1 minute read
From Little Acorns
from Your Life 2016
Early childhood is a crucial stage of life in terms of your little one’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. As growth of mental and physical abilities progress at an astounding rate from birth to the age of six, it’s a time when children need particularly high quality personal care and positive learning experiences.
YorKsHire & HumBer HaVe tHe
LoWest cHiLdcare Fees For cHiLdren aGed tWo and oVer in tHe countrY
Comparison average nursery fees per week:
• Yorkshire & Humber: £93.60
• London: £147.74
• England: £113.06
• Wales: £109.07
• Scotland: £104.06
Finding a balance between continuing in your career, to provide the best quality of life for your children and supporting their early year’s educational needs can often be a daunting experience – particularly when relocating to a new area. But worry not; across the region we have an abundance of superb providers that offer exceptional care with enviable facilities to suit every lifestyle and budget.