s materialism: A conceptual framework 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption (CTC 2012) Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione (IULM) Milan (Italy), 12/12/2012 – 14/12/2012 This paper explores the factors that influence materialism in children. It reviews major experiments on materialism in children published in academic journals. As a result, a conceptual framework is provided which classifies the factors in three groups: Individual Factors, SemiContextual Factors (Family related) and Contextual Factors (External influences). This classification helps to understand how these factors relate to each other, and intends to be a tool for parents, educators and policy makers willing to understand how to deal effectively with materialism in children.
Dolan, Simon It’s a matter of trust: Exploring patient aggressive behavior and its impact on service quality within the health clinics sector Gur, A.; Tzafrir, S.; Zatzick, C.; Dolan, S. Managing in a Global Economy XV Eastern Academy of Management (EAM); Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) Sevilla, 23/06/2013 - 27/06/2013 The study argues that when the quality of the exchange relationship between patients and providers is based on trust, the level of aggressiveness diminishes. 45 community health clinics participated in the empirical phases of the study (579 patients and 398 health care providers). Regression results confirm that patients’ trust in providers is inversely related to aggressive behavior experienced by providers, and in turn, leads to higher levels of service quality for the clinic as a whole. The ensuing discussion highlights the need for health care organizations to be more proactive in building a culture of trust between patients and providers.
Dolan, Simon Lo que vale el trabajo en el sector público: estudio exploratorio del significado de los valores organizacionales en el sector público en Perú Gabel Shemueli, R.; Yamada Fukusaki, G.; Dolan, S. XLVII Asamblea Anual CLADEA 2012 Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración (CLADEA); Universidad ESAN Lima (Perú), 22/10/2012 - 24/10/2012 Este estudio de carácter exploratorio examina los valores laborales en las organizaciones del sector público en el Perú. Se utilizó el modelo Tri-axial para clasificar, categorizar y priorizar los valores en tres ejes
Future of Work Chair The FWC main objective is to translate future trends in the world of work into core research, teaching and executive education activities. Also to help organizations transform their culture to support the new trends at work via the development of tools and methodologies to affect culture transformation. The chair will collaborate towards the development of new ideas for enhancing productivity and wellbeing in the new world of work (via research, debates, Talent Laboratory Forum, and other initiatives), and aims to create a global network/consortium with global business leaders, academics and political leaders.
Simon Dolan, Director
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principales, Ético-Social; Económico-Pragmático y Emocional-Desarrollo. Las conclusiones del estudio resaltan la importancia de explorar los valores laborales en el sector público en futuros estudios, a fin de comprender sus posibles implicancias en la gestión de personas en el sector público y en el devenir futuro de nuestra sociedad. Se revisa las posibles recomendaciones para las implicaciones prácticas en las organizaciones en el sector público.
Dolan, Simon Hayashi Junior, Paulo Talenting: Towards a new processual approach to deal with talent management Managing in a Global Economy XV Eastern Academy of Management (EAM); Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) Sevilla, 23/06/2013 - 27/06/2013 Although the necessity for attracting , retaining and motivating talent is a very old challenge for all competitive organizations, only in the last decade the theme has been getting an increased attention as a field of study. The objective of this paper is to introduce a new concept of “Talenting” in its multifaceted framework composed by 7H’s: Hiring, Health, Happiness, Hotness, Head, Heart and Hand. Very different from the traditional models of Talent Management, we are arguing that focusing on the process as proposed in our model can render a person to remain high achiever over time.
Dumitrescu, Ariadna Market frictions, investor sophistication and persistence in mutual fund performance Dumitrescu, A.; Gil Bazo, J. 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics New York, N.Y. (U.S.), 18/09/2012 - 21/09/2012 If there are diseconomies of scale in asset management, any predictability in mutual fund performance will be arbitraged away by rational investors seeking funds with the highest expected performance (Berk and Green, 2004). In contrast, the performance of US equity mutual funds persists through time. In this paper, we report evidence that persistence is less prevalent among hard-to-find funds and investigate whether market frictions can reconcile the assumptions of investor rationality and diseconomies of scale with the empirical evidence. We show that for low levels of managerial skill, more visible funds, which are available to a broad set of investors, underperform less visible funds, which are only available to the most sophisticated investors. As managerial skill rises, funds with less sophisticated investors can outperform funds with more sophisticated investors, as a consequence of the interaction of entry costs with financial constraints. Therefore, for a range of managerial skill, hard-to-find funds exhibit less dispersion in equilibrium expected performance. Using data on US equity mutual funds in the 1996-2010 period and different proxies for fund visibility, we find empirical evidence that differences in observed performance are significantly less persistent among hard-tofind funds than otherwise similar funds.
Duplá Marín, Teresa Algunas consideraciones en torno a la Mediación en Roma a la luz de la nueva Ley 5/2012, de 6 de julio, de Mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles XV Congreso Internacional y XVIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho Romano Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Lisboa Lisboa (Portugal), 15/12/2012 - 16/02/2013 El recurso a los Tribunales como último remedio en caso de conflicto es ya en nuestro país un principio establecido en el Preámbulo de la nueva ley 5/2012, de 6 de julio, de mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles. Esto supone, in fine, la admisión dentro de nuestro sistema de administración de justicia de los métodos alternativos de resolución de conflictos (ADR) entre los que destacan la mediación, el arbitraje, la conciliación y la negociación. La mediación en Roma tuvo un escaso tratamiento jurisprudencial pero es posible, a través del análisis de las fuentes halladas, establecer similitudes y diferencias con la mediación regulada en nuestro país a través de la nueva Ley 5/2012, de 6 de julio, de mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles.
Duplá Marín, Teresa Mediación familiar II Jornadas de Orientación y Terapia Familiar en Contextos Clínicos y Comunitarios Universidad de Deusto; Asociación Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo de la Terapia Familiar (AEI+DTF) Bilbao, 22/11/2012 - 23/11/2012 La mediación familiar ha experimentado en los últimos años en nuestro país un impulso claro y un proceso de regulación liderado, principalmente, por las distintas Comunidades Autónomas. A día de hoy catorce son las Comunidades Autónomas que tienen ley y/o reglamento, si bien en prácticamente todas hay centros de mediación públicos o privados y mediadores ejerciendo estas tareas. Se trata de una normativa completa en la mayoría de los supuestos, pero con particularidades propias en cada una de ellas. A todo esta realidad hay que sumar la publicación, hace tan solo unos meses, de la Ley 5/2012 de 6 de julio de mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles que viene a dar cumplimiento al requerimiento de la Directiva 2008/25/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 21 de mayo de 2008, sobre ciertos aspectos de la mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Fernández Marín, Xavier Saz Carranza, Angel Institutional design of global governance: Power and autonomy of the heads of international governmental organizations Networks for Prosperity Initiative: Expert group meeting on knowledge networking and network governance United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies Vienna (Austria), 18/09/2012
‘enabling’, ‘not enabling’ or ‘disabling organizations’. Organizations are sometimes ‘stuck’ in their own understanding of disability. Their inclusion practices resulting from this understanding may generate different ways of experiencing disability identity in the included employees. Our research aims to conceptualise a process of progressive rethinking of this understanding of disability and, resulting from this, of progressive change in the resulting organizational practices or interventions.
Franch Bullich, Josep Continental in Ukraine
Barcelona Workshop on Global Governance (BCN-WGG) ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo); Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) Barcelona, 14/01/2013 - 15/01/2013
Rosina, M.; Franch Bullich, J. NACRA 2012 Annual Meeting North American Case Research Association (NACRA) Quincy, Mass. (U.S.), 25/10/2012 - 27/10/2012
This paper presents the first results of ESADEgeo’s research project on global governance, focusing on the institutional aspects of the heads of International Governmental Organizations (IGOs). The paper contributes to the debate on the heads’ autonomy by proposing measures of power and potential for autonomy of the organizations’ leading figure. By considering IGOs as networks, the paper also contributes to the debate about the institutionalization of networks and its association with its head autonomy and capacity. Data comes from a new dataset about the institutional characteristics of the IGOs. Item-response theory and mixed factor analysis is used to generate scores of latent power and potential for autonomy. The scores are contrasted against a set of different explanatory variables derived from political and administrative approaches.
Continental, a worldwide operating automotive industry supplier with leading position in the European tire market, was trying to take advantage of the high future growth potential in Eastern Europe. Eastern European markets were developing faster than other markets. The infrastructure was improving as well as the average income of the population, fueling the demand for high-quality cars and subsequently also for high-quality western tires. Ukraine was one of the largest and most promising markets and therefore of top priority for the company. Nevertheless, Continental had been struggling with the Ukrainian market for more than 15 years. Due to a challenging and still developing market system that was characterized by corruption, political instability, absence of law enforcement, lacking payment morale, complex import procedures and a large shadow economy, the company did not manage to establish a real local presence. So far, Continental was serving the market only indirectly through importers and did not have any influence on how importers brought the tires into the market, nor on how and at which prices they were selling them. The decision to be taken was whether to take a more direct approach -i.e. through establishing a sales organization in the country- in order to better develop the market, have more control over the value chain and reach the growth targets set by the headquarter. Furthermore, the underlying question was whether geopolitical decisions would soon bring changes to the micro and macro environment in the country.
Folguera Bellmunt, Conxita Stages in an enabling process: Inclusion of people with disabilities at city gardens 6th International Conference on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Female Empowerment in Science and Technology Academia (FESTA) Athens (Grrece), 01/07/2013 - 03/07/2013 Purpose: This paper analyses the process of change related with understanding the inclusion of people with disabilities. For this purpose, we selected an organization with a long history of inclusion processes that allows for a longitudinal analysis. The organizational practices related to the process of inclusion have been evolving since they started in 1989, becoming, apparently, more enabling. Building on understanding the change processes in diversity, equality and inclusion processes (Ely & Meyerson, 2000), this paper examines: (1) the organizational context that made this evolution possible; (2) the role of different agents intervening in the process; (3) the evolving understanding of disability underlying in the inclusion process. Originality: Research on the inclusion process for people with disabilities is still scarce. While change analysis has been applied to different sources of exclusion and inequality in organizations such as gender (Ely and Meyerson, 2000), there has been no analysis (to our knowledge) of organizational change processes in the field of disability inclusion).Relevance and practical implications: People with disabilities find opportunities for working and professional inclusion in different types of organizations. We have previously (Folguera, 2013) classified these organizations as
Ghaderi, Mohammad Agell Jané, Núria Ruiz Vegas, Francisco Javier Sánchez Soler, Mònica Multi-criteria preference disaggregation analysis for classification: An application to model colour preferences 22nd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Universidad de Málaga Málaga, 17/06/2013 - 21/06/2013 Classification or discrimination problems consider the assignment of a set of alternatives into predefined groups. In some situations, groups are defined in an ordinal way from the most to the least preferred. In the multi-criteria decision-aid (MCDA) literature, this is known as a `sorting’ or `learning preferences’ problem. Capturing the decision
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makers (DMs) tacit knowledge, by providing them a training sample to be sorted in an ordinal way, is considered of interest in the knowledge management field. Extracting and mathematically framing the preference system of the decision maker (expert) enables us to predict preferences for cases that are outside of the training sample. Much effort has been made in this direction in the area of artificial intelligence, specifically in fuzzy set theory and machine learning systems. Preference disaggregation, as one of the most popular approaches for capturing the preference system of DMs, in MCDA is used to infer global preference models from given preferential patterns. Among others, we can highlight: UTA (UTilites Additives); UTASTAR; UTADIS (UTilites Additives Discriminates); ELECTRE TRI; and MHDIS methods. The aim of these approaches is to provide a model that is as consistent as possible with the decisions made by the DM. This research includes a literature review of the existing methodologies for learning preferences and a comparison between some of them. An application related to colour preferences is used to compare these methodologies. Finally, managerial applications involving learning colour preferences are studied.
Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Assessing the performance of Green Supply Management programs in Spanish firms Mendonça Tachizawa, E.; Giménez Thomsen, C.; Sierra Olivera, V.; Montes Sancho, M. J. XXII Congreso Nacional ACEDE Asociación Científica de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa (ACEDE) Cádiz, 17/09/2012 - 18/09/2012 The main objective of this study is to analyze the complex interrelationships among environmental drivers, Green Supply Management (GSM) approaches and performance. Most of the studies assume that there is a single approach to GSM, although evidence suggests that there are
multiple approaches, e.g. assessment and collaboration. Moreover, the literature that analyzes the effect of GSM programs on performance provides mixed results. Lastly, the influence of environmental drivers (e.g. government, customers, society, etc.) on the adoption of each GSM approach (e.g. assessment and collaboration) was mostly studied using case studies. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to contrast different approaches to GSM based on quantitative data, and to analyze their respective performance implications. Moreover, we aim to analyze the influence of environmental drivers on different GSM approaches.
Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Kazeminia, Ali Firms’ social performance: The effect of supplier development programmes and internal practices 25th EBEN Annual Conference European Business Ethics Network España (EBEN); IESE Business School. Universidad de Navarra Barcelona, 19/09/2012 - 22/09/2012 With the emergence of the sustainability movement, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a key concern for managers. In 2011, ninety-five percent of the 250 largest companies (G250 companies) and sixty-four percent of top 100 companies (N100) reported on their corporate responsibility activities showing an increasing trend in comparison to previous years (KMPG, 2011). Among the activities that firms report one set of practices that has shown an increasing attention is Supply Chain Management (SCM). The main reason for this increasing relevance is that managers have realized that the boundary of responsibility extends beyond the reach of their corporations’ ownership (Kytle and Ruggie, 2005): Firms are held responsible not only for the effects of their actions but also for the effects of other members of
Research Group on Legal Guidelines and Social Change The research group is devoted to field studies on social development in an area determined by the law, exploring empirical indices to diagnose the need, improvement or utility of the law in order to optimise individual and social results. Among other group research interests there are: the critical review of the role and value of traditional institutions for the law”, the analysis of the different alternatives of the law with respect to social reality, including historical law and comparative law” and the study and advice on improving legal regulations and legal institutions in general. The group hosts the Observatory for Quality and Effectiveness of Laws (OCEL) to promote critical and neutral analysis of the legal system’s maintenance and renewal.
Sergio Llebaría, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
their supply chains. Sustainable SCM refers to a firm’s plans and activities that integrate environmental and social issues into SCM in order to improve the company’s environmental and social performance and that of its suppliers and customers without compromising its economic performance (de Ron 1998; Seuring and Muller 2008; Pagell and Gobeli 2009). This definition implies that firms adopt programmes to improve the environmental and social impacts of their internal processes (e.g., the production processes within their plants) and initiatives to improve the impact of their suppliers’ and customers’ processes (Gimenez et al., 2012). As a result, we aim to address these gaps by analyzing the effect of both internal and supplier development social practices on firms’ economic/operational and social performance (we will consider also the suppliers’ social performance improvent). More specifically, in this study we test the following hypotheses (due to word count restrictions the development of each hypothesis is omitted): H1a: Internal social practices are positively associated with social performance. H1b: Internal social practices are positively associated with operational performance. H2: Social supplier development practices are positively associated with suppliers’ social performance. H2a: Suppliers’ social performance is positively associated with the firm’s social performance. H2b: Suppliers’ social performance is positively associated with the firm’s operational performance. H3: The firm’s social performance is positively associated with its operational performance.
Ginés Castellet, Nuria Los pactos pre-ruptura sobre el hecho mismo de la ruptura conyugal y sobre los derechos y deberes conyugales en el contecto del Código Civil de Cataluña XVII Jornades de Dret Català a Tossa Universitat de Girona (UdG) Tossa de Mar, Girona, 20/09/2012 - 21/09/2012 Este tipo de acuerdos, en los que los otorgantes buscan una ordenación anticipada de ciertos efectos personales en una hipotética separación o divorcio, no suelen darse con asiduidad en nuestra praxis, ya de por sí aún no excesivamente fecunda en pactos prematrimoniales. Además no han sido objeto de tratamiento específico en el CCCat que, de hecho, no alude directamente a ellos. Aun así, pueden darse, y bueno es plantearse su licitud o ilicitud en el marco de esta última normativa. En términos generales, se suele apostar por su falta de validez, atendido que, como norma, suelen incidir en el ejercicio de derechos y libertades fundamentales de los cónyuges. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la doctrina aboga por la licitud de los pactos que, sin regular directamente estos aspectos puramente personales, sí anudan ciertas consecuencias económicas a determinadas conductas de los cónyuges a ellos vinculados.
Ginés Castellet, Nuria Añoveros Terradas, Beatriz Los pactos en previsión de ruptura matrimonial como mecanismo de prevención y solución de posibles conflictos intraconyugales: una perspectiva comparada e internacional Congreso Internacional UNIJES 2013 Universidad Jesuitas (UNIJES) Barcelona, 01/07/2013 - 03/07/2013 El Derecho de familia ha experimentado en los últimos tiempos trascendentales cambios, al compás de la evolución y transformación social. Uno de los pilares de esta metamorfosis se encuentra en el gradual e imparable avance del juego de la autonomía privada en ámbitos que hasta no ha mucho estaban vedados a la iniciativa particular. Y una de las muestras más recientes de este progresivo reconocimiento de la libertad de las partes a la hora de configurar sus relaciones familiares lo hallamos en los denominados pactos en previsión de una ruptura matrimonial. Ante el elevado porcentaje de disoluciones matrimoniales, una ruptura conyugal no visto como algo extraño y remoto, y, por ello, cada vez más, se considera necesario o, cuando menos, conveniente acordar de modo anticipado los efectos de un eventual y, a tenor de las estadísticas, probable divorcio. Desde los años 1970 es práctica relativamente habitual en los USA y más recientemente se está abriendo camino en distintos países europeos. La cuestión que surge es, sin embargo, si se trata realmente de un instrumento útil para la prevención y, en su caso, solución del conflicto si finalmente se acaba desatando la crisis matrimonial para la que fue previsto.
Hawkins, Matthew Allen Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier Internationalization of emerging market firms: Capability renewal through competitive dynamics Shin, J.; Hawkins, M.; Mendoza Mayordomo, X. AIB 2013 Annual Meeting Academy of International Business (AIB) Istanbul (Turkey), 03/07/2013 - 06/07/2013 GIKA 2013. 2nd Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA); Universitat de València (UV); Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Valencia, 09/07/2013 - 11/07/2013 In this paper, we argue that FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) of emerging market firms is driven by the strategic interaction of firms operating within a competitive environment. Through the competitive dynamics approach, based on the action and reaction of competitors, a framework to discuss how emerging market firms react to foreign entrants at home and how this reaction motivates a firm to expand internationally in a fast and risky way is developed. The framework explains the outward FDI mechanisms emerging market firms pursue as they become emerging market multinational enterprises, supporting the springboard behavior of EM MNEs. Firms from emerging markets are not just passive reactors who become multinational enterprises by defending their positions with available resources, but who beco-
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS | AND academic congresses
me MNEs by aggressively searching and acquiring the necessary resources to enhance their competences to secure their key markets and to pursue further expansion. This view helps explain the renewal process were initial competitive advantages mainly based on location advantages of home markets transition into advanced firm-specific advantages, which prior literature has been unable to fully explain.
Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Exploring context and time in brand image construction through online consumer narratives Iglesias Bedós, O.; Rindell, A. 5th International Conference on Rhetoric and Narratives in Management Research (RNMR 2013) ESADE. Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) Barcelona, 25/03/2013 - 27/03/2013 Purpose: The present paper explores the role of context and time in consumers’ brand image construction. Earlier studies show that inputs from consumers’ relevant past experiences, the image heritage, are important influencers in their current brand image construction processes. The present paper advances this understanding by focusing on how context often defines which past experiences become important influencers in the current brand image construction process. Findings: Findings show that not only coffee, but also the coffee brand plays an important role in memorable coffee moments. The consumer narratives focus on both big turning points in life as well as small everyday events. The brand related data was categorized based on two dimensions: (1) context; nature and happenings with beloved people were found to be important contexts for memorable coffee moments, and (2) time; important earlier experiences were found to influence on the present brand image. We suggest context, “where and with who”, and time, “when”, to be important elements for understanding how the present image is constructed by influences from past. This consumer
understanding is important for closing the gap between intended brand promise and consumer interpretations of branding activities. Originality/ value: The paper highlights the role of context and time in brand image construction which has been surprisingly underscored in the branding literature. The interpretation of the online narratives shows that time and context are essential in understanding how consumers construct images.
Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Saleem, Fathima The key role of human resources policies and practices in implementing a relationship marketing orientation 2013 AMS Annual Conference Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Monterey, Calif. (U.S.), 15/05/2013 - 18/05/2013 The limitations of the transactional approach to marketing in services and industrial settings gave rise to a relationship marketing (RM) paradigm (Grönroos 1997), which emphasizes building, maintaining, and enhancing relationships between the company and its customers at a profit (e.g., Berry 1983; Grönroos 1990). RM has received a lot of attention in the literature for various reasons (Berry 1995), however there is a clear need for more empirical research on how to support the implementation of a relationship marketing orientation (RMO) internally in organizations (Sin et al. 2005). The existence of a supportive corporate culture seems to be essential for the successful development of a RMO (e.g. Iglesias, Sauquet, and Montaña 2011; Day 2000; Piercy 1998; Winklhofer, Pressey, and Tzokas 2006). In this regard, some authors have discussed they key corporate values that could promote a relational orientation (Grönroos 1994; Iglesias, Sauquet, and Montaña 2011). However, the main shortcoming of these studies is that they only focus on the relevance of a corporate culture that can facilitate
Research Group on Medition, Law and Family There are on two major research lines inside the group: New family models and their legal implications: reconstituted or step families; marriage, adoption and homosexuality; family protocol as a necessity in light of the new family models, and the young/elderly in current society. Family mediation: An analysis of the current situation regarding family mediation in our country, potential interregional problems and the skills and competencies of family mediators.
Teresa Duplà, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
a RMO, but do not place emphasis on the human resources management (HRM) policies and practices that managers should promote to define and reinforce this corporate culture. Therefore, this study aims to identify the internally consistent HR policies and practices that define, develop, and reinforce a corporate culture that promotes and facilitates a RMO. Due to the lack of research in this specific field, this study leans towards adopting an exploratory and interpretative methodology, following the principles of grounded theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Strauss and Corbin, 2007). The data consists of 58 in-depth interviews spanning three case studies in the hotel industry. The results suggest that the key HRM policies that support a RMO are: recruitment, training, internal communications, promotion, and compensation.
