1 minute read
from Your Life 2016
Often the hardest part of relocating with children is choosing the right pre-school, school or college. Every child deserves the best start in life – and since our region has excellent education providers at every Key Stage, with first-class teaching and facilities to match, you can be confident of making the right choices for you and your family.
What’s more, there’s an abundance of post academic training facilities that focus on career development and progression, with educational partners linked to employers. Across the region these partnerships are dedicated to enhancing skills and retaining talent, as well as to creating the ‘next generation’ of skilled workers that will continue to drive the economy.
93% of children get in to their First cHoice PrimarY scHooL
(2016-17 an unriVaLLed cHoice oF indePendent educationaL ProViders achieving top GCSE and A Level resultsincluding pass rates of 100% and those with A* to A grades of +92%. uK and WorLd LeadinG state-of-the art professional training facilities linked to key industry sectors.

WorLd cLass HiGHer education ProViders across tHe reGion where over 90% gain either employment or go on to further education within six months of graduating.