FROM THE EDITOR I am delighted that the marketing club has been given a chance to use its monthly publication as a forum for all young marketing enthusiasts who want to express their opinions on various themes. It brings me great pleasure to write this letter as Editor of this one-of-a-kind magazine issue. The focus of the December issue is portfolio management, product innovation, and various types of marketing. The theme provides a glimpse into the marketing techniques of the future. This volume covers a wide range of topics, including investment management, developing brand value, brands that leverage human senses, and new marketing methods. I'd like to express my heartfelt appreciation to every one of the writers for their interest, passion, and well-documented submissions of good pieces, as well as their participation in the creation of this journal. I am a firm believer that regardless of how your magazine is delivered, whether it is delivered to your door or your computer, whether it is printed on glossy stock or cheap tabloid paper, whether it appears on your iPad or your cell phone screen, it is still the work of an editorial team for a discerning audience, a beautiful and meaningful (we hope) package of ideas, words, and images put together by a group of experts for its readers. While technology swiftly delivers fresh content to our desktops, laptops, and mobile devices, magazines are all about context – how ideas and images are presented in connection to one another and across a more significant viewpoint. We, the editors, will constantly strive to keep you engaged.
CONTENTS 01 Portfolio Management
05 arketing- The Imperialist 07 Sensory Branding: The Art of Seducing your Customersrs 11 Buzzfeed
15 Digital marketing and the Media and Entertainment Industry 19 Marquing The Moments
Portfolio Management Author: Nayan Pakhale Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai University of Mumbai ABSTRACT Retirement planning has been a problem for retirees, with this issue being more prominent during the current stage of low interest rates. These interest rate barely beat inflation. This has made it difficult for retirees to earn a steady income that grows with at least inflation. The main aim of this paper to give an introduction to portfolio management and create a portfolio with low volatility and stable returns, that comfortably beat inflation. This makes it an ideal portfolio for retirees. The said portfolio is an “All Weather Portfolio” that is based on an existing portfolio which is run by billionaire fund manager Ray Dalio. Dalio The portfolio has matched the returns that are given by the broader index, with 1/3rd of the volatility of the that of the broader index. INTRODUCTION A portfolio is a collection of assets. The assets may be physical or financial like Shares, Bonds, Debentures, Preference Shares, etc. The individual investor or a fund manager would not like to put all his money in the shares of one company, that would amount to great risk. He would therefore, follow the age-old maxim that one should not put all the eggs into one basket. By doing so, he can achieve objective to maximize portfolio return and at the same time minimizing the portfolio risk by diversification. •Portfolio management is the management of various financial assets which comprise the portfolio. •Portfolio management is a decision – support system that is designed with a view to meet the multifaced needs of investors. •According to Securities and Exchange Board of India Portfolio Manager is defined as: “Portfolio means the total holdings of securities belonging to any person”
Portfolio Management refers to analysing various asset classes and allocating them with proper allocation to balance risk and reward of the overall portfolio. A big problem that currently exist is the management of a portfolio for retirees. A portfolio for such people should consist of lower volatility, and hence many of them turn to fixed income options like fixed deposits, annuities, etc. The problem with these options is that currently interest rates are at all-time lows, and due to this the yields of these products are extremely low, with fixed deposits yielding around ~5%, and annuities having similar yields. Inflation being in 4-6% range, these products are destroying the purchasing power of investors. This is the reasons why retirees need a little higher return on their investments, that will allow both of these: 1. A safer withdrawal rate, and 2. Maintain their purchasing power at the very least An obvious solution that comes to mind is equities, but considering the fact that these are highly volatile, and can sometimes see drawdown of 40-50%, will see the capital being put a high risk. This paper will be putting forward three alternatives that will both
be putting forward three alternatives that will both minimize the volatility of the portfolio, and, help the investor maintain their purchasing power by beating inflation at the very least.