Iñesta Codina, Anna Rovira Llobera, Xari Serlavós Serra, Ricard Valencia Silva, Maika The integrative module in the bachelor of business administration: Training undergraduate students in creative problem solving ISBE 2012 Conference Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Dublin (Ireland), 07/11/2012 - 08/11/2012 From the increasingly spreading consideration that intrapreneurial activity is a requirement in innovative organizations, creativity has come to be considered one of the most valuable characteristics in management professionals, allowing more successful problem solving (Proctor, 1999; Puccio, Firestien, Coyle & Masucci, 2006; Puccio & Cabra, 2009). This paper presents the Integrative Module as a key learning environment within the curriculum of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at ESADE Business School, designed to train undergraduate students (future professionals) in creative problem solving through the integrated application of knowledge acquired in three different courses pursued in the previous year. A total of 220 students enrolled in the second year of the BBA program participated in the Module. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were carried out. The results obtained have allowed us to identify the processes involved in creative problem solving as well as to learn that the participating students considered the learning experience of the Module as a very useful learning task for their future professional activity, and specifically for creativity and innovation in managerial decisions.
Lamolla Kristiansen, Laura Folguera Bellmunt, Conxita Entrepreneurial projects and realities: narratives of men and women with disabilities 5th Conference on Rhetoric and Narratives in Management Research ESADE Business School Barcelona, 25/03/2013 - 27/03/2013 Purpose: This paper analyses the intersection of gender and disability in the motivations to pursue entrepreneurial projects through the voices of men and women with disabilities and professionals working in the
field of disability entrepreneurship. In order to succeed, entrepreneurial projects need to persuade both customers (who will buy the products/ services) and investors (who will provide financial resources to set up the project). This research will examine rhetoric patterns in discourses addressed to these stakeholders in relation to gender and disability identity. Originality: Research on entrepreneurship projects developed by people with disabilities is scarce. We consider the voices of different actors in the entrepreneurial project and analyse the nature of the narratives constructed by entrepreneurs in order to attract funds and customers for their projects. We will examine whether there are different patterns in these narratives that may be related with the gender and disability identity of the entrepreneurs. Relevance and practical implications: People with disabilities compete with other organisations for resources to fund their projects and they also compete with other organisations to attract customers. In a context of economic recession, when organisations with a focus on disability inclusion experience a reduction in their resources, self-employment and entrepreneurship are considered as options for people with disabilities and they are encouraged. An awareness of the narratives that are able to communicate the contribution of these entrepreneurial projects can help people with disabilities in their projects for inclusion and participation in the employment market. By interviewing both men and women, we aim to analyse whether there are differences in how these narratives are constructed using an intersectionality perspective (McCall, 2005).
Lozano Soler, Josep M. Business education: More business than education? Seventh TransAtlantic Business Ethics Conference (TABEC 2012) NHH Norwegian School of Economics Bergen (Norway), 19/10/2012 - 20/10/2012 Una contribució al debat sobre les business schools a partir de la proposta y les reflexions de Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. Es tracta de rellegir el que planteja des de la pregunta de si és posible una aproximació que no requereixi necessàriament i obligatòriament ni l’adhesió a un sistema de creences determinat ni la vinculació a una determinat perfil d’institució educativa. La proposta que es presenta se sitúa més enllà de les aproximacions convencionals i vol ajudar a crear les condicions per a un diàleg positiu i creatiu.
Lozano Soler, Josep M. Sustainability PRME practices and perspectives The World Forum: Sustainability & Business Practices: Implications for Our Schools International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS) Saint Louis, Miss. (U.S.), 14/07/2013 - 16/07/2013 Presentació de les activitats d’ESADE amb relació a PRME. La presentació recull l’evolució del plantejaments d’Esade en relació amb el seu compromís al PRME i posa de relleu el model des del qual es planteja i quins són els exemples més significatius.
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS | AND academic congresses
Mannen, Delia Maak, Thomas Pless, Nicola Art as an expression of organizational identity: A view into the Cleveland clinic collection and its meaning in the design for human dignity 29th EGOS Colloquium HEC Montréal; European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS); Université de Montréal Montréal (Canada), 04/07/2013 - 06/07/2013 The quest for responsible leadership is a response to recent business scandals and calls for more ethical managerial conduct and the result of changes and new demands in the global marketplace (Pless, Maak & Stahl, 2011; Puffer & McCarthy, 2008; Waldman & Galvin, 2008). One demand is the expectation of stakeholders that corporations and their leaders will take a more active role as citizens in society and contribute to the ‘triple bottom line’ (Elkington, 1997) by creating environmental, social, and economic value. In essence, these calls acknowledge that leadership exerts its influence in a global stakeholder environment and therefore demand that leaders ‘contribute to the creation of economic and societal progress in a globally responsible and sustainable way’ (EFMD, 2005: 3). As the growing number of public-private partnerships, social innovations, and leadership initiatives indicate, increasing numbers of business leaders accept their responsibility to help find solutions to pressing global problems, such as poverty, environmental degradation, pandemic diseases, and human rights. Surveys of senior executives conducted by the strategy consultancy McKinsey & Co. (McKinsey, 2006, 2010) reveal that a knowing-doing gap persists with regard to responsible leadership: executives recognise their broader responsibilities as global citizens, but they struggle to cope effectively with wider social, political, and environmental issues. In this paper we intend to throw light on this gap by looking into examples of successful entrepreneurs who have chosen to design for human dignity, that is, to engage in entrepreneurial activities that tackle social challenges by employing entrepreneurial means. We conducted field research on three case examples of social business leaders in South America (Paraguay), Africa (Uganda), and Asia (Cambodia). Our findings offer compelling insights into the practice of responsible leadership-and thus the motifs, traits, and actions of committed individuals whose purpose in life became to design organisations that help to address pressing social issues and ensure human dignity.
Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier Service internationalization in Latin America and the Caribbean 2013 BALAS Annual Conference Universidad ESAN; The Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS) Lima (Perú), 20/03/2013 - 22/03/2013
de las materias primas). La internacionalización de los servicios constituye una de las áreas en el ámbito de los negocios internacionales (International Business) que no ha sido suficientemente investigada. En este sentido, el desarrollo de un nutrido grupo de multinacionales latinoamericanas en el sector servicios ofrece interesantes oportunidades para la investigación académica.
Montaña Matosas, Jordi Effects of brand identification in consumer-brand relationships Francisco-Maffezzolli, E.; Muller Prado, P.; Montaña Matosas, J. 42th Annual Conference European Marketing Academy (EMAC 2013) European Marketing Academy (EMAC); Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Istanbul (Turkey), 04/06/2013 - 07/06/2013 The objective of this study is to enhance discussion about the effects of brand identification in consumer-brand relationships. Data was garnered from a survey of 780 individuals about Brazilian cars owners. The model was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results showed that brand identification is a multidimensional construct and displays positive and significant effects regarding consumer preference for the brand chosen, reduce switching costs to another brand, and enhance brand loyalty. The authors discuss the implications of the empirical findings for both marketing theory and practice.
Moreira Ottani, Sabrina Bou Alameda, Maria Elena ‘High energy’ collisions and sustainable collaborations in outlier organisations: The cases of ATLAS Experiment and KIC InnoEnergy Moreira Ottani, S.; Bou, E.; Canals, A. SMS Special Conference Strategic Management Society (SMS) Geneva (Switzerland), 20/03/2013 - 23/03/2013 Overcoming ‘high energy’ collisions and promoting sustainable collaborations between partners in some outlier organisations is of central importance for their continuance. The intermediary function, performed by human and non-human agents, acquires an important role in these contexts by helping partners to effectively integrate knowledge that would lead into successful innovations. This study aims to investigate this function through an exploratory study of two outlier organisations: ATLAS Experiment and KIC InnoEnergy. Initial findings show that the informal emergence of the intermediary function is contingent on issues that prevent collaborative activities to be developed and that, in the case of human agents, intermediaries need to be internally legitimised so they can influence the development of practice.
A partir de las estadísticas de la Organización Mundial del Comercio la presentación pone de relieve el crecimiento dinamismo de las exportaciones de servicios comerciales no-turísticos en América Latina y el Caribe en el período 2001-2011, un fenómeno que ha pasado en gran medida desapercibido ante el ‘boom’ experimentado por las exportaciones (impulsado en gran medida por los aumentos de precios
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Murillo Bonvehí, David The role of business ethics in business schools: A European perspective 2012 Joint Conference of KABE & JABES Kookmin University; Japan Society for Business Ethics Studies (JABES); The Korean Academy of Business Ethics (KABE) Seoul (South Korea), 09/11/2012 This brief paper presents a personal perspective on the role of business ethics in business schools. The discussion is divided into four phases: a) I start by presenting the most evident proofs of the current maladies in management studies; b) I then briefly discuss the institutional context of our role as scholars in business schools; c) then with the assistance of the sociology of knowledge, I give a view on the meaning of working from within the existing management paradigm; and d) finally, I present what I consider to be the current role of business ethics; namely, encouraging the institutional and academic transformation of management narratives.
this paper explores the fundamental aspects of the creation of organizational structures, central for understanding the tensions the structure creates among work and workers, the resistance of researchers to obey the structure and the ways of solving their conflicts. With this aim, the conceptual framework introduces the Theory of Labour Process which is critical on control based methods of production process but its approach is limited to analyzing different forms of work and the resulted differences on forms of workers’ resistance and conflict resolution. And, the Theory of Agency which focuses on the ways actors’ conceive, decide and implement their actions. The scarcity of empirical studies on those topics and the theoretical contribution to coherently articulate the interplay between “structure and agency” grounded on the nature of work justifies the present research.
Noethen, Daniela Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Star versus guardian assignments: Why expatriates should be managed differentially
Nadal Burgués, Núria Bonet i Guinó, Eduard Tensions between structure and agency in a research organization
2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Lake Buena Vista, Fla. (U.S.), 09/08/2013 - 13/08/2013
7th Organization Studies Summer Workshop European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)S Rhodes (Greece), 24/05/2012 - 26/05/2012
In the present paper, we present a new but simple typology of international assignments that can help guide the management of expatriates. Applying a well-known job typology by Jacobs (1981) / Baron and Kreps (1999) to the international arena, we distinguish between star and guardian assignments. The essence of this distinction lies in a difference regarding a crucial relationship: the link between expatriate performance and organizational success. Through the analysis of essential characteristics of and differences between star and guardian assignments, we deduct concrete consequences for the employment of specific HRM policies along the expatriate cycle. The paper concludes with a discussion of theoretical and practical implications.
Since World War II, scientific research has been largely organized in projects and managed with the methods of project management and strongly influenced by scientific management principles, which are based on control and coordination of the production process. Those methods clash with the traditional management of the scientific activity, based on freedom and creativity. Considering the particular nature of scientific activity and the value of the outcomes it produces,
Research Group on Tourism Management (GRUGRET) This research group aims to create knowledge in the field of sustainable management for businesses and tourist destinations, and to promote exchanges between all the agents involved. The group is multidisciplinary and global in scope and, therefore, external collaborations are international. Its research areas include social marketing, innovation, quality management and management indicators. Transversely, its research is oriented towards the use of information systems, the economic impact on society and on the territory/region in question, and the use of innovative research methodologies such as qualitative reasoning.
Mar Vila, Director
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS | AND academic congresses
Oller Sala, Maria Dolors Constitución económica, cohesión social y democracia: los Derechos Humanos y su indivisibilidad Congreso UNIJES 2013 ESADE. Facultad de Derecho; Universidad de Deusto; Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE); Universidad Jesuitas (UNIJES) Barcelona, 01/07/2013 - 03/07/2013 En las Constituciones de los estados democráticos los Derechos Humanos tienen un lugar destacado. Por lo que respecta a Europa, podemos decir que forman parte de la cultura política de los estados que la integran. Sin embargo, el legado histórico que supone el Estado Social como construcción europea está siendo hoy cuestionado por el proceso de globalización, lo que se ha hecho más evidente en esta época de grave crisis económica. Así, la constitución económica española, en la que estaba presente el modelo social, se ha visto desvalorizada en la práctica como consecuencia de la progresiva penetración interna del Derecho comunitario que, con una clara deriva neoliberal, está afectando de forma especial a los Derechos sociales, lo que supone deslegitimación para el sistema democrático. Y sin embargo los Derechos Humanos continúan formando parte del acervo de principios de la Unión Europea. Esta ponencia tiene por objeto valorar en qué medida continúa siendo hoy posible apostar por una democracia social en el ámbito europeo, en el bien entendido que resulta cada vez más imperiosa la necesidad de proceder a una refundación de la UE, indispensable si queremos equilibrar los acentos económicos con los sociales. La reflexión se hace teniendo en cuenta el nuevo paradigma emergente que aborda los Derechos Humanos desde su indivisibilidad, interrelación e interdependencia. Un enfoque indispensable para la paz y la cohesión social y para que la democracia no se desvirtúe.
Pless, Nicola Key note address: Managing beyond profit Schaltegger, S.; Werner, G.; Pless, N. 75th Annual Congress of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) Universität Würzburg; Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) Würzburg (Germany), 23/05/2013 - 25/05/2013 In the key note “Managing Beyond Profit” I addressed the questions whether social responsibility is a fashion fad or there to stay and whether a paradigm shift is needed in German management science or not. Drawing on different studies, statistics and CEO opinions I concluded (1) that CSR is a topic that will even rise in importance over the next decades, and (2) that management science does not require a paradigm shift, but needs to allow for paradigm plurality in order to develop the best possible approaches for business managers and leaders to provide academic knowledge to help them resolve the pressing social problems locally and globally.
Pless, Nicola The challenges of teaching and learning sustainable leadership 2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Lake Buena Vista, Fla. (U.S.), 09/08/2013 - 13/08/2013 The increasingly required responsibility of enterprises for the environment and society creates new challenges for leaders. They need to be able to deal with multidimensional, complex systems, with different time horizons, ambiguities, and competing stakeholder interests. In order to convey these competences, new methods are necessary in organization development and change, consulting, and management education. Systemic constellations is a method that has been used in management consulting to learn about complex systems and to develop problem solutions in various situations. Systemic Constellations allows cognitive, emotional, and affective learning to occur simultaneously, thus training leaders to grasp the whole complexity of Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility, and giving them the opportunity to make better and more responsible decisions. This PDW consists of four keynote presentations (highlighting the challenges of sustainability leadership and giving insights into systems thinking perspectives on corporate social responsibility) followed by a one-hour showcase of a Systemic Constellation which will involve all participants. This interactive and appealing format offers the opportunity to experience, observe, and handle challenges of sustainability leadership (i.e. ambiguities, conflicts and trade-offs). At the end the participants will be able to assess if they want to use Systemic Constellation in their future work (e.g. in research, management training and consulting).
Pless, Nicola Wissenschaftliche karriere: erfahrungsaustausch und diskussion Pless, N.; Adam, V.; Friedl, G. 75th Annual Congress of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) Universität Würzburg; Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB) Würzburg (Germany), 23/05/2013 - 25/05/2013 Themen des Panels sind Karrieremöglichkeiten und -wege. Frau Dr. Adam, Justitiarin für Hochschul- und Beamtenrecht vom Deutschen Hochschulverband, wird über Ablauf und Inhalt von Berufungsverhandlungen in Deutschland informieren und dabei konkrete Hinweise geben, wie die Universitäten in den verschiedenen Bundesländern Einstiegsgehälter festlegen und wie erfolgreiche Verhandlungsstrategien standortabhängig aussehen. Der Dekan der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Technischen Universität München, Herr Prof. Dr. Gunther Friedl, wird aus der Erfahrung einer Vielzahl von Berufungsverfahren wichtige Tipps für Dos und Don’ts geben und Frau Prof. Dr. Nicola Pless, die zur Zeit in Spanien an der ESADE als Associate Professor tätig ist, berichtet über ihre Erfahrungen bei Berufungsverhandlungen und Einstiegschancen in mehreren Ländern.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Pless, Nicola Maak, Thomas Emergent leadership and team engagement: An application of neuroscience technology and methods
Saleem, Fathima Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Online personal branding in the Middle East and North America: A comparison of social capital accumulation and community response
Waldman, D.; Wang, D.; Stikic, M.; Berka, C.; Pless, N.; Maak, T.; et al. 2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Lake Buena Vista, Fla. (U.S.), 09/08/2013 - 13/08/2013
2013 AMS Annual Conference Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Monterey, Calif. (U.S.), 15/05/2013 - 18/05/2013
Although the topic of employee engagement has gained increasing attention in recent years, little is known about engagement in team settings. In the current study, we examined individual engagement, emergent leadership, and team-level engagement in 31 teams of MBA students who attempted to solve a case problem dealing with corporate social responsibility. Each team member read the case individually prior to beginning the team process, which then occurred over a 45-minute period. A feature of this study is the use of diverse methodologies to measure our key constructs. Individual engagement was measured psychometrically through self-ratings at the end of the team process. Then for each team, an emergent leader and nonleader were identified based on ratings (primarily in terms of transformational leadership) from fellow teammates at the conclusion of the process. During the team process, members were assessed neurologically using electroencephalogram technology to determine their level of engagement. Our findings show that when individuals are highly engaged, there is a tendency for teammates to view them as leaders, rather than non-leaders. Further, emergent leadership is associated with a higher level of team-level engagement, measured neurologically, on the part of teammates when leaders are speaking. Conversely, less team-level engagement occurs when non-leaders speak. Our findings have implications not only for the engagement literature, but also for increasing organizational research that is attempting to incorporate neuroscience technology and methods.
Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad H. Rodón Mòdol, Joan Socio-technical attachments and IT change: A case of unsuccessful software replacement International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012) Association for Information Systems (AIS) Orlando, Fla. (U.S.), 16/12/2012 - 19/12/2012 The paper examines how organizations and people are attached to the existing technologies. Doing so, we propose a socio-technical attachment perspective that helps us unpack different types of attachment between organizations and technologies. Based on an exploratory case study of an unsuccessful technology replacement process, we identify nine types of socio-technical attachments between the old technology and the organization. Our analysis shows that socio-technical attachments are heterogeneous, as they are related to different social and technological aspects, they possess different dynamics, and they interact over the change process. The findings contribute to the literature on resistance and inertial by adopting a balanced sociotechnical perspective and unpacking the heterogeneity and dynamic micro-mechanisms that underlie resistance and inertia.
Individuals are becoming reflexively aware and actively constructing their identities as they rely less on traditional sources such as socioeconomic status in a postmodern society (Hearn 2008; Wee and Brooke 2010). The ease and accessibility of improving technology and social media platforms facilitates identity creation to an unprecedented level (Labrecque, Markos, and Milne 2011). Online media is used to build individual identity using cultural indicators to develop the individuality of people (Featherstone 2007), as personal webpages are becoming controllable spaces of strategic self-presentation (Vazire and Gosling 2004). The rise in popularity of personal branding is especially evident in image consultancy, selfmanagement, and self-promotion books (Wee and Brooke 2010), and has just recently entered the marketing sphere (Shepherd 2005). The practice is receiving a lot of attention as a crucial strategy to succeed in a complex corporate world (Hearn 2008). This research aims to study online personal branders and their respective communities in a naturalistic context. Firstly, this study explores and compares efforts by personal branders in North America (postmodern) and the Middle East (modern) to accumulate social capital. Secondly, as community members are crucial in personal brand networks, we also compare community member narratives towards such personal branding efforts, using netnographic research and in depth interviews. This research furthers the work on online personal branding, and introduces an insightful cross-cultural comparison, that has been lacking in social media consumption studies.
Saló Mayolas, Albert Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar The effect of different characteristics on campsite pricing: Consumer choice analysis, seasonality and location effects in a mature destination Saló Mayolas, A.; Vila Fernández-Santacruz, M.; Garriga, A.; Teixidor Vila, A. Enlightening Tourism: 1st International Conference GEIDETUR - Universidad de Huelva; Center for Tourism Policy Studies; Institute for Service Industry Research - National Research Council (IRAT-CNR); Università degli studi di Napoli Parthenope Naples (Italy), 13/09/2012 - 14/09/2012 This paper analyses what are the most significant variables on the campsite market in Catalonia (Spain) that determine the final price of them. We distinguish tents, caravans, motor homes and bungalow markets as well as the pricing policy within them. We focus on the seasonal patterns and specific location (in terms of municipalities and tourist area) that shed some light on the existence of possible different tourist profiles in this market. Also other attributes that tourists consider are taken into account (services like campsite size, pitch size, supermarket, sports, pool, etc.). Along the lines of
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Haroutunian, et al. (2005), Thrane (2005) and Hamilton (2007) we use hedonic pricing methods to determine the effect of every characteristic of campsites on its final pricing. Using hedonic pricing we can obtain a quantitative value of the influence of location on price. Moreover, we want to analyse the market power of several big campsites that offers an important percentage of places and how the rest of small campsites could react to this influence on final pricing. There are managerial implications for the sector as there are no specific studies in this market despite its importance as a tourist attraction in Catalonia (Spain).
de algunos agentes o la supresión de algunos segmentos en la cadena de valor. El presente caso presenta una oportunidad para estudiar la teoría de juegos a dos niveles: táctico y cadena de valor. A nivel táctico, existen varios agentes con los que la empresa puede interactuar y, en consecuencia, sus movimientos pueden generar expectativas en los otros agentes. Igualmente, la empresa tiene que considerar sus expectativas en relación al resto. A nivel de cadena de valor, las acciones que va tomando la empresa durante este periodo pueden utilizarse como marco teórico para analizar el mantenimiento, aumento o disminución del valor añadido que aporta la empresa en el mercado.
