Luxury Landscapes Premiere Issue

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S U P E R B LY C R A F T E D T E A K , W O V E N , M E TA L A N D U P H O L S T E R E D O U T D O O R F U R N I T U R E C ATA LO G R E Q U E S T S . 8 6 6 4 2 3 8 3 2 5 G LO S T E R , P O B O X 7 3 8 , S O U T H B O S T O N , VA 2 4 5 9 2 路 T E L . 4 3 4 5 7 5 1 0 0 3 路 FA X . 4 3 4 5 7 5 1 5 0 3 E M A I L . I N F O @ G LO S T E R . C O M 路 W W W. G LO S T E R . C O M



What a journey! The idea for Luxury Landscapes has been on our planning docket for years. We became convinced there was a need for the magazine after meetings with the ASLA (American Society of Landscape Architects), the APLD (Association of Professional Landscape Designers), the ANLA (American Nursery and Landscape Association), select landscape architects and designers, garden center retailers, and our own editorial staff. We have been publishing Luxury Pools for 10 years, but this is different. After all, the landscape encompasses the entire outdoor space... garden design, walls, pathways, fountains, ornaments, sculpture, steps, stonework, terraces, verandas, trees, shrubbery, flowering plants, annuals, perennials, and mulch. But it goes further, into luxury outdoor living environments, arbors, pergolas, outdoor kitchens, dining rooms, entertainment rooms, outdoor fireplaces, outdoor furniture, lighting and yes, even water features. What we found is a tremendous movement by affluent America to make the most of their outdoor environments. It’s almost as though we’ve all been cooped up for hundreds of years and we’re discovering a new place to live... outside. In our meetings with the outdoor furniture manufacturers, they taught us how they are investing in material innovation and technology. There are collections that function very much like regular sofas with deep seating in a poly-acrylic shell, shiny electro-polished stainless steel bases and all-weather cushions... proving that the outdoor living environment can be just as stylish and comfortable as the indoor one. We discovered that even conservatories are making a comeback. From the beginning, conservatories have blurred the very lines they’ve drawn. They extend a home into nature while keeping that selfsame nature at bay, delivering all the beauty of the outdoors and all the comforts of home. But many conservatory designs are opening onto outdoor terraces and verandas, linking the outdoors and the indoors. The outdoor living movement has even affected these architectural wonders... inviting the outdoors in, whenever the situation calls for it. But the real centerpiece of Luxury Landscapes is the landscape architects and designers who have shared some of their best work with all of us. Imagine, a single place where we can go to find the top designers, showcasing their finest work, for some of the most affluent clientele in the world. Not that all of us have these kinds of residences. But we can all be inspired. I know I was... as was most of our editorial team. So here we are. Luxury Landscapes magazine. A place where we can all peek over the entrance gates and see some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. A place where we can better understand that living was not meant to be done only indoors. A place where we can all be inspired and impressed. I hope you enjoy it.


Patti Plummer


Linda L. Titus


Debra Maurer


Kimberlee Courtney


Joseph Lange


Pamela Greer


Will Smythe


Darryl Baines


Alan Stein, Rob Schweitzer, James A. van Sweden, FASLA, Kevin J. Varrone ART CREATIVE DIRECTOR

Robert Miller


Tony Colanero


Chuck Jones


Matt Sinclair Richard Leonard George Hurley


Bob Dallas, ASLA Affiliate Randi Sherwood Penny Gartner


Maureen Oskiera


Donna Gallagher


Kim Schmidt

Luxury Landscapes is published annually by Manor House Publishing Co., Inc. 880 Louis Drive, Warminster, PA 18974 Telephone: 215-259-1700 Toll Free: 888-768-3222 Fax: 215-259-0295 E-mail: Luxury Landscapes is available at bookstores and on newsstands for $14.99 or by calling 888-768-3222. Add $5.75 for shipping and handling. Canada, $16.99 (CD) plus $11.50 S/H. Other countries, $14.99 (USD) plus $14.50 S/H. Prepay in U.S. currency with VISA or MasterCard. Copyright © 2011 by Manor House Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part or storage in any data retrieval system or any transmission by any means therefrom without prior written permission is prohibited.

Patti Plummer, Editor-in-Chief VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT 6



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Art in the Garden James A. van Sweden, FASLA


America’s New Living Room Darryl Baines


Classic Conservatories Alan Stein and Kevin J. Varrone


The Rockefeller Legacy Rob Schweitzer


Hollander Design, New York


James Doyle Design Associates, Connecticut


The Outerspaces Group, Pennsylvania


Janice Parker Landscape Design, Connecticut


Gasper Landscape Design, Pennsylvania


Steven Dubner Landscaping, New York


Hess Landscape Architects, Pennsylvania


Environmental Landscape Associates, Pennsylvania


Fine Landscapes, Ltd., Virginia


Walnut Hill Landscape Company, Maryland


Cipriano Landscape Design, New Jersey


CLC Landscape Design, New Jersey


Land Plus Associates, Ltd., Georgia


Robert N Oelberg ASLA PA, North Carolina


W. Christian Busk Landscape Architect, Inc., Florida


Mariani Landscape, Illinois


Pamela Self Landscape Architecture, Ltd., Illinois


Apex Landscape, Michigan


AMS Landscape Design Studios, California


Kris E. Kimpel Landscape Architecture, California


Jeffrey Gamboni Landscape Architect, California


Mark Scott Associates, California COMING SOON IN

Luxury Landscapes Most luxury landscape projects begin with the house itself and how the landscape design will work with existing porches, etc. Many designers will consider the inside of the house first, specifically those rooms that will open onto the new outdoor living spaces. Sometimes this involves changes such as new doors opening off the kitchen or great room. Luxury Landscapes will broaden its coverage in future issues to include patio doors, kitchen design, exterior finishes, and interior design to bring these important ideas to our readers.

ABOUT THE COVER: The home and gardens pictured on the cover are of the famous Elkins estate near Philadelphia. The house structure, parts of which date back to the 1700s and originally from England, encompasses 25,000 square feet. It was moved, stone by stone and brick by brick to America in the early 1900s. Architect Robert McGoodwin directed the design and construction of the Elizabethan style estate on what was then 47 acres on the edge of historic Chestnut Hill. The current owners enlisted the talents of landscape architectural firm, Outerspaces, Inc., to create an updated landscape while preserving much of the historical character of the grounds. Outerspaces, Inc., is located in the northeast region of the country and is featured on pages 52-57.



Available at DEDON showrooms and select dealers

Photo courtesy of Mariani Landscape; Photography by Linda Oyama Bryan

A rt in theG arden By James A. van Sweden, FASLA





Photo courtesy of AMS Landscape Design Studios; Photo by Will Hare, Jr. (

Photo courtesy of Edmund Hollander Landscape Architects, PC; Photography by Charles Mayer Photography


As strongly as I feel about the power and value of art, I do not agree with those who treat it as something ethereal, something to be venerated in seclusion. On the contrary, I believe that the processes both of making and enjoying art should be a part of all our daily lives. This means that precious as the finished product may be, I don’t like to see it treated as untouchable—pinned like a butterfly behind a pane of glass. Art should inhabit the places we inhabit. Above all (given my predilections), I want to see it in the garden. Taking art off its pedestal and turning it loose in the landscape has been one of my passions over the years. In my work, plants, architecture, and sculpture each contribute to the dynamic nature of a garden and influence its changing silhouette. A garden, as I see it, is a work of art. When I design, I use all the elements at hand—light, temperature, water, stone, steel, and organic and geological forms—to create a finished, integrated space. This makes the garden a natural setting for art. Like the other elements of the garden, the art must be fully integrated into the design. When I am successful at this, the result is a landscape in which it’s impossible to distinguish where the functional elements of the design end and where the aesthetic elements begin. Art, architecture, and plantings should combine so completely that it’s hard to imagine anyone of them existing without the others. Thus, art mingles with daily life—for my gardens are places made to be lived in.

This goal of integration is my motivation for defiance of a conventional practice. I don’t like to raise garden art aloft, setting it up on an elevated base, superior and aloof. Instead, I prefer to bring it down to earth. When sculpture literally steps off its plinth to wander among grasses, seedpods, and sunbeams, the garden comes alive. Wit and ideas mingle with the effects of light and wind as the landscape becomes a “movable feast” for the mind and senses. A further effect of this treatment, one that especially fascinates me, is the new dimension that integration with a garden lends to the artworks. Any experienced gardener knows the power that the change of seasons has to transform their plants; once art merges with the garden, it too undergoes seasonal metamorphoses. Thus, art can appear clothed or unclothed, depending on the season. In my own garden, for example, the spheres by sculptor Grace Knowlton are almost entirely hidden in summertime by the thick foliage of a bold ornamental grass, Miscanthus giganteus. The spheres just peek out from behind the fronds, hinting at something wonderful but unseen. In winter, though, the egglike, earthy forms shed their leafy cover and stand exposed. Their curves set off in dramatic fashion the stark vertical profiles of unscythed grasses. Of course, on a subtler level, this installation is changing daily, even hour by hour. In that sense, I never look out at the same sculpture twice. Art truly inhabits the garden—in the form of water sculpture, mosaic panels, and freestanding stone and metal sculpture—and directs our




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Photo courtesy of Steven Dubner Landscaping, Inc.



Photo courtesy of Fine Landscapes, Ltd.; Photography by Yodeling Goat Media

experience of that place. The artworks’ powerful effect on the eye and the emotions lets it set the tone for the whole landscape, whether sublime or playful, elegant or lighthearted. In one garden I did, for example, the magnificent valentine that artist Marc Chagall presented to the garden’s owner has a monumental, though dreamlike, presence. That mosaic is permanently fixed in the garden’s main wall, where it will transfix anyone who ventures out into that space. But art doesn’t have to hold still. In another venue, the stainless steel arms of a George Rickey sculpture revolve on subtle currents of wind, to catch and reflect the changing seasons. Few of us are fortunate enough to have a Rickey sculpture or a Chagall mosaic or similarly distinguished work of art as a backdrop for our garden. Still, don’t discount art because of the limits of your budget or garden size. Instead, broaden your thinking about what constitutes artwork. The art you incorporate into your garden can be simply an innovative treatment of a familiar object: a decorative flight of steps, a painted wall,

The Upholstered Garden

Photo courtesy of Mariani Landscape; Photography by Linda Oyama Bryan

a small eruption of water in a lily pond, an arrangement of boulders, ornamental light fixtures, or an unusual piece of furniture. Even a specimen plant, perhaps a small tree or shrub with a strong and distinctive structure of trunks and branches such as a Stewartia, can be treated as an interesting sculpture—and one that changes with the seasons. Here are a few design guidelines to consider when you discuss with your landscape architect the selection and placement of artwork in the garden. • Consider how the piece will look in every season. This involves taking into account the foliage and flowers of surrounding plants, the quality of shade in each season, and how the light will fall on the piece as the sun moves higher and lower in the sky with the change from winter to summer and back again. Choose a spot that will do the piece justice year-round. • Experiment with unusual textures, colors, and materials, but also remember to take into account the materials that predominate in your garden. Let the art appear to have emerged from the depths of the garden itself. • Make the piece work. Placed properly, it can subdivide and foreshorten too long or too linear spaces, divert attention from less desirable views, and mark important garden features such as path intersections.