Investor‘s Characteristics: An analysis of an individual’s investment situation requires a study of personal characteristics such as age, health conditions, personal habits, family responsibilities, business or professional situation, and tax status, STEPS IN PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT all of which affect the investor’s willingness to assume First, let us understand what portfolio management risk. exactly is. •Specification and qualification of investor objectives, Stage in the Life Cycle: constraints, and preferences in the form of an invest- One of the most important factors affecting the inment policy statement. dividual’s investment objective is his stage in the life •Determination and qualification of capital market cycle. A young person may put greater emphasis on expectations for the economy, market sectors, indus- growth and lesser emphasis on liquidity. The investor’s tries and individual securities. marital status and his responsibilities towards other •Allocation of assets and determination of appropri- members of the family can have a large impact on his ate portfolio strategies for each asset class and selec- investment needs and goals. tion of individual securities. •Performance measurement and evaluation to ensure Attitude towards Risk: attainment of investor objectives. A person’s psychological make-up and financial po•Rebalancing the portfolio, when necessary, by re- sition dictate his ability to assume the risk. Different peating the asset allocation, portfolio strategy and se- kinds of securities have different kinds of risks. The curity selection. higher the risk, the greater the opportunity for higher gain or loss. CRITERIA FOR PORTFOLIO DECISIONS: •In portfolio management emphasis is put on identi- Tax considerations: fying the collective importance of all investor’s hold- Since different individuals, depending upon their inings. The emphasis shifts from individual assets selec- comes, are subjected to different marginal rates of taxtion to a more balanced emphasis on diversification es, tax considerations become most important factor and risk- return interrelationships of individual assets in individual’s portfolio strategy. There are differing within the portfolio. Individual securities are import- tax treatments for investment in various kinds of asant only to the extent they affect the aggregate portfo- sets. lio. In short, all decisions should focus on the impact which the decision will have on the aggregate portfo- Individual’s Financial Objectives: lio of all the assets held. In the initial stages, the primary objective of an in•Diversification across securities will reduce a port- dividual could be to accumulate wealth via regular folio’s risk. If the risk and return are lower than the monthly savings and have an investment program to desired level, leverages (borrowing) can be used to achieve long term capital gains. achieve the desired level. •The risk associated with a security type depends on Liquidity Needs: when the investment will be liquidated. Risk is re- Liquidity needs vary considerably among individual duced by selecting securities with a payoff close to investors. Investors with regular income from other when the portfolio is to be liquidated. sources may not worry much about instantaneous liquidity, but individuals who depend heavily upon inPORTFOLIO BUILDING vestment for meeting their general or specific needs, Portfolio decisions for an individual investor are in- must plan portfolio to match their liquidity needs. Lifluenced by a wide variety of factors. Individuals dif- quidity can be obtained in two ways: fer greatly in their circumstances and therefore, a fi- 1.By allocating an appropriate percentage of the portnancial programme well suited to one individual may folio to bank deposits, and be inappropriate for another. Ideally, an individual’s 2.By requiring that bonds and equities purchased be portfolio should be tailor-made to fit one’s individual highly marketable. needs.
Safety of Principal & Investment Risk: All investment decisions revolve around the trade-off between risk and return. All rational investors want a substantial return from their investment. An ability to understand, measure and properly manage investment risk is fundamental to any intelligent investor or a speculator. Frequently, the risk associated with security investment is ignored and only the rewards are emphasized. RISK AND EXPECTED RETURN There is a positive relationship between the amount of risk and the amount of expected return i.e., the greater the risk, the larger the expected return and larger the chances of substantial loss. One of the most difficult problems for an investor is to estimate the highest level of risk he is able to assume. • Risk is measured along the horizontal axis and increases from the left to right.