Sayeras Maspera, Josep M. Caso Leqtor
Sayeras Maspera, Josep M. Iñesta Codina, Anna Construyendo los cimientos del posicionamiento ético
NACRA 2012 Annual Meeting North American Case Research Association (NACRA) Quincy, Mass. (U.S.), 25/10/2012 - 27/10/2012 El grupo Leqtor (36LBooks y Leqtor) se funda en el año 2009 fruto de los cambios tecnológicos que se producen en el sector editorial español. Dichos cambios propician que el sector entre en una etapa totalmente nueva y que el sector inicie una era de fuertes turbulencias, reflejado en el número elevado de entradas y salidas de empresas de los distintos segmentos. En esta tesitura, la empresa se plantea la introducción en el mercado de distribución (mayorista y minorista). Las personas que inicialmente estaban al frente del proyecto era Ferran Soriano, Presidente de la empresa, y Ernest Folch, como Consejero Delegado y Secretario. El mercado “del libro” en España presenta una serie de peculiaridades que le hacen especialmente susceptible de análisis. Por un lado, tenemos aspectos microeconómicos específicos, tales como la Ley de Precio Único o una tasa de IVA distinta para los libros en soporte papel o en edición digital. Por otro lado, presenta aspectos microeconómicos genéricos interesantes que aparecen cada vez que un sector entra en periodo de fuertes perturbaciones como la integración vertical
II Jornadas Interuniversitarias de Innovación Docente 2013 Universidad de Deusto; Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE); Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) Bilbao, 04/07/2013 - 05/07/2013 Diseño e implantación de una asignatura que, yendo más allá de lo que podría considerarse la aproximación ‘tradicional’ en la enseñanza de la economía (eminentemente basada en la resolución de ejercicios numéricos), ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad de acercarse al ámbito del conocimiento económico de forma más compleja. Para ello, los debates se proponen como espacios que promueven en los estudiantes la construcción de una visión integral de lo aprendido, basada en el establecimiento de relaciones entre los conceptos clave abordados en la asignatura.
Institute for Public Governance and Management (IGDP) The Institute focuses its activity on government and public sector organisations. The Institute’s lines of activity include public management training, research and social debate on different areas of management, and public administration. This institute’s mission is based on a marked commitment to innovation in the public sector in terms of modernising and improving public administrations. The Research Group in Leadership and Innovation in Public Management (GLIGP), linked to IGDP, conducts research in the theoretical framework of governance, based on two major themes: public, democratic leadership to enhance institutional development; and the analysis of networks, transversality, collaborations and partnerships in innovation in governance.
Albert Serra, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Sayeras Maspera, Josep M. Iñesta Codina, Anna Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Una aproximación heterodoxa en el aprendizaje de la economía: el uso de los debates como herramienta para fomentar la visión integral/sistémica y la comprensión e interpretación crítica de los estudiantes en su primer curso en la universidad
Solouki, Zahra Nadal Burgués, Núria Zander, Udo Management forms: When control is irrelevant
Eighth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Charles University. Faculty of Social Sciences; The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Prague (Czech Republic), 30/07/2013 - 01/08/2013
The structural aspects of organizations have been a focal point in organizational studies, being able to describe and analyze different types of organizations, while the subject of management forms has been underdeveloped. At the structural level new dimensions have been included, but no substantial changes have happened at the managerial level. Traditional management forms show limitations when dealing with ambiguous situations, because control has been viewed as a fundamental aspect of management, limiting the range and application of management under uncertainty. Therefore, this study addresses forms of management when control is counterproductive. The model presented attempts to clarify that different types of goals and tasks will lead to different forms of management as well as different organizational structures.
Diseño e implantación de una metodología educativa en Economía basada en debates como espacios para establecer interrelaciones entre conceptos clave y favorecer una aprehensión más compleja de los mismos.
Saz Carranza, Angel Albareda Sanz, Adrià The evolution of the governance of regulatory networks: A power bargaining perspective Saz Carranza, A.; Albareda Sanz, A.; Salvador, S.; Salvador, S. Public Management Research Conference University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wis. (U.S.), 20/06/2013 European Group on Organization Studies HEC - Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales Montréal (Canada), 07/07/2013 The provision of public goods and services through public goal-directed networks is nowadays a widespread phenomenon. In order to achieve their goals, public organizations face the challenges of collaboration. Among them, the governance of whole networks arises as a cornerstone as it may leverage or hinder the capacity of the network to deliver. This paper focuses on the Network Administrative Organization, the ex-novo entity enacted to govern the public goal-directed network. By empirically analyzing a longitudinal multiple case study of four regulatory networks, the telecommunications network and the energy networks in the European Union, the paper provides a two-fold contribution to the literature on the governance of networks. On the one hand, we offer evidence on the role of power in the process of determining the governance form of whole public goal-directed networks. As we show the interdependent nature of relationships in public-goal directed networks places power and resource interdependence at the core of the process. On the other hand, we propose that the process of development of the governance form of whole networks is dialectical. The paper also cast light on some of the characteristic features of NAO-governed networks and provides avenues for further research.
Solouki, Z.; Nadal Burgués, N.; Zander, U. 35th DRUID Academy Conference Barcelona, 17/06/2013 – 19/06/2013
Truninger De Albuquerque, Margarida Batista Foguet, Joan M. Serlavós Serra, Ricard Boyatzis, Richard The emotionally competent highway from IQ to performance: Testing an interaction effect model ESRA. 5th European Survey Research Association Conference University of Lujbljana. Faculty of Social Sciences Lujbljana (Slovenia), 15/07/2013 - 19/07/2013 The majority of studies inspecting how emotional intelligence (EI) affects performance do so by testing additive effects. Nevertheless, linear effect models of EI may be overly simplistic (Côté & Miners, 2006), as they miss out on the essence of emotional intelligence: the intertwining of emotion, cognition and decision-making processes. Thus, building on Van Rooy &Viswesvaran (2004)’s suggestion that moderating effects may exist we design and test a model whereby EI moderates the relationship between IQ and academic performance. Amongst the ever increasing number of EI measures - since the ability-based model by Salovey & Mayer (1997) to EI traits - we choose to assess EI through its most visible manifestation, through behaviour, as in competencies and attitudes. For this matter we use 360º assessments of the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI; Boyatzis, 2009). The present study, based on a sample of 800 graduate students over the period 2006-12, uses structural equation modelling techniques to test an interaction model wherein emotional competencies act as moderators of general intelligence (g, hereby measured by GMAT total, quantitative and verbal scores), in affecting academic performance. The main purpose of this paper is to test an original model whereby EI acts as a strategic complement to cognitive intelligence, positively moderating its effect on performance, while bringing support to ESCI’s predictive validity. Additionally, we also address a few methodological issues, such as whether survey instruments may succeed at capturing actual behaviour rather than attitudes towards socially desirable behaviours (Saris et. al, 2007). Make this paper available on the ESRA website during and after the conference.
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Valencia Silva, Maika Iñesta Codina, Anna Rovira Llobera, Xari Serlavós Serra, Ricard The integrative module in the bachelor of business administration: Training undergraduate students in creative problem solving ISBE 2012 Conference Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Dublin (Ireland), 07/11/2012 - 08/11/2012
identifies the ten most outstanding management innovations being applied by Spanish tourism companies during the present crisis.
Villanueva Aguila, Jaume Does it matter how you tell it? How entrepreneurial storytelling affects the opportunity evaluations of early-stage investors Villanueva Aguila, J.; Sapienza, H.; Sudek, R. 2013 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (2013 BCERC) Babson College; EMLYON Business School Écully (France), 05/06/2013 - 08/06/2013
From the increasingly spreading consideration that intrapreneurial activity is a requirement in innovative organizations, creativity has come to be considered one of the most valuable characteristics in management professionals, allowing more successful problem solving (Proctor, 1999; Puccio, Firestien, Coyle & Masucci, 2006; Puccio & Cabra, 2009). This paper presents the Integrative Module as a key learning environment within the curriculum of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at ESADE Business School, designed to train undergraduate students (future professionals) in creative problem solving through the integrated application of knowledge acquired in three different courses pursued in the previous year. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were carried out. The results obtained have allowed us to identify the processes involved in creative problem solving as well as to learn that the participating students considered the learning experience of the Module as a very useful learning task for their future professional activity, and specifically for creativity and innovation in managerial decisions.
In this study, we examine how entrepreneurial storytelling influences early-stage investors’ evaluations of venture opportunities, by articulating and testing a theoretical model that specifies a set of intervening mechanisms by which influence is exerted. We test our model with a field experiment involving 188 active business angel investors from different regions in the United States. Results from the experiment suggest that entrepreneurial storytelling affects evaluative judgment in an inconsistent manner. While some hypothesized intervening mechanisms are positively related to investors’ evaluations as hypothesized, others have a negative effect. The implication is that entrepreneurs seeking to influence investors’ evaluations via the story form will have to find ways of capitalizing on the positive effects of storytelling while avoiding its pitfalls. By showing that entrepreneurial stories can influence the evaluative judgments of early-stage investors, our study opens the door for further research on the role of communication strategies in the entrepreneurial resource acquisition process.
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Parera Olm, Antoni Tourism innovation and competitiveness
Villanueva Aguila, Jaume Entrepreneurial stories: What are they? What can they do?
Enlightening Tourism: 1st International Conference GEIDETUR - Universidad de Huelva; Center for Tourism Policy Studies; Institute for Service Industry Research - National Research Council (IRAT-CNR); Università degli studi di Napoli Parthenope Naples (Italy), 13/09/2012 - 14/09/2012
2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Lake Buena Vista, Fla. (U.S.), 09/08/2013 - 13/08/2013
Although Spain’s tourism industry makes up 12% of the country’s GDP (Exceltur, 2012), it invests relatively little in R&D and innovation compared with other sectors (INE, 2010; OECD, 2010). Given the present crisis and aversion to innovation, this paper highlights the innovations being made by Spanish tourism firms against a dark backdrop of economic uncertainty and shrinking consumption. The analysis is conducted for each of the tourism sub-sectors: hotels; catering; intermediation; leisure and kindred fields-as well as by company size. The tourism industry is very complex and these data help in interpreting the interrelationships between these fields and company competitiveness. The study’s contributions fall under two general heads: academic and practical. On the one hand, the empirical work on management in the various sub-sectors of tourism companies allows one to link innovation with competitiveness, in which the former is a necessary condition for the latter (Larios, 1998; Porter, 1990; Chesnais, 1986). On the other hand, the results also provide a balanced scorecard against which to tackle innovation policies in European tourism companies. This paper
The emerging literature on the role of storytelling in the entrepreneurial resource acquisition process shows some promising results and exciting avenues for future research. In this paper, however, I identify two key conceptual problems in extant literature that could jeopardize further advancement in this particular area of study. These problems relate to (1) how entrepreneurial stories are conceptualized and to (2) the attributes that are ascribed to entrepreneurial stories in terms of their potential effects on evaluative judgments. In this paper I address these issues by first clarifying the concept of what constitutes an entrepreneurial story as a specific form of communication and then proposing a number of mechanisms (that go beyond what has hitherto been proposed in the literature) by which entrepreneurial stories may affect the perceptions of potential investors regarding the attractiveness of a given opportunity. In so doing, I contribute to help the further advancement of theory on the role of storytelling in the entrepreneurial resource acquisition process.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Villanueva Aguila, Jaume The effects of entrepreneurial stories on investors’ opportunity evaluations: A theoretical model 2013 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Lake Buena Vista, Fla. (U.S.), 09/08/2013 - 13/08/2013 There is some evidence suggesting that the stories that entrepreneurs tell about their ventures can influence their ability to raise capital from investors. This effect has been attributed to the legitimating role that stories play in influencing investors’ evaluative judgments. However, very little is known about the specific effects that entrepreneurial stories may have on investors’ actual assessments. In this paper, I extend current theory on the role of entrepreneurial storytelling on the resource acquisition process by proposing a theoretical model that further explicates some of the specific effects that entrepreneurial stories may have on the evaluative judgments of early-stage investors. Drawing on theories of narrative persuasion I present a multiple mediation model, in which entrepreneurial storytelling is proposed to influence a number of person-specific cognitive and affective states that subsequently influence the formation of the evaluative judgments.
Villanueva Aguila, Jaume markowska, m. Storytelling in the development of entrepreneurial identities 5th International Conference on Rhetoric and Narratives in Management Research (RNMR 2013) ESADE. Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) Barcelona, 25/03/2013 - 27/03/2013 In this paper we develop a series of propositions linking the key constitutive components of a life story to entrepreneurship constructs, thus
Group for Research in Economics and Finance (GREF) This group promotes research in the fields of finance and economics, which cover a wide range of areas of macroeconomics, international economics, corporate finance, risk management and capital markets. GREF’s main objective lies in facilitating the creation and dissemination of highlevel research at ESADE and, at the same time, increasing its visibility and relevance to the academic community in general. Its main areas of research are: market microstructure; accounting research in capital markets; corporate finance; credit risk; differences in productivity; growth and public policies; domestic and international spillovers.
Ariadna Dumitrescu, Director
offering a theoretical explanation of how an entrepreneurial identity, conceptualized as a specific type of story, comes into being. Furthermore, we theorize about how these elements may change over time and its impact on the emergence and development of an entrepreneurial identity over the life course.
Villegas Sanchez, Carolina Where are the productivity gains from foreign investment? Evidence on spillovers and reallocation from firms, industries and countries Fons-Rosen, C.; Kalemli-Ozcan, S.; Sorensen, B.; Villegas Sanchez, C.; Volosovych, V. DEGIT XVII Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade (DEGIT) Milan (Italy), 13/09/2012 - 14/09/2012 We identify the net effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the host economy by separating positive productivity (TFP) effects of knowledge spillovers from negative effects of competition. We allow for foreigners selecting into productive firms and sectors. Using a new and unique firm/establishment-level data set for a large set of countries during the last decade with information on economic activity, ownership stake, type, sector, and country of origin of foreign investors, we show that the positive effect of FDI on the host economy’s aggregate productivity is a myth. Foreigners invest in high productivity firms and sectors but do not increase productivity of the acquired firms nor enhance the productivity of the average domestic firm. For emerging markets, we find that the acquired firms increase their productivity but the effect is too small to generalize to the aggregate economy. A higher level of foreign investment in the same sector of operation leads to strong negative competition effects both in developed and in emerging markets. In developed countries, we find evidence of positive spillovers through knowledge transfers
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only for domestic firms with very high initial productivity levels operating within the same broad sector as the multinational investor but in a different sub-sector. Our results confirm the predictions of the new trade and FDI literature, in that more productive firms select into exporting and FDI activities and also show the importance of double heterogeneity in productivity and foreign investment for any effect of FDI on economic growth.
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Midcareer public management programmes in Spain The 6th Trans-European Dialogue European Group for Public Administration (EGPA); Potsdam Center for Policy and Management (PCPM); The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee); German Federal Academy of Public Administration (BAKÖV) Potsdam (Germany), 06/02/2013 - 08/02/2013 What is the current state of Public Administration (PA) and Public Management (PM) Masters in Spain? What are the main gaps, overlaps and limitations of these programs? What could be improved? In order to respond to these questions we have carried out an analysis grounded on the masters currently on offer in Spain. A first distinguishes the target audiences of the masters. Two main types of Public Administration (PA) and Public Management (PM) Masters are currently being offered in Spain: Masters for junior students and Executive Masters for midcareer participants. A second classification distinguishes what type of institution offers the Master; that is, public or private. In the case of Spain this distinction is especially relevant as Public Management programs are offered by three private business schools in the country (ESADE, IE, IESE), which appear in the European ranking of Financial Times. Our first finding in this article is that, in the same country, two main clusters of Hajnal (2003) can be found: the public cluster and the corporate cluster. Our study reveals a second finding, which is that of different tensions arising in each quadrant. In conclusions, PA and PM programs in Spain have nowadays an extensive offer thanks to the numerous actors involved in normalizing this field of study throughout the last decades. However, and despite the stabilization of the supply, we cannot forget the effects of the economic crisis on public universities, institutes and Business Schools. In this respect, those organizations capable of maintaining the levels of supply, quality and withstand the effects of the economic crisis will have an advantageous position in the future. At the same time, they will be accountable to innovate in public management to help steering the country out from the crisis.
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Albareda Sanz, Adrià Governance of addictions: European models and visions Ysa Figueras, T.; Albareda Sanz, A.; Ramon, A. 1st International Conference on Public Policy International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) Grenoble (France), 26/06/2013 - 28/06/2013 We present a comparative multidisciplinary research (including public management, health, political science, sociology, economics and
law) which develops an explanatory framework for understanding how governments formulate and implement addiction policies in Europe. Through an in-depth analysis of the 27 EU member states plus Norway, the authors present four European models of governance of addictions. For this purpose, four substances are taken into account: heroin; cannabis; alcohol; tobacco. The study focuses on policies and governance practices from the beginning of 2005 to the end of 2011. Nonetheless, to provide an historical perspective and see the evolution of the governance, documents from 1980 to 2012 have been taken into account. Our methodology is mainly qualitative, although supported by large quantitative data bases. We gathered information from national strategies and action plans, documents on specific substances, laws, regulations as well as national reports and documents produced by international organizations and agencies (WHO, UN and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addictions). All this information has been contrasted with media coverage, expert interviews and a survey. Throughout this process we have built a frame grounded on two axes, one representing the strategy, and the other one being the structure. We have then selected key indicators for each axis providing us the quantitative support to classify the 27 EU member states plus Norway. Based upon the aforementioned frame, we aim to understand and compare the various models used by European governments. With it we identify four European models. We analyzed: (1) government strategies and policies on addictions; (2) decision-making processes and organizational structures developed; (3) the links between actors to generate a policy shift on the governance of addictions.
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Albareda Sanz, Adrià Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Dual leadership in public-private network governance Ysa Figueras, T.; Albareda Sanz, A.; Ramon, A.; Sierra Olivera, V. Collaboration Among Government, Market, and Society: Forging Partnerships and Encouraging Competition University of Maryland; Fudan University; Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) Shanghai (China), 25/05/2013 - 27/05/2013 29th EGOS Colloquium HEC Montréal; European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS); Université de Montréal Montréal (Canada), 04/07/2013 - 06/07/2013 We assess how the role of leadership affects network governance form. The paper is based on theory-driven empirical research. Our theoretical framework is twofold: On the one hand, the study is based on network literature on public management and, on the other hand, on shared, dual and co-leadership literature on general management. In this sense, we first focus on Public Goal-Directed Networks, which are by nature mandated and funded by a public institution. We rely on the three ideal modes of network governance proposed by Provan and Kenis (2008): Shared Governance, Lead organisation and Network Administrative Organisation (NAO). We further expand Provan and Kenis’ model by considering the literature on dual leadership. This literature includes variables such as participants’ previous knowledge, trust, shared vision and comple-
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
mentarity between leaders (Pearce and Sims, 2002; Pearce, 2004; Alvarez and Svejenova, 2005; Carson, Tesluk and Marrone, 2007; Arnone and Stumpf, 2010; Ramuthun and Matkin, 2012). In order to answer the research question, how leadership affects network governance form, we conducted a survey. We based our questionnaire on an existing Dutch survey on network management (see Klijn et al., 2010a and b). We analyzed a large strategic research project, Alice Rap (Addictions and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe), an EU-funded international consortium with a 10 million euro budget, and over 150 participants involved from public, private and non-profit organizations. The unit of analysis is the whole network. We combined a regression analysis to determine the mode of network governance, and a social network analysis (SNA) to present centrality degree and betweenness among network participants. Moreover, we have complemented quantitative data with semi-structured interviews to 30 participants with a managerial position within the network. The major contribution of this paper is to empirically test the network governance forms and to improve the understanding of network design when leadership is shared by two heads.
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Esteve Laporta, Marc Networks portfolios in public management Global Governance Club 2013 Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Science (NIAS) Wassenaar (Netherlands), 29/05/2013 - 01/06/2013 The increasing variety and complexity of forms of public sector collaboration will ultimately oblige governments to find ways of managing their inter-organizational networks effectively - both the networks they participate in or lead, and also their “networks portfolios�, a concept we introduce in this paper. The evidence cited below supports an emerging literature and recent efforts to examine networks from a holistic point of view (Addicott, McGivern, and Ferlie 2006; Agranoff 2006; Agranoff 2007; Provan and Kenis 2008; Weber and Khademian 2008). We extrapolate from the case of the Council of the Province of Barcelona and its 27 networks to argue that public sector organizations often operate within several inter-organizational collaborations simultaneously. Our proposal recognizes the concept of a network portfolio, and looks at how these portfolios are generated. The primary contribution of our research is to link this integral network governance analysis in public management with the knowledge generated from an alliance portfolio perspective. Finally, this paper proposes several areas for further research.
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Sierra Olivera, Vicenta The influence of conflict and dynamics on network performance: A comparison of Taiwan, Spain and Netherlands Klijn, E.; Ysa Figueras, T.; Sierra Olivera, V.; Berman, E.; Edelenbos, J.; Chen, D. 2013 Public Management Research Conference (PMRC 2013) Public Management Research Association (PMRA); University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wis. (U.S.), 20/06/2013 - 22/06/2013 Governance networks are generally seen as a vehicle to solve wicked problems. Wicked problems are problems where actors have divergent views about problems and solutions and where is much uncertainty about how to solve the problem and who can contribute to that. Generating innovative solutions for wicked problems requires that actors in the network exchange information but given the fact that most networks are also characterized by value conflicts, complex interactions and organizational interests this is not easy (Klijn et al., 2010). Trust is seen as an important condition that enhances information exchange, solidifies actors’ relations and reduces transaction costs, and thus enhances the overall performance of networks (Lane and Bachman, 1998; Provan, 2009). But trust can also increase the legitimacy of decisions. If actors in the network trust each other they are more likely to accept the outcomes. In this paper we use survey material collected in three countries to explore the hypothesis that trust enhances network performances: Taiwan, Spain and The Netherlands. We use PSL to show the relations between trust, network performance, output legitimacy and network management strategies and to show the differences between the three countries. The empirical analysis shows that the overall model, using the data from all the three countries clearly shows a positive relation between the level of trust and performance, but also between the level of trust and output legitimacy. The number of network management strategies has both a significant impact on performance and on trust. In the paper we also analyze the differences between the three countries. In Taiwan the relation between output legitimacy and performance for instance is much stronger than in the two other countries. The relation between trust and performance and between trust and output legitimacy is on the other hand stronger in Spain and The Netherlands. The paper ends with a reflection on the findings and what they mean for research on networks and network performance.
