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Choices Independent HuLL coLLeGiate
from Your Life 2016
Hull Collegiate School is one of the leading independent schools in East Yorkshire where pupils flourish, develop as individuals and acquire the skills necessary to prepare themselves for life in the 21st century. Academic results are excellent and the school has a reputation for consistently achieving excellence in GCSE and A Level results, year on year.
Following their education at Hull Collegiate, many pupils go on to attend the top universities within the country.
An overall GCSE pass rate of 100% was achieved once again in 2015, with over a third of all grades awarded being A* - A. Year 13 pupils achieved an outstanding set of A Level results with over a third awarded A* - A.
PocKLinGton scHooL
Pocklington School provides first class education for children aged 4-18 (and boarders from the age of 8) on a picturesque campus across a 65 acre rural setting. In 2016 the school achieved a record number of Oxbridge offers based on future predictive grades. Proud of their 500 year heritage they continually seek to identify innovative ways to inspire their pupils and prepare them for tomorrow, making them a modern forward-looking school.
Notable former students of Pocklington
School or ‘Old Pocklingtonians’ include co-author and actor in ‘Bottom’ and ‘The Young Ones’ Adrian Edmonson, William Wilberforce and playwright Sir Tom Stoppard.
HYmers coLLeGe
Situated in Hull, within 45 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds, Hymers College is a top performing independent school in Hull and East Yorkshire, as well as being the most accessible and affordable.

HYmers Has Been ranKed as ‘one oF tHe Best scHooLs in tHe nortH oF ENgLANd’, By ThE sundaY times
74% of students gained an A* or A, 92.4% achieved a B grade or above in 2015, and at A Level 46.1% of students gained an A* or A, with 76.6% of students achieving grades A* to B.
Hymers prides itself on maximising the potential of every student whether it be in the classroom or on the sports field. Additions to the College’s facilities include a state-of-the-art Music Centre and a brand new £4.5m Learning Resource Centre.
HessLe mount scHooL
As an associate school of Hymers College, Hessle Mount is a small independent preparatory school for children aged 3-8.