• If your artwork is movable, take advantage of its flexibility. Your garden can be transformed from season to season, event to event, and mood to mood. • Avoid diluting the effect of an important piece of sculpture by surrounding it with too many other pieces… one work of art constructed at the right scale can pull all the other elements of the garden together, and less can be more. Finally, keep in mind the following practical considerations: • Artworks that you intend to display outside should be constructed of materials that tolerate all weathers and extreme temperatures. • Anchor sculptures securely to prevent theft (plaques or other art that decorate a wall should also be permanently affixed). • To protect both the art and your guests, avoid locating delicate freestanding sculpture in high-traffic areas or too close to paths. Have fun! Art is at times serious and edifying, but it can also remind us how to play. James van Sweden along with Wolfgang Oehme found Oehme, van Sweden & Associates, a renowned landscape architecture firm in Washington, D.C. He is the author of a variety of distinguished books about gardening and has won many prestigious awards. A Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects, van Sweden earned a bachelor of architecture degree from the University of Michigan in 1960 and studied landscape architecture at the University at Delft, the Netherlands.

From the Book, ARCHITECTURE IN THE GARDEN by James van Sweden. Copyright © 1995 and 2003 by Oehme/Van Sweden Associates, Inc. Reprinted by arrangement with Random House, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. 18



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Craig Bergmann Landscape Design, Inc., Wilmette, Illinois


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Coming soon, a new book: Origin and Meaning of Garden Ornaments by Charlotte Ward

Anewmerica’s living room

By Darryl Baines

AMS Landscape Design Studios; Photo by Jeri Koegel (

Landscape architects are creating exciting outdoor living environments for their clients‌ making it almost impossible to stay inside.



Photo courtesy of Summer Classics


It’s early morning, and the sun is brightening the sky overhead. You’re waiting for the coffee to brew, preparing yourself for a new day. To pass the time, you gaze out the window that overlooks the back of your home… and what do you see? If you’re like me, you see potential. Yours, like many luxury properties, may already feature a tennis court, pool, terrace, and formal gardens. But perhaps you are ready for something else, something that will expand your living and entertainment space. After all, when guests come over or you are hosting a large family gathering, everyone, it seems, wants to be outdoors, enjoying the weather. So why not extend the terrace… why not have an outdoor dining area… why not construct an outdoor kitchen … and a firepit or an outdoor fireplace? Or, maybe you envision more walkways or steps to connect what are now separate areas. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In the last ten years, we have seen a metamorphosis take place (and it’s still evolving) fueled by this kind of dreaming and the vision and talents of landscape architects and designers that are turning the outdoors into exotic (and extensive) living environments.



If you’re feeling a little intimidated by the size and scope of your dream project and you’re not sure where to start, may I suggest you enlist the expertise of a professional landscape architect. Not only do they have the experience to design your new outdoor living space, they can assure that what gets designed ties in to the architecture of your home and the existing landscape. Formal, traditional, contemporary, natural… each dictates its own direction and a landscape architect will recommend a design that fits your property. The process usually begins with a conversation on site. Your chosen professional will listen to what you want to create and critique your specific property and its various opportunities. Most landscape designers begin with an overall plan, showing how each area connects or relates to the next and what features will help tie it all together. Often the design begins with the inside of the house: the location of the kitchen, the view from inside the front door, or even the family room or great room and how they all relate to your new outdoor living spaces. Depending on your property, your designer may incorporate architectural elements such as


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AMS Landscape Design Studios; Photo by Jeri Koegel (



pergolas, arbors, decks, verandas, retaining walls, and steps to define the spaces and provide a separation or connection as called for in the plan. Outdoor entertainment rooms with a TV and sofas, an outdoor kitchen, and possibly an outdoor dining room are usually set close to the house, linking with the existing structure. For some homes, a conservatory could be a consideration. Not only does it connect to the outdoors, but during bad weather a conservatory can be the next best thing to being outside. Once you and your landscape architect finalize a budget and a plan (which may take numerous back and forth attempts), the next step is to put together a team to get the work completed. Often a landscape architect can assist in this process. Most have connections with interior decorators (to recommend and place furnishings), landscape contractors, carpenters, masons, and nurseries. Many will also offer to manage the entire project. Some will do the design work and suggest an experienced project management firm to execute the plan. Locating a landscape architect is an easy task. You may already know one, of course, or one may work with your architect. But if not, friends and family may recommend one or you can visit websites like the ASLA (American Society of Landscape Architects) at and click on the “Professional Practice” tab and scroll down to “Firm Finder.” You can also use this magazine as a resource. Many landscape architects work in any area of the country regardless of their headquarters office location, so don’t feel like you need one from down the street. So what else can I tell you that will give shape to your dreams?

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Photo courtesy of Walnut Hill Landscape Company; Photography by

Let’s Talk About Interior Design and Furniture Now some of you are saying, “Why should I have an interior decorator work on my outdoor rooms?” Well, first of all, you need the services of a decorator to finish and furnish all these outdoor spaces that the landscape architect designed. The walls and floor are there, but the furniture, the artwork, the décor, draperies (yes, some outdoor spaces call for draperies), colors, etc., all need to be coordinated. Knowledgeable decorators will listen to ideas, study how the inside of a home is furnished, make their own suggestions, and then develop a plan that will produce a room that will not only look fantastic, but which will also provide years of enjoyment. A decorator should be familiar with the new advances in outdoor furniture and that can change your design opportunities considerably. Outdoor furniture has seen some significant improvements over the last few years. The manufacturers have been investing in innovative materials. They are using new fabrics, finishes, metals, and fill materials that make high-quality furniture withstand the outdoor elements. (No more worrying about leaving the furniture outside during bad weather; most can withstand rain, snow, and extreme cold.) And today, outdoor furniture can be just as stylish and comfortable as indoor 26


versions—and much of it can remain out all winter long with nothing more than a simple cover. Bon Appetit! Nothing keeps guests more engaged than good food and good conversation, which is why many designers recommend kitchens during the planning stage of an outdoor space. Imagine: guests gather around the kitchen table, laughing and talking as a pizza is put in the oven or mouth-watering aromas waft around them from the barbecue. As the sun sets, the ambiance notches up as soft lights pop on and a fire is started in the fireplace. Everyone is feeling good and nobody wants to go inside. Barbecue grills have come a long way from our father’s generation. Today’s grills are high-tech, sophisticated in style, sport the sleek good looks of stainless steel, and feature a variety of options that most professional chefs would welcome. These powerful grills usually run on gas or propane, but since many cooks prefer charcoal or different types of wood in order to achieve a smoky flavor, many manufacturers are accommodating these types of fuel as well. In fact, some units are hybrids that combine fuels so cooks can have the best of all worlds. Outdoor kitchens give homeowners options because a great outdoor

Enjoy outdoor living ‌this summer. Select stainless steel cabinetry By DANVER.

Luxury outdoor kitchens demand the best most efficient materials ‌and ease in design functionality. Why have masonry crews working all summer only to run back and forth to the house for every item because there is a lack of storage. Stainless steel cabinetry from Danver is the answer. Your design can rival the kitchen you have inside. In addition, stainless cabinetry is professional looking, stands up to any weather, guaranteed for life and installs in a quarter of the time it takes to construct a stone island kitchen. Whether you are a property owner or a landscape architect, specify the products that work best today ‌and tomorrow. Specify stainless steel cabinetry from Danver.


kitchen is the heart of the backyard. Think about it: when a party is set indoors, where does everyone congregate? The kitchen! And when the kitchen is outdoors, everyone gravitates to its warm and inviting atmosphere. Designers will recommend that a homeowner put together a wish list for their outdoor kitchen. Outdoor kitchens can sparkle with style when they include elegant stainless steel cabinetry, full-service bars, glass tile accents and granite countertops, as well as a wide variety of professional equipment, such as stoves and ovens, refrigerators and wine chillers, sinks, and even pizza ovens.

Photo courtesy of AMS Landscape Design Studios; Photo by Will Hare, Jr. (

Get Out and Play Another great quality of outdoor rooms is their entertainment value. State-of-the-art technology allows homeowners to include systems that can withstand harsh weather and extreme temperatures. Weatherproof big-screen TVs are durable because their screens are anti-glare, impact resistant, and scratch-resistant, allowing guests to enjoy the latest film while lounging under the stars.

There is also a wide variety of wired and wireless speakers and sound systems that can accommodate an audio input for iPods and MP3 players. The sounds of music can completely surround the setting with a background ambiance that will elevate a get-together with friends into an energizing party or a Zen experience—all based on whatever playlist is selected. Just about any kind of sporting field or leisure activity can be incorporated into an outdoor space’s design. Many homeowners ask their designers to include swimming pools and putting greens, as well as tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts. When it’s all said and done, it comes down to this: outdoor space is valuable space that can become everything you ever imagined, and with the proper investment, it’s proven to add value to any property. So talk to your friends. Call a landscape architect. Make your dreams come to life. And then, when you gaze out your back window… just try to stop yourself from smiling and feeling satisfied that you did the smart thing.



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C lassic C onservatories the rebirth of an architectural icon

Conservatories convey an Old World elegance that enhances both a home and its outdoor living space. By Alan Stein President and Director of Architecture for Tanglewood Conservatories, Ltd.

and Kevin J. Varrone All photographs courtesy of Tanglewood Conservatories, Ltd.


This grand conservatory, located on a larger riverfront estate, merges effortlessly with the original structure, which dates from the early 1800s. The standing-seam copper roof supports an octagonal glass cupola that washes the room with daylight. Custom-designed eave brackets that reinterpret those of the main house are artistically decorated. An immense room over 1,000 square feet in size and some twenty-four feet tall, the conservatory appears appropriate in scale because of the skillful way its size is broken into smaller elements while at the same time respecting the scale of the whole.

Have you ever sipped tea in a fine, sunlit conservatory? Admired a bonsai or caught the fresh scent of springtime blossoms as the sun streamed through the glass above? Shared a private moment or a glass of port beneath the stars? lf so, you have felt the spell of conservatories, for a conservatory is truly a magical place. Charming, graceful, and refined, a conservatory quickly becomes a focal point in your home and a natural bridge between the house and garden. Rooms filled with ever-changing natural light lift the spirits and enchant the senses. They add space, beauty, and value to a home. They frame their surroundings and accentuate the plants and furnishings within. And they’re marvels of design, craftsmanship, and engineering. Each design is highly personal. As a host, you’ll love the ambience of a conservatory when you have friends to dine. As a gardener, you’ll revel in the year-round splendor of lush greenery. From your favorite armchair, you’ll see day break, watch moonlight paint the room, and read peacefully as a gentle rain (or snow!) falls overhead. Although many people associate conservatories with Europe, it might surprise you to learn that numerous striking examples of these structures were built here on our shores. Visit the Enid Haupt Conservatory in New York City, the Palace Hotel and The Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco, or the Biltmore Estate in Asheville if you haven’t already in your travels. Restored to their original glory, they stand as evidence of America’s rich contribution to the conservatory tradition. The next few pages illustrate the beauty that is found within the magnificent glass walls of a conservatory. As you enjoy the images, be prepared to become enchanted by the graceful designs, intricate details, and wonderful quality of lightness that, quite literally, reflect a century-old tradition. LUXURY LANDSCAPES


LEFT: This design features double 15-pane doors bracketed by Doric columns and a heavy cornice that replicate the existing porticoes at the front and rear of the home. Although stylistically indebted to classicism, the conservatory makes use of the most current and sophisticated technologies. High-performance roof glass blocks much of the heat, yet is virtually clear. The thermostatically controlled roof vents close automatically when it starts to rain—yet we doubt the homeowners notice that while they gaze out over the banks of the nearby river.