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS | AND academic congresses
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Trust in governance networks: enhancing output legitimacy and performance; comparing Taiwan, Spain and The Netherlands Klijn, E.; Ysa Figueras, T.; Sierra Olivera, V.; Berman, E.; Edelenbos, J.; Chen, D. 17th IRSPM Conference International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM); Masaryk University Prague (Czech Republic), 10/04/2013 - 12/04/2013 2013 Public Management Research Conference (PMRC 2013) Public Management Research Association (PMRA); University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wis. (U.S.), 20/06/2013 - 22/06/2013 Governance networks are generally seen as a vehicle to solve wicked problems. Wicked problems are problems where actors have divergent views about problems and solutions and where is much uncertainty about how to solve the problem and who can contribute to that. Generating innovative solutions for wicked problems requires that actors in the network exchange information but given the fact that most networks are also characterized by value conflicts, complex interactions and organizational interests this is not easy (Klijn et al., 2010). Trust is seen as an important condition that enhances information exchange, solidifies actors’ relations and reduces transaction costs, and thus enhances the overall performance of networks (Lane and Bachman, 1998; Provan, 2009). But trust can also increase the legitimacy of decisions. If actors in the network trust each other they are more likely to accept the outcomes. In this paper we use survey material collected in three countries to explore the hypothesis that trust enhances network performances: Taiwan, Spain and The Netherlands. We use PSL to show the relations between trust, network performance, output legitimacy and network management strategies and to show the differences between the three countries. The empirical analysis shows that the overall model, using the data from all the three countries clearly shows a positive relation between the level of trust and performance, but also between the level of trust and output legitimacy. The number of network management strategies has both a significant impact on performance and on trust. In the paper we also analyze the differences between the three countries. In Taiwan the relation between output legitimacy and performance for instance is much stronger than in the two other countries. The relation between trust and performance and between trust and output legitimacy is on the other hand stronger in Spain and The Netherlands. The paper ends with a reflection on the findings and what they mean for research on networks and network performance.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
WORKING PAPERS Bao, Yuanjie Dolan, Simon Tzafrir, Shat Value congruence in organizations: Literature review, theoretical perspectives, and future directions Barcelona: ESADE, 09/2012 ESADE working papers; no. 239 42 p. Extant literature on value congruence is fragmented due to different methodological treatments and theoretical perspectives. Proposing a typology of the value congruence concept, this paper reviews several key themes in value congruence research including staffing, socialization, leadership, job attitudes, performance, among others. By reviewing related antecedents and outcomes, discussing underlying theoretical perspectives, and highlighting future directions, this paper integrates value congruence research into a comprehensive framework. Managerial implications are also discussed where relevant.
Barrull Melcior, Xavier Economic recessions and recoveries Barcelona: ESADE, 10/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 240 37 p. Economic output may drop for reasons related with supply, such as a fall in the number of the employed factors of production or increases in real costs; and for reasons related with demand, such as an increase in non-productive market power or a fall in aggregate demand, the worst type of recession in the past. Falls in aggregate demand happen when there are economic disruptions such as a savings-in-
vestment deficit or a trade-foreign investment deficit and they can be persistent when households, companies and banks’ solvency and liquidity ratios deteriorate. Due to economic rigidities, like the nominal value of paper money, the system needs to avoid a fall in monetary inflows to aggregate supply. Price stability policies cannot guarantee this aim when inflation rises. In contrast, full inflation-indexed economies can avoid or mitigate falls in aggregate demand and they can help governments to overcome recessions and to achieve a sustained growth.
Del Viva, Luca Growth options as determinants of skewness Del Viva, L.; Kasanen, E.; Trigeorgis, L. Barcelona: ESADE, 06/2013 ESADE working paper; no. 247 44 p. We add to the explanatory theory of skewness by showing how real options generate convexity of payoffs and skewness of returns. We show empirically that real growth options are significant, positive, and robust determinants of idiosyncratic skewness over and above previously reported determinants. Moreover, we provide evidence that the part of the expected idiosyncratic skewness that is generated by growth options has a negative return premium. These results suggest a behaviourally rational transmission mechanism from real growth options to stock returns through observable enhanced skewness and lottery type features.
Dolan, Simon Part-time versus full-time work: The case of nurses in Spain Burke, R.; Dolan, S.; Fiksenbaum, L. Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2013 ESADE working paper; no. 241 24 p. Nursing has been described as a stressful occupation with nursing staff reporting high levels of job dissatisfaction in many countries. For various reasons an interesting paradox exists; on the one hand there is a global shortage of nurses which has potential adverse effects on nursing staff job satisfaction and the quality of patient care. On the other hand, many nurses opt for working on a part time basis, which adds to the shortage issue. Some nursing staff have opted to work part-time by choice or out of necessity while some full-time nursing staff would prefer to work part-time. This research explores antecedents and factors related to the decisions of nursing staff to work part time with the intention of identifying reasons that might be addressed and result in their choosing to work full-time and reduce nursing shortages. Data were collected from 2094 nurses in Spain using anonymously completed questionnaires, of which 290 indicated they were currently working part-time. Respondents indicated how important a role in their decision to work part time was played by each of the items. Most common reasons for working part time were: caring for others, personal health issues, losing a full-time job, staying active in the profession, and exploring a new career or occupation. Factor analysis of 15 items yielded Part-time versus full-time work: The case of nurses in Spain 4 a five-factor solution: job loss, career and income benefits, personal needs (caring for others, health issues), exploring new career options, and the unavailability full-time jobs. Full-time and part-time nursing staff were then compared on a number of personal demographic and work situation characteristics, job demands, sources of support, work outcomes and indicators of psychological well-being. Generally, part-time nursing staff was younger, had fewer years of nursing-related tenure, fewer job resources, and indicated lower levels of job involvement, affective commitment and work engagement. Part time and full-time nurses were similar on levels of work and extra-work social support, burnout, psychological well-being and accident propensity. Efforts to encourage and support the transition of part-time nursing staff to full-time nursing staff are offered.
Dolan, Simon Predictors of the decision to retire among nurses in Spain
examines potential predictors of retirement intentions amongst nurses working in Spain. Population: All registered nurses in Spain with 50 years old or more. Methods: Survey. Data were collected with the collaboration of the regional nursing associations in Spain using anonymous online questionnaires employed to nursing staff (n=497) for those who are 50 years or older. Results: Nurses indicated their interest in retiring, their planning for retirement, and their expectations for retiring. Results show that retirement intentions were higher in nursing staff that were older, experienced higher levels of burnout, indicated poorer levels of self-reported health, and reported greater job demands and more negative work attitudes (less affective commitment, job involvement, work engagement). The majority of these were “push� factors which are related to dissatisfaction in the workplace. Conclusion: Organizations can and should create age-friendly workplaces enabling them to cope with the nursing shortage and workplaces can be changed to better accommodate the needs and expectations of older employees.
Esteve Laporta, Marc Grau Sarabia, Monica Valle Cabrera, RamĂłn Assessing public sector values through the Tri-axial model: Empirical evidence from Spain Barcelona: ESADE, 03/2013 ESADE working paper; no. 244 30 p. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine values among public sector employees. Furthermore, this study will identify differences according to several demographical variables with relevant policy making implications. Design/methodology/approach: Once the literature review on public sector values and the description of the Tri-axial model is presented, analysis based on a survey of 3018 public sector will be undertaken. The sample consists of employees working in the Government of Andalusia, Spain. Findings: Results reveal the domination of pragmatic values, as well as values connected to the ethical axis. The study also shows how these values vary according to several demographic characteristics of the respondents, especially when considering their level of education and their respective tenure. Assessing public sector values trough the Tri-axial Model: Empirical evidence from Spain 4 Research limitations/implications: When managing employees from public organizations, emphasis should be given to the development of an organizational culture that represents a configuration of both pragmatic and ethical axes. Originality/value: This study was tested with relatively a large sample size (more than three thousand observations) thus adding significant and original value to the empirical test of the Tri-axial model.
Burke, R.; Dolan, S.; Fiksenbaum, L. Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2013 ESADE working paper; no. 242 22 p. Background: Nurses typically retire in their late 50s and since nursing shortages exist in most countries understanding nursing staff decisions to retire might open up possibilities of encouraging and supporting them to remain in the workforce longer. Objective: This study
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Forte Arcos, Santiago Time-varying credit risk discovery in the stock and CDS markets: Evidence from quiet and crisis times Forte, S.; Lovreta, L. Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 04/2013 SSRN accepted paper series; no. 2038800 43 p. We analyze the dynamic relationship between the stock and the CDS market during the period 2002-2008. We document that the stock market’s informational dominance reported in previous studies holds only in times of financial crisis. During tranquil times, the CDS market’s contribution to price discovery is equal or higher than that of the stock market. Moreover, the credit risk level of the company has a positive effect on the information share of its stocks beyond the effect of the overall state of the economy. We show that these conclusions do not contradict the argument of insider trading in credit derivatives.
Hayashi Junior, Paulo Dolan, Simon Talenting: Towards a new processual approach to talent management Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2013 ESADE working paper; no. 243 28 p. Although the necessity for attracting, retaining, and motivating talent is a very old challenge for all competitive organizations, only in the last decade has the theme been getting increased attention as a field of study. The objective of this paper is to introduce a new concept of “Talenting” in its multifaceted framework composed by 7H’s: Hiring, Health, Happiness, Hygiene, Head, Heart and Hand. Very different from the traditional models of Talent Management, we are arguing that focusing on the process as proposed in our model can make a person a consistent high achiever over time.
Ibáñez Rodríguez, Alfredo One factor based exercise strategies for American options in multi-factor models Ibáñez Rodríguez, A.; Velasco, C. Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 10/2012 SSRN working paper series; no. 2151387 30 p. Pricing and exercising American equity options in a multi-factor setting is so cumbersome that the typical approach in practice is based on simple, i.e., reduced, one-factor exercise strategies. Practitioners calibrate the model to the European counterpart, but the early-exercise premium is derived from Black-Scholes or from a barrier option, depending only on the stock price. Conventional wisdom dictates that the associated losses are insignificant, a few basis points, but there is not rational behind it. We challenge this view and, in the case of a barrier option, which implies a suboptimal exercise policy, we factorize the associated losses in the product of four terms: moneyness, interest rate minus dividend yield, elasticity of the exercise boundary or maturity,
and the state variables dispersion. In the case of Black-Scholes, which introduces model risk, but produces lower pricing errors (which can go either way), we also explain this difference. An extensive numerical exercise confirms these two theoretical results and shows that for in-the-money and mid-/long-term American options, the errors can be significative, challenging the market practice.
Vanhaverbeke, Wim Patterns of R&D internationalization in developing countries: China Mainland as a case Jin, J.; Wang, Y.; Vanhaverbeke, W. Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 09/2012 SSRN accepted paper series; no. 2148098 Some developing countries are emerging as nexuses in the globalization of innovation activities, serving as the location for crucial R&D activities from developed multinational firms (DMFs), which are headquartered in developed countries, and spawning emerging multinational firms (EMFs), which are headquartered in developing countries and conduct some of their R&D in developed countries. This paper proposes a framework and a methodology to identify international patterns of innovation at the firm-level as well as at the national level. According to a reconstruction of the R&D owner-inventor structure, we develop the analytical framework as a 3×3 matrix and identify three different patterns for both EMFs and DMFs in the organization of their R&D internationalization activities. We derive from this matrix three patterns at the national level to describe the ways how a developing country can reach the global innovation stage. We use China as a case to verify this framework.
Villegas SÁnchez, Carolina Did trade liberalization help women? The case of Mexico in the 1990s Villegas Sanchez, C.; Juhn, C.; Aguayo-Tellez, E.; Airola, J. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 07/2012 NBER working paper series; no. 16195 40 p With the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994, Mexico entered a bilateral free trade agreement which not only lowered its own tariffs on imports but also lowered tariffs on its exports to the U.S. We find that women’s relative wage increased, particularly during the period of liberalization. Both between and within-industry shifts also favored female workers. With regards to between-industry shifts, tariff reductions expanded sectors which were initially female intensive. With regards to within-industry shifts, we find a positive association between reductions in export tariffs (U.S. tariffs on Mexican goods) and hiring of women in skilled blue-collar occupations. Finally, we find suggestive evidence that household bargaining power shifted in favor of women. Expenditures shifted from goods associated with male preference, such as men’s clothing and tobacco and alcohol, to those associated with female preference such as women’s clothing and education.
Villegas SÁnchez, Carolina Men, women, and machines: How trade impacts gender inequality Juhn, C.; Ujhelyi, G.; Villegas Sanchez, C. Cambridge (U.K.): National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 10/2012 NBER working papers series; no. 18106 49 p. This paper studies the effect of trade liberalization on an under-explored aspect of wage inequality - gender inequality. We consider a model where firms differ in their productivity and workers are differentiated by skill as well as gender. A reduction in tariffs induces more productive firms to modernize their technology and enter the export market. New technologies involve computerized production processes and lower the need for physically demanding skills. As a result, the relative wage and employment of women improves in blue-collar tasks, but not in white-collar tasks. We test our model using a panel of establishment level data from Mexico exploiting tariff reductions associated with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Consistent with our theory we find that tariff reductions caused new firms to enter the export market, update their technology and replace male blue-collar workers with female blue-collar workers.
Villegas SÁnchez, Carolina Quantifying productivity gains from foreign investment Fons-Rosen, C.; Kalemli-Ozcan, S.; Sorensen, B.; Villegas Sanchez, C.; Volosovych, V. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 03/2013 NBER working paper; no. 18920 69 p. We quantify the causal effect of foreign investment on total factor productivity (TFP) using a new global firm-level database. Our identification strategy relies on exploiting the difference in the amount of foreign investment by financial and industrial investors and simultaneously controlling for unobservable firm and country-sector-year factors. Using our well identified firm level estimates for the direct effect of foreign ownership on acquired firms and for the spillover effects on domestic firms, we calculate the aggregate impact of foreign investment on countrylevel productivity growth and find it to be very small.
Visnjic, Ivanka The gang of four: Acquaintances, friends or foes? Towards an integrated perspective on platform competition Visnjic, I.; Cennamo, C. Barcelona: ESADE, 05/2013 ESADE working paper; no. 245 34 p.
single market. To theoretically derive the competition implications of these business model innovations, we use the lens of the multi-market contact theory. Our study argues that platform competition unfolds in two distinct, though interdependent stages. At first, platform owners make business model choices aimed at attainment of network effects and enhanced user experience within a single market. At the second stage, platforms expand from their core by enveloping into neighboring platform markets, seeking to further enhance userexperience through cross-platform complementarities. Platform envelopment is likely to coincide or lead to envelopment by the platform firm in the neighboring market; these parallel envelopments lead to convergence of neighboring markets and emergence of supra-platform market, where diverse platform players co-habitate: compete, collaborate and engage in business model innovation.
Visnjic, Ivanka Neely, Andy From process to promise: Business model choices of complex service providers Barcelona: ESADE, 06/2013 ESADE working paper; no. 246 44 p. While value creation and the capture of strategic choices regarding firm boundaries, such as ‘make’ versus ‘buy’ or different forms of collaboration, have been carefully studied on the individual level from one value-creating lens at a time, their interconnections and the overall ‘gestalt’ of firm transactions and activities are just starting to enter academic discourse through research on business models. Our research on the business model evolution of 12 complex service providers points to strong interconnectedness between boundary choices; all of the firms we studied engaged in the simultaneous extension of transactions on the demand/customer side and the supply/supplier-partner side. For example, a firm moved from providing one service on an ad-hoc basis to guaranteeing the outcome associated with a number of services; to deliver this outcome, it deepened relationships with suppliers and entered into new partnerships for complementary resources. Firms configured the transaction and activity nexus - the business model - to reap value on the demand side (e.g. customer’s economies of scope) as well as the supply side (e.g. resource complementarities and transaction efficiency). This valuecreating spiral comes at a price though; by extending transactions on both sides, the firm extends its accountability for a (growing) solution, while loses control over its provision to the ecosystem. We argue that firms need to set their business models so as to balance this ‘accountability spread’ while maximizing enduring sources of value on the demand and supply sides.
The economics literature extensively focused on pricing and openness as key strategic choices of platforms in two-sided markets, with the ultimate goal to obtain network effects and win over direct competitors within the boundaries of a single market. We argue that, due to the business model innovations, such as platform envelopment, the platform competition today grows beyond the boundaries of a
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Visnjic, Ivanka Wiengarten, Frank Successfully implementing a service business model in a manufacturing firm Visnjic, I.; Van Looy, B.; Wiengarten, F. Cambridge (U.K.): University of Cambridge, 03/2013 Cambridge Service Alliance 37 p. Purpose: The expected economic benefits of ‘servitization’, a popular trend among durable goods’ manufacturers designed to expand the scope of their offerings from products into through-life-cycle services, have been disputed in light of recent empirical evidence suggesting that hurdles associated with the implementation of services may even result in performance decline. Methodology: We undertake extensive research into ten sales-and-service subsidiaries of a successfully servitized manufacturing multinational to shed light on this ‘service paradox’. Results: Success in setting up a service business in a manufacturing firm results from the presence of three operational capabilities that facilitate service performance. First, a manufacturer must possess a skill set capable of extending the relationship with its (product) clients towards services in order to achieve presence in the service market. At the same time, the capability to develop service offerings that provide better coverage of customers’ needs, and to deliver these sophisticated after-sales services successfully, is required to grow the service business profitably. Implications and originality: Maintaining the breadth of service presence while deepening customer relationships can be a challenging balancing act, since capabilities that contribute to ‘service presence’ may conflict with the deployment of ‘service development’ and ‘service process’ capabilities. This paper offers to academics and practitioners of servitization a guiding framework within which to develop a comprehensive set of service capabilities, and highlights the nature of their relationships.
Leadership Development Research Centre (GLEAD) The mission of the centre is to create new knowledge and insight that deepens the understanding of outstanding leadership and the competencies that support it and make people engage wholeheartedly at work. The research lines are: Individual Emotional and Social Competencies, Group Emotional and Social Competencies, and Coaching and Development of Emotional and Social Competencies.
> Catalan Center for Survey Research and Applied Statistics
Joan Manel Batista, Director
Wareham, Jonathan Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Technology ecosystem governance Wareham, J.; Fox, P.; Cano Giner, J. Barcelona: ESADE, 01/2013 ESADE working paper; no. 225-2 60 p. Technology platform strategies offer a novel way to orchestrate a rich portfolio of contributions made by the many independent actors who form an ecosystem of heterogeneous complementors around a stable platform core. This form of organising has been successfully used in the smartphone, gaming, commercial software, and other industrial sectors. While technology ecosystems require stability and homogeneity to leverage common investments in standard components, they also need variability and heterogeneity to meet evolving market demand. Although the required balance between stability and evolvability in the ecosystem has been addressed conceptually in the literature, we have less understanding of its underlying mechanics or appropriate governance. Through an extensive case study of a business software ecosystem consisting of a major multinational manufacturer of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software at the core, and a heterogeneous system of independent implementation partners and solution developers on the periphery, our research identifies three salient tensions that characterize the ecosystem: standard-variety; control-autonomy; and collective-individual. We then highlight the specific ecosystem governance mechanisms designed to simultaneously manage desirable and undesirable variance across each tension. Paradoxical tensions may manifest as dualisms, where actors are faced with contradictory and disabling “either/or” decisions. Alternatively, they may manifest as dualities, where tensions are framed as complementary and mutually-enabling. We identify conditions where latent, mutually enabling tensions become manifest as salient, disabling tensions. By identifying conditions in which complementary logics are overshadowed by contradictory logics, our study further contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of technology ecosystems, as well as the effective design of technology ecosystem governance that can explicitly embrace paradoxical tensions towards generative outcomes.
ESADEGEO POSITION PAPER Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo) Blázquez, Jorge Why Western nations need an active industrial policy: An analysis of deindustrialization and external imbalances Legarda, A. ; Blázquez, J. Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 05/2013 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 31 5 p. The current financial crisis has revealed indisputably that it is not possible to maintain a large current account deficit indefinitely. When access to international capital markets becomes difficult – in periods of turmoil such as the current crisis – a large current account deficit becomes a critical problem. Empirical evidence suggests that the process of deindustrialisation – a process many Western countries are immersed in – leads to a deterioration of the trade balance and consequently, of the current account balance. In this article, we analyse the empirical relationship between external déficit and deindustrialisation. We find that a weak manufacturing sector is linked to an anaemic trade balance: as the manufacturing industry loses weight, the trade balance worsens. This cannot be compensated for simply through the positive evolution of the service sector. We highlight that some countries with an ample economic history in favour of laissez-faire policies are currently implementing policies to foster their manufacturing industries. Countries interested in promoting a healthy and relevant industrial sector will have to set out long term policies and instruments, such as: an R&D policy, a strong export policy, a small and medium business development strategy, a range of financial instruments to support the long term investment required by industry and a strategy for technical education. This set of policies and strategies would form the building blocks of government intervention aimed at increasing or at least maintaining the share of industry in GDP.
Casaburi, Ivana China-Europe-Spain: The awakening of investment by Chinese companies in Spain and Europe
amounted to €66 million – however, by 2010, investment rose to €736 million in 2010 and shot up to €3.192 billion in 2011. Companies are witnessing the awakening of Chinese investment in Europe across very diverse sectors, mostly in the value-added sector. This position paper examines the flows of Chinese investment in Europe and especially in Spain, identifying opportunities and challenges for Chinese companies and their Spanish counterparts. In the short term, it may be possible to increase investment by Chinese companies already established in Spain, as well as to allow new companies to enter. Spain could serve as a platform for Chinese companies wishing to enter Europe, South America and North Africa.
Guerrero Blanco, Tomás Frontier markets: A world of opportunities Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 03/2013 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 30 10 p. No longer do the highest economic growth rates belong exclusively to the BRICS countries. Lesser known economies, the so-called frontier markets such as Nigeria and Vietnam, are key players in global economic growth and are expected to continue to be so for several decades. These states base their economic growth on the combination of low labour costs and abundant natural resources. In the past, frontier markets were characterised by instability, restricted market accessibility and low liquidity. Nowadays, their governments are opting to create sovereign wealth funds and tech hubs in order to avoid excessive commodity dependence and guarantee sustainable growth over time. Spain could take advantage of the opportunity that frontier markets represent, just as it once did with the Latin American market.
Guerrero Blanco, Tomás Ten trends shaping the international economy
Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 01/2013 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 29 7 p.
Blanco Estévez, A. ; Guerrero Blanco, T. Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 07/2013 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 32 6 p.