• Expected rate of return is measured on the vertical axis and rises from bottom to top. • The line from 0 to R (f) is called the rate of return or risk less investments commonly associated with the yield on government securities. • The diagonal line form R (f) to E(r) illustrates the concept of expected rate of return increasing as level of risk increases. Let’s put these parameters of Portfolio Building & Risk-Reward into place for retirees. retirees. • Since the age is high, generally above 60, the risk-taking appetite is low. • Due to age, the aim is income generation, hence major part of the portfolio should be allocated to income generating assets. • The volatility of their portfolio must be minimized
The only thing that you can do is to be prepared for it. With this thought in mind, Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, a leading hedge fund with $160B under management, went on to a mission to find the investment portfolio that would perform well across all environments and that can handle all surprises. All Weather is an investment strategy pioneered by Bridgewater Associates. The objective of this strategy is to weather any market storm from Demonetization, recession, etc. Let’s look at basic assumption considered by Ray to come up with this strategy. • Price of the securities changes only due to change in the expectations of future • Irrational behaviour in markets only happens for short period of time So, all the surprises can be mapped to the following four season of the markets:
These are the asset classes that are relevant for that particular stage.
RESULTS All Weather Portfolio Real life is full of such kind of surprises. Another thing that’s true is that no one can predict surprises.
Above chart clearly shows the power of All Weather Portfolio strategy. This is the strategy that was back-tested over the past 4+ decades. The blue line shows the “All Weather Portfolio” while the red line shows the chart of global equities. The “All Weather Portfolio” is almost in a straight line, and matches the returns of that of the equities, but with extremely low volatility. The allocations for this portfolio are given below. This allocation must be rebalanced at least once every year. Rebalancing means if the allocation is changed due to fluctuations, that must be brought back to the original allocations. This way the assets that have underperformed would be bought while those that have given high returns, would be sold.
at their performance for last 10 years. It is clearly visible that “All weather portfolio” is able to beat the returns of most of them while keeping risk minimum at the same time. After all this back testing, this strategy was put to use in real time. This is the “All Weather Portfolio” that I have been running over the past three years. The performance is shown in the chart. The total CAGR during this period has been ~12%, which is almost similar to that of the broader market, but with very low volatility. The maximum drawdown in Nifty during this period was ~40%, while the same for All Weather Portfolio was just ~7%. At any point in time, it was observed that the rolling one year returns of the “All Weather Portfolio” was always positive.
All-Weather Portfolio Allocations Assets Stock LT Bonds Floating Bonds Gold
Weights 30% 30% 20% 20%
CONCLUSION These are the proposed asset allocations that would be This is a simple strategy where the retirees won’t be relevant to the market of India. losing their money, that not only beats inflation, but also gives a return that is similar to that of the broader index. All this with very low volatility. This makes it Stock LT Floating Gold easy for the retirees to withdraw on the capital while Bonds Bonds still preserving their purchasing power. Over the back CAGR 18% 9% 8% 11% testing of past 4 decades has generated a return of Average 25% 8% 8% 11% roughly 10% CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Min -35% 2% 4% -9% Rate). This return comfortably satisfies two of our criMax 157% 20% 10% 32% teria for a retiree – to comfortably beat inflation, and STD Dev 53% 5% 2% 15% have a safe withdrawal rate. Let’s break out the asset classes individually and look
Marketing- The Imperialist Author: S. Sai Satya Sri Shiv Nadar University Economics major
With the advent of industrialization, promoting goods became vital to familiarize people with machines and goods they never thought to be possible. As businesses progressed from monopolies to oligopolies to nearly competitive markets, promoting of the good took a backseat, replacing it with establishing a product as a brand with which a customer resonates and stays loyal to using it. This was the beginning of Branding and Customer retention becoming key to marketing. This thus extended the branch in apparent perceived value of products which transcended its mere utility. To describe the role of marketing we all use the terms vital, important, game-changer and market-maker. However, marketing as everyone says is indeed a powerful tool; but to rephrase that a little, it is also a powerful tool of influence and manipulation into believing a product’s value. All the characteristics that you use to influence somebody psychologically, so subtle that it often goes unnoticed, is also incorporated intricately in the strategies of marketing of some of the apparent iconic brands of our time. The brand that resonates