RIGHT: The land surrounding this conservatory slopes gently toward the river, so the structure itself becomes a passage. Taking its proportions and lines from the house, the conservatory functions as an architectural palindrome, from house to yard and back again. It offers a place to pause and contemplate perspective—and either follow the path out into the yard or top under the elegant canopy, perhaps to sit for tea among the flora and watch the tree that’s taken center stage dance in the breeze.

M 32

uch of a conservatory’s charm stems from its classic lines and prime materials. Throughout history, architecture and technology have found their perfect playground in the conservatory.



rom the beginning, greenhouses and conservatories have blurred the very lines they’ve drawn. They extend a home into nature while keeping the same nature at bay, delivering all the beauty of the outdoors with all the comforts of home. ABOVE: “There’s

a certain Slant of Light,” Emily Dickinson wrote; and “When it comes, the Landscape listens-Shadows-hold their breath.” This conservatory illustrates that sentiment. It is the first addition to the original 1920s home—as a segue between the stone house and the shadow-filled garden. The design incorporates details from other parts of the house, such as the pilaster and window mullions that were specially fabricated to replicate the existing ones. The curved façade and window heads gently echo shapes from the home’s stately front entry and a bay window along the side of the house.

LEFT: Originally conceived as a place to collect and maintain exotic plants and flowers, the conservatory has blossomed into an elegant social setting, ideal for an intimate supper or sunny Sunday brunch. This interior reveals all the conservatory has to offer. Hibiscus bloom in the foreground as ferns (suspended from structural tie rods doubling as plant holders) hang overhead. Every detail contributes to the ambience, from the curved windows and pilasters that match the conservatory’s exterior, to the exquisite Italian marble mosaic floor. The table, dressed for an elegant meal, was made from steel supports salvaged from an old greenhouse that formerly stood at the same location.



This distinctive conservatory features a central octagonal gallery seamlessly integrated with single-slope roofs on either side. The large room’s overall effect is a well-proportioned whole that artfully complements the home. The quarry tile floor and deep green interior lend depth of tone to the room and are contrasted by a pale wooden table and bright red blossoms— perfect for some afternoon reading and a glass of wine.

C 36

onservatories offer everything one could wish for in a social setting: supple ambience, a gentle hush (perfect for intimate conversation), lush greenery and fragrant blossoms, and the warmth of wood. LUXURY LANDSCAPES

With sun bursting through the canopy of leaves, how elegant a setting for a summer afternoon! This classic octagonal conservatory, an extension of the home’s formal living room, combines modern technology with Old World charm. The specially selected glass appears clear yet blocks most of the solar heat gain and works exceptionally well at insulating against the cold. Intricate steel brackets and iron castings accentuate the structure as the conservatory opens onto a grove of grandfather oaks.

W 38

inter, spring, summer, and fall, nature is a four-season phenomenon, so it’s only natural that the conservatory, the place best suited to celebrate its daily bounty, also be a year-round structure.


Tanglewood Conservatories, Ltd. designs and builds conservatories, greenhouses, domes, skylights, and pool enclosures for clients nationwide. It is headed by founders Alan Stein and Nancy Virts. The firm is located in Denton, Maryland

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Photo: Eric Figge Photography, Inc.



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Photo courtesy of Janice Parker Landscape Design; Photography by Neil Landino

Northeast Region


Hollander Design, New York


James Doyle Design Associates, Connecticut


The Outerspaces Group, Pennsylvania


Janice Parker Landscape Design, Connecticut


Gasper Landscape Design, Pennsylvania


Steven Dubner Landscaping, New York


Hess Landscape Architects, Pennsylvania


Environmental Landscape Associates, Pennsylvania


Fine Landscapes, Ltd., Virginia


Walnut Hill Landscape Company, Maryland


Cipriano Landscape Design, New Jersey


CLC Landscape Design, New Jersey

This section features landscape architects and designers who have their headquarters in the northeast region of the country. They may work in more than one region, or possibly nationally or internationally. Please refer to each profile or contact them directly to see if they work in your area. More landscape architects and designers are being added all the time. Please refer to our website: for the most current list in our registry.



D esignV irtuosos Hollander Design

Photography by Charles Mayer Photography

Turf panels in a broad terrace at the rear of the house create areas for gathering and entertaining while transitioning to the surrounding pastoral landscape.



A swimming pool area is flanked by borders of lush summer flowering perennials. A terrace of misty rose Arizona sandstone provides an elegant frame for the pool and is cool under foot even on the hottest days.


With a clientele that is well known to most of us, Hollander Design and its talented team of landscape architects and designers create dramatic landscape projects in the Hamptons, coastal Connecticut, and pastoral New York. Headed by esteemed landscape architects Edmund J. Hollander and Maryanne Connelly, Hollander Design has a combined experience of 25 years crafting luxurious landscapes in all types of settings. “Our goal is to create a synthesis and integration between the landscape and architecture,” says Hollander. “Our firm’s specialty is translating a client’s dreams into spectacular landscapes that appear to have always existed.” Before a site is transformed, Hollander’s designers begin by having a conversation with the homeowners: they want to discover all they can about the client and the proposed venue. Since every property contains diverse elements, the resulting designs must speak to the site’s architecture and the family who will enjoy the special place. “Like the great estates of the past, our designs express regional and local context, but most importantly, our designs convey the individual property’s unique character,” says Connelly. “That is our greatest success.”

A seating area punctuates the end of a terrace. A bespoke arbor provides the backdrop.



LEFT: A walkway of gray green bluestone is embraced by blue flowered Geranium Rozanne spilling out of the garden. White flowering Natchez Crepe Myrtles create an allee for the walk and shade for the Endless Summer hydrangeas planted amongst them.

OPPOSITE PAGE, ABOVE: A rustic cedar arbor creates an entry to a formal garden flanked by English Holly and surrounded with a boxwood hedge. A semicircle of mature Japanese Cypress create a backdrop for the garden.


Clipped boxwoods and stone dust paths create neat tailored edges in this garden. An arbor with benches built in provides seating to enjoy the space.

HOLLANDER DESIGN 200 Park Avenue South Suite 1200 New York, NY 10003 212-473-0620



I nnovative L andscape design


James Doyle Design Associates is an award-winning landscape design firm that creates extraordinary design by integrating artistic expression within the contextual perspective of the presented architecture. The firm seeks inspiration from the past and is often guided by aspects of traditional design, but it also shares an enthusiasm for a more modern aesthetic when desired. James Doyle Design Associates’ approach to landscape design involves deciphering, translating, and responding to a location and its existing physicality. Each project begins with a holistic evaluation of the intrinsic qualities of the environment and its relationship to human habitat. Utilizing this stylistic philosophy generates a harmonizing result between architecture and its surrounding landscape. Projects are carried out across the United States as well as Europe and the Middle East. Designs may vary in style, size, and locality, but the company’s method is characterized by strong geometry, bold structural forms, and clean symmetry. James Doyle Design Associates engages with a team of affiliated professionals that includes architects, landscape contractors, and environmental consultants to design and implement a shared vision. The staff celebrates the merger of living and built environments to insure a programmatic, detailed, and above all, beautiful landscape.

LEFT: The early morning light catches the aerial hedge of clipped hornbeams that frame the broader landscape.

RIGHT: Sculptural

plant materials include a combined planting of Carpinus betulus and Buxus sempervirens, pyramidal Taxus capitata and a sheared hedge of Fagus sylvatica.

JA M E S D OY L E D E S I G N A S S O C I AT E S 125 Greenwich Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830 203-869-2900 www.JDDA.COM LUXURY LANDSCAPES



13 15 14

16 12 LEFT:

1. Parking Courtyard 2. Entry Parterre 3. Residence 4. Entertaining Terrace 5. Upper Garden 6. Perennial Garden 7. Aerial Hedge 8. Lower Parterre 9. Taxus AllĂŠe 10. Guest Cottage 11. Fruit Orchard 12. Guest Driveway 13. Cutting Garden 14. Berry Hedges 15. Barn 16. Vegetable Garden 17. Chicken Coop 18. Wetlands

Site plan for an 8-acre property showing the layout and connection of spaces.


18 9





Grandeur is achieved with a simple combination of a circular water feature and the backdrop of a clipped aerial hedge.




5 11 6


Sculpted tiering of lawns becomes a dramatic element in the landscape.





Soft perennial plantings enliven the outdoor living space.

A harmonious combination of white in this double herbaceous border leads the visitor from one garden space to another.

T imelessD esigns Outerspaces Landscape Architecture

This magnificent estate came to life when the original owners were inspired to gather architectural elements from the declining stately homes in Great Britain after World War I. They collected 30 containers of period oak paneling, limestone, stained glassed, iron work, brick and roof tile and shipped them back to Philadelphia. Even the cobblestone courtyard was imported from the river Wey in Surrey to create an impeccably authentic effect. The current owner engaged the Outerspaces Group to renovate the existing garden to fit the aesthetics of the property, adding a swimming pool, amphitheater, and event lawn.



A swimming pool filtered by plants creates a beautiful relaxing oasis in the middle of a Chester County farm. Built to look like the ruins of a barn foundation, this pool blends into the bucolic landscape.

A long rail attaches just two of the many fountains on this formallydesigned estate.


For over 20 years, Outerspaces Landscape Architecture and Construction Group has crafted fabulous outdoor spaces for discerning clients throughout North America and the Caribbean. Founded by Robert and David Nonemaker, the award-winning Outerspaces is proud that its designs are both aesthetically beautiful and masterfully constructed, and that past clients call upon them whenever new assignments are ready for development. “We find it extremely rewarding that our clients remain with us,” says David Nonemaker, president and general manager. “We make it our mission to always produce flawless results that will delight decade after decade.” Outerspaces boasts an incomparable group of craftsmen with proficiency in nearly every trade, including design, engineering, construction, and logistics. They are also proud to work with Steven Voshell, vice president of swimming pools and construction management. Other staff members also play a significant role in the management of every project, including those that feature sophisticated landscape design and planting installation, swimming pool design and construction, fountain design, architectural design, koi ponds and water gardens, outdoor kitchens, and outdoor fireplaces. “Our sophisticated clientele evaluates our work as masterpieces of art,” says Robert Nonemaker, principal, designer, and builder. “And like art found in museums, the settings we create age gracefully and remain spectacular throughout the years.”