Chinese companies have shown a growing interest in Europe, which has led to a significant increase in Chinese investment in Europe over the last few years. In 2009, Chinese investment flows to Europe only
From the medium-term effects of quantitative easing to energy revolutions, reshoring, frontier markets and south-south flows, this paper covers ten trends set to shape the international economy in the years to come.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Saz Carranza, Ángel Kicking the can down the road: The political economy of Europe’s sovereign debt crisis, 2010-2011 García, A.; Saz Carranza, A. Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 09/2012 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 27 11 p. This paper focuses on the European Sovereign Debt Crisis from the perspectives of four critical actors (the European Commission, European Central Bank, France, and Germany), starting at the beginning stages of the crisis through to the Fiscal Pact of December 2011. We look at the actors’ respective positions at critical points of the crisis through excerpts from news articles, describing the outcomes that sprang from addressing the crisis as it developed. Through this study, this paper will also show how the various mechanisms to combat the crisis (the European Financial Stabilization Mechanism, European Financial Stability Facility, and European Stability Mechanism) have represented points of contention between the different Euro zone countries.
Vandendriessche, Marie Game change? The many faces of today’s energy revolution. Part I: Technology and economy, cause and consequence Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 11/2012 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 28.1 10 p. Much ado has recently been made about what has been termed the “shale gas revolution”: the boom in US unconventional gas production driven, in large part, by technological advances. The fortuitous developments in the energy sector have been discussed at length in the media, not only because of their promising economical prospects for a nation some had labeled as in decline, but also for its potential to bring about profound changes in the geopolitical landscape. This series of brief papers aims to be a guide to help contextualize some of the confident claims being made in the media on today’s shale gas revolution, offering a variety of factors - economic, political, security-related and environmental - to take into account in order to paint a more multidimensional view of the prospects. Both positive and negative effects stemming from the energy revolution will thus be addressed. Part I of the series provides critical background information, offering insights on the range of energy sources involved in the revolution, the technology behind their extraction and the economical factors which have propelled the energy boom - and which could present risks of their own.
Vandendriessche, Marie Game change? The many faces of today’s energy revolution. Part II: Geopolitical implications Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 12/2012 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 28.2 11 p. Much ado has recently been made about what has been termed the “shale gas revolution”: the boom in US unconventional gas production driven, in large part, by technological advances. The fortuitous developments in the energy sector have been discussed at length in the media, not only because of their promising economical prospects for a nation some had labeled as in decline, but also for its potential to bring about profound changes in the geopolitical landscape. This series of brief papers aims to be a guide to help contextualize some of the confident claims being made in the media on today’s shale gas revolution, offering a variety of factors - economic, political, security-related and environmental - to take into account in order to paint a more multidimensional view of the prospects. Both positive and negative effects stemming from the energy revolution will thus be addressed. Part II of the series presents the geopolitical side of the story, examining a number of countries and regions - the USA (and its dream of energy independence), China, Russia and Europe - in detail in order to tease out the possible and plausible geopolitical shifts they could experience as a result of the current energy revolution.
Vandendriessche, Marie Game change? The many faces of today’s energy revolution. Part III: Environmental effects and myopia Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 01/2013 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 28.3 8 p. Much ado has recently been made about what has been termed the “shale gas revolution”: the boom in US unconventional gas production driven, in large part, by technological advances. The fortuitous developments in the energy sector have been discussed at length in the media, not only because of their promising economical prospects for a nation some had labeled as in decline, but also for its potential to bring about profound changes in the geopolitical landscape. This series of brief papers aims to be a guide to help contextualize some of the confident claims being made in the media on today’s shale gas revolution, offering a variety of factors - economic, political, security-related and environmental - to take into account in order to paint a more multidimensional view of the prospects. Both positive and negative effects stemming from the energy revolution will thus be addressed. Part III of the series examines the environmental effects of the energy boom on a local and global level. Water-related, seismic, and emissions concerns are covered in order to deepen long-term vision.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
CASES Alemany Gil, Luisa Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes E. AB-Biotics
Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Serra Prat, Marta SEPD
Beds (U.K.): European Case Clearing House (ECCH) 07/2013 13 p.
Boston, Mass. (U.S.): North American Case Research Association (NACRA), 10/2012 14 p.
Two ESADE MBA students started a biotech company and the case goes through the ups and downs of its financing. The main focus of the case is in mid 2008 when the two founders have to decided whether to take an offer from a business angels or to pick between two venture capital funds.
Alemany Gil, Luisa Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes E. Wuaki.TV Beds (U.K.): European Case Clearing House (ECCH) 07/2013 3 p. Jacinto Roca, ESADE Alumni, started his company, Wuaki.TV in 2009. After several rounds from financing, from F&F, business angels (ESADE BAN) and venture capital, has now received an offer from Rakuten, the Japanese Amazon, to buy the company. The case presents the situation at the time of the offer and ask the question of what to do.
At the end of 2009, Ricardo Burón, Manager of the Spanish Digestive Pathology Society (Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva, hereafter “SEPD”) was asked to prepare an online strategy to align SEPD with the new organizational strategy defined by the President and Board of Directors. The changing environment in which the organization found itself had forced them to define this new strategy. However, SEPD was not an isolated case in the scientific community. In fact, the majority of similar organizations found themselves in comparable situations due to their lack of professionalisation and the budgetary restrictions they were now facing as a result of financing cut-backs from pharmaceutical firms. The case thus attempts to define this online strategy which will then have to be presented to SEPD’s President and Board of Directors.
Correa Domenech, Marc Cava Martínez, Joaquín Gas Natural Fenosa. Liderazgo de equipo Barcelona: ESADE 07/2013 13 p. En el contexto de una Dirección General de GNF se expone la situación en la que se encuentra un equipo de trabajo. El caso describe a los seis integrantes del equipo, así como algunas de las situaciones que el líder del equipo debe gestionar: cercanía de un deadline al que no se está se seguro si llegará, entrevista por parte del líder con uno de los
integrantes del grupo para decidir si ha superado el periodo de prueba, demandas a la dirección del equipo debido a la falta de medios, etc.
Correa DomÈnech, Marc Cava Martínez, Joaquín Gas Natural Fenosa. Finanzas corporativas Barcelona: ESADE 07/2013 8 p. El caso presenta una decisión de selección de inversión alrededor de dos proyectos de parques eólicos. Uno de ellos ha recibido ya una oferta por parte de un competidor y en el otro Gas Natural tiene ya una pequeña participación accionarial. Para realizar la valoración se proporciona una descripción del lote, las hipótesis efectuadas a la hora de realizar la valoración, la cuenta de resultados previsional, así como la proyección de algunas magnitudes financieras.
Correa DomÈnech, Marc Cava Martínez, Joaquín Gas Natural Fenosa. Estrategia corporativa Barcelona: ESADE 07/2013 39 p. En octubre de 2004 Salvador Gabarró fue nombrado Presidente del Grupo Gas Natural. Unos meses después, ya en 2005, Rafael Villaseca fue elegido como nuevo Consejero Delegado del Grupo. El presente caso describe la situación del mercado energético, y el entorno competitivo y económico en el que se encontraba Gas Natural en 2005. A su vez presenta también la estrategia de la empresa y su organización antes y después de ese año, describiendo el nuevo modelo de negocio centrado en maximizar el margen global del Grupo en lugar de enfocarse en optimizar cada una de las operaciones que la Compañía realizaba.
Correa DomÈnech, Marc Cava Martínez, Joaquín Gas Natural Fenosa. Gestión del cambio Barcelona: ESADE 07/2013 16 p. El caso expone el proceso de transformación de Gas Natural que apuesta por convertirse en un “gestor único de la energía (gas y electricidad)” Específicamente aquí se presenta la trasformación de GNCom como concreción de ese cambio de modelo que experimentó todo el Grupo. El caso arranca en 1998 con las incorporaciones de los primeros perfiles eléctricos de la Compañía. Seguidamente se revisa el proceso de comunicación del cambio de modelo, los primeros pasos que se dieron para cambiar la organización y acercarla más al cliente, así como el contenido de los nuevos perfiles que se requerían en la Dirección General de Negocios Mayoristas, la reorganización del negocio y de la Dirección General, y las políticas de formación, de desarrollo y política retributiva (Modelo de RVComercial) que facilitaron la adquisición de las competencias necesarias para poder hacer realidad el nuevo modelo de negocio.
Costa Guix, Gerard Albanian Army Costa Guix, G.; de Ritis, A. Barcelona: ESADE 09/2012 8 p. Spotify is defined as a new way of listening to music, a music streaming service; as explained by founder Daniel Ek in a world in which Google provides the search, Facebook the identity and Amazon the retail, he wants Spotify to be the soundtrack. The case analyses the players attitude in the value chain: artists, record industry, distributors and end consumers. Analyzed from the marketing channels perspective, you have to keep in mind two different point of views: music itself is going to become like running water or electricity (David Bowie, 2002); this Spotify case is a little bit like the Albanian Army going to take over the world (Time Warner CEO, 2010).
Costa Guix, Gerard Malcon Rol Playing Costa Guix, G.; de Ritis, A. Barcelona: ESADE 06/2013 14 p. El marketing B2B presenta unas pecualiaridades diferenciales en el concepto de orientación al mercado y como implementarla. El caso permite a través de un rol playing con 5 roles que los asistentes descifren estas peculiaridades, identificando las carcaterísticas básicas del marketing industrial. Las teaching notes sobre el caso real empresarial permiten comprara las propuestas realizadas con la solución adoptada por la multinacional suiza en la realidad.
Costa Guix, Gerard Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Boston - Barcelona Costa Guix, G.; de Ritis, A.; Vila Fernández-Santacruz, M. Barcelona: ESADE 10/2012 16 p. A successful manager in the Boston Symphony Orchestra has an offer to be the general manager of a public music center in Barcelona, and she analyzes the strategy and results achieved by the two previous general managers. The case allows to compare the meaning of market orientation, arts marketing, social marketing and personal values, both in a private and in a public institution.
Franch Bullich, Josep Continental in Ukraine Franch Bullich, J.; Rosina, M. Barcelona: ESADE, 10/2012 31 p. Continental, a worldwide operating automotive industry supplier with leading position in the European tire market, was trying to take advantage of the high future growth potential in Eastern Europe. Eastern Eu-
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ropean markets were developing faster than other markets. Ukraine was one of the largest and most promising markets and therefore of top priority for the company. Nevertheless, Continental had been struggling with the Ukrainian market for more than 15 years. Due to a challenging and still developing market system that was characterized by corruption, political instability, absence of law enforcement, lacking payment morale, complex import procedures and a large shadow economy, the company did not manage to establish a real local presence. So far, Continental was serving the market only indirectly through importers and did not have any influence on how importers brought the tires into the market, nor on how and at which prices they were selling them.
Franch Bullich, Josep Roca in Egypt Franch Bullich, J.; Sablina Kondratieva, M. Barcelona: ESADE, 06/2013 20 p. In late March 2012, Carlos Velázquez, Corporate Marketing Director for the Roca Group, and Xavier Torras, Corporate Brand and Communication Director for the same company, were visiting Gravena, their partner company in Cairo (Egypt). Roca, worldwide leader in the bathroom industry, was a Spanish family-owned multinational company present in over 135 countries. The company had entered Egypt in late 2009, acquiring a 50% stake in Gravena, an Egypt-based manufacturer of bathroom products. The plans for launching the Roca brand in Egypt had been put off for over a year following the outbreak of The Arab Spring. The managing team at Gravena wanted to go ahead with the launch but senior management at Roca headquarters wanted to postpone a decision. Velázquez and Torras went to Cairo to meet the Gravena team on the spot and assess the situation. Upon their arrival. they found the local team not only as keen as mustard to go ahead with the launch but also enthusiastically defending a high-impact advertising campaign based upon gags that had nothing to do with the Roca brand values.
Franch Bullich, Josep Toluca (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) Joseph, J.; Orne, D.; Grabowski, M.; Franch Bullich, J. Syracuse, N.Y. (U.S.): Le Moyne College, 06/2013 25 p. The Toluca case series is a largely autobiographical account of an American senior executive’s first major assignment as the Gerente General (General Manager) of a troublesome plant in Mexico. As the sequence of events are described neither the ultimate success of this specific assignment -at age thirty overseeing 650 foreign workers- nor his later promotion to the role of President and CEO of the Corporation seventeen years later, are foreshadowed in the earlier cases. This case series not only decision-focused but also focuses on the antecedents of a formal decision. Namely how a problem or opportunity might be framed as understanding -and the elements of an “Emergent (or Evolving) Plan”- coalesce overtime. As a result, this case series presents instructors with an opportunity to model the value of refection-in-and-on-action which is at the heart of the five century old Ignation Pedagogical Paradigm. For example, at many points there is space for classes to
think at multiple levels about the significance of the events that have been described, and how the participants may perceive the problem. Accordingly, this case is also about the development of an executive’s habits of thought, action and values, the development of young manager into a senior executive, changing an organizational culture, technology transfer within a corporation, and the challenges of managing a foreign subsidiary during a turnaround.
Franch Bullich, Josep Cuneo Zuñiga, Andrés The Fluidra branding challenge: Reduce complexity or respect diversity? Franch Bullich, J.; Walter, F.; Cuneo Zuñiga, A. Barcelona: ESADE, 06/2013 28 p. David González, General Manager for Marketing and Business Development at Fluidra, had to review the company brand architecture. Fluidra was a multinational company listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange, specializing in developing applications for water conservation, handling, treatment and enjoyment. At the end of 2011 the company was directly present in 33 countries and had a sales turnover of over $800 million, selling 90,000 SKUs to over 35,000 customers worldwide in 170 countries. Although the company was present in various markets - pool and wellness, water treatment, fluid handling and irrigation - the swimming pool residential market was the company’s mainstay and was one in which Fluidra was the market leader. Since its foundation in 1969, Fluidra had used all different kinds of growth strategies: diversification; organic growth; greenfield investments and acquisitions. Over the years, the company had over the years a portfolio of some forty brands, some of which were competing against others. After gaining public listing in 2007, Fluidra came under financial analysts’ spotlight. Pressure built to improve performance and greater stress was put on efficiency. The main issue facing the Board of Directors was the need to overhaul the brand architecture. The dilemma was whether to reduce complexity or to respect diversity.
Martí Ripoll, Margarita Montalvo Garcia, Adolfo Palma Naranjo, Maria Macarena Conflict at MRW: The new employee’s pregnancy Boston, Mass. (U.S.): North American Case Research Association (NACRA), 07/2013 Case Research Journal Vol. 33, Issue 3 (Summer 2013) MRW is a courier firm based in Barcelona (Spain). In 2010, it was consolidating internationalization of its business. It is against this background that the case raises a highly sensitive, emotional issue: What to do about Sonia, a recentlyhired manager (still in her probationary period) who suddenly reveals that she is pregnant. Moreover, her pregnancy is a high-risk one, likely requiring an early medical leave. The new manager’s post involves setting up Information Technology (IT) systems, which are vital to the firm’s business, internationalization and invoicing. ‘The case explores two standpoints: (1) a company weathering the economic crisis, in which it is contrary to the firm’s ‘belt-tightening’ measures to hire a replacement for an employee on leave; (2) the company’s
track record in the CSR field including its promotion of opportunities for women. The case aims to create a dilemma for students. Some will defend Sonia’s right to a maternity leave and to continue working in MRW, especially in the light of her trials and tribulations with fertility treatment and the fact that the pregnancy is a risky one. Others will defend the company’s interests, arguing that the situation in the firm is critical and that MRW’s internationalization is vital for the company’s business development. The latter group will focus on Sonia’s role in launching the internationalization project. The question of what to do about Sonia’s pregnancy is a critical one for both the Technology Department and for Sonia. Dealing with it requires great care.
Moll Mendoza, Isa Montaña Matosas, Jordi BMW: True passion for design Moll Mendoza, I.; Montaña Matosas, J.; Schweitzer, F. Barcelona: ESADE 07/2013 20 p. The BMW Group is a German automotive company that was founded in 1916. In 2012 it was one of the leading premium car producers in the world. Each of its brands BMW, MINI, and Rolce Royce had a premium image. This case explains how design is thought of and applied in BMW and DesignWorks USA. It shows the circumstances that surround the group in 2012 by giving industry trends, and challenges, and explaining the main competitors. By conducting various in depth interviews with Laurenz Schaffer, CEO of BMW DesignWorks USA, and Niko von Saurma, Director of DesignWorks Munich studio, the cases illustrates how BMW uses design to differentiate from its competitors and is able to achieve an competitive advantage. Furthermore the case presents the unique design consultancy DesignWorks and explains why it was voted one of the most innovative firms in 2010. The case ends with an explanation jow Niko von Saurma tries to stay ahead of his competition and keeps coming up with innovative ideas.
Montaña Matosas, Jordi Moll Mendoza, Isa Lékué. Creative thinking Barcelona: ESADE, 01/2013 23 p. Lékué was a small Spanish company with great expertise in a very specific technology: the manufacture of silicone products. After several failures a new shareholder became a partner of the company and decided to base the business strategy on design and brand creation. The case study describes the strategy and process of change, its design strategy and branding. The question that arises is: how can the changes started become established?
Planellas Arán, Marcel Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes E. Dilemmas of an entrepreneur (A): In the Spanish telemarketing sector (1992-2000); (B): In the Spanish contact-centre sector (2000-2005) Barcelona: ESADE; Beds (U.K.): European Case Clearing House (ECCH), 03/2013 12, 23 p. This is a longitudinal case study involving two decisions, case (A) and case (B) to be discussed in entrepreneurship courses. The cases face students with real “entrepreneur’s dilemmas”: To sell or not to sell the company and to start or not a new company. It put them in the place of the entrepreneur’s decision making and the different stages to follow in this process. The case series describes how Albert Ollé entered the telemarketing sector and created DTG, a company that went through very high growth process. It describes also the changes in the competitive landscape, new growth opportunities and challenges that the entrepreneur had to face during this particular period of time. Accordingly,
Research Group on knowledge Engineering (GREC) This research group includes researchers from ESADE and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Since its inception, the group’s multidisciplinary component has enabled it to work both in basic and applied research. Its main activity focuses on research and the development of techniques in the area of artificial intelligence. The objectives of GREC’s research at ESADE revolve around two axes: the development of methodologies related with artificial intelligence in unstructured environments (incomplete, imperfect and/or inaccurate); the application of these methodologies in related fields of decision making, finance and marketing.
Núria Agell, Director
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students have to make an analysis of the competitive landscape, generate strategic options and evaluate them.
el mantenimiento, aumento o disminución del valor añadido que aporta la empresa en el mercado.
Ros Frizón, Lydia Hidrólica. La gestión de riesgo de “commodities” (A) (B)
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Franch Bullich, Josep Montalvo Garcia, Adolfo Parera Olm, Antoni Google and the worldwile travel market
Ros Frizón, L.; Muñoz, J. Barcelona: ESADE, 04/2013 9, 6 p. Albert Canellas asume la gestión del riesgo en la adquisición de las materias primas, básicamente cobre, que el Grupo Hidrólica necesita para operar. Este caso invita a los estudiantes a ponerse en la piel de Albert a la hora de desarrollar la mejor estrategia de financiación para Hidrólica estableciendo un acuerdo con el banco. La primera parte del caso (A), solicita un primer análisis cualitativo sobre como Albert debería enfocar sus nuevas responsabilidades. La aproximación pedagógica se complementa, mediante la ejercitación de un caso-roleplaying, con el desarrollo de las capacidades de los alumnos de comunicar y convencer a los diferentes stakeholders en la decisión que han tomado. Para trabajar la segunda parte (B) será necesario el empleo de herramientas financieras de gestión de riesgo. La aproximación pedagógica se complementa, mediante la ejercitación de un caso-roleplaying, con el desarrollo de las capacidades de los alumnos de comunicar y convencer a los diferentes stakeholders en la decisión que han tomado.
Sayeras Maspera, Josep M Caso Leqtor Boston, Mass. (U.S.): North American Case Research Association (NACRA), 10/2012 32 p. El grupo Leqtor (36LBooks y Leqtor) se funda en el año 2009 fruto de los cambios tecnológicos que se producen en el sector editorial español. Dichos cambios propician que el sector entre en una etapa totalmente nueva y que el sector inicie una era de fuertes turbulencias, reflejado en el número elevado de entradas y salidas de empresas de los distintos segmentos. En esta tesitura, la empresa se plantea la introducción en el mercado de distribución (mayorista y minorista). Las personas que inicialmente estaban al frente del proyecto era Ferran Soriano, Presidente de la empresa, y Ernest Folch, como Consejero Delegado y Secretario. El mercado “del libro” en España presenta una serie de peculiaridades que le hacen especialmente susceptible de análisis. Por un lado, tenemos aspectos microeconómicos específicos, tales como la Ley de Precio Único o una tasa de IVA distinta para los libros en soporte papel o en edición digital. Por otro lado, presenta aspectos microeconómicos genéricos interesantes que aparecen cada vez que un sector entra en periodo de fuertes perturbaciones como la integración vertical de algunos agentes o la supresión de algunos segmentos en la cadena de valor. El presente caso presenta una oportunidad para estudiar la teoría de juegos a dos niveles: táctico y cadena de valor. A nivel táctico, existen varios agentes con los que la empresa puede interactuar y, en consecuencia, sus movimientos pueden generar expectativas en los otros agentes. Igualmente, la empresa tiene que considerar sus expectativas en relación al resto. A nivel de cadena de valor, las acciones que va tomando la empresa durante este periodo pueden utilizarse como marco teórico para analizar
Boston, Mass. (U.S.): North American Case Research Association (NACRA) 06/2013 15 p. Any successful value proposition needs to identify its target client, to understand the problem or need he or she has and to propose a business solution with specific products or services. On the first point, Google differentiates between a user and a client. Users are the consumers of all free products and services, including the search engine itself, Gmail, Google maps, Youtube and Google Docs. Users search, compare, and finally find the information they need from anywhere on the planet, through products and services, films and trailers, videos, documentaries, travel, websites, scientific geographical areas and so on. Clients are those who actually buy products and services from Google, such as Google AdWords, Google AdSense and YouTube banners or advertisements. The need that Google satisfies in its users is access to information relevant to a specific subject at zero cost. The need it satisfies in its clients is an increase in their website traffic, enabling them to sell more through that channel. In terms of products and services, Google began with a search engine and has now expanded the range to areas of communication, social networking, mobility and mobile technology.