with happiness and that which gives us wings; Coca-Cola and Red Bull. Coca-Cola penetrated into the Indian Market as a brand that resonates with happiness, that it is a requisite in celebrations synonymizing itself with it. However, with the radical ideologies and tensions of the time, the diversity in India proved to be challenging to find a single aspect that represented happiness despite caste, religion and income gap. Coca- Cola then understood what brought every Indian together despite the differences- the love for cricket, the loudest cheers of victory and everyone playing from their little allies to the biggest of stadiums. Sachin Tendulkar endorsed it and from being mere sugared water with no proven benefits, it became a staple especially during times of joy and even otherwise. The most powerful tool of
branding is that the sugared water that could easily be replicated otherwise with sodas and other substitutes now established itself as a monopoly. If you tap into the utility, it is exactly the same sugared water, but now the consumer’s perceived value transcends
the mere use of the already unavailing product. That is the pedestal marketing can put a good on. Another ironic precedent of marketing is Red-Bull’s famous lawsuit on the energy drink not giving wings. To use wings as a metaphor to represent the energy it gives, was one iconic marketing campaign gone wrong. However, it has done many things right to establish itself in supremacy every financial year. The marketing tactic Red-Bull used to establish familiarity was recording the highest jump by a man from space which was telecasted live and brought many people’s attention to the brand. However, it also subtly taps into the consumer’s psyche using admirable nuances. RedBull establishes itself as the energy drink by using 2 tools of marketing otherwise known as powers of psychological manipulation in our case: Social proof and Consistency. Red-Bull used to fill garbage cans full of Red-Bulls in popular centres for people to assume that the drink was popular and sought upon. This psychological trick is similar to us wanting to keep up with trends. In a society, we want to imitate to fit in; with the times and the crowd. Having social proof with tens
drinks for free so that once the consumer gets used nates with what you wear, what you own and what to it, they start paying for it in monetary terms later you eat too. on, once they get used to it. Having said that, this is not all a story about the presumed dark side of manipulation and people conWhere else do you think this model of consistency is ning us to purchase. It is about saying that this is followed to build a market? Drug cartels. also a side that we forget in ignorance one needs to be cautious about. Because sometimes, most times All these instances are not to say that there is only really, it isn’t about what you just eat or wear, it is the dark tunnel you enter when marketing a prod- about what you eat or wear that speaks the most uct. There is a more human side to marketing. To about you to other people. Deriving validation from justify that, we have American Express starting the how we resonate with the brand, what it stands for tradition of Small Business Saturday in the United and how by transitivity it is what we stand for influStates. Whenever a Walmart opened, a lot of small ences a bias in our choices. businesses around it suffered. American Express For most of it we forget that they are merely objects started marketing that it would credit a few dollars and we are following a herd that gave meaning to to those who shop in a small business store. When inanimate objects. All we do is dread for social proof that campaign emerged victorious, it extended the which a brand offers, achieved through marketing, marketing campaign by giving Facebook ad spaces tapping into the psyche, using forces of influence to businesses for free to advertise themselves. This to make- believe a value of something that never campaign was so successful that it is now a tradition existed. Having said that, marketing indeed makes that celebrates people establishing small businesses a market for a product that we wouldn’t have had and helping them continue them. the need for before. However, it is important to be immune to the psychological warfare companies
However, this altruism that marketing is capable of does not wash away a million other examples of its downside of power abuse. This brings luxury goods into the spotlight. When marketing and branding come in coherence, they produce luxury goods of ultimate perceived value. They do so by establishing themselves as goods people from richness use and consume. This creates an aura of elitism around the product. The goods of utility transform into symbols of prestige. And to stretch the thread further, they also create a sense of exclusivity by producing less because we preclude that scarcity means added worth. For the common crowd to fit in to the assumed inner circle of glamour and elite, these symbols provide a gateway because your worth reso-
launch to compete with their substitutes to retain supremacy. A consumer needs to be wary of his biases in order to be pragmatic; to differentiate the perceived from the utility value, to make rational decisions of purchase so as to not be oppressed and choose to give marketing the role of an imperialist in our decision making.