LEFT: When the Rockefeller Brothers Fund decided it was time to repair and renovate the fountains at Kykuit (the Rockefeller family home) the Outerspaces Group was chosen to undertake the renovations of these extraordinary treasures. ABOVE RIGHT: This beautiful natural koi pond was crafted using state-of-the-art construction techniques and features technologicallyadvanced mechanical and control features. BELOW RIGHT: This

freeform swimming pool includes natural plantings and a majestic waterfall.

Both Nonemakers have an extensive background in design and construction. Robert has traveled the world learning his craft, and few can match his expertise in landscape and water feature projects. In fact, he writes for a number of top publications and he is sought for industry consulting purposes. David studied horticulture and business at the University of Delaware and landscape architecture at Temple University. He, too, is renowned for his knowledge of the industry as other landscaping and construction professionals call upon him regularly for advice. O U T E R S PA C E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E AND CONSTRUCTION GROUP The Paoli Design Center, 1604 East Lancaster Avenue, Paoli, PA 19301-1506 610-558-5666



B eauty overlooking the harbor Neil Landino

Janice Parker Landscape Design



Inviting green lawns mirror the focused simplicity of the planted landscape overlooking the harbor. The infinity-edge pool, which has a Caribbean Blue Pebble Tec速 interior, flows into the sea, creating a dramatic yet natural setting. An array of log tables and chairs gives a rustic feel to the bluestone patio which features a recessed firepit. As the sun sets, the family gathers by the fire for a casual evening of story-telling and toasty treats.

Neil Landino

Plantings with sculptural forms and tonal colors were used to define the compelling pool space. Identical rows of neatly pruned hedges border the Eramosa limestone patio surrounding the pool while mixed evergreens supply texture and height.

Neil Landino


poolside loggia, comprised of a pergola framed by two stone structures, creates a domestic space for comfortable living outside. On the right, a fieldstone cabana provides a convenient area to change and features showers on the exterior wall. To the left, a stainless steel kitchen outfitted with a refrigerator, sink, and ample storage facilitates daily dining and formal gatherings. Strategic lighting establishes the atmosphere and defines the various dining areas within the pool structure. A limestone fireplace and cozy seating offer the final touch to this “interior� setting.


Janice Parker Landscape Design is a nationally recognized landscape architecture firm that was founded in 1984. Janice Parker, principal and licensed landscape architect, has established a reputation for conceiving, planning, and installing thoughtful landscapes that unite homeowners with their outdoor environment in a meaningful way. She is dedicated to providing excellent design, full documentation, and product coordination for every project. From an intimate rooftop garden to an expansive several-acre estate to various terraces and multi-tiered landscapes, Janice Parker Landscape Design works

with any property formation. Parker’s technical expertise and creative talent allow her to devise effective solutions for any challenge a site may pose. Creating beauty within the natural constraints of a site is the essence of an enduring landscape. Developing long-term designs and strong relationships is important to Parker. She is committed to keeping the lines of communication open with her clients throughout the design process and engaging them in the project team. She takes careful attention to blend the architecture of a site and chosen design with her clients’ needs to create a unique space that embodies their family life. J A N I C E PA R K E R L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N

NYC Office: 212-929-6490 Sherman, CT Office: 860-350-4497



M asters of T heirC raft Photography courtesy of Gasper Landscape Design & Construction and Rob Cardillo



This romantic pergola setting features a combination of wrought iron furniture, beautiful urns full of exquisite blooms, rich outdoor carpeting, just-the-right amount of lighting, and a tranquil color scheme that invites guests to stay long after the last bite is enjoyed.

Made to please, this spectacular garden pavilion features a variety of cozy amenities that allow guests to enjoy the outdoors in style. From the flat screen TV, the open-face custom-built fireplace, gourmet kitchen and full bath, this delightful venue is a one-of-a-kind charmer.

TOP: This family-fun poolscape gets a pictureperfect boost from colorful landscaping, a roomy pool house that is ever-ready for a large family and their friends, and an inviting pergola that features a fantastic dining area.

Sprinkled with twinkling fairy lights, the landscape behind this intimate stone grotto becomes a charismatic scene stealer when the sun goes down. Luxuriant with lush greenery and colorful flowers, this is the perfect spot for a special rendezvous. BOTTOM:


Transforming plain backyards into exquisite showstoppers is nothing new for Gasper Landscape Design & Construction. For over 25 years, president and founder Robert Gasper and his experienced team of designers and craftsmen have accepted the challenge of creating stunningly beautiful, expertly detailed outdoor venues, no matter the setting. “We pay close attention to all existing aspects of our client’s goals to determine how to best make the most of the site’s potential, to keep it in sync with its environment, and to best achieve our clients’ goals,” says Gasper. Gasper prides itself in its ability to accommodate

and often surpass a client’s outdoor wish list, including—but not limited to—lush landscaping, custom masonry and paving for terraces and patios, fireplaces, swimming pools and spas, pool houses, outdoor kitchens, and other structures. “Even though we have several staff members who are members of the American Society of Landscape Architects and are ICPI certified, in-house training never stops at Gasper. Since new plants and paving materials are constantly being introduced and new construction techniques are being developed, our knowledge base and creativity can never come to a standstill,” says Gasper.

G A S P E R L A N D S CA P E D E S I G N & C O N S T R U C T I O N 316 Tanyard Road, Richboro, PA 18954 215-396-2880



B alanced, timeless, personal S

To complement the grandeur of this French imperial style home Steven Dubner Landscaping Inc. designed a classic French garden. Set on axis with the centerline of the home’s ballroom, the homeowners and guests alike enjoy the elegant lines created by over 800 boxwood plants. Within the boxwood hedges, lush plantings of canna, salvia ‘Victoria Blue’, lantana, dragon wing begonias and marigold ‘Lemon Drop’ provide seasonal interest that is truly a treat for the eyes. RIGHT:

Steven Dubner Landscaping Inc. (SDL) has been designing and building landscapes of distinction for 46 years. The longevity of the company is a testament to its never ending desire to stay in touch with the latest trends and cutting edge technology, while never forgetting the timeless beauty that is the landscape. Developing landscapes that are not only beautiful but functional is the guiding principle of Steven Dubner Landscaping. Every landscape is constructed for the long-term and to the highest of standards. This philosophy, once applied, insures that jobs of all sizes achieve success. By managing every facet of the landscape project from concept development through execution, the company ensures the outcome exceeds expectations. With an understanding of the relationship between homes and their landscape, Steven Dubner Landscaping creates a garden with personality through a thorough understanding of the client’s lifestyle and taste. The result is a picturesque setting that complements the features of the property and grants clients the lifestyle they’ve always dreamed of. Built to stand the test of time, a Steven Dubner Landscape is built for generations.

STEVEN DUBNER L A N D S CA P I N G I N C . 140 Half Hollow Road, Dix Hills, New York 11746 631-777-1800



BELOW: At the central node in the garden of this 100-year-old home, this fountain of classic beauty relays the feeling of relaxation. Opposite the home’s library, the fountain stands tall among the formal boxwood gardens. Guests of the garden enjoy the view of this timely piece while moving through from the upper to lower levels. As a true compliment to the residence, the beauty is subtle and elegant.


formal courtyard layout was incorporated into the design by setting a boxwood knot garden on its axis along the formal living room doors, providing the view of a grand vista from within. The ornamental iron stairway brings guests down to the lower sitting area.

C aptivating S plendor H Hess Landscape Architects works with the region’s top architects, interior designers, and engineers to provide clients with amazing backyards that reflect their own sophisticated styles. Founding Principal Chuck Hess achieves this by listening—to every member of the design and construction team, the homeowners, as well as his own instincts. His end goal for each project is to not simply meet client expectations, but to surpass them. “We strive to craft unique spaces tailored to each client’s tastes and to each site’s singular needs,” says Hess. “We feel very fortunate to work with the area’s finest craftsmen and artisans, and we take great satisfaction in managing a job from start to finish, either collaboratively or as the primary consultant.” Hess manages firm operations and also is lead-designer, taking an active role on all projects. He has nurtured his skills for over 20 years by completing substantial residential commissions throughout the Northeast and internationally. The diverse variety of scales in which Chuck has practiced landscape architecture inform his methods, enabling design consensus between dynamic, visionary analysis and holistic, cogent sensibility.


Remnant garden elements of yesteryear as well as antiques are combined seamlessly into the landscape.

RIGHT: Broad stone steps allow the close-cut lawn to spill down to a formal green “rug” which surrounds the classically-shaped swimming pool. The space is further framed by matching stone walls and layers of diverse plantings.

H E S S L A N D S CA P E A R C H I T E C T S 1570A Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446 215-855-5530 Photography by Andre Baranowski Photography






A circular spa is the focus of an intimate scale garden room, with woodland plantings, informal stone paving, and a small seating area.

ABOVE: Greek columns support the custom arbor above a dining terrace. Paving materials, furnishings, terracotta containers, and the antique fountain piece all evoke European elegance and timeless quality.

RIGHT: Sequentially blooming perennials and annuals combine with time-honored trees and shrubs to create an indulgent bouquet of florae in this traditional cutting garden.



Ospecialists utdoor living Environmental Landscape Associates

LEFT: This

outdoor kitchen is a dramatic testament to the homeowner’s willingness to leave the ordinary behind. The stone veneer columns supporting the hemlock timber pergola are spectacular while the rest of the space is finished in an elegance that is breathtaking in the twilight. RIGHT: Cozy

and inviting, this outdoor room includes all of the amenities of an indoor family room, including a wood-burning fireplace, big-screen TV, a granite paver floor, and a slate roof with warm under lighting.


Based in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Environmental Landscape Associates (ELA) is a renowned design/build company with over 22 years of experience crafting fabulous custom outdoor living spaces that fit the desires and needs of its clients. The company, headed by president and CEO Keith Frederick, makes it a point to manage only 50 assignments per year so it can better serve each project. ELA also enjoys the talents of award-winning landscape architects as well as expert carpenters, masons, operators, and installers who design and/or construct a variety of backyard specialties, including swimming pools, professionally-appointed outdoor kitchens, romantic backyard retreats, and beautifully sculpted gardens. When needed, ELA calls upon one of its many trusted consultants such as structural engineers or licensed architects. Additionally, the firm takes great pride in protecting the ecosystem by using sustainable planting and materials as well as conserving water whenever and wherever possible. Once a project is completed, ELA does not end the relationship: the company continues to provide information and service to its clients. Frederick explains, “It is our goal to build clients for life.” LUXURY LANDSCAPES


ABOVE: This is an outdoor kitchen that mimics an indoor version—complete with professional equipment, sophisticated finishes done in travertine, granite, and stainless steel, and perfectly designed lighting that creates a welcoming ambiance.

RIGHT: This beautifully landscaped backyard garden is colorful and full of textures and tones. But, it is the exotic koi pond with its natural boulders, rockwork, and waterfall that is the venue’s true focal point.