Vinaixa Serra, Jordi Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes Elvira Designing business models for the Photovoltaic (PV) solar cells industry Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2013 12 p. Three businesses from the photovoltaic solar cells industry are described with the main purpose that readers understand the different business models entrepreneurs may use to take advantage of business opportunities in a specific industry. Although PV solar cells are a core component of those businesses, the way they operate in the industry differs considerably, since each one is grounded in a different business model.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
BOOK REVIEWS Aguilera Vaqués, Ruth Contingent capital: Short-term investors and the evolution of corporate governance in France and Germany by Michel Goyer Oxford (U.K.): Oxford University Press, 2012. 224 p. Book review in: Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 57, no. 4, 12/2012, p. 696-699
Arjona Sebastià, César Lawyers and fidelity to law by W. Bradley Wendel Princeton, N.J. (U.S.); Woodstock (U.K.): Princeton University Press, 2010. 304 p. Book review in: Anuario de Filosofía del Derecho, no. 29, 02/2013, p. 394-404
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MONOGRAPHS Alemany Gil, Luisa Philanthropic venture capital: Venture capital for social entrepreneurs? Scarlata, M.; Alemany Gil, L. & Zackarakis, A. Delft (The Netherlands): Now, 09/2012 74 p. Philanthropic venture capital (PhVC) is an innovative funding model available for social entrepreneurs which provides a blend of performance-based development finance and professional services to social purpose organisations. PhVC aims at maximizing the social impact of the investee through the provision of capital and value-added activities, as typically done in traditional venture capital (VC) financing. The acknowledgment of the growing importance of SEs on the one hand striving to develop new and, sometimes, profitable business models to improve local livelihoods and on the other hand of their funding needs, spurred the development of PhVC. PhVC emerged in the United States in the late nineties as a way of improving the effectiveness of the financing model implemented by grant-making foundations; nowadays, PhVC applies not only to foundations, but a wider set of investors willing to create impact on society.
Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Trullén Fernández, Jordi Loscos Arenas, Francisco Stirpe, Luigi Segundo informe Innovarh. Cómo gestionar el talento para la innovación: la organización ambidextra Barcelona: ESADE. Business School, 03/2013 20 p. En el entorno actual innovar es algo necesario no sólo dentro de los departamentos de I+D sino también fuera, fruto de la iniciativa de todos los empleados.Para que esto ocurra debemos gestionar a nuestros empleados adecuadamente y es ésta la razón de ser de este informe. En este trabajo hemos identificado las prácticas en la dirección de personas que impulsan la innovación en distintas áreas de la empresa. Una visión de la innovación desde la dirección de personas es novedosa por cuanto concibe la innovación más allá de los departamentos de I D, como una semilla que puede germinar en distintos hábitats organizativos si se cultiva como es debido. Existen, además, poquísimos estudios a nivel internacional que hayan abordado la relación entre gestión del talento e innovación con lo que el presente trabajo es pionero en su campo. Finalmente, nuestro estudio es también relevante por cuanto hace recomendaciones útiles a las empresas para fomentar la innovación sin necesidad de grandes inversiones, aunque sí con grades dosis de determinación y voluntad de cambio. El informe hace hincapié en la necesidad de gestionar organizaciones ambidextras, capaces al mismo tiempo de explotar conocimientos minimizando los errores y de explorar nuevas vías de acción sin miedo al fracaso. Para ello, se necesitan mayores dosis de flexibilidad en la gestión del talento, pero no indiscriminadamente, sino en aquellas áreas donde la innovación tiene sentido desde un punto de vista del negocio.
Carreras Fisas, Ignasi Estudio sobre el presente y futuro del Tercer Sector social en un entorno de crisis Barcelona: Fundación PwC; ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social; Obra Social “la Caixa”, 05/2013 68 p. El Tercer Sector social es un actor clave en el desarrollo social y económico de nuestro país. Es un canal cada vez más importante de estructuración y solución de las crecientes demandas e iniciativas de la sociedad civil. Su relevancia se refleja en dimensiones como el número de organizaciones que lo integran, la multiplicidad de demandas sociales que satisfacen, las dimensiones de la inversión social que canalizan, el número de beneficiarios a los que atienden, el empleo que generan, y el voluntariado que moviliza. El Tercer Sector comenzó a sufrir las serias consecuencias de la crisis económica en 2012, según un informe elaborado por el Instituto de Innovación Social de ESADE, la Obra Social “la Caixa” y la Fundación PwC. El documento, que lleva por título ‘Estudio sobre el presente y futuro del Tercer Sector social en un entorno de crisis’, prevé que la financiación del Tercer Sector en nuestro país pueda caer hasta un 33% desde 2012 hasta 2016. El informe presenta un análisis cuantitativo de como la crisis está afectando al tercer sector en España y propuestas para su fortalecimiento.
Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep Laborda Coronil, Anna Recio Figueiras, Eugenio Informe Económico. Enero 2013
ción de las primas de riesgo desde el anuncio del BCE en septiembre y las necesidades de refinanciación relativamente pequeñas en los últimos meses de 2012 han concedido un espacio de tiempo para poder negociar unas condiciones que no supongan un aumento mucho mayor de la austeridad. Pero si los costes de financiación no se siguen reduciendo, el Gobierno debería tomar la decisión de acogerse a la ayuda europea, para minimizar con ello el coste económico y social del ajuste fiscal.
Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep Laborda Coronil, Anna Informe económico. Junio 2013 Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía, 06/2013 38 p. ESADE. Informe económico El Informe repasa las claves de la economía mundial, europea y española. La recuperación de la economía mundial está amenazada. Europa sigue afrontando la crisis de la unión económica y monetaria. España se enfrenta a un 2013 de ajustes y contracción económica. El Informe también analiza la extensión del paro hacia segmentos a priori más protegidos del mercado laboral y se pregunta si el paro aumenta en paralelo a la destrucción empresarial o si es el mecanismo que permite la supervivencia de las empresas.
Costa Guix, Gerard Economía de las familias en España: querer, pero no saber ni poder
Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía, 01/2013 66 p. ESADE. Informe económico; no.14
Barcelona: ESADE, 04/2013 14 p. Observatorio de Consumo de ESADE
En los últimos meses se han tomado algunas decisiones importantes para alcanzar una solución de la crisis de la zona euro. El Consejo Europeo, con el compromiso de crear un sistema conjunto de supervisión de las entidades financieras europeas, ha iniciado el proceso para la unión bancaria, que a su vez debe ser el primer paso hacia una mayor unión fiscal, entendiendo esta como una cierta garantía conjunta frente a los riesgos de la deuda. El BCE ha mostrado su disposición a comprar deuda pública de los países con problemas de financiación para disminuir los costes de esta. Además, lo hará sin límite en la cantidad y en el tiempo. Con ello relaja el paradigma antiinflacionario que había dominado los primeros años de la crisis y reconoce su papel de corresponsable de la estabilidad financiera y económica. La condición fijada por el BCE es que el país en cuestión debe acogerse a un programa de ayuda y firmar un Memorando de Entendimiento, con sus correspondientes condiciones. La economía española seguirá en recesión durante el año 2013 y además debe afrontar importantes compromisos de reducción del déficit público. Dados los elevados costes de financiación de la deuda, el pago de intereses ha aumentado sustancialmente. En este momento, el Gobierno del Estado está sopesando la posibilidad de solicitar el inicio de un plan masivo de compra de deuda por parte del BCE. La relaja-
La gestión real de los presupuestos familiares es un área comparativamente poco investigada, camuflada por contentarnos con las encuestas cerradas que dan por supuesto que las familias controlan su presupuesto. Un área de gestión que despierta revisiones en cada crisis económica. Sólo sacamos la calculadora cuando llegan demasiadas facturas a final de mes. Y es que a pesar de que el gasto realizado en los hogares españoles ha bajado más del 21%, de 33.000€ a 26.000€ de 2007 a 2012, todavía no tenemos una cultura de gestión de la economía doméstica. Un informe del Observatorio de Consumo de ESADE confirma que más del 85% de las familias españolas no saben exactamente lo que gasta cada mes. Únicamente, una tercera parte de los hogares conocen sus ingresos con precisión. El estudio analiza cómo las familias españolas abordan la situación económica tras 5 años de crisis. En este sentido, apunta que el 36% de los españoles conocen realmente cuánto gastan al mes, pero menos del 15% saben exactamente en qué.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Fluvià Font, Modest Saló Mayolas, Albert Estudio del impacto económico de la Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí Fluvià, M.; Rigall-I-Torrent, R.; Saló, A.; Casas, F. Girona: Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí; Universitat de Girona (UdG), 05/2012. 11 p. The Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí remains the first private institution in Spain in number visitors to museums of Fine Arts and the third worldwide, behind only the National Museum Prado and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. In 2011, the number of visitors to the centers the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí has been 1,431,748 visitors, almost 8% over 2010. In terms of Visitor spending there are (estimate of total spending by visitors) 123 million euros: 66% increase over 2005, due to the growth in the number of visitors (18.5%) and spending per visitor (40%). The volume of economic activity generated (amount of economic transactions arising from the activities of the foundation) is 181 million euros: 52% increase over 2005. Gross Domestic Product Generation (value of the income generated by the activities of the foundation) is 90 million euros: 67% increase over 2005 (For comparison, the scale would be around 2.5% Alt Empordà GDP). The impact on employment (jobs created by the activities of the foundation) is about 1865 jobs: 49% increase over 2005. The indicators of internal efficiency (operating costs, labor costs and subsidies received) show very favorable results in relation to major museums, both public and private: a lower cost 60-75% with no dependence on government subsidies.
Mària Serrano, Josep F. Les mines del rei Leopold Mària Serrano, J.; Devuyst, E. Barcelona: Centre d’estudis Cristianisme i Justícia. Fundació Lluís Espinal, 06/2013 36 p. - Quaderns de Cristianisme i Justícia Empreses, militars, polítics, ONG... i, al centre de tot, la població sofrent. Aquests són els principals actors d’un drama quotidià que es viu a la RDC
Institute ofLabour Studies (IEL) This research unit focuses its activity on creating scientific and technical knowledge for work environments that facilitate the creation of added value based on individuals’ knowledge. IEL is working on the strategic line of how to produce a shift towards a knowledge society, using an employment model based on professional qualifications, quality of life, respect for the dignity of work and a sustainable growth environment.
Carlos Obeso, Director
des de fa dècades, però que s’ha agreujat per la demanda de determinats minerals dels quals el subsol africà n’és especialment ric. El quadern ens apropa a la complexitat d’un problema que posa al descobert totes les contradiccions de la globalització.
Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier Entering European markets: The role of M&A. Summary of the workshop conclusions Mendoza Mayordomo, X.; Shin, J. Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 01/2013 9 p. The document provides background information on China’s Outward FDI trends both worlwide and in Europe as well as an overview of Chinese cross-border acquisitions in the European Unión (EU). Then it analyzes the role of cross-border acquisitions in the international expansion strategy of Lenovo. The final section is devoted to the workshop conclusions about the motivations of Chinese companies and the challenges they face when opting to establish or consolidate their presence in the EU.
Murillo Bonvehí, David La lucha contra la corrupción en las empresas del IBEX35: percepción y participación de los stakeholders Salsas Segura, J. ; Murillo Bonvehí, D. Barcelona: ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 11/2012 115 p. El Instituto de Innovación Social (IIS) de ESADE inició el curso anterior una línea de investigación centrada en el fenómeno de la corrupción en la empresa privada. El propósito último del estudio ha sido el de generar un primer marco comprensivo sobre cómo prevenir la corrupción en el sector privado a partir de la percepción conjunta de empresas y stakeholders sobre este tema.
Obeso Abalde, Carlos Informe Infojobs ESADE 2012. Estado del mercado laboral en España
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Informe innovación turística en España 2013
Barcelona: Infojobs; ESADE, 05/2013 101 p.
Barcelona: ESADE, 05/2013 43 p.
Dos de cada tres jóvenes españoles buscan trabajo fuera de España, según los datos aportados por el nuevo informe Infojobs ESADE sobre el estado del Mercado Laboral Español. Esta situación de paro está también afectando, el comportamiento que durante el año pasado se llevó a cabo en cuanto a la movilidad de los candidatos gestionados por InfoJobs: el 26 por ciento de estos candidatos buscó trabajo fuera de su Comunidad de origen desmintiendo el tradicional comportamiento de escasa movilidad que se le achacaba al mercado laboral español. Este colectivo de jóvenes, el más afectado por el desempleo, afirma estar buscando empleo fuera de España. El 65% intenta encontrar oportunidades en Europa (Gran Bretaña, Alemania e Irlanda como países prioritarios) y el 51% busca fuera del continente (Estados Unidos, Canadá y Suramérica). A pesar de la difícil situación de desempleo juvenil, ciertos sectores facilitan la entrada al mercado laboral a jóvenes sin experiencia. Concretamente, Turismo y Restauración, Venta al detalle y Atencv v zzzión a clientes fueron las tres categorías donde los jóvenes tuvieron mayores oportunidades de empleo en 2012. Hasta ahora, las prácticas en empresa podían considerarse una vía de entrada al mercado laboral. Sin embargo, el 65% de los candidatos jóvenes encuestados por InfoJobs afirma que no las considera una herramienta útil para encontrar trabajo. Aun así, tres de cada cuatro menores de 30 años estaría dispuesto a hacerlas sin percibir ningún tipo de remuneración más allá de la propia experiencia.
El estudio se ha construido sobre el análisis de 342 casos, siguiendo un reparto proporcional de las provincias españolas, y desvela la actitud de los empresarios españoles ante la realidad actual del Turismo y ofrece datos sobre las dimensiones en innovación de esta área.
Santiso Guimaras, Javier Fondos soberanos 2012 Barcelona: ESADEgeo; KPMG; ICEX, 11/2012 108 p.
Un emblema de la transformación económica que estamos viviendo son los fondos soberanos. Ingentes acumulaciones de capital (ya próximas a los 5 billones de dólares) que surgen en las regiones superavitarias y que se extienden a lo largo de todo el planeta. Adicionalmente, se está produciendo un efecto imitación en regiones como América Latina y África, en busca de una mejor gestión de los abundantes recursos que estas regiones albergan. El análisis de las estrategias que despliegan estos fondos, las decisiones de inversión que se llevan a cabo, las alianzas que establecen entre sí para desarrollar operaciones en otros mercados emergentes y las colaboraciones industriales en países occidentales son analizadas en este informe. Con el foco puesto en las actuaciones de los fondos en España, el informe Fondos Soberanos 2012 repasa las tendencias de estos actores globales y analiza su impacto en otras regiones emergentes, como América Latina y África. Además, mediante los estudios de caso en Chile y Brasil, aprenderemos que también de estos países emergentes -Chile es miembro de la OCDE- proceden ejemplos de “mejores prácticas” que son aplicados por instituciones de todo el planeta.
Valls Giménez, Josep F. Rucabado Aguilar, Josep Sardá Borroy, Rafael Gobernanza de las playas españolas Valls Giménez, J. F.; Rucabado Aguilar, J.; Sardá Borroy, R.; Parera Olm, A. Barcelona: MeVaPlaya; ESADE, 11/2012 60 p. El objetivo del estudio consiste en analizar el modelo de Gobernanza de las playas españolas, a partir de la valoración efectuada por los municipios de los siguientes aspectos: la calidad de las instalaciones y servicios de las playas; la variedad de los productos turísticos ofertados en el municipio; y el nivel de planificación estratégica de la playa y del turismo de los municipios de litoral, y del nivel de cooperación con el resto de administraciones y con el sector privado. A partir del análisis de estos datos, se pretendía establecer una serie de indicadores de la Gobernanza de las Playas españolas que facilite la comprensión de los diferentes modelos de gestión y su proyección futura.
Visnjic, Ivanka When innovation follows promise: Why service innovation is different, and why that matters Visnjic, I.; Turunen, T.; Neely, A. Cambridge (U.K.): Cambridge Service Alliance, 05/2013 20 p. Research suggests that organisations are often less innovative with service provision than with product design, manufacture and sales. However, service companies account for 75 per cent of economic activity in developed economies, and even product companies incorporate elements of service into their business. So why does service innovation lag behind product innovation? We looked at the process of service innovation in an attempt to improve the way that service and product-service providers develop new services. Our findings have implications for service provider and customer, both regarding their approach and contribution to the innovation process and service delivery, and the risks and rewards appropriated.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
PhD THESES Abdelgawad, Sondos Gamal Eldin Svejenova velikova, silviya (dir.) Entrepreneurial capability: Examining opportunity pursuit in multiple contexts Silviya Svejenova & Shaker A. Zahira (dirs.) Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 06/2013 El rápido y cambiante paisaje competitivo ha desafiado a las empresas a volverse más emprendedoras. En lugar de caer en la trampa de las fuerzas siempre cambiantes del mercado, algunas empresas muestran una gran agilidad, puesto que lanzan nuevos productos, servicios y procesos incansablemente. Estas compañías son impulsadas por una continua búsqueda de oportunidades que aporten un mejor uso y un mayor provecho de sus recursos. La habilidad de orquestar los recursos de una empresa y la capacidad para crear oportunidades son el tema de esta tesis. Esta habilidad, a la que he denominado “capacidad emprendedora” (CE), se define como la capacidad total de una empresa para utilizar sus recursos internos y externos con el objetivo de perseguir oportunidades de forma continuada. Por eso, la finalidad de esta tesis es proporcionar una comprensión minuciosa de la CE y analizar su variabilidad en cinco contextos distintos. Estudiar la CE permite examinar el emprendimiento a nivel de empresa mediante la aplicación de una perspectiva de capacidad, que se centra en la orquestación que realizan las empresas de sus recursos y capacidades para desarrollar oportunidades. El desarrollo de oportunidades exige a las empresas que integren colectivamente sus capacidades para transformarlas en acciones. Promulgar oportunidades con éxito no trata de tener varias capacidades individuales que pertenezcan a distintas áreas funcionales, sino de saber reconfigurarlas, ya que así se vinculan los diferentes recursos y se incentivan nuevas oportunidades. Por lo tanto, en la tesis presento
un enfoque sobre las capacidades y las acciones de las empresas. La tesis está diseñada como un compendio de publicaciones y formada por siete capítulos. Además de la introducción y las conclusiones, los cinco capítulos restantes representan cinco papers individuales que analizan la CE en múltiples contextos. Esto refleja un elevado grado de diversidad, que permite elaborar un estudio detallado sobre la CE en varios contextos. A su vez, se centra en las diferencias entre los tipos de oportunidades que se persiguen y sus implicaciones para integrar las capacidades de las empresas.
Bakici, Tuba Almirall Mezquita, ESTEVE (dir.) Open innovation intermediaries: marketplaces for innovation Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 06/2013 To achieve a high level of innovativeness, open innovation offers a novel means of sourcing innovation for companies and cities through opening their boundaries and globalizing the sourcing of innovation. Open innovation intermediary is one of the tools that support and facilitate the collaborative arrangements of open innovation. Open innovation intermediaries are both markets for innovation and a source of innovative solutions. The proliferation of online open innovation intermediaries -i.e. Innocentive,, Atizo, NineSigma- that link multiple companies and individuals to facilitate open innovation is increasingly gaining the attention of the literature. Open innovation as a field of research is young, and the previous literature in this area has shown that a variety of companies have successfully emerged to facilitate intellectual property (e.g. idea, technology, patent) trade through platforms. Much attention has been devoted to the role of
these intermediaries in online platforms with single case studies. However, more knowledge is needed about open innovation intermediaries and understanding how these intermediaries function in online platforms and public innovation ecosystems, and, especially why people participate. This thesis aims to develop and extend existing theory on open innovation with an emphasis on the open innovation intermediaries and their underlying mechanisms, supportive motives, and ultimately their existence and role in public innovation ecosystem. Drawing upon data from the empirical findings and several case studies, this dissertation suggest that innovation intermediaries play an imperative role in the innovation processes of both public and prívate sectors. The findings also motívate managers and policy makers with insights to enhance the innovativeness and competitiveness of their organizations and cities.
Bao, Yuanjie Dolan, Simon (dir.) Understanding the motivational mechanisms of value congruence Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 09/2012 Background: Albeit the critical importance accorded in the literature to the concept of value congruence it is still poorly understood. The literature dealing with it is ambiguous and inconsistent. Value incongruence in the management and psychological disciplines, has been related to various job attitudes and other work related outcomes, but the process of which it affects the latter remains controversial. That is, we do not know exactly why value congruence (or value incongruence) is supposed to have these effects on the outcomes studied. Research question:This thesis is an attempt to understand the process of value congruence’s effect. That is to say: what are the correlational or semi causal relationships between value congruence and value incongruence on selected attitudinal outcomes such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment on one hand, and health outcomes, such as job burnout or physical health , on the other hand?. Theoretical approach:The underlying theory of “self-concept” has been used in its application to the construct of value congruence. More specifically, the mediating mechanism of self-concept variables on the relationship between value congruence and outcomes was empirically tested. Furthermore, the relative importance and the particular configuration of individualmechanism vssocial mechanism functioning simultaneously as mediatorshave been tested. . Design:This thesis uses three connected papers. The first paper is a comprehensive review of the literature on value congruence. Itintegrates value congruence research into a coherent framework.A clear agenda for research results from the conclusions reached in this first paper. The second paper inspired by the “self-concept theory”,tests the relationships between value congruence on specific outcomes such as mental health (burnout), physical health, and a host of organizationally related outcomes such as accident propensity and turnover intentions. Data was collected amongst nurses working in a large university hospital in Catalonia. The third paper also uses some variables derived from the self-concept theory to empirically test the relative importance and the particular configuration of individualmechanism and social mechanism functioning simultaneously as mediatorsbetween
value congruence and a host of specific individual outcomes such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment and Burnout. This third study was carried out in a county hospital in northeast China. Method: The first paper is qualitative in nature. It synthesizes and classifies related definitions, models and measurement based on the literature. The second and the third papers are empirical studies based on cross-sectional pre validated surveys conducted in Spain and China in the health care settings. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses were employed throughout different phases of the studies. Multiple regressiontechnique was employed to test the mediation effect. Results:The first study sets up the agenda for future research in specifying needs and limitations of previous research. In the two empirical papers, it has been found that self-concept theory can serve for understanding the effects of value congruence. More specifically the second paper shows that for different types of value incongruence, burnout mediatesin a differential manner the effects on the outcomes studied. Third paper, found that, for different outcomes, self-concept variables mediates the effects of value congruence differentially, but trust in the organization, a specific variable that was added in this study, was a consistent social mediator. The latter reinforces recent call to further use the construct of trust in organizational research. This was found to be valid in the Chinese context. Conclusion: The thesis argues that studying value congruence can be very important to both individuals and organizations. Regardless of its direct or mediating effects, it impacts outcomes connected with individual health (i.e. Burnout or physical health) and also outcomes connected with organizational health (commitment, accident propensity, turnover intention, and alike). The thesis also shows how important it is to identify various linkages and configurations between value congruence and outcomes while borrowing from the self-concept theory.