Sensory Branding: The Art of Seducing your Customers Vinsa Saban K J Somaiya Institute of Management,
A misty morning. With a warm cup of coffee, I walked towards the newspaper box. Grabbed the day’s Times of India, and surprisingly, the paper smells of a freshly cleaned toilet. Looking at the newspaper, I could see a Domex Ad in teal, right on the front page, and a tagline that said 100% Germ Protection; Million more germs will die. What a fantastic way to grab attention! This is the magic of Sensory Branding. Sensory branding is a marketing technique that attracts customers by appealing to a particular brand’s different senses (sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste). Most of the time, the decisions we make as consumers are subconscious, intuitive, and emotional. The technique is well utilized if a brand can trigger positive emotions
when each consumer comes in contact with it. In the 1950s, the sense of sight was primarily used for branding. There was a focus on colors and shapes mainly because posters were the critical medium for advertising. As radios became popular, the sense of sound was utilized. With the evolution of television, computers, and smartphones, marketers used auditory and visual branding techniques to their peak. Usage of smell in brand promotion came in the 1970s Brands created a unique scent for their products that made it more pleasant to the consumer. And gradually, sensory branding has advanced to include all five senses. In a study conducted on Nike, when Nike added
scents to its outlets, customers’ purchase intent increased by 80%. In another study, a petrol station mini-mart discovered that adding the smell of ground coffee beans to the gas station’s area enhanced coffee sales by 300%.
can appeal to customers through their taste buds.
A Whiff of Familiarity The human nose can differentiate over 10,000 different smells. It has tremendous reminiscent power. Neuromarketing studies show that 75% of feelings are triggered by scent. It creates an instant connecThe Visual Appeal Chase, State Bank of India, Citibank, Canara tion between brands and memories. Many brands Bank, Barclay’s, Bank of America. Most of the have tested introducing odors into their physibanks use blue as one of their dominant brand- cal stores, a trend that seems to be skyrocketing. ing colors. The reason is that blue denotes professionalism, security, and trust. Visual The Language of Touch branding contains design elements such as ma- Tactile marketing links a company and a consumer’s terials, colors, fonts, shapes, and functionality. need to interact with its branding materials physically. It lets consumers directly tie with products or product features, allowing them to touch, feel, or physically inThe Sound Waves Audio branding, otherwise known as an au- teract with services before purchasing. When brands dio logo, is a broad term that covers the use of give you free samples, they appeal to our tactile senses. music and sound to reinforce your brand identity in consumers’ minds. Tones, jingles, and Powerful Sensory Branding Examples spoken slogans are all forms of audio branding. Singapore Airlines is a brand that targets multiple senses, mainly scent, and sight. The airline has a refreshing and subtle scent of rose, lavender, and Taste Buds Gustative marketing is usually used for food and citrus, worn by all flight attendants and sprayed beverage brands. Taste combines all the different onto their towels. This is exclusive to their brand. senses to create a holistic brand experience. Like the famous scene in Ratatouille, where the critic Apple exploits sound, sight, and touch. HunAnton Ego is taken back to his childhood memo- dreds of millions of iPhones produce identiries with a spoon full of his favorite dish, brands cal, identifiable, and notable noise when they
are locked. Their stores are white and minimalistic, which gives out a sleek and modern feel. Mcdonalds has experimented with sensory branding in many ways, with strategies designed to charm emotions and stand out as a brand. They captivate the auditory senses of customers through effectively using the ‘I’m Lovin’ it’ jingle. McDonald’s conducted a scented candles campaign, which allowed users to buy candles that gave off the McDonald’s aromas when lit.
their brand using multisensory marketing. As Albert Einstein said, “No idea is conceived in our mind, independent of our five senses.” Only when brands are ready to take a few creative risks can they boost the emotional effectiveness of their brand.