E N V I R O N M E N TA L L A N D S CA P E ASSOCIATES 2887 Valley View Drive, Doylestown, PA 18902 215-794-2401 74


ABOVE: Under the graceful arches of a steel-framed pergola, this outdoor kitchen is reminiscent of a romantic Tucson hideaway. Travertine columns add style, while the ceiling fans are a practical addition: They keep the setting cool during hot summer nights.

LEFT: Commanding yet welcoming, the distinctive bluestone fireplace is the gathering point for this outdoor space. The natural stone walls act as a frame for the setting, keeping the comfortable seating area a secret from those not lucky enough to be invited in.



RIGHT: Numerous trips to Provence, France for business and pleasure inspired Owen to recreate some of the Old World romance and beauty he grew up with. He designed both the home and the landscape in a distinctive French manner with the intention that the house and gardens look like they had always been there.


expansive 2.5-acre

property was designed to facilitate the large-scale entertaining that the family regularly enjoys. A path of simple garden rooms continues around the house, leading visitors to a stone and stucco pool pavilion that features a rustic stone fireplace, seating for eight, and a lounge area. This magnificent garden has been the venue of several family weddings, numerous parties, and various charitable events.




Fine Landscapes, Ltd., founded by Charles L. Owen, had its beginnings over 30 years ago. In 1976, having returned to the U.S. from a childhood spent in Europe, Owen yearned to recreate the beautiful gardens he grew up with in Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, and Brussels. As a young man he began working with experts in the field, building his horticultural expertise and developing his unique style. Since the beginning, Fine Landscapes has earned a reputation for creating outstanding luxury gardens and outdoor living spaces. Owen directs a staff of horticultural specialists, landscape architects, and approximately 50 stonemasons, horticultural workers, lighting and grading experts. He is highly regarded for his design and construction of custom swimming pools, fountains, pool pavilions, outdoor kitchens, fireplaces, and European gardens. In 1998, Owen and his wife Betsy started a complementary company named Maison et Jardin, Ltd., which specializes in unique furnishings for the home and garden and offers in-home design services for outdoor furnishings, planters, and pottery. This allows Fine Landscapes’ customers to browse through examples of garden displays and order their outdoor furnishings in a comfortable and luxurious environment.

C olorful designs LEFT: As

guests meander through the garden of Domaine St. Charles, they’ll come upon the expansive pool area that is surrounded by flowering purple crape myrtles and giant arborvitae. The heated Olympic-scale pool has multiple water sprays, providing a soothing sound to the relaxed setting.

F I N E L A N D S C A P E S , L T D. 21558 Stonetree Court, Sterling, VA 20166 703-421-7441 Photography by Yodeling Goat Media






The magnificent fountains of Kykuit’s historic gardens By Rob Schweitzer All photographs courtesy of Historic Hudson Valley Photography by Bryan Haeffele


Kykuit, home to four generations of Rockefellers, is an exquisite six-story hilltop house in the Hudson Valley that is being preserved today as a historic site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Its bold, dramatic architecture and outdoor spaces are breathtaking embodiments of an era that boldly embraced the Beaux-Arts style. Defined by its terraced gardens and filled with spectacular sculpture and fountains, the home is truly a national treasure. Kykuit, which means “lookout” in Dutch, was commissioned by philanthropist and founder of Standard Oil, John D. Rockefeller, and designed by the leading country-house architects of the day, William Adams Delano and Charles Holmes Aldrich. In 1913, Rockefeller and his son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., known as “Junior,” hired famed landscape architect William Welles Bosworth to plan the home’s formal gardens. American gardens at that time were largely based on two principles in which Bosworth and other American architects had been schooled at the École des Beaux-Arts in France. One principle dictated that outdoor spaces be arranged in clear, orderly ways, positioned either along a main sight line (usually a walking path) or so as to terminate at a focal point, such as a sculpture or a beautiful view. The second principle dictated the use of strong

ABOVE: A close-up of the ground-level Moorish Fountain, which lives in the middle of an allée of carefully pruned linden trees at the western edge of the Inner Garden.

RIGHT: A detail of the Inner Garden’s lengthy canal fountain, where a line of finely crafted water spouts deftly define boundaries for the garden’s northern and southern sections. The canal fountain is an extension of the Moorish Fountain, with its eastern terminus at the Tea House.

OPPOSITE PAGE: The 30-foot Oceanus fountain, a striking, dominant fixture at the eastern edge of Kykuit’s forecourt, is a replica of the Renaissance fountain designed by Giovanni Bologna for the Pitti Palace at the Boboli Gardens in Florence.



Guided by the Italian Renaissance tradition, William Welles Bosworth peppered Kykuit’s various garden ‘rooms’ with classical sculpture, such as this vase fountain in the Inner Garden.

vertical planes, such as evergreen hedges, shrub borders, or stone walls, to give definition to the outdoors. The gardens closest to the house were to be geometric and rectilinear. The outer reaches of the property were to be parkland. Bosworth consciously took as his model for Kykuit Italian gardens, which he termed “the origin of all subsequent garden tradition.” Overlooking some of the most amazing scenery in New York, Kykuit offers visitors two experiences: the spectacular natural vistas that surround the home as well as the estate’s outstanding collection of art and sculpture, including the nearly 30-foot Oceanus fountain at the end of the home’s entrance forecourt. One of twenty fountains found on the property, the Oceanus fountain is an exact replica of the Renaissance fountain designed by Giovanni Bologna for the Pitti Palace at the Boboli Gardens in Florence. The Kykuit version, like the original, shows the figure of Oceanus, father of the river gods in classical mythology, holding a baton with which he commands the three seated figures, lesser gods representing the Nile, the Euphrates, and the Ganges rivers. Oceanus, the estate’s largest fountain, is in a prime location, looking west toward the Hudson River, symbolically linking the Hudson with the great rivers of the Old World. Other fountains on the property are as equally superb. Like many large estates created between the 1880s and the 1930s, Kykuit features a Rose Garden. Bosworth designed Kykuit’s Rose Garden as the principal feature of the north terraces; in its semi-circular form, with its colonnade arbors and Renaissance revival fountain, the garden is distinctive of 82


Beaux-Arts planning. Within the overall design, the Rose Garden balances the linden allée and Inner Garden on the south side of the house. Just as the Oceanus fountain is a replica of the Boboli Gardens original, the Rose Garden fountain is a replica of another Boboli Gardens renaissance sculpture. It is topped by a carved stone putti based on a Donatello sculpture. In the Morning Garden, there is a gilded bronze fountainhead in its central pool that was designed and modeled by Francois Tonetti, showing Orpheus playing a musical instrument amid the passion flowers. Framing the western end of the Inner Garden is an allée of linden trees, and in the middle of it is the Moorish Fountain, made by the Gorham Company of Providence, Rhode Island, a company perhaps better known for its silver tableware. The basin’s faceted shape is distinctive of Moorish decoration in Spain during the 14th and 15th centuries. Bisecting the Inner Garden and running perpendicular to the allée and the Tea House on the opposite end, is a canal with jets. It’s a forceful garden design element where water, one of the garden’s main themes, is given architectural form and connects the northern and southern portion of the Inner Garden. The form is inspired by canals used in the great Islamic gardens of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. Bosworth describes the canal as “lit from beneath.” He went on to say that at night, when seen from the house terrace, the canals produce an effect resembling that of a jeweled necklace. Practically all of the fountains and grottos on the grounds of Kykuit can be illuminated at night by concealed lights within them. Public tours of Kykuit (pronounced Kie-cut) are conducted seasonally, May to early November, by Historic Hudson Valley. Consult for information. Rob Schweitzer, an award-winning writer and editor, is the director of public relations and news media for Historic Hudson Valley, where he is responsible for marketing and external communications. His published work includes a piece on Philip Johnson’s Glass House, a profile of Cuban architect Eduardo Faxas, and more new-model automobile reviews than he can count. He lives in Connecticut.

An Impression Inside Kykuit, in the front hallway, is a remarkable painting called “Marble Fountain & Sculpture in Formal Garden,” painted in 1917 by John Singer Sargent during the three weeks he visited Kykuit to work on John D. Rockefeller’s portrait. The painting features the striking Oceanus fountain as it stands at one end of the forecourt of the estate, near the main gate. The artist’s focal point in the painting, which is technically an oil sketch, is the fountain’s immense granite water bowl, done in muted colors that wrap the scene in tranquility. “This view of the Oceanus Fountain is a wonderfully luminous rendition of the magnificent fountain in the forecourt of Kykuit and is characteristic of Sargent’s Impressionistic treatment of light in the landscape,” says Cynthia Altman, Kykuit’s curator. For years, the painting was in private collections, until William Welles Bosworth saw it hanging in the St. Botolph Club in Boston in 1942. He suggested to John D. Rockefeller, Jr., that he purchase it, which he did, displaying it in the family’s New York City home. Eventually, the painting was bequeathed by Laurance S. Rockefeller to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, which then returned it to Kykuit. After almost 90 years, the painting is now on public display in Kykuit’s main entrance, within view of the fountain that inspired it.

S tunning O utdoor spaces

Walnut Hill Landscape Company

A path of Pennsylvania fieldstone steppers leads the way through feather reed grass, Shasta daisy, and Japanese maple to the diving platform at the far end of the pool. Other surrounding plants include white gaura, moonbeam coreopsis, purple verbena, and Japanese blood grass for a beautiful mix of color. Ashlar cut quarry stone adorns the veneer of the retaining walls, adding another layer of texture against the flagstone patio.



Overlooking the Magothy River, this outdoor living area was created to entertain family and friends. The swimming pool was carefully placed to capture the exotic views of the river and double as a piece of art. Full color flagstone was used for the patio and pool coping, and painted mahogany was chosen for the pergola above the dining and sitting area.



Michael Prokopchak

As with any successful project a great design is needed from the beginning. The owners of this home wanted an outdoor retreat to provide fun and entertainment for their children and friends. The final result includes a large swimming pool with boulder waterfalls, a dive rock, and a shallow sun-shelf where young children can play and adults can relax and socialize. The tumbled paver patio area was designed to accommodate a crowd for weekend gatherings. The stone fireplace allows for a cozy seating area in the evening. The wide expanse of hardscape is softened with plantings filled with color and texture.



The mission of Walnut Hill Landscape Company is to create quality work that sets the standard for designing and building outdoor spaces. The company’s approach is based on excellent communication with its clients throughout the entire process. Its staff recognizes the importance of cooperation, communication, and professionalism in order to design beautiful spaces that reflect clients’ needs and personal style. “From the initial consultation and design process to the construction and final result, our clients find the entire staff to be friendly, receptive, and responsive to their ideas and questions,” says company president and ASLA member Michael Prokopchak. Drawing on 20 years of experience, Walnut Hill provides the full spectrum of landscape design and installation. It specializes in transforming ordinary yards into beautiful outdoor spaces. By providing clients with as much information as possible during the design phase, the choices of plants, hardscaping materials, and other design elements are a collaborative effort. “Not only do we take what we do very seriously, we truly enjoy it,” says Prokopchak. “Turning homeowners’ ideas and dreams into outdoor retreats that are functional, beautiful, and a true reflection of who they are is very rewarding.”

