1 minute read
from Your Life 2016
ron dearinG utc
Hull’s new University Technical College will open in the City Centre in September 2017, for students aged 14 to 18. The UTC will offer students a totally new and unique way to learn, backed by the University of Hull and some of the region’s leading employers, including local communications provider KCOM, consumer health giant RB, global medical technology business Smith & Nephew, green energy pioneers Siemens and specialist engineering business Spencer Group.
The UTC will provide young people with an employer-driven technical and vocational education that will significantly improve their employment opportunities and career prospects in industries that are flourishing across the region.
Business-BacKed ron dearinG utc WiLL BE EQuIPPEd WITh tHe most adVanced TEChNoLogy, foCuSINg on sPeciaLisms oF diGitaL tecHnoLoGY ANd mEChATRoNIC, PreParinG tHem For careers oF tHe Future