Bravo Orellana, Sergio Rafael Sabal Cárdenas, Jaime (dir.) Consistencia del spread de los costos de capitales sobre los costos de la deuda: una teoría del costo de capital para empresas que no cotizan y para empresas de mercados emergentes Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 11/2012 Financial theory has concentrated on the development of the conceptual framework to determine the capital costs for listed companies. While an extensive conceptual and methodological development exists for such companies, at present no broadly accepted methodology has been thought through for unlisted companies, and a similar situation is encountered with regard to companies working in emerging markets. The proposal of this thesis is to present a model, based on a CAPM, to determine the capital costs for unlisted companies, or those in emerging markets. As a point of departure, the divergent aspects relative to the calculation of the model and its parameters are analyzed. One of the approaches to the calculation of the capital costs for companies not listed on developed stock exchanges is to take a listed company as a reference. The consistency sought when choosing this reference company is solely the fact that it conducts activities in the same sector in which the unlisted company works. Another of the issues that is studied is the analysis of the hypothesis
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
that the cost of the debt in the local market internalises the country’s risk premium, which means that the interest rates are based on international interest rates to which the country risk premium is added. Drawing on the previous analysis a model for the calculation of the capital costs for listed companies and for companies from emerging markets. This model is based on the following: (i) two companies with a similar economic risk –the target company and the listed reference company– have the same differential between the reference companies’ economic capital costs (KOA,ERC) and the liabilities rate of the same company (Ki,ERC), which means that the differential between KOAKi will be maintained; (ii) if there are reasons –such as less access to the capital market or the country risk– that modify the liabilities rate of the companies, these variations will likewise be reflected in the economic capital costs, so that the differential will be maintained; (iii) it is a model that uses the same interest rates of the target company –for which the capital cost is being calculated–, thus, the capital costs of any company that is listed, or operates in an emerging market, would be determined by taking the cost of the company’s liabilities Ki and adding it to the differential presented in point ii, which may be articulated as follows: . With regard to the model of companies from emerging markets, the interest rates contain information to which the capital costs of companies operating in these markets are subjected. The interest rates already include the effect of the country risk, which is to say that the local interest rates are equal to the international interest rates –those of the international markets– to which the effect of the country risk premium has been added, in proportion to the market and the company. However, not only is the effect of the country risk included, but also are the effects of expansive or restrictive monetary policy. This means that for these countries the proposed formula will continue to be applied, because the interest rate of emerging markets already includes the effects that the classic model assumed as risk country premium. It has been claimed that if the differential between the capital cost and the interest rate is consistent, then, for the calculation of an unlisted company’s capital cost, the interest rate of its liabilities should be taken and added to that differential. In the case of companies from emerging markets, it should be something similar.
Bresani Torres, Aldo Eduardo Batallé Descals, Pere (dir.) Influencia de la complejidad de tareas y redes sociales en el intercambio de conocimiento (IC) Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 12/2012 The research addresses one of the most important processes of people, the Knowledge Sharing (KS). Knowledge can be explicit or tacit. The explicit can be structured and stored in a manner that may be available. Tacit knowledge, or also known as Tacit Knowing, is action learning that can not be encoded or structure, this depends on the experience, judgment and values of the person. Informal social networks in organizations become a means to facilitate the transmission of Tacit Knowing, so by analyzing social networks (Social Network Analysis (SNA)) can be understood and analyzed the relationships between people beyond formal and hierarchical structures. This situation is relevant to senior management in order to enhance, rather
than try to structure or control, these social networks. An appropriate management should incentive that knowledge flows through them. The research objectives are: 1) establish the Impact of Task Complexity in the intensity of the interaction of social networks in an organization, 2) set the Impact of Task Complexity in the process of knowledge sharing and 3) verify if there is any relationship between the intensity of the interaction of social networks in the process of Knowledge Sharing (KS). A survey has been applied to three peruvian knowledge intensive organizations. It argues that a more complex task, the propensity that the person must have knowledge sharing should be higher. The classification criteria for complexity based on the multiplicity of outcomes, settlement schemes, conflict and uncertainty and has taken the qualification of experts from the three organizations, who qualified individuals listed in the percentage of time each type of task made in their normal routine. The intensity of the interaction of networks and the propensity to KS are obtained from surveys. The analysis conducted, there is a direct relation between task complexity and intensity in the interaction of the social network of knowledge and between complexity and propensity to share knowledge. Also found a direct relationship between people with greater social interaction network of knowledge and their propensity to knowledge sharing. The main contributions of this research are: 1) academically the proposed methodology when working with the qualification of the person who best knows the nature of work, 2) on the practical aspect is that the systematization can get to identify people who have a greater propensity to share knowledge to empower them within the organization.
Cano Giner, Josep Lluís What groups of factors do senior executives believe affect their use of executive information systems? Fernández Alarcón, V.; Díaz Boladeras, M. (dirs.) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) 02/2013 In a highly competitive and turbulent environment, executives need more efficient ways to analyze their companies, markets and competitors. The aim is to help their organizations become more competitive and, as a result, survive the changes taking place around them. Executive Information Systems (EIS) can help executives access the internal and external data they need to be able to make the right decisions and achieve their organizations’ objectives. We need to know the factors what senior executives believe affect their use of executive information systems because EIS, like any other software, are designed to be used directly by users, in this case, senior executives. The objective of this thesis is to uncover which factors senior executives feel affect their use of EIS, compare the factors they propose to those mentioned in other studies to determine their importance, and group the factors which affect or may affect senior executives. The methodology proposed to group these factors together is Concept Mapping. The structure of this thesis is divided into five main sections after the introduction and the discussion on motivations: the conceptual framework, research methodology, analysis and findings, reflection and discussion, references, and annexes. In the conceptual framework section I define senior executives, EIS and Technology Acceptance Model. The first research question was: Is additional qualitative research needed to find more valuable information about the
factors? I can confirm that more qualitative research is necessary to uncover more valuable information about the factors (as presented in section 5.i. above). I extracted 15 factors from the initial interviews and 79 factors from the literature review. However, senior executives rated the 15 initial factors taken from interviews higher than the rest of factors. The second research question was: What groups of factors do senior executives believe affect their use of executive information systems? Examining the results of the survey with MDS and cluster analysis, I have presented twelve groups of factors in section 5.ii. The third research question was: How important are these groups of factors for senior executives? I detail the list of clusters ordered by their average ranking in terms of importance and the average score received. The main scientific contribution of this thesis is having completed one small part of research on one of the most tested and studied theories in IT: TAM. This thesis demonstrates the importance that qualitative research has in terms of studying one type of IT and one type of user before carrying out quantitative research. The main methodological contribution is that it is not easy to do research with senior executives, but, as this thesis shows, the Concept Mapping methodology can help facilitate this process. There are other scientific and methodological contributions detailed in the thesis. This is, I believe, my modest contribution to offering senior executives EIS projects which understand them and their needs more and better while also providing researchers new opportunities for research and I would encourage other researchers to study the importance of previous qualitative studies applied to other kinds of users and systems. Another opportunity for research is to use concept maps to develop implementation projects and compare the success of those projects with other projects which didn’t use the concept map as a tool to define the project itself.
Di Lorenzo, Francesco Parada Balderrama, PEDRO (dir.) Three essays on innovation performace, aspirations and strategic decision making Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 05/2013 The research I developed during my doctoral dissertation focuses on the understanding of the role that innovative performance plays in influencing strategic decision-making at the organizational and individual level in knowledge intensive contexts. My doctoral dissertation is articulated in three main chapters, which represent three current working papers. Building on the prior research on aspiration levels and managerial decision making, in the first working paper we examine the conditions under which pharmaceutical firms change their partnering behavior across time. Using insights drawn from behavioral theory and evolutionary theory of the firm, we argue that any change in partnering behavior is considered risky, and is triggered by the gap between actual performance and aspirational performance. Testing a sample of 988 pharmaceutical firms from 1990 to 2006, our results confirm the central idea of the paper - that the type of performance (financial or innovative) has a strong influence on the associated feedback loop and subsequent organizational action: any deviation of financial performance from aspirations predicts risk aversion behavior (i.e. less change in partnering behavior) while any deviation of innovative performance from aspirations predicts risk taking behavior (i.e. more change in partnering behavior). The second working paper, building on previous and current research of employees’ mobility, is an exploratory attempt that seeks to build on behavioral and prospect theory, particularly, on the literature of managerial risk taking in order to explore the motivational influences on individual mobility across firms in the pharmaceutical industry - specifically how performance deviations from specific reference points (aspirations) explain the
Institute of Forensic Evidence and Provative Law (IPDP) The IPDP’s aims are to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of forensic evidence and probative law; to train professionals related with the Administration of Justice in forensic evidence and probative law; to provide informed opinion and propose criteria; to encourage research in this area. The three main research lines are the following: one dedicated to the civil proceedings; a second line on new technologies used in probative law; and, most recently, the third one involved with criminal proceedings. The IPDP publishes a quarterly magazine, Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio.
> Forensic Evidence and Provative Law Research Group Xavier Abel, Director
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
likelihood of mobility (a risky action). In line with the theoretical traditions mentioned above, our results suggest that: when an inventor performs above her aspiration level (both historical and social), we found support for risk adversity arguments (i.e. less likely to change employer); when an inventor performs below her aspiration levels is more likely to engage in inter-organizational mobility, such as risky action, but only when comparing her performance to the social aspirations (i.e. risk taking profile). Finally, in the third working paper we attempt to answer to the questions “why do inventors move?” Recent studies propose answer to this fundamental question focusing mainly either on incentives structure in inventor’s contracts (i.e. internal labor market) or external labor market opportunities. We believe that these theoretical economic traditions present a partial representation of why talented employees engage in inter-organizational mobility. In fact, we do not have a clear understanding on the sociological underpinnings characterizing mobility, in particular about the inventor’s motivational rationales behind the engagement in such risky decision. Building on behavioral and prospect theory, particularly, on the literature of managerial risk taking, the paper mainly aims to explore and to bring attention to the motivational influences on individual mobility across firms in the pharmaceutical industry - specifically how performance deviations from specific reference points (social aspirations) explain the likelihood of mobility (a risky action). The results of our research confirm and extend previous studies on mobility: along with firm’s incentive structure to retain talented employees and inventors’ labor market explain the likelihood of mobility, inventor’s performance deviations from social aspiration levels also predict inventor’s likelihood of mobility. In conclusions, in my doctoral dissertation I attempt to better understand, and therefore offer to the academic management community, how organizations and individuals learn from their past actions and decide on subsequent strategic decision-making as a response to performance interpretation necessary to improve performance and gather competitive success.
Esteve Laporta, Marc Ysa Figueras, Tamyko (dir.) Sierra Olivera, Vicenta (dir.) The management of interorganizational collaborations Ysa Figueras, T.; Sierra Olivera, V.; Boyne, G. (dirs.) Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 01/2013 Los observadores del ámbito de la gestión pública prevén un incremento en la variedad y la complejidad de las formas de colaboración entre el sector público, el privado y el no lucrativo. No obstante, la investigación en el campo de las colaboraciones entre sectores todavía está siendo desarrollada, y necesita examinar el gran número de formas colaborativas que han emergido en las últimas décadas. Así, las dificultades de colaboración entre el sector público, el privado y el no lucrativo deben añadirse a las dificultades que presenta la gestión colaborativa en general, y también a las identificadas en las alianzas de negocios. Mezclar los distintos entornos, objetivos, estructuras y valores de las organizaciones públicas, privadas y no lucrativas para conseguir un objetivo común, añade más complejidad a la cometida de gestionar una alianza. En ésta tesis he analizado distintos aspectos de las colaboraciones interorganizativas entre diferentes secto-
res, para entender mejor como éstas complejas formas organizativas deben ser desarrollabas y gestionadas. Con éste objetivo, he recogido evidencias de distintas colaboraciones en Cataluña. Primero he abordado la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Por qué suceden las colaboraciones? ¿Cuál es el rol del gestor/a en la creación de colaboraciones interorganizativas? Después de identificar el rol que tienen los gestores públicos, he realizado una encuesta entre los directores y directoras generales de todas las organizaciones públicas catalanas. Utilizando Upper Echelons Theory para identificar los determinantes de las colaboraciones interorganizativas. En segundo lugar he analizado organizaciones que llevan muchos años operando y están formadas por distintos sectores: las State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). He aprovechado la oportunidad propiciada por la actual crisis financiera para medir como los intereses de los distintos sectores afectan al progreso de éstas organizaciones; si interés radica en que están formadas por actores privados y actores públicos de diferentes niveles de la administración pública (nacional, regional y local). Tercero, me he centrado en comprender mejor el desarrollo de las colaboraciones entre sectores. El foco de éste estudio, pero, no ha sido el sector público, sino las organizaciones no lucrativas. He realizado una encuesta a los miembros de las juntas directivas de los clubs deportivos catalanes para analizar cómo colaboran con el sector público, y elaborar conclusiones de cómo podrían mejorar sus resultados. Finalmente he explorado qué resultados específicos podrían ser obtenidos en las colaboraciones en función de la forma organizativa realizada. Por eso he desarrollado un caso de estudio del Banco de Sangre y Tejidos y he analizado cómo diferentes formas organizativas facilitan la innovación. Ésta tesis proporciona evidencia empírica en soporte del argumento que, en el estudio de las colaboraciones interorganizatives, los gestores y gestoras importan. Importan en la decisión de si la colaboración es la mejor opción institucional, cuando dan respuesta a las diferentes demandas de los stakeholders durante los procesos colaborativos, y cuando deciden la mejor forma organizativa para desarrollar sus actividades colaborativas.
Fox, Paul Wareham, JONATHAN (dir.) Creation and control in business ecosystems Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 06/2013 Platforms and ecosystems represent increasingly ubiquitous models for organizing economic activity in business and technology. This thesis represents an effort to explain observed phenomena in two distinct ecosystems: affiliate marketing programs and business software. The overall practical business objective for each is to understand how the core firm(s) in each domain manage the efforts of hundreds or even thousands of contributors whose work centers around the core company’s platform. This thesis addresses several gaps in the literature. First, prior research on organizational boundaries has relied primarily on single theories such as transaction cost economics. We complement TCE with the more recent theories of platforms and ecosystems, offering further theoretical grounding and extension based on our empirical observations. We suggest that there is a fundamental tradeoff between creativity and control salient in technology platforms or ecosystems. Creativity without control can lead to exces-
sive fragmentation and variable quality, which could create a negative overall perception of the ecosystem, and could affect the ability of niche contributors to profitably develop their activities. In addition, there is the risk that unregulated third-party activity may take ecosystem development in directions inconsistent with the vision of the core sponsor. On the contrary, excessive control or poorly designed control mechanisms can hurt creativity and innovation, also damaging the health and growth of the ecosystem. Second, we argue that research on governance and control mechanisms is less developed or mature than discourse on creativity phases, and therefore warrants attention in order to understand this critical interdependence between creativity and control. Finally, we contend that prior research has tended to view technology ecosystems as homogeneous, assuming that governance is uniform for all parties. We propose that there is a need for empirical research which adopts a more subtle view of technology ecosystem governance, acknowledging that participant roles vary, but more importantly, governance across the ecosystems must embrace heterogeneity, even for similar participant roles. Finally, much of the extant literature related to relationships between firms has tended to focus on either creation or on control, but there is a need for more detailed empirical studies which address the tension between these two forces. This thesis makes several contributions to extant theory, including substantial empirical observations in two large and complex business ecosystems, and theoretical development pertaining to efforts of core firms in such ecosystems to encourage third-party generativity while maintaining a degree of control over the third-party contributions to the core platform.
Gonzales López, Rolando Alberto Wareham, Jonathan (dir.) Impacto de la data warehouse e inteligencia de negocios en el desempeño de las empresas: investigación empírica en Perú, como país en vías de desarrollo Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 10/2012 The research was made with the purpose of assess the impact that the Data Warehouse (DW) and Business Intelligence (BI) have on the business performance of enterprises in a developing country. Two research questions were established, and two models were used to answer them. The first was a Qualitative exploratory model, using semi- structured interviews, and the second was a Quantitative model, using questionnaires. The Qualitative Exploratory model utilized 23 interviews in 16 enterprises of several business sectors that utilize de DW and BI. Managers of BI of companies that develop systems of DW and BI were interviewed, then managers of DW and BI of companies that use the system, and finally, users of the systems of DW and BI. The interviews were digitally recorded, and then transcribed and coded for analysis. In this way, the main variables and their components that impact in the DW and BI were established, and some complementary information was obtained. The Quantitative model used 110 questionnaires of 13 companies of different business sectors that utilize the DW and BI. The DeLone and McLean model of 2003 with constructs verified in the qualitative model. The model has three independent constructs, Information Quality, System Quality and Service Quality. Then two mediated
constructs, Use of the system and User Satisfaction, and finally, the Dependent construct, the Individual Impact. As indicated in the dependent construct, the individual user was the unit of analysis, because of the limited number of enterprises that utilize the system of DW and BI. To solve the quantitative model, structural equations were used, which are tools of multivariate analysis that permit to work with several items per construct and solve the model with all constructs at the same time. In this way, using both models the more relevant constructs and their components were established, determining their importance and significance, and both research questions were answered, and the main hypothesis were confirmed. The dependent construct, the Individual Impact, was well explained, and one construct, the Use of the system, did not work at all. Besides that, some additional information of the DW and BI was gotten, as the specific use of BI that the companies realized. Finally, the limitations and recommendations of the study were presented in order to help to futures studies of DW and BI.
Laborda Coronil, Anna Ballabriga Claveria, FERNANDO (dir.) La temporalidad en el mercado laboral español: nuevas aportaciones a la compresión del fenómeno Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 05/2013 Our study aims to shed light on three different aspects of this problem fixed term contracts in Spanish labour market. Firstly, we aim to determine which factors influence employers’ predisposition towards these types of contract. Using a qualitative research methodology based on in-depth interviews and applying our proposed model in stages, we reach different conclusions. Worth noting amongst these is the role labour contracts play via cost reductions as a means to adapt to more global and competitive markets. Secondly, we explore if the Spanish Social Security Administration’s Continuous Sample of Working Histories (Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales, MCVL) database is an alternative and appropriate source of information with which to study the issue at hand. Using descriptive techniques, we conclude that temporary employment rates calculated using MCVL data are systematically higher though as equally valid as those based on data from the Active Labour Force Study (Encuesta de Población Activa, EPA). We also use the Logit model to replicate classic multivariate studies on the cause of this temporary employment and conclude that the MCVL database is also a good or even better source of information than the EPA and the other databases typically used. Another important conclusion is that the decrease in multivariate models’ explanatory capability over the years is dueto the fact that temporary employment is not limited to a single segment of workers (outsiders); rather, it has spread to every strata of the labour force,leading to the multi-segmentation of Spain’s labour market. Lastly, we propose a new methodology to study temporary employment: an analysis of different segments. We feel this system better adapts to the reality of the problem as well as the structure of the data gathered in the MCVL database. We present an example application of this methodology, using it to study a segment we call “supertemporary workers.” We further conclude that MCVL offers a wealth of complexly-structured information which can serve as the starting point for future studies attempting to better define this “culture of temporality” and, consequently, provide useful information to be able to design appropriate policies.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
López Vega, Henry Nelson Vanhaverbeke, Wim (dir.) Open innovation: Organizational practices and policy implications Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 10/2012 Over the last decade, open innovation has impacted and enhanced firms’ collaboration strategies and public policy programs as this new ‘paradigm shift’ emerged from business’ needs to recover from the dotcom crash and belt-tightening of global recession. In this new wave of innovation, companies refocused on organic growth and in customer and consumer markets to enrich their business units and new corporate venturing initiatives. Also, open innovation gained importance in firm’s innovation strategies as technology and idea markets became a path to commercialize undeveloped solutions via licenses and patents. Moreover, given the need of innovation systems that require the collaboration among firms locally and internationally, public governments are designing new programs and strategies to capture the benefits of investment in R&D programs. This doctoral thesis addresses the aforementioned issues and provides a multi-level research framework that is comprised by seven complementary research articles. These provide a broad perspective on open innovation, from the project level to the innovation system level of analysis, each analyzing a unique area in enough depth to provide all the necessary insights and future valuable guidelines to managers and policy makers. The studies include an exploration of different types of innovation intermediaries in Europe and the US where the analysis reveals different approaches and value propositions adopted by innovation intermediaries. Two further studies focus on the business model of one-sided and two-sided innovation intermediaries and how these create and capture value for firms in technology and idea markets. These two independent case studies rely on archival information, interviews and surveys. A further in-depth case study of NineSigma -an innovation intermediary- reveals how intermediaries are not only beneficial to capture ideas from technology and idea markets but also to assist firms in articulating and codifying firms’ scientific problems. All these studies revealed firms’ seek for external knowledge to speed up their innovation process, as earlier results would allow them to launch faster products to market or determine the commercial unavailability of corporate venturing initiatives. The fifth study confirms open innovation collaboration speeds up the innovation process but collaboration with scientific partners do not help to speed up projects. Also, this study suggests when corporate venturing and core business unit can benefit from collaborating with external market and scientific partners. The two final studies provide innovation policy guidelines for the European Union and Mediterranean System of Innovation where open innovation, service innovation and business models represent the novelty in a policy level study. Overall, this doctoral thesis addresses the disconnection between open innovation studies and established streams of literature such as innovation intermediaries, dynamic capabilities, innovation speed, corporate venturing and innovation policy. The paramount academic contributions in this thesis include: a) an overarching business model typology of different innovation intermediaries, which is meant to be used to decide between collaborating with one-sided vs. two-sided innovation intermediaries; b) a contribution to Zollo and Winter’s (2002) framework on how innovation intermediaries help firms articulating and codifying knowledge
and the managerial tensions and benefits of an intermediated external knowledge acquisition strategy; c) empirical support to the claim that open innovation speeds up the innovation process as well as the most advantageous type of collaboration to accelerate the speed of technology transfer, from research labs to business units, for corporate venturing and core business units; d) the first publication on the Mediterranean System of Innovation; and e) new policy initiatives for the European Union where the insights of open innovation and business models enlarged the common theoretical contributions on innovation systems. In this thesis the study of open innovation at different levels, the multiple theoretical perspectives, the use of qualitative and quantitative data and the different methods of analysis facilitated the discovery of future research opportunities. For this reason, this thesis concludes with recommendations for further scholarly research on open innovation, possible connections to established literatures and new methods and insights for managers interested on adopting open innovation in their own firms.