To complement the Pennsylvania flagstone patio, a custom blend of stone was used for the fireplace and sitting walls. The curved pergola, made of laminated mahogany, offers just the right amount of shade. The plants chosen for this welcoming respite include cryptomeria, sweetbay magnolia, and pale pink kooper king hibiscus, as well as heavy metal switch grass and dwarf fountain grass.

WA L N U T H I L L L A N D S C A P E C O M PA N Y 1563 St. Margaret’s Road Annapolis, MD 21409 410-349-3105



RIGHT: Keeping with the homeowners’ request to make the outdoors as much of a gathering/ eating/cooking place as the indoors, landscape designer Chris Cipriano constructed a patio that features three zones. The kitchen, bar, and dining areas feature different-sized stones and patterns to separate the zones while maintaining a natural look. The custom designed table consists of a honed granite top and a base of Adirondack granite veneer, which is repeated in the cooking and bar counters. An impressive pergola acts as both a canopy and a divider between the pool and the patio.

D ramatic waterscapes

LEFT: The cascading waterfalls that run continuously into the swimming pool captivate the natural charm of this magnificent outdoor oasis. The mountainous structure beyond the pool uses natural stone to form the four waterfalls across the rock face. Vibrant lighting scattered along the rocky cliffs draws attention to the lush plantings surrounding the pool and allows their natural beauty to stand out after dark.


stone “rug,” made from Indian sandstone with river pebble and bluestone borders, designates an intimate seating area for small gatherings. The elaborate fireplace covered in Chilton Rustic and Chilton Heritage Blend stone veneer provides warmth to this outdoor living “room” throughout the year. The Old-English monogram adorning the chimney adds a personal touch and enhances the feel of an indoor space.


Experts in landscaping, swimming pools, and masonry, Cipriano Custom Swimming Pools & Landscaping produce full-scale luxury makeovers for their clients. The company’s skilled masonry staff has experience installing over 100,000 square feet of natural stone patios and many custom structures and water features. “Our building experience adds so much influence to our designs. Knowledge of plants, masonry, and pools allows us to find very creative solutions for our clients. We can envision the final product and maintain that vision through each aspect of the project,” says Chris Cipriano, founder and president. In 2004, Cipriano Custom Swimming Pools & Landscaping incorporated the landscape architecture division, headed by Certified NJ Landscape Architect William Moore. The department promotes interaction and cooperation within all divisions of Cipriano Custom Swimming Pools & Landscaping, from horticulture and masonry to outdoor woodworking and plantings. The firm even owns a farm which supplies exotic specimen plants and trees that they install up to 20” in caliper. Cipriano’s staff of landscape architects dedicates themselves to developing innovative, site-appropriate designs that enhance the appearance and value of a property. CIPRIANO CUSTOM SWIMMING P O O L S A N D L A N D S CA P I N G 67 Ramapo Valley Rd. Suite 103, Mahwah, NJ 07430 201-785-0800 LUXURY LANDSCAPES


Lparadise akefront ABOVE: The spectacular plantings at this home, which are also admired from boaters on Greenwood Lake, were specially designed to be consistently colorful throughout multiple months. New and improved, longer-blooming plants were selected for the planting design, such as Rozanne geranium (June – Oct.), Karley Rose fountain grass (July – Nov.), and Knock Out® roses (May – Nov.).

Masonry by Stonetown Construction RIGHT: The

custom swimming pool, with an infinity edge and a natural stone waterfall, is surrounded by plush plantings, making this backyard a bona-fide paradise! Adjacent to the pool are dappled willows whose attractive white and pink leaves on long branches sway gently back and forth in the summer breezes. In the foreground is a mass of Royal Standard hostas, selected because their flowers are tremendously fragrant. Pool by Marson Pools

C L C L A N D S CA P E D E S I G N 58 Ringwood Avenue, Ringwood, NJ 07456 973-839-6026 Photography by Richard R. Cording




Founded in 1973 by licensed Landscape Architect Richard Cording, CLC Landscape Design has been a leader in design/build landscaping. Today, CLC is infused with new energy and knowledge: The company is now managed by Mr. Cording and his son, Rich Jr., who holds a master of landscape design from Columbia University. This father/son team, combined with over 30 employees, continues to create some of the most spectacular landscapes in New Jersey and New York. “Each of our landscape projects is unique,” says Cording Sr., “because we carefully tailor each design to fulfill the unique goals of the client and maximize the potential of their site.” One of the specialties of this ASLA member is planting design and installation. With an extensive knowledge of a wide range of plant varieties, the team at CLC incorporates many new and improved plants in their designs. “New varieties may bloom a month longer, or sometimes several months longer,” notes Cording Jr. “We design all of our landscapes to be sustainable, low maintenance, and beautiful throughout the four seasons. We take great pride in utilizing these improved plants because it benefits our clients who will enjoy the beauty of their garden for a longer period of time.”

RIGHT: This custom cedar pergola creates a relaxing outdoor living room, featuring a built-in wet bar, a four-season outdoor TV, and an automated louvered roof that can be opened or closed. The plantings behind the pergola offer privacy while those alongside it provide months of beautiful flowers—and many visits from butterflies. Pergola by Archadeck of Morris






7200 Gateway Court, Manassas, Virginia 20109 USA t 703.361.7000 f 703.361.7001


Photo courtesy of W. Christian Busk Landscape Architect, Inc.

Southeast Region


Land Plus Associates, Ltd., Georgia


Robert N Oelberg ASLA PA, North Carolina


W. Christian Busk Landscape Architect, Inc., Florida

This section features landscape architects and designers who have their headquarters in the southeast region of the country. They may work in more than one region, or possibly nationally or internationally. Please refer to each profile or contact them directly to see if they work in your area. More landscape architects and designers are being added all the time. Please refer to our website: for the most current list in our registry.



Acountry majestic estate Land Plus Associates, Ltd. Photos by Š Jean Carnet, Carnet Communications



Land Plus Associates assembled a team of design and technical professionals to create a grand heritage estate, reminiscent of those historically created across Europe and North America. On this 200-acre property, carefully designed site elements are married with the architect’s vision for the home within the bucolic setting, resulting in an English country estate that blends a strong architectural design with an elegant landscape. In traditional English style, the series of gardens surrounding the home take the shape of dedicated outdoor rooms. They were created by using walls and hedges to extend the architecture, as well as the indoor spaces, into the surrounding landscape.


The owner’s love of gourmet cooking and heirloom roses inspired the parterre Kitchen Garden and extensive vinecovered arbor that defines the western side of the Garden Theater. As guests stroll under the lights of this eloquent walkway, they are greeted by the graceful sculptural water feature at its end. The fountain serves as a focal point that adds both drama and serenity to the space. The formal Library Garden features a boxwood knot parterre filled with annuals and surrounded by a wall of evergreens. The centerpiece of this intimate space is the finely detailed stone sundial.

Tennessee cobblestone pavers were chosen for this formal entry court, flanked by limestone columns, to create a smooth transition from the driveway and parking area. These materials, along with the Chattahoochee buff exposed aggregate selected for the driveway, complement the stone used for the home and provide a seamless blend among the architecture, hardscape, and landscape.

Anchoring the northeastern corner of the Garden Theater, the landscape architect designed an open-air summer pavilion, reminiscent of those found on historic properties. From this elevated position, one overlooks the apple orchard and provides a charming place for entertaining and dining.


Landscape Architects Alec Michaelides and Kenneth Lemm formed Land Plus Associates in 1985. Committed to integrity and innovation in design, the firm quickly grew to be recognized as one of the Southeast’s most highly regarded site planning and landscape architecture design firms. The leadership and expertise

of the two partners has provided a solid foundation for the growth of this awardwinning firm over the last 25 years. With a reputation as valued interpreters of clients’ expectations. Lemm and Michaelides also have a steadfast dedication to facilitating the construction and development process, a pragmatic



The focal point of the estate is the Garden Theater with a rectangular 45-foot long lily pond. Beyond the pond, integrated into the northern wall of the garden room, are custom-designed wooden gates that terminate the home’s main axis and provide a glimpse of the flowing pasture and natural pond in the distance.



approach to the realities of site construction and budgetary constraints. The seamless blending of design, management, and execution is why every Land Plus design yields a meticulously detailed and established result that is not only beautiful to behold, but also adds value to the property. With projects throughout the United States and Caribbean, Land Plus has acquired a dramatically varied portfolio that includes custom private residences and estates, complex residential and mixed-used communities, and unique specialty resorts and leisure properties. A unifying theme in these projects is the attention to detail, richness of materials, and respect for

architecture and nature—all of which are hallmarks of Land Plus designs. In recent years, the firm has turned its focus almost exclusively to custom residential design. By forging relationships with highly respected and talented architects, interior designers, and craftsmen, this firm has gained a formidable reputation for planning, designing, and managing complex projects. Land Plus is celebrated for its unwavering dedication to exceeding client expectations. The end result of each project is a timeless residential environment and landscape design that can be enjoyed by homeowners and their guests for years to come.

Beautiful parterres line the cobblestone driveway across from the front of the house. A Lutyens garden bench creates a feeling of welcome as guests arrive at this breathtaking estate.

L A N D P L U S A S S O C I A T E S , L T D. 416 East Paces Ferry Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30305 404-238-9595



Naturally W

With every project he undertakes, Bob Oelberg, owner of Robert N Oelberg ASLA PA, has one objective in mind: finding the right elements to create a landscape that is not only pleasing to the eye but which is also in perfect harmony with its natural surroundings. Oelberg works exclusively with residential as well as commercial and institutional clients who support the idea of mostly, if not completely, native landscapes. “My practice is committed to balancing elegance and simplicity in design while creating value,” says Oelberg. “And that means that whatever plants I use, whatever hardscaping I select, however I choose to design a venue, it is synonymous with sustainability and it is sensitive to what is already present in the setting.” In order to achieve his goal, Oelberg is guided by a set of environmental ethics that includes the use of native plants and their cultivars, trees and shrubs that can be found within a 2-hour drive, and naturalized plants adapted to High Country conditions. When he meets with clients for the first time, he initiates a line of communication that outlines his ideals and methodology.

ROBERT N OELBERG A S L A PA 782 Little Laurel Rd., Boone, NC 28607 828-264-4149 Photos by Todd Bush Photography, Boone, N.C.



magnificent LEFT: The dramatic panorama surrounding this lush venue acts as inspiration for the home’s landscaping. Keeping true to the designer’s eco-friendly principles, the landscaping features boulders harvested from the sitework and the addition of native plants flowing through the rock outcropping. The result is that every aspect of the landscaping seems to be naturally designed, is sustainable, and is in complete harmony with the neighboring life.

BELOW: Waterscape designer/builder Art Lynch helped bring the homeowner’s vision to life: a mountain stream wrapping around the house from one side to the other, meandering over boulders and landscape plantings before reaching the pond. Whimsical sculptures selected and placed by artist/owner Genie Appel affirm the easy-going and restful spirit of the home.