So, how can businesses benefit from sensory branding? This art of branding helps increase engagement. Research conducted by the brand consultant Martin Lindstrom found that content that attracted over three senses at once improved brand impact by more than 70%. An alternative study by the Harvard Business School portrayed how pencils treated with tea-tree oil could improve information recollection by 65%. This shows how associated the five senses and human psychology is. Today, exploiting sensory marketing is one of the most intelligent ways for brands to prompt emotions and continue engagement. Moreover, it is accessible to brands in all specialties and industries. So, irrespective of whether a brand sells clothing or tech products, marketing senses is an approach anyone can use to grow
Paytm and Nykaa IPOlakh for Zomato offers Rs. 25 consumer created ad
FThe much-awaited initial public offerings (IPOs) of Paytm and Nykaa, the indigenous fashion company, concluded on Thursday, 11 November,2021, with the latter enjoying a spectacular start on listing day, with its value exceeding Rs 1 lakh crore. The issue price for Zomato proof they per can turn criticism into a super Nykaa iswas Rsthat 2,018 share, representing a 79innovative percent marketing premium campaign. over the After issueconprice. sumers. After consumers expressed their growing boredom with Zomato’s monotonous YouTube and TV ads, some took to social media from to criticize Zomato’s butter chicken ad. However, Zoamto However, dueusers to tremendous demand all types of investors, the business has risen to the top seems to have played its cards well by coming up with a smart idea to help it come up with 100 mid-caps on the Bombay Stock Exchange, ahead of heavyweights such as State fun Bankcamof Inpaigns while engaging with their customers. dia and even Coal India. The market surge also increased the net worth of the company’s found-
er, Falguni Nayar, to USD$ 7 billion, making her India’s wealthiest self-made female billionaire. The firm went all out, proclaiming doon suck. now,ofitthe has spectrum, opened thePaytm’s floor forparent creativecomHowever, while Nykaa made outthat likethea ads king oneSoend ideas customers. What was commendable that, aapart from thesubscription, novel idea, they also shared pany,from One97 Communications, failed to was secure complete with less than the feeling with their customers that made them win many hearts. half of the shares being subscribed even on the second day of listing. According to com-
mentators, one of the reasons for the slow reaction might be the size of the issue itself.
Parag Agrawal-New Twitter CEO After Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey abruptly resigned on Monday,November 29, 2021, the unanimous pick for CEO was Parag Agrawal, who formerly worked as the company’s CTO. Parag, a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay and Stanford University, joined Twitter in 2010. Before joining Twitter, he had worked at Microsoft, Yahoo and US telecoms giant AT&T in various research roles. Working his way up the company’s structural ladder, Parag was promoted to CTO in 2018. Parag has became the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 business at the age of 37. On Friday, he announced a significant restructuring of the company’s structure. Twitter’s head of engineering, Michael Montano, and chief design officer Dantley Davis will step down from their respective roles and leave the firm by the end of this year as part of the redesign. At a company-wide email obtained by the Washington Post, Parag emphasised on his target areas in Twitter, including clear decision-making, improved accountability, and speedier execution. The reform attempts to merge formerly independent functions under three new divisions: Consumer, Revenue, and Core Tech. A ‘general manager’ will be in charge of these divisions.