Montoya Ramírez, Rafael Ricardo Franch Bullich, Josep (dir.) La Orientación al mercado internacional de las empresas peruanas: los factores que la desarrollan y sus componentes de medición Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 09/2012 Companies from countries like Peru, who are just beginning to cross the border to initiate processes of globalization, must begin to understand and measure those factors that determine the export market orientation, as it is shown that this approach positively impacts organizational performance of companies. This research brings together the most important literature on market orientation in general and international context and then presents a new way to measure this construct including a key component is the profit orientation, component to be measured by companies, given their importance in business management. Furthermore, the proposed measuring instrument also incorporates components, and previously studied with positive results, and the main factors driving the development of guidance to the international market. The instrument was initially validated in a pilot study in Peru applied to executives and experts, and after being improved, was applied in a quantitative study using surveys in Peruvian capital companies currently managing international businesses, whatever their mode of operation. This research incorporates for the first time as part of profit orientation of the components to measure the export market orientation, and demonstrates the positive relationship between Export Development Indicators, and the Export Structure with the Export Market Orientation, as had been demonstrated in other preliminary studies in several countries. However, contradicting earlier studies, there is not positive relationship between Export System and the Turbulence of the Export Environment with the Export Market Orientation, which can be explained by cultural differences and the initial stage of international business in which country finds itself.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen Bassiouny Mohamed, Aliaa I. An investigation of Intraday Price Discorevy in Cross Listed Emerging Market Equities
Bao, Yuanjie Dolan, Simon (dir.) Understanding the motivational mechanisms of value congruence
Ansotegui Olcoz, C.; Bassiouny Mohamed, A.; Tooma, E. Investment Analysts Journal (2012 IF=0.176; Q4 Bus. Finan) Investment Analysts Society of Southern Africa
Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 09/2012
Bakici, Tuba Almirall MEzquita, Esteve Wareham, Jonathan The role of public open innovation intermediaries in local government and the public sector
Bao, Yuanjie Dolan, Simon Moodie, Scott William Vedina, Rebekka The relationship between value incongruence and individual and organizational well-being outcomes: An exploratory study among Catalan nurses
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (2012 IF=1.095; Q3 Manag.) Routledge Vol. 25, no. 3, 03/2013, p. 311-327
Journal of Advanced Nursing (2012 IF=1.527; Q1 Nurs.) Wiley Vol. 69, no. 3, 03/2013, p. 631-641
Bao, Yuanjie Dolan, Simon Sharing the culture: Embedding storytelling and ethics in the culture change management process
Bao, Yuanjie Dolan, Simon Tzafrir, Shat Value congruence in organizations: Literature review, theoretical perspectives, and future directions
Journal of Management and Change Estonian Business School (EBS) Vol. 29, no. 1, 11/2012, p. 8-21
Barcelona: ESADE, 09/2012 ESADE working papers; no. 239 42 p.
Bravo Orellana, Sergio Rafael Sabal Cárdenas, Jaime (dir.) Consistencia del spread de los costos de capitales sobre los costos de la deuda: una teoría del costo de capital para empresas que no cotizan y para empresas de mercados emergentes Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 11/2012
Bresani Torres, Aldo Eduardo Batallé Descals, Pere (dir.) Influencia de la complejidad de tareas y redes sociales en el intercambio de conocimiento (IC) Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 12/2012
Calzada Oliveras, Elisabet La redefinición del absentismo y la falta de adaptación a las modificaciones técnicas como causa de extinción objetiva del contrato de trabajo In La reforma del mercado de trabajo y su impacto en el sistema de relaciones laborales. Novedades de la Ley 3/2012, de medidas urgentes para la reforma del mercado laboral D. Martínez Fons & R. Serrano Olivares (coords.); S. del Rey Guanter (dir.) Madrid: La Ley, 01/2013 p. 387-726 Temas (La Ley)
Casabayó Bonás, Mònica Dávila Blázquez, Juan Francisco Influences in children’s materialism: A conceptual framework 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption (CTC 2012) Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione (IULM) Milan (Italy), 12/12/2012 - 14/12/2012
Esteve Laporta, Marc Grau Sarabia, Monica Valle Cabrera, Ramón Assessing public sector values through the Tri-axial model: Empirical evidence from Spain
Longo Martínez, Francisco Esteve Laporta, Marc Assessing the implementation of managerial reforms in Catalan government: The development of professional public management Public Money & Management (2012 IF=0.781; Q2 Publ. Adm.) Taylor & Francis Vol. 32, no. 6, 09/2012, p. 453-460
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Esteve Laporta, Marc Longo Martínez, Francisco Enhancing innovation in public organizations through public-private partnerships: The role of public managers In Rethinking public-private partnerships: Strategies for turbulent times C. Greve & G. Hodge (eds.) Routledge, 12/2012 p. 98-113 Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management; no. 10
Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Esteve Laporta, Marc Longo Martínez, Francisco La generación de innovación a través de la colaboración público-privada Revista Española de Cardiología (2012=3.204; Q2 Card. & Cardiovasc. Syst.) Elsevier Vol. 65, no. 9, 09/2012, p. 835-842
Esteve Laporta, Marc Ysa Figueras, Tamyko (dir.) Sierra Olivera, Vicenta (dir.) The management of interorganizational collaborations Ysa Figueras, T.; Sierra Olivera, V.; Boyne, G. (dirs.) Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 01/2013
Barcelona: ESADE, 03/2013 ESADE working paper; no. 244 30 p.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Ghaderi, Mohammad Agell Jané, Núria Ruiz Vegas, Francisco Javier Sánchez Soler, Mònica Multi-criteria preference disaggregation analysis for classification: an application to model colour preferences Ghaderi, M.; Agell Jané, N.; Ruiz Vegas, F.; Sánchez Soler, M. 22nd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Universidad de Málaga Málaga, 17/06/2013 - 21/06/2013
Gonzales López, Rolando Alberto Wareham, Jonathan (dir.) Impacto de la data warehouse e inteligencia de negocios en el desempeño de las empresas: investigación empírica en Perú, como país en vías de desarrollo Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 10/2012
Hawkins, Matthew Allen Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier Internationalization of emerging market firms: Capability renewal through competitive dynamics Shin, J.; Hawkins, M.; Mendoza Mayordomo, X. AIB 2013 Annual Meeting Academy of International Business (AIB) Istanbul (Turkey), 03/07/2013 - 06/07/2013 GIKA 2013. 2nd Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA); Universitat de València (UV); Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Valencia, 09/07/2013 - 11/07/2013
Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Kazeminia, Ali Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Firms’ social performance: The effect of supplier development programmes and internal practices 25th EBEN Annual Conference European Business Ethics Network España (EBEN); IESE Business School. Universidad de Navarra Barcelona, 19/09/2012 - 22/09/2012
Almirall Mezquita, Esteve Lee, Melissa Jo Wareham, Jonathan Mapping living labs in the landscape of innovation methodologies Technology Innovation Management Review Talent First Network. Carleton University No. September 2012, 09/2012, p. 12-18
López Vega, Henry Nelson Vanhaverbeke, Wim (dir.) Open innovation: Organizational practices and policy implications Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 10/2012
Mannen, Delia Maak, Thomas Pless, Nicola Art as an expression of organizational identity: A view into the Cleveland clinic collection and its meaning in the design for human dignity 29th EGOS Colloquium HEC Montréal; European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS); Université de Montréal Montréal (Canada), 04/07/2013 - 06/07/2013
Montoya Ramírez, Rafael Ricardo Franch Bullich, Josep (dir.) La Orientación al mercado internacional de las empresas peruanas: los factores que la desarrollan y sus componentes de medición Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). ESADE 09/2012
Dolan, Simon Moodie, Scott William Is there a ‘dark side’ to work engagement? Dolan, S.; Burke, R. J.; Moodie, S. Effective Executive ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad (India) Vol. 15, no. 4, 12/2012, p. 12-16
Moreira Ottani, Sabrina Bou Alameda, Maria Elena ’High energy’ collisions and sustainable collaborations in outlier organisations: The cases of ATLAS Experiment and KIC InnoEnergy Moreira Ottani, S.; Bou, E.; Canals, A. SMS Special Conference Strategic Management Society (SMS) Geneva (Switzerland), 20/03/2013 - 23/03/2013
Nadal Burgués, Núria Bonet i Guinó, Eduard Tensions between structure and agency in a research organization 7th Organization Studies Summer Workshop European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)S Rhodes (Greece), 24/05/2012 - 26/05/2012
Martí Ripoll, Margarita Prat Pubill, Queralt Entrenamiento al liderazgo social Batlle, C.; Martí Ripoll, M.; Prat Pubill, Q. Jornadas Interuniversitarias de Innovación Docente Universidad de Deusto; Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) Deusto-Bilbao, 04/07/2013 - 05/07/2013
Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Hosein Rodón Mòdol, Joan Socio-technical attachments and IT change: A case of unsuccessful software replacement
Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Saleem, Fathima The key role of human resources policies and practices in implementing a relationship marketing orientation 2013 AMS Annual Conference Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Monterey, Calif. (U.S.), 15/05/2013 - 18/05/2013 8th Global Brand Conference Academy of Marketing (AM); Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) Porto (Portugal), 03/04/2013 - 05/04/2013
Solouki, Zahra Nadal Burgués, Núria Zander, Udo Management forms: When control is irrelevant Solouki, Z.; Nadal Burgués, N.; Zander, U. 35th DRUID Academy Conference Barcelona, 17/06/2013 – 19/06/2013
Truninger De Albuquerque, Margarida Batista Foguet, Joan M. Serlavós Serra, Ricard Boyatzis, Richard The emotionally competent highway from IQ to performance: Testing an interaction effect model ESRA. 5th European Survey Research Association Conference University of Lujbljana. Faculty of Social Sciences Lujbljana (Slovenia), 15/07/2013 - 19/07/2013
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012) Association for Information Systems (AIS) Orlando, Fla. (U.S.), 16/12/2012 - 19/12/2012
Saleem, Fathima Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Online personal branding in the Middle East and North America: A comparison of social capital accumulation and community response 2013 AMS Annual Conference Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Monterey, Calif. (U.S.), 15/05/2013 - 18/05/2013
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
AND OTHER ACOLLADES Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Best Paper Award de la sección de Operaciones de ACEDE
Noethen, Daniela Best Reviewer Award, International Management Division
Tachizawa, E.M.; Gimenez, C.; Sierra, V. & Montes-Sancho, M.J. Asociación Científica de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa (ACEDE) 09/2012
Academy of Management 08/2013
The award winning paper, “Assessing the performance of Green Supply Management programs in Spanish firms”, was published in the XXII Congreso Nacional ACEDE, in Cádiz, in september of 2012.
Each year, the International Management Division bestows the Best Reviewer Reward on a handful of its members who have shown excellence in reviewing the submissions for the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. The track chairs choose those reviewers whose comments are thought-provoking, developmental, and helpful in making the decisions. In 2013, 420 scholars served as reviewers for the IM Division.
Massons Rabassa, Joan ACCID a la excelencia académica
Vilanova Pichot, Marc Management Innovation eXchange (MIX)
ACCID 05/2013
The award comes as recognition of his professional career and contribution to the development of teaching and research in the field of finance. The ACCID Award recognises academics or academic institutions whose publications, research, teaching innovations or excellence in teaching have contributed to the development of teaching and research in accounting.
Vilanova Pichot, M.; Kruglianskas, M. Harvard Business Review; McKinsey Quarterly 02/2013 The Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) is an open innovation project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century. The MIX is based on the premise that management is nothing less than the technology of human accomplishment and that, after 100 years of incremental tweaks, it now needs to be reinvented for a new age. The M-Prize is the MIX’s call to management innovators (and aspiring management innovators) around the world to make a real difference when it comes to improving management thinking and practice. MPrize challenges help to identify, develop, and recognize the best stories (real-world case studies of management innovation) or hacks (bold ideas for tackling a critical management challenge) around make-or-break management challenges.
ESADE research yearbook 2012-13
Abat Ninet, Antoni: 54, Abdelgawad, Sondos Gamal Eldin: 110 Abel Lluch, Xavier: 36, 37, 44, 45, 55, 60, 68 Agell Jané, Núria: 16, 29, 68, 74, 120 Aguilera Vaqués, Ruth: 16, 17, 37, 60, 104 Albareda Sanz, Adrià: 84, 87 Alemany Gil, Luisa: 55, 98, 106 Alfaro Faus, Manuel: 37 Almirall Mezquita, Esteve: 18, 37, 110, 118, 120 Amorós Espinosa, Ernesto: 17 Añoveros Terradas, Beatriz: 76 Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen: 17, 37, 118 Arenas Vives, Daniel: 18, 38, 61, 69 Arjona Sebastià, Cesar: 61, 104 Bakici, Tuba: 18, 110, 118 Ballabriga Clavería, Fernando: 115 Bao, Yunajie: 18, 39, 90, 111, 118 Bardají Gálvez, Lola: 58 Barrubés Sol, Joan: 20 Barrull Melcior, Xavier: 90 Bassiouny Mohamed, Aliaa I.: 17, 118 Batallé Descals, Pere: 112, 119 Batista Foguet, Joan M.: 19, 29, 69, 84, 121 Berché Moreno, Eduardo: 55,56 Bisbe Viñas, Josep: 20 Blázquez, Jorge: 95 Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso: 20, 61, 70, 80, 106 Bonet i Guinó, Eduard: 80, 121 Bou Alameda, Elena: 45, 46, 79, 121 Boyatzis, Richard: 23, 69, 84, 121 Bravo Orellana, Sergio Rafael: 111, 119 Bresani Torres, Aldo Eduardo: 112, 119 Brinckmann, Jan: 20, 21 Buckland, Heloise: 56 Calzada Oliveras, Elisabet: 61, 119 Cano Giner, Josep Lluís: 70, 84, 94, 98, 112 Carpi Martín, Rebeca: 62 Carreras Fisas, Ignasi: 56, 58, 107 Casabayó Bonás, Mònica: 72, 119 Casaburi, Ivana: 95 Castiñeira Fernández, Àngel: 46, 56, 57 Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge: 38, 62, 70, 71 Cava Martínez, Joaquín: 98, 99 Cepa Dueñas, Antonio: 56 Chávez Clavijo, Roberto: 21 Collet, François: 22 Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep: 46, 47, 107 Comín Oliveres, Antoni: 57 Correa Delcasso, Juan Pablo: 63 Correa Domènech, Marc: 22, 98, 99
Costa Guix, Gerard: 38, 47, 71, 99, 107 Cuneo Zuñiga, Andrés: 100 Dávila Blázquez, Juan Francisco: 72, 119 Del Viva, Luca: 22, 90 Di Lorenzo, Francesco: 113 Dolan, Simon: 18, 38, 39, 47, 48, 58, 72, 73, 90, 91, 92, 111, 118, 120 Dumitrescu, Ariadna: 73 Duplà Marín, Teresa: 58, 73 El Alaoui El Wahidi, Mouna: 22 Emmerling, Robert J.: 23 Enzler Fandos, Sandra: 58 Esteve Laporta, Marc: 25, 35, 67, 88, 91, 114, 119 Fabregat Feldsztajn, Jordi: 40 Felip Arroyo, Xavier: 48 Fernández Marín, Xavier: 74 Ferrer Vidal, Diana: 63 Fluvià Font, Modest: 23, 63, 108 Folguera Bellmunt, Conxita: 74, 78 Forte Arcos, Santiago: 92 Fox, Paul: 114 Franch Bullich, Josep: 74, 99, 100, 102, 116, 120 Gascó, Mila: 23 Ghaderi, Mohammad: 74, 120 Gimbert Ràfols, Xavier: 40 Giménez Thomsen, Cristina: 21, 23, 24, 28, 75, 120, 122 Ginés Castellet, Núria: 40, 48, 63, 64, 76 Gonzales López, Rolando Alberto: 115, 120 Grau Sarabia, Monica: 91, 119 Guzmán Garxa, Francisco: 40 Guerrero Blanco, Tomás: 95 Hawkins, Matthew A.: 25, 76, 120 Hayashi Junior, Paulo: 47, 48, 73, 92 Ibañez Rodríguez, Alfredo: 92 Iglesias Bedós, Oriol: 25, 29, 40, 77, 82, 121 Iñesta Codina, Anna: 78, 83, 84, 85 Kazeminia, Ali: 75, 120 Laborda Coronil, Anna: 49, 107, 115 Lamolla Kristiansen, Laura: 78 Lee, Melissa Jo: 37, 120 Llebaría Samper, Sergio: 49 Longo Martínez, Francisco: 25, 35, 67, 119 López Vega, Henry Nelson: 116, 120 Loscos Arenas, Francisco: 106 Lozano Soler, Josep M.: 25, 56, 57, 64, 78 Maak, Thomas: 26, 27, 65, 79, 82, 120 Majchrzak, Ann: 26 Makarevich, Alex: 65 Malagueño de Santana, Ricardo: 20 Mannen, Delia: 79, 120 Mària Serrano, Josep F.: 28, 108
Markowska, M.: 86 Martell Sotomayor, Janette: 41 Martí Ripoll, Margarita: 100, 121 Martínez Ribes, Lluís: 49, 50 Massons Rabassa, Joan: 122 Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier: 76, 79, 108, 120 Mirosa Martínez, Pere: 51 Moll Mendoza, Isa: 101 Montalvo García, Adolfo: 100, 102 Montaña Matosas, Jordi: 79, 101 Montoya Ramírez, Rafael Ricardo: 116, 120 Moodie, Scott William: 18, 48, 118, 120 Moreira Ottani, Sabrina: 79, 121 Murillo Bonvehí, David: 26, 41, 51, 56, 80, 108 Murphy, Mathew: 26 Nadal Burgués, Núria: 80, 84, 121 Neely, Andy: 93 Noethen, Daniela: 70, 80, 122 Obeso Abalde, Carlos: 109 Oller Sala, Maria Dolors: 81 Palma Naranjo, María Macarena: 100 Parada Balderrama, Pedro: 113 Parera Olm, Antoni: 42, 43, 85, 102 Planellas Arán, Marcel: 51, 101 Plans Esperabe, Joan: 41, 58 Platikanova, P.: 26 Pless, Nicola: 27, 65, 79, 81, 82, 120 Prat Pubill, Queralt: 121 Prats Duaygues, Francesc: 16 Pugès Cambra, Lluís M.: 58 Raich, Mario: 39 Ramis Pujol, Juan: 42, 51, 52 Recio Figueiras, Eugenio: 52, 107 Revilla, Melanie Audrey: 69 Rezazade M., Mohammad H.: 25, 82, 121 Richard Gonzalez, Manuel: 55 Rodón Mòdol, Joan: 24, 28, 82, 121 Rodríguez Blanco, Elena: 58 Ros Frizón, Lydia: 102 Roselló Saurí, Llorenç: 16 Rovira Llobera, Xari: 78, 85 Rucabado Aguilar, Josep: 109 Ruiz Vegas, Francisco Javier: 68, 74, 120 Sabal Cárdenas, Jaime: 111, 119 Saleem, Fathima: 77, 82, 121 Saló Mayolas, Albert: 23, 28, 63, 82, 108 Sánchez Hernández, German: 29, 68 Sánchez Monasterio, Manu: 41 Sánchez Soler, Mónica: 16, 68, 74, 120 Santiso Guimarás, Javier: 29, 109
Sapienza, Harry C.: 32 Sardà Borroy, Rafael: 28, 109 Saris, Willem Egbert: 69 Sayeras Maspera, Josep M.: 65, 83, 84, 102 Saz Carranza, Angel: 59, 74, 84, 96, Serra Prat, Marta: 70, 98, Serlavós Serra, Ricard: 52, 53, 69, 78, 84, 85, 121 Serrano Rasero, Ignacio: 22 Sierra Olivera, Vicenta: 24, 41, 75, 87, 88, 89, 114, 119, 120 Singh, Jatinder Jit: 29, 42 Smith, Tricia: 29 Solouki, Zahra: 84, 121 Spender, John Christopher: 53, 65, 66 Stirpe, Luigi: 61, 106 Suárez Barraza, Manuel Fco.: 29, 42 Sureda Pascual, Joan: 43 Sureda Varela, Maria: 56, 58 Svejenova Velikova, Silviya: 30, 110 Tejedor Ruiz, Carlos: 56 Trullén Fernández, Jordi: 20, 30, 106, Truninger de Albuquerque, Margarida: 84, 121 Tzafrir, Shat: 90, 118 Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes E.: 30, 98, 101, 102 Valle Cabrera, Ramón: 91, 119 Valls Giménez, Josep F.: 42, 43, 53, 59, 66, 85, 102, 109 Valencia Silva, Maika: 78, 85 Van Cranenburgh, Katinka: 18 Vandendriessche, Marie: 96 Vanhaverbeke, Wim: 31, 32, 92, 116, 120 Vedina, Rebekka: 18, 118 Vernis Domènech, Alfred: 30 Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar: 38, 47, 71, 82, 99 Vilanova Pichot, Marc: 122 Villanueva Aguila, Jaume: 32, 85, 86, Villegas Sánchez, Carolina: 32, 67, 86, 92, 93 Vinaixa Serra, Jordi: 102 Visnjic, Ivanka: 32, 93, 94, 109 Vives, Luis: 33 Wareham, Jonathan: 18, 37, 94, 114, 115, 118, 120 Wiengarten, Frank: 21, 33, 34, 35, 94 Ysa Figueras, Tamyko: 35, 43, 67, 87, 88, 89, 114, 119 Zander, Udo: 84, 121
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