LEFT: When

coming upon the entry gate, visitors will have traveled several hundred yards along a wooded streamside country lane, complete with luxuriant River Birch trees to create the context for the entry monuments and gates. The stonework, whose relaxed and flowing lines set the tone for the visit, was conceived and crafted by local stonemason Dave Mason.

L ivingA rt W. Christian Busk Landscape Architect, Inc.

This sustainable driveway design boasts a jacquard of grass, stone and brick materials. The unique integration of the turf block, grass pave, Zoysia turf and paving selections create a matrix figure of ground.



ABOVE: The use of a negative-edge pool creates a sense of endlessness at the water’s edge directly to the lake’s edge, thus effectively creating the feeling of infinity in the pool.


composition of the outdoor cabana structure over the lawn makes for a great seating area to overlook the lake and pool. The space brings elegance to the residence for personal lounging or private parties—both poolside and lakeside.



ABOVE: Jardin

DeVille used this site to stage photo shoots for ads featuring the company’s furniture lines. The furniture corresponds with the venue’s contemporary hardscape design, while Saturnia marble selections provide complementing colors and patterns.


“An artful landscape should engage the senses, delight the imagination, have memorable focal points, and be something of lasting and unique beauty,” says W. Christian Busk, president of W. Christian Busk Landscape Architect, Inc. This philosophy influences every relaxing garden, sculptural swimming pool, inviting, entryways, and gardens with mood-enhancing lighting he and his skilled team of experts designs and builds. In 1988, Busk founded Busk & Associates Landscape Contractors to work closely with the clients and landscape architects to ensure that what appears on paper is what actually goes in

the ground. Every client can expect the same outcome: a harmonious work of art that reflects both the homeowner’s lifestyle and personality. Busk earned his bachelor of science in both landscape architecture and horticulture from the University of Florida. Along with his educational background, Busk uses his excellent sense for what plants grow best in Florida’s subtropical climate. This talent has led him to create a number of award-winning tropical outdoor spaces and many of his projects have appeared in renowned publications.

W. C H R I S T I A N B U S K L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T, I N C . 816 Myrtle Terrace, Naples, FL 34103 239-263-7133



One name says it all‌

Photo courtesy of Valley Pool & Spa

Photo courtesy of Mariani Landscape; Photographed by Linda Oyama Bryan

Midwest Region


Mariani Landscape, Illinois


Pamela Self Landscape Architecture, Ltd., Illinois


Apex Landscape, Michigan

This section features landscape architects and designers who have their headquarters in the midwest region of the country. They may work in more than one region, or possibly nationally or internationally. Please refer to each profile or contact them directly to see if they work in your area. More landscape architects and designers are being added all the time. Please refer to our website: for the most current list in our registry.



E legantL andscape Mariani Landscape

Photography by Linda Oyama Bryan



D esign

Emulating the grandeur of the home’s majestic architecture, a colorful front walkway and porch establishes an inviting cottage garden upon the main entrance. Forest-green cypress, violet flag iris, and mauve queen of the prairie accentuates the house’s deep copper façade and steel-blue shingles. Climbing ivy and an iron trellis bring scale to the large residence while complementing the weathered stone.

LEFT: To suit the homeowners’ desires for a capacious space to relax and entertain, Mariani’s design director and landscape architect Sara Furlan created a series of outdoor “rooms” to reflect those inside. A wroughtiron door allows entry into the whimsical English garden composed of daintily trimmed hedges, pristine double-ball topiaries, and lovely displays of lilac. A stone bench nestled within the foliage offers a pleasant spot to reflect and enjoy the tranquil sounds of the fountain that stands beyond the brick wall.

RIGHT TOP: The structure of a formal garden generates extraordinary intrigue in a native prairie setting. Landscape architect John Mariani designed the clean lines of the pool and parterre gardens, which reflect the classical design of the new home and provide contrast to the restored natural setting. Classic details continue in the hardscape through the use of a grid layout. Mowed pathways foster exploration amid the prairie and introduce a labyrinth.


striking outdoor kitchen and pergola indulges al fresco family dining and entertaining. An array of fresh vegetables and herbs can be hand-picked from adjacent gardens and brought directly to the dinner table for enjoyment. Locally sourced limestone designed in a two-tone pattern complements the structure and color of the house, establishing a natural flow from the home to the outdoors.


Mariani Landscape is IS0 9001 certified and provides landscape design, installation and maintenance services to residential and commercial clients throughout the U.S. The company is known for high-profile projects—such as Evening Island at the Chicago Botanic Garden and the restoration of Lake Forest’s historic downtown district—and consistently wins prestigious state and national awards. Mariani Landscape’s talented landscape architects, horticulturalists and build/installation professionals create beautiful spaces designed to enhance clients’ properties and provide long-term value. Then its trained teams of experienced professionals protect clients’ investments by maintaining their landscape to very high standards. Founded by Italian immigrant Vito Mariani in 1958, Mariani Landscape is still a family- owned company. Led by Vito’s son Frank, Mariani LUXURY LANDSCAPES


Custom, ornamental wrought iron gates lead access to an exquisite European garden filled with carefully trimmed boxwoods accented by vivid pink tulips and grape hyacinths.

Landscape has grown to be one of the most well respected residential landscape and maintenance firms in the country. With over 400 employees, Mariani Landscape specializes in personalized, professional service. Each client works with a dedicated client representative who serves as one point of contact for all services. In keeping with the tradition begun by his father, Frank Mariani personally visits each site to ensure it meets the company’s standards. Mariani Landscape’s passion for the environment is also ingrained in its corporate culture. The firm uses sustainable business practices, including bio-diesel to fuel trucks, and offers a 100 percent organic lawn care program. Whether designing “outdoor rooms” that extend the living space for a residence, multi-family project, health care center or commercial/retail environment, Mariani Landscape ensures every project reflects the client’s need for a beautiful, functional, and long-lasting space. The firm’s talented crew of landscape architects and LEED APs is well versed in timeless designs and the latest trends alike, and assists clients in making the most of their outdoor spaces. Every landscape receives consistent care to ensure it reaches its full potential and flourishes for years.

Four acres of overgrown and damaged property were transformed into a rural French country estate surrounding a Normandy-style chateau. A diagonally patterned yellow limestone terrace with bluestone inlays was designed to symphonize the stucco of the home into the landscape. Surrounding the terrace, a chic low seat wall and annual plantings of fennel provide a fluid conversion from the formal patio to the posterior grass meadow.

M A R I A N I L A N D S CA P E 300 Rockland Road, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 847-234-2172



Working in close relationship with the homeowner, client representative Ed Furner and the Mariani team transformed the grounds of this Lake Forest, Ill., home into a European landscape reminiscent of the south of France. The elegant, rounded forms of boxwoods and yews resemble clipped globes of rosemary and lavender common in Provence. In consonance with the wish for a demure palette, a sprinkling of white blooms throughout the garden affords the appropriate accent.

C reating O utdoor living E

Established in 2002, Pamela Self Landscape Architecture, Ltd. (PSLA) is a landscape architectural practice devoted to the creation of meaningful and appropriate environments for residential and commercial projects. Founder and principal Pamela Self is a registered landscape architect with more than 25 years of experience. She has taught landscape design and has served as the reviewing landscape architect for the villages of Lake Zurich and Hawthorn Woods, Ill.



PSLA creates landscape and garden designs that correspond to the natural, cultural, and built environment. The company integrates landscape architecture into the larger planning process often collaborating with architects, engineers, and planning firms. Whether designing for small city properties, multi-acre estates, healing gardens, commercial landscapes, or public open space, PSLA strives to develop innovative designs that impart the specific needs of clients as well as the unique qualities of the natural surroundings.

PA M E L A S E L F L A N D S CA P E A R C H I T E C T U R E , L T D. One Anne Court Hawthorn Woods, IL 60102 847-438-4922

LEFT: Upon

entering the house, a dramatic view of the pool can be seen through the French doors of the great room, compelling visitors to proceed outdoors. Pamela Self Landscape Architecture designed the pool, pavilion, walls, outdoor kitchen, and terrace areas to create a space for swimming and playing.

TOP OF PAGE: Symmetric walls around the pool relate to two existing terraces near the house and create a sense of formality. Spa fountains, pool jets, and bubblers add to the luxurious feel of the pool area. Terraces located behind the pavilion provide space for solar panels that are used for heating the pool. Much of the yard space remains an open play area.


new home straddles a creek and is nestled into a wooded setting adjacent to protected land. Working with limited open space, the design seamlessly blends the home into its existing setting. A simple terraced garden leads to the entrance of the home while oaks planted at the front of the house create a naturalistic setting.



L akesideE ntertaining

A P E X L A N D S CA P E 6812 Old 28th Street, Suite C Grand Rapids, MI 49546 616-822-4587



LEFT: The architecture of the home was the muse for this outdoor space. The homeowners wanted something that was both functional and elegant, so this space features a pool with a hidden cover and landscaping that is full of lush perennials, providing whimsy and color all season.

This project reflects the homeowners’ world travels and the surroundings on which it was crafted. The plantings are clean and simple, reflecting the elegant venue’s natural landscape. Mexican beach pebble was used around the pool deck to add some architectural detail, while the pool and landscape’s raised walls were faced with native Michigan fields stone in order to tie the rustic log home into the landscape. LEFT:


Apex Landscape is a progressive design and construction firm that specializes in designing and installing truly exceptional and sustainable outdoor living spaces. “Because we care about every detail and choose only the finest materials and fixtures, our venues stand the test of time,” says Matt Schmuker, principal. Schmuker is proud that the highly-trained Apex Landscape team has the experience and vision to work on intricate and extensive projects such as pools, waterfalls, patios, sea walls, outdoor kitchens, lighting, and retaining walls, as well as many other outdoor living features. Moreover, the Apex Landscape staff is committed to evaluating each environment and understanding every client’s needs before beginning a project. By cultivating this special talent, the company has gained a well-deserved reputation in the West Michigan area for offering homeowners high-end landscape design, craftsmanship, and service. Apex Landscape oversees every project from inception to completion, ensuring that each residential landscape creation is a balance between functionality and elegance. “It is our passion to create exceptional places of timeless beauty, and to provide homeowners with results that surpass their expectations,” says Schmuker.

Sitting on the banks of the Thornapple River, this Old-World style property features a charming garden. Full of boxwood hedges, rose hedges in the island, and stately stone columns, the setting is eternal in its beauty. RIGHT:



Perfecting the art of water

David Tisherman’s Visuals View a gallery of his magnificent work:

Photo courtesy of Kris E. Kimpel Landscape Architecture; Photographed by Jim Bartsch

Pacific South Region


AMS Landscape Design Studios, California


Kris E. Kimpel Landscape Architecture, California


Jeffrey Gamboni Landscape Architect, California


Mark Scott Associates, California

This section features landscape architects and designers who have their headquarters in the Pacific south region of the country. They may work in more than one region, or possibly nationally or internationally. Please refer to each profile or contact them directly to see if they work in your area. More landscape architects and designers are being added all the time. Please refer to our website: for the most current list in our registry.