Digital marketing and the Media and Entertainment industry Author: Aishwarya Vijay Tate S.I.E.S School of Business Studies Marketing is the process of establishing a brand and meeting the needs of customers for a certain product or service. Digital marketing is the current buzzword, despite the fact that marketing has come a long way. This word has gained popularity as the use of smartphones and the internet has increased. It refers to the use of electronic equipment to carry out online marketing campaigns. Since then, media and entertainment marketing has been an important aspect of digital marketing. Digital marketing helps do data analysis to know consumer
demand and thus help company to take decisions helping know them consumer behaviour. YouTube alone reaches more people every day than any other cable network, offering you access to a huge, engaged audience. The world is changing, and the media and entertainment sector is following suit. If we go back in time, traditional marketing strategies such as newspaper ads and live concerts were at their peak. Television series and movies were promoted by advertisements, commercials, and a variety of shows. While television advertising and newspaper advertisements are still present, they are no longer as vital as they once were. Digital marketing has proved to reach and connect a
l arger_audience. YouTube Ads, for example, are substantially less expensive and more successful than traditional print or television commercials. With video advertising, you may not only raise brand awareness, but also include a link that people can click to go straight to the product or service you’re promoting. The entertainment
and media sector is very competitive, which necessitates highly competitive content/strategy that gives an extravagant experience to the audience. For example, the film version of ‘The Jungle Book’ had a Facebook fan network mostly comprised of elderly women, but the live action trailer was highly seen by younger adult men, prompting Disney to target the second group in their advertising. Because more individuals have access to more media, there needs to be a greater focus on demographics that aren’t expected. It is critical to comprehend a few parameters that must be taken into account. According to a survey by Ormax Media, Facebook and YouTube account for approximately 40% of first-day box office receipts, whereas television and in-the-
atre receipts account for only 13 and 9% of total first-day box office receipts, respectively. One of the most crucial things to understand your audience; advertising films, series, and trailers on numerous platforms will help you reach a larger audience. Video marketing has become more significant as a result of live content streaming and creator blogs. Having a consistent value proposition and establishing a presence across important social networks will help you acquire the audience’s confidence. Reopening any debates and comments with micro-videos or trailers is always useful in the entertainment and media sector. Netflix and Amazon Prime will display you the information of any movie or series you’ve started but haven’t finished. According to me, a complete checklist for social media marketing would involve using YouTube as a wonderful channel for reaching audiences that the entertainment business can leverage. The introduction of social media has been a benefit to the entertainment business. You no longer have to rely on offline marketing techniques as an entertainment business, which frequently require a large budget that you may save money on by using social media. Social networking is not only a low-cost way to promote your material, but it also gives you access to a broader audience. You don’t have to rely solely on word-ofmouth marketing any longer. Social media is more efficient than word of mouth and allows you to reach out to a larger audience. You, too, may benefit from the power of social media by launching campaigns, establishing a presence on various platforms, and so on. Campaigns by numerous entertainment-focused firms, as well as traditional business-to-consumer brands, might serve as inspiration. The use of social media in movie promotion has grown commonplace. Take, for example, Deadpool’s Twitter-based social media marketing campaign in advance of the film’s release.
YouTube advertisements are one of the safest bets. You can use Facebook to share films, images, and livestreams, among other things. You can use Facebook to promote your show, movie, or music video/album in a variety of ways. There are a variety of strategies to reach out to your target audience and increase the number of people who see your video material. Use these TrueView in-stream Ads to spread the word about your films and increase excitement. You may use your YouTube videos and playlists to show off all of the behind-the-scenes action. Facebook is one of the most effective venues for achieving both organic and sponsored reach. Movie and television programme marketing strategies are no longer limited to 1-2 week pre-release periods. The social networking sector has been taken over by augmented reality. Movie and TV programme social media teams are utilising this trend as part of their pre-release promotions. You may also use Insta-live to hold interactive sessions. Bring the cast on board to connect with the fans and answer their queries. Unlike traditional Instagram video posts, IGTV allows you to make videos that are up to 10 minutes long. Twitter offers a unique capability of spreading word about a movie through an online live contest in which the user can win a personalised gift such as an autographed poster or a meet and greet with the actor. On Twitter, I once participated in a contest on Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha’s movie Soldier, in which they asked questions for movie locations, trailers, and songs. As the winner, I received a gift hamper containing a personalised poster autographed by starcast, This gift basket is perfect for any occasional marketing. I used social media sites like Facebook and Instagram to post regarding the film contest and gift hamper, which helped it reach a wider audience (my followers). The media and entertainment business takes a radically different approach to digital marketing than other industries. Meeting the competition, or perhaps getting ahead of it, will be critical to your success. The goal is to figure out how to appeal to your target audience and entice them to want more information.
Marque - The Marketing club, IIM Rohtak
20 22
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the stake holders of IIM Rohtak EDITOR : Niribili, Priya, Thiviya DESIGN : Chetna FOLLOW US ON :