E xquisiteO utdoor E nvironments

Jeri Koegel (

AMS Landscape Design Studios



This ocean front estate was designed with the idea of bringing a five star getaway to the client, allowing family and friends to enjoy resort-style living on a daily basis. Designed by AMS Landscape Design Studios.

Will Hare, Jr. (

Will Hare, Jr. (


“My job is to understand how my clients want to live and create a partnership with them. The more I can understand what is in my clients’ heart and minds, the more personally exquisite of an outdoor environment I can provide the client,” says founder Drew Sivgals. This partnership, along with excellent communication, ensures that the design and all related components and spaces are customized for the client down to the last square inch. “At AMS, we understand that it is only the client who can truly determine if the design is successful, says Sivgals. Sivgals and his skilled team call upon their extensive experience and boundless creativity when planning an exquisite outdoor environment. The staff understands that the company’s mission is to sync a home’s personality with the surrounding outdoor elements, which is why they will include only those features that will benefit the site. Collaborating with architects,




This sunken fireplace patio, surrounded by specimen strawberry trees and enclosed by formal hedge plantings, provides a cozy and quaint retreat, while still enjoying the open views beyond.


Resort style entertainment is provided in this regal glass-tiled pool and spa. A cozy sunken fireplace room and a solid roof sports bar/cook center provide numerous outdoor activity options. Photo Credit:

Numerous luxury gathering areas are provided in this elegant outdoor structure, where the goal was to be just as comfortable outside as the client would be inside the home.

Jeri Koegel (


Jeri Koegel (


A M S L A N D S CA P E DESIGN STUDIOS 895 Dove Street, Suite 300, Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-851-6557



RIGHT: The home was transformed into a personal and private resort with the inclusion of amazing amenities like the swim-up bar and regal cook center combination centered under the elegant solid roof structure.

Jeri Koegel (

civil and structural engineers, soil scientists, and other professionals, AMS Landscape Design Studio crafts elegant swimming pools, reflecting pools, pool houses, fireplace rooms, cook centers, including resort style swim-up bars and sport’s bars, among numerous other luxury amenities. “I do not strongly impose my vision on the house or the homeowner,” says Sivgals. “Rather, my innovative and sound ideas, along with construction knowledge, help the homeowners get what they want.” While AMS works primarily in Orange County, California, Sivgals has also designed projects in numerous locations from Las Vegas to Oahu, including such international locations like Dubai and Canada. AMS believes in providing excellent before, during, and after customer service. “My design is not truly complete until the last stone, plant, or garden feature is in place and my client is happy,” says Sivgals. The numerous award-winning Sivgals earned his Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and is a full member of the American Society of Landscape Architects.

This quaint courtyard fireplace room is centered on the formal dining room which provides a fantastic opportunity for family and guests to enjoy an intimate outdoor gathering while remaining in exquisite luxury.

Gthat arden designs stir the soul Jim Bartsch

Kris E. Kimpel Landscape Architecture



K 128


Tom Ploch

Kris E. Kimpel Landscape Architecture maintains a tradition of excellence in creating exquisite and distinctive outdoor living spaces and gardens that inspire and captivate the senses at every level. Kris’ expertise expands into all areas of landscape architecture with particular emphasis on estate residential design. After graduating from the University of California, Davis with a degree in landscape architecture, Kris worked exclusively on estate residential and international resort design for 14 years. This experience provided the transition for launching her design firm 13 years ago. Kris E. Kimpel Landscape Architecture continues to create peaceful and inspiring outdoor spaces, encouraging clients to redefine the relationship between home and garden. With unyielding commitment to detail, every aspect of landscape architecture is addressed. From initial site planning to the final placement of luxurious details, each element unites beautifully, reflecting the overall design intent and instilling a seamless connection between structure and nature. Kris remains active in landscape architectural affairs and continues to serve on architectural boards of review. Believing continuing education is vital to upholding exceptional standards, she stays apprised of technological advances in lighting, pool/spa design, and color theory, ensuring relevant and unparalleled results.

Tom Ploch

K R I S E . K I M P E L L A N D S CA P E A R C H I T E C T U R E 1211 Coast Village Road, Suite 5, Montecito, CA 93108 805-565-9514

Nestled among the oaks, this grand villa sits majestically in a lush woodland garden setting. Italian cypress and Boston ivy both soften and highlight the architecture while brightly blooming bougainvillea climbs to an upper terrace. Decomposed granite paths circulate throughout the garden leading to a central bubbling fountain surrounded by a stone seat wall. Variegated pittosporums, ferns, and acanthus thrive beneath the shade of giant tree canopies.


RIGHT: The European gazebo with climbing wisteria, backed by lush plantings of dietes, daylilies, and purple-leaf plums, graces the grounds of the estate providing architectural interest and a destination spot for quiet reflection.

LEFT TOP: Between stone columns and arched wooden gates, a lush and fragrant perennial border spills onto the gravel path leading to the golf course beyond.

The pool renovation incorporated a new water spill, serving as a focal point from the main residence. Low sandstone back splash and plinths provide texture and balance, allowing full view of the surrounding gardens from the pool terrace. Alstroemeria, blue agapanthus, and potted geraniums offer brilliant hues. John Larson


ABOVE: A lush garden envelops the shaded terrace where comfortable dining and lounging activities adjoin the lively pool and spa. Lemon trees lining the wall offer sweet perfume as well as highly ornamental fruit. The pool design was a collaboration between Jeff Gamboni and designer Warren Sheets, who planned the home and designed the pool’s signature mosaic. Home design and interiors: Warren Sheets

RIGHT: This desert garden designed for an art-loving family places special emphasis on the sculptural characteristics of succulents which are displayed to their advantage in a variety of modes. Hardscape elements include simple yet elegant retaining walls with a smooth, steel trowel finish designed to be in harmony with the home. A fire-bench and raised spa bracket the serene pool, which sports a pebble-paved, zero-entry edge. Architect: Evan Zeff; Interior Design: Chris Johnson



George Gutenberg

MGardenscapes emorable

Jeffrey Gamboni Jeffrey Broome


view of the garden illustrates how the simple addition of beautiful, classically-styled urns full of luxuriant plantings can bridge the outside world with the home. Home design and interiors: Warren Sheets

JEFFREY GAMBONI L A N D S CA P E A R C H I T E C T 3012 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95204 209-948-8335


Creating memorable gardens is a source of great pride for Jeffrey Gamboni, a landscape architect and arborist, whose firm delights in crafting seamless gardens for discerning homeowners. He enjoys interacting with his clients with a view toward understanding their personal taste and lifestyle. Moreover, the design of outdoor living spaces always includes collaboration with other design professionals such as architects, interior designers, and lighting consultants. This interactive style of planning, along with the firm’s ability to provide a broad range of design specialties including lighting, outdoor kitchens, shade structures, pools and spas, and water and fire features, enables them to provide their clients with carefully integrated and comprehensive site design. “We

particularly enjoy refurbishing existing landscapes where we are able to identify the important elements to be saved during renovation,” says Gamboni. “The results are satisfying to us and our clients.” Sustainability is key and choosing plants that meet the needs of the site while anticipating maintenance requirements is of prime importance. The firm recommends low-water using and native plants where appropriate in combination with planning watersaving, efficient irrigation for all their clients. “Our decisions are based not only on immediate effects, but on the long-term viability of our gardens,” says Gamboni. “We draw upon over twenty-five years of experience and our knowledge of arboriculture and horticulture to achieve that.” LUXURY LANDSCAPES


L uxurious venues Mark Scott Associates


The beginning of every project is magical: this is when the designer sees how an environment can be transformed into something that never existed before. The talented staff at Mark Scott Associates takes this theory to heart—as each elegant result illustrates. Mark Scott Associates, a licensed landscape architectural firm that keeps primary focus in the “Residential Estate” segment, has been creating beautiful and functional landscape architectural solutions for over 20 years. This awardwinning firm is able to craft all types of imaginative outdoor settings, including those with fabulous outdoor kitchens and entertainment centers, exquisite rooms with all of the amenities of home, sophisticated swimming pools, as well as enchanting, luxurious landscaping. Since communication is imperative when developing the perfect outdoor venue, Mark Scott Associates takes special care to listen. “We talk to our clients, learn about what they want, and then we offer our own insight,” says Mark Scott, owner. “We call this ‘meeting of the minds.’ We then develop the site down to the last detail, always striving to create a setting that is beyond the client’s greatest expectations.”

This romantic setting features hundreds of little details that blend together to create a sensational secret garden ambiance. Appreciated midpoint from the pool, an elegant pergola, graced with trailing vines and an abundance of greenery, shelters a cozy sunken fireplace room finished in natural materials. RIGHT: This view illustrates perfectly the sophisticated European site layout of the venue. LUXURY LANDSCAPES


LEFT: Old World charm is captured in this pergola view of the home’s outdoor space. The wine cellar, just past the shimmering rainfall screen, is just one of the many features that give this setting its enchanting spirit.

The entry to the home features a formal garden, complete with a superb focal point: the beautiful triple tiered fountain surrounded by vividly blooming flowers. The rest of the meticulously designed landscaping also harmonizes with the home’s Spanish style.


The gourmet outdoor kitchen, complete with everything the home chef needs (and desires!) also includes an outdoor TV for guests to enjoy as they stop by the swim-up bar adjoining the festive kitchen area. RIGHT BOTTOM:

MARK SCOTT ASSOCIATES 2022 Orchard Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-852-1727 134





AMS Landscape Design Studios, Newport Beach, California Apex Landscape, Grand Rapids, Michigan Cipriano Custom Swimming Pools & Landscaping, Mahwah, New Jersey CLC Landscape Design, Ringwood, New Jersey Environmental Landscape Associates, Doylestown, Pennsylvania Fine Landscapes, Ltd., Sterling, Virginia Gasper Landscape Design & Construction, Richboro, Pennsylvania Hess Landscape Architects, Lansdale, Pennsylvania Hollander Design, New York City, New York James Doyle Design Associates, Greenwich, Connecticut Janice Parker Landscape Design, Sherman, Connecticut Jeffrey Gamboni Landscape Architect, Stockton, California Kris E. Kimpel Landscape Architecture, Montecito, California Land Plus Associates, Ltd., Atlanta, Georgia Mariani Landscape, Lake Bluff, Illinois Mark Scott Associates, Newport Beach, California Outerspaces Landscape Architecture and Construction Group, Paoli, Pennsylvania Pamela Self Landscape Architecture, Ltd., Hawthorn Woods, Illinois Robert N Oelberg ASLA PA, Boone, North Carolina Steven Dubner Landscaping, Dix Hills, New York W. Christian Busk Landscape Architect, Inc., Naples, Florida Walnut Hill Landscape Company, Annapolis, Maryland




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ASLA Award of Excellence Recipient, Lakeside Retreat by Richardson & Associates, (photo by Todd A. Richardson)

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Great Lakes Chaise designed by Terry Hunziker

N E W YO R K 212.871.9717


LO S A NG E L ES 310.360.1777


DA N I A 954.919.4170


DA L L AS 214.742.6501


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H O U STO N 713.961